
devildantetremolux, around?00:14
devildanteor asleep? :p00:14
=== Sarvatt is now known as Sarvatt|gone
tremoluxdevildante: hey, are you there?01:36
tremoluxdevildante: was dinnering  ;)01:37
devildantetremolux, what do you think of bug 629911? do you have any idea about the root of the problem?01:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 629911 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Searching "gThumb", F-Spot appear before (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62991101:38
tremoluxdevildante: that's an interesting one..hm01:39
tremoluxdevildante: I don't know right off, I'd have to look into that one01:40
devildantetremolux: thx :)01:41
tremoluxdevildante: that's interesting, you gonna dig into it?01:42
devildantetremolux: dunno, I have really no idea why this is caused, and I'm not familiar with the search code :(01:42
tremoluxdevildante: I'm intrigued, but I have family members demanding I join them to watch a movie so I'll have to look later on  :D01:45
tremoluxdevildante: have a great weekend  :)01:45
devildantetremolux: okay, enjoy your movie then :)01:45
devildantetremolux, you too :)01:45
* tremolux waves01:45
smallcan anyone help me with sharing a file03:36
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
=== Sarvatt|gone is now known as Sarvatt
faganIts so quiet over the weekend22:11
devildante!weekend | fagan22:29
ubot2fagan: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.22:29
faganI know22:29
devildantejust saying :p22:29
fagandevildante: but its even more quiet this weekend22:30
faganprobably because its a long weekend for the US22:30
devildantefagan: yeah, I agree22:30
devildantefagan, hmm,? is there something in the US? (not American :p)22:30
faganim not american but I know monday is a holiday for something22:31
bcurtiswxholiday weekend = nobody here X 222:42

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