
dfarninglfaraone, what should we do next with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/617805 ? the debdiff looks good.01:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 617805 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "Bar at the bottom of the window displays 'xephyr on' instead of sugar (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [Low,In progress]01:10
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
lfaraonedfarning: apologies, internet's been in and out.03:23
lfaraonedfarning: it should be forwarded to Sugar bugs and "r?" set as a tag on the Sugar Labs ticket. There should be no problem getting this merged.03:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello12:38
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp. Let us discuss the bugs to be assigned. Can you open http://bugs.sugarlabs.org?12:38
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir12:39
manusheelkandarpk: There is a sugar-love category on that page (bottom section).12:39
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir12:40
satellit_I tried running from burned CD: ubuntu-10.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso then used software center to sownload sugar. Got sugar emulator sugar with only read. when will applications be included?12:40
satellit_s/download and install while runnig live CD12:41
manusheelkandarpk: I would like you to pick up the activities related bugs. Let us discuss them one by one.12:41
manusheelsatellit_ : Hi Thomas.12:41
manusheelsatellit_: Hope you are doing well. I'll check this with Neeraj and Luke and will soon get back to you.12:42
satellit_when will activities be updated to beta 10.1012:42
manusheelkandarpk: The first one is http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/208712:42
kandarpkmanusheel sir: ok.12:43
manusheelkandarpk: Can you have a look at the patch for this issue?12:44
kandarpkmanusheel sir: didnt the patch that has been submitted solved the issue ?12:44
manusheelkandarpk: We need to study and analyze the patch to see if it did. If it didn't solve the issue, we'll create one.12:47
manusheelkandarpk: Kindly study the patch, and let me know your analysis on it.12:47
dfarningkandarpk, does it make sense what the patch is doing?12:50
kandarpkdfarning: going through the comments right now12:51
kandarpkthat might help12:51
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning: the patch.2 seems to remove the erase option for a protected activity13:10
manusheelkandarpk: Right.13:11
kandarpkmanusheel sir: but I am not able to understand which activities are marked as protected13:12
manusheelkandarpk: We should have both the options - all activities marked as protected, or certain activities marked as protected.13:13
dfarningkandarpk, the activities would be marked by adding a entery to usr-settings(or something similar)13:13
dfarningkandarpk, which adds and entry to gconf -- this patch just provides the framework.13:14
kandarpkdfarning: ok.13:14
dfarningkandarpk, have you been following the threads on sugar-devel about patch reviews?13:15
kandarpkdfarning; we need to provide a option to add activity in protected list ?13:15
kandarpkdfarning: at times13:16
dfarningkandarpk, yes.... the problem is that kids delete activities to make room on the XOs for music and games:) smart kids!13:17
dfarningkandarpk, but that makes it hard for teacher when they want to use a activity in class.... and half the class has deleted it.13:17
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm :)13:17
dfarningkandarpk, this feature request allows schools and deployments set a list of activities which can not be deleted.13:19
dfarningkandarpk, does it make sense?13:20
kandarpkdfarning: I understand the purpose of this feature13:21
dfarningkandarpk, does the implementation make sense?13:22
kandarpkdfarning: yes13:22
kandarpkdfarning: as discussed at bugs.sl.o, cant we install protected activities in /usr instead of ~/13:23
dfarningkandarpk, cool, the key idea is at line 95.13:24
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm.13:25
kandarpkdfarning: now I understand it clearly13:25
kandarpkdfarning: we need to add a patch by which we could add the activity in the protected activities list13:25
kandarpkdfarning: is that correct ?13:26
dfarningkandarpk, Rather than a patch we can just add a line to a 'settings file' such as USR-setting.13:27
dfarningkandarpk, have you looked at USR-settings?13:29
kandarpkdfarning: no.13:30
kandarpkdfarning: where is it located ?13:33
dfarningkandarpk,  you uploaded it last:) https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa/+packages13:34
kandarpkdfarning: isn't it present on the system having USR so that it can be modified to change settings ?13:35
dfarningkandarpk, yes.  The idea of the setting is to allow deployments and hardware vendors to tweak setting in one location. with out touching a bunch of differnt .deb files or .rpm files.13:38
dfarningkandarpk, are you familiar with gconf?13:39
kandarpkdfarning: somewhat. It manages keys and its value13:39
dfarningyes, it is like windows registery.  but as a text file.13:40
dfarningkandarpk, user-setting mainly writes gconf setting and then patch like the one you looked at read those setting.13:41
kandarpkdfarning: ok.13:42
dfarningkandarpk, well those are the high lights.  have you been following the patch review threads.13:43
kandarpkdfarning: not completely.13:44
dfarningkandarpk, to make a long story short.  When every we have a patch we want to submit upstream we a) create a bug b) add the patch to the bugs c) mark the bug r? and d) send a post to sugar-devel requesting a review.13:46
dfarningkandarpk, in this case a,b, and c are done by tch.  but we need to send a post to the mailing list to insure that the patch gets noticed.13:47
kandarpkdfarning: ok.13:48
dfarningkandarpk, can you send a review request to the list?  (this is one of the annoying things that PMs need to keep on top of)13:49
kandarpkdfarning: np.13:50
dfarningkandarpk, I just forwarded you an example of a review request. thanks13:51
kandarpkdfarning: thank you.13:52
dfarningkandarpk, ping me when you are done and we will move onto the next issue:)13:52
kandarpkdfarning: ok.13:53
dfarningkandarpk, oops.... and please include a link on the review request back to the SL bug report.13:56
kandarpkdfarning, manusheel sir: I'll be back in 30min.13:58
dfarningkandarpk, +113:59
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.14:20
dipankarmanusheel, hello sir14:21
manusheeldipankar: Can you make the patch for the register bug, and attach it for review?14:21
dipankarmanusheel, Sir, I have made changes in the git repository of sugar-jhbuild14:22
manusheeldipankar: Great. Can you upload the patch at LP?14:22
dipankarmanusheel, sir, just a minute14:23
manusheeldipankar: Sure.14:23
dipankarmanusheel, sir, git status in jhbuild git repo shows no changes to commit.14:24
dipankarmanusheel, Sir, this is unexpected14:25
manusheeldipankar: Yes, indeed.14:25
manusheeldipankar: Did you change the code, and had committed it already?14:30
manusheelEarlier, I mean.14:30
dipankarmanusheel, no sir14:33
manusheeldipankar: Ok, can you do that on Neeraj's machine?14:35
manusheeldipankar: Creating a patch.14:35
dipankarmanusheel, sir, i am changing the source package itself14:36
dipankarmanusheel, sir : let me create a patch from the package14:36
manusheeldipankar, sure.14:36
dipankarmanusheel, sir: http://paste.ubuntu.com/488294/14:48
manusheelDipankar, the patch looks good.14:52
manusheelYou can upload it at LP.14:52
dipankarmanusheel, right away14:52
manusheeldipankar: Great.14:53
* dipankar has uploaded patch for register bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61781314:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 617813 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "sugar freezes when register widget is clicked (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]14:54
manusheeldipankar: What message are we displaying over there?14:54
manusheeldipankar: When no network is present?14:54
dipankarmanusheel, right now, we are only controlling the timeout14:55
dipankarthe message part is still not covered yet14:55
manusheeldipankar: Ok. Can you do that too in a separate patch?14:58
manusheeldipankar: Simple message.14:58
manusheelRegistration failed. No network found.                    or, something on these lines.14:59
dipankarmanusheel, sir, let me check that out15:03
manusheeldipankar: Sure.15:05
manusheelkandarpk: Did you get my message?15:05
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir, sending the mail in a minute.15:06
manusheelkandarpk: Great.15:07
* manusheel back in 15 mins.15:15
dipankarmanusheel, sir I think I made a small mistake on the patch15:15
dipankarmanusheel, can we discard a patch from LP?15:15
manusheelUpload a fresh patch.15:16
dipankarmanusheel, ok sir15:16
mukuldfarning, hi15:24
dfarningmukul, hello15:29
* dipankar is away: Be Right Back15:29
dfarningmukul how is SL#2163 coming?15:31
dfarningkandarpk, great it looks good, what is next for you?15:32
mukuldfarning: I have been working on it for quite a while now. OIn sugar-jhbuild the bug is not present while on the emulator it is still there.15:33
kandarpkdfarning, http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/185815:34
dfarningmukul, so when you run jhbuild from the emulator it works as expected?15:35
kandarpkdfarning: or http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/185615:35
mukuldfarning, Yes it works as it should work15:35
dfarningkandarpk, #1858 looks good. Can you ping walter on #sugar for help he maintains TA.15:36
mukuldfarning, the file favoritesview.py imports some more files which too have been edited. I'm trying to figure out what changes are needed to be made. alsroot said that the code for centering the XO icon looked fine. The problem lies elsewhere. Can you guide me what steps should I take now?15:37
dfarningmukul, what about if you change the size or the emulator window to some thing other than 880X600?15:38
kandarpkdfarning: do we need to update TA to resolve #1858  ?15:38
alsrootmukul: if I got right you, problem was fixed in sugar-jbuild, right?15:38
mukulalsroot, Yes15:38
alsrootmukul: so, you ask bug submitter to try to reproduce issue in recent env and close the bug15:39
alsroot*you can15:39
dfarningkandarpk, yes.15:39
kandarpkdfarning: ok, that means TA has to check the font settings set by sugar and display text accordingly ?15:40
satellit_dfarning I found adding "-i 832x624" to sugar -emulator fitted EeePC900 screen15:40
dfarningkandarpk, +115:40
kandarpkdfarning: ok.15:41
dfarningsatellit_ what is the -i flag for?15:42
satellit_-i si a variable setting  for command like -f15:42
satellit_sugar-emulator --help lists it15:43
dfarningsatellit_ got it dimensions but -d was already taken15:44
satellit_ok worked for me.....15:45
satellit_correction 10" netbook not 9" EeePC 90015:46
kandarpkalsroot: Hi15:46
alsrootkandarpk: hi15:46
kandarpkalsroot, can you help me in resolving http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1858 ?15:47
dfarningmukul, what was the command for rotating the screen?15:47
mukuldfarning, xrandr -o 115:47
kandarpkalsroot, TA needs to read the font settings set by sugar and display text accordingly15:47
mukuldfarning, xrandr -o 1 for 90 degree rotation15:48
alsrootkandarpk: yup, but whats the question, if it relates to TA internals, you'd better to ask walterbender on #sugar he if TA developer15:49
kandarpkalsroot: sure.15:50
dfarningmukul, ok the bug is in sugar emulator on Ubuntu15:50
mukuldfarning, Yes15:51
dfarningmukul, I am updating sugar-jhbuild to test there.15:51
kandarpkalsroot: by the way, where should we look to check the font settings set by sugar ?15:51
satellit_dfarning -i 880x520 fits 9" screen15:52
alsrootkandarpk: see sugar-toolkit/src/sugar/graphics/style.py, FONT_* constants15:52
dfarningkandarpk, I would start by poking around TA and trying to determine how the font size is set.15:52
dfarningkandarpk, then see how it scales... do a couple of tests.  then ask walter about adding gconf configs.15:53
kandarpkdfarning: Ok. thanks15:54
dfarningkandarpk, add the configs will be exactly as you saw in the patch you reviewed this morning15:54
kandarpkdfarning: I wasn't very sure how to proceed.15:55
kandarpkdfarning: will start with TA now.15:55
dfarningkandarpk, the first thing is almost always grepping for the code in question.  in this case alsroot probobly grepped for font.... or else he just has a really good memory15:56
dfarningalsroot,  mukul yep it has been fixed in jhbuild:)16:05
mukuldfarning, So what next has to be done?16:06
dfarningmukul, lets see where it was fixed16:06
mukuldfarning, I was trying to figure out the changes in jhbuild that fixed the problem but it seems there were too many.16:07
manusheelmukul: Yes, using git diff might not be a good idea here.16:10
manusheelmukul: Let us see the file, where we have this code part, and look at the changes over there.16:10
dfarningmukul, have you tried git log?16:11
mukuldfarning, No but I saw the commits upstream16:12
dfarningmukul, go to sugar-jhbuild/source/sugar and run git log16:13
mukulmanusheel sir: I looked at that. The code was very much similar. However there were some new variables as well as new imports. I made some of those changes and added the new imports too. But it seems the imports too had been edited16:13
mukuldfarning, Ok16:13
mukuldfarning, git log didn't provide me anything that could help me with this16:16
dfarningtry googling a bit for git log ..... you can see the changes that affected a particular file.16:18
dfarningmukul, ^^16:19
mukuldfarning, Ok16:19
dfarningkandarpk, did you see the review your patch submission just got?16:20
kandarpkdfarning: "Comment(by dsd)" ??16:22
kandarpkthis one ?16:22
dfarningkandarpk, sascha just sent a review to the sugar-devel mailing list.16:23
kandarpkdfarning: I think I haven't received that yet.16:24
manusheeldfarning, kandarpk: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026544.html16:26
kandarpkmanusheel sir: thank you sir.16:26
manusheelkandarpk: Please have a look at [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_(computing) [2] https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/114716:29
manusheeland let me know your analysis on it.16:30
manusheeldfarning: Fine, we'll reduce the indentation a bit.16:30
kandarpkmanusheel sir: OK sir16:30
dfarningkandarpk, do you know how to create a branch in git and apply tch's patch?16:32
kandarpkdfarning: patch original patch ??16:33
kandarpkdfarning, manusheel sir: I'll be back in 20 min.16:34
dfarningkandarpk go into sugar-jhbuild/source/sugar and create a branch.16:34
dfarningkandarpk,  ok we will follow up then.16:34
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit___
manusheelishan: Hi Ishan.16:53
manusheelishan: Around?16:54
ishanmanusheel, yes sir16:59
manusheelishan: Did we submit moon activity for review?17:00
ishanmanusheel, yes sir i did that part yesterday17:01
manusheelishan: Ok, so on Sugar/tasks page, it is r?17:01
ishanmanusheel, yep17:02
manusheelishan: Great.17:02
dfarningishan, to be clearer you can remove the r- and just leave one r?17:03
ishandfarning, hi17:03
dfarningishan, hey17:03
ishandfarning, done17:05
dfarningishan, +1 did you see the feed back you got on http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/228517:06
ishandfarning, thanks for pointing to that17:07
ishanwill just look into that17:07
dfarningishan, they are acouple of good easy fixes.17:08
ishandfarning, yes17:08
ishandfarning, new patch added17:27
dfarningishan, did you attach the new patch to the bug report.17:31
ishandfarning, i have presently added the patch at Launchpad only17:32
manusheelishan: Is it the updated patch?17:32
ishanmanusheel, at launchpad it is the updated patch17:32
dfarningishan, then can you attach the new patch to SL#228517:33
manusheelishan: Ok. We need to attach it at bugs.sugarlabs.org and add r?17:33
manusheelRequest for review.17:34
ishanmanusheel, dfarning:okay17:34
kandarpkdfarning: what did you want me to do after applying the patch ?17:45
dfarningkandarpk, welcome back17:46
dfarningkandarpk, did you create a working branch before applying the patch.17:47
kandarpkdfarning: yes17:47
dfarningkandarpk, cool so git diff gets what you expect?17:48
kandarpkdfarning: yes17:49
kandarpkdfarning: do I need to correct the patch as pointed out by sascha ?17:49
dfarningkandarpk, yes please.17:49
kandarpkdfarning: ok17:50
dfarningishan, how are you coming on the new patch for SL#2285?17:53
manusheeldfarning: There were a couple of issues on that front. Neeraj is helping Ishan on this part.17:55
manusheeldfarning: Ishan will upload the patch soon.17:56
dfarningmanusheel, ok was just checking that he was not stuck.  ishan after uploading the patch can you send an request for review to sugar-devel.  kandarpk just did one a couple of hours ago so he can show you how.17:58
mukuldfarning, I retrieved some useful information from git log18:03
mukuldfarning, http://paste.ubuntu.com/488362/18:03
dfarningmukul, yep commit fixed it c3f545beac96323a046ed68b0fdf6410299dfd4118:04
manusheeldfarning: Sure. Definitely.18:05
manusheelishan: Send an update to me and dfarning once you are done with this part.18:05
ishanmanusheel, sure sir18:05
dfarningmukul, so you can close the bug with the message fixed upstream in sugar with commit c3f545beac96323a046ed68b0fdf6410299dfd4118:06
mukuldfarning, Ok. By the way, how can i get the git diff of the respective commit18:07
dfarningtry git show c3f545beac96323a046ed68b0fdf6410299dfd4118:08
kandarpkdfarning, manusheel sir: sascha commented "I have a feeling this will break badly if the GConf value is not set."18:11
manusheelkandarpk: Yes.18:12
mukuldfarning, Shall I make the following changes and upload the patch or Should I close the bug with the message stated by you?18:12
manusheelmukul: Upload the patch.18:12
manusheelmukul: That is for jhbuild.18:12
mukulmanusheel sir: Ok18:13
manusheelmukul: We need it for Sugar 0.8818:13
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning: what would be the correct approach ?18:13
dfarningmanusheel, if the fix is in jhbuild I don't think we need to update it for dextrose..... the bug has existed for years without anyone noticing.  we will catch the fix downstream in a couple of months.18:14
manusheeldfarning: Ok. Sure.18:15
dfarningkandarpk, which bug number were you working on?  I lost track.18:17
kandarpkdfarning: https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/208718:18
kandarpkdfarning: review here http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026544.html18:18
dfarningkandarpk, I'll be back in a minute18:21
dfarningkandarpk, ok18:29
dfarningkandarpk, you need to see what happens if the list is empty.18:33
kandarpkdfarning: would it be empty initially, ie right now ?18:35
kandarpkalsroot: around ?18:35
alsrootkandarpk: yup18:35
dfarningkandarpk, yes it should be.18:36
kandarpkalsroot: sascha refers to #1147 here http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026544.html18:37
kandarpkwhich was, as I understand it, fixed by you18:37
kandarpkalsroot: how should I fix a similar issue in #208718:38
alsrootkandarpk: hmm, not sure if I was fixing something related to protected activities, btw there are several patches propesed by tch18:41
dfarningkandarpk, see http://library.gnome.org/devel/gconf/stable/gconf-GConfClient.html#gconf-client-get-list18:42
dfarningkandarpk, if the list is empty get_list throws and error18:43
dfarningthrows an error18:43
kandarpkdfarning: ok18:43
dfarningkandarpk, so you have to put the line in a try block18:44
kandarpkdfarning: ok18:45
dfarningkandarpk, then in the exception block set the list to empty18:45
manusheelneeraj_: Hi Neeraj.18:54
neeraj_manusheel sir: hi :)18:55
dfarningneeraj_, how are you?18:55
dfarningneeraj_, and what are you working on?  I am trying to keep track.18:55
neeraj_dfarning, I am good. At present, I was helping ishan with patches. Was explaining him how patch format is different for ubuntu and bugs.sugarlabs.18:58
dfarningneeraj_, +1 do you have questions about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61758218:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 617582 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "When opening the control panel some icons are cut off . (affects: 2) (heat: 172)" [High,Confirmed]18:59
neeraj_also, for control panel icon issue, as I had already told u that I have attached the patch on ubuntu Lp. I am ready with my patch for sugar upstream,18:59
neeraj_I have already filed ny bug on bugs.sugarlabs. Will send the patch for review today on sugar-devel19:00
dfarningneeraj_, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54640423/sugar-0.88_0.88.1-2ubuntu2.debdiff looks good19:02
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning: I've updated the patch and mailed it to you. Please see if it is ok.19:02
neeraj_dfarning, yes, for ubuntu we are good :).. but luke has asked me to send the patch on sugar-devel also.19:03
manusheelkandarpk: Sure.19:03
dfarningneeraj_, +119:03
dfarningkandarpk, is self._protected_activities = () how to make and empty list?19:05
kandarpkdfarning: that is what I understand from http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html#tuples-and-sequences19:07
kandarpkalsroot: am I correct in "self._protected_activities = ()" to assign an empty list ?19:08
dfarningkandarpk, a list is [] a touple is ()19:09
dfarningkandarpk, i think.....19:09
alsrootkandarpk: dfarning is right, it is a tuple19:10
kandarpkdfarning, alsroot: ok19:10
dfarningkandarpk, then there is the reviewers comment This is getting convoluted. Please factor it out and turn your condition19:11
dfarninginto one or several guards [1]. E.g.:19:11
dfarningkandarpk, I think this is a style thing..... there is nothing inherently evil about nested conditionals.19:13
kandarpkdfarning: see line 60-6519:13
kandarpkdfarning: ok.19:14
dfarningkandarpk, I think he was talking about the nested conditionals in19:15
dfarning+        if activity_info.is_user_activity() and \19:15
dfarning> +            not registry.is_activity_protected(self._bundle_id):19:15
dfarning> +                menu_item = MenuItem(_('Erase'), 'list-remove')19:15
dfarning> +                menu_item.connect('activate', self.__erase_activate_cb)19:15
dfarning> +                self.menu.append(menu_item)19:15
dfarning> +                menu_item.show()19:15
dfarning> +19:15
dfarning> +                if not os.access(activity_info.get_path(), os.W_OK):19:15
dfarning> +                    menu_item.props.sensitive = False19:15
kandarpkdfarning: yes19:16
kandarpkyou are right19:16
kandarpkdfarning: by adding19:17
kandarpk        if not activity_info.is_user_activity():19:17
kandarpk            return19:17
kandarpk        if registry.is_activity_protected(self._bundle_id):19:17
kandarpk            return19:17
kandarpk 19:17
kandarpkdfarning: the nested conditions are split into 219:18
dfarningkandarpk, some thing like that19:19
mukuldipankar, neeraj_ :Is there a way to press Alt+Tab utility for sugar-emulator apart from booting it up. I mean when I press Alt+Tab on on my emulator, it the ubuntu Alt+tab menu that I get.19:26
mukulishan, ^^19:26
manusheelkandarpk: I think we are good to go.19:29
manusheelYou can send this at sugar-devel.19:29
manusheelAre you using git send mail command?19:29
kandarpkmanusheel: will try that to send the patch to my id.19:29
manusheelkandarpk: Sure, please do.19:31
kandarpkdfarning: git: 'send-email' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.19:36
manusheelkandarpk: Right.19:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir: but it is listed here http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-send-email.html19:37
manusheelalsroot: Can you help Kandarpk on sending the patch to sugar-devel for review using git send-e-mail option?19:37
manusheelkandarpk: Is it working for you?19:37
kandarpkmanusheel sir: same output for send-e-mail19:38
alsrootkandarpk: there is preliminary info for new patch workflow http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Talk:Development_Team/Code_Review19:40
alsrootkandarpk: for getting help just call `git send-email --help`19:41
kandarpkalsroot, dfarning, manusheel sir: actually git-email wasn't installed on my system19:42
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.19:43
alsrootkandarpk: thats strange, send-email is not an optional component19:47
kandarp_manusheel sir, dfarning, alsroot: did I miss anything ?19:48
ishanalsroot, i think its optional since it was missing at my system also19:49
alsrootkandarp_: how many packages returns your package manager for "git" request?19:49
alsroot..what packages19:49
kandarp_alsroot: the isntalled ones are git, git-buildpackage and git-email19:51
=== kandarp_ is now known as kandarpk
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.19:52
alsrootkandarpk: so, "git-email" is installed?19:53
kandarpkalsroot: I installed that moments ago19:53
kandarpkalsroot, dfarning, manusheel sir: please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/488412/19:56
kandarpkI am not able to send the email19:56
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, this is an odd error. alsroot, any pointers or workaround on it?19:57
alsrootkandarpk: do you have mta properly installed?19:58
alsrootkandarpk: if sendmail was failed, you should have error message in /var/spool/mail/<user>20:00
kandarpkalsroot: Mailing to remote domains not supported20:02
alsrootkandarpk: what mta do you have?20:02
kandarpkalsroot: I dont think I've configured one20:02
alsrootkandarpk: what package contain `which sendmail` file?20:03
kandarpkalsroot: sendmail isnt installed20:03
kandarpkinstalling it20:04
alsrootkandarpk: `which sendmail` failed?20:04
kandarpkalsroot: returned nothing20:04
alsrootkandarpk: btw you don't need exactly sendmail20:04
alsrootkandarpk: all mta should provide /usr/sbin/sendmail command20:05
* alsroot uses ssmtp which just sends emails to smpts servers20:05
manusheelkandarpk: Does this help?20:08
alsrootkandarpk: sorry, I forgot that git can send emails on their own..20:08
kandarpkmanusheel sir, alsroot: just installed sendmail package20:08
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, great.20:08
manusheelkandarpk: Now, will it work?20:08
alsrootkandarpk: see sendemail.* options in man20:09
alsrootkandarpk: like smtpserver etc.20:09
alsrootkandarpk: btw if you think that configuring sendmail (exactly sendmail mta) is trivial thing, you are wrong :)20:10
kandarpkalsroot: :(20:11
alsrootkandarpk: use git w/o sendmain, `man git-config`, look for smtp20:12
kandarpkalsroot, No manual entry for git-cofig20:12
alsrootkandarpk: nor `man git-send-email` ?20:13
kandarpkalsroot: man git-send-email has a long description20:13
alsrootkandarpk: see for all *smtp* options20:14
manusheelkandarpk: Any help needed here?20:18
kandarpkmanusheel sir: it is giving Mailing to remote domains not supported20:22
kandarpkas errr in /var/spool/mail20:23
manusheelkandarpk: Ok. That is very odd.20:23
manusheelkandarpk: Which version of Debian, Ubuntu is it?20:23
manusheelalsroot: Any workaround here?20:23
kandarpkmanusheel sir: debian sid.20:24
alsrootmanusheel: git can send email w/o mta20:24
manusheelalsroot: Ok.20:25
kandarpkcommand used :20:25
kandarpk$ git send-email --to kandarp@seeta.in 0001-Protected-Activities-Support.3.patch20:25
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, and it is not working?20:25
kandarpkmanusheel sir: nope20:25
manusheelalsroot: Any help here?20:26
manusheelalsroot: Let us just focus on git and not mta.20:26
alsrootkandarpk: add this to your ~/.gitconfig file, http://pastebin.com/4t0PfX9u20:26
kandarpkalsroot: great :)20:29
manusheelkandarpk, alsroot: Neat.20:29
kandarpkalsroot: by the way, we do not need to specify the spmpass in the file20:30
manusheelkandarpk: What all did you add in ~/.gitconfig file?20:30
kandarpkalsroot: everything alsroot asked for http://pastebin.com/4t0PfX9u20:31
kandarpkexcept for the password20:31
alsrootkandarpk: dunno, you can try maybe git will ask password before sending20:33
kandarpkalsroot: exactly.20:33
kandarpkit does20:33
manusheelkandarpk: Ok. That is interesting.20:34
manusheelkandarpk: So, we did two steps. Installed the required package and made changes in the gitconfig file, right?20:34
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.20:35
manusheelkandarpk: What was the name of the package that was missing?20:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sendmail20:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sent you the mail. Please have a look20:37
manusheelkandarpk: Excellent.20:37
manusheelkandarpk: Forwarding it to alsroot too for review.20:37
manusheelkandarpk: Let alsroot review it once. We'll send it to sugar-devel.20:38
kandarpkmanusheel sir: OK.20:38
kandarpkmanusheel sir: we shall continue tomorrow20:38
manusheelalsroot: Send you the e-mail. Can you please review the patch?20:38
kandarpkIts getting a bit late20:38
manusheelkandarpk: Let us just send the e-mail to sugar-devel?20:39
kandarpkmanusheel sir: OK.20:39
manusheelkandarpk: Kindly send me an update once we have send the patch.20:52
manusheelAnd, uploaded it at bugs.sugarlabs.org with r?20:52
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I've sent it to the mailing list20:52
alsrootkandarpk: btw get_lest has terrible string in its doc (at least in C++ binding) "Do not call this method on non-list Values" :)20:56
* alsroot managed to coredump python for some of gconf.get_* combinations20:56
alsrootkandarpk: not sure what silbe meant for the method to catch missed gconf value20:57
alsrootas I can see, all gconf get_* calls in sugar do get_string w/o any checks20:57
dfarningkandarpk, when you sent the patch did you create a commit message?  There does not seems to be a description of what the patch does.21:03
kandarpkdfarning: the commit message translates into the name of the file when git format-patch is used21:04
dfarningkandarpk, I think there needs to be a one line summary, a blank line, and the a paragraph description for the commit message.21:05
kandarpkdfarning: ok, got it21:06
kandarpkI used git commit -m'comment'21:06
dfarningkandarpk,  for something like this you need to go into the editor.21:08
dfarningkandarpk, but great job you took a decent patch and make it good enough to commit.21:09
dfarningkandarpk, do you have a bug to work on tomorrow?  I am trying to get a handle on what people are doing so I can help when they ask question:)21:11
manusheeldfarning: Yes.21:11
manusheeldfarning: Kandarp will be working on the TA bugs.21:11
dfarningmanusheel, SL#1856?21:13
manusheeldfarning: Yes, http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1856 and http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/185821:19
dfarningmanusheel, lets to SL#1858 first. it ties in better to todays bug21:20
dfarninglets do21:21
manusheeldfarning: Ok, sure.21:21
dfarningneeraj_, did you open a bug in SL to upstream https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/61758221:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 617582 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "When opening the control panel some icons are cut off . (affects: 2) (heat: 172)" [High,Confirmed]21:22
dfarningneeraj_, maybe I just can't find it.21:22
manusheeldfarning: http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/228021:23
manusheelNeeraj had opened the issue here.21:23
kandarpkdfarning: what all description do we need to add in the comment ?21:24
kandarpkwhile git commit21:24
dfarningmanusheel, can you create the link in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/617582 to SL#228021:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 617582 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "When opening the control panel some icons are cut off . (affects: 2) (heat: 172)" [High,Confirmed]21:25
dfarningkandarpk, did you see you already have a review from sascha:)21:26
dfarningkandarpk, I would use the orginal commit message tch used at https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/attachment/ticket/2087/0001-Protected-activities-list.patch21:27
manusheeldfarning: Between, Kandarp didn't have the option to attach a file at SL bug tracker. His account has been kept under moderation.21:30
manusheeldfarning: Can you please check this up with Sascha?21:30
manusheeldfarning: I am able to attach the patch from my side. But, Kandarp cannot do that.21:31
dfarningbernie_afk, can you add me as an admin to track so I can approve kandarpk's trac account?21:32
dfarningmanusheel, the ball is now rolling:)21:32
manusheeldfarning: Glad to hear.21:33
manusheeldfarning: Did that server issue get resolved?21:33
manusheeldfarning: We wasted quite a lot of time on not been able to do ssh.21:33
manusheeldfarning: Can you kindly review Kandarp's patch again?21:36
manusheelHe has re-send it.21:37
manusheeldfarning: We need to send it to sugar-devel.21:37
manusheelkandarpk: It does not mention the ticket number?21:39
manusheelkandarpk: Are we missing on that front?21:40
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I actually copied the commit message21:40
manusheelkandarpk: It didn't have any mention of the ticket number?21:40
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the first one didnt have it21:41
kandarpkmanusheel sir:https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/attachment/ticket/2087/0001-Protected-activities-list.patch21:41
manusheelkandarpk: Sure. And, the second one?21:41
kandarpkmanusheel sir: that has the URL mentioned21:42
manusheelOk, let us mention the URL and send it across to sugar-devel.21:42
manusheelRest is good.21:42
manusheelYou can send it to sugar-devel with addition of URL and description as you did now.21:43
kandarpkmanusheel sir: there's a syntax error21:43
kandarpkI am not able to find that21:43
manusheelWhat is the error?21:44
kandarpkmanusheel sir: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026548.html21:44
manusheelkandarpk: Do we have an idea on the syntax error?21:47
kandarpkmanusheel sir: no sir.21:47
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, I don't think there is any syntax error in your revised e-mail.21:47
manusheelDid you send it with the URL and description?21:48
kandarpkmanusheel sir: there should be. I didn't change the code.21:48
manusheelkandarpk: Ok. Let me check it again.21:48
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, Sascha can apply your patch.21:50
manusheelkandarpk: I don't think we should be sending it again.21:50
manusheelkandarpk: I'll touch base with silbe on his suggestion and syntax error.21:50
manusheelkandarpk: We did take care of the third recommendation right.21:51
manusheelkandarpk: fix the white space errors (I recommend using    "git config --global color.diff auto" to enable diff coloring) - adjust the _add_erase_option() docstring: only "user" activities   (i.e. those in ~/Activities) can be removed at all, so   "user or unprotected activities" doesn't make sense.21:51
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir21:51
manusheelkandarpk: This was in the revised message that you send me now, or the one you had send to sugar-devel.21:52
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I haven't mailed that yet21:52
kandarpkas I am not able to find the syntax error21:52
kandarpk+        try:21:53
kandarpk+            self._protected_activities = client.get_list('/desktop/sugar/protected_activities',21:53
kandarpk+                gconf.VALUE_STRING)21:53
kandarpk+        except Exception:21:53
kandarpk+            self._protected_activities = []21:53
manusheelkandarpk: Right. You can send it now. I don't think there is a syntax error.21:53
kandarpkalsroot: is there any syntax error in it ?21:53
kandarpkmanusheel sir: ok.21:53
manusheelalsroot : http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026548.html21:54
alsrootkandarpk: you can easily check it, by running :)21:54
manusheelkandarpk: Yes, did we test the patch by running it?21:55
kandarpkalsroot: I cant. The sugar-jhbuild was installed on Ubuntu an I am working from Debian.21:56
manusheelkandarpk: So, we made the patch from Ubuntu, right?21:57
kandarpkmanusheel sir: debian21:57
manusheelkandarpk: Ok. And, we don't have jhbuild on debian, right?21:57
alsrootkandarpk: well, but running your own code is essential requirement of proposing patches workflow, you need to setup dev env21:57
manusheelkandarpk: Then, let us take this up tomorrow. I thought you had jhbuild on your Debian machine too.21:58
manusheelkandarpk: Can you make the patch again tomorrow from your Ubuntu machine, and send it after testing it.21:58
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sure21:59
manusheelkandarpk: We should be sending the patch only after reviewing it.21:59
manusheelkandarpk: And, testing it.21:59
manusheelkandarpk: Take rest now. We'll do it from the Ubuntu machine tomorrow.21:59
manusheelkandarpk: Neat progress. Keep it up.22:01
manusheelalsroot: Thanks a lot for your help and pointers.22:01
manusheelalsroot: Highly appreciate it.22:01

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