
progre55_Hypnoz: is it possible to do this? "sudo tar zcvf - SOURCEDIR | ssh user1@remotehost 'cd DESTDIR; tar zxvf - '" but, preserving the file permissions and ownership?00:02
* SpamapS drums his fingers as he waits for mysql to build in a PPA.........00:03
progre55_I was thinking about his approach, but couldnt preserve ownership and stuff, so I did "tar zcvf - SOURCEDIR | ssh user1@remotehost "cat > /DESTDIR/DESTFILE.tar.gz"" so now I have a huge tar file I cannot extract ))00:04
* SpamapS also drums fingers waiting for mongodb to build00:04
SpamapSprogre55_: that is possible, I've done it before.00:04
progre55_SpamapS: which one?00:04
SpamapSprogre55_: precede your 'cat' with a touch/chmod/chown command00:04
SpamapSprogre55_: oh you want the contents to have the same uid's/gid's ?00:05
progre55_cause it's a huge dir00:05
progre55_with lots of files..00:05
SpamapSprogre55_: are the UID's/GID's the same on the destination box? tar usually uses names so they will map right on the dest host00:05
SpamapSprogre55_: so whats wrong then? Not sure what you want to do that the command you gave won't do00:06
progre55_SpamapS: the dir on server 1 is owned by root and mysql, but the user I'm ssh'ing it with is different.. so with the first approach all the files were under that user's ownership00:08
progre55_but with the second approach, I dont have enough space on my second server to untar the dir.. cause the dir is 19.3 Gb, the tar is 8.5 and I only have 25Gb00:09
SpamapSprogre55_: well thats because you're not allowed to create files as another user unless you are root00:12
progre55_well yeah I know that )00:13
SpamapSso... be root00:13
progre55_and that's why I was asking if it's possible to do it..00:13
SpamapSprogre55_: why not just use rsync?00:13
progre55_hm.. that's an idea )00:13
* SpamapS realizes he is taking it for granted that you would know about rsync. :)00:13
progre55_but dont really know the syntax, never used it )00:14
SpamapSvery similar to scp00:15
SpamapSrsync localdir/ user@remotehost:remotedir/00:15
SpamapSthe trailing slash on the source is important00:15
SpamapSif omitted, the destination will be where to put a dir called localdir, if its there, them remotedir will be made to look like localdir. Make sense?00:15
progre55_hmm.. yeah =)00:17
progre55_but how does it connect?00:17
progre55_I mean, does it ask for password or smth?00:17
zashprogre55_: it goes over ssh00:17
progre55_oh )00:17
zashprogre55_: so it'll ask for ssh credentials00:17
progre55_okay )00:17
progre55_thanks man, I'll try it now..00:18
SpamapSrsync is amazing00:18
SpamapSyou are a changed man now that you have discovered it00:18
progre55_haha =)00:18
progre55_let me experience it first ))00:18
SpamapSrsync is like pizza and sex.. even when its bad, its good.00:19
progre55_hmm.. rsync creates the dir itself, but doesnt copy the files, says "skipping directory ."00:35
progre55_SpamapS: ^^00:35
SpamapSprogre55_: rsync -a00:36
HypnozI ususally do -av00:36
SpamapSprogre55_: or -r00:36
SpamapSyeah, -av is good00:36
SpamapSwill show progress as it goes if you add -P00:36
SpamapS(and will keep partial files which is good if you have giant files and low bandwidth)00:36
SpamapSprogre55_: -a means keep permissions and ownership the same too00:37
SpamapSsort of mimics cp -a00:37
* SpamapS signs off00:37
progre55_aha, cool, thanks00:38
progre55_hm.. I like rsync a lot =)00:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #629929 in apache2 (main) "MM (10.10) does not connect to the internet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62992900:51
_Techie_is there any reason that root would have excessive amounts of files on the hard drive,   http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t212/xperiment62/usage.jpg01:16
Hypnoz_Techie_: is this only looking in /root/ or across the whole system?01:17
_Techie_thats looking @ /01:17
Hypnozas root, try running   cd / && du -sh *01:19
Hypnozmaybe keep digging down into the larger foldres to find where things are getting large01:19
_Techie_ooh, i see where a ton of it is now01:20
_Techie_website backups01:20
_Techie_thanks heaps Hypnoz, i know exactly what  to do now01:21
_Techie_also is there a bug in 9.10 that causes it to cache alot to RAM01:24
_Techie_RAM was flushed of hard drive cache ~ 25 minutes ago, and now the RAM usage is at 1.08gigs, with 232.15 MB of that being processes01:25
EvilPhoenixother than chkrootkit, does anyone know other root kit checkers or similar programs?01:30
JanCEvilPhoenix: $ apt-cache search rootkit01:44
JanCchkrootkit - rootkit detector01:44
JanCrkhunter - rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner01:44
JanCunhide - Forensic tool to find hidden processes and ports01:44
EvilPhoenixJanC:  thanks01:44
JanC(you could have done the same apt search, of course ;)01:44
EvilPhoenixJanC:  apt-cache search is being evil on my system01:45
EvilPhoenixcant even find already installed packages01:45
EvilPhoenixi'm reinstalling it all tomorrow01:46
JanCwell, if you are infected by a rootkit, no program is guaranteed to find it, of course...01:46
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dominicdinadawhere besides the hostname file are hostnames stored  ?02:00
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pmatulisdominicdinada: in the kernel02:39
pmatulisdominicdinada: or kernel-aware02:39
pmatulisdominicdinada: man sysctl02:40
dominicdinadapmatulis: ok i will check i02:40
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MakXquick newb question05:30
MakXnothing needs to be restarted for php.ini changes to take effect, right?05:30
DigitalDeviant question: is there a way to upgrade a ubuntu server to centos remotely ?06:06
DigitalDeviantis there anyone here that will help me purge out ispconfig and all the other crap that comes with it? I can setup a remote session so you can access my ssh06:26
LovetrainHi alll07:33
oraclehey, any service configuration utils--similar to the one on centos--on ubntu?08:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #630028 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63002808:36
q_a_z_steve_I installed virtualbox on my 10.04 server, and now I am stuck wondering, can I avoid installing X11 and still use it?11:29
q_a_z_steve_hey, anyone here?11:31
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joschiq_a_z_steve: VirtualBox itself runs well without an X server. but I think all existing packages depend on X.org, so you'd need to repackage or compile/install vbox yourself12:27
bjaanesI have this DHCP/DNS server which i JUST got working properly with ddns-update and all (DHCP updating the DNS and such). What is not irritating me is that when I add an server to dhcpd.conf file as reserved - the DNS does not get update upon lease. Why? O_o13:03
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LowValueTarget10.04.1 x64 server -- MySQL wont start.... i see this in 'messages' .... http://pastie.org/private/vdkr4casa2zah1gnxn8o8a15:33
LowValueTargetany ideas?15:33
LowValueTarget`status mysql` => mysql respawn/post-start, (post-start) process 238515:33
LowValueTargetthe pid changes every few seconds15:33
LowValueTargeti assume its in some sort of loop15:33
joschiLowValueTarget: seems like AppArmor doesn't like your mysqld to access the new config file /usr/wp/conf/mysql/my-normal.cnf15:35
joschiyou'll either need to disable the apparmor profile for mysqld (bad) or modify the existing profile to allow access to that file15:36
LowValueTargetjoschi: ha! I just stopped apparmor and started mysql15:37
LowValueTargetworks like a charm15:37
LowValueTargeti need to find where the mysql profile is for apparmor15:38
joschiLowValueTarget: yes, but if it's a public accessible system, you should invest some time in reading about apparmor and how to use it15:38
kklimonda /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld15:38
LowValueTargetkklimonda, joschi I just add the path in there?15:39
joschiLowValueTarget: you could do that15:39
LowValueTargetis that a list of "allowed" paths15:39
joschiLowValueTarget: it's a little bit more, but that's certainly part of it15:39
LowValueTargetthen permissions for each15:39
LowValueTargetill read up on it15:39
joschiLowValueTarget: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/apparmor.html15:40
joschiLowValueTarget: for starters just duplicate the line for /etc/mysql/my.cnf in the apparmor profile and adjust the path of the duplicated line15:40
LowValueTargeti did. Thanks joschi15:43
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Psi-JackNow I have to figure out how to convert this fricken upstart init for libvirt-bin into a proper LSB init script.16:14
Psi-JackBecause upstart doesn't have ANY kind of proper LSB error codes at all for CRM management.16:15
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wildemHello, anyone familiar with this problem?: mysql -u root gives ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'. I have removed all mysql packages and reinstalled them making sure I do not set a root password. Still it does not work.16:38
TANATHOSwildem : mysqladmin -u root ?16:40
wildemCannot find an answer on the web16:40
wildemTANATHOS: mysqladmin -u root didnt work before but now it seems to work16:41
TANATHOSmysqladmin --user=root password 'my_root_password'16:41
TANATHOSactually that should be the sintax16:41
wildemThen i get the same error16:42
wildemor if i try to set up a database16:42
TANATHOSyou should use16:42
TANATHOSmysql -u root -p16:42
TANATHOSand the input the password16:42
wildemI have set password blank16:42
wildemwhen i installed the packages16:42
TANATHOSwildem: not a very good ideea but still16:43
wildemyeah, just for ease of development atm16:43
TANATHOSset a password and then 'mysql -u root -p'16:43
wildemwith mysqladmin --user=root etc?16:43
wildemmysqladmin --user=root password 12345'16:44
wildemmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed16:44
wildemerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'16:44
wildemexcept with one more '16:44
TANATHOS:)) there is no '16:44
wildembefore 12345, accidentally deleted it16:44
wildemi removed the password before pasting ^^16:44
wildemthere was a ' before16:44
effjwildem, add -p and see if it'll ask you for a password16:45
TANATHOSI was thinking how to explain him that16:45
wildemeffj, TANATHOS: tried that16:46
wildemstill same problem edcept using password: yes16:46
TANATHOSwildem: mysql -u root -p password16:46
effjTANATHOS, oh sorry, you had already written it above, didn't see, kinda just switched to this window :/16:46
wildemTANATHOS: but there is no passowrd set :/16:47
TANATHOSeffj : no problem16:47
simplexio:) my usuall advice to mysql problems is "install postgresql" :) , yes i knoe, it isnt helpful16:47
TANATHOSwildem: last time, set a password with mysqladmin then try to connect with -p argument16:47
wildemI removed all mysql-related packages16:47
wildemreinstalled, without supplying a passowrd16:47
wildemand still it does not work :(16:48
wildemi cannot set a password with mysqladmin TANATHOS16:48
wildemShould I be able to do that?16:48
simplexiowildem: it probably left old db files to some dir ( usually its in /var/something/something )16:48
TANATHOSwildem: you should be able to do that if it's the first install16:48
wildemits not the first install, it's a reinstall of mysql now16:49
wildemsimplexio: I'll have a look16:49
TANATHOSthe initial root user has no password in mysql and you should be able to set it with mysqladmin16:50
TANATHOSthere is a way of resetting the root passwd16:50
wildemsimplexio: Would it leaving old DB-files keep some old root password?16:51
wildemTANATHOS: I take it that this should not happen? # mysqladmin --user=root password 'password'16:51
TANATHOSwildem: /etc/init.d/mysqld stop16:51
wildemmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed16:51
wildemerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'16:51
wildemstopped the service16:52
TANATHOSwildem: sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables &16:52
TANATHOSwildem: mysql -u root mysql16:52
TANATHOSthat should reset your passwd16:53
wildemTANATHOS: thanks16:53
wildemhmm sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables got me stuck in a process16:53
wildemcant even ctrl + c out of it16:54
TANATHOSit takes a while16:54
TANATHOSnot too much depending on your box16:54
wildemTANATHOS: is PASSWORD the old password?16:55
TANATHOSthat's a field16:56
wildemnot to used to mysql queries16:56
wildemim a front-end programmer16:56
TANATHOSwildem: you need to change online what's between ''16:56
TANATHOSI'm not a programmer at all16:57
wildemTANATHOS: It seems to have worked!16:57
wildemthanks a million :)16:57
TANATHOSyou are very welcome16:57
wildemI'll make sure I set passwords in the future16:57
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:58
TANATHOS!ubottu mysql16:58
TANATHOSI forgot how I should use her16:58
RoyKanyone here using denyhosts?17:00
TANATHOSRoyK: just ask17:00
RoyKI just wonder if the distributed thing - how does that work? will any login attempt or block result in the IP being blocked by all denyhosts users? if so, it's quite hard to test this without hassle17:01
TANATHOSRoyK: I'm sure you mean the package denyhosts which denies ssh access after some failed attempts17:02
TANATHOSRoyK: to be honest I usually use fail2ban easier to use and apt-get-able17:04
RoyKdenyhosts is apt-get-able as well17:04
RoyKin lucid, at least17:04
TANATHOSups sorry my bad then ( as I told you I never used it) as far as I know is that you can set it to ban a ip after several failed attempts to login17:05
TANATHOSand for more you can set sshd service not to allow root logins17:05
RoyKwell, I guess I'll be going back to fail2ban - that works well17:05
TANATHOSuse a test box for denyhosts - that's what I do most of the time17:07
RoyKwell, it's on a test box17:07
TANATHOSso hand out the ip and we'll help ya17:07
RoyKI just worry if denyhosts will ban my IP if I test a login failure17:07
TANATHOSon my way17:07
TANATHOSnot banned so far17:09
RoyKSep  4 18:08:53 droetker denyhosts: Added the following hosts to /etc/hosts.deny - (unknown)17:09
TANATHOSgot a ban17:09
RoyKthanks :)17:09
TANATHOSI am banned17:09
TANATHOSyou are very welcome17:09
RoyKnow, do you have a lucid test box?17:09
TANATHOSjesus it's been a while since I spent time in here17:10
TANATHOSRoyK: I am in the middle of changing ISP's I don't have internet for the next two days :)17:10
TANATHOSwhat do you need it for17:10
RoyKjust try to install denyhosts and see if is in the hosts.deny file17:10
TANATHOSI don't think it works that way17:11
RoyKit's supposed to be distributed - my hosts.deny file already contained 30 hosts at the time of install17:12
TANATHOSif you have the synchronize data thing installed17:12
RoyKI just apt-get install'ed it17:12
TANATHOSbut 30 hosts is way too few if all users would sinchronize they'r files17:12
RoyKsure, but can you still test?17:13
TANATHOScheck /var/log/denyhosts17:13
TANATHOSto see if there is any log about synchronization17:13
RoyK2010-09-04 17:32:45,672 - denyhosts   : INFO     denyhosts synchronization disabled17:14
RoyKbut then - why was there 30 IPs in hosts.deny?17:14
WinstonSmithRoyK, if it would be a distributed thing in your local deny.hosts you would have entries poppin up that got there from other users17:14
TANATHOSRoyK: there is a setting saying synchronization on / off17:14
TANATHOSif you want to use it17:15
TANATHOSok guys have a good day c ya17:16
RoyKWinstonSmith: it _is_ distributed, but I didn't enable that17:19
WinstonSmithRoyK, yes i saw that later. but where did the deny.hosts entries came from then?17:19
RoyKno idea17:24
RoyKWinstonSmith: perhaps the package installer added them - if so, that's not very nice17:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #625698 in php5 (main) "php5-fpm assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/php5-fpm: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0a87a958 ***" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62569818:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #625695 in php5 (main) "php5-fpm crashed with SIGSEGV in php_log_err()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62569518:07
RoyKseems running alpha distros in production isn't a good idea ;)18:25
slestakanyone run the coherence upnp server on their 10.04 lts server?18:37
slestakpython-coherence is the package.  it doesnt come with an init script, which i found odd18:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #630391 in unixodbc (main) "Missing libodbc.so symbolic link" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63039120:21
Datzdoes a security update indicate a kernel update which will require a restart?20:22
* Datz has his answer20:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #630396 in whois (main) "update .dz ccTLD whois server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63039620:31
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_Maximo_hello, would it be possible to install ubuntu server over a slackware install via ssh remotely?21:09
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lymalealfala ae22:24
GrUbEr111hey, im putting ubuntu server on a laptop as a ssh server22:55
GrUbEr111so like would i ssh to the server, then ssh from the server to the desktop I want to ssh to?22:56
JasonMSPWhat is a good solution to give users upload/download access to files without them having shell access?23:03
merlin_nlJasonMSP : using FTP ?23:04
JasonMSPyes but from what I understand FTP isn't a great solution when it comes to security.23:05
merlin_nlbut easiest probably23:05
merlin_nlecho "/sbin/nologin" >> /etc/shells23:05
merlin_nluseradd -s /sbin/nologin $username23:06
merlin_nlis simplest23:06
kklimondasftp should work with /sbin/nologin23:06
merlin_nlalso an option :)23:07
JasonMSPi've got VSFTPD working on my system, but haven't been able to get a secure connection to work.23:10
kklimondaJasonMSP: sftp is for ssh ftp23:12
kklimondawell, sftp I was thinking about :)23:12
JasonMSPssh ftp would require shell access though would it not?  I also have passwords disabled so that would require access via key which would be too much for customers.23:16
JanCJasonMSP: sftp doesn't need shell access23:17
JasonMSPhmmm... ok23:18
RazicanHello, I have a problem with Wake On Lan in Ubuntu Server 10.04. When I shutdown the computer, it doesn't keep the interfaces on. In ethtool it says wake-on: g23:19
JanCRazican: maybe BIOS issue?23:20
RazicanIn the BIOS I have configured WOL to enabled23:21
RazicanI have in BIOS ACPI shutdown: S3 | S5: enabled | Wake on LAN: enabled23:24
intel352hey guys, is it possible to create a rule within UFW to always trust eth0, and only apply firewall rules to eth1?23:40
JanCintel352: see the manpage (maybe search for "interface")23:49
JanC(so, yes, it's possible)23:49
intel352JanC, just a note, when i was looking at the manual, all references to interface kept referencing an IP specifically23:50
intel352I want to use the actual interface, not IP, so I can create a generic server image23:51
JanCintel352: teh example given is "ufw allow in on eth0 to any port 80 proto tcp"23:54
intel352JanC, ah, nice, thx, i missed that23:54
intel352much appreciation!23:54

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