
litropycrimsun_: it doesn't cut power to the entire card itself, just the antenna? Anyhow, any ideas?00:00
kklimondacrimsun_: is backports-modules-alsa in 10.04 a 1.0.23 or have you made a snapshot even later? diff says that the version from backports has quite a few more files00:00
sidneiif anyone has issues with slow scrolling and nvidia, see bug #62991000:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 629910 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia 256.53 xorg-server 1.9.0 performance regression with antialiased text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62991000:01
kklimondacrimsun_: you are backporting maverick kernel to lucid? it's some new policy? does it go to -backports or through -updates, but with a different name and not as an update?00:02
kklimondasidnei: even slower than now? seriously? :/00:02
sidneiif now == lucid, then yes. it was pretty ok on lucid for me.00:03
litropycrimsun_: this is ath9k00:03
kklimondanow == maverick with the previous nvidia driver :)00:03
litropyI've got an AR928500:03
crimsun_kklimonda: the kernel team lead (tim g) backports them. They go into the kernel ppa.00:04
crimsun_kklimonda: the ubuntu-audio-dev ppa has the daily builds.00:04
litropyfurther info: no mac filtering on router. If I allow NM to revert to my actual mac, it works fine. this is without the on/off card toggle.00:05
sidneiseems like it's not related to nvidia actually, but not quite sure.00:07
sidneithe same driver on xorg 1.8 works fine, according to some reports00:07
mininessiei can use command make00:11
mininessiei can't use make command00:11
Some_PersonI miss the ability to scroll wheel over the volume icon to adjust00:15
mininessiei am trying to run pcsxr and i am getting libglade2 not install but it is00:16
crimsun_Some_Person: well, you can click the indicator-sound applet and scroll wheel over the horizontal slider00:16
mininessieactually it says libglade2 not found00:16
mininessiehelp me00:17
emveehas anyone had all sound stop for no apparent reason and not come back in maverick?00:19
emveeit worked at first but it appears the shut down process did something to the sound (when i shut down it will show the volume box being muted) and when i log back in i can unmute it but there is no longer any sound00:20
crimsun_emvee: make sure your volume sliders aren't set to zero ;)00:21
emveeyes i done that! ;)00:21
crimsun_emvee: please run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh, then00:21
emveewhat is that?00:21
emveeah nm ok00:24
mininessiehow do i find xtest headers00:25
xcyclistMy 10.10 doesn't connect to the internet.  Is this a known bug?00:27
xcyclistI am just bringing it up on a laptop live boot, and neither the live boot, nor the install step gives me an internet connection.00:28
mininessiehow do i find xtest headers00:29
crimsun_emvee: what's the url?00:31
emveei chose the option to upload it to the site and it said the information is at: (nothing was given)00:32
emveeso i did it without uploading it to a site and i now have the information in a file on my computer00:32
emveebut i dunno why it wouldn't have uploaded.. :P00:32
emveei'll try it again actually and then if it doesn't?00:33
crimsun_emvee: if it doesn't, pastebin /tmp/alsa-info.txt00:33
BUGabundoI'm beening told by and user that update-manager -d from 10.04.1 is failing00:35
emveepastebin is no command00:35
BUGabundoplease advice00:35
BUGabundoemvee: pastebinit00:36
crimsun_emvee: see paste.ubuntu.com, or install the package that BUGabundo refers to00:36
Some_PersonI am very impressed at compiz's performance in maverick00:40
Some_PersonNormally, I keep compiz disabled because it reduces performance, but now I've gone crazy with the eyecandy and things are actually running smoothly00:44
crimsun_emvee: sec00:44
crimsun_emvee: lines 314-315 of your paste ;)00:45
emveelol but..00:47
emveehow do i up it then? the master control says it's up00:47
emveeand i never turned it down00:47
crimsun_emvee: use alsamixer00:47
emveeand what do i change?  master says it's up to 7500:49
emveebut if i shutdown the computer as i said i see it being muted, which is weird isnt it00:51
mininessiehow do i find xtest headers00:51
emveebut will any of the controls in alsamixer fix it?00:51
emveecrimsun_ ?00:55
crimsun_emvee: see the 'PCM' element. Unmute it, and raise it.00:55
emveedone still no sound00:58
bjsniderBUGabundo, how's the btrfs drive working out?01:01
BUGabundobjsnider: nothing to report01:02
BUGabundoits totally transperent to me01:02
emveei think the question is... what is it that mutes the sound to begin and what THEn automatically mutes and turns down the volume of both master and pcm?01:02
emveethe pcm and master and the information  you read seem to be a reaction to the actual problem01:03
emveewhen i shut down the pcm and master i am sure will automatically revert to zero and mute because of...something01:03
emveecrimsun_ ... anyone?01:04
crimsun_emvee: some application is doing that; you can use a verbose pulse log to check01:12
crimsun_emvee: pastebin your `amixer' output01:12
emveecould it be padsp?01:13
emveethat's the only sound command i used before, to play .ogg files through a program that normally uses /dev/dsp01:14
emveeas for the verbose pulse log how do i do that, and where is the amixer output?01:15
crimsun_emvee: amixer is a command. Type it. :)01:21
dubbydubbyhey anyone i got maverick and my volume controller disapeared01:22
crimsun_emvee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log01:22
dubbydubbyanyone know how i can get that back01:22
dubbydubbythe little applet for the gnome-panel01:22
crimsun_dubbydubby: does speaker-test -c2 -l1 -Dplug:front    work?01:23
crimsun_emvee: which program are you using that uses the legacy oss api?01:23
dubbydubbyyes speaker test works01:23
dubbydubbyi get the noisy nois01:23
dubbydubbyi can still listen to rhythmbox01:24
crimsun_dubbydubby: does `pulseaudio -k' return the indicator-sound applet?01:24
crimsun_dubbydubby: make sure you close rhythmbox first01:24
emveedarn i was hoping dubby was in my boat ;) ok brb01:25
dubbydubbypulseaudo -k produces nothing01:25
dubbydubbypulseaudo deamon is running01:25
crimsun_dubbydubby: and the indicator-sound applet?01:26
dubbydubbyno where to be seen01:26
emveeok how do i get the amixer output to a file, i forget lol01:26
crimsun_dubbydubby: reproducible with a new user?01:26
crimsun_emvee: amixer > /tmp/foo.txt01:26
emveei knew it had an arrow inzit01:27
dubbydubbyhey crimsun01:27
crimsun_dubbydubby: yes?01:28
crimsun_dubbydubby: so something in your gconf/gnome profile is corrupted01:28
dubbydubbyindicator applet re-instal01:28
dubbydubbyyeah must have been01:28
emveecrimsun_ http://pastebin.com/gNXSv3Bv01:28
dubbydubbyfirst thing i had to do when installing maverik is also reinstall gnome-panel01:28
crimsun_emvee: and sound is still inaudible?01:29
crimsun_emvee: if so, can you try: speaker-test -c2 -l1 -twav -Dplug:front01:30
emveestill no sound, ok will do01:31
histoDoes the mini.iso update with each update like alpha 3 to beta etc...?  Or does it pull a package list during install?01:32
emveei checked the sound before by playing a  youtube video lol, and i did the test after that didn't work and it said the sound device or resource is busy, so i closed youtube and now i can hear sound01:33
emveefrom the test01:33
emveeis weird didn't work in youtube tho. also, i wasn't on a video when i closed it i was only on the main youtube site, as if that was using it? weird01:34
histonvm found my answer mini.iso was released on 08-26 and hasn't updated01:34
crimsun_emvee: ok, so you're experiencing the well-known "Flash grabs the sound device" bug01:34
emveebut also weird is that before, when i checked it i was checking it by running padsp and a program called sbagen (brainwave binaural audio beats) and that didn't work01:36
emveeand there was no youtube site open01:36
emveeanyway testing that now01:36
emveeok still no sound01:37
psionhas anyone here installed 10.10 via usb on a netbook?01:37
kklimondahmm, has the default wallpaper been tweaked recently? Or has it just grown on me?01:37
emveeso it seems the flash may have grabbed it then, but it's not the problem01:38
emveeand even tho the sound test works, sound doesn't work anywhere else01:38
emveeso now i got two bugs? the flash bug and the unknown bug ;)01:39
psionwhen booting using 10.10 netbook edition on usb drive, it just sits at: SYSLINUX 3.86 2010-04-01 EBIOS.. etc01:40
=== jjcm_ is now known as jjcm
crimsun_emvee: which test works?01:42
emveeit only didn't when it appears the flash was hogging it01:43
emveebut sound still doesn't come from anything but that01:43
psionhrm, the web is providing no real info on my problem01:45
emveemaybe it's the less famous speaker-test grabs the sound device bug lol, not01:45
b4r14hi to all, i am having problems with acpi module, my desktop are crashing(stopping) every time01:46
b4r14i use ubuntu 10.04 64bits and get this warn: 'ACPI Warning: Incorrect checksum in table [OEMB]'01:47
b4r14have solution to this?01:47
crimsun_emvee: try `pulseaudio -k'01:47
crimsun_emvee: if you have a verbose log handy, I'd appreciate that pastebinned01:47
psionI have found info on my problem but it tells me to create a usb stick without persistance enabled, anyone know what that means?01:48
histogoing to try to install the netbook edition again.  Hopefully the lockup issue will be fixed I was experiencing.01:48
crimsun_psion: it means you shouldn't allocate space to store files on the usb stick01:48
histopsion: with out the casper system so you can't save your settings01:48
emveei just did the pulseaudio -k and now padsp command doesn't even appear to run sbagen and its audio files, it gives me the same old error of can't open /dev/dsp, errno 201:49
psioncrimsun_: I used their universal usb creator, what else could I use to accomplish it?01:49
crimsun_emvee: you need to restart pulseaudio if you followed the verbose log steps01:49
crimsun_emvee: alternately, mv ~/.pulse/client.conf ~/.pulse/client.conf.bak01:50
histopsion: just select eh discarded on shutdown option then01:50
histopsion: that would disable persistance01:50
psionthat isn't an option with this program01:51
histopsion: I thought you were using the startup disk creator?01:51
psion"Universal USB Installer" or w/e, it was linked to on the install info on the website01:52
crimsun_emvee: also, note that oss support has been removed from maverick's kernel, so you won't have a /dev/dsp, /dev/mixer, /dev/audio, etc.01:52
psiontrying the one on the the drive now01:52
histopsion: thats the only one i've used and have had success with it.01:53
psionok, thanks01:53
histopsion: the one built in to ubuntu01:53
emveeyeah i know, that's why i had to use padsp and now that isn't working :( (not that sound works at all anymore)01:53
emveeok trying the alternative ;) says no /.pulse directory01:54
crimsun_emvee: not /.pulse01:54
crimsun_emvee: ~/.pulse01:54
crimsun_emvee: that leading tilde is vital01:54
emveeyeah no ~/.pulse01:54
emveeno /home/mv/.pulse/01:55
emveeor do i sudo it?01:55
crimsun_don't sudo01:55
psionhisto: I'm using the one you mentioned now, but oddly enough when selecting the iso, it doesn't show up01:55
JanCdo you have pulseaudio installed at all?01:55
histopsion: what doesn't show up?01:56
crimsun_emvee: what's the output from `sudo fuser /dev/snd/*'?01:56
psionthe image should show up in the top part after you select it and open it, so that you can select it and the removable disk to use01:56
histopsion: you click other up top and then select the iso.01:56
psionI think I figured out a work around though, I mounted the image as a drive and that shows up01:56
histopsion: then in the bottom area you select the thumb drive01:57
psionhisto: yeah, I clicked other and browsed to it01:57
histopsion: it should populate the top window then... Make sure your iso is good. I would check the hash01:57
psionhisto: yeah I'll do that, it doesn't populate01:57
psionbut when I mounted the iso as a drive, it did appear01:58
quidnuncAfter installing maverick and rebooting my GDM doesn't start, looking in syslog I have "plymouth-stop pre-start process (1818) terminated with status 1". Is this a known issue?01:58
emvee... /dev/snd/controlC0:   1270  134201:58
emveeand /dev/snd/controlC1:   1270  134201:58
emveejan i don't know01:58
emveei ran it and got nothing, no error tho01:58
crimsun_emvee: and from `ps 1270 1342' ?02:00
psionhisto: just checked it and it's a good file, I'll just try creating the usb drive using the mounted image02:00
emveeoh and after i ran it i tried to use padsp on the sbagen program to run its sounds and now that gives me an error so it definitely.... did something02:00
kklimondaquidnunc: this message is most likely not related to your problem. can you start gdm manually by doing sudo start gdm?02:01
emvee1270 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/bin/xfce4-volumed02:01
quidnunckklimonda: It says gdm is already started but I have no X session visible.02:02
emvee1342 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/xfce4-mixer/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-mixer-02:02
emveethat's it02:02
kklimondaquidnunc: does ps aux |grep gdm shows it working? if so, can you use alt+f7 or alt+f8 to get to it then?02:03
quidnunckklimonda: gdm-binary is there.02:03
crimsun_emvee: ah! That's the crazy "Xfce's mixer does wonky things on session login" bug02:06
crimsun_emvee: historically it, like KDE's mixer, sets the volume/mute, which makes for hilarity.02:07
emveeokay.... glad you understand lol02:07
emveeit has a patch?02:07
quidnunckklimonda: alt-f8 is blank (except cursor in top-left). alt-f7 is just some the startup console output (entries like "* blah started")02:08
crimsun_I'm not sure there is a fix at all; many people don't use pulse at all and thus expect that behavior.02:08
emveei haven't used the pulseaudio command before today tho02:09
emveesorry what do you mean02:09
kklimondaquidnunc: can you start X yourself? by doing startx for example02:09
kklimondaquidnunc: and can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log?02:10
crimsun_emvee: I'm saying that the "muted on session login" behavior is probably caused by Xfce's mixer02:10
quidnunckklimonda: Is there a specific terminal I need to do that in?02:10
crimsun_emvee: it's not necessarily related to pulse; it can just cause very poor interactions if you /do/ use pulse02:10
kklimondaquidnunc: no02:10
emveebut even when unmute it, etc, still no sound02:10
crimsun_emvee: sounds like applications doing weird things, then; your sound appears to work just fine02:11
quidnunckklimonda: Yeah that produces some helpful debug messages. Just a sec I will paste it.02:11
crimsun_emvee: try something like `ogg123 /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/system-ready.ogg'02:12
emveethe soundtest worked yeah, that's weird, but padsp used to work (and youtube etc) until this mute thing started02:12
emveeand now padsp isn't doing what it used to do but only because of the pulseaudio -k command, do you know what happened there?02:12
emvee(though it had no sound before it still APpeared to be running properly)02:13
emveeok will try02:13
quidnunckklimonda:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/488070/02:14
quidnuncIt seems the binary nvidia driver is not compatible with current kernel?02:15
kklimondaquidnunc: right, for nvidia-current the update has been uploaded today, I'm not sure about earlier versions02:15
kklimondaI'm surprised that you don't get a failsafe X though..02:16
bjsniderquidnunc, update nvidia-current to 256.5302:16
emveethere is no /ubuntu directory there02:16
quidnuncbjsnider: Where do I obtain that version number?02:18
bjsniderit should be built and published by now, just do your regular updates02:18
quidnuncbjsnider: okay, thanks02:18
crimsun_emvee: you can try playing any other ogg vorbis file02:19
crimsun_(out for a bit)02:19
emveeok i did it and the sound bar came up and muted itself again, and unmuting it still no sound02:20
emveethough the track appears to be playing02:20
bjsniderthat's odd02:21
emveeok crimsun, thanks anyways02:21
bjsniderwhat stereo port are you using to test the sound?02:22
emveei don't know lol02:22
bjsnideri'm talking about the physical port you have your speakers or phones plugged into02:23
histoThis is inetresting failing at select and install softwware on the mini.iso02:23
emveeit is a laptop just two left/right front speakers02:23
histoHrm... unambe to select ubuntu netbook from the mini.iso02:24
bjsniderok, can you try the phone plug instead?02:24
emveeno sound02:25
bjsniderwhat porgram are you using to play the file?02:26
emveejust then the ogg123 command02:27
emveehave also used padsp, and have used youtube and nothing, but the sound test works02:28
bjsniderworks meaning you can hear the test sound?02:28
emveeis there any reason using padsp might have started all the weirdness yesterday?02:29
bjsniderwhat test sound is this and how did you play it?02:29
emveespeaker-test -c2 -l1 -twav -Dplug:front02:29
bjsniderdid you upgrade from a previous ubuntu or clean install maverick?02:30
emveei clean installed it from the iso02:31
emveei had 8.04 on a cd and installed that just to download the iso of maverick then i installed over the whole disk02:31
bjsnideryou replaced everything or kept the home directory from hardy?02:32
emveereplaced everything02:33
bjsniderare you absolutely sure about that?02:33
emveeyeah... but why anyway?02:33
bjsnideri mean are you sure the maverick installer didn't just keep the old home directory02:33
emveei chose the second option i can't remember what it said but it was a guided install over the entire disk02:34
bjsnidertry creating a new user account. log out of the current one and into the new one02:34
bjsniderthen try sound02:34
emveeoh no i definitely had to recreate the user02:34
bjsnideremvee, did you use the same name?02:35
emveeyah .............02:35
emveewill try a new user02:35
voidmageany xchat users in here?02:36
voidmagefor some reason the font looks really ugly when colored02:36
voidmagelike in the channel buttons02:36
emveecan the background of the sides be changed colour in xchat?02:37
emveei tried xchat and wanted to change the colours but the sides being left looked ugly02:37
quidnuncIs there a way to reinstall a package using the highest currently available binary without manually specifying the version number? I have a later version of several packages from ppas and I want to automatically downgrade them to the versions in the fficial repos.02:38
voidmagehmm, my cpu applet is showing dark text in ambience again, bug #53238502:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532385 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "[ambiance] cpufreq applet has dark text on dark panel" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53238502:42
voidmagedo i open a new bug or use the existing one?02:42
emveebjsnider gonna log back in now in dummy account fyi02:50
emveewere you just saying i should test the sound again under new account right?02:51
emveeok bbiab02:52
emveebjsnider ..  nope :/02:56
bjsniderwell, then it's not a screwy userspace configuration setting02:57
emveecommon in 8.04? :)02:57
emveeor just incompatible02:58
emveeoh well02:59
emveei decided to download the unstable version because i wanted to learn linux and thought i'm going to stuff it all up anyway so i may aswell stuff it up on the cutting edge03:00
sidneiquidnunc, look for ppa-purge03:00
bjsnideremvee, not sure i understand the logic of that03:01
quidnuncsidnei: Thanks03:01
emveei did but now i need a second03:02
bjsnideryou don't know linux so you decided to make it doubly hard on yourself by using unstable versions in development03:03
emveesomething about being a crash test dummy03:03
emveelow end job but hey03:03
emveeit's actually a fast way to learn03:04
bjsniderfast way to frustrate yourself for no reason03:05
emveei'm not frustrated really03:05
emveethat's the other thing03:05
emveei was getting frustrated when i was in versions that were meant to be stable03:05
voidmageugh, there's one bug in wine about how wow crashes on login in maverick03:06
voidmagei'm having the same bug03:06
voidmagebut they closed it invalid03:06
emveei had linux over 10 years  ago because i was doing an internet/networking course and i did well but it's been a long time since over 10 years ago, more than 10 years in fact03:08
voidmagefun fact: it's caused by the ptrace protection in maverick https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Roadmap/KernelHardening#PTRACE%20Protection03:08
elvirolohello everyone03:09
elviroloi just install the latest upgrades on maverick and gnome won't start. anyone else having the same problem ?03:10
elviroloanyone around?03:11
emveethanks for warning tho03:11
emveei was about to install03:11
emveevil vait for answerz03:12
elvirolowell i hadn't installed the updates for some time03:13
elvirolofor still, i can't open any session03:13
emveeah. what gui are u in now?03:13
elviroloI'm using tty with iirc03:14
emveeoh k03:14
elviroloI hope someone knows a fix :)03:15
emveei vill be silent (or repeat the question:)03:15
emveecrimsun was pretty helpful but he just left03:16
emveebbl tho03:16
elvirolook thanks03:16
elviroloyeah crimsun is usually very helpful :)03:16
emveei think he's a bug fetishist03:17
elvirolomakes sense03:17
elvirolowait, i acutally have debian installed on this machine03:18
elviroloi'll reboot brb :)03:18
voidmagethe only other clue i have about why ptrace is failing in wine03:18
voidmage[ 1994.869982] ptrace of non-child pid 8718 was attempted by: wineserver (pid 8543)03:18
kklimondavoidmage: maybe it's just debugger connecting to wine process?03:19
voidmagei can fix it by disabling /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope03:20
voidmagewhen it's enabled, that message gets spit to dmesg and wow crashes03:20
kklimondaso do it and it will work03:20
kklimondawe can't fix wow to not do it and this restriction is there for a reason03:21
emveesilly question? how can i get thunderbird as an icon in the top panel from xubuntu maverick03:23
emveethe add applications doesn't have it as one03:23
emveedrag dropping doesn't work either03:23
edgyHi, I have some sound problems so I thought to install the latest alsa before reporting any thing, I did git clone git://git.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver.git alsa-driver, but there is no ./configure script, what am I missing?03:33
mrpEverytime I login my wireless isn't enable by defualt and is greyed out the ability to enable it, I have to go into "Edit Connections" and edit one of the wirelesss networks and authenticate for more priviliges and then it works, any ideas?03:33
kklimondaedgy: you don't want to do that..03:34
edgykklimonda: then what can I do, please?03:35
kklimondaedgy: if you think that daily build of alsa may fix your problem use https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa03:35
edgykklimonda: marvellous, let me try it and report back03:40
edgykklimonda: it seems I did something nasty let me explain. the sound didn't work. I downloaded alsa-driver snapshot and ./configure; make; sudo make install and then I have no sound devices at all, then tried git and couldn't find the ./configure script, then I came here and you pointed to ppa and did install it but now still03:45
edgycannot open mixer: No such file or directory03:45
kklimondaedgy: reboot your system first03:46
edgykklimonda: ok let me reboot ...03:46
edgykklimonda: rebooted and still same problem03:50
voidmagethe colors on the font in xchat look kind of ugly on the buttons, is this the same for anyone else? http://imgur.com/8WsfF.png03:53
kklimondaedgy: then you will have to wait for crimsun - he may know what have you overwritten by installing alsa from sources03:54
edgykklimonda: I will wait for crimsun_ then, do you think he would show within minutes or days? ;)03:55
voidmageor does anyone know where the font for the buttons is controlled? it's not in an obvious place to me03:55
kklimondaedgy: he went out "for a bit" an hour ago or so03:57
edgykklimonda: thanks a lot03:58
edgyanother issue: when I visit a web page or do something that needs a codec not installed kde gives me an icon indicating what needs to be installed like k3b codec, mpeg but when I click on it I get this message04:07
edgyThis operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided04:07
ignatiusWhat's the sudo apt get package for the nvidia drivers?04:20
ignatiusI upgraded to 10.10 and I can't get into x04:20
ignatiusI tried nvidia-xconfig or whatever04:20
ignatius(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/nvidia_drv.so04:23
voidmagewhat's with totem resizing to double on widescreen videos?04:27
voidmagei take that back it's resizing to double on everything04:27
voidmageoh, bug #61883604:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618836 in totem (Ubuntu) "if resize option is set videos are opened at 2:1 not 1:1" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61883604:27
elvirolohi again04:45
elviroloso, has anyone been experiencing problems with starting a gnome session since the latest updates ?04:46
ignatiusCan't get into x at all04:47
ignatiusBut I have a driver issue04:47
ignatiusI don't want to boot to the livecd to fix it04:47
ignatiusthere has to be another way04:47
edgycrimsun_: can you please show up?04:51
crimsun_edgy: hi04:53
elvirolouuuh the connection keeps dropping04:54
elvirolohas anyone been experiencing problems with starting a gnome session since the latest updates ?04:54
emvee<elvirolo> so, has anyone been experiencing problems with starting a gnome04:54
emvee           session since the latest updates ?04:54
emvee<ignatius> heh04:54
emvee<ignatius> Yup04:54
emvee<ignatius> Can't get into x at all04:54
emvee<ignatius> But I have a driver issue04:54
emvee<ignatius> I don't want to boot to the livecd to fix it04:54
emvee<ignatius> there has to be another way04:54
edgycrimsun_: I have a sound issue, no /proc/asound, no /dev/snd and kklimonda told me you are the man04:55
crimsun_edgy: please first run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh04:55
crimsun_edgy: if that script doesn't generate a url after being run, then please pastebin /tmp/alsa-info.txt04:56
edgycrimsun_: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=016a869ef9d4f81c8ac35dc29671298271a0d22004:56
crimsun_edgy: is this a boot from a live Beta cd/04:57
crimsun_edgy: ?04:57
edgycrimsun_: no, this is a maverick installation04:58
crimsun_edgy: it looks like you've tried to compile your own alsa-driver. Is that so?04:58
ElementalDragon... what's the command that has to be added to boot to disable ACPI?04:59
edgycrimsun_: exactly. the story began when I have some issues with my card so I downloaded alsa-driver snapshot and still problems then I did make uninstall and tried the ppa ofhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa04:59
ElementalDragonand that gets added to the end of the command line?04:59
crimsun_edgy: well, in doing so you've completely messed up your sound modules05:00
edgycrimsun_: and still I am working in circles05:00
crimsun_ElementalDragon: sure05:00
edgycrimsun_: what I did wrong?05:00
crimsun_edgy: you didn't completely remove the manually-generated ones or update the module dependencies map, which gives you those errors.05:01
edgycrimsun_: shouldn't make uninstall completely remove the manual ones?05:01
crimsun_edgy: so, what I recommend at this point is completely removing /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/, forcibly reinstalling linux-image-$(uname -r), and rebooting05:02
crimsun_edgy: it should, yes, but I have no idea what else you've done05:02
crimsun_edgy: the point now is to get your kernel sound modules back to a sane state05:02
edgyso you want me to remove the whole /lib/modules/2.6.35-19-generic/?05:03
crimsun_edgy: yes, sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/2.6.35-19-generic/05:03
crimsun_edgy: then, sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.35-19-generic05:03
elvirolohas anyone had problems with starting gnome recentÃly ?05:04
crimsun_edgy: if you use proprietary drivers or anything that relies on DKMS, you'll need to trigger a reinstallation of those, too05:04
edgycrimsun_: thanks for the hint, I am reinstalling now ....05:05
edgyrebooting ...05:09
edgycrimsun_: thanks a lot man, at least now I have the sound devices and back to ground 0, now there is no sound, let me post the alsa-info05:15
edgycrimsun_: some one suggested to use options snd-hda-intel model=targa-8ch-dig, do you agree ( Ijust want to go step by step now)05:16
edgycrimsun_: or shall I use the latest alsa-driver again?05:17
crimsun_edgy: don't add any model quirk just yet. Instead, just install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) and reboot again, please05:19
crimsun_edgy: I presume that you have the ubuntu-audio-dev ppa enabled05:19
edgycrimsun_: yes I have the ppa enabled, installing now ...05:21
edgycrimsun_: sorry i was late becasue I cannot reboot (kdm/gdm bug but that's another topic), now I am in. there is no sound devices again!05:39
crimsun_edgy: please pastebin `dmesg' output05:40
edgycrimsun_: I think you spot it, yes there are lines like snd: Unknown symbol unregister_sound_special (err 0)05:42
edgy[   17.774098] snd: Unknown symbol register_sound_special_device (err 0)05:42
edgycrimsun_: you want the while output?05:43
edgyedgy: or I grep for snd?05:43
edgycrimsun_: http://pastebin.ca/193219605:45
mikedep333help. Ubuntu Software Center is stuck "applying changes" on a package I am trying to install.05:45
crimsun_edgy: ah, ok. Please deinstall linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r), and reboot. I'll push the fix for that error upstream.05:46
mikedep333it's been like that for over 30 minutes05:46
crimsun_edgy: after you reboot, we can continue troubleshooting05:46
mikedep333I wish there was a console portion of the window05:46
edgycrimsun_: ok rebooting now ...05:47
lanoxxdont do that ^^05:49
lanoxxdoes anyone know why update-manager hates cups-pdf so much? It has been trying to remove it after every upgrade since intrepid!!!05:50
lanoxxand i needed to reinstall it everytime ever since05:50
lanoxxand everytime my apparmor profiles get reset and i have to patch it again, or cups-pdf wont work05:51
mikedep333I closed software center and it seemed to resolve on its own05:52
crimsun_lanoxx: aptitude why-not cups-pdf05:53
crimsun_ah, you already ran it05:53
lanoxxcrimsun_, Unable to find a reason to remove cups-pdf.05:53
lanoxxcrimsun_, its like update-manager does this for fun :(05:54
edgycrimsun_: I am back and devices are back. btw, when I logged in I heard a kde sound like a beep so there is a hope at least ;)05:55
DanaGSay, PA keeps defaulting to muting my USB sound card!  How do I get it not to do that?05:56
edgycrimsun_:  $ time aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Right.wav05:57
edgyPlaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Right.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono05:57
edgyreal    0m0.175s05:57
edgycrimsun_: it's going very fast and no sound05:57
crimsun_lanoxx: well, cups-pdf was marked as Obsolete in update-manager 1:0.93.4 (intrepid)05:59
crimsun_DanaG: pa or alsactl?06:00
lanoxxcrimsun_, hmm, can you define in which way cups-pdf is obsolete?06:00
crimsun_edgy: does speaker-test -c2 -l1 -Dplug:front  work?06:03
ElementalDragoninstalled 10.10.... getting the same problem as i did with Lucid.  Boot.... see the login... type the info.... login screen goes away.... and i'm left staring at the wallpaper and a cursor.  Tried acpi=off.... same thing, except when the login screen is up, i seem to have a sort of pseudo task bar along the bottom06:03
edgycrimsun_: YES06:03
ElementalDragonhate that i can install Ubuntu on my Eee and have absolutely zero issues.....06:04
DanaGI think it's muted in PA.06:04
DanaGWhat's weird is that that card rejects anything but 7.1.  It can't do stereo or 5.1.06:04
DanaGSame is true of Windows in-the-box USB-audio driver -- and in fact, that driver gives no audible sound!06:05
edgycrimsun_: so?06:06
crimsun_edgy: what about speaker-test -c2 -l1 -Dplug:front -twav   ?06:08
edgycrimsun_: I already tried that and it works too06:08
DanaGOddly enough, using surround51:CARD=Audio without PA works.06:08
crimsun_edgy: did you modify any files in /etc/pulse or ~/.pulse ?06:08
DanaGIt renames "USB Audio" sound card to just "Audio".06:09
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
edgycrimsun_: not in /etc/pulse but may be I removed ~/.pulse06:09
edgycrimsun_: however .pulse dir is now there anyway (recreated)06:10
crimsun_edgy: please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log06:12
DanaGHere's a CM106 card: http://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-USB-SND8-8-Channel-External-Surround/dp/B001D1PWGM/ref=sr_1_22?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1283577172&sr=8-2206:13
crimsun_I need to finish some errands, will be back in a few06:13
DanaGah, this cm106 seems to be buggy hardware.06:16
edgycrimsun_: It's saying "Do what you need to reproduce the bug", you want me to do what?06:16
edgycrimsun_: now the sound works! is it because of autospawn = no or just randomly, I don't know, waiting for you ...06:19
ElementalDragonsooo..... anyone have any idea how to fix the little issue i seem to be having?06:22
DanaGspiffy... datasheet for cm106.06:24
ElementalDragonwow.... utterly freakin useless support in the other channel....06:36
ElementalDragon.... anyone around?06:42
IdleOneElementalDragon: the amount of support provide for ubuntu+1 in #ubuntu is == nil. Because #ubuntu does not support the alpha/beta/not working properly/ever changing/can be broken in a minute version.06:42
IdleOnethe amount of support given in this channel is firectly proportional to how willing you are to work with a broken/...see my examples above beta, not released yet version.06:43
ElementalDragoni understand the idea of not helping with an issue in a beta.... but when one had the exact same issue in the non-beta 10.04 version of Ubuntu, and getting absolutely nothing but a "This channel isn't for 10.10 support.... go to #ubuntu+1"........06:44
bazhangand ?06:44
SwedeMikeElementalDragon: nobody is paid to support anything in here. adjust your expectations accordingly.06:44
IdleOnebazhang: hold a sec06:44
psionElementalDragon: were you able to install 10.10 on your eee?06:44
ElementalDragoni hadn't tried it yet.... but i didn't have a single issue with 10.04 on my Eee.... so i can't imagine i wouldn't be able to06:45
psionI'm trying to boot off of the usb and I'm not able to on my eeepc 1001p (one of the n450 ones)06:46
psionfair amount of people complaining about it in the forums too06:46
IdleOneElementalDragon: did you or didn't you install 10.10?06:46
ElementalDragonbazhang:  not to sound like a prick.... but treating an identical issue in 10.04 and 10.10 as if they're two different issues in two different OS's is like saying Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Ultimate are completely different OS's.06:46
ElementalDragoni installed 10.10 on my desktop.... which i'm on now, running Win706:46
bazhangElementalDragon, they are far from identical. just lets move on please06:47
IdleOneElementalDragon: same symptoms does not mean initial cause of symptoms. in a beta version what worked an hour ago can be broken right now.06:47
IdleOnethe same initial cause*06:47
IdleOneso what is the issue anyway?06:48
voidmageupgraded my desktop a few hours ago06:48
voidmagenow packages are broken again06:48
voidmageso can't upgrade my laptop06:49
psionIdleOne: looks like when he logs in, gnome doesn't initiallize, just wallpaper and non working task bar06:49
bazhangI'd like to see a paste of his sources.list06:49
ElementalDragonyou'll probably see my point for this one.  Installed, got to the login screen.  typed my information, pressed enter... login screen goes away, and i'm left with a wallpaper and the mouse cursor.... not even any HDD activity to indicate that something is even trying to load06:49
ElementalDragontried acpi=off.... same thing, except during login, i seem to get a pseudo task bar at the bottom, which also disappears when i try to login06:50
psionI don't really know the answer, but I'd try installing another WM and see if it works06:50
ElementalDragonback when i tried to get support for it when running 10.04... someone said it may have something to do with a Dual-GPU setup.... which i'm running a GTX 295, and can't really pull a GPU out...06:51
bazhangplease pastebin sources.list06:51
ElementalDragonbazhang:  from where?06:51
IdleOneafter you get the wallpaper without panel, ctrl-alt-F106:52
IdleOnedoes that give you a TTY?06:52
IdleOnectrl-alt-F7 to get back to GUI (which in your case does not seem to work)06:53
ElementalDragonlemme go try it06:53
ElementalDragonback in a bit06:53
ElementalDragonnope.... nothing06:57
IdleOnenope nothing what?06:58
ElementalDragonpressing Ctrl+alt+f1 does zilch06:58
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:58
ElementalDragonand i just notice the "pseudo task bar" i get is only for changing languages and keyboard style and such....06:58
IdleOnefollow those instructions it will boot to text only mode06:58
ElementalDragonso probably nothing big there06:58
IdleOneonce booted you will login in and then sudo apt-get install pastebinit, then pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list and give us the URL it tells you.06:59
vlcnanyone else played with UNE yet?07:00
vlcnI'm finding it unusably slow07:00
ElementalDragonOk... so just to double check.... for text mode, all i have to do is add "text" to the end of the command line for the boot options?07:18
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode07:18
ElementalDragonyea.... all that gives me is no video signal....07:18
ElementalDragoni honestly wouldn't doubt if it has something to do with my motherboard..... this thing's always been a pain in the arse for just about everything07:19
bazhangElementalDragon, foxconn?07:19
ElementalDragonno.... probably worse.  Abit07:19
bazhangElementalDragon, you were daemonxp right?07:20
ElementalDragon...... no07:20
bazhangat any rate we need the sources.list07:20
IdleOneok 10.04 works perfectly you said07:21
IdleOnewhy not just stick with it07:21
ElementalDragon.... on my Eee07:21
ElementalDragonmy desktop created the same exact issue in 10.04 as it is now with 10.1007:21
ElementalDragonoh.... and something i discovered in my last reboot.... if i press Ctrl+alt+f1 while the login window is still on the screen, my cursor disappears, but i get no text box07:22
IdleOneand this is when running the live cd or installed?07:22
IdleOnehow does the live cd run?07:23
bazhanghe said it was the alternate07:23
IdleOneok but how does the live cd run?07:23
ElementalDragonhaven't tried it for 10.10... but i believe i tried it for 10.04... which i wound up downloading the alternate disc for anyway.... which means it probably had the same issue07:23
IdleOneugh guessing07:23
IdleOnecan't help.07:24
bazhangso no way to troubleshoot07:24
ElementalDragon..... so now i went from bazhang telling me to download and install 10.04... to you hinting me to download the liveCD and see if that works?07:25
bazhangpastebin the sources.list and we can move forward07:25
bazhangElementalDragon, and you got the beta instead, if I am not mistaken07:25
IdleOneElementalDragon: actually you went from having us not sure of what you are running to guessing how things will be broken.07:26
IdleOnethen jumping from 10.04 on the eee works but on your desktop it doesn't07:26
IdleOneso you downloaded the alternate cd and that doesn't work07:26
IdleOnebut have you actually downloaded and burned 10.10?07:27
ElementalDragondownloaded the 10.10 alternate disc, and installed it on my desktop that i'm on now (hence the restarting).07:28
bazhangElementalDragon, please pastebin the sources.list of your current install of the beta.07:28
ElementalDragoncurrently downloading both the Desktop CD for 10.10 to try liveCD on my desktop, and the i386 alternate to try installing on my Eee07:28
* ElementalDragon sighs07:28
ElementalDragonhow am i supposed to give you information from an OS when i can't access said OS?07:29
bazhangboot in recovery mode07:29
ElementalDragoni tried that too.... i see it loading all the different components.... and then i get no video signal07:30
bazhangthat's not recovery mode07:30
vlcnman, I am having all kinds of issues with these 10.10 downloads07:30
vlcnchecksums don't match up07:30
bazhangcorrupt iso then07:31
bazhangthe torrents fix that for me07:31
ElementalDragonnot only that, they're usually faster to download07:31
ElementalDragon1.5MB/s ftw07:31
vlcnhas anyone played around with une 10.10 yet?07:32
vlcnits like unusably slow on my netbook07:32
voidmagethis totem auto resizing to double if your monitor is big enough07:34
voidmageis really annoying07:34
voidmageand supposedly an upstream feature07:34
bp0how safe is update to beta?07:37
SwedeMikebp0: depends on your hardware and what you use, it's from "perfectly safe" to "disaster"07:38
bp0is there a way to test what packages will break after the update?07:39
bp0without updating07:39
bp0PPAs for instance07:40
ElementalDragonthe even more odd thing about when i try booting into Ubuntu.... i don't see a loading screen.... but i usually see a brief flash of an artifact-y version of my Windows desktop07:40
bazhangall PPA are disabled07:40
bazhangsounds like a wubi install07:40
SwedeMikebp0: install on another media and try what you need there, if it works, it works.07:40
ElementalDragonwell.... it wasn't07:41
bazhangnot much is clear about your issue then07:41
bazhangsounds like a complely failed install, to be honest07:41
bp0is there a site like this for maverick? http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/07:42
bp0evolution is removed?07:47
ElementalDragonsomething else i just thought of which probably doesn't matter, either......07:48
ElementalDragonpretty sure burning to a DVD instead of a CD isn't an issue07:48
voidmagebp0: updating lucid to beta is broken ATM07:49
bp0voidmage, really?07:49
bp0thanks for the warning, just in time07:49
mawstI updated from Lucid not more than a couple hours ago.07:51
SwedeMikeI'm curious if there is intel GM4500HD acceleration for h.264 with vlc/mplayer in 10.10, anyone know?07:55
voidmagebp0: update manager won't let you update anyway07:59
voidmageit'll be like "packages are broken"07:59
ElementalDragontried the LiveCD..... pretty much the same deal.... see the wallpaper, i see what appears to be a volume and power button on a bar in the top left corner, the cursor, and nothing else.  can't click either of the two buttons.... Ctrl+Alt+F1 still does nothing08:02
ElementalDragon.... and again, i also see a flash of an artifact-y version of my Windows desktop08:03
ElementalDragoni'm seriously thinking it's more my mobo and less the install08:03
=== Sary|a is now known as Sary
Saryvoidmage, see bug 11197108:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 111971 in kmplayer (Ubuntu) "[apport] kxineplayer crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock() (dup-of: 104019)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11197108:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104019 in kmplayer (Ubuntu) "[apport] kxineplayer crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10401908:08
Sarynah , Excuse me08:09
Saryvoidmage, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/11197108:09
voidmagenope, don't have cdrom as a source08:13
Saryvoidmage, try . Navigate to System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager | . Navigate to System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager | From the list box up top select "Broken | Mark the broken packages for deletion | Apply08:17
SaryI am sure you did try , sudo dpkg --configure -a | sudo apt-get install -f08:18
voidmageno broken packages08:20
voidmagealready did dpkg --configure -a && apt-get install -f08:20
voidmageif i check for broken packages before closing the "packages are broken" box in update-manger08:20
voidmagethe broken package is libdrm-nouveau08:20
voidmageand it tries to remove ~100 packages08:20
Saryodd !08:23
Sarysee http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/UbuntuPackages08:23
Saryvoidmage, see bug 57245708:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572457 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade (dup-of: 571743)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57245708:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571743 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "system upgrade 9.10 --> 10.04 could not calculate upgrade when both xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop are installed" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57174308:25
voidmagei'll just wait it out a few days in case it's stuck in partial upgrade territory08:27
ElementalDragonyep.... DEFINITELY linking my issues to my sh*tty motherboard08:29
ElementalDragonjust finished installing 10.10 x86 on my Eee.... booted perfectly fine08:29
bazhangElementalDragon, watch the language please08:29
ElementalDragonthink when i actually have the money to do so.... saying goodbye to this Abit IP35-Pro and Core 2 Quad and getting a Core i5/i7, some DDR3, and a motherboard by any manufacturer that starts with "A" and ends in "sus"08:31
MadpilotElementalDragon, have you done a search for "<name of motherboard> + Ubuntu 10.04" on Google?08:31
ElementalDragonor "E" and "VGA"08:31
JoshuaLthe update manager asks if it should do a partitial ugprade, is this a good idea to do or should i ignore it and wait a day before updating?08:34
ElementalDragonwell... did find a few things to try.... but i'm not gonna bother with that right now.  should get some sleep seeing as it's now 3:30AM08:34
ElementalDragonone of which being moving the hard drives to the higher port/channel numbers.... the other being setting the drives to run in IDE mode on the SATA channels08:35
ElementalDragonbut then again.... these posts were made in mid-2008.... so who knows if the reasons for such issues haven't already been long since fixed08:35
vishis there a way to get notified when someone has ssh'd into the system?08:40
vishhmm , maybe not a +1 specific Q..08:40
nigelbvish: I think yes08:41
vishnigelb: cool! , how? :)08:42
nigelbvish: hold on, lemme checkout, you'll hve to write some code08:42
* vish on the end edge of seat... and hangs tight!08:43
Dr_WillisHello all. Tryinng to make a bootable usb stik under 10.04 from a 10.10 ISO using the Usb-disk-creator tool. and i get a 'unknown command in syslinux config' (or similer) statement. ANyone noticed this befor? (looking at the config file now)08:43
kainiIf I intstall 10.10 now, will I have to reinstall/dist-upgrade when a new beta/rc/release launches?08:44
vishkaini: yup08:44
Dr_Willisreinstall or upgrade... that covers all bases.. :)08:47
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:47
Dr_Willis*weeps* still dosent like my nvidia chipset based laptop. BOoted up. made sounds.. screen is funny white/black blocks.08:48
=== Sary is now known as Sary|afk
Dr_WillisGot it installed. Wee. Now getting floods of 'Unable to enumerate USB device XXXXXXXXX' on the consoles.  every console.  even inside screen.  and ive got no external usb devicves plugged into the laptop. ;)09:48
jfiDr_Willis, you don't have a mouse or an external keyboard?10:02
jfiDr_Willis, you can use lsusb to know what are your usb devices10:03
Dr_Willisjfi:  i unplugged them when i saw the messages. and booted without them. I was able to blindly login to the console and install ssh service. so i got ssh'd in and can at least run commands now without seeing the spam.10:04
Dr_Willislets see what it says10:04
=== Sary|afk is now known as Sary
SaryAppearance Preferences | Visual Effects .. chose option Normal: X Crash i get Desktop effects could not be enabled10:04
Dr_WillisOk wait a moment.. the spamming stopped10:04
Dr_WillisI was doing a update/upgrade dist-upgrade over ssh. and it must of restarted some servcices.10:05
Dr_Willisthat was weird.. installing some more packages. then will reboot the laptop10:05
SaryNVIDIA accelerated graphic drive ( version current )10:06
Dr_WillisI cant even get to the desktoip yet on my nvidia system. :) had to ssh in and run  jockey-gtk10:06
Dr_Willisscreen was total black/white blocks :) unuseable. I was able to install becuase i used some failsafe mode on the cd.  same issue with the install. so Luckly i was able to ssh in and get the drivers installed. (well installing)10:08
SaryI cant set the Desktop Visual Effects with  NVIDIA accelerated graphic drive ( version current ) 256.53-ubuntu110:09
Dr_WillisI will try in about 3 min.. :)10:10
SaryWelcome o the beta Circle :)10:11
Dr_Willisbeen doing this for the last 5+ releases.. :)10:11
Dr_WillisPlymouyth and those Neovu (sp?) drivers are the MAJOR problem i have10:11
SaryYey , Respect :)10:11
Dr_WillisSystem booted.. got to the desktop.. wee.. what UGLY wallpaper10:11
Dr_Williswhen did 'color smears' become  the standard :)10:12
SaryWell , there is more than the wall :)10:12
SaryHow is the new installer to your eyes10:12
Dr_Willisvisual effects are working here10:13
SaryGreat , lucky you10:13
Dr_WillisNice how the installer worked. it even detected i was in Indiana,  noce it updated stuff.. but i STILL had updates after i rebooted the first time10:13
SaryWhat am i missing10:13
SaryYeah , pretty huh10:13
Dr_Willis256.53 is my driver version here10:14
SaryMine as well10:14
Dr_Willisusing a .. lets see... GTS 360M video10:14
Dr_WillisI got a NICE laptop. :)10:15
SaryFair Enough :)10:15
Dr_WillisTo be honest.. i had similer issues with my old laptop and its nvidia card.. and my desktop with ITS nvidia card.10:16
Dr_Willisbut no issues like you are having10:16
SaryWell i am having this issue on my Dell , on the Macbook pro its just fine10:18
Dr_Williscrashes when enableing compiz..10:19
Dr_Willisor what happens exactly?10:19
SaryOh wait , on Dell when i go to NVIDIA X server Setting i got the message | You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.10:20
SaryNah , i didn't even installed compiz yet10:20
Saryjust wanted to enable the normal option in Visual effects10:21
Saryit was fine with Lucid though , even when using compiz10:22
SaryI don't know , should i fail a bug about it ..10:22
Dr_WillisIm confused... how are you going to get the effects.. without compuiz? and using compiz will require either the nvidia drivers.. or a supported 3d chipset that neovu supports.10:23
Dr_Willisdid i say that right>10:23
Dr_Williscompiz requires the nvidia drivers. :) you wont get effects till you install them.10:24
Dr_Willis(at least thats on my nvidia machines)10:24
SaryWait , i was trying to enable the normal option for the Awn theme .. i didn't have to on Lucid10:24
Sarywell , lemme try out how it goes with compiz10:25
Dr_WillisAwn effects require compiz also...10:25
Dr_Willisor a compositing window manager.10:25
SaryNah , require nothing as i remember10:27
Dr_WillisYou may want to double check that.10:28
Dr_WillisMost of the docks required it.  at least for the effects to look properly10:28
jfiYou can enable compositing with metacity without having a accelerated graphics driver10:30
jfigconftool-2 -s  '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool true10:30
SaryOkay , compiz is working just fine10:30
Dr_Willisive never really under stood how compositing figured into the whole picture10:31
Dr_WillisI do recall seeing an artical where even good old 'twm' is getting compositing support.10:31
SaryWell , for Awn to look properly .. i just had to active the nvidia drive on 'Lucid10:34
Saryand nothing else10:34
Sarynow on Maverick, i cant enable the normal option for the Visual effects10:35
SaryOdd huh !10:35
Dr_Willisthe other 'extras' option works? just not the normal option?10:37
Dr_WillisYou did setup the nvidia drivers on maverick?10:37
SaryNon of the options , just none10:38
SaryYep , the drive is active10:38
Dr_WillisIf the driver is working (run nvidia-settings and see?) you should be able to select the other options10:38
Sarythere is the NVIDIA X Server Setting ..10:40
Saryi get " You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.10:43
SaryA problem in libdconf010:57
Dr_Willisabout food time11:02
SaryNot for me , i am fasting :)11:03
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:04
yofelmeh, I wonder what's up with hplip lately, I start a print job, and my network printer starts printing 5 minutes later -.-11:21
fi3ei2is there anybody could create a usb of ubuntu 10.10 beta11:23
Dr_Willisyofel: Hold on.. what KIND of printer is it? a Brother?11:33
yofelHP officejet 730011:33
Dr_WillisI had a simile rissue with a networked brother printer. switching to the PCL5 'generic' driver made it start working right.11:33
yofelusually works fine, but lately printing jobs get  a lag for some reason11:33
Dr_WillisI would have 10-40 min delay...11:34
Dr_Willisdont sound like your issue however..11:34
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SaryOkay , NVIDIA Setting is there now .. what options could i set11:39
Dr_Willisoptions for what? If you got the nvidia drivers going.. you shold be able to enable effects11:41
SaryIt is active . sill can't enable the visual effects11:42
Dr_Willisopen terminal try 'compiz --replace'11:42
SaryThat did it ,11:43
SaryDr_Willis, Perfect :)11:43
Dr_Willisno idea why the gnome check box to enable them dident work11:43
Dr_Willisnow install ccsm and start tweaking your  eyecandy11:44
SaryYeah ,11:44
Dr_Willisonly real feature i like is the ZOOM,11:44
Dr_Willisalso you may want to ebable the 'sync to vblank' or whatever its called. to reduce movie playback tearing11:44
SaryCool .. IT's on  , for the XVideo11:45
Sarylol :D11:48
zniavre_oops sorry11:52
test_hey ho,, can someone tell me how to install grub (missed it in the alternate installation). I got wifi on another laptop and a USB stck as my tools :)12:30
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:30
test_Volkodav: link seems to be down :/12:34
yofellink works fine here12:35
Volkodavworks here too12:35
test_now it works here too thx a lot :)12:39
AlanBellthose testing maverick (or taking screenshots) who have access to the new font might like to set it as their default desktop font as per comments in bug 62962212:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 629622 in Ubuntu Font Family "MIR+FFE: Inclusion of Ubuntu Font Family ~0.7 in Maverick (10.10)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62962212:42
penguin42oh deal, the upgrade from last weeks alpha->current beta has left me at a busybox prompt13:06
penguin42oh well, time to go out and have a wonder around and fight this when I come back13:07
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mbwinshi! it seems that after I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 i lost KMail. It shows as Not Installed in the Software center. Any idea if I can get my old mails back?13:58
mbwinsis there any way to roll back to 10.04?14:01
nigelbthat does seem to be a nasty bug in upgrade anyway14:01
mbwinsit was all work related so I was hoping they're still saved someplace14:02
mbwinslol :)14:02
mbwinsi checked www.ubuntu.com today and I said to myself: "wow, a new version"14:03
nigelbideally, you should be backing up before upgrading14:04
Dr_WillisTrying the upgrade now. :)14:04
Dr_Willisyour mails are proberly saved somewhere.. :)14:04
Dr_Willisthe upgrade wouldent have any reason to touch stuff in your HOME14:04
nigelbmbwins: check in  .kde/share/apps/kmail/14:04
mbwinswell, i was using Kmail, and now Kmail is no longer installed14:04
mbwinsk, hold on14:04
Dr_Willis!info kmail14:04
ubottukmail (source: kdepim): KDE Email client. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 2345 kB, installed size 9072 kB14:04
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install kmail14:05
Dr_Willisand see if it installs14:05
yofelmbwins: install it again, we had KDE updates, so a dependency conflict during the upgrade might have removed it14:05
BUGabundoDr_Willis: go with aptitude14:05
BUGabundoI keep telling you guys that14:05
mbwinswill do14:05
BUGabundoaptitude tends to manage broken depency way better14:06
BUGabundoand kde is broken at the moment14:06
nigelbI found firefox uninstalled when I used aptitude thanks to dependency resolution14:06
BUGabundoI take that back14:06
BUGabundoit no longer is14:06
BUGabundoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:06
BUGabundo  libbrasero-media0: Depends: brasero-common (< 2.31) but 2.31.91-0ubuntu1 is to be installed.14:06
nigelban redep of firefox needed to be downgraded14:06
Dr_WillisIve had TO many issues with apitude..14:06
BUGabundoDr_Willis: name ONE ? :P14:07
Dr_WillisHad aptitude once remove 300+ packages.. then reinstalled them..14:07
Dr_Willisthats 300 :)14:07
nigelbone thing about aptitide => want package $foo installed, it will get it for you14:07
nigelbbut it may have side effects which end being too nasty14:07
Dr_WillisI will stick with apt-get and gdebi for my needs. for now. :)14:07
yofelwell, apt-get doesn't mess up that much anymore and since aptitude isn't in the default desktop installation anymore recommending apt-get is fine IMO14:08
nigelbapt just says because $bar and $baz conflicting, $foo cannot be installed leaving you with a sane system at least14:08
BUGabundoaptitude is _great_ *when* you know what you are doing :P14:08
mfraz74is gdebi still supported in 10.10?14:08
nigelbI think sc will take over14:08
BUGabundoyofel: TIRANY !!14:08
Dr_Willismfraz74:  its not installed by default it seems. but it is still there14:09
Dr_Willismfraz74:  software center defaults to .deb 'handler' now.14:09
mfraz74Dr_Willis: I had heard it was taken over by software centre, but wondered if you could still use gdebi if you wanted to14:09
Dr_Willismfraz74:  i used it just 10 min ago to install ubuntu-tweak :)14:10
BUGabundoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:10
BUGabundo  libakonadi-kcal4: Depends: libkcal4 (= 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed.14:10
BUGabundoguess kde is still broken14:10
Dr_Willishence the term beta testing. :)14:11
Dr_Willisheh 3 hrs 9 min to upgrade...14:13
Dr_Willisbe back later ya all.14:13
Emeryhow would i update to 10.10 from previous stable version ?14:19
bazhangEmery, 10.10 is just in beta, so hardly stable; is this desktop or server14:20
Emeryi didnt say it was stable14:21
Emeryi just want to update to 10.10 beta14:21
Emeryfrom CLI if possible14:21
bazhangupdate-manager -d14:21
Emerythat will work in cli?14:21
yofeldo-release-upgrade -d for cli14:22
bazhangthought it was desktop14:22
SwedeMikeEmery: this is the first hit on the google search <how to upgrade ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-1010-maverick.html14:22
Emeryand ?14:23
SwedeMikeit has the information you were looking for.14:23
Emeryso does this channel14:24
bazhangthanks SwedeMike !14:24
bazhangnice link14:24
SwedeMiketalk about wanting handouts instead of a fishing rod.14:24
Emerytalk about #care14:24
bazhangEmery, hmm?14:25
bazhangEmery, people are volunteers.14:25
SwedeMikebazhang: I don't think he cares.14:26
bazhanglets move on then14:26
edgycrimsun_: hi14:27
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=== Keimpe is now known as UndiFineD
edgycrimsun_: the sound is now working but i am afraid i don't know which trick you mentioned fixed it. can you please explain?14:35
killer999Is it possible to rearrange messaging menu itmes by drag and drop....say i use gwibber more than evolution...can i move it to top?14:54
kandinskihi, how stable is 10.10, can i risk installing it on my work computer?14:55
bazhangkandinski, depends how important your data is; its still beta14:55
bazhangkandinski, got a separate home partition?14:55
kandinskiI get that, but from trying it, what's your feeling?14:55
kandinskiyep, /home lives in its own partition14:56
bazhangthen not much to lose, but lots of breakage likely between now and the release14:56
thiebaudekandinski, i have no problems myself with it14:56
kandinskistill, if a rogue program is going to overwrite stuff, /home is mounted and writeable...14:56
thiebaudeim using it as my only desktop right now14:56
bazhangthats doubtful14:56
kandinskithiebaude: thanks, I think I will risk it14:56
thiebaudebut remember things can break,:(14:57
thiebaudei was only able to do partial updates, but i did not have any other problems14:57
kandinskithiebaude: I will and i wikk keep a livedisc of 10.04 handy14:57
zniavre_good afternoon there is a channel with ubuntu xserver devs no ? wich name please ?14:57
thiebaudeyep, good idea14:57
thiebaudeimho flash player seems to be better in 10.1014:58
zniavre_do you think they are working on nvidia 173.14.2x drivers usable with xserver1.9 ?14:58
thiebaudenot usre i have nvidia card myself14:59
thiebaude8400 gs14:59
anon33I installed gnome shell in the maverick beta and now I can't even boot up or access console14:59
anon33Any help would be greatly appreciated15:00
zniavre_can't you open a tty at gdm step15:01
anon33gdm step?15:01
zniavre_the place where you log before the desktop15:01
anon33I can't get past the grub boot loader15:02
zniavre_ho i do not know sorry15:02
vishzniavre_: #ubuntu-x15:02
zniavre_vish,  thank you15:03
anon33Can anyone help me out?15:03
vishanon33: installing gnome-shell , shouldnt prevent you from booting, afaik... what else did you install15:05
anon33Everything that comes with it. I did "gnome-shell --replace"and then things went bonkers15:05
anon33Did a hard reboot and now it just waits while booting, doing nothing but blinking the cursor15:06
vishanon33: do you get grub options?15:07
anon33Like for recovery mode?15:07
anon33Yes, but recovery mode doesn't go anywhere15:08
anon33I'm booting off the live disk note. Will I be able to remove gnome-shell from there?15:08
vishanon33: k.. not sure then , maybe someone else has an idea.. or you can try asking in #gnome-shell on irc: GIMPnet15:09
anon33Wow, even booting off the live disk doesn't work15:10
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sergeant_does virtualbox work in ubuntu 10.10?15:51
Emeryok, ill ask in here bazhang15:51
Emeryis it a common problem ?15:52
sergeant_are yo talking to me Emery ?15:52
bazhangsergeant_, tried it yet?15:52
sergeant_the start button is grayed out15:52
bazhangsergeant_, from the repos or the website15:53
sergeant_not OSE15:53
bazhangsergeant_, not sure then. if you don't get an answer here , there is also #vbox though15:53
sergeant_tried that15:53
Emerybazhang can i still boot from busybox ?15:54
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sergeant_Sary, what?16:26
Saryvirtualbox working fine here16:26
sergeant_yeah i think i got that working16:26
sergeant_but not phpvirtualbox16:26
SaryOSE , didn't tried Sun Yet16:26
the_dark_warrioWhen setting an account with Empathy, it asks for a keyring password a lot. Is this a known bug?16:33
duffydackhappens to me..  so its a bug16:35
quidnuncMy flash plugin stopped working after installng maverick. What do I need to do?16:39
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:44
dadush777Hello, I Upgraded my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to 10.10 via Update Manager successfuly. Now whenver I close the RhythmBox window, it QUITS and not showing in the upper panel and I can't see the new added SoundMenu... what can I do?17:05
dadush777anyone knows why?17:07
quidnuncdadush777: Maybe you need to install rhythmbox-plugins and enable that plugin17:09
dadush777where can I get that?17:09
dadush777and why can't i see the new SoundMenu ?17:09
quidnuncdadush777: The package is called rhythmbox-plugins17:09
quidnuncdadush777: Sorry, I'm not familiar with SoundMenu. What is that?17:10
dadush777the option they added to control music17:10
dadush777in Ubuntu 10.1017:10
dadush777and I checked and rhythmbox-plugins is installed in my ubuntu17:11
dadush777I don't know why when I close the window, it shuts down17:11
dadush777I saw that they added a Sound Menu in  Ubuntu which you can control your music17:14
TeaRexHello all! I wonder did anybody have any luck with gcc-4.5 and the new -flto -fuse-linker-plugin options in Maverick?17:16
TeaRexcause all *I* get with it are compiler segfaults.17:19
TeaRexat link time, I mean, compiling as such works.17:20
amabowhat's the method for turning on anti-aliasing for fonts in maverick? is this still the preferred method? http://j.mp/17TwKb17:38
kklimondaamabo: have you checked system->preferences->appearance->fonts?17:40
penguin42hmm I wonder if the upgrade failed somehow - my error is 'udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured' and that's dumped me at initramfs busybox prompt17:52
vishdid we drop the plan to use Banshee in UNE?17:52
amabokklimonda: yes17:53
psionis anyone else here using 10.10 netbook edition?17:55
sergeant_i want to17:56
sergeant_i use the desktop version17:56
psionI'm trying out the netbook edition and maybe it's just me, but the interface seems very buggy and slow17:56
psionthe new application interface on the left side, when I switch to a new app it hangs for maybe 10-20 seconds17:57
kklimondapsion: its speed depends heavily on your gpu and drivers you use17:57
psionkklimonda: I never had this issue previously17:57
vishpsion: yup , its still in development , hence its called beta ;)17:57
kklimondapsion: well, then it's just buggy17:57
psionvish: figured as much17:58
psionwas just wondering if anyone else has noticed this or if it's isolated to me17:58
vishpsion: Bug #604777 might be the one you mention , but filing a bug is the best way to get things moving ..17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604777 in Unity "Unity causing massive memory leak when hovering over the quicklists" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60477717:59
psionah yeah that's probably it17:59
psionis there anyway to switch an installation from netbook edition to desktop?18:01
kklimondapsion: when you login you can choose your session at the bottom of the screen18:02
penguin42hmm it looks like my initramfs is rather broken18:02
penguin42/sbin/udevadm contains  a test for udevtrigger and udevsettle to moan that they cna't run while udev is unconfigured and then exec's undevadm.upgrade with /bin/bash which ism' in the initramfs18:03
psionkklimonda: gotcha, I just had it auto login18:03
DaekdroomAnyone having problem with X suddenly refusing mouse clicks?18:08
psionlol, well, I updated everything and now all I see is the background alternating with an all white screen ever second or so18:14
psionit's rather seizure inducing18:14
ElVirolohas anyone had problems starting gnome recently?18:14
ElViroloI don't know what log file to look at18:14
penguin42right, fixed in a chroot with a dpkg --configure -a (didn't seem to do anything) then update-initramfs -u -k all18:15
penguin42ElVirolo: Does it just log you back out or what?18:15
ElVirolopenguin42 : yeah, the screen becomes black and then I'm back to GDM, whatever the session I choose. Moreover, the graphics seem quite slow18:16
penguin42ElVirolo: OK, lets worry about broken before slow18:16
ElVirolopenguin42, yeah you're right it's just that the slowness came at the same time as the brokeness :)18:17
penguin42ElVirolo: Flip to a text console with ctrl-alt-f1 and see if you can log in as yourself, if you can then ~/.xsession-errors may give a clue to whats broken (but it always has a load of junk in anyway), maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old as well - it will have the X server logs from the session when you logged in just before it restarted gdm18:18
ElVirolopenguin42 : I can login as myself (I'm actually using iirci on tty right now18:18
ElViroloi'll have a look at the logs18:18
ElViroloi think I know18:19
ElViroloi think i don't have any space left on the hard drive18:19
ElVirololooks like it18:20
penguin42ah, that one!18:20
penguin42you know, it should actually tell you that and give you a way out18:20
ElViroloyeah, it's always the most obvious cause that one doesn't think about18:20
ElVirolowell i just did apt-get clean18:20
ElViroloit works18:21
ElVirolothanks for your help :)18:21
kklimondahmmm.. my gnome-terminal doesn't notice that it looses focus i.e. cursor is still blinking. Anyone has seen a bug report about it?18:28
penguin42kklimonda: Mine does, but I have sloppy focus, so it doesn't actually lose it unless i move over something else18:28
crimsun_focus follows mouse (strict) FTW18:29
kklimondacrimsun_: if only I've actually used mouse before I switch virtual desktops, notice that terminal "has" focus and start typing :)18:30
crimsun_I tend to tile all terminal emulators18:31
kklimondacrimsun_: what is the emergency fix for people who has installed alsa drivers from tarball?18:32
babaii'm trying to run 10.10 beta in virtualbox and when installing guestadditions it says unknown version of X18:33
babaiis there anyway to install that?18:33
babaiduffydack: which xorg version does 10.10 use? 1.9?18:34
duffydackvbox doesnt support it yet because its not final yet18:34
crimsun_well, vbox svn head does18:35
crimsun_(I'm patching in all the quilt bits for a new upload)18:35
emveehey crimsun_ tnks for before, still not getting sound after that though18:42
emveeanything left to try?18:43
crimsun_emvee: what's your current state of debugging?18:44
crimsun_I don't maintain state ;)18:45
UndiFineDstateless :P18:46
emveei don't know we did a lot of stuff18:47
emveeps 1270 1342 might have been the last command u gave me18:47
emveei have a bunch of commands listed in a file lol18:47
emveemostly just info gathering and analysing18:48
emveethought it was the xfce's mixer does wonky things on session login bug and it might be part of it, but seems to be beyond that18:48
crimsun_emvee: ok, so speaker-test is audible, correct? Did you play another ogg vorbis file with ogg123 or paplay?18:49
emveesound test works18:49
crimsun_actually, don't worry about paplay18:49
emveeno it didn't work the ogg command18:49
emveeit appears to work but no sound18:51
emveeno errors though18:52
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
KevlarImplied agreement to a contract, oh I love the internet and their hopefulness18:55
KevlarTOS agreed. There now its logged18:56
KevlarAnd not implied, but stated.18:56
KevlarAnyway, is there a command to install the beta through cannonical?18:56
kklimondawhat do you mean?18:57
Kevlarother than downloading the beta in iso form?18:57
penguin42how do you mean 'through cannonical'?18:57
penguin42Kevlar: Do you have ubuntu already installed?18:57
Kevlarlike "install beta MM"18:57
crimsun_emvee: pastebin your amixer18:57
penguin42Kevlar: Run do-release-upgrade18:57
Kevlarthat easy?18:58
* penguin42 can't remember if you need -d for the betas18:58
kklimondado-release-upgrad -d18:58
Kevlarshouldnt I be specific to which release and upgrade?18:58
penguin42Kevlar: It should tell you18:58
Kevlarlet me give it a go18:59
KevlarThank you Mr. Penguin42,18:59
penguin42No problem18:59
Kevlaroh it says no new release found, let me try with -d19:00
KevlarTHAT did it!19:00
Kevlarneeded the -d19:00
crimsun_emvee: does unmuting 'Headphone' do anything?19:00
Kevlarit allows sound to be emitted through your headphone jack19:01
emveeogg123 works now19:01
crimsun_emvee: no wonder people with pulse don't have this issue ;)19:01
crimsun_emvee: that is /not/ a reason to install pulse, however ;)19:02
emveehow do i stop it always being auto muted?19:02
KevlarPenguin42 after I do that, does it automatically install?19:02
Kevlarnmn got my own q answwered19:02
crimsun_emvee: just for kicks, can you mute it, reboot, login, and use 'sudo alsactl init 0', and test again whether ogg123 is audible?19:02
zedkappa14:01 < zedkappa> hello, how can i assist 10.10 in finding init? it gives me the error 'No init found'. i used the latest  beta and made a live usb using unetbootin, and am running an Acer Aspire One.19:03
zedkappai have used unetbootin before with betas without any problems19:04
emveeuh mute everything or just headphones?19:04
crimsun_emvee: don't touch the volume/mute at all19:05
crimsun_emvee: have you already rebooted?19:05
crimsun_emvee: ah, sorry, I thought you already had. Right, only mute 'Headphone'.19:06
yofelcrimsun_: some advice please: I have a hardware mute button here that remembers its state after reboot, software is umuted on login in KDE which works fine as long the button is set to unmuted on boot. If it's muted I end up with 'hardware muted, software unmuted', pressing the button gives me 'hardware unmuted, software muted' meaning no sound unless I go to the soundapplet and switch only the software switch, what should I file a bug against?19:08
emveerebooted and the others have gone to mute again too19:09
crimsun_emvee: is this /after/ 'sudo alsactl init 0' ?19:09
emveei don't think i've used that command before19:09
Kevlartry sudo format c19:10
emveeok that unmuted everything19:11
emveeand sound works19:11
emveetry rebooting?19:11
crimsun_I'll make that change in alsa-utils, then, and upload it19:11
emveeshould that stop it auto mute?19:11
crimsun_this wipes out an entire class of bugs, yay19:11
emveeawesome :)19:12
crimsun_yofel: hmm, so there's a desync? And you're using pulse now, correct?19:13
crimsun_i.e., I /think/ Kubuntu 10.10 has pulse now19:13
yofelright, KDE (phonon) now uses pulse as backend19:13
emveecrimsun i will reboot and check it stays unmuted. it should now eh?19:13
crimsun_emvee: no, it won't necessarily stay unmuted19:13
crimsun_emvee: I haven't actually committed the fix to the package yet, and it hasn't been compiled and made available for download to your computer yet ;)19:14
emveeah, but this helps u for that fix?19:14
crimsun_yes, you've just confirmed the fix, that's all19:16
emveei'll try rebooting anywayz19:16
emveejust for a kick i guess19:16
yofeland yes, it gets out of sync if the button is set to muted on login, as software is always unmuted19:17
crimsun_yofel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log19:19
emveeno :)19:19
emveethanks anyay crimsun19:20
emveethe patch should be released around when yathink19:20
FoolsRunhello, I just installed the Maverick beta on an Acer netbook and am getting constant crashes from Unity and Mutter. Has anyone else seen this?19:22
crimsun_emvee: next week, probably Monday. Maybe tomorrow if I have a lot of free time this weekend [unlikely].19:22
emveeok neat19:23
emveehey small issue how do i get thunderbird to display an icon in the top panel? it's not an option in the add aps19:24
emveeand drag dropping doesnt do it19:24
the_dark_warrioIs it possible to close Rhythmbox window without quiting the application with the new indicator?19:24
yofelcrimsun_: log when pressing mute button while synced: http://paste.ubuntu.com/488404/ - while out of sync: http://paste.ubuntu.com/488405/19:29
crimsun_yofel: thanks. Will have to look later; I'm a bit frazzled from fixing vbox.19:29
killer999hey...is it possible to select different themes for different gwibber streams?19:29
zniavre_!info nouveau19:29
yofelnp, thanks19:29
ubottuPackage nouveau does not exist in maverick19:29
yofel!info xserver-xorg-video-nouveau19:30
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-nouveau (source: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau): X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver (experimental). In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.0.16+git20100805+b96170a-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 104 kB, installed size 284 kB19:30
zniavre_yofel thank you19:30
zniavre_in fact i was looking for how-to or tuto's ...19:30
yofelzniavre_: make sure nvidia-current is purged, it should use nouveau by default then if it's installed19:31
yofelif you have no xorg.conf19:31
zniavre_yofel thank you again > im using  usualy legacy nvidia.run wich it does not work at this moment19:33
yofelzniavre_: hm, then try to run the .run with --deinstall I think and reinstall the mesa package19:34
yofeland maybe use debsums to check for other missing files19:34
zniavre_already done (right now with "vesa"19:34
yofelas the nvidia .run deletes system files :/19:35
zniavre_ok i did not know this specific point19:35
zniavre_do you think the nouveau driver from maverick is 3d'able?19:35
yofelzniavre_: yes, if you install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental19:36
zniavre_ok let's try it   see you soon19:38
bjsniderthe flag is --uninstall i think19:39
bjsniderbut he's probably pooched his system so it doesn't really matter19:39
FoolsRunHi, got dropped earlier. I'm getting nearly constant crashes when using Unity.19:39
FoolsRunAnyone else haveing this issue?19:39
FoolsRunguess not :)19:42
yofelwell, can you be a bit more precise? *what* crashes?19:43
FoolsRunMutter, Unity-Application... something19:43
zniavreyofel thankyou again19:44
=== Sary is now known as Sary|a
yofelhm, I think I heard about some mutter issues, can't remember anything precise now though :/19:44
emveethanks crimsun_ i'm off cyas19:45
FoolsRunI guess I could just use the Desktop Edition, it's just strange19:47
killer999is it posiible to assign sound to nitfy-osd?19:59
psionok so there's a widget that shows my battery life in the top bar around the notification area, accidently removed it, anyone know what it's called? I think it's part of another widget that I closed20:06
penguin42psion: Is it gnome-power-manager?20:07
psionI don't have that installed so I don't think so20:07
edgycrimsun_: ping20:11
psionedgy: pong20:12
edgypsion: do you have experience in sound issues?20:13
psionnot really, not since 2.4.x kernels20:13
psionit usually works out of the box for me20:13
edgypsion: strange! ;020:14
emveejust installed the updates for maverick, now when i reboot there's a stall then message "atiixp-modem: codec reset timeout" then it continues to log in ok20:26
bdogghey has anyone figured out how to install nautilus-elementary in maverick beta?20:29
bdoggits not working for me20:29
penguin42emvee: I'd say file a bug against linux for that20:32
undifinedhmmm, I am trying to get my sound working again, cmpci had been blocklisted in alsa, and it seems it was ported to oss4 ? how would i get it working again pulseaudio does not see my hardware20:34
emveewhere does it get filed?20:34
emveejust on launchpad?20:34
penguin42emvee: Just run ubuntu-bug linux    from a shell on your maverick box20:34
emveeok thanks20:34
emveepenguin do you think this would be filesystem kernalconfig or networking bug20:39
lucidfoxsoftware-center has become much faster recently20:41
lucidfoxgood job!20:41
vishlucidfox: you should tell that when mvo is around ;)20:42
penguin42emvee: I'd say neither, it just sounds like a device driver issue20:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630411 in linux (Ubuntu) "atiixp-modem codec reset timeout error on login after updates" [Undecided,New]20:59
emveebtw is my email invisible to you21:03
undifinedemvee, Email: No public address provided.21:04
undifinedbut if you had an address there, goog might already have it21:06
bsandersHey all, what's the package name(s) for the Sun jre/firefox plugin?  I'm on Maverick (current as of today) AMD64.  I've already added the parter repo and apt-get update, and I don't see it when I apt-cache search sun-java21:07
emveeit wasn't public before, i just wondered if you others could see it if you logged in21:08
dubbyhey anyone, the rythmbox indicator applet for the gnome panel does not show21:08
dubbyI was wondering if there was a setting to activate it21:08
jfibsanders, apt-cache search java6 |grep sun21:10
jfisun-java6-plugin - The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 621:10
bsandersjfi, that returns nothing21:11
jfiso you don't have the repo21:11
bsandersits checked in software sources in the other software tab21:12
jfiyou can use the old repo21:13
jfithe one from lucid for java21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588589 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "please create sun-java6 packages to maverick" [Wishlist,Triaged]21:14
jfimy bad, it does not seem to be available for maverick, I am getting it from the lucid repo21:14
bsandersAh.  Thanks a bunch, I'll add the source for lucid.  Thought I'd gone crazy21:15
jfimaybe it is safer to install it from the sun archive, to avoid future conflict21:18
kklimondainstalling it from lucid should be save21:18
kklimondasafer than installing from SUN's repos imo21:19
jfiwell, that's just un tgz that you can extract to any dir21:19
jfiyou can put it in your homedir and do a link of the .so in the plugin dir of ff21:19
ilumithe 10.10 beta comes with some kind of flash preinstalled, which doesnt work with youtube, anyone know what it is and how to remove it?21:21
penguin42ilumi: How do you know it has some kind of flash preinstalled?21:21
penguin42ilumi: What does about:plugins say ?21:21
ilumipenguin42, it says flv YES, but doesnt say what, and adobe flash is not installed21:22
ilumipenguin42, video/flv Flash video flv Yes21:23
penguin42ilumi: If it's firefox and you have a line that says video/flv in a table what's the title above that table - is it VLC Multimedia plugin ?21:23
ilumipenguin42, yes i have vlc plugins showing21:24
penguin42ilumi: My guess is that will play an flv file of some form but  I've never come across it21:24
ilumipenguin42, any idea how to remove it, or stop firefox from recognizing it?21:25
penguin42ilumi: Try removing totem-plugins and then quitting firefox completely and restarting21:27
ilumipenguin42, yes, that makes sense, but i only want to remove the flash plugin, not all of the,21:28
ilumipenguin42, i will look into totem plugins, thank you21:28
penguin42ilumi: I don't know more about the inside of totem plugins21:28
undifinedthanks Sary|a your pointer helped me to have sound output again, but now, it's very slow to react, like 2 minute delay21:32
shaunoIs there any configuration for utouch (support for apple trackpads)? I'm not finding anything obvious21:37
kklimondailumi: the thing that comes with ubuntu preinstalled isn't flash and it doesn't prevent you from installing flash from flashplugin-installer package21:40
ilumikklimonda, nope, but i have a x64 plugin i want to use, and it doesnt see that, i think because it recognizes the other one first21:41
ilumikklimonda, or maybe i just put it in a wrong directory21:43
kklimondathat's more likely - the flv plugin has nothing to do with flash21:45
ilumikklimonda, is the firefox on 10.10 32 or 64 bit?21:46
ilumi10.10 x64, i assume its 6421:46
kklimondayes, x6421:47
kklimondagreat, nautilus has just crashed in a middle of copying of thousands files..21:47
ilumikklimonda, OO, thats not nice21:48
leifwI have a maverick install I've been keeping up to date after upgrading from lucid a week or two ago. What is the supported way to try out the netbook interface without destroying the existing install? Is it invertible?22:05
penguin42leifw: You can install ubuntu-netbook and when you login it'll give you a choice, it does change some stuff22:07
leifwthanks, penguin4222:18
billybigriggeranyone know where to get a hold of the ambiance-maverick-beta theme that ubuntu is complaing i don't have?22:56
htorquebillybigrigger, ambiance-maverick-beta is now called ambiance ;)23:06
markitWhere can I download Kubuntu 10.10 beta CD? Here I find only dvd: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/maverick/beta/23:10
zniavremarkit, here maybe ? >http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/maverick/23:11
markitzniavre: are them LIVE version?23:12
markitoh, yes they are23:12
markitthanks a lot23:12
zniavre:o)  you are welcome23:12
penguin42is anyone else finding virtual-machine-manager crashing a lot in Maverick?23:30
* penguin42 likes the way the new installer installs stuff while you're filling in the details23:32
voidmagewhen i try to submit a bug with ubuntu-bug i get this error23:39
voidmageError showing url: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/firefox-4.0" (No such file or directory)23:39
penguin42voidmage: When you submit a bug it tries to open your 'current' webbrowser23:41
voidmagei had firefox 4 installed for maybe a day23:41
penguin42voidmage: For some reason it's set to /usr/bin/firefox-4.0 which I guess you installed and removed?23:41
voidmagepurged it and it's still trying to run it23:41
voidmagewhich alternative controls that?23:42
penguin42try picking it on preferences->Preferred applications23:42
voidmagethat's weird23:42
voidmagedo you have a maverick install running?23:44
voidmagecan you test this for me? open nautlius, go to /bin, then try to go to ~23:45
penguin42voidmage: Worked here; I did it by clciking on the File system icon and navigating down to bin and then clicking on my users home directory23:45
voidmagecan you try it with the address bar?23:46
penguin42voidmage: If I goto location and type ~ it says can't find /bin/~23:46

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