
aprilghi Omega :)00:46
aprilgwe now have the website up00:46
Omegawe do :)00:46
OmegaI have one thing to attend, and then we'll talk00:48
=== aprilg is now known as aprilg_away
MuscovyI hear no crickets.02:19
MuscovyI'm building an IRC log viewer at http://irclogs.ubuntutour.org/02:19
MuscovyBasically it's like irclogs.ubuntu.com without the other channels.02:20
MuscovyIt's still in progress.02:20
MuscovyI just made it for fun. :D02:20
OmegaI see we're doing well02:20
OmegaNice work on the page list02:20
MuscovyPage list?02:20
Omegathe etherpad02:21
MuscovyThat Etherpad site is so cool.02:22
OmegaI've been using it for a while :)02:22
OmegaSince before it was open source02:22
OmegaI always reccomend it to projects02:23
OmegaWe've come a long way guys.02:57
OmegaMuscovy: Your site does not reditect correctly: http://ubuntu-tour.alexandos.org/stock02:59
Omegait's replacing the slash too02:59
MuscovyI think I know what's causing that.03:01
Omegaaprilg_away: Thanks for the domain :)03:04
MuscovyFound the problem, fix should be applied shortly.03:05
MuscovyI didn't add a precautionary slash to the direct URL.03:06
OmegaI just realized that I have a launchpad account from 2008.03:06
MuscovyI had similar nostalgia when I was setting up beta Ubuntu One and saw I already had an LP account from reporting an old crash.03:10
OmegaI just merged my accounts.03:20
OmegaMan, time flies.03:20
OmegaI've been using ubuntu for more than two years.03:20
MuscovyI'm just a little over one year. I can't believe it's been such a short time.03:26
MuscovyI'm just reading http://design.canonical.com/2010/09/ubuntu-default-wallpaper and it sounds awesome.03:27
MuscovyI'd love it if the wallpaper evolved randomly.03:28
OmegaIt starts off as a seed03:35
Omegaand slowly grows03:35
OmegaThat's different03:36
Omegaor that could work too03:36
MuscovyDid you mean having it start plain then fill in detail by detail?03:36
OmegaBut, my example was literal.03:40
OmegaYou start with a seed and let it grow into a flower03:41
MuscovyOh, that's cool.03:42
MuscovyI'm picturing a whole garden like that.03:43
MuscovyI wouldn't code a garden though. XD03:43
MuscovyI'm going to try to fix some pesky redirect issues.19:47
OmegaGood :)19:47
MuscovyThe site may disappear for a few minutes. :P19:47
MuscovyMain domain is back.19:50
MuscovyBasically the control panel didn't like an addon and subdomain being the same thing.19:50
MuscovySo it got picky about how I could redirect.19:51
MuscovyBecause it thought it would loop.19:51
MuscovyOk, fixed, but we'll still have it in our caches.19:54
MuscovyBecause it as set as a permanent redirect, the browsers will remember. :|19:54
Omegawhat domain registrar did april use?19:57
Omegawhat domain registrar did april use?19:58
MuscovyI didn't ask.19:58
OmegaWho has control over the DNS?20:00
MuscovyShe does, I suppose, because she pointed it at the nameservers.20:00
OmegaOh, so the registrars name server?20:03
MuscovyNo, the hosting ones.20:04
MuscovyBTW, I ought to give at least one of you ftp, because once school starts I won't be around quite this much.20:06
MuscovyThere'd be nothing like me leaving a typo on the front page during the OMG! release. :P20:06
OmegaK, PM me.20:07

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