
=== zkriesse_ is now known as Guest89558
nigelbok, so LoCo related links are up on the doc13:39
nigelbamber, please ping me once you've filtered them13:39
nigelbI'll write the summaries13:39
Pendulumnigelb: she's not likely to be around today. she usually tries to completely avoid looking at things until monday ;-)14:21
Pendulumif you want, I can look at it, though and give you my opinion on what's priority :-)14:21
nigelbplease :)14:21
Pendulumk. give me a sec. which doc are they in?14:22
nigelbum, there is only one doc?14:23
Pendulumwell, there's the google doc, the etherpad, and I never know if people actually are talking about the doc when they say the doc :P14:24
nigelbahhhhh, true :)14:24
nigelbbtw, should change that time to 2359 UTC sep 4, so its less confusing14:24
akgranernigelb, Pendulum I moved everything that as on the working docs to the wiki  - if you added more yesterday cross ref against what is on the wiki14:37
nigelbakgraner: I added only about 2 to 3 hours back, looks like I need to cross reerence14:38
akgranernods ;-)14:38
nigelbakgraner: do we want a separate section for UGJ reports?14:39
akgranernigelb, nope14:39
akgranertoo many sections get confusing14:39
akgranerhowever what you can do is write something like:14:40
akgranerAnother great Ubuntu Global Jam was held <list dates>14:40
akgranerinsert 2-3 sentence description of what UGJ is14:41
nhandlerFor the various blog posts, I think they have combined them into one "story" including the country/state/city name of the jam, dates, and link to blog post and/or pictures14:42
akgranerthe Say the following Loco Teams took place in UGJ (spell it out though)14:42
nigelbakgraner: What I meant was having one write up for all the UGJ posts and link to $foo, bar, baz held ugjs14:42
akgranernigelb, yes but don't downplay the importance their participation14:42
nigelbgah, everyone's thinking the same thing and nhandler beat me to typing it out14:42
akgranerall teams and people love to see their name in UWN14:42
nhandlerAs well as links back to their blogs14:43
akgranerand it is sometimes the motivation for people writing good blogposts14:43
nigelbum, so we keep the style?14:43
akgranernigelb, describe what style you are speaking of14:43
akgranerwe keep it in the same tone of UWN14:44
nigelbthe one what is on the wiki currently => eache blog post separate like we do normally :)14:44
akgranerone sec14:44
akgranertry this for the title - === Ubuntu Global Jam:  Another Success Due To LoCo Team Participation ===14:46
akgranerthe describe it briefly14:46
nigelbok, will do :)14:47
akgranerthe use * Title and link to story14:47
akgranermake sense14:47
akgraneralrighty I'll check back in around Lunchtime tomorrow14:48
akgranerPete's b-day was yesterday we were both busy and then last night the Marching Band had to be at the game and the parents had concession duty  - so we are celebrating today :-)14:49
akgraneremail or ping me and let me know if you won't be able to get your section done so when I get back I'll know what I need to work on before Monday :-)  Please and Thank you!14:50
akgranernhandler, can you add this to the Fridge today - http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/14:51
akgranerUbuntu Kernel Bug Triage Summit14:51
nhandlerakgraner: Yeah. I'll get it up sometime today. No promises on when though (it is my birthday, and my cousin from out East is flying into town today)14:52
nigelbnhandler: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!14:52
akgranernhandler, nevermind!!!! Happy Birthday - sorry I didn't know14:52
akgranerget off the computer then and enjoy YOUR day!14:53
nhandlerakgraner: Nah, I can still take care of it. We aren't doing much in terms of celebration until tomorrow night ;)14:53
Pendulumnhandler: happy birthday!14:53
akgranerHave a good celebration  - I hope your Birthday is as awesome as you are!!!14:53
nigelbif you ban me for this, I will nt regret it14:54
nigelb _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   __14:54
nigelb| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / /14:54
nigelb| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /14:54
nigelb|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| |14:54
nigelb|_| |_/_/   \_\_|   |_|    |_|   |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/   \_\_|14:54
akgranerawwww :-)14:54
nigelbnhandler: ^^ :)14:54
akgranerlater y'all  - nhandler Happy Happy b-day again!14:55
nhandlerThank you nigelb and akgraner.14:55
zkriessenhandler: It's yo b=day?14:59
zkriessenhandler: CONGRATS!!!14:59
zkriesseso how old are ya now15:00
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse

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