
nhandlerakgraner: Sadly, I won't be at the News Team meeting tomorrow night.03:01
akgranernhandler, thanks for the heads up - I'll do my best to get the notes sent out in a timely manner03:01
akgranersomeone kick me if I forget :-/03:01
nhandlerakgraner: Yep. Sorry about not being able to make it (I have a real life meeting). Feel free to give me a few actions if necessary03:02
akgranernhandler, thanks for added the sign on stuff to the development sight...03:02
zkriesseakgraner: meeting time?03:02
zkriesseakgraner: just give it to me in your time03:02
zkriesseI'll subtract an hour03:02
akgranerzkriesse, 7pm :-)  should be in the topic as well should you need it in the future03:03
nhandlerzkriesse: 6pm localtime03:03
zkriesseOk so five pm for me03:03
nhandlerakgraner: No problem. I did that a while ago (never got to test it though)03:03
akgraneryep I never look at that screen very often as I have it bookmarked03:04
akgranerzkriesse, are you an hour behind me?03:04
zkriesseakgraner: yes03:04
akgranerif so it will be 6pm your time as it is 7pm my time03:04
zkriesseAh ok03:04
akgraner2300 UTC :-)03:04
akgranernhandler, popey is working on the content migration03:05
zkriesseakgraner: on other news #ubuntu-youth has our very own forum now!03:05
nhandlerakgraner: Cool. popey out of curiosity, how are you migrating the data?03:05
zkriesseakgraner: http://www.uy-fourm.net03:05
akgranernhandler, he asked for a drupal dump of the content03:06
nhandlerakgraner: What are your thoughts on keeping the Ubuntu contributor account around when we go live? I think it would be a useful way to allow people to submit stories for us to review03:06
akgranerand I touched base with newz about it as well03:06
nhandlerakgraner: Ah, ok. So it wasn't something I was missing then03:06
zkriessesorry it's http://www.uy-forums.net03:06
akgranernhandler, I agree03:06
akgranerI would like to have a way for people to submit content  - with the understanding we will review it etc03:07
akgranerzkriesse, looking now03:07
nhandlerakgraner: We will just need to see if there is a way to have the editors notified about new submitted posts. Otherwise, we can modify the workflow to ask contributors to also poke us in here or on -news-team@ when they submit something03:07
akgranernhandler, I totally agree03:08
akgranerat the very least I know we can set it up to email an account we will all have access to - but not sure what good that will do if we aren't checking often03:09
nhandlerakgraner: Well, if we can have it email an account, we could setup that email account to forward to all editors03:10
akgranerhmmm maybe once we are live we can blog about *nice* things the editors need03:10
akgranernhandler, that's true03:10
akgranerlet me play around with all that  - or have someone who has the time and wants to check into that03:11
nhandlerakgraner: Most of this stuff will just get figured out once we go live. We will see what works and what doesn't and go from there03:12
akgranerOnce we get content migrated - I will email all the editors to get some feed back03:12
akgranerthen the news team03:13
akgranerthen we can do an export and go live for realz to the whole world03:13
nhandlerakgraner: Will we do another export right before going live?03:14
akgranerwe'll have to  - if we move it back to a Canonical server    - I don't know how easy or hard it will be to make all the changes we are doing now03:15
akgranerI am still working on how many *super admins* we can have or if we can have them since it will be on the Canonical Server or if we can get them just to point the fridge to the development url and not worry about it03:16
akgranerand I would like to get as much tweaking and change done before it gets moved03:16
akgranerit's not so easy to make some changes now - you know?03:18
zkriesseakgraner: whatcha think?03:22
akgranerlooks good - but why not have it on Ubuntu Forums?03:23
nhandlerakgraner: From a long-term POV, I think hosting the fridge ourself (if possible) would give us the most freedom. I see no reason why Canonical wouldn't point fridge.ubuntu.com to wherever the actual fridge is. Heck, even sabdfl uses the fridge.03:23
akgranerzkriesse - just curious as I don't know what it takes to set up new forums03:24
zkriesseakgraner: You'd have to ask phillw as he did it03:24
akgranernhandler, I agree03:24
zkriesseHe's also the one who paid for the domain and is hosting it along with his own03:24
akgranerI'll formalize the request once content is migrated over...03:25
akgranerzkriesse, ahh ok03:25
akgranerand we get it all tweaked  - I think we just need to make sure many people have access and no one walks off the keys03:25
akgranerand we have redundant back up.. and a disaster recovery plan03:26
akgranerstuff like that that having it on a Canonical Server would give us03:26
nhandlerakgraner: All of the people with admin access currently are long-standing ubuntu members. I would be very worried if something happened with one of them (and we would have much bigger issues overall)03:27
akgranerjust going through all the arguments (devils advocate if you will)03:27
nhandlerakgraner: The backup point is very valid. I'm not sure how often the current fridge gets backed up or what the current hardware specs are on the server the devel fridge is on03:28
akgranernhandler, I am the choir here  - as I would like to just have fridge.ubuntu.com pointed at the new site and go from there03:28
akgranernick backs it up daily with all the run level media accounts etc03:28
akgranerbut is willing to move it to it's own server if need be instead of shared space03:29
popeyzkriesse: why are you using a separate forum and not ubuntuforums?07:56
nhandlerpopey: His response when akgraner asked the same thing was: 1283394262 21:24:22 < zkriesse> akgraner: You'd have to ask phillw as he did it14:09
akgranerHey all I added links and various summaries to Issue 209 - please take a look at your sections  - thanks a million!15:18
akgranerI added them on the wiki15:18
akgranerand took everything that was on the etherpad and googledoc and moved it to the wiki as well15:18
* nigelb is going to be at work whole night15:40
nigelbWhen I want a break, I will look at it :)15:40
akgranerno worries the LoCo section has mainly the Global Jam links that need to be summarized16:07
akgranerpopey are you around?20:10
popeyya akgraner20:14
akgranergot some information for you in the from of a drupal DB bump if you haven't gotten from RT yet20:14
popeyoh, howd you get that?20:15
popeybut yes, yes please :)20:16
popeymy RT was answered very quickly20:16
* popey hugs akgraner 20:17
akgranerthat's great news20:17
popeyok, so with that I can certainly get cracking20:18
akgranerawesome - thank you again!!20:18
akgranerHey all we have a meeting tonight  - the agenda will be a bit open form  I'll try to add one but I have a meeting at my daughter's school in 30 minutes..but will be back in time for the meeting22:07
akgranerbeta announcement is out - I'm adding to the Fridge now  - unless someone else is working on it?23:55
akgranerone minute til the meeting23:59

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