
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
IdleOneDo we need to keep #u +r still?03:07
nhandlerIdleOne: Probably not03:15
IdleOnejust removed it03:16
IdleOnein PM03:39
IdleOne090110-[22:38:57] <gh> you like to suck hairy nuts huh?03:39
IdleOne090110-[22:39:06] <gh> grow up you fucking queer03:39
jribjust ban03:42
IdleOnespoke to him in pm03:44
IdleOneI think we understand each other03:44
IdleOnebut if you can keep an eye open for bad attitude from him in the channel03:45
* jrib will be going to bed soon03:48
ubottumagnetron called the ops in #ubuntu (SailorReality)08:20
jussiIdleOne: why the ban? I deliberately didnt ban...08:22
IdleOnewant me to remove it?08:22
jussino, leave it for now, but if you remove someone and they dont come back, then usually they are just a one time troll.08:23
IdleOnepotentially destructive command, I figured it was a banable offence08:23
jussiBans should be a last resort.08:23
IdleOnefew days ago we had 3 separate "users" having fun using that command as a quit message08:26
ikoniakeep an eye on oly562 in #ubuntu, he's being helpful now but can be a real issue08:41
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ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, worksforme is <reply> Common Sense: Just because you *can* do something, does not mean you *should* do it or recommend it to others. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:24
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:25
jussiIM not such a fan of getting rid of the "The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability."09:26
topylii like getting rid of parens in the beginning, more readable09:28
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !latest =~ s/.$/ and !sru./09:28
topylithe new version is more general and applies to more cases including bleeding edge versions09:28
topylitime to quiet the aforementioned oly562?09:39
topylino response on pm09:39
ikoniatopyli: be ready for abuse when it comes09:51
ikoniadon't you k now who he is.........09:51
topylinope, wasn't interested09:51
topylianyway, just saying. seems like he got bored, is quiet now. i'm not an #ubuntu op anyway :)09:53
Jordan_UAemaeth has specifically stated that he's trying to start a flamewar.10:27
topyliJordan_U: he won't though :)10:29
Jordan_UAhh, should have noticed you were already on top of it. Thanks.10:30
switchgirlmr-ali - user in #ubuntu called me a bitch12:19
switchgirland a puto12:19
switchgirlin pvt - he pvt's without asking12:19
bazhangswitchgirl, tried /ignore ? you can also set /mode +R12:23
switchgirlrofl what, on empathy?12:23
bazhangalso /mode +g (though that will block *all* pm)12:24
jpdsswitchgirl: With individual issues; it's best to just ignore them.12:25
switchgirlwont work bazhang12:25
bazhangswitchgirl, he's not disrupting the channel that I've seen. best to /ignore and set more restrictive mode at this point12:28
switchgirlom empathy none of what you suggested works **at all**12:29
switchgirli know you're trying to help12:29
bazhangwonder if there is any empathy channel12:29
switchgirlthank you for that12:29
bazhangnever tried it as irc client though. xchat and irssi certainly have it12:29
switchgirli just thought i'd share as empathy is the default irc and im client now12:30
bazhangwhich is why I install something else :)12:30
jpdsXChat seems to work best (unless you're in irssi).12:31
topylinobody listens when i say xchat-gnome should be on the disk as long as we have no proper telepathic irc client :(12:35
topylion the cd even12:35
topylibut no, we install gnome-games instead12:36
switchgirlbazhang: umm how to report an issue with a programme - qbittorrent took me to a child p0rn site when i clicked buy on a torrent12:37
switchgirlthe torrent was a legal one12:37
switchgirlnot porn12:37
switchgirli feel phisically ill12:37
jussiswitchgirl: report a bug12:38
jussiswitchgirl: and harrassment by pm there is little we can do, but you are more than welcome to ask for a staffer in #freenode.12:39
jussiempathy is severely lacking as an irc client...12:39
topylino kidding12:41
switchgirlit also lacks ignore and blocking on ALL protocals12:50
ubottuMichealH called the ops in #ubuntu (omgz0r)12:52
MichealHIs someone keeping a eye on #ubuntu12:53
jribMichealH: I'm there now12:53
jussiMichealH: yes, we are :)12:53
MichealHThats good!12:53
MichealHYou get the ops call?12:54
* jrib nods12:54
MichealHJust wanted to know12:54
MichealHSee ya12:54
jribanyone else getting spammed my morpheus-3000?13:00
nikojrib: which kind of spam ?13:03
jussiniko: did you notice switchgirl's complaint earlier?13:03
jribHello, there. I am offering you a chance to awaken from your Matrix. But you must take the red pill. To get the red pill, you must join #Morph3000. If you don't wish to join, then just take the blue pill and in a few days you'll forget I even existed. But remember.... I'm offering you the truth... nothing else.13:04
jribI took blue13:04
nikothank you jrib, jussi ok13:05
elkyHello gnomefreak's kitty?13:28
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bazhang [omgz0r] (~nazir_ali@unaffiliated/sky-1/x-6937507): purple  known troll13:37
Mamarok!idle | switchgirl14:22
ubottuswitchgirl: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.14:22
Mamarokthat was fast14:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !its a wiki =~ s/_/*/14:26
bazhangzzzed, hi14:28
ubottuIn ubottu, MichealH said: interface is <alias> gui14:50
Picizzzed: Is there something that we can help you with today?14:59
Picizzzed: If there isn't, I'd like to call your attention to the channel topic, particularly the part regarding idling.15:05
bazhang<Wyzyr> Hosanna bruderz ban evading again15:11
Piciactually issued.15:15
=== nixternal is now known as Guest42197
ubottuIn ubottu, MichealH said: k is <reply> K is the 11th letter of the modern english alphabet. Neither is 'K' nor 'kk' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:18
MichealHGrammar mistake in my request17:19
MichealHI had put "Neither is 'K' or 'kk' when I mean 'Neither 'K'17:20
MichealHIf that makes sense17:20
knomeneither/nor -> two negatives in a sentence?17:21
MichealHknome: !u has the same17:21
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:21
charlie-tcayes, correct17:21
charlie-tcaNeither/nor and either/or17:22
knomeright. but why create a new factoid? just link it to !u17:22
knomeand create a common one17:22
charlie-tcaI can agree with that, too17:22
MichealHknome: !r ect. has its own17:22
MichealHThere is one17:22
charlie-tcaThere is a way to point each one at the same factoid17:23
knomeit doesn't mean things are perfect even if we did have them like this17:23
MichealHI could send a edit request for !u to add K then get K to link to "u"17:24
knomeyes. :)17:24
charlie-tcaGreat idea!17:25
charlie-tcaSometimes it is more work to get it done, but makes it easier in the long run17:26
MichealH!no u is <reply> U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'K', 'KK', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:26
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, MichealH said: !no u is <reply> U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'K', 'KK', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:26
MichealH!k is <alias> u17:27
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, MichealH said: !k is <alias> u17:27
MichealHThat okay?17:27
knomeMichealH, the first sentence probably needs to be fixed17:27
knomei don't know, but probably17:28
MichealHI mean !4 !ur redirct to !u17:28
knomethen that's probably okay17:28
MichealHSo should 'R' 'Y'17:28
MichealHThose should link17:28
knomedo they exist?17:29
* MichealH would of done it but does not have access :(17:29
MichealHknome: Dont think so17:29
knomethen let's not create them17:29
knomeless is more17:30
MichealHCan I request permission?17:30
MichealHOr is it only for Ops?17:30
ikoniait's only on the authorized list17:30
MichealHikonia: What do you think of this decision?17:30
ikoniaI don't think we need another factoid17:31
MichealHIts just it gets annoying in #u so I requested17:31
ikoniaI rarley see it in #ubuntu17:32
MichealHIt happens alot IMO17:33
MichealHIt happpened roughly 5 mins before I submitted17:33
MichealHAnd I saw more xamples todya17:33
MichealH*examples today17:33
ikoniait does happen, but on rare occasions, and it's fine to just ask them17:34
MichealHOr point them to U17:34
MichealHWith that addition17:34
MichealHSo something like "Its hard for people who dont know English well to see 'k'. Please try to avoid it"17:36
MichealHI dunno17:36
MichealHThat didnt make sense17:36
ikoniahow about nothing17:36
ikoniajust ask them if you see them doing it17:36
ikoniaif it becomes a problem, we can look at it, but it's not really something that comes up often17:36
Nece228hi funkyHat17:56
funkyHatHi Nece22817:56
Nece228hows going17:56
Nece228im here to be unbanned17:56
funkyHatNot bad thanks, sorry I've missed you the past few days when you came in here17:56
Nece228no problem17:57
Nece228we cant be online 24/7 ;)17:57
funkyHatNece228: have you read the guidelines and the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?17:57
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .17:57
Nece228yes i had17:58
Nece228but i will read them again now17:58
Nece228ok i have readed them now18:02
funkyHatNece228: ok. Now, do you understand the reasons why you were banned?18:03
Nece228of course18:04
Nece228i voided irc guideline18:04
funkyHatCould you tell me which part of the guidelines?18:05
Nece228the line which says "Don't be annoying"18:05
Nece228so can i be unbanned?18:07
funkyHatNece228: If I remove your ban, do you agree not to continue the kind of discussions and comments that got you banned?18:07
Nece228yes i do18:07
funkyHatNece228: your ban is removed. If you try to start any conversations like the ones that got you banned before expect to be banned again very quickly, and don't expect your ban to be removed.18:10
Nece228ok thank you18:10
funkyHatNece228: thanks :). And if that is all, please /part this channel, we have a no idling policy.18:10
Nece228ok bye18:17
Nece228thanks again18:17
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))18:48
macocan i set the channel +R?18:49
jpds[Freenode] [!] Unknown mode character R18:49
IdleOnenot R18:50
macothere's supposed to be both +R and +r18:50
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (22))18:50
macoone bans unregged users from speaking, the other from joining18:50
ubottuAndrewMC called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:51
maconhandler: you got a clone18:52
Picimaco: +R no longer exists with ircd-seven18:53
macooh. -_- why do they get rid of features?18:53
Picimaco: Its now +q $~a18:53
macooh like im going to remember that syntax18:54
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml18:54
* maco grumbles18:54
macoim not calm? this is news to me. im sitting in class quietly18:56
nikomaco, in case of http://adipose.attenuate.org/~stephen/ircd-seven/seven-for-hyperion-users.html18:57
jpdsmaco: You have to pack your bags if you're going to Kazakhstan.19:02
macoim a bit more interested in countries where i speak the language19:03
mneptokmaco: that's a lie. i saw you in Texas last November.19:27
Picihowdy y'all19:28
mneptokPici: do you know the plural of "y'all?"19:29
Picimneptok: y'alls19:29
mneptokno sah19:29
mneptokall y'all19:29
gnomefreaksorry about the gibberish typing this monring. i feel asleep at the pc and had eyes closed when trying to typw /quit20:12
macomneptok: i regularly say howdy!20:23
macoa better way of pointing this out wouldve been to note that ive been to france and germany20:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1421 users, 16 overflows, 1437 limit))20:43
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1421 users, 14 overflows, 1435 limit))20:43
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1422 users, 15 overflows, 1437 limit))20:43
gnomefreaki potty trained my little girl easier than to train users to type /t or /topic20:57
charlie-tcaI know21:03
* gnomefreak wonders if we should post a comment on entering channel that gives the info than waits for them to hit enter to join :)21:04
gnomefreaki know we cant21:04
charlie-tcaIt only gets worse, too, now21:06
charlie-tcaToo bad we can't give out a date that is 24 hours late21:07
gnomefreakwell we still are able to tell them that it is a different time zone that is 24 later than any other one21:08
gnomefreakim ok with one or 2 even 3 people but the whole channel is too much chatter IMHO21:08
gnomefreakban forward to -release-party  ;)21:09
gnomefreakok so im the evil op21:09
charlie-tcasomeone needs to be21:10
gnomefreakwell it seems its bazhang's shift so he can be21:11
charlie-tcaHe is not as good at it ;-)21:12
* gnomefreak should hold classes :)21:12
charlie-tcayes! I will attend, too21:12
gnomefreak+1 has quieted down finally21:13
* gnomefreak needs to attend classes for screen and mutt but not tonight. tonight is for fun21:14
Fendaril any chance in the near future I will be unbanned from #u?21:15
gnomefreakFendaril: you need to wait for IdleOne. you were banned for evading the original ban21:17
gnomefreakFendaril: you may want to check back here in ~24hours. he isnt around at this time and i dont recall when i see him21:19
IdleOneI am here21:19
IdleOneFendaril: Do you know why I banned you in the first place?21:20
FendarilIdleOne: Yeah for the ops spamming21:20
FendarilIdleOne: then for ban evading21:20
FendarilIdleOne: is it perm or timed21:20
IdleOneevery ban is perm until resolution21:20
FendarilSo any way we can resolve this?21:20
IdleOneHow do I know you won't abuse the !ops trigger again?21:21
gnomefreakthanks IdleOne21:21
IdleOne!guidelines > Fendaril21:21
ubottuFendaril, please see my private message21:21
IdleOne!coc > Fendaril21:21
IdleOnePlease read the links ubottu just sent you21:22
FendarilIdleOne: well you have to think that I already ban evaded and If I really still wanted to abuse "!ops" I would have done it in offtopic and bypassed and done it again. It won't happen again, but the decision lies with you. I read both those links the night after you sent them to me21:23
FendarilIdleOne: but I didnt sign the CoC21:24
FendarilIdleOne: goona sign it now21:24
IdleOneFendaril: ok, I will remove the ban. Please try to be helpful and make sure you follow the channel guidelines. Remember that #ubuntu is not #ubuntu-offtopic.21:24
mneptokyou don't have to sign it to be bound by it when using official Ubuntu IRC channels21:25
IdleOneFendaril: signing the code of conduct is your decision.21:25
Fendarilmneptok: No I just thought it would be polite and let IdleOne I am not trying to get back on to be abusive21:25
IdleOnebut like mneptok said you are expected to follow the CoC when in Ubuntu forums of any kind21:25
mneptokFendaril: i never signed any document that says, "I won't break into Fendaril's house and steal his stereo," but somehow i think the justice system wouldn't really care about that lack of signature. ;)21:26
jribIdleOne: "mailto"?21:26
IdleOneFendaril: Please try joining #ubuntu to make sure the ban is liftederrr21:26
IdleOnethanks for catching that jrib21:27
jribno problem21:27
IdleOnestupid client adds mailto for some reason when I ctrl-c21:27
IdleOneFendaril: Please try joining #ubuntu to make sure the ban is lifted and then part this channel.21:28
FendarilIdleOne: I am still banned21:31
FendarilIdleOne: was their a range you banned so i couldnt evade?21:32
mneptokall 5 boroughs, except Roosevelt Island. :)21:33
IdleOnetry again please21:33
gnomefreakthat did it21:33
gnomefreak+r anyone?21:43
gnomefreakthanks tomaw21:43
jpdsbazhang_: http://www.techeye.net/business/data-protection-act-will-give-way-to-taiwans-age-of-online-liability - troll tax?21:43
tomawthis "don't comment on the spam" crap is a sad thing that leaked from #freenode21:44
tomawI asked Sary and MichealH to not do so in the future21:47
gnomefreakwhat is it?21:49
gnomefreaki will go to malware sites but i wont join a random channel21:50
tomaw#freenode decided that it'd be good to ask people not to constantly talk about the spam (and this is good) but it created a group of people that go from channel to channel that's being spammed demanding that others don't comment on it21:50
tomaw##comment-on-spam is fine and safe and you're welcome to join, I just dislike the people following the spam around soley to point people there.21:51
gnomefreakspam happen so fast there should be no need to comment on it at all21:53
jribwe're aware #ubuntu is +r?22:55
tomawprobably can be undone now22:56
tomawI overruled the floodbots for a bit22:56
tomawPici: around?22:56
tomawI removed the r22:58
=== sjm is now known as _sjm_
=== _sjm_ is now known as sjm_
jriband right on time tomaw ...22:59
jribput it back23:00
tomawthey watch channels and spam whem modes let them23:00
jriblet's try again!23:47
jribalthough how registration stops these people, I am not sure23:49
jpdsjrib: ...23:50
jribjpds: wow23:50
jribsjm: can we help you?23:50
jrib!idle | sjm23:52
ubottusjm: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.23:52
jribBryanstein, Guest42197, ubuntulo1: can we help you?23:57
jribfear not, I know who ubuntulo1 is now23:57
jpdsShould really be called ubuntulol.23:58

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