
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
joshritgerhow do I disable the on screen notifier that pops up the black window by the system tray?01:52
=== th0r1 is now known as th0r
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
EclecticI want to use something called Qimo witch uses  xfce  but it causes my system to run real slow03:37
Eclecticanyone know it it is offered in the xubuntu repo?03:38
Eclecticmaybe i'll just install it and see03:41
=== Anom01y is now known as Tangent_
=== Tangent_ is now known as Anom01y
ramonhi all05:56
ramonim having some trouble with my mutlimedia keyboard05:58
\DSAFEW\which model?05:58
ramonthe play/pause, skip/rewind, stop buttons work. but no volume control05:59
ramonits a compaq Internet Keyboard KU-997805:59
ramonthe problem isnt with the keyboard, because the buttons work on my friends Mac06:00
ramonso how do i get Xubuntu to respond to te volume controls?06:01
ramoncan anyone help? im new at linux06:03
\DSAFEW\http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgUrqGFxV3Q might help you06:09
ramonk im watching06:11
ramontyvm. youve been a big help06:11
Sysi\DSAFEW\: that's not what we do on help channel (and wrong song btw)06:14
Sysiramon: just for sure, have you tried numlock on/off?06:14
ramonnumlock works, yes. tried it with numlock on/off, but still nothing06:15
Sysifor some weird reason, my volume button nly works without numlock06:16
ramondid your controls work right-out-the-box?06:17
Sysion 10.04 yes06:17
Sysiif they are buttons, you can add commands in settings → keyboard06:18
Sysicommands are propably for alsamixer, but i don't exactly know how they should look like06:19
ramonmy speakers are usb and also have HID volume controls on them. they dont work either.06:21
\DSAFEW\ramon,  try this http://www.youtube.com/v/Frs7z00QBKc06:28
ramonshould i just try a differnet mixer?06:30
* dreamtraveler hi10:23
=== TomLyra is now known as schlaftier
Xbertcan anyone point me to a good place to read up on getting bluetooth a2dp working in xubuntu?14:40
ochosiXbert: i think bluetooth is no different in Xubuntu and Ubuntu14:47
ochosiXbert: but tbh i've never used it...14:47
Sysia2dp? whats that14:49
Xbertstereo audio14:55
Xberti can connect and pair the device ok but the mixers does not show the device as an output14:56
Sysiinstall pavucontrol14:57
Sysiyou need pulseaudio14:57
Xberti have pulse installed, I using 10.414:59
Sysiyes, and pavucontrol is for configuring pulse15:00
Xberti've installed pavucontrol that does not show the BT device15:03
Xbertas an output15:03
TheSheepXbert: I think you need some pulseaudio plugins for bluetooth15:17
TheSheepXbert: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth15:17
XbertTheSheep,  i've installed that module and still the mixer only show my audio card15:25
Xbertdo i need to restart  pulse audio after?15:26
TheSheepXbert: I don't know15:26
Xbertstill the device is not showing as a audio output but thats anyway15:36
Xbertwell after a reboot the device is showing in the pulsemixer but it doesnt output the audio, but its a start,15:42
Xbertdamn it will work as in mono headset mode but not a2dp15:47
BesogonCould someone help me with iptables? http://pastebin.com/Ns92hmUz17:53
Sysiyou can't use gufw?17:53
BesogonSysi, I need to make a gateway from ubuntu with DHCP relay. But can't do it17:55
BesogonThere is 2 networks17:55
Sysiiptables is firewall17:55
Besogoneth0 (lokal class network) and eth1 (LAN with DHCP)17:55
Sysior well, it can be used for secveral purposes17:57
BesogonI tried to ping from eth0 IP address of the gateway wich belonged to eth1 interface17:57
Besogonubuntu has 2 IP (1 belongs eth0 and second belongs to eth117:58
BesogonWhen I was in eth0 network I could ping second IP address17:58
BesogonDoes it mean that iptables works well?17:59
BesogonWhat do you think?18:05
Sysii really don't konw anything about that18:05
XTiAN_question: i want to replace windows with xubuntu 10.04 does it support TOSHIBA SATELLITE A215 wifi(RTL8187B) graphics(ATI X1200)?18:22
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:23
charlie-tcaMight help with that, I don't really know for sure what is/is not supported18:23
BesogonXTiAN_, You could install that parralelly and see what will happen.18:24
charlie-tcadownload the desktop cd and run "try without installing" to check the hardware18:24
charlie-tcaIf it won't work, do not install18:25
XTiAN_i already have a bootable usb ill test it out18:32
XTiAN_c yah18:32
BronkoHi, does anybody know where I can download the whole lib32 directory (for a lucid 64 bit install) from?20:35
BronkoBecause I accidentally overwrote /usr/lib/* to /usr/lib32/*20:38
BronkoAnyone? :|20:43
charlie-tcaWhy not do a new install, using the /home ?20:44
BronkoBecause it was a minimal install and it would take some time............ I don't have anything burned on disk20:45
BronkoIsn't there some kind of ftp server hosting individual Ubuntu files or something? I can't find anything googling :(20:47
Sysiguess not20:51
Sysiyou'd need another installation or something20:51
BronkoNevermind thanks any!20:54
xGrindhi \o20:54
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:55
xGrindanyone using the xfce 4.6.2?20:57
xGrindsome improvement on the performance?20:59
charlie-tcaIt will be part of Maverick 10.10, and I installed that before alpha320:59
charlie-tcaI don't really know.20:59
xGrindI tested the maverick in Virtualbox and it appears that is faster21:00
charlie-tcaMaverick itself is faster than lucid, I think.21:01
xGrindI did not like what the Maverick was the exchange of Brasero by Xfburn. Xfurn should have option to record video.21:03
=== MichealH is now known as ^_^
=== ^_^ is now known as MichealH

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