
vbgunzI am trying to align some partitions on an SSD *but* I keep getting "partition X does not end on cylinder boundary" in fdisk -lu. This is sort of bugging me. I used fdisk -cu /dev/sdb and tried my best to align the partitions. They should be aligned but these notices are really bugging me http://pastebin.ca/193208400:56
James147vbgunz: why are you trying to "align" partitions?01:05
vbgunzJames147: longevity and peformance on an ssd01:05
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BajKGreetings, is there any way of disabling that stupid smooth/bouncing scrolling in plasma?01:17
phoenix_hello everyone01:39
phoenix_i want to add my hard drive partiton entries to fstab, can anyone help me01:40
phoenix_i am confused about the options that i have to use01:40
James147phoenix_: :) depends on the filesystem01:40
phoenix_hello james01:40
James147and what you want out of it :)01:40
James147hi phoenix_01:41
phoenix_James147: mount my partitions on boot without asking for a password01:41
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James147phoenix_: what file systems?01:41
phoenix_James147: ntfs01:41
phoenix_James147: i am confused of these options --"quiet,defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,umask=00 0"01:42
James147phoenix_: the easiest way is to install and use ntfs-config01:42
* James147 dosent fully understand all ntfs options :S01:42
phoenix_James147: is that a gui app ?01:42
James147phoenix_: yeah01:43
phoenix_James147: i will try that now01:43
phoenix_James147: in the application there is a option called "enable write support for external device", what do they mean by an external device01:49
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James147phoenix_: my guess is usb hard drives :)01:51
James147or flash sticks..01:51
phoenix_James147: but the system treats every drive except root as removable drivers right?01:52
James147phoenix_: ... think its more talking about physically removable (hotpluged decived)01:53
phoenix_James147: oh, then i have you enable the option to get write permission for usb sticks01:54
James147phoenix_: dont think it would hurt :)01:55
Walzmynever since I made the 4.5 upgrade, Kaffeine won't play a video - just does sound.01:55
James147(although I dont know exactly what it does)01:55
James147Walzmyn: switch tabs01:55
phoenix_James147: ok, i will reboot and i will be back01:55
WalzmynJames147: tabs?01:55
James147Walzmyn: yes, to "Playlist" or "TV" then back again...01:56
WalzmynJames147: ok01:56
James147Walzmyn: does it work?01:57
WalzmynJames147: wife assaulted me with to-do list, gimme a sec01:57
Walzmynwell, why the heck did it change?01:58
phoenix_James147: it worked.thank you01:59
WalzmynJames147: I've been using kaffiene for years. never had this problem - that did fix it by the way01:59
James147Walzmyn: its a known bug... https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24732701:59
ubottuKDE bug 247327 in general "Kaffeine dosn't display the video until the tab is changed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]01:59
* Walzmyn sigh01:59
WalzmynI googled the heck out of this before asking, didn't find a thing abou tit02:00
James147Walzmyn: last I checked it worked on the latest svn version... so will be fixed eventually02:00
* Walzmyn nods02:00
WalzmynJames147: thanks for the help. I really like Kaffeine over my other options02:00
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James147Walzmyn: me two :)02:01
* James147 goes off to test kde 4.5.1... 02:01
Walzmynok, how about this one, the "show hidden icons" button on my systray is acting up as well02:01
* James147 is sad the fix isnt in 4.5.102:02
James147Walzmyn: how so?02:02
WalzmynJames147: first time using it after a reboot it works fine02:02
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Walzmynafter that, as soon as you move the mouse, the menu drops back in. I have to edit options and move whatever I'm looking for to "always visiable" to use it02:03
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James147Walzmyn: can you test it on a new user? see if that behaves teh same02:04
phoenix_James147: i have some problem with k3b. it fails when i write a iso file of size 4 mb02:15
phoenix_James147: are you busy?02:16
James147phoenix_: fails how?02:17
phoenix_James147: can i paste the debug log02:17
James147phoenix_: might be better to ask on #k3b  :) dont know too much about it02:18
phoenix_James147: ok02:18
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mapleher warlock4302:41
warlock43are you good with proxies?02:41
warlock43above sent to maple02:42
maplewarlock43: sorry, i am just a beginer @!02:42
warlock43maple: same...know anyone who can help?02:43
maplewarlock43: let me see!02:44
warlock43maple: ok thanks02:45
maplewarlock43: where are you from?02:45
warlock43maple: md02:45
maplewarlock43: MD?02:45
warlock43maple: currently in North Carolina thou02:46
warlock43reisi: hey02:47
maplewarlock43: i don't think you need the proxies ,02:47
warlock43maple: why?02:48
maplewarlock43: in usa ,there is no GFW02:48
maplewarlock43: GFW=great fire wall02:48
warlock43maple: i dont follow02:49
mapleusually i use the proxies to visit facebook  twitter02:49
warlock43maple: your in america too right?02:49
maplewarlock43:  maybe02:49
maplewarlock43: do you know some Chinese?02:50
maplewarlock43: i could send some02:50
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Tictoon_I accidentally deleted the news page on my kubuntu nr that had the rss reader and calender04:33
Tictoon_how do i get it back? :$04:34
Tictoon_maple: can you help me/04:43
mapleTictoon_: what?04:43
Tictoon_maple: [23:33] <Tictoon_> I accidentally deleted the news page on my kubuntu nr that had the rss reader and calender04:45
Tictoon_how do i get it back?04:45
mapleTictoon_: you mean  widgets?04:46
Tictoon_uhm yeah04:52
Tictoon_but there was a different sort of page for them04:52
Tictoon_and then i deleted that page04:52
Tictoon_and i cant find the button to get it back04:52
Tictoon_sorry about that, maple05:02
Tictoon_konquere crashed05:03
Tictoon_maple? still around/05:03
Ahmuckdid kexi get dropped from ubuntu sources?  when i do an aptitude search for kexi, i get nothing05:04
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Tictoon_i accidentally deleted the page that has all this: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/9.10/screenshot-newspaper-wee.png how do i get it back?05:15
Tictoon_Ukytreats: i accidentally deleted the page that has all this: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/9.10/screenshot-newspaper-wee.png how do i get it back?05:19
UkytreatsSorry I have no idea.05:20
Tictoon_juliana_: i accidentally deleted the page that has all this: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/9.10/screenshot-newspaper-wee.png how do i get it back?05:26
Tictoon_theres no one here05:31
Tictoon_everyone just comes and goes05:31
Tictoon_but no one is here to help :L05:32
Tictoon_for some reason whenever i try to make a left bracket the text dissappears here05:32
Tictoon_eja i accidentally deleted the page that has all this: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/9.10/screenshot-newspaper-wee.png how do i get it back?05:33
Tictoon_ejat: *05:33
Tictoon_i need help05:35
Tictoon_do youp have some idea about how i would go about getting back my newspaper widget page05:35
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DavidDavidI comppiled the drivers for version .23 on ubuntu but now I only have sound with internet apps and not with banshee or anything else06:14
DavidDavidI need help06:14
inawarministerHello all!06:24
inawarministerI want to install http://www.unknown-horizons.org/packages-for-different-linux-distributions/ , and I'm using Kubuntu 10.0406:24
inawarministerWhat should I change the $distribution into? Ubuntu Lucid?06:25
inawarministerI know that the packages server is : http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid/06:29
inawarministerBut I am confused in writing to source.lst06:30
inawarministerShould it be : deb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid release main06:30
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collabraare you still there inawarminister06:49
collabraah,... what repo are you trying to install06:50
inawarministerdeb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/$distribution release main .06:51
inawarministerThat one (w/o the dot, I mis-clicked it)06:51
collabraunknown-horizons,... looks like,... does unknown-horizons say one way or another?06:52
inawarministerI don't know what should I change the $distribution into06:52
inawarministerYeah, I tried to sudo apt-get update06:52
collabrayour worried about whether you should put 'release main' at the end:06:52
collabrawhat happens when you do an update,... does is update?06:52
inawarministerI am worried if it's /ubuntu lucid release main or /lucid release main...06:52
inawarministerIt does not, shamefully06:53
collabrahave you tried downloading from the repo?06:53
inawarministerW: Failed to fetch http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid/dists/release/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found06:53
collabrahmmm,... can you put up the website for me?06:53
collabrak,... hold on06:54
inawarministerShould I just use the weekly repo? http://www.unknown-horizons.org/packages-for-different-linux-distributions/#Debian06:54
inawarministerOh yeah, another thing too: Yahoo Messenger account in Kopete doesn't go online ; The password is correct already06:55
collabradeb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/ lucid main <-----try this,... or06:58
collabradeb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid lucid main06:58
inawarminister'K! thanks!06:59
collabrai would try the first one first...:)06:59
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collabralemmy know how it goes06:59
inawarminister_Whoops sorry computer hangs07:02
collabrahey,... just a second07:02
inawarminister_collabra : where's the source.lst?07:02
collabra I've gone to the website... have you added the repo key,... yet07:03
inawarminister_Yep, already07:03
collabrabut wait,... before you edit it,..07:03
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collabradeb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/$distribution release main  <------- it says that this is the correct repo.... have you edited the sources.list yet07:04
inawarministerStill W: Failed to fetch http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:04
inawarministerYesss, editing it again!07:05
inawarministerIsn't we are supposed to change $distribution to lucid, though?07:05
collabrasudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list <----- would be the command07:05
collabraone sec07:05
inawarministerYeah, was using kate07:05
inawarministerHow's it, collabra?07:06
collabrawhat exactly do you have in your /etc/apt/sources.list07:06
collabracan you cut and paste07:07
collabrayou can edit a system file using a regular user name and password with kate,... it won't take,.... open a terminal and type: sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list07:08
inawarministerCollabra : check that pastebin07:09
collabrai se07:09
inawarministerI've already copied it | Oh...07:09
collabrai see it ,... it's your last entry,...right?07:09
inawarministerShould I use both, for a while?07:09
collabratry changing it to,... one sec.07:09
collabradeb http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid release main07:10
collabratry that....07:10
collabralemmy know07:10
inawarministerfailed for the two:07:11
inawarministerW: Failed to fetch http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:11
inawarministerW: Failed to fetch http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:11
inawarministerWi;; try the one you just posted07:11
inawarministerStill: W: Failed to fetch http://packages.unknown-horizons.org/lucid/dists/release/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:12
inawarministerI think I'll just change into the weekly one, thanks, collabra07:12
inawarminister!cookie |collabra07:12
ubottucollabra: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:12
collabrathanks'! peoples.... d-dunce.... for truly07:13
collabrait doesn't have a release branch,... only w.eekly07:14
inawarministerIt works!07:14
inawarministerYeah, it seems to be that way~07:14
inawarministerWell, downloaded the weekly package : thanks to you, collabra07:15
collabraright on... not sure where the 'release' branch is....?07:15
inawarminister!cookie |collabra07:15
ubottucollabra: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:15
collabrano,...no,...no,... lol07:15
collabrai'd rather have a brownie.07:15
collabrabut cookies will do.07:15
inawarminister!brownie |collabra07:17
collabrathanks... but it did nothing.... you had it right from the start.07:17
collabrabut i did nothing07:17
rismanI just got problem after upgrade to KDE 4.5.1, anybody can help?07:21
collabrado you use kubuntu?07:22
collabracan i ask where you got 4.5.107:22
collabrajust curios.... can you throw up the link.07:23
rismanI added kubuntu backport ppa and did apt-get dist-upgrade07:23
collabraahh,...k,... i'm probably not the one to ask,... but you can bounce it off me if you want... no guarantees.07:24
collabrain fact i'm 3 for 3,... not being able to help.07:24
collabratry me.07:24
rismanoh thats fine07:24
collabraright on,.... Off The Hook.07:25
rismanthe problem is when I logged in I only got wallpaper and no panels, no icons, and cant click anything07:25
rismannow I'm here using netroot07:26
collabrawow,.... sounds like a broken system.... ah,... what solutions have you tried?07:26
rismanI have no idea T.T07:27
rismanIs there anyone got the same problem?07:28
collabrajesus,.... so,... do you want to go back,... or try to make this work?07:28
collabrago back to 4.4.4 that is.07:28
rismanIf I could I want to make this work07:28
rismanhow to go back to 4.4.4 by the way?07:28
collabrajesus,... i'm really not sure,.. but there must be a way.... i'll try looking for a solution.07:29
rismanany help will be appreciated :)07:31
collabrai'm not finding an adequat solution going from backports to lucid... i'm still searching tho.07:38
rismanwhen I try to downgrade (if finally I found how), will I have to download hundreds MB of package again like when I upgraded?07:46
collabratell me how risman07:47
collabrahow do you downgrade07:47
collabrai wouldn't think so,... as long as you have the .deb files still on your system... that's a guess tho07:48
rismanok then07:50
rismanwell I'll try to find solutions later, I really have to go now07:50
rismanthank you so much collabra :)07:50
collabralol,... right on.. have a good day fisman07:50
collabrano,...no,... don't deserve it.07:51
collabra4 for 4,... still batting a thousand.07:51
collabracmon 5 for 5,... let's go!08:01
collabrai'm bored,... and you need a laug.h08:01
collabrayeah,... what's up?08:43
rismanI just fixed my computer! :)08:43
rismanthe upgrade didn't automatically installed plasma-desktop08:44
rismanso I install it and everything just fine now08:44
collabrainteresting,... broken dependancy....hmmm,.... right on!08:44
collabraglad to know that,.... what's 4.5.1 like?08:45
rismannot very different at first glance08:45
collabraand at second glance?08:45
rismanthe system tray is very neat08:45
collabraright on,.... you're making me think of upgrading,...08:46
collabranow,... is everything in that repo the latest and greatest,... kindof like sid for debian?08:47
collabrai know sid can be unstable,... is there any disclaimer for the kubuntu backports.... hmmm,... i'll have to check it out..... glad you got it runnin'!08:48
rismanthank you08:48
collabrai did nothing,... i'm still 4 for 408:48
collabrayou did it all.08:48
rismanI thanked because you glad for me08:49
collabrawell,... that, i am. very glad for you =)08:49
collabrasomeone oughta tell them of the broken dependency08:50
rismanconsider googling for problems that may happen and how to fix them before try to upgrade08:51
rismanyup, broken dependency08:51
collabrahmmm,... lemmy check out this 'backport' thing,... alright, i will.08:51
rismanOk .. have a good day! I gotta go offline again08:53
maplei can't understan09:56
prowerhello :> I seem to be having a strange problem with vlc and kubuntu, 10.04 (64-bit, if that helps :>)...although it seems to suspend the screensaver while a movie is playing, that effect seems to remain permanently after vlc is turned off :< only logging out and in fixes it...has anyone else seen this happen?09:58
medhefgohi, is anybody here who can help my with a plymouth problem?10:21
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ewoernerjust tried kdepim 4.5 from the experimental repo11:58
ewoernerdidn't work out at all11:58
ewoernerhas anyone successfully used it so far?11:58
ewoerner(yes, i know it's experimental ;-) )11:59
Mamarokewoerner: I can get and send mail, and the KNotes part and calendar is working not too badly, but Akonadi is freaking out regularly and trashes my system12:02
Mamarokthe label Beta is wrong IMHO, it should say Alpha12:02
ewoernerMamarok: you're using beta 3?12:02
Mamaroksince they are warning that you might loose data12:02
Mamarokthe one from the experimental repo12:03
Mamarokthe first beta was totally unusable12:03
ewoernerMamarok: yeah, but version changed yesterday/today in experimental repo12:03
Mamarokhm, then I don't have it yet, and I don't see anything in the updates12:05
unforgivenHello! I'm trying to start a game on second X server." XIO:  fatal IO error 11"13:32
unforgiven~$ xinit /usr/bin/wine "E:\Games\DK2\DKII.exe" -- :113:33
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BajKWhat is the difference between grey written user names and the normal black ones in kopete's contact list?13:53
simulacrumBajK: offline users and online users?13:55
BajKsimulacrum: no, the user is stated online13:56
BajKinvisible maybe?13:56
simulacrumcould be14:13
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tkoornDoes anybody know if there is a twitter application for KDE that works at the moment? Since twitters change to Auth0 both my microblogging widget and Choqok  can't connect anymore.15:11
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simulacrumlatest beta version of Choqok works from what I heard15:13
simulacrumthere should be a PPA available, if not you can always compile the code yourself15:14
tkoornoh, i'll give that a try. Thanks15:14
BluesKajhey kaddi , what's new ?15:17
kaddinuttin much, how about you?15:18
BluesKajthe same, enjoying some relief from the heat today...cooled off a lot15:19
kaddiwe got down to 8 degrees last week :s15:20
BluesKajyup, gonna be 10 here this aft15:24
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tkoorn@simulacrum yes that works, thank you very much15:30
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fumigadorahello people!15:38
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DarthFrog.msg BluesKaj Forecast is for 19 today, sunny, possible showers.  Looks like a great day to take my dog to the beach. :-)16:06
BluesKajhey DarthFrog , looks I have to pick the rest of the tomato crop, gonna be cold tonite ...drastic change after the last 2 mos16:08
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BajKHow do I change encoding in quassel?17:23
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rethusin KDE-Networkmanager i have the tab "VPN" but the "Add"-Button is disabled.17:57
rethushave i to install something to activate it?17:57
Mister_Yhi everybudy... i want to use gimp and while starting gimp the windows has been closed be the system... i'm not able to start it... why? i dont know17:59
Mister_Ymaybe someone could help17:59
rethusstart it from shell and see the error-messages17:59
Peace-Mister_Y: there is krita anyway....17:59
Mister_Ykrita??? you mean k-office?18:01
rethuskrita is part of koffice-package18:01
rethuswhat did the error on shell say?18:01
Luija1006Please people I need your help my CD/DVD reader of my laptop is not working, this started like 2 months ago when I installed the new version of kubuntu. Please help me I need the reader urgently18:01
Mister_Ystarting at the terminal18:01
Mister_Ygimp: error while loading shared libraries: libgegl-0.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:01
rethusthere is your solution18:02
Mister_Ybut i have no deinstalled some tool or something like this18:02
rethussolution: I was given the command to purge and reinstall and everything id solved,18:03
Mister_Ysudo apt-get --reinstall install <paketname>... that you mean?18:04
rethusso try to remove gimp with purge command, and reinstall. You'll see if this work18:04
Mister_Yi will try it18:04
rethusremove with option purge18:04
Mister_Yäh... apt-get remove -purge gimp ?18:04
Mister_Ywith sudo or root18:04
rethussudo apt-get --help18:04
rethusor sudo aptitude --help18:04
James147^^ --reinstall should be fine for dependency problems18:05
James147^^ purge is only really needed for config problems18:05
rethuspurge remove all config-settings of the program18:05
James147rethus: you dont need sudo to get apt-get or aptitudes help :)18:05
James147rethus: yes, but for a missing lib it not really a config problem :)18:06
rethusbut nevertheless. it doesn't is bad anyway18:06
James147yeah, probally wont make much difference for gimp :)18:06
James147Mister_Y: "sudo aptitude reinstall gimp" should be enough (if not you can try to purge and install it again)18:07
rethusBTW: rethus: VPN is usable, if u reinstall " network-manager-vpnc-kde"18:07
aseHello there18:07
rethusoh thanks rethus u help me so much18:07
rethus:D good if i can help myself (just kidding)18:07
aseCan anyone tell me please what the best way to install skype is18:08
ase(I know am a noob)18:08
aseI was just wondering if it was better to install it through the synaptic thing or just go to the official website and get it -_-18:09
aseOkay, on my own right, good night anyway18:10
James147... why dont people wait for an answer :S18:11
Mister_Yi have purge removed it... an installed it18:12
Mister_Ybut it is the same error18:12
Mister_Ywhat can i do18:12
rethusmaybe try to google with this error and find some other soulutions18:12
James147Mister_Y: what lib was missing again?18:13
James147Mister_Y: try installing libgegl-0.0-018:14
James147(as a random guess)18:14
Mister_Yyes i do it, but there is no connection, because it was manually installed18:16
Mister_Ylibgegl-0.0-0 ist schon die neueste Version.18:17
Mister_Ylibgegl-0.0-0 wurde als manuell installiert festgelegt.18:17
Mister_Y0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.18:17
Mister_Yit is the german kubuntu18:17
rethusremove it and reinstall it.18:17
Mister_Yi have done it...18:17
Mister_Ybut there is no change18:17
rethusor better remove libgegl and gimp, and reinstall gimp new18:17
rethusthe dependency should get the libgegl in the right way18:18
Mister_Yit have done18:18
Mister_Yapt-get purge gimp18:18
Mister_Yapt-get install gimp18:18
Mister_Ybut nothing changing18:18
rethusi have say: remove libgegl AND gimp, and reinstall gimp18:18
Mister_Yrethus, i have done it...18:20
Mister_Ylibgegel removed18:20
Mister_Ythen gimp remove18:20
rethusand gimp?18:20
rethuswhats the result18:20
Mister_Yand then install gimp18:20
Mister_Ygimp: error while loading shared libraries: libgegl-0.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:20
Mister_Ynothing changed18:20
Mister_Yi say it before ;-)18:21
rethuspastebin.com: the whole error message18:21
Mister_Yit is the only error message at the terminal18:21
Mister_Ynothing more18:21
Mister_Ysudo apt-get remove libgegl-0.0-018:22
Mister_Ysudo apt-get remove libgegl-0.0-018:22
Mister_Yor is there something wrong18:23
rethusinstall libpoppler-glib218:23
Mister_Yat first... gimp? or libpoppler-glib2 before18:23
rethushave a look, if babl and gegl is installed18:24
Luija1006Please people I need your help my CD/DVD reader of my laptop is not working, this started like 2 months ago when I installed the new version of kubuntu. Please help me I need the reader urgently18:24
rethusif this not work, try this: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=error+while+loading+shared+libraries%3A+libgegl-0.0.so.0%3A+cannot+open+shared+object+file%3A+No+such+file+or+directory&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-818:25
rethusLuija1006: noone will help you, if you don't describe the problem and error-messages... and the way you try to get this to work. Cause nobody can read your mind and nobody of us sit infront of your laptop !?!18:26
Luija1006rethus: How i can describe it18:27
Luija1006the driver simply does not wanna read the cds18:27
Luija1006i mean18:27
rethustry it on the easy way18:27
Luija1006the green light of reading turns on18:27
Luija1006but 5 seconds laters stops18:27
Luija1006the cd is inside but not reading18:27
rethusk, i have the solution, - on same level like your request.... by a new laptop with preinstalled linux18:27
Mister_Yrethus, nothing work til now18:28
rethusMister_Y: i show you the google-search-string18:28
rethusdo some work on your own18:28
Mister_Yyes, but there was the same answer like you give it to me18:28
BluesKajrethus, you aren't helping so leave the comments out pls18:29
Mister_Yand i can do 1000 times, but it changed nothing18:29
Mister_Yit will not start18:29
BluesKajLuija1006, di you just install 10.04 ?18:29
Luija1006like 1-2 months ago18:29
Luija1006but in all those months18:29
Luija1006the reader was not working18:29
Luija1006the things is than i was lazy to ask for help, but now i need it urgently18:30
BluesKajLuija1006, does it read data cds?18:30
Mister_Yand... it dont us jaunty or karmic18:30
Mister_Y... i dont know whether i could use it while kubuntu 10.0418:30
BluesKajdid you use the cdrom to install kubuntu , Luija1006 ?18:31
BluesKajso it worked for a while18:31
BluesKajLuija1006, run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras18:32
Luija1006BluesKaj: done18:37
James147Luija1006: what do you mean by "not able to read"? (do you get an error when trying to acces thed drive, the drive not showing up where you expect it... what isnt happenening that you think should be?)18:37
BluesKajLuija1006, then open kmenu//system/software sources and and enable canonical partners and other software sources18:37
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Luija1006James147: no, it simply does not recognisse the cd18:38
BluesKajJames147, yes it could be a faulty cdrom drive , but I'm covering all the bases first18:39
Luija1006it seems the driver wanna read it, but is not able or something18:39
James147Luija1006: what did you do when it worked? and what isnbt happening this time?18:39
James147BluesKaj: trying to figure out whats actually happening is all :)18:39
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Luija1006James147: what did i do? dont know.. what could i do.. just went to sleep, i think that night i was drunk afterall and i just wanted to put some music18:40
przxqgli've got an "Authorisation Dialogue" asking me for a username and password for "Twitter API" on "twitter.com" but i don't have a twitter account (just cancelled it yesterday) and no matter what i do, it comes back every five minutes or so... any clues as to what it might be?18:41
BluesKajJames147, I had a problem with my cdrom not reading the live cd , but I was able to use it to install kubuntu by the alternate install methosd , so I looks like a HW recognition problem18:41
rethusLuija1006: have u try to clean the laser-optic ? - if the cd starts to run, but could not read the data18:41
przxqgland how to get rid of it??18:41
James147przxqgl: what "twitter" related programs did you use?18:42
rethustry to clean the laser with Cotton swabs18:42
James147rethus: ... its not at the stage yet... we havnet even detemined if its a hardware ot software problerm...18:42
Luija1006BluesKaj: they are various18:43
Luija1006dont know what to check mark18:43
przxqgli didn't use twitter at all. i signed up for the account on the web, didn't use it for a few months, and "disabled" the account on the web yesterday...18:43
BluesKajLuija1006, all of them except the cdrom repository leave that unchecked18:44
Luija1006BluesKaj: done18:44
BluesKajok Luija1006 sudo apt-get update18:45
rethus1the backports repositories are not stable ones, right?18:50
James147rethus1: they are stable here :)18:51
BluesKajrethus1, depends on the apps youinstall from them18:51
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rethus1k, on my system too, but not released as stable ?18:51
James147rethus1: backports contains stable software (final release, not beta or alpha)18:51
rethus1k. so backports also contains kde-base-packages?18:52
James147rethus1: backports is for software version upgrades... (newer versions of software, something that you wont get in the offical repos)18:52
James147rethus1: it contains kde 4.5.1... and everthing needed for that18:53
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James147przxqgl: we are aware of what you said, just not sure whats going on... the more details you give the more likly you are to get an answer18:55
yoanHey guys, i am using kubunut 10.04 and I need help in setting up sound and making it work with flash. I tried "speaker-test -D default" and i can't hear anything, so im sure that its more than a flash problem. I also checked my connections and everything is unmuted, so i just don't know why I cant hear sound.18:55
przxqglJames147: what kind of information do you need? my operating system is kubuntu, and it doesn't have any current updates. the browser is firefox 3.6.8, and ps doesn't come up with anything notable...18:57
przxqglyou can see a picture of the dialogue box at http://przxqgl.hybridelephant.com/?p=342418:59
BluesKajyoan, open system settings/multimedia do the sound test on the listed apps in phonon18:59
Luija1006BluesKaj: the update19:00
Luija1006is done19:00
rethus1can i pin packages in synaptic ?19:00
Luija1006now i restart and i will have my drive again?19:00
BajKhow do I get the plasma cashew back? I now have a vertical strip stating „Personal folder“ (the name of my activity). My mom also has KDE 4.5 and she has the ordinary cashew in the top right corner19:01
James147przxqgl: hmm, that looks like a gnome window to me :)19:01
BluesKajLuija1006, not guaranteed , but we need to eliminate all the usual suspects first19:01
yoanBluesKaj: My "HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog)" works. So... now what do i to get flash to play sound?19:02
Luija1006ok, do i restart?19:02
BluesKajyoan, install flashplugin-installer19:02
James147BajK: check that its not below the panel19:03
BluesKajLuija1006, if you wish19:03
vbgunzthe mainline kernel ppa, is that a vanilla kernel with no ubuntu patches? where can I get an ubuntu kernel with ubuntu patches at version 2.6.33 if not mainline? build it myself?19:03
BajKJames147: no its not there19:03
BajKJames147: I have that vertical bar (with the plasma logo on it) on the right corner of the screen19:03
przxqglJames147: i wouldn't know, i don't run gnome...19:03
BajKand it acts like the cashew19:03
James147przxqgl: Well I can only guess that it appears beause of something you installed :S19:04
BluesKajBajK, you may need to right click on the desktop and add panel then add all your widgets19:04
przxqglJames147: that's the thing, i didn't install anything... at least not that i know of... 8/19:05
James147BajK: that sound like it...19:05
yoanBluesKaj: I did that, and i still can't hear flash sound, should i restart?19:05
BluesKaj!intelhda | yoan19:05
ubottuyoan: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:05
James147BajK: (you can move the cachew if widgets are unlocks and on the edge of the screen it also displays your activity name)(19:05
Luija1006BluesKaj: damn, the drive is still not working...19:05
BajKJames147: I also thought that but my mom also has KDE 4.5 and she has the normal cashew19:05
yoanBluesKaj: thanks19:06
BajKJames147: nice19:06
BajKJames147: really really nice, thanks19:06
James147przxqgl: posibally... (can you wait 10 mins, need to go do something quickly before I can look further into your problem)19:06
przxqglJames147: yes, i can wait.19:07
BajKJames147: seems it automatically moved down because I have the panel at the top. Just moved the cashew to the bottom and its fine :) Unfortunately you cannot attach the cashew to a panel, so have it below the panel at the top19:07
Luija1006BluesKaj: another idea?19:08
rethus1i have pin php 5.2 package in /etc/apt/preferences.d/php5_2 but if i do sudo aptitude safe-upgrade, kubuntu try to install php 5.3.19:08
James147BajK: (you can move it anywhere around the screen)19:09
rethus1http://pastebin.com/zLU3W7FR here the source of the file.19:09
rethus1is here something wrong in this file, cause apütitude even try to upgrade to 5.3 ?19:10
James147rethus1: aptitude can hold packages... not sure how that relates to /etc/apt/pref... though19:10
rethus1u mean i should try apt-get ?19:11
BluesKajLuija1006, place a cd in the drive , does it show up in dolphin "places" ?19:11
James147rethus1: or try "aptitude hold XXX"19:11
BajKJames147: yes I know, but I cannot make it stick to the bottom of the panel at the top of the screen as it instantly turns into that vertical bar19:12
rethus1James147: thanks. apt-get works.19:12
rethus1that was the right hint... i thougt aptitude would base on apt-get. but seems to be some different programms19:12
BluesKaj!apt | rethus119:14
ubotturethus1: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:14
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide19:14
rethus1k. good to know19:15
BluesKajapt or aptitude , both work well19:15
James147BajK: you can hide it under the panel if you want... but yes, it wont stick to the edge of a panel19:17
James147BajK: if you feel it should you can file a bug report about19:18
vbgunzI need kernel 2.6.33+ will using the mainline kernel from the ppa provide this or is there more to it?19:18
James147vbgunz: as far as I know lucid will only come with X.3219:19
vbgunzJames147: yeah was afraid of that, I guess its not emergency19:19
James147vbgunz: so you either need to compile from source, find a paa or upgrade to maverick19:19
James147vbgunz: during a stable release kubuntu tends to not upgrade software versions...19:20
vbgunzJames147: I found the mainline kernel ppa. not sure if that comes with ubuntu patches, gotta check again19:20
James147vbgunz: I doupt it will... (you could try getting the maverick kernal... not sure how that would work with lucid though)19:21
James147vbgunz: or wait a mounth for maverick to be released19:21
vbgunzJames147: yeah, sounds best, was curious19:22
James147przxqgl: do you have "gnome-keyring" installed?19:23
przxqglJames147: i don't think so... i've got kwalletmanager installed...19:24
James147przxqgl: "aptitude show gnome-keyring | grep State"19:26
James147przxqgl: what does that say?19:26
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przxqglJames147: it says State: installed19:27
James147przxqgl: do you use any gnome application that need the keyring?19:27
przxqglnot as far as i know... i do have a couple of gnome applications installed, but as far as i know, they don't need the keyring...19:28
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James147przxqgl: then remove it :) "sudo aptitude purge gnome-keyring" (or replace pruge with remove if you want to leaves its config files about)19:29
James147przxqgl: see if it pull withit anything you need19:29
przxqglJames147: as far as i can tell, it's purged, but the authorisation dialogue just re-appeared... 8/19:32
rethus1hava a new video-cam. which are usable programms to cut and modify movies.19:33
rethus1some time ago, i have worked a little bit with jahshaka... so its no problem if the programm is for semi-professionals19:33
James147przxqgl: :s19:34
James147przxqgl: relog see if its is still a problem (it a program is in memory then it can still be used after being removed)19:34
przxqglJames147: wait, it still says State: installed... 8/19:37
James147przxqgl: then the removal didnt work :S19:37
James147przxqgl: how did you try to remove it? what did it say when you tryed?19:37
James147(try again see if it says the same)19:37
przxqglJames147: i copied and pasted from the quassel window into the terminal. it said there were unresolved dependencies, so i quit. i then copied and pasted again, but substituted "remove" for "purge" and saw the process through to the end. now it says "State: not installed", but the authorisation dialogue just came up again... 8/19:40
James147przxqgl: logout and log back in... tell me if it dose it again19:42
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hectorjr99Can I get some help here?19:48
przxqglJames147: it hasn't come back, but i haven't restarted firefox yet, and i'm pretty sure that's related somehow...19:48
* James147 didnt think firefox used gnome-keyring,,, and thurght it used its own internal (crappy) password storage19:49
James147przxqgl: if you thinks it is related can you start it and see?19:50
hectorjr99Please, I need to activate the wireless driver in my Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop.19:50
James147przxqgl: also I higly suggest trying out chromium or rekonq :)19:50
przxqglJames147: done... it hasn't come back yet...19:50
* James147 is perticuly liking rekonq19:50
hectorjr99I went into Hardware drivers, but, It didnt appear there.19:50
hectorjr99Help, please.19:51
James147hectorjr99: try "jockey-kde" (Hardware Dirvers in the menu)19:51
przxqglJames147: i think i'll skip chromium, if you don't mind...19:52
hectorjr99I'll try that.19:53
James147przxqgl: why? .. what about rekonq? (the new default on maverick)19:53
James147hectorjr99: what does "ifconfig" say?19:53
przxqglJames147: i don't like google any longer... not since they've apparently changed their "don't be evil" slogan... 8/19:54
James147przxqgl: ... when did they do that?19:54
przxqglJames147: i've never heard of rekonq, though... i'll give it a shot.19:54
przxqglJames147: google and verizon not-neutral network? it sounds like whether they've been up front about it or not, they _have_ changed their slogan...19:55
* James147 isnt sure what przxqgl means by that...19:56
James147!pm | hectorjr9919:56
ubottuhectorjr99: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:56
przxqglJames147: the authorisation dialogue hasn't come back so far... it looks good! ;)19:57
hectorjr99I'm not used to the IRC, I'll try to give my best.19:58
James147hectorjr99: not entily sure what you can do at this point (and doing that now)... but if you ask again listing what wireless card you have will help people with your problem19:58
James147hectorjr99: (sorry, the and doing so now part was aimed at the listing your card... not sure how that ended up where it did)20:00
darrinthere is no synaptic package manager? iv been trying to add software and cant find the means20:02
hectorjr99I'm looking in internet for the driver...20:02
hectorjr99its a broadcom 440x20:02
* James147 shudders at the mention of broadcom20:02
James147darrin: kde uses kpackagekit20:02
hectorjr99It used to be listed in the hardware driver list, but it's not anymore20:03
hectorjr99I just installed the 10.04 kubuntu distro20:03
hectorjr99I used the ubuntu 10.04, and kubuntu 9 and it worked just fine20:03
darrinyea im in that, doesnt seem to work aswell20:03
hectorjr99now, im stucked...20:03
James147darrin: synaptic is a gnome thing.... we dont tend to touch it :) if you want you can still install it but kpackakit should beable to do what syncaptic can20:03
James147hectorjr99: sorry, do you mean ubuntu 10.04 AND kubuntu 9.10 worked? or just 9.10?20:04
darrini got tired of my gnome crashing so i had a disk of this kubuntu disk lyingaround so i installed, but like i said i cant seem to search and install any new software20:04
James147darrin: again, kpackagekit is used to install software...20:05
hectorjr99Ubuntu 10.04 AND kubuntu 9.10 worked, but now, i installed Kubuntu 10.04 and it does not appear in the hardware drivers list.20:05
darrinyea im in it20:05
James147darrin: (note also that kubuntu and ubuntu use the same repos (what packages are isntalled from) so have access to the same software, ie you can install the "gnome" installer (called synaptic) if you prefure it)20:06
darrinin the search nothing comes up , on anything20:06
darrini never seem to have had this problem before20:07
James147darrin: switch to the upgrades tab and click "refrech" then try again20:07
przxqglthis is good, the authorisation dialogue seems to have vanished. i like this... 8)20:07
James147przxqgl: :) personally I blame gnome... and gnome related programs :)20:08
* James147 (przxqgl) again suggest chromiom or rekonq, and asks for a responce to his pm20:09
przxqglJames147: gnome isn't all bad... some of the apps are actually okay. it's just when things get installed without me knowing about them that it causes problems... 8)20:09
darrini had been using gnome the past 2 years20:10
przxqglJames147: i don't know how to pm on this program, having never used it before. i'm currently using rekonq and it seems okay, but i haven't but scratched the surface yet. i'm gonna pass on chromium, though.20:11
darrinthis wont install something as simple as irssi20:11
James147przxqgl: what program? (quasel?)20:11
przxqglJames147: found it, as you can probably tell...20:12
darrinE: Couldn't find package irssi20:12
James147darrin: have you refreched the package lists? (on the software updates tab of kapckagekit)20:13
darrinyes its loading something20:13
darrini have an out of date version as well im going to update20:14
darrinjames thanks that helped me with my first problem20:19
apparlehi guys20:22
apparleI neither use printers nor bluetooth. What can I do so that both of them don't start automatically20:22
apparleI suppose I will have to remove some .desktop file from somewhere, but where?20:23
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dizzy9crap well i think its doing somewhat of 279 updates and says it will take a while ;-\20:28
przxqgli've got a recurring problem: i've got what appears to be a gnome "Authorisation Dialogue" asking for a username and password for "Twitter API at Twitter.com" that i can't get to go away. i've already tried removing gnome-keychain, which worked temporarily, but it just came back again...20:31
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DarthFrogprzxqgl: You want to ask on #Ubuntu, not here.  This is KDE country. :-)20:33
przxqgli no longer have a twitter account - just "disabled" it yesterday - and i never used twitter before that. i didn't see the dialogue until after i "disabled" my account... i'm using kubuntu and KDE...20:33
simulacrumwhy do you use gnome-keychain in KDE ?20:57
simulacrumkeyring I mean20:57
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NeonMasterHello all, is anyone her?21:16
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* chuckf is him21:17
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heffayI am not able to get the stylus working on a HP TC4200 tablet/notebook. I am using kubuntu 9.1021:53
heffayno wacom devices are listed with lsusb or lspci21:53
heffayinput-xserver-xorg-wacom and wacom-tools are instaleed21:54
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benjamin01I have a second internal drive. Every time I reboot, I have to remount it (I usually just click on it using Dolphin). Is there a way to make it so that my pc will automatically mount things when I boot?22:06
crysknife@benjamin01: edit /etc/fstab22:10
benjamin01Is there a guide somewhere? Examples?22:11
Mamarokcrysknife: please don't do that22:17
Mamaroknot without a comment22:17
crysknifesorry about that22:18
Mamarokit's OK, but please add a comment when you paste a link, pasting links without is not recommended22:18
adversaryhello everyone22:19
toki78where can i configure the backlight of my display to switch off after 10 minutes ß22:19
adversaryhello hello22:21
toki78where can i configure the backlight of my display to switch off after 10 minutes ß22:30
alakhiahi, i am trying to share a folder on my server using samba22:38
alakhiafrom the client, i run: smbclient -L //server -U alakhia22:39
alakhiaand I see the it list a bunch of stuff22:39
alakhiabut when I use dolphin, it doesn't list anything under samba shares22:39
alakhiawhat am I doing wrong? Any help please?22:40
alakhiaoh ... it was a slow link. I see the workgroup folder and in it, i see my server followed by MyFiles folder22:43
alakhiabut it is empty!22:43
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