
ScottKnixternal: Can haz powerpc box?01:53
nixternalScottK: firing it up02:07
nixternalScottK: it is up and running02:08
ScottKnixternal: Thanks.02:24
ScottKnixternal: This will probably take a while, so I'd appreciate it if you could leave it up.02:25
nixternalScottK: sure, just shut it down when you are done02:28
ScottKWill do.  Thanks again.02:28
nixternalfyi, it needs a reboot after the update02:28
nixternalthough that doesn't matter really, kernel upgrade02:28
ScottKNoticed.  I'll be working in a maverick chroot anyway, so it shouldn't matter.02:29
nixternalk, i am heading to bed, so enjoy :)02:32
ScottKnixternal: All done.  It should have shut down.04:18
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apacheloggerseele: actually it is somewhat easy these days (compared to pre-KDE4 times anyway ;))07:26
apacheloggerto get the packages necessary to build like 90% of KDE and Qt software you would probably use a command like that: sudo apt-get build-dep kde4libs && sudo apt-get install kdeworkspace-dev && sudo apt-get install kdebase-dev07:26
apacheloggerwhich installs pretty much every dev package you need for up to konqueror stuff07:27
apacheloggerthen you just grab the source and make sure it contains a file named CMakeLists.txt07:27
apacheloggerthat indicates that it is (hopefully) buildable using cmake (which is the fancy app we use for building KDE stuff)07:28
apacheloggerif there is no such file  then I recommend either asking someone or using the google forces (asking is probably more efficient)07:28
apacheloggerif there is such a file you create a build directory and run cmake07:29
apacheloggersomething like07:29
apacheloggermkdir build && cd build && cmake ..07:29
apacheloggercmake hopefully passes without errors and you can run make (pro tip: if you have a multicore cpu you can speed up compiling by passing -j<numberofcores+1> to make) ... for example with a dual core you would use make -j307:30
apacheloggeronce make also passes without errors you can install using sudo make install07:30
apacheloggerand that is pretty much how you build software07:31
apacheloggerthere are of course (as with everything) quite a few spots where things can go wrong... most importantly things can go wrong in the cmake step, for example you would not be able to build amarok just with the packages I listed above. usually the application authors make cmake gracefully tell you what is missing and where to get it or how. most of the time you just need to ask your package manager of choice for the name cmake spit out and07:33
apachelogger you should find the dependency (which will most likely be a package suffixed with -dev) just fine07:33
debfxsomeone broke gcc on armel and powerpc :/07:58
debfxqt and several kde packages ftbfs with "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s"07:58
shadeslayerwhat fun :P08:09
mfraz74kubuntu 10.04, did another update this morning which upgraded virtuoso-opensource to 6.1, this asked me for a password which i gave, but then later said that a password hadn't been set08:57
shadeslayerkdepim 4.5 beta 3 up for lucid as well09:00
MamarokOMG, they are going to remove synaptic? Are they mad? The only usable GUI installer... /me hates that software center :(09:11
Mamarokand only gtk app on my system09:12
mfraz74if I try to start virtuoso I get:09:13
mfraz74sed: can't read /var/lib/virtuoso-opensource-6.1/db/virtuoso.lck: No such file or directory09:13
nigelbMamarok: Been planned for a while :/09:24
* nigelb uses apt-get mostly09:24
mfraz74An error occurred while setting the password for the Virtuoso administrative user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or because of a communication problem with the Virtuoso server.09:29
markeyMamarok: what about KPackageKit, any good?10:30
* markey hasn't used it lately10:30
yofelMamarok: muon?10:35
shadeslayerkpk works for now on maverick :P10:35
yofelwell kpk looks better at least with the categories10:36
ulysses!find msgfmt10:37
ubottuFound: liblocale-msgfmt-perl10:37
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas what header does lp send when you click on a build log?10:37
ulyssesAnyone tried to build Colibri from source?10:43
nigelbshadeslayer: um, what are you looking for?10:44
Mamarokyofel: never tried, but I certainly will :)10:45
shadeslayernigelb: trying to get build log support into rekonq, currently it downloads the build log10:45
shadeslayertrying to get it to display using kate kpart10:45
nigelbshadeslayer: http://encodable.com/check_server_headers/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fedge.launchpad.net%2Fubuntu%2F%2Bsource%2Fkdenetwork%2F4%3A4.5.1-0ubuntu2%2F%2Bbuild%2F1945735%2F%2Bfiles%2Fbuildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.kdenetwork_4%253A4.5.1-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz&method=HEAD10:45
QuintasanRiddell: ping11:03
MamarokQuintasan: about installing new PIM: don't it is labeled Beta, but should be in fact labeled pre-Alpha, it is so not working at all11:14
* Mamarok did, and went back to good old previous version11:14
Mamarokthe stable one11:14
RiddellQuintasan: you pinged?11:24
QuintasanRiddell: yes, I can't determine whether there was a problem with Qt still being build or I'm doing something wrong11:34
QuintasanRiddell: apt demands to remove libqt4-multimedia11:34
shadeslayerRiddell: need some rekonq coding help if your available11:35
QuintasanMamarok: well, I'm not using PIM at all but I though I could test something and report bugs11:36
Quintasanwhile I'm reading11:36
Mamarokoh, then please do :)11:36
MamarokQuintasan: the libqt4-multimedia is removed since it is in Qt mobility now, I guess11:38
Quintasanoh welll11:39
Quintasanifit breaks I'll just format11:39
QuintasanI have a dd image11:39
Quintasannot need to format then11:39
smarterapachelogger: hi, any idea what a "realm" is in ubuntu one?11:41
RiddellQuintasan: well I don't know what you're doing but qt multimedia has been removed in 4.711:45
apacheloggersmarter: thats oauth talking11:51
apacheloggerrealm is the realm of the authentication11:51
apacheloggere.g. you could have a realm ubuntu.com11:51
apacheloggerand within that realm summit for summit.ubuntu.com and people for people.ubuntu.com11:52
smarterokay, I'll look into oauth11:52
smarterbut anyway "Friday, September 3, 2010: Those using Maverick will not be able to add their computer to their account due to a server side bug (628118) we have a fix in testing.", I guess I'll have to find something else to hack on :p11:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: what business do you have with buildlog headers btw?11:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: the amount of service outtakes is ... sad11:54
apacheloggersmarter: ^11:54
apacheloggeractually ^^11:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill check the headers for content encoding and we can load kate kpart accordingly for build logs11:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: kate does not do decompression?11:55
apacheloggerseen as buildlogs always come compressed11:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: kate can open txt.gz files directly11:55
shadeslayerive checked11:55
apacheloggermust be magic11:56
smarterapachelogger: you said you started working on making s-p-kde kdesudo-independent?11:58
apacheloggerneed to commit0r11:58
apacheloggerBlizzz: that vid is pretty ugly right there12:05
Mamarokhm, where can I get muon? Is it in a PPA?12:06
apacheloggerMamarok: for lucid?12:06
apacheloggerin maverick it is in the archive12:06
* Mamarok onders to upgrade...12:06
Mamarokit's beta now, isn't it?12:06
apacheloggersure doesnt feel like beta here12:06
Blizzzapachelogger: why so? 12:07
Mamarokapachelogger: how does it feel, like alpha?12:07
Mamarokthen I won't12:07
apacheloggerBlizzz: horrible icons, horrible color combination, one of those horribly broken dock-ripoffs...12:08
Blizzzapachelogger: that is taste, right? 12:09
apacheloggerthe dock rippoffs are broken12:09
smarterJontheEchidna: hey!12:09
apacheloggerthe color combination is wrong by any artistic judgement12:09
apacheloggerand the icons are just12:09
Blizzzapachelogger: ok, that dock stuff12:10
apacheloggerI let a taste get in there12:10
Blizzzpersonally, i'd like those colors better than default 12:10
Mamarokapachelogger: doesn't it use KDE's icons?12:10
apacheloggeralso there is pointless maximation going on12:10
apacheloggerMamarok: no12:10
apacheloggerit uses an incomplete thing12:10
apacheloggerthat falls back to oxygen here and there12:10
Mamarokthat is really bad12:10
apacheloggerwhich makes matters worse12:10
Mamarokit really should use KDE defaults, seriously, Nuno is doing  a great job there12:11
apacheloggerBlizzz: I did not say that default is any better, but less disturbing12:11
apacheloggerfrom where I stand it is nothing but yet another show off of desktop effects12:11
apachelogger...as if those were the only good things on linux...12:12
Mamarok(besides the monochrome icons I hate...)12:12
Blizzzthe thing is, you have the possibility to personalize anything to your pleasure12:13
* Mamarok thinks that Kubuntu should use KDE defaults and make a good KDE showcase instead of experimenting with incomlete stuff12:13
Mamarokjust my 2 cents, but it would be the only distro who does KDE default12:13
Mamarokand be uses as a true showcase12:13
Blizzzthis is what kubuntu does12:13
* smarter hates the monochrome icons too12:14
apacheloggerMamarok: incomplete stuff like...?12:14
markeyMaverick doesn't use Oxygen icons?12:14
smarterthey just make it harder to find the icon you're looking for12:14
Mamarokapachelogger: well, you just talked about incomplete stuff12:14
Blizzzsmarter: i agree12:15
apacheloggerwe were talking about a video12:15
Mamarokapachelogger: I am talking about Maverick, see my question above12:15
apacheloggerthat was a topic collision then12:16
MamarokOK, so you said it didn't feel like beta, what does it feel like then?12:16
apacheloggerI for one would not have noticed :P12:16
apacheloggerMamarok: beta that goes back to alpha12:16
MamarokI have to show off Kubuntu in 2 weeks, so do I switch to Maverick or not?12:16
apacheloggerthere are some more or less ewwwy graphics issues12:16
* Mamarok needs to know before September 1612:17
smarterMamarok: lucid with the backported KDE 4.5?12:17
apacheloggerMamarok: I would stay with lucid, the differences are not that big that you would want to present a possibly broken system12:17
Mamaroksmarter: yep12:17
MamarokOK, will stay with Lucid then12:18
apacheloggerin that case12:18
Mamarokso no muon backported to Lucid yet?12:18
apacheloggerMamarok: https://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/qapt12:18
Mamaroknice, thanks :)12:18
apacheloggerdo not press ctrl+shift+m though :P12:19
* apachelogger feels like doing forums stuff12:20
* apachelogger just does not know what and where and when12:20
* Mamarok hardly ever uses shortcuts, except for editors12:21
apacheloggergood ^^12:22
apacheloggerthat should be pretty easy to implement12:22
apacheloggersmarter: lp:~kubuntu-members/software-properties/dbusworker12:23
apacheloggerthere is software-properties-dbus which implements a dbus service worker that gets launched as root12:23
apacheloggersoftware-properties-kde now needs to get ported to not use the backend functions directly but accumulate changes and apply them in its save() function via a dbus proxy to said service worker12:24
apacheloggerpolkit will then query the user for authorization (which in the current policy is set to not ask but just grant permission)12:25
apacheloggerif polkit is happy the service worker will execute the appropriate backend function12:25
apacheloggerso instead of kdeui <-> backend the new design would be backend -> kdeui -> dbus -> polkit -> dbus service12:26
apacheloggersmarter: mind that you need python-slip from fedora to get polkit working (I just linked softwareproperties/dbus/slip to the slip folder of python-slip ... in lack of packaging and a general dislike to get random python foo clutter my system ;))12:28
apacheloggeralso slip needs python-decorator...12:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: what is better? render build log via webkit or render build log via kate part12:29
smarterapachelogger: You installed it with alien?12:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: webkit I suppose12:29
shadeslayerwhy not kate part?12:29
apacheloggerwhat would be the rationale for using a kpart?12:30
shadeslayerapparently arora renders the build log12:30
apacheloggersmarter: no, git clone12:30
apacheloggersmarter: git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/python-slip.git12:30
apacheloggersmarter: then link python-slip/slip to softwareproperties/dbus/slip12:30
apacheloggerlrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 34 2010-08-30 14:55 softwareproperties/dbus/slip -> /home/me/src/git/python-slip/slip/12:31
apacheloggerlooks like that for me12:31
smarterokay, since the package is not in the archive I guess this mean we won't have that s-p-dbus thing in Maverick?12:31
apacheloggersmarter: we certainly wouldnt have it in mav since it poses threat of regression12:31
apacheloggerI concluded that it might not be the worst thing to rewrite the kdeui from scratch12:31
apacheloggersince it is a straight port from the GTK thing it has some odd pieces here and there12:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you doing new ktorrent?12:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: i could12:33
smarterand shouldn't the backend be part of QApt?12:33
shadeslayerbut if its taken... no point in doing it12:33
apacheloggersmarter: yes but no, but yes12:33
shadeslayerbug fix release right?12:33
shadeslayerok ill do it :D12:33
apacheloggersmarter: it could, I am not sure it should though12:33
apacheloggersmarter: qapt is comparable to python-apt and software-properties is stacked on top of python-apt12:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: already the latest in archives12:34
shadeslayeryou got me all excited :P12:34
apacheloggersmarter: so I do not think it is within the scope of qapt to provide facilities for the software-properties foo, just like it is not within the scope of python-apt12:34
shadeslayerhelp me fix rekonq now :D12:35
apacheloggersmarter: surely it is the maintainer's decision whether he wants to implement that ;)12:35
Mamarokapachelogger: about http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=89963, did you see the last comment?12:35
smarterapachelogger: so, a libsoftwareproperties implemented on top of qapt? :p12:35
apacheloggerI do not see a point for it :P12:35
smartermoar C++12:35
smarterless interactions problem12:36
apacheloggerMamarok: ah, yeah, silk... I do not trust in that :P12:36
apacheloggerfeels more like a bubble gum project for now ;)12:36
Mamarokapachelogger: talk to sebas about it12:36
MamarokI still have to see it to believe it, too :)12:36
apacheloggersebas left the channel just because he is opensuse fanboi now :P12:37
apacheloggersmarter: well, I agree, also writing dbus services in c++ is much less of a pain in the arse12:37
apacheloggersmarter: the thing is ... we would have to maintain the backend ourself...12:37
apacheloggerwhile currently we get that for free12:38
Mamarokapachelogger: well, that is his current job12:38
apacheloggerthat does not mean he has to abandon his kubuntu friends :P12:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: how did you like my super long changelog btw :P12:40
shadeslayerwhere? "D12:40
shadeslayeroh 12:40
shadeslayerthe one you showed yesteday?12:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: its not super long :P12:41
apacheloggerit sure felt like a lot of information12:41
shadeslayerthere is one which is bigger12:41
shadeslayerQuintasan: do you remember which one? :D12:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdenetwork/ubuntu/revision/8112:41
shadeslayerthat one is bugger12:42
apacheloggerthat is a collection of previous changes, that is bogus competition to real changes12:42
shadeslayerim just saying there was one bigger :P12:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: help me with this rekonq problem ...12:43
apacheloggersudo apt-get purge rekonq12:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/efYzNMvS << thats how arora handles it 12:44
apacheloggersudo apt-get purge rekonq arora12:44
apacheloggerhandles what?12:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: Package rekonq is not installed, so not removed12:44
shadeslayerthe handleUnsupportedContent() crap12:44
apacheloggerthe wha?12:45
apacheloggerhow is it unsupported?12:45
shadeslayerline 37712:45
apacheloggerI thought buildlogs come with mime text?12:45
apacheloggerthat surely is supported12:45
apacheloggerContent-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-812:46
shadeslayerso how does one make rekonq render it12:46
apacheloggerwell, I dunno12:47
apacheloggerI am not the rekonq fanboi here12:47
shadeslayerheh :P12:47
shadeslayerno idea?12:48
* shadeslayer goes to #arora for answers12:48
apacheloggerI love how tests are within rekonq's src tree12:48
shadeslayeri dont think there are any :P12:48
apacheloggerso you cannot grep crap without getting a pile of shit falling out of your terminal12:48
shadeslayerwhere should they be then?12:49
* shadeslayer doesnt understand the purpose of tests either12:49
* apachelogger wais for steveire to lecture shadeslayer12:50
shadeslayerdude im a n00b to this :D12:51
shadeslayerlecture me please12:51
shadeslayermentor me please12:51
shadeslayermake me code hermit please :P12:51
shadeslayerthen i shall take over supreme apachelogger XD12:51
shadeslayerwhen he gets old :P12:52
apacheloggerold and rusty I am already12:52
shadeslayerso train me :D12:53
apacheloggerI am so going to throw up next time I see that crap12:54
shadeslayerwhat should that be replaced by?12:55
CIA-116[libqapt] gmartres * 1171556 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/ (3 files in 3 dirs) Added AptPkg cmake module copied from Shaman12:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: it seems the qnetworkreply that your handleUnsupportedContent gets does not list text/plain as mime12:57
apacheloggerbut gzip12:57
shadeslayerhow did you find that out? :D12:57
apacheloggerusing supreme gdb skills12:57
shadeslayerteach me already :P12:58
shadeslayerall i get is orderedSearchItems leave:   elapsed:  0 12:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do increase the verbosity for gdb? 13:02
apacheloggerverbosity? :O13:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think you should read the gdb manual13:02
shadeslayerman page or manual?13:02
apacheloggeryou are expecting wrong things from it13:02
JontheEchidnasmarter: hi (and thanks for the commit)13:03
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shadeslayerapachelogger: 555 pages :P13:07
smarterJontheEchidna: I'm going /away for a while but when I'm back I'll see if I can hack on qapt/muon ;)13:17
* smarter felt like he didn't work on enough projects named after subatomic particles :p13:17
JontheEchidnasmarter: cool! I'll have to talk to somebody about making bugfix branches for both, but then I can reopen trunk and interesting things can happen again. ;-)13:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is a mighty tool13:19
shadeslayeri can see :P13:19
apacheloggerwhat a foo right there13:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think the only thing you could do is IF mime == gzip AND filext == .txt.gz THEN use kate kpart13:23
apacheloggeryou cannot reliably check what the gzipped data is13:24
shadeslayerno rendering through webkit?13:24
apacheloggerwebkit cannot render gzip can it?13:24
shadeslayererm arora can render said build log13:25
apacheloggerI mean, you could probably decrompress it and then render it, but I do not see the gain13:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: probably because they do not use KIO13:25
shadeslayerthey dont use KIO13:25
apacheloggerso they get the text mimetype13:25
apacheloggerwhile recum gets the gzip mimetype13:25
apacheloggersilly me13:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: supposedly you really just need to delegate the webview to show the thing13:26
apacheloggermaybe i figures out that it needs to decompress on iits own13:26
apacheloggerlike when a silly webserver does gzip compression but not tell the browser about this in the header... there surely must be a fallback13:26
shadeslayer what do you suggest then13:27
shadeslayeroh boi13:28
shadeslayerhttps://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+build/1946340 ...13:28
shadeslayerwhich means the stupid ppa needs to dep on backports or we copy all of the backports crap into this ppa13:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^13:33
apacheloggercopy copy13:34
shadeslayercopy all of it? :D13:34
apacheloggermaybe arora does silly funk after all13:34
* shadeslayer proceeds to copy13:35
shadeslayermuwhahaha .. i made LP time out13:38
apacheloggerthe urly was just wrongy13:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: report a bug13:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: no OOPS ID13:39
shadeslayerSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.13:39
apacheloggerreport a bug that it times out when you do whatever you did13:39
shadeslayermaybe because im copying too many packages at once? :D13:40
=== Tscheesy_ is now known as Tscheesy
apacheloggershadeslayer: and the UI is how exactly connected to that13:40
apacheloggerthere should be no timeout13:40
shadeslayersee if  i select 7 packages it works13:41
apacheloggerit still should not time out13:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: go report bug13:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: what do you suggest for rekonq ..13:41
apacheloggeror annoy comment on some other13:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: make the code readable for starters13:43
shadeslayerapart from that :P13:43
shadeslayerill brb 13:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, same as I said above13:46
apacheloggerIF mime == gzip AND filext == .txt.gz THEN render thing13:46
apacheloggeryou supposedly cannot prevent the networkaccessmanager to come back with an unsupportedtype13:47
shadeslayerrender with kpart right?13:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think it would be easier to just use the kate kpart13:50
apacheloggerwhile webki could render that junk I doubt you would get KIO to accept it as text/plain even though it ends as .gz13:50
apacheloggerfor what it is worth, kio probably is right to prefer filext over http content13:51
shadeslayerand under handleUnsupportedContent() right?13:54
apacheloggerwould say so, yes13:54
shadeslayerstill wondering what the code would look like13:56
shadeslayerif (reply->hasRawHeader("gzip")) {mimetype = "text/html"}13:57
shadeslayerdoes that look ok?13:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^13:58
nigelbwoops,somone in #ubuntu+1 says they lost kmail on upgrade14:02
nigelbwhere does the mail get saved is there a folder in home directory?14:02
mfraz74which mail?14:03
apacheloggerif (mimeType == QLatin1String("application/x-gzip") && <somethingToCheckIfReplyUrlEndsOnDotTxtDotGz>) { do kpart foo }14:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^14:03
nigelbmfraz74: the ones that you download to your system using the client14:03
mfraz74kmail stores it in .kde/share/apps/kmail/14:03
mfraz74nigelb: not sure if the new kmail stores it somewhere else14:05
nigelbmfraz74: all that needs to be done is check if the directory is still there14:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: i guess this will go before line 43914:08
shadeslayeri can probably use replyurl->hasSubUrl("txt.gz")14:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: that would be unwise14:11
apacheloggerthe condition should be that it explicitly ends on txt.gz14:11
apacheloggerotehrwise you might have a file mytxt.gz14:11
apacheloggerbut mytxt is binary14:11
shadeslayerhow about hasSubUrl(".txt.gz") ?14:12
* shadeslayer is checking the KUrl docs for alternatives14:12
shadeslayeroh :P14:13
mfraz74why would anyone name a file like that?14:13
shadeslayermfraz74: true, but apachelogger has a point14:13
apacheloggerwhy would anyone have a file foo.txt.gz but claim it is mimetype text/plain while obviously it is not :P14:14
apacheloggerthe point is not why one would do silly things the point is that one can do silly things and that the software should not break for the better part of silly things that can be done ^^14:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: how to do it then? :D14:16
apacheloggeryou still could have my.txt.gz while indeed it is a gzipped exe, but that is a failure case that needs to be accepted in order to allow more sensible handling of txt.gz14:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: study the documentation or ask the google14:16
shadeslayerim studying the docs14:16
* apachelogger hates to get disconnected when he is in the middle of something14:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: there is one class I know of which is tightly related to file crap and allows obtaining information such as file extension... I am just not sure if it works with remote urls too14:20
shadeslayershow it to me ;P14:21
apacheloggerlook for it :P14:22
shadeslayer... 14:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: is it known that one cannot enter an ip addres with port and hope for rekonq to go for http?14:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: why cant we use if(replyurl->fileEncoding == "txt" )14:23
apacheloggerwill not work14:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: err.. i can enter ip, but never tried login port14:24
shadeslayerheh it disappears :P14:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: because the encoding is gzip?14:24
shadeslayerwell... gzip then 14:25
shadeslayerok it actually works14:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: see put the ip:port combo in url bar14:25
shadeslayerthen it should give you 2 suggestions14:25
shadeslayerclick on the first suggestion14:26
apacheloggerI do not want no suggestion I do want it to go to http://ip:port14:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: is that reported as not working?14:26
shadeslayeridk why its not working14:26
apacheloggerwell, I do14:26
shadeslayerdont think so14:26
apacheloggerand this once I could not even blame rekonq's silly internals for it14:27
shadeslayerwhy? :D14:27
apacheloggerwell, maybe...14:27
apacheloggerlet me think14:27
apacheloggerI think14:31
apacheloggergenerally you should be able to just have a default protocol14:31
apacheloggeri.e. if nothing else works, use the default14:31
apacheloggerwell, I can partially blame rekonq's silly internals14:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you have the class yet?14:31
shadeslayerone sec 14:32
shadeslayernope :P14:32
apacheloggerthat junk does not work anyway14:32
apacheloggerlet us analyze that url real quick14:32
apacheloggeris the file component14:33
apacheloggerbuildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64 is the basename14:33
apacheloggerkdenetwork_4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz is the suffix14:33
apacheloggerso in order to make that work you need to accept the suffix tar.gz AND *.tar.gz14:34
apacheloggertxt.gz respectively14:34
apacheloggerthat for course raises the concern with uniqueness again14:34
* apachelogger needs coffee break14:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: qfileinfo is your friend14:35
tsdgeosThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:35
tsdgeos  ktorrent: Depends: ktorrent-data (= 4.0.3-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1) but 4.0.1-1ubuntu1~lucid2~ppa1 is to be installed14:35
tsdgeoscan someone build the necessary package?14:35
shadeslayerjussi: lulz @ fb :P'14:38
jussistole it from a friend of mine14:38
apacheloggeroh, tsdgeos is here14:38
apacheloggerhello tsdgeos :)14:38
apacheloggertsdgeos: are you on amd64?14:38
tsdgeosapachelogger: yup14:38
apacheloggertsdgeos: then I think the ktorrent-data package is just not built, you see, -data packages only get built once (on i386) for all architectures14:39
apacheloggerso that should resolve itself soonish14:39
apacheloggertsdgeos: actually it is already built and only waits for the debs to get published, so it should be resolved within the next couple of minutes :)14:41
* apachelogger continues being on coffee break ^^14:41
tsdgeosapachelogger: ok, is broken since yesterdat night but if you say i have to wait...14:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.7-snapshot/qfileinfo.html#suffix <<14:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: look again, that is the wrong function14:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.7-snapshot/qfileinfo.html#completeSuffix ?14:43
apacheloggertsdgeos: yeah, sometimes i386 builds unfortunately get heavily backed up on PPAs14:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: more like it14:43
CIA-116[muon] gmartres * 1171580 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/src/ (DetailsTabs/VersionTab.cpp DownloadWidget.cpp) Make QStandardItem in listviews read-only15:29
ScottKdebfx: Not sure if you picked this up or not, but the powerpc/armel failures are a GCC problem.  Fix for powerpc hits the archive in 10 minutes and is building on armel.15:35
tsdgeosapachelogger: works now, tx15:36
smarterany one knows where I can find the GUI equivalent of qdbus on Maverick?15:41
apachelogger!find qdbusviewer15:43
ubottuFile qdbusviewer found in libqt4-dbg, qt4-dev-tools, qt4-doc-html15:43
apacheloggersmarter: there ^15:43
apacheloggerdev-tools ftw15:43
smarterthanks :)15:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: heh guess what : http://www.w3.org/2004/CDF/TestSuite/WICD_CDR_WP1/test-encoding-gzip.xhtml15:52
shadeslayerthat works with rekonq15:52
shadeslayerthe point being that , that gzipped page works, but not the build log15:54
shadeslayeri guess its because that page has gzip and not x-gzip15:54
apacheloggerthe difference is that that page defines an encoding15:55
apacheloggerContent-Length: 16815:55
apacheloggerContent-Type: text/plain15:55
apacheloggerContent-Encoding: gzip15:55
shadeslayerand buildlog doesnt?15:55
apacheloggerX-Content-Type-Warning: guessed from content15:55
apacheloggerContent-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-815:55
apacheloggerthat warning certainly does not help I suppose15:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: report a bug15:56
apacheloggergood catch15:56
shadeslayerin launchpad?15:56
shadeslayerbtw http://imgur.com/oWfLq15:56
shadeslayerthats from one of the build logs15:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes in launchpad15:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am not getting the encoding15:58
apacheloggermoved temporary ^^15:59
* apachelogger thinks 90% of the urls in all of canonical's products are 302 :P15:59
shadeslayerhehe :P15:59
shadeslayerso basically its all lp's fault  :D16:00
shadeslayerBUT... arora can display the page16:00
apacheloggernot sure16:00
shadeslayerwhich sort of irks me16:00
shadeslayeras does chromium16:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: report bug to launchpad16:03
shadeslayerok.. that encoding should be gzip ?16:03
apacheloggerif I get this right they should not be using x-gzip since it is legacy and might not be supported in browsers16:03
shadeslayeralrighty... bug in launchpad16:04
shadeslayerbug 63025916:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630259 in Launchpad itself "content-encoding for build logs should be gzip" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63025916:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is general16:08
apacheloggernot only build logs16:08
shadeslayerremove "for build logs" ?16:08
shadeslayerdone :)16:08
* apachelogger is wondering where kio checks the encoding creps16:09
apacheloggerscary code16:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.ca/193277416:13
shadeslayerthat needs to have txt.gz ... in kdelibs16:13
apacheloggeryeah just hit that too16:13
shadeslayerand it uses QL1S :P16:13
* apachelogger throws up16:14
shadeslayerlook you puked all over kdelibs16:14
apacheloggerthere is more, much more...16:15
tsdgeoswhat's up with QL1S?16:16
tsdgeosit's a perfectly valid usecase16:16
apacheloggertsdgeos: it is making it a macro that no one understands that I have a problem with16:18
apacheloggeralso it looks kinda silly16:18
tsdgeosif you puke over this small things i recommend you to not look at much code ;-)16:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw which file is that code in?16:22
apacheloggertsdgeos: there hardly goes a day by where I do not have to rant about some ugly code indeed ;)16:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: kioslave/http/http.cpp16:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/kioslave/ << nothing there16:23
apacheloggerin kdelibs16:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: i guess that LP bug is redundant now :D16:24
apacheloggerthey still shouldnt use gzip since the 1.1 spec specifically sad "SHOULD"16:25
apacheloggeras in a browser might not do it if they do not want to16:25
* apachelogger wonders why his gdb does not know about HTTPProtocol16:26
jussi!find kdebase | apachelogger16:27
ubottuapachelogger: Found: kdebase, kdebase-apps, kdebase-bin, kdebase-data, kdebase-dbg, kdebase-plasma, kdebase-workspace, kdebase-workspace-bin, kdebase-workspace-data, kdebase-workspace-dbg (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kdebase&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all16:27
jussiapachelogger: thank tsimpson... :D16:27
apacheloggertsimpson: thanks you are the best *hugs*16:28
* apachelogger throws cookies through the channel16:28
shadeslayerjussi: new feature in ubottu ?16:31
shadeslayer( the link at the end )16:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: who is responsible for fixing the kio http problem?16:32
apacheloggerthe one who fixes it16:32
shadeslayerit just needs 2 lines right?16:33
apacheloggerI dunno16:33
jussishadeslayer: yup, as well as more packages listed16:33
* apachelogger is working on other stuff16:33
shadeslayerjussi: ah yess :D16:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: look at line 2593 of same file16:34
shadeslayerhmm wait16:34
shadeslayerthats the problem id guess16:35
* shadeslayer hops to #kde-devel to discuss16:36
* apachelogger beats funambol with a very large hammer16:37
apachelogger!find curl-config16:52
ubottuFile curl-config found in libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libflickcurl-dev16:52
apacheloggerthe murphys17:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think you should either drop a patch on reviewboard or report a bug ;)17:05
shadeslayerwould love to help with a patch 17:06
shadeslayerbut need some info first17:07
shadeslayersince there is no mime type return for text/plain, what should the mime type be?17:07
shadeslayerand i just have to edit one line right?17:08
shadeslayer if ((m_request.url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String(".txt.gz")))17:08
apacheloggermaybe two or three17:08
shadeslayerthat needs to be added as far as i can tell17:08
apacheloggerare you sure about that?17:08
shadeslayeralong with a mimetype = foo17:09
apacheloggerbecause there are other places where gzip gets messed with17:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: im sure as in, i think thats right17:09
apacheloggerand at last one other looked sort of related while I was skipping through the file17:09
shadeslayeridk.. thats the only one i can see17:10
apacheloggersearch for gzip17:15
CIA-116[libqapt] gmartres * 1171597 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/ (3 files in 3 dirs) Added the error code NotFoundError to handle the case when the package selected(usually by qapt-batch) does not exist(or does not exist in the version specified)17:20
apacheloggerwho needs soversions -.-17:24
* nigelb hands apachelogger best written commit messages of the century award17:26
apacheloggerI did not commit anything17:26
nigelboh, wait, that isn't you17:26
nigelbwho is that17:26
nigelbomg, google logo looks cool today17:27
smarterare you mocking me? :p17:27
smarteroh cool, google polyhedra17:28
nigelbsmarter: nope, I would just say 'Show error msg for that nasty bug...'17:28
nigelbI don;t know how you have the patience to write it in so much detail17:28
smartermade of pentagons and hexagons, and I can tell you that it has exactly 12 pentagons faces17:29
smarternigelb: haha :)17:29
* apachelogger looks up smarter on identity.kde.org17:29
apacheloggersmarter: you did not set no irc nick17:29
* smarter never heard of that site :p17:29
apacheloggerI could not even publicly blame if you broke something17:29
apacheloggersmarter: only got pushed live the other day as part of the git migration17:30
smarterand https://identity.kde.org/register.php is blank here17:30
apacheloggeras I understand it it is meant to provide more self-management to reduce work load of the sysadmins17:30
apacheloggersmarter: you have an account17:30
apacheloggerusername is your svn account 17:30
apacheloggerhave it reset the password17:31
apacheloggersmarter@ubuntu.com is the email you used btw ;)17:31
smarterapachelogger: by the way, any idea of the timeline for The Great Git Migration?17:36
apacheloggerit is in the community wiki17:36
shadeslayerhehe  :P17:49
apacheloggerI was thinking17:50
apacheloggersince backporting KDE is more a pain than it needs to be17:50
apacheloggerhow about we create a script to mass-branch all branches of kubuntu-members at release day so that for each we get a /<nameofseries> branch17:51
apacheloggeri.e. lp:~kubuntu-members/kdebase/ubuntu gets brached to lp:~kubuntu-members/kdebase/lucid17:52
apacheloggerthen at backport time ideally we only need to bzr merge && bzr builddeb -S17:52
apacheloggermake that bzr builddeb -S -- -sd17:52
smarterA ruby script I imagine? :p17:53
apacheloggerI suppose launchpadlib could easily list all branches of kubuntu-members17:53
apacheloggerthen we just need to for loop them17:53
shadeslayermaybe we can auto decrement boost and all the standard stuff automatically too17:56
apacheloggerwe then only need to do it once17:57
apachelogger(given that they are in mergable line structure)17:57
* shadeslayer checks out kdesupport17:57
shadeslayerthis is gonna take alot of time ....17:57
apacheloggerE: akunambol: malformed-deb-archive third member data.tar not data.tar.(gz|bz2)17:57
apacheloggerwhen will they fix that? :S17:58
shadeslayerwhut is akunambol17:58
shadeslayerwhats a SyncML server? :D17:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw i can launch kdesvn even if i install kde* into /home/$USER/kde right?18:00
shadeslayerusing kdm18:00
apacheloggerI have no idea18:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes18:00
shadeslayerohk.. just need to add necessary stuff into kdmrc i guess? 18:01
shadeslayeri shall setup proper dev env today :P18:01
_Groo_hi/2 all18:28
=== ximion is now known as 84XAAWBHY
_Groo_guys how do i pass qtmultimedia path directly to cmake using dh? i tried doing this:18:34
_Groo_dh_auto_configure -- -DQT_QTMULTIMEDIA_INCLUDE_DIR:PAdh_auto_configure -- -DQT_QTMULTIMEDIA_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH='/usr/include/QtMultimediaKit' -DQT_QTMULTIMEDIA_LIBRARY_RELEASE:PATH='/usr/lib/libQtMultimediaKit.so'TH='/usr/include/QtMultimediaKit' -DQT_QTMULTIMEDIA_LIBRARY_RELEASE:PATH='/usr/lib/libQtMultimediaKit.so'18:35
_Groo_dh_auto_configure -- -DQT_QTMULTIMEDIA_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH='/usr/include/QtMultimediaKit' -DQT_QTMULTIMEDIA_LIBRARY_RELEASE:PATH='/usr/lib/libQtMultimediaKit.so'18:35
_Groo_but it says it cant find the objlink diretory18:36
_Groo_which usually means im doing something wrong18:36
=== 84XAAWBHY is now known as ximion
sheytanhey guys18:44
sheytandid someone see ofirk here today?18:44
CIA-116[libqapt] gmartres * 1171615 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/worker.cpp Properly exit QAptWorker::commitChanges after a NotFoundError18:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerI think I meant to close bug 46843018:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468430 in kdegames (Ubuntu) "kdesnake gives error message when attempting to start" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46843018:59
* apachelogger is too tired to do it now :S18:59
smarter__JontheEchidna: pling19:59
=== smarter__ is now known as smarter
JontheEchidnasmarter: plong19:59
smarterJontheEchidna: I'm seeing if I can implement the fancy DownloadModel you mention in the TODO, but there's something I don't get in qapt: how is the downloadProgress signal emitted?20:01
smarterI can see that it comes from the workerAcquire::pulse function, but that's not called anywhere20:01
JontheEchidnaworkerAcquire is a subclassed class20:01
JontheEchidnathe parent class controls it20:01
smartershould have checked that :p20:02
smarteralso, what's the IMShit() function for? :p20:02
smarteroh, that's part of the superclass too20:03
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1171652 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/worker.cpp Give the worker protection against broken config (e.g. broken sources.list) so that it doesn't crash.20:04
JontheEchidnaThe libapt-pkg api is horrible20:04
smarterI saw that yes :p20:04
JontheEchidnawhich is why I did libqapt in the first place, so that hopefully others wouldn't have to look at it so much :P20:04
smarter(I fixed qapt building in shaman btw)20:04
JontheEchidnaIf you really want something to "wtf" over, look at WorkerInstallProgress::updateInterface()20:05
smarterI saw it, but have no idea what it's supposed to do :p20:06
JontheEchidnaand start()20:06
JontheEchidnathat bit of black magic gives us our percentages and progress text20:06
JontheEchidnahmm, have to go. be back in ~30 minutes20:06
JontheEchidnabut basically it hooks in to a filefd that dpkg --status-fd gives us, and does some console-level magic to get info from it20:07
JontheEchidnagetting that to work took a few days20:07
_Groo_hi/2 all20:14
_Groo_im experiencing a lot of I/O from nepomukfilewatch each time i start kde, so i disabled it in .desktop file. wasnt it suposed to do incrementals, instead of checking my entire home each time?20:14
apparleshadeslayer: ping20:18
apparleI want to suggest a fix for rekonq in lucid. what is the procedure?20:21
apparlewhy is this channel so dead :(20:47
smarterJontheEchidna: either heard of libapt-front?20:55
JontheEchidnasmarter: that's what turned in to libept20:55
smarterJontheEchidna: sure? libept seems to be read-only, whereas libapt-front was supposed to be a replacement of libapt-pkg20:56
JontheEchidnaproject page seems to say so: http://libapt-front.alioth.debian.org/20:57
JontheEchidnathough I suppose superceeded != "turned in to"20:58
shadeslayerapparle: pong20:58
apparleshadeslayer: so the ML patch was old.20:59
shadeslayerapparle: patch rekonq 0.4 -> make debdiff -> ask for SRU20:59
shadeslayernot old... outdated20:59
shadeslayeryou need to refresh the patch20:59
apparleshadeslayer: ya20:59
shadeslayeradd patch -> make new package -> file SRU + debdiff21:00
apparleshadeslayer: actually, I will have to generate a new one, I did manual patching as the versions and files didn't match21:00
shadeslayershouldnt be a problem21:00
smarterJontheEchidna: is it even possible with libapt-pkg to know the download state of each individual package?21:00
JontheEchidnasynaptic does it, so it is possible.21:00
apparleshadeslayer: so how do I generate a new patch. never done this. 21:00
JontheEchidna(A lot of libqapt is based off of reading synaptic code as reference)21:01
* smarter downloads synaptic source code :p21:01
shadeslayerapparle: diff -u oldfile.cpp newfile.cpp &>newpatch.diff21:01
apparleshadeslayer: multiple files.21:01
shadeslayerapparle: diff -Nru oldfolder/ newfolder &>newpatch.diff21:02
JontheEchidnaactually, kpackagekit seems to do that now too21:03
JontheEchidna(the aptcc packagekit backend more specifically)21:03
apparleshadeslayer: it looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/488442/ what next21:03
apparleshadeslayer: check the foldernames at top. do I need to change them21:03
smarterJontheEchidna: oh right, it's hidden by the details button so I didn't see it21:04
shadeslayerapparle: line 2 should read rekonq-0.4.0.orig/foo21:04
shadeslayerline 3 should read rekonq-0.4.0/21:04
shadeslayerso basically change the folder name21:04
apparleshadeslayer: ok21:05
shadeslayerrekonq-0.4.0.orig/ and rekonq-0.4.021:05
shadeslayer!debdiff | apparle : youll also need this21:05
ubottuapparle : youll also need this: A simple way to patch Debian/Ubuntu packages is to attach a debdiff to a bug report, or send it to the team which handles the package. Learn more about it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff21:05
smarterJontheEchidna: okay, I see how it can be done, what was bugging me is that I thought apt-get/aptitude downloaded packages in parallel but that doesn't seem to be the case, or maybe under some specific circumstances?21:06
JontheEchidnaonly when apt wants to21:07
apparleshadeslayer: I suppose this flash would fix this bug right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rekonq/+bug/60214121:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602141 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "rekonq crashet on ubuntuforums" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:07
JontheEchidnalike when downloading big package + a bunch of smaller ones, or something21:07
smarterJontheEchidna: and I guess apt-pkg utterly fails in this case?21:07
shadeslayerapparle: maybe, youll need to check21:08
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: you forgot the TM there :P21:08
apparleshadeslayer: how? apport report is big, and I don't know what to check in it21:08
shadeslayerI tried to open link from google search to ubuntu forums << maybe that helps? :D21:08
shadeslayerbetter :D21:09
apparleshadeslayer: what21:09
apparleand how do you write TM?21:09
shadeslayerthats what the bug report says21:09
shadeslayer™ << thats how? :D21:09
shadeslayerunicode character if im not wrong21:10
apparlehow do you type it?21:10
bulldog98apparle: i gues compose21:10
shadeslayerapparle: the bug report says what needs to be done to crash it21:11
JontheEchidnasmarter: btw, don't know if you've seen, but: http://imgur.com/sE0rn21:11
apparleshadeslayer: ok so now after applying patch it doesn't crash. That's it21:12
JontheEchidnasmarter: it doesn't really do anything except display that yet, and I've not committed it to trunk because I've not gotten muon and libqapt branched yet21:12
bulldog98apparle: compose input a feature of Xorg21:12
smarterJontheEchidna: nice!21:12
shadeslayerapparle: id guess thats it....21:12
shadeslayerif user reports if it still crashes....21:12
JontheEchidnaI should probably see about who to talk to to get an svn branch... (apparently I don't have commit rights to branches/ in kdesvn21:12
smartertechbase probably has a howto on that21:13
apparlebulldog98: any link on how to use it?21:13
bulldog98apparle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key21:17
cmaginaGot a question for those building kde trunk. I build qt from nokia to get 4.7, however that version doesn't create the qt/include/phonon/Phonon directory during install.  kdebase looks for the phonon includes at that location. The files it is looking for exist, but obviously not where it expects them to be.  10.04's qt-dev package puts them in the right spot, but its
cmaginaBesides fixing the qt install, is the other way to just pull qt4.7 from maverick?21:19
apparlebulldog98: I don't seem to have a compose key 21:22
yofelcmagina: (I'm not an expert on this) doesn't the kde trunk build guide say to use phonon from the seperate phonon repos? any reason why you're not using that?21:25
cmaginayofel: I must have missed that part.  I'll go take a look again. Thanks21:25
yofelcmagina: see http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4/Prerequisites#Phonon21:26
cmaginayofel: Ah, read right over that. Again, thanks.21:27
apparleshadeslayer: ping21:41
* shadeslayer has reduced brain function @ 2 AM21:41
shadeslayerkeep that in mind21:42
apparleshadeslayer: that patch includes x11 libraries, check the link of patch I gave you earlier. Do I need to change anything in the debian package?21:42
shadeslayergah... House just removed half of a guys brain :O21:42
shadeslayerapparle: checking21:43
apparleshadeslayer: any changes in the dependencies?21:43
shadeslayerok if it doesnt add any build deps21:43
shadeslayertest in pbuilder21:44
apparleshadeslayer: again how21:44
shadeslayerRiddell: ^ think we need to SRU rekonq?21:44
shadeslayerfor lucid21:44
shadeslayer!pbuilder | apparle21:44
ubottuapparle: pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto21:44
shadeslayerpretty good wiki entry21:44
apparleshadeslayer: what is clean chroot env21:45
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:45
steffen22285hallo zusammen21:46
shadeslayer!gpg | apparle21:49
ubottuapparle: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts21:49
ScottKRiddell: qt4-x11 finished building.  I've reviewed it for binary New and it's fine, but LP is up to it's usual reliability standard and not letting me accept it. Would you please do so?21:57
CIA-116jmthomas * 1171695 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/ Branch of libqapt for 1.0.x22:06
JontheEchidnasmarter: trunk is thawed, go crazy. ;)22:13
JontheEchidnaoh, but actually I was planning on doing some file structure rearranging22:14
JontheEchidnafor the inclusion of the software-center type GUI22:14
JontheEchidnaI'll try to be quick about it and get that done in the next hour or few ;)22:15
smarterdon't worry, I won't be able to work on that DownloadModel until tomorrow afternoon22:15
JontheEchidnaok, cool. As long as I'm not holding you back... :)22:15
* shadeslayer pokes his kde svn install22:19
shadeslayerok everything done.. now to add stuff in kdmrc22:20
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: i made a new startkde4 for kde-neon, does it have to be +x ?22:26
smarter'night all22:27
JontheEchidnaI would imagine so.22:27
shadeslayersmarter: might22:27
ScottKapachelogger: Would you please have a look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54800313/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.kde-l10n-lt_4:4.5.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - It combines several of your favorite things.22:32
shadeslayeri haz KDE neon \o/22:50
shadeslayernot the packaged one :P22:50
shadeslayerseems pastebin plasmoid is broken22:53
shadeslayerwho broke my dearest plasmoid :(22:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: pingly quick!23:14
* shadeslayer is overhyped23:15
shadeslayeri made rekonq show cruft23:15
shadeslayerby editing kio 23:15
shadeslayerseems only thing remaining is to sort out encoding23:15
ScottKRiddell: Nevermind.  It worked this time.23:23
ScottKQt 4.7 rc 1 is in.23:23
* shadeslayer wanders off to see kate code23:26
Riddellshadeslayer: why would we SRU rekonq?23:33
shadeslayerflash issue23:33
shadeslayerseems to be affecting 0.4.0 as well23:33
shadeslayerapparle: ^^23:33
shadeslayermaybe hes gone to sleep... cant say23:34
apparleI'm up23:34
shadeslayeroh :)23:34
shadeslayerapparle: explain :P23:34
* shadeslayer hacks more on kio23:34
Riddellis there a patch?23:35
apparleRiddell:  just a min23:35
shadeslayerRiddell: i made a small dent with http://paste.ubuntu.com/488477/ 23:36
shadeslayernow rekonq shows all gibberish23:36
shadeslayercant figure out whats wrong....23:37
apparleRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/488483/23:37
shadeslayerpossibly fixupResponseContentEncoding needs fixing too23:37
Riddellshadeslayer: well it's probably showing the raw gzip file23:37
shadeslayerRiddell: id guess so23:38
shadeslayerany ideas?23:38
apparleRiddell: I'll make the debdiff later... exams going on23:38
shadeslayer( then we can patch our kdelibs and send a patch upstream )23:38
Riddellapparle: seems reasonably, needs someone to file a bug and make the debdiffs for the SRU then23:38
apparleRiddell: bug has been filed by someone, I am not sure if it is the same bug problem. I'll make the debdiff in few days23:39
Riddellapparle: got the number?23:39
apparleRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rekonq/+bug/60214123:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602141 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "rekonq crashet on ubuntuforums" [Undecided,Incomplete]23:40
Riddellshadeslayer: not really since I don't know how kio http works, probably something needs set which tells it to uncompress the gzip file, no idea if that's possible23:40
Riddellapparle: thanks23:40
apparleRiddell: for what?23:41
shadeslayerapachelogger might know... 23:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: when your back look @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/488477/23:41
Riddellapparle: for finding the bug and the patch23:41
* Riddell sleeps23:41
apparleRiddell: :D good night23:41
shadeslayer^ i need some of that too23:41
apparleshadeslayer: you don't get it everytime I suppose. Only the first time :P23:42
apparleok bye23:42
JontheEchidnad'aww CIA-116 still isn't picking up muon commits23:50
SputScottK: do you have any patches in Qt 4.7-rc1 reverting any QTextBoundaryFinder-relatedg23:56
ScottKSput: Dunno.  Maybe debfx is around and can answer.23:56
Sputups, I didn't finish typing :)23:56
ScottKIIRC, he was the one packaging.23:57
SputScottK: thing is, I keep getting reports of broken wordwrap in Quassel from kubuntu users with 4.7-rc123:57
ScottKSput: If they have RC1, they didn't have it officially as it just got accepted an hour ago.  I see the same thing with beta 2.23:57
Sputand there has been a behavior change in QTextBoundaryFinder during the 4.7 cycle we had to adapt to, such that older versions of Qt 4.7 (like beta2) would break23:57
ScottK(was waiting to see if the rc fixed it before I got excited)23:57
Mamarokdear kubuntu packagers, could you correct that packaging error in Amarok 2.3.0 Lucid which does not install the correct MySQL packages for non-KDE users? I am getting sick of those bug reports. And the bug is really serious, as Amarok can't build a collection without those packages...23:58
Sput*but* at least in my checkout, this behavior change made it into rc123:58
ScottKSput: OK.  Let me update and see.23:58
ScottKMamarok: What is missing?23:58
Sputso if it's still around in kubuntu's 4.7-rc1, either you guys patched out the behavior change, or something entirely weird happens there23:58
Mamaroksee also https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/630103, which is the umpteenth report about that23:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630103 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok does not see music collection and cannot die completely when asked" [Undecided,New]23:58
SputI'm using the 4.7 branch (HEAD) and I don't have the issue23:58
MamarokScottK: well, it does not install the mysql-sercer-core packages for all non-KDE users23:58
shadeslayerwhat would m_contentEncodings.removeLast() do btw?23:59
ScottKMamarok: I'll look into it.23:59
Mamarokbesides the above mentioned bug being invalid since he reports at least three differnet issues, the lack of MySQL is really annoying23:59

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