
charlie-tcaHave we updated the team report for August? It is important to keep the report updated, as it is published in the Ubuntu Weekly News for all to read.17:29
charlie-tcaUpdating is easy - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports17:30
mr_pouitI added a few entries (I don't remember anything from august, but it's a start :p)17:36
charlie-tcaGreat! Thank you17:36
charlie-tcacrimsun_: I don't actually know how to play any sounds at the login screen to check the mute bug. any hints would be greatly appreciated17:37
crimsun_charlie-tca: it actually doesn't matter if you try at the display manager. You can switch to tty1, login, and try speaker-test -c2 -l1 -Dplug:front17:40
charlie-tcaOkay. I can do that. thanks17:41
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: re: Bug #613034 > do you see the "graphical" plymouth theme, or the "text" one? (the text one is probably the fallback with drivers that don't support kms)17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613034 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu splash screen is showing Ubuntu 10.10" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61303417:47
charlie-tcatext screen17:47
mr_pouitbecause xubuntu-artwork only provide a graphical theme, not a text one (I can reproduce this in virtualbox which uses the text one)17:47
mr_pouitokay, then that's the reason17:48
charlie-tcaaw, crap. You are right, too. Nvidia card again17:48
charlie-tcaWe are still waiting on the hardware drivers to get straightened out17:49
charlie-tcaOkay, updating the other system to test these things, too17:50
mr_pouityeah, so we're back again at the "let's have someone make a proper plymouth theme" :}17:50
charlie-tcathorn in the side, huh?17:50
charlie-tcaI get the xubuntu splash now on the box using nouveau17:51
mr_pouityeah, nouveau supports kms, so plymouth shows the graphical theme :)17:52
charlie-tcaThanks. 17:52
charlie-tcacrimsun_: no sound at all before/after logging in without going through the Workaround I gave in the bug report.18:19
charlie-tcabig 61305418:19
charlie-tcabug 61305418:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613054 in xfce4-mixer (Ubuntu) "xfce4-mixer muted on login" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61305418:19
crimsun_charlie-tca: so, please reboot, login at tty1, and use "sudo alsactl init 0"18:19
crimsun_charlie-tca: then log in at the display manager18:20
charlie-tcaoaky, will do18:20
crimsun_charlie-tca: let me know if that resolves your symptom18:20

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