
rlameiroScottL: are you there?02:45
holsteinhey rlameiro :)02:47
holsteinlong time no see02:47
rlameirohey bass juggler02:50
rlameirohow are your finger tips?02:50
ScottLhi rlameiro 02:50
ScottLhow are you doing?02:50
rlameirovacations over02:51
rlameiroScottL: did you saw that thing on the ML?02:51
rlameiroI send a reply now02:51
ScottLrlameiro, about the website?02:51
rlameirothe guy started to quote things02:51
rlameirothen I quoted back02:51
rlameiroScottL: yeap02:51
rlameiroScottL: check it ou02:52
ScottLrlameiro, lol, that's a good one ;)02:53
rlameiroScottL: I hate when people quote things for the sole purpose of using it for self benefit02:55
rlameirothe world suffered a lot because of that02:55
jussiPEOPLES!!!!!!!!!! if we dont test the beta, it wont be released!! TEST TEST TEST!!! URGENT!!! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntustudio/all12:42
jussiquadrispro: ScottL TheMuso persia astraljava abogani holstein ^^12:46
quadrisprojussi, emailing ubuntu italian testing team about that, I am not able to test anything now :(12:48
jussiquadrispro: thanks12:48
scott-workmy ignorance may be slightly embarrasing but i really would like to understand this process14:58
scott-workthe beta ISO was made available two days (i think) and there's pressure to get the ISO testing before the end of today?14:59
scott-workare we expected to test the ISO's before it's offical release?  is this just for the Beta and RC?14:59
scott-workjussi, TheMuso, persia ^^^15:00
falktxhi scott-work15:01
falktxscott-work: i'm thinking of making an ubuntustudio liveDVD soon, just for fun15:01
scott-workfalktx: holstein was mentioned this as well, that would be awesome i think15:02
scott-workfalktx: how do you build your current ISO's?  remastersys and then host the ISO on sourceforge?15:02
falktxscott-work: i'm making kxstudio from scratch now (was previously based on kubuntu), so I now know how to do it15:02
falktxscott-work: scratch, really start from nothing15:02
scott-workhow would you make the liveDVD?  remastersys or similar?15:02
falktxi can show you my little script15:03
scott-workfalktx: but how do you actually build the ISO?15:03
scott-workfalktx: yes please15:03
falktxscott-work: everything is made on a chroot15:03
scott-workhmmm, i think i may have read something about this on the wiki.ubuntu.com15:03
falktxscott-work: first installing the basic packages, then keep adding new ones (usually just 1 or 2 metapackages that depends on everything else)15:04
falktxscott-work: yes, i got some info from there too15:04
falktxscott-work: then the ISO is just made using ubuntu stuff as base (artwork, grubfx, syslinux, boot, etc)15:04
falktxi just modify the artwork and text to KXStudio15:05
falktxI couldnt make a custom alternate dvd though...15:06
falktxscott-work: the scripts - http://ppa.launchpad.net/falk-t-j/kxstudio/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kxstudio-scripts/kxstudio-scripts_0.5~ppa2.tar.gz15:06
falktxscott-work: it's the 'kxstudio-create-iso' that you would want to look at15:06
scott-workfalktx: persia had mentioned that building a live cd would include using casper and ubuiqity, are you doing this as well15:08
falktxscott-work: yes15:08
falktxscott-work: you would need to theme the ubiquity though, or it will look exactly like the ubuntu installer15:08
falktxscott-work: making a live ISO it's usually simple as running these commands:15:09
falktxkxstudio-create-iso mount <base-iso-img>15:09
falktxkxstudio-create-iso squash15:09
falktxkxstudio-create-iso custom15:09
falktx(here install stuff)15:09
falktxkxstudio-create-iso custom_end15:09
falktxkxstudio-create-iso mkboot <path-to-artwork>15:09
falktxkxstudio-create-iso mkart <path-to-artwork>15:10
falktxkxstudio-create-iso md5sum15:10
falktxkxstudio-create-iso iso <name>15:10
falktxand it's done15:10
falktxthe mkboot and mkart steps are optional15:10
falktxscott-work: i should get a testing ISO build next week15:13
falktxscott-work: i'll let you know how it goes15:14
falktxscott-work: it is ok to add my ppa to it?15:15
falktxscott-work: maybe also calf-plugins git version15:15
falktxbtw, I noticed a refresh of ubuntustudio-meta package15:18
falktxnew apps coming?15:19
scott-workfalktx: we removed the -rt headers in us-meta as the -rt kernel has been removed from the archives15:27
falktxscott-work: oh, which kernel do you recommend?15:34
scott-workfalktx: -generic15:37
scott-workfalktx: the studio team needs to address a few issues with the kernel team about moving forward (which i completely forgot to do yesterday! arghh)15:37
falktxscott-work: i was thinking about putting 2.6.33-rt on the live dvd...15:38
scott-workholstein: are you available to test the amd64 ISO images ?15:42
falktxscott-work: i'll be able to test it soon, as I'll format my laptop again once I build a new testing ISO...15:54
falktxscott-work: what do we need to test?15:56
scott-workwe basically need all the ISO images tested in the next day or so, falktx 16:36
scott-worki think i can handle the i386 this evening16:36
falktxscott-work: but I mean, just to check if it installs? or you need any specific testing?16:36
scott-workchecking the ISO is just to see if the image installs16:37
scott-worki just learned from #ubuntu-release that there is a two or three day window that the iso.qa tests are intended to validate the iso images themselves16:37
scott-workduring the rest of the time before the next iso image release is for testing the OS, applications, settings, et al16:38
falktxok, i'll test how jack is performing in a default maverick install16:38
holsteinjussi scott-work , when do these need to be tested?16:41
holsteini think i could do it sunday or monday16:42
scott-workholstein: that is probably too late :(   we'll find another way16:53
holsteinscott-work: im going to join #ubuntu-release16:54
holsteinand see16:54
holsteini can probably do some today16:54
* holstein is checking schedule :)16:54
holsteinyeah, im gonna make it happen today17:04
holsteinthe amd64 's17:05
holsteinscott-work jussi this iso correct?17:06
scott-workholstein: try this one:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntustudio/all17:18
holsteinscott-work: but thats the iso right?17:20
holsteinthe daily?17:20
scott-worki'm not sure actually, presumably it should be...you could compare the md5sums17:25
holsteincomapare them with?17:25
holsteinim not seeing any indication at iso tracker as to what iso to test17:25
holsteinmaybe you or jussi just dropped me a link last time or something17:26
holsteini cant remember how i knew which version to get17:26
scott-workholstein: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/452317:27
scott-workon the link i had given before , first click on the 64bit test, then look for the picture of an arrow pointed down over a cd (near the top)17:28
scott-workit's kinda a crappy and hidden link :(17:28
scott-workcoloring it red or blue or fuscua (sp?) or mauve or even aubergine would be nicer17:29
* holstein vaguely rembering something like that now17:32
holsteinANYWAYS, thanks scott-work 17:32
holsteini didnt want to do all this work on the wrong ISO :017:33
scott-workholstein: LOL, yeah, that would have been teh sux17:33
holsteinscott-work jussi 17:39
holsteinthats for the i386 one17:39
holsteinThis build wasn't found on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/daily/20100902.1/maverick-alternate-i386.iso (may no longer exists)17:39
scott-worki'm seeing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/4524 for i386 which does download17:41
holsteinscott-work: thanks17:41
scott-workbut i should be able to get the i386 this evening if you don't want to worry about and focus on the amd6417:43
holstein12:25 < cjwatson> holstein: as long as you test 20100902.1 not 2010090217:44
holsteinscott-work: i think thats the older one17:44
holsteinscott-work: its not me17:44
scott-workgah...yeah and now i see more images coming from email :/17:44
holsteinsomebody else in -release was trying to DL it17:45
holsteinyeah, i just wasnt in yet17:49
holsteinthat is working now17:49
scott-workholstein: but please focus on amd64 first, i can always get teh i386 this evening myself17:49
* holstein not doing any i38617:50
holsteinbut maybe that guy in -release will do all the 386 stuff while your at work :)17:50
scott-workthat would be sweet as well :)17:53
scott-workand thanks holstein , i really appreciate doing this17:54
persiascott-work, There is a test phase to confirm the final ISOs.18:56
scott-workpersia: that is what i understand now after talking with ara and cjwatson in #ubuntu-release18:57
scott-workmy misunderstanding what the time table and purpose18:57
persiaAh, OK.  I'm still behind on backscroll, but glad you got good answers from folks who know more details than I.18:58
quadrisprohi guys!18:58
quadrisprohi persia, scott-work 18:58
scott-workhi quadrispro !18:58
quadrisproscott-work, naspro is sitting in Debian NEW :(18:59
quadrisproI've packaged naspro-core, naspro-bridges-bad and permafrost18:59
scott-worki'm guessing there is a reason it's sitting there rather than moving on?18:59
quadrisproyep, squeeze is frozen and there are more important things to manage for now19:00
scott-workoh, i've been meaning to bug you about quadrispro 19:01
scott-workwhen you are looking forward for new things to package, can you update the swh-plugin ?19:01
quadrisproI remember that I had a look some time ago...19:01
quadrisproscott-work, talking about this? http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/swh-plugins.html19:02
scott-worki think the current version in the archives do not include the lv2 plugins19:02
scott-workquadrispro: yes, that should be it :)19:03
quadrisproso swh-plugins provides sources for LV2 stuff?19:03
quadrisproif the package does, we can fix it on Ubuntu19:04
* quadrispro away for just 8-10 minutes19:05
holsteinscott-work: SO19:10
holsteinthese are failing for me19:10
holsteinat the 'select and install software' step19:10
scott-workargh, sorry quadrispro, i might be wrong about swh lv2 stuff...i apparently misread swh's website, it looks like we might already have the lv2 stuff in ubuntu, i'll check it out this weekend19:10
holsteinand thats with me *not* selecting any packages19:10
* holstein confirmed the md519:10
scott-workholstein: i ran into the same problem two nights ago with the i38619:11
scott-worki had hoped that updating ubuntustudio-meta would fix that :(19:11
scott-workholstein: can you report the bug and link it in the ISO tracker?19:12
holsteini'l try19:12
holsteinlet me do the last one just to be done with it19:12
holsteinscott-work: have you noticed a current bug report for it?19:13
holsteini know there is one for when you *do* select a certain package19:13
scott-workholstein: i tried it both ways the other night and got a failure for installing software in both cases so the problem isn't with the actual software selection portion19:14
scott-workso i would link to the same bug myself19:14
* holstein will look for one19:14
holsteinand make a new one if not19:14
holsteinandd link it up :)19:14
scott-workthanks again, holstein!19:18
holsteinno problem19:18
holsteinits really not a gruling as i was thining it wouldd be19:18
holsteinand im going to leave my studio box in a state that makes it easier to test with it in the future19:19
scott-workbug 62898119:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628981 in linux-rt (Ubuntu) "linux-headers-rt not installable breaks installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62898119:19
holsteinis that the culprit19:19
scott-workhmmm, i had expected this to be fixed by the respin because persia and i removed the -rt headers from the ubuntustudio-meta :(19:20
persiaMight have been a timing thing: it may be that the task generation script in launchpad (which defines the tasks) ran at a different-than-expected time.19:23
scott-workpersia: should i ask cjwatson for *another* respin but mention the us-meta update ?19:24
* persia is checking caches19:24
persiaThere's something ugly about the ubuntustudio tasks :(19:25
persiaN: Couldn't find task 'ubuntustudio-desktop'19:27
persia`apt-cache show evince` doesn't show the ubuntustudio-desktop task, but "evince" clearly appears in ubuntustudio.maverick/desktop19:27
persiaSomeone else may be able to figure out more, but I don't expect to be able to understand why it's behaving so oddly before we miss the final Beta deadline.19:29
persiaIndeed :(19:31
holsteinwho can we get?19:32
holsteinJFo: ??19:32
holsteinping me if i can help19:38
holsteini reported on all the test cases for amd6419:38
scott-workunfortunately, my back is up against a wall at work, maybe in about three hours i can spend more time19:39
* scott-work has already spent more time today than i should on non-work related stuff :(19:39
holsteinthat seems promising19:40
scott-workholstein: thanks for interfacing with cjwatson about that :)20:04
scott-workhopefully that fixes it20:04
holsteinscott-work: im going to be a while though20:05
holsteinbut i'll just keek talking to cj about what im doing20:05
holsteini think as long as someone is testing, we're goodd20:06
JFoyou rang?20:11
holsteinJFo: hey20:11
holsteini think i sorted it out20:11
JFoah, cool20:11
holsteini grabbed an iso too early it seems :)20:11
holsteinwhich is an easy problem to remedy20:12
* persia forwards bug #622583 to the archive-admins to complete the -rt removals.20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622583 in linux-meta-rt (Ubuntu) "Remove the linux-meta-rt packages" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62258320:17
holsteinwe are good to go with 64bit iso tests :)22:51
holsteinactually, we're good with all of them :)23:09

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