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duanedesignmorning all11:27
mandelduanedesign, morning!11:32
duanedesignbug 51750511:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 517505 in ubuntuone-client "AttributeError: 'MetadataUpgrader' object has no attribute '_upgrade_metadata_6' (affects: 39) (dups: 27) (heat: 49)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51750511:43
ryeduanedesign, possible solution is to remove all metadata since conversion to older format is not supported11:57
duanedesignrye: i left a comment for the OP to 'rm -rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone'11:58
duanedesignrye:  bug 62674112:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 626741 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "AUTH_FAILED on new install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62674112:07
duanedesignrye: is that fixed yet?12:08
duanedesignor should we recommend using the auth script as a workaround?12:08
ryeduanedesign, server side is not yet fixed; alecu is in charge of that but I haven't heard from him about the reason of token issues... Regarding the script - let me look whether it is possible to simplify it and then provide it as a workaround12:09
duanedesignrye: ok, thank you!12:12
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nessitagood morning everyone13:04
ryeduanedesign, http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-old-auth.py13:10
duanedesignrye: thank you13:12
ryethat would work only with login keyring though13:28
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rye(test-contacts-picker:15391): libebook-WARNING **: e-book.c:106: e-d-s proxy died14:09
ryei am so awesomely happy about my stable system14:10
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ryeGM88, hi!18:43
GM88Hi, I have a question about ubuntu one18:44
GM88when I try to sync my mobil phone with ubuntu one the following error occour: Session failed, Communication interruped18:46
ryeGM88, what phone are you trying to synchronize?18:48
GM88I have the sony ericsson K660i18:48
GM88I followed the tutorial page18:49
GM88my phone connect to the internet and when it will sync oder contact the server (don't know) the error occour18:51
GM88I came into the internet and i can surf, but don't know18:54
* rye is testing funambol connection now18:58
GM88https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status hmm maybe the server is down...19:00
ryeGM88, when was the first time you tried to sync the contacts - was that the last week or later than that?19:03
GM88because I want to try out the synchronising19:06
ryeGM88, what is your mobile user name - the one which is listed in https://one.ubuntu.com/phones?19:07
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ryeGM88, are you able to visit https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/ - do you see the page, there is no error message, right?19:13
GM88right, but why doesen't work it with my mobile phone? I know there is an outage  for the mail conacts (my evolution yet not synchronised) but also for the mobile contacts?19:16
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ryeGM88, i am syncing the logs for the mobile sync service to see whether there are hints of why the phone failed to sync19:21
GM88Okay, thanks19:22
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ryeGM88, hm, it does not look like your client connects to the server since there are no log entries mentioning your username on the server side20:05
GM88maybe I have the wrong server adress20:08
GM88I saw in my O2 sync profile that the server adress ends with: http://syncml.o2-online.de/syncml.OSP20:10
GM88ups its http://syncml.o2online.de/syncml.osp20:11
beunoGM88, you do have the wrong host21:01
beunoours is http://syncml.one.ubuntu.com21:02
ryeGM88 (sorry for delayed answer - it would be great if you could include my nick so i get a notification on response), the server is http://syncml.one.ubuntu.com/21:02
LaserJockhi folks, I have a desktopcouch question. At what point, if at all, are records actually deleted?21:03
LaserJockI created a DB and populated it with some records, but when I do a db.delete_record I end up with duplicates when I look at the DB in the web interface21:04
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kenvandineLaserJock, look at the annotationes21:19
kenvandinedo you have a field that looks like "UbuntuOne annotations"21:19
kenvandinesomething like that21:19
kenvandineexpand that, you'll see it has an attribute "deleted"21:19
JanCmy knowledge might be outdated, but IIRC they never get deleted for real?21:20
kenvandineso the record is still there, but you shouldn't get it with get_records21:20
kenvandineJanC, correct21:20
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LaserJockkenvandine: so will they just accumulate?21:32
LaserJockthat seems sort of inefficient21:32
kenvandineit does that to properly handle replication21:33
kenvandinethere is a way to really delete records, but i can't recall off hand21:33
kenvandinebut it isn't a great idea for a db that will be replicated21:33
LaserJockI guess, but if you have an app that will cycle through a lot of records it seems pretty bad21:34
LaserJockI wonder if there's a "ok, now really, get rid of them" command21:35
LaserJockI assumed that "compact" would do that21:35
ryebtw, just found that tail --follow=name follows file name even when it rotates21:48

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