
nhandlerlifeless: I just got an OOPS-1707ED2083 for that link that mlaci posted00:01
nhandlerThe issue is still there even on non-edge: OOPS-1707M176900:02
lifelesswell non-edge is generally worse00:02
lifelessneed to wait a few minutes for the oops to sync00:02
lifelessPage-id: Archive:+packages00:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 607934 in Soyuz "timeouts on +packages (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Triaged]00:06
lifelessthere is a nuts query there00:07
lifelessLIKE '%' || '' || '%'00:07
lifelessthats going to chew cpu and be slow00:07
lifelessI'm going to file a new bug on it00:07
lifelessmlaci: did you manually create that url00:07
lifelessmlaci: or did launchpad generate the link to it ?00:07
lifelessmlaci: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/62992100:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 629921 in Soyuz "Archive:+packages with empty name search does like '%% search. (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Triaged]00:20
lifelessmlaci: fixing that may not be enough to fix your PPA, you have a lot of builds there.00:21
lifelessmlaci: but I'm sure it will help.00:21
Ddordahey guys, any idea why i get this error when doing bzr branch lp:ubuntu-drupal-theme ?00:42
Ddordathe error: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal-devs/ubuntu-drupal-theme/6.x-2010/".00:42
maxbDdorda: it seems to work for me00:54
lifelessDdorda: have you done 'bzr launchpad-login'?00:59
lifelessmaxb: it may be an explicit stacking rule, incompatible with http if Ddorda doesn't have bzr+ssh setup00:59
lifelessmaxb: just a theory00:59
maxboh... I thought lp was supposed to fix those up01:12
wgrantI don't think it even did it back when it mirrored branches.01:15
lifelessmaxb: no, they need to be relaitve paths always01:17
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ricotzhello, could someone have a look at this build https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+build/1945560 which shows this error "dpkg-deb: failed to create directory: No space left on device"08:06
ricotzwgrant, hi ^08:07
LinuxJedioh, nice.  Launchpad seems to have mixed up my account and one I used to use several years ago :(08:58
LinuxJediah, ok, it seems launchpad reverted email logins to the state of a month or so ago09:02
freedoi have a strange error when trying to build a package on launchpad: it complains the i386 builder cannot find a compatible libstdc++09:02
freedoamd64 builds fine though09:03
freedocan anyone advise how to fix that?09:03
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bilalakhtarWhy does my +karma show that my karma has expired? Shouldn't it have become less than expiring completely?09:29
nigelbfreedo: ppa? #ububntu-packaging might be agood place09:33
bilalakhtarPeople, the e-mail interface of lp is down.09:33
nigelbbilalakhtar: weekend is not the perfect time since most losa's might be away, you can file a question against lp about it09:33
nigelberr, that was about the +karma query09:33
bilalakhtarboth are problems :(((((09:34
bilalakhtarIs anyone else over here having the same e-mail interface problem?09:34
lifelessbilalakhtar: you haven't described your problem09:36
lifelessso its impossible to say09:36
lifelessperhaps you should describe it09:36
lifelessas for karma, it degrades over time and then expires completely.09:36
bilalakhtarlifeless: One is unable to comment by sending an e-mail to nnnnnn@bugs.launchpad.net or whatever09:36
lifelessit takes years to do this (I forget the exact time frame)09:36
lifelessbilalakhtar: more details please09:36
bilalakhtarSecond case09:36
bilalakhtarrequestsync  in the ubuntu-dev-tools package is failing to file sync requests when using the e-mail interface09:37
lifelessbilalakhtar: what happens, do you get an error, do you get a non delivery report09:37
bilalakhtarlifeless: nothing at all09:37
lifelessbilalakhtar: there are many possible causes for that; check your mail logs to make sure that the mail has actually been sent09:37
bilalakhtarhowever requestsync works okay using --lp options09:37
nigelbdo you have the bug numbere with happened?09:37
lifelessthe most common cause is mail not being sent09:38
bilalakhtarbug #62523909:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 625239 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Pressing Enter crashes both X and plymouth in graphical mode (affected: 7, heat: 42)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62523909:38
* nigelb sees a coment from you09:39
bilalakhtarnigelb: That was a comment using the Web UI09:39
bilalakhtarand I have 2 comments pending from around 2 hours using the e-mail interface09:39
nigelbwhich email ID did you mail from?09:39
nigelbi.e. are you sure its from one of those you have registered with LP?09:40
bilalakhtarThe mail was sent at Sat, 04 Sep 2010 10:28:09 +0300 from bilalakhtar@ubuntu.com09:40
bilalakhtaryes I have been sending many e-mails to bugs from that and it never failed09:40
* nigelb wonders if ubuntu.com mail server is working09:40
LaibschIs there anything wrong with the targets http://paste.debian.net/87721/ in ~/.dput.cf?  Whenever I upload a particular package to them it is refused with "The source apt-cacher-ng - 0.5.4-1 is already accepted in ubuntu/lucid and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution."09:40
Laibschthat's strange for two reasons.  1) I'm uploading to maverick 2) even the lucid source in that ppa has been deleted about 24 hours ago09:40
bilalakhtarnigelb: ubuntu.com e-mail server doesn't need to work for sending mails09:41
bilalakhtarnigelb: the mails have a modified From: header but they are actually sent from yahoo or gmail or whatever is your preferred address09:41
nigelbd'oh, right09:42
bilalakhtarLaibsch: that's wrong09:42
Laibschbilalakhtar: what's wrong?09:42
bilalakhtarLaibsch: try using the dput ppa:FOO/BAR <source.changes> syntax09:42
Laibschdoing as you suggest now09:43
Laibschlet's see what happens09:43
Laibschnonetheless, if the .dput.cf is invalid, I'd like to fix that of course09:44
LaibschFWIW, this pattern has been working for me for years all the way to lucid09:44
bilalakhtarLaibsch: incoming = ~r0lf/ubuntu/maverick should be incoming = ~r0lf/ppa/ubuntu09:44
bilalakhtarLaibsch: no need to specify the distro release here, its specified in changelo09:45
Laibschthat's the reason I have it there09:45
Laibschto force upload to a particular release09:45
Laibschno matter the changelog09:46
bilalakhtarLaibsch: You cannot force an u09:46
Laibschsorry ;-)09:46
Laibschyou can09:46
Laibschand it's documented somewhere09:46
bilalakhtarLaibsch: you might be able to, but you need to use ~r0lf/ppa/ubuntu/maverick then09:46
Laibschlet me try that09:46
Laibschlet's wait for the latest upload09:47
Laibschto see what happens09:47
bilalakhtarLaibsch: its documented here https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading#Using%20packages%20from%20other%20distributions09:48
Laibschthank you09:49
Laibschsed to the rescue09:49
Laibschbilalakhtar: uploading to incoming = ~r0lf/ppa/ubuntu/maverick now09:52
Laibschsame result09:52
bilalakhtarLaibsch: then I cannot help09:53
lifelessbilalakhtar: so, again, check your logs that the mails have been sent09:54
bilalakhtarlifeless: ah, I checked it soo many times, it HAS been sent09:54
bilalakhtarlifeless: and it was signed by my registered GPG id09:55
bilalakhtarlifeless: and I have been sending mails this wasy for quite a long time09:55
Laneylifeless: I have seen it too: my mail was certainly sent09:55
lifelessLaney: ok09:55
Ddordamaxb, lifeless: i am logged in and not able to download it09:56
bilalakhtarlifeless agreed when Laney said but didn't believe me09:56
LaneyMessage-ID: <20100903165931.GK17896@ubuntu.lan>09:56
Laibschbilalakhtar: thanks.  let's see if another dev has anything to say.09:56
Laneyone incident could be user error, two is probably a problem09:56
bilalakhtarNow, its 2 hours since my mail was sent09:56
bilalakhtarpity this had to happen on a weekend09:57
lifelessbilalakhtar: I would have advised Laney as I advised you, when there are two distinct reports the probability of a single user problem goes down and a system one goes up09:57
Ddordalifeless: i'm not sure why, but bzr branch doesn't work to me. i know it works in other computers09:58
Laibsch@all: why does an upload to "incoming = ~r0lf/ppa/ubuntu/maverick" get rejected based on "the source being already accepted in ubuntu/lucid" (which in fact is not even the case)?09:58
lifelessLaney: whats the changelog suite set to ?09:58
bilalakhtarLaibsch: is the same source package with same version already in ubuntu/lucid?09:58
lifelessLaibsch: ^09:58
lifelessso, I don't see any oopses from mail processing09:59
Laibschbilalakhtar: no09:59
Laibschand even then it would be strange09:59
lifelesswhich means it is likely to be a datacentre incoming mail issue09:59
Laibschbecause I'm uploading to maverick!09:59
lifelessI'm just going to ping the sysadmins09:59
Laibschbilalakhtar: the source used to be there yesterday, but I deleted it about 24 hours ago.  so it should be cleared.09:59
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: Bug mail may be having issues, being investigated | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
lifelessok, I've asked in our sysadmin channel10:02
lifelessI'll pop back in a wee bit and see if anyone asnwered, and failing that escalate10:02
lifelesswhat mail provider did you send via10:03
lifelessbilalakhtar: ^ and you?10:03
bilalakhtarlifeless: yahoo10:04
lifelessLaney: ^10:04
Laneylifeless: I run my own MTA10:04
Laneylogs indicate it was sent10:04
lifelessLaney: do you do direct delivery, or via ISP etc ?10:05
bilalakhtarlifeless: mail is certainly going; I just sent it to the bugcontrol list (also hosted on launchpad) and it got into the list10:05
Laneylifeless: direct10:05
bilalakhtarand since I am subscribed, I got it back10:05
lifelessLaney: ok, so you have an ack from the canonical server10:05
lifelesssuggests a mail processing issue10:05
lifeless / cron job issue10:05
LaneyI never got a bounce or anything, indeed10:05
Laneythey could check their logs for that message ID I gave you10:06
lifelessLaney: different folk can look at different bits10:06
lifelessbut yes, thanks.10:06
bilalakhtarlifeless: Message-id: <1283585289.2528.1.camel@bilal-laptop> is my message id10:06
bilalakhtarI've sent 2 mails to be precise, this is the id of the first one10:07
=== Laney changed the topic of #launchpad to: Incoming bug mail may be having issues, being investigated | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
lifelessI've escalated10:28
rajeehai need help10:29
rajeeim unable to publish my openPGP key keyserver.ubuntu.com10:30
nigelbrajee: what error do you get?10:30
rajeeim receiving error as gpgkeys: HTTP post error 7: couldn't connect to host10:31
rajeegpg: keyserver internal error gpg: keyserver send failed: keyserver error10:31
rajeei trying for past three days10:31
rajeebut im repeated with same errors10:31
nigelbmight want to raise a ticket at rt.ubuntu.com uname=ubuntu,password=ubuntu10:34
rajeei logged in10:36
nigelbjust write the problem and the error10:36
rajeewhere i need to write the problem ?10:38
nigelbclick on 'New Ticket'10:39
nigelbtop right bar I think10:39
rajeeyes. done10:39
shadeslayerwhat header does lp send when you click  on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2/+build/1945735/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.kdenetwork_4%3A4.5.1-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz10:39
rajeenigelb : i explained my issue in the new ticket10:45
nigelbdo you have a number?10:46
nigelbA ticket number that is10:46
rajeebut in requestors  field, cc field what i need to add ?10:46
nigelbrajee: in requestors, put your email ID10:47
nigelbso you get updates on the issue, leave the cc empty10:47
lifelessshadeslayer: why? (You can just look in your browser)10:50
shadeslayerlifeless: i just found out the right place to look D10:50
nigelbrajee: just talked to a sysadmin, keyservers do seem to work10:50
rajeenigelb : a ticket number is generated10:50
nigelbrajee: yes, I saw and I asked an admin too10:51
rajeenigelb : okay10:51
bilalakhtarlifeless: You filed a new ticket in RT? Do we need to file a bug?10:51
rajeenigelb : so what i have to proceed for publishing the key ?10:51
lifelessbilalakhtar: huh?10:52
bilalakhtarlifeless: about the incoming bug mail issue10:52
thopiekarhow is support for 'nest-part' going foreward?10:53
lifelessits being looked at10:53
nigelbrajee: what is the command you're trying again?10:58
rajeegpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com followed by my key10:59
nigelbrajee: behind a firewall or something?10:59
thopiekarjames_w`: ping11:00
rajeenigelb : no11:00
nigelbrajee: can you try gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --search-keys 'nigelbabu@ubuntu.com'11:00
nigelbif that works it could still be a problem with push11:01
rajeeyes one sec11:01
rajeethe same error11:02
rajeegpg: searching for "nigelbabu@ubuntu.com" from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com11:02
rajeegpgkeys: HTTP search error 7: couldn't connect to host11:02
rajeegpg: key "nigelbabu@ubuntu.com" not found on keyserver11:02
rajeegpg: keyserver internal error11:02
rajeegpg: keyserver search failed: keyserver error11:02
nigelbrajee: ah, something's wrong at your end11:02
nigelbthat command works fine for me11:02
rajeeoh okay11:03
rajeenigelb : thanks yar11:09
lifelessLaney: bilalakhtar: elmo thinks its fixed.11:16
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
bilalakhtarlifeless: That was quick!11:17
Laneylifeless: sweet, thanks! Was there a problem then?11:17
bilalakhtarMust have been ^^11:17
lifelessappears to have been an index file that caused a large malloc when parsing/processing it on an internal mail server.11:18
lifelesswe don't know if that was just a pathological internal structure, bug, corruption or any other cause possibility you could come up with.11:18
bilalakhtarhmm, now 2 new dup bugs are going to be filed for package gkdebconf11:19
bilalakhtarand 2 more comments on a plymouth bug11:19
lifelessis it ok?11:38
lucidfoxI've uploaded the Russian ru.po translation file for my project, but it's listed as "Needs Review", and both "Approved" and "Imported" are greyed out11:50
lucidfoxany idea why?11:50
lucidfox(well, not uploaded, it was auto-imported from bzr)11:51
bilalakhtarlucidfox: wait for it to get auto-approved (up to a day)12:10
bilalakhtarI have also faced similar problems12:10
Gwow is it just me or is mail from launchpad delayed a little12:36
Goh not as bad now12:37
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ooHow does a bug become associated with a particular ubuntu version, would I do that by tagging "maverick" for example?14:08
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Laibschoo: this is a question for #ubuntu-bugs15:46
Laibschbut to answer your question, any open ticket is always meant to be open against the latest development version, maverick in this case15:47
LaibschI tag with maverick or lucid if I've verified it exists in that particular release15:48
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* shadeslayer points to bug 63025916:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 630259 in Launchpad itself "content-encoding should be gzip (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63025916:10
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JoshBrownWhat kind of credit do you give a patch submitter? Do you author the commit in their name, add a comment `patch by Bob` to the commit, or what?17:53
shadeslayerJoshBrown: patch by Bob18:06
shadeslayerone sec18:06
shadeslayerJoshBrown: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/2.0.1-1ubuntu218:07
JoshBrownshadeslayer: Thanks.18:12
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