
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
elkyAlanBell, see bzr for some ie6 and dots-behind-words fixes.03:20
elkywhen it decides to push, that is...03:31
* elky drums fingers.03:31
nigelbDie ie6 die!03:37
AlanBellelky: thanks, I will incorporate those at some point09:35
AlanBellI think one of the next steps is to find out if we are going to be allowed to deploy a new theme to the wiki09:36
AlanBellor rather what the process and timescale is for doing so, I am sure it will be allowed, but might take forever09:36
elkyThat depends who I go pout at if I get to UDS I guess.12:55
AlanBellyou will have to start practicing your best pout13:03
AlanBellI think you were eating apricots last time you were pouting :-)13:04
nigelbelky: Just as much as time it takes for pleia2 to do it :)13:35
nigelbShe's got access to the box its running on I believe.13:35
elkynigelb, not the wiki I don't think13:35
elkyjust the site.13:35
nigelbelky: gah, then I'd encourage you to practice :D13:36
elkyAlanBell, since your rendition of the wiki isn't working i'm guessing your laptop is with you. care to email me (or even commit) the data?14:40
AlanBelloh, I just shut it down!14:40
* nigelb lols some more :)14:40
AlanBelli think it was fully committed14:40
elkythe actual data?14:41
elkyas in the footer/header files?14:41
AlanBellah, they are not data, they are content14:41
AlanBellone sec . . .14:41
elkyi've got everything else working, i'm just too lazy to go through figuring that stuff out when it's already been done14:43
AlanBellok, tiz working14:43
AlanBell||<tableclass="footer"> is what the stylesheet is looking for14:44
elkyBoth open to raw, ta14:44
AlanBelland the ---------- is important too, it keeps the footer below both the content and the right bar14:45
elkygood old css clear:both wasn't working?14:45
AlanBellno, because it had to be absolute positioned to get it to the far left outside the container14:46
AlanBellso it is absolute positioned left:0 relative to the <hr class="hr6"> which is clear:both14:46
AlanBellso all the pages would end up with <<Include(Header)>> at the top and <<Include(Footer)>> at the bottom14:49
AlanBellall the stuff that should be content is wiki-editable and only theme stuff that really won't change is in the theme14:50
elkyExactly how it should be :D14:51
AlanBellok, got the bits?14:51
AlanBellok, down it goes again14:52
czajkowski€625 for 100 t-shirts with logos having to be all one colour is not really what I want :( Womens T-shirts cost an more than €0.75 cent extra per T than mens T due to not being ordered as much and costs more to get them in....15:24
AlanBellelky: back now. So do you have a local moin up and running now?16:18
pleia2I actually do have a login to the machine where the wiki lives, but I don't have any permission to *do* anything, permissions are very strict and only given when very specific needs arise17:00
pleia2so we'll need to ask them, and get elky added17:01
pleia2I think akgraner has a login there too, I know one was offered, but she didn't reply to the ticket itself I was on so I don't know if it was formally set up17:02
nigelbpleia2: how does login help if you can't do anything? :(17:08
nigelbi.e. what point in having it given17:09
pleia2nigelb: the idea was that the next time the wiki gets attacked we'll be able to lock it down, but we found a way around that with ACLs somewhat, so it never progressed server-side17:10
nigelbpleia2: Ah!17:12
AlanBellit would be good to create the theme directory and drop the python file in the right place and have bzr+ssh access for elky to the folder with the css and img stuff17:17
AlanBellthen logged in users could set their own theme to the new one without it being the default for a while17:18
AlanBellwhen everyone is happy with it, make it the default17:18
pleia2then point ubuntu-women.org at it?17:54
AlanBellI would17:55
AlanBellhttp://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/20100722#Blueprint updates18:09

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