
bazhang<jun_> okay i wouldnt mind spending the next couple of weeks writing an irc killer00:01
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 469 bans)01:50
elkyooh, -ot just  became -homework apparently04:50
bazhangwow annoying06:31
bazhangseems the closer we get to release, the more folks will argue they should be supported in the main channel, "it's only slightly different"06:38
Madpilotnot uncommon06:39
Madpilotbut which part of "still in beta!" is hard to understand, rly?06:39
bazhanghehe yeah06:39
bazhanghe did not even have an Ubuntu OS installed and wanted to know if we could fix it.06:40
MadpilotI missed that part. even better.06:40
bazhangso he was asked to try boot options with the live cd, or get the alternate cd, then went ahead and installed the beta alternate06:41
bazhangnow in -ot06:42
IdleOneumm why did he leave the channel?06:54
bazhangI won't believe he installed it until he shows the sources.list with the beta iso in it06:54
IdleOneit's real simple, when it comes to running +1, don't unless you know how to unbreak it06:57
IdleOneNOT fix it but UNBREAK it06:57
MadpilotI've always liked "If you break it, you get to keep all the pieces" WRT betas, myself06:59
Madpilotwhich is why i only ever, ever run them on liveCDs...06:59
bazhangjust wondering if this the ryan of daemonxp fame (fabled foxconn troll)07:00
IdleOneI just don't understand how someone can run a alpha/beta version of anything and expect it to work07:02
bazhanghe spent a goodly amount of time with nothing installed at all wondering if his issue could be fixed.07:02
IdleOnethe problem is in Windows, software is advertised as " We got the New Beta release of app XYZ" everybody rush to download it.07:03
bazhangthe details just dont add up. not being able to get to tty ?07:03
IdleOneI suspect we won't see much more from him07:04
IdleOneleast not about this issue.07:04
bazhangwhew prescient07:04
IdleOnewas that English?07:05
bazhangthe second after you said that, he quit07:05
IdleOnehe just left07:05
IdleOnedidn't quit07:05
bazhangyep thus the prescience07:05
IdleOneI had to look up the word prescience07:06
* IdleOne is learned by bazhang today07:06
IdleOneI honestly never saw that word before.07:08
bazhangshould've said 'you called it'07:08
IdleOneno no, please don't dumb down so I can understand you :)07:09
IdleOneI have no problem admitting when I don't know something07:09
bazhangjust waiting for him to change nicks and come back. he's had about 6-7 at least in the past07:10
IdleOneDad always made sure we had dictionaries in the house. anytime one of us asked what something meant he handed us a dictionary07:10
IdleOneI think it was because he probably didn't know half of the stuff we asked about lol07:10
Madpilotstandard parent trick. Never actually admit ignorance. :)07:11
IdleOneMadpilot: I have used it myself :)07:11
Madpilotlikewise, perhaps I should have said "standard human trick" :)07:13
Madpilotas I ain't a parent...07:13
* mneptok does the vacation dance07:15
IdleOneneed an umbrella drink?07:15
mneptokand the vacation is off to a bang. literally. my wife and i went to the firing range today so she could test out her new pistol. :)07:16
IdleOneyou're here telling us about it so I assume her aim is a little off07:17
mneptokare you calling my wife stupid?07:18
bazhangmore fun in +107:18
mneptoklike she'd fulfill a longtime fantasy like with *witnesses* around?07:18
IdleOneI would never call your wife stupid07:18
IdleOneMadpilot showing off in +1 with his auto @07:20
Madpilotjust making sure I was still on the list there, that's all.07:21
Madpilotnot trying to scare our quasi-troll at all, rly. Honest.07:21
bazhangthe days when the gave @ to everyone in every channel07:21
bazhangerr they07:21
Madpilotbazhang, I've seen a couple of channels even here on Freenode where every single regular had @, and "wore" it at all times.07:23
Madpilotnot used to that, I only starting on IRC when I started using Ubuntu...07:23
bazhangMadpilot, hehe07:23
bazhangI get auto opped when I join #ubuntu-unregged07:24
IdleOneback to watching DS907:32
Kwpolskawho banned my and why?08:14
bazhangKwpolska, I did08:17
Kwpolskabazhang: y?08:18
bazhangKwpolska, you were asked to read the code of conduct and guidelines; you were merely muted at the time08:18
KwpolskaI read it08:18
KwpolskaNobody told me that I shall say you "hey i read the guidelines"08:18
bazhangand you did not respond, except to express concern about your shell and being able to express "how much Ubuntu sucks"08:19
bazhangyou were given a very long time to respond08:19
KwpolskaI just forgot about it.08:20
bazhangand as you have a history of disruptive inappropriate behaviour in #ubuntu even changing shells to ban dodge, it was changed to a ban08:20
KwpolskaI tell people there AGAIN: It wasn't planned.08:21
bazhangcalling people noobs, showing contempt for others and being unhelpful on the whole08:21
* Kwpolska is off.08:21
bazhangKwpolska, as you seem not to want to resolve this, please exit the channel.08:23
bazhang!idle | Kwpolska08:26
ubottuKwpolska: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.08:26
lhavelundhey tsimpson13:42
tsimpsonhey :)13:43
jussiHes back! the bot GOD is back!14:08
* jussi dances14:08
tsimpsonyou prey all you want, I'm a vengeful god :p14:14
Tm_Tseems like I sent only half of my message to the list... oh well14:35
jussiTm_T: !!14:35
jussiyou messed it up!14:35
knomeit's always him14:35
Tm_Tjussi: Huh?14:35
* jussi points up...14:36
knomeTm_T, you spoiled our hi-parade14:36
knome^ and now he's anjoying it14:36
Tm_T/join ##hi-parade14:38
bazhang[bhah] (asshole@easy.and.friendlydrunk.net): zapp that seems offensive14:52
Kwpolskabazhang: ping15:23
bazhangKwpolska, hi15:23
KwpolskaI had to go away for few hours15:23
Kwpolskabut yeah, let's return to our discussion15:26
bazhangKwpolska, discussion?15:26
bazhangKwpolska, you were given the code of conduct and guidelines15:26
bazhangKwpolska, you expressed concern only about your shell and not being able to freely express yourself15:27
KwpolskaI concerned about my shell because I could be removed15:28
Kwpolskabut I read the guidelines15:28
bazhangKwpolska, but nothing in reply to following the code of conduct nor guidelines15:28
bazhangKwpolska, nor the the underlying issue of why you were muted and then banned15:28
Kwpolskasay, I had no time to care about replying to you15:29
KwpolskaI ju closed the window and fogot it15:29
bazhangKwpolska, so you wish to discuss the reasons for your ban?15:30
bazhangKwpolska, and what would those be?15:30
Kwpolskabazhang: what?15:32
bazhangKwpolska, what were the reasons for your mute and subsequent ban15:32
Kwpolskausing words like "n00b".15:32
bazhangKwpolska, you've said you read the code of conduct and the guidelines15:33
KwpolskaI did.15:33
bazhangso the ban was for a single word, in your view?15:33
Kwpolskaand a bit more15:34
bazhangsuch as?15:34
KwpolskaI don't remember.15:34
bazhangnothing more to discuss then.15:34
bazhang<Kwpolska> I don't remember.15:35
bazhangwe were trying to resolve this issue.15:35
bazhangbut it seems we have come to a standstill.15:36
KwpolskaThe main thing that you banned/quieted me is telling that ubuntu is not a good choice15:36
bazhangit was the disruptive, unhelpful behaviour15:37
bazhangshowing contempt for others as well15:37
bazhangthis is hardly the first time.15:37
KwpolskaI know15:40
bazhangas it's a support channel, that's not useful nor acceptable.15:41
KwpolskaI know.15:42
KwpolskaI'm sorry.15:48
bazhangKwpolska, it's important to follow the code of conduct and guidelines in #ubuntu and other namespace channels15:49
bazhangits a shared resource, and lots of newer users come there for assistance15:49
bazhangso while your personal view may be that Ubuntu is for noobs and debian is for professionals, that is not constructive in such an environment15:50
KwpolskaYeah, yeah.15:51
bazhangKwpolska, was there anything else?15:52
bazhangKwpolska, okay, then please exit the channel.15:54
bazhangdon't see any reason to lift the ban, as he has had this issue for some time know15:58
elkyLet me see if I'm translating that correctly...15:58
elky"If I'm unbanned I'll continue, if I'm not unbanned then I'll hate ubuntu more but from the safety of Elsewhere"15:59
elkyI think I can cope with option b.15:59
jussijust a FYI, we changed the output of the find command to be a little more useful:16:28
jussi!find kdebase16:28
ubottuFound: kdebase, kdebase-apps, kdebase-bin, kdebase-data, kdebase-dbg, kdebase-plasma, kdebase-workspace, kdebase-workspace-bin, kdebase-workspace-data, kdebase-workspace-dbg (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kdebase&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all16:28
jussiThanks to tsimpson for implenting it. :)16:30
tsimpsonworking with supybot is something I did not miss...16:32
ryanakcaHmm. Any point in keeping #ubuntu-trivia around? It's still occasionally used (a person or two show up a day an play a trivia game against themselves and then /part), but barely...17:05
ryanakcaThe answer decides whether or not I bother to compile eggdrop on my new server and copy over all of the trivia stuff.17:06
IdleOneseems a shame to close the channel17:06
IdleOnebut I suppose it is up to you17:08
ryanakcaAlright, well, my bot may be offline for a couple of days while I migrate everything.17:08
* ryanakca tacks a note to the topic17:09
ryanakcaWoah, "12:09:12 ::: Topic set by unknown Thu May 29 15:24:17 2008" ... that was a long time ago :)17:09
jussiryanakca: *G*17:10
jussiryanakca: keep it around - if you can be bothered to maintain the bot, maybe we can get it up and going again - its a good place to send people who are bored :D17:11
ubottuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! Join to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and to keep excercising those cranial muscles.17:12
jussi!bored is <alias> trivia17:12
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi17:12
jussiryanakca: see above...17:12
ryanakcajussi: It would be nice if people submitted questions, I'm pretty sure bazhang has memorized them all by now... I used to announce "trivia specials" on Planet Ubuntu (although they weren't any different than any other day) and get 20 or so people to play together, and at the same time I'd ask people to please submit Ubuntu questions, but nobody ever did...17:13
jussiryanakca: hrm... lets think about how we could get people to do that. whats the question submission form?17:13
ryanakca"12:13:12 < Quizbuntu> Top 10: bazhang 1434, Seveas 1034, tonyyarusso 719, awalton__ 625, kling0n 566, spridel 409, greg-g 331, compengi 315, rodserling 313, khermans 280" (apologies for the pings)17:14
ryanakcajussi: I just plopped my email in my blog post and had people email them to me...17:15
jussiryanakca: if there was a mechanism in the bot it might help?17:15
jussiryanakca: something like we have for ubottu?17:16
IdleOneryanakca: jussi http://www.egghelp.org/cgi-bin/tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=672  maybe can be adapted for submitting  Q/A17:23
* jussi nominates IdleOne to do it :D17:23
* IdleOne doesn't know tcl17:24
ryanakcajussi: I don't have the time to add one at the moment, but if there's someone familiar with TCL and who has the time/interest, I can give them access to my server / the bot and they can do it...17:24
jussiryanakca: ok, Ill see if theres someone... :D17:25
ryanakcaIdleOne: There's already a report feature to report problem questions, it should be easy enough to extend it to paste the report in here instead of in the 'reports' file.17:26
* jussi hands IdleOne the tcl book17:26
ryanakcaAnd once you have that done, it would be a breeze to add a new question feature.17:26
IdleOne:P I am not volunteering to add this feature. I don't know how17:26
ryanakcaAlright. So I'll copy my eggdrop bot over.17:26
* ryanakca thinks IdleOne was voluntold ;)17:27
ryanakcaShould I send an email to ubuntu-irc to see if anybody's interested?17:27
* jussi wonders if tsimpson feels like a new language :P17:27
jussiryanakca: yes, thats a good idea17:27
* ryanakca tacks it to his TODO list, it'll get done at some point once I've finished updating the kdepim packages and moving my server.17:28
mati75_I have a quation17:29
mati75_Why my host was banned on #ubuntu?17:29
jussimati75_: hi17:29
jussimati75_: 1 moment please17:29
mati75_not that17:30
jussimati75_: ok, 1 sec17:30
mati75_no problem17:31
jussibazhang: about?17:31
jussimati75_: have you used any other names on irc? or are there others on your server using irc?17:32
mati75_i used mati75 nick17:32
mati75_but it's banned shell server17:33
mati75_with 12 users17:33
jussimati75_: are you the admin for that server?17:33
jussimati75_: ok, there is a user who was: "removed and banned after more of the same unhelpful, overly aggressive and inappropriate behaviou"17:34
mati75_I find who is17:35
IdleOneKwpolska (Kwpolska@vps.rocik.net) has left #ubuntu-ops ("If I am unbanned, then okay, if no, I'll hate ubuntu even more.")17:36
jussimati75_: the user is enlik!enlik@vps.rocik.net17:36
mati75_ok thanks17:37
jussiso looks like a couple of different users17:38
ubottuavi_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:30
IdleOneset +r in #u18:31
alkisgHi... silly question, was the idea of #ubuntu somehow splitting to more channels ever discussed? It's a little chaotic... :)21:25
IdleOnesplitting #ubuntu would make it more difficult to manage and provide support.21:27
alkisgE.g. a lot of people come to #edubuntu while they have ubuntu installed, and when we tell them to ask in #ubuntu for generic ubuntu questions instead, they answer that the tried, but they were overwhelmed there21:28
IdleOne#ubuntu takes some getting used to but splitting it into #ubuntu-sound, -video, etc would stretch the resources thin. A user who can help in both cases would need to be in both channels.21:31
alkisgI think the problem is the "getting used to" part, for inexperienced people trying Ubuntu and possibly IRC for the first time that seems difficult21:32
alkisgAnyway, if it's been discussed, I'm sure I don't have anything new to add :)21:33
IdleOnealkisg: I know the IRCC is always open to any new ideas that can help new users21:33
IdleOnealkisg: there is #ubuntu-beginners21:34
IdleOnesmaller, less scroll21:34
alkisgWell, personally, I tried hanging out in #ubuntu and helping people some times, but I quickly got tired of trying to keep up with all the scrolling up/down :)21:34
alkisgCool, I didn't know about that channel21:35
IdleOneit's a good channel to refer new users to and anybody who wants to help21:35
IdleOne!idle  | alkisg21:40
ubottualkisg: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.21:40
LjLhi. i've introduced a new feature in the floodbots, whereby users who join #ubuntu-unregged are allowed in #ubuntu if they answer a security question correctly22:51
LjLdue to the fact that code updating is broken, however, i have only been able to add this to FloodBot1, not to the other three22:51
LjLso FloodBot1 will need to stay opped in #ubuntu for this to work. please pay attention to that, since otherwise users in -unregged will be quite confused. Bot1 can be opped by typing "op FloodBot1" in #ubuntu-ops-monitor22:52
LjLalso if you want to test the new feature out, part #ubuntu and join #ubuntu-unregged22:52
LjLi'm also looking for additional security question, so if you have time to spare to write silly simple question/answer couples, you're welcome ;)22:53

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