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jamie_ | How do I report a bug to launchpad about 10.10 regarding hardware? It gives instructions on reporting for processes, but just ubuntu-bug 2022 or whatever. What about my keyboard acting wonky with this new buntu? | 01:32 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 2022 in iso-codes (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "iso-codes is not available for breezy (dups: 1) (heat: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2022 | 01:32 |
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tbsdy_lives | hi folks, if I wanted to find what file the vorbisdec.c file was in, how would I find this? | 05:06 |
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nisshh | tbsdy_lives: you want to know which package that file is in? | 05:10 |
tbsdy_lives | yes please... I've tried apt-file, but no cigar :( | 05:11 |
nisshh | tbsdy_lives: one sec, ill just try something | 05:11 |
crimsun_ | that's because it's a source file, and apt-file doesn't index those, only shipped ones | 05:12 |
crimsun_ | it's in gst-plugins-base0.10 | 05:12 |
nisshh | beat me to it | 05:12 |
nisshh | :) | 05:12 |
crimsun_ | e.g., ext/vorbis/gstvorbisdec.c | 05:12 |
crimsun_ | so, the short answer is "use google" | 05:13 |
tbsdy_lives | I did! | 05:13 |
crimsun_ | not saying you didn't :) | 05:14 |
tbsdy_lives | well, actually, I was looking for vorbisdec.c, I guess that's why I didn't see gstvorbisdec.c | 05:15 |
tbsdy_lives | cheers folks :-) | 05:15 |
crimsun_ | bdmurray: please renew my bugcontrol membership | 05:17 |
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lanoxx | hi, i just upgraded to maverik | 05:45 |
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lanoxx | this is the furth upgrade in a row i believe (since intrepid if i remember correct), in which the update-manager tries to force me to remove cups-pdf, this is insane, why would i want to remove it, i specifically need to reinstall it everytime i upgrade ubuntu | 05:46 |
lanoxx | its particular annoying since if you forget it, the next time you want to print a pdf you wonder why the pdf printer is gone, until you figure out that cups-pdf has been uninstalled!!! | 05:48 |
lanoxx | aptitude why-not cups-pdf | 05:48 |
lanoxx | Unable to find a reason to remove cups-pdf. | 05:48 |
lanoxx | !argh | 05:48 |
ubot2 | Factoid 'argh' not found | 05:48 |
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tbsdy_lives | hi, anyone here got any knowledge of libvorbis? | 06:27 |
tbsdy_lives | I'm just wondering if vorbis_synthesis_blockin might not be checking for a valid pointer... | 06:28 |
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njin | Hello, where, in lucid, i can found :The "usefree" option should be removed from system --> storage --> default_options --> vfat --> mount_options Thanks | 07:40 |
bilalakhtar | Hmm, my BC membership is expiring. And the main reason I got into BC is no longer valid. I am divided over whether I should get it renewed or wait some more time for things to become better | 08:41 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: are you a MOTU already? | 08:42 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: If god wills, shall become one next week | 08:42 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: then don't worry, all developers are in BC automatically | 08:42 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: so if I become MOTU, no need to get renewed | 08:42 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: yes, I know that | 08:42 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: but there should always be a margin of error, though I 'm ready to risk this one | 08:43 |
njin | nigelb: where, in lucid i can found this sttings: The "usefree" option should be removed from system --> storage --> default_options --> vfat --> mount_options Thanks | 08:43 |
nigelb | njin: not sure, not on a lucid box right now :( | 08:43 |
bilalakhtar | njin: run gconf-editor | 08:43 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: you can ask for renewal :) | 08:44 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: yup I can :) and I will point out that I am going to become MOTU | 08:44 |
bilalakhtar | my application is almost ready | 08:44 |
bilalakhtar | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BilalAkhtar/MOTUApplication | 08:45 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: woo! cool :) | 08:45 |
TheNewAndy | There is a bug in my sound card driver. I'm wanting to get into the source and fix it. | 08:46 |
TheNewAndy | Can someone explain the relationship between the alsa-driver package | 08:46 |
TheNewAndy | and the kernel source package? | 08:46 |
TheNewAndy | There seems to be duplicated code in them. | 08:47 |
TheNewAndy | I just want to get to a point where I can make changes to the driver and test it. | 08:47 |
nigelb | TheNewAndy: talk to crimsun_ when he comes on | 08:48 |
TheNewAndy | ok. What timezone is he? (or rather, when should I expect to find him) | 08:49 |
nigelb | he's in EST/EDT, and he was around a few hours back | 08:49 |
TheNewAndy | ok, thanks | 08:51 |
lazka | Hi, what status should I asign a bug to if a fix was commited upstream? | 11:17 |
lazka | and 2. What if upstream made an release containing that fix, but it hasn't been packaged yet. | 11:18 |
yofel | the upstream task should be updated automatically if it has a bug watch, if it does not, set it to fix released. As the fix isn't in ubuntu yet, the ubuntu task should be 'triaged' | 11:19 |
lazka | yofel, it has no bug watch. What is a ubuntu task? | 11:22 |
yofel | lazka: the ubuntu task is our default task, meaning '<sourcepackage> (Ubuntu)' | 11:22 |
yofel | what's the bug # btw? | 11:23 |
lazka | No particular one.. I'm upstream and wanted to clean up a bit since some bugs have been fixed. | 11:24 |
lazka | And since I can't change to triaged.. I guess I'll wait until releases get packaged and set to fix released, right? | 11:25 |
yofel | lazka: you need bug control rights for that, if you're upstream you can get that pretty easy - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl | 11:27 |
yofel | hggdh: what was the process for that again? | 11:27 |
nigelb | yofel: one step process - poke jcastro with a long stick | 11:28 |
yofel | heh | 11:28 |
lazka | ok, thanks.. | 11:29 |
vish | lazka: upstream for which project? | 11:30 |
lazka | quodlibet | 11:31 |
vish | ah.. | 11:31 |
vish | lazka: jcastro is on vacation till tuesday.. try sending him a mail, sometimes he might respond.. he is addicted to Ubuntu ;) | 11:32 |
lazka | vish, will do. thanks | 11:32 |
vish | np. | 11:33 |
vish | lazka: in the mean time, you can mentioned the status you want to set for the bugs here and someone will get things going too.. | 11:34 |
vish | only triaged/wontfix, you might need Bugcontrol , else anyone can change status too .. :) | 11:35 |
lazka | there is no hurry.. | 11:35 |
lazka | one more.. if the package with the fix is only in maverick, does it still count as fix released? | 11:39 |
yofel | lazka: it does, fixes for stable releases need to follow the SRU process (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates) | 11:40 |
lazka | Why isn't google code bug watch not working? | 11:52 |
ashams | simar: hi | 15:09 |
ashams | simar: there? | 15:16 |
simar | ashams: ya | 15:21 |
simar | ashams: hi | 15:21 |
simar | ashams: sorry for yesterday | 15:21 |
simar | :( | 15:22 |
ashams | simar: np :) | 15:22 |
simar | ashams: actually i'm myself involved in some projects so i'm quite busy till 10th sep.. | 15:22 |
simar | ashams: after that i will be very frequent here | 15:22 |
ashams | simar: ok | 15:23 |
simar | ashams: need to loosen up your mind a bit .. | 15:23 |
simar | ashams: questions are welcome | 15:23 |
ashams | simar: oh yeah! | 15:23 |
ashams | simar: Touchpad sensitivity is related to which section of DebuggingTouchpadDetection ? | 15:25 |
ashams | simar: 4 or 5 ? | 15:26 |
simar | ashams: let me see | 15:27 |
ashams | like this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/442629 | 15:27 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 442629 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad too much sensitive after upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic (affects: 8) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,New] | 15:27 |
simar | ashams: ofcourse 5 | 15:28 |
ashams | simar: well | 15:28 |
simar | ashams: See 4 is only applicable if none of the touchpad features work. | 15:28 |
simar | ashams: This means touchpad acts like a mouse and well it is in fact not detected by kernel as a touchpad in this case | 15:29 |
simar | ashams: So the x will think it is a mouse. Only the user then knows that he is using a touchpad but computer doesn't | 15:30 |
ashams | simar: GR8 | 15:30 |
ashams | simar: sorry, How did you know that, there's no files attached? | 15:31 |
simar | ashams: :) | 15:31 |
simar | ashams: I dint get you question, which files | 15:32 |
ashams | simar: are'nt you analyzing the bug 442629 ? | 15:33 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 442629 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad too much sensitive after upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic (affects: 8) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/442629 | 15:33 |
simar | ashams: ya, i'm looking | 15:33 |
simar | ashams: Would you like to triage it? | 15:33 |
ashams | simar: yes, I'm trying right now, just a sec | 15:34 |
simar | ashams: good .. learn by doing .. | 15:35 |
simar | ashams: Consider some points first before moving on. | 15:35 |
ashams | simar: k? | 15:35 |
simar | ashams: This bug is when the user moved from jaunty to karmic. | 15:36 |
ashams | simar: so it might be related to the kernel? | 15:37 |
simar | ashams: Well people are now moving to maverick .. and there is a Lucid in between a very stable and a LTS (Long tern support) | 15:37 |
simar | ashams: wait | 15:37 |
simar | ashams: listen | 15:37 |
simar | ashams: As the bugs reported are and well always be more the amount of manpower, so we can neglect some bugs, bugs that are not so important and related to older versions of ubuntu | 15:38 |
ashams | simar: you mean, if not reported against the in-between Release, so it might be fixed by now! | 15:40 |
simar | ashams: So you should ask the user that if the bug still exist in Lucid and Maverick. Is the touchpad works fine in either of these then you should not bother about very few people that may be using karmic and mark the bug as closed.. | 15:40 |
ashams | simar: ok | 15:40 |
simar | ashams: exactly sometimes the bugs gets fixed because these are reported in some other linux typically debian.. | 15:41 |
simar | ashams: i hope you got my point | 15:41 |
ashams | simar: yes I did, thank you :) | 15:41 |
Michaelellis | Hi? | 15:41 |
simar | ashams: But in case of security bugs we can't do this. Those are important bugs for us as.. | 15:42 |
simar | ashams: I hope you will triage this bug now . :) | 15:43 |
simar | Michaelellis: hi | 15:43 |
ashams | simar: ok | 15:43 |
Michaelellis | I have a problem using a Dinovo Edge wireless keyboard. | 15:43 |
simar | ashams: go ahead use the documentation if the bug still exist in maverick | 15:44 |
simar | Michaelellis: whats the issue? | 15:44 |
ashams | simar: after that I'll change the status to Incomplete? | 15:44 |
Michaelellis | THe keyboard will not work with Ubuntu 10 | 15:44 |
simar | ashams: No change the status to incomplete noww .. | 15:45 |
ashams | simar: k | 15:45 |
simar | ashams: so that no other triager will take the bug as a new | 15:45 |
simar | ashams: also you are requesting information from user so the status incomplete .. review the statuses here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status | 15:46 |
simar | Michaelellis: You should ask the question in #ubuntu. There you can get better answer | 15:47 |
Michaelellis | Alright. THanks | 15:47 |
simar | Michaelellis: :) | 15:47 |
ashams | simar: done. | 15:48 |
simar | ashams: let me see | 15:48 |
simar | ashams: good work | 15:49 |
simar | ashams: but remember | 15:49 |
simar | ashams: you should ask the user to test. All user are not technically advanced. | 15:49 |
simar | ashams: you should ask only that the touchpad works well in lucid and maveric or not | 15:50 |
simar | ashams: still very neat and good use of language | 15:50 |
ashams | simar: :D | 15:51 |
simar | ashams: also note the first step usually is to set the status to incomplete if you feel you can triage the bug and then do whatever you want | 15:51 |
simar | ashams: unfortunately i see the status is still new | 15:52 |
ashams | simar: oh no, I misUnderstood your message above | 15:54 |
simar | ashams: ;-) | 15:54 |
ashams | simar: I was about to change it but I thought that you say no, so another triagger may take it as new. | 15:55 |
simar | ashams: is said if you will not set the status to incomplete, may be i can open the bug at the same time and add comments .. | 15:56 |
ashams | simar: done | 15:56 |
simar | ashams: also if the status of bug is new, it means no body is triaging it so any triager can take it | 15:56 |
simar | ashams: good | 15:57 |
ashams | simar: well. | 15:57 |
simar | ashams: now if in future you feel like you cannot triage the bug anymore, you should set the status to new again | 15:58 |
ashams | simar: ofcourse... | 15:58 |
simar | ashams: get some more bugs | 15:58 |
ashams | simar: what is Two-finger and edge scrolling?, I don't use a touchpad! | 15:59 |
simar | ashams: have you seen a macbook | 16:00 |
ashams | simar: trying to find, just a sec | 16:01 |
simar | ashams: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T63BDr3RLb8 | 16:01 |
ashams | simar: Great! | 16:01 |
simar | ashams: i'm always there to make you work easy .. :) | 16:01 |
simar | ashams: hey i'm starving hard ;-)i think i need | 16:03 |
simar | i think i need to take some food | 16:03 |
simar | ashams: i will catch you in about half hour | 16:03 |
ashams | simar: ok, go go go, Bon a petit | 16:03 |
simar | ashams: or probably less than that.. i don't eat much ;-)) | 16:04 |
simar | ashams: ah! | 16:37 |
simar | ashams: i'm back | 16:37 |
ashams | simar: hey so fast | 16:37 |
simar | ashams: thats me hehe | 16:49 |
simar | ashams: i'm working on something so wait to get responses .. | 16:50 |
ashams | simar: ok | 16:50 |
simar | ashams: keep taking bugs | 16:50 |
ashams | simar: I'm searching and going back to references! | 16:51 |
simar | ashams: take bugs of one type only at present | 16:53 |
simar | like you can search for more sensitivity issues .. | 16:53 |
ashams | simar: I focus on Multi Touch feature bugs | 16:53 |
ashams | simar: I couldn't find more sensitivity bugs ;) | 16:54 |
simar | ashams: ok fine .. they arn't many to get fixed .. see the major bug .. that i listed in documentation in the end | 17:08 |
ashams | simar: #308191 ? | 17:09 |
simar | bug 308191 | 17:10 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 308191 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Multitouch support not available for Synaptics touchpads v7.2 (affects: 45) (dups: 4) (heat: 282)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/308191 | 17:10 |
simar | ashams: ya | 17:10 |
ashams | simar: I'm there, looking | 17:11 |
simar | ashams: k | 17:11 |
ashams | simar: there's a newer one: | 17:13 |
ashams | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/591921 | 17:14 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 591921 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "two-finger scrolling does not work on Asus EeePC 1201T (affects: 2) (heat: 47)" [Undecided,New] | 17:14 |
ashams | I'll be back after about 20 mins, it's time for BreakFast. | 17:18 |
ashams | simar: I'll be back after about 20 mins, it's time for BreakFast. | 17:19 |
ashams | simar: just a reminder, I can't understand the output of the xev tool! | 17:19 |
ansgar | 5 | 17:24 |
simar | ashams: ok | 17:26 |
ashams | simar: I'm back | 17:51 |
ashams | simar: does Touchpad settings and conigs differ between Gnome and kde ? | 17:53 |
njin | hello poeple. i've to report a bug against update manager that remove and not reinstall alsamixer during upgrade lucid-maverick, is sufficient attach /var/log/dist-upgrade or is needed something more ? | 17:53 |
crimsun_ | eh? | 17:53 |
crimsun_ | do you mean the alsa-utils binary package? There isn't an alsamixer package (unless you're referring to the gui one, which is a totally separate binary package). | 17:54 |
njin | my sistem start working only installing gnome-alsamixer | 17:54 |
njin | before i have only alsa-utils but it don't work | 17:55 |
crimsun_ | njin: what you just said seems to be a completely separate symptom and bug from what you originally said | 17:55 |
njin | crimsun_: i don't know well audio side, only thing that i have noted is that my audio start working only when i have installed gnome-alsamixer from Synaptic | 17:58 |
njin | so i 've thinked that upgrade process failed something | 17:59 |
crimsun_ | njin: please be precise. Are you saying that upgrading /removes/ the gnome-alsamixer binary package? | 17:59 |
crimsun_ | njin: the "muted on login" symptom is known; I have a proposed fix for it. | 18:00 |
njin | crimsun_:no, i've unmuted and reviewed all settings before install alsamixer | 18:01 |
njin | crimsun_: in top when audinot working i've npviewer.bin, pulseaudio and rythmbox running, but no output | 18:03 |
crimsun_ | njin: close your web browser | 18:04 |
njin | crimsun_: after installing gnome-alsamixer it start work immediatly | 18:04 |
crimsun_ | njin: compare `amixer' output prior to, and after, installing gnome-alsamixer | 18:05 |
njin | crimsun_:how can i do it ? | 18:10 |
crimsun_ | njin: amixer > before.txt | 18:17 |
crimsun_ | njin: etc. | 18:17 |
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njin | crimsun_: i found a workaround to start maverick with audio working | 18:57 |
crimsun_ | njin: which? | 18:59 |
njin | crimsun_: delete ~/.pulse/xxxxxxxxxxx-device-volume.tdb and reboot | 19:01 |
crimsun_ | heh | 19:03 |
crimsun_ | this is most likely the same issue from alsactl start | 19:03 |
njin | it work for just one time | 19:03 |
crimsun_ | njin: have you tried rebooting, logging in, and using 'sudo alsactl init 0' ? | 19:03 |
njin | no, i try | 19:04 |
njin_ | crimsun_: how bad thing Unknown hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Intel IbexPeak HDMI" "HDA:10ec0887,1458a102,00100202 HDA:80862804,80860101,00100000" "0x1458" "0xa002" Hardware is initialized using a guess method | 19:09 |
crimsun_ | njin_: it isn't a bad thing at all. The message is just confusing; it has been changed to "generic" instead of "guess" to reduce confusion. | 19:10 |
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