
LxndrMozilla Thunderbird is hanging and crashing every time it starts. How can I solve this problem?00:00
JohnSQWhat is going on when you see a service that has as its source and ITS destination?00:00
usr13chilli0: The MS Windows intall will overwrite the MBR and destroy grub.  You will just have to fix it afterwards. See the info the others have provided you with for instructions.00:00
usr13JohnSQ: It is using local host only00:01
Jordan_U_JohnSQ: There are two processes which are able to connect to each other over the network, but in this case both happen to be on the same machine.00:01
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
tjubalubais the syslog message "Sep  5 00:50:37 karlw-laptop kernel: [ 6311.899471] intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: MCP power or thermal limit exceeded" normal?00:02
JohnSQIt is not a security problem?00:02
JohnSQI didn't do anything to make this happen though.  Why is it suddenly happening?  There are two of em.  Two different ports.00:02
Jordan_UJohnSQ: No, it's not.00:03
LxndrThunderbird hangs when I start it up. How can I make it stop hanging?00:03
JohnSQYes, but why twice on two different ports?  I don't understand00:03
Dr_Willistjubaluba:  i saw that message today on a 10.10 install.. but ive not noticed any issues.00:03
Jordan_UJohnSQ: What are the processes?00:03
usr13Lxndr: Don't  know.  Run from terminal and see if you can tell what is hanging it up.00:03
JohnSQNo program listed00:03
caldavienIm setting up an HTPC using ubuntu and XBMC, any suggestions on a wireless keyboard with builtin mouse functions?00:04
tjubalubaDr_Willis, ah okey.. good to know...00:04
JohnSQHow do I see the processes?00:04
Lxndrusr13, running 'thunderbird' from the terminal starts it normal, and no messages are reported00:05
Dr_Willistjubaluba:  this is on a 10,10 setup? or a 10.04 ?00:05
usr13JohnSQ: pa aux00:05
usr13Lxndr: Must be that the menu item is pointing to wrong thing....00:05
JohnSQI can't tell from that long list00:06
Lxndrusr13, But after the normal start, it still hangs.00:06
tjubalubaDr_Willis, im on 10.0400:06
jdawgOk, still getting blank screen after reboot with flashing cursor....ubuntu won't load...tried holding shift, and other key combo...00:06
usr13JohnSQ: pa aux |grep somehing00:06
tjubalubaDr_Willis, on a brand new dell laptop00:07
tjubalubaDr_Willis, untampered with00:07
usr13Lxndr: What does it say in the terminal?00:07
Dr_Willistjubaluba:  ive never noticed the message on my 10.04 setup on the same machine. I may look into it later if i reboot back to 10.0400:07
usr13Lxndr: Any errors...?00:07
JohnSQgrep --color=au00:07
JohnSQThat is the process00:07
arturo393is there an application to organize my music directory ??00:07
Dr_Willistjubaluba:  you could check the forums. there may be some info on it there00:07
tjubalubaDr_Willis, please tell me if you find something...00:07
JohnSQ--color=auto 5531700:07
tjubalubaDr_Willis, it hasnt posed any problems.. just curious00:08
Lxndrusr13, No errors. It's just quiet until I finally terminate it, at which point I just see 'terminated'00:08
duffydackarturo393, organise how00:08
usr13JohnSQ: pa aux |grep 5531700:08
JohnSQI did that00:08
JohnSQI got --color=auto 5531700:08
jdawgTo reiterate, after a fresh install of Lucid Lynx, and after the first reboot, I get a blank screen with flashing cursor, there are no other operating systems on this Intel system00:08
arturo393usr13: organize the folders00:08
arturo393usr13: by albums or artist00:09
usr13Lxndr: So did thunderibrd load up and function ok?00:09
Dr_Willisjdawg:  you may alwo want to state your video chipset. and cpu.  and if its a laptop the make/model00:09
Lxndrusr13, It functions for the first... 15 or so seconds, then it freezes.00:09
CkhiKuzadwhenever i boot up 10.04 and start gnome, the panel never loads.00:09
duffydackarturo393, rhythmbox?00:09
JohnSQI think I been hacked.  Hard drive acting funny after the two popped up00:09
JohnSQAll I did was run and close KlamAV00:10
arturo393duffydack: how ?00:10
duffydackarturo393, what do you want exactly.00:10
KerrickWhich group should I add my user to so that I can use the lsusb command without root privileges?00:10
usr13Lxndr: apt-get upgrade mozilla-thunderbird00:11
madmikeLxndr, what does the terminal say when it freezes?00:11
__cool__JohnSQ: where did you get that number 55317 from?00:11
duffydackarturo393, run the program Rhythmbox and import your music and it`ll sort it into artists/abum for you00:11
arturo393duffydack: i want to organize my folders like itunes does00:11
jdawgDr_Willis: ATI 9550 Radeon - Intel Pentium 5 CPU...Desktop, custom built00:11
Lxndrmadmike, The terminal says nothing. It is silent until I finally kill the frozen process, at which point it says 'terminated' and ends.00:11
Dr_WillisKerrick:  my user can run lsusb allready without root priv.00:11
JohnSQport number listed in active connections under Firestarter00:11
madmikehmmm, tough one00:11
__cool__JohnSQ: you wont find the port num in the ps list00:11
robsonkarlsguys,  is kubuntu the same thing as ubuntu?00:12
elitexrayNah i heard kubuntu costs monthly fee00:12
CkhiKuzadKubuntu uses the KDE environment00:12
KerrickDr_Willis, whoops, my bad, I was thinking of another command.00:12
Dr_Willisrobsonkarls:  Kubuntu = Ubuntu -gnome + kde00:12
__cool__JohnSQ: use something like 'sudo netstat -p | grep <number>'00:12
CkhiKuzadand no it does not cost anything.00:12
usr13Lxndr: Ctrl-c does nothing?00:12
JohnSQ127.0.0.1 source, destination.  No program listed.  Service unknown.  This entry exists twice.  Only the port is different00:12
robsonkarlsk go t it00:12
__cool__JohnSQ: then you get the PID... then grep for that in ps output00:12
Lxndrusr13, ctrl-c ends the process.00:13
usr13Lxndr: sudo apt-get upgrade mozilla-thunderbird00:13
JohnSQSays both are wineserver00:13
Lxndrusr13, As for the upgrade, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."00:13
JohnSQOhhh...I didn't remove them from sources...*slaps head*00:13
Guest65824I'm messaging from my android. I am at the end of installation for kubuntu 10.10 beta and am getting "executing 'grub-install /dev/mmcblk0' failed. This is a fatal error.00:14
tjubalubais here some sort of gnome log? im having problems starting programs from the menues00:14
jdawgDr_Willis..It's an AGP ATI Radeon 9550 running on an INtel MB with Intel Pentium 5 CPU....could this have something to do with the system hanging at boot-up?00:14
__cool__JohnSQ: whatever. semms you hacked yourself?-)00:14
Dr_Willisrobsonkarls:  try them both out You can easially install both on the same install. use what you like.00:14
JohnSQThey still there and haven't vanished00:14
JohnSQBut netstat says ESTABLISHED 17456/wineserver00:15
JohnSQSo I guess it is cause of wine00:15
Dr_Willisjdawg:  with ATI video.. its hard to tell.. definatly sounds like a video card issue.00:15
Dr_Willisjdawg:  i got rid of all my ATI setups ages ago.00:15
usr13Lxndr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46185700:15
arturo393duffydack: or like songbird did00:15
JohnSQIs there a way to close both?00:16
JohnSQI don't use those ports anyways00:16
jdawgDr_Wilis: Is there a forum somewhere on ATI cards and Ubuntu issues?00:16
duffydackarturo393, never used it..00:17
usr13JohnSQ: Now here are you seeing this,  in netstat ?00:17
__cool__JohnSQ: dunno what your're talking about concerning 'remove them from sources'. apt-get remove wine? kill 17456 for the moment?00:17
tjubalubatalking about video cards.. where can i see what driver im using?00:17
DonSliceAll of a sudden, Guake isn't showing colors in ubuntu 10.10... :(00:17
arturo393duffydack: ok, thanks anyway00:17
__cool__usr13: yes pid/name is the clue here :)00:17
Guest65824Where should. Bootliadet be installed to?00:18
shaheeneryOMG I just broke Ubuntu, I looked on the wiki for etiquette, didn't see any do I just say what I did?00:18
Lxndrusr13, That helped! Looks like it was a theme thing.00:18
usr13Lxndr: aaaahhhh ok00:19
duffydackarturo393, for music players like that, there are rhythmbox, banshee, clemetine, amarok, exaile.. some others I cant remember00:19
Lxndrusr13, Hm, nevermind. It worked for a few seconds, and now is freezing again.00:20
RayArnoldhello, i hope anybody can help me. i'm looking for the easiest way to create a complete backup/image of an fully encrypted hdd (alternate install, 10.04), so i can restore this to a new hdd in case of a hdd failure (like trueimage on windows for example). i googled a long time but didn't find a simple solution, although this should be a pretty basic and simple task. of course the backup/image should be encrypted (truecrypt container?), too, otherwis00:21
duffydackRayArnold, clonezilla00:21
jigaRayArnold, dd?00:21
duffydackoh encrypted.. I dunno about that.00:21
DonSliceDoes clonezilla use dd? if it does, an encrypted drive shouldn't make much difference.00:22
duffydackto backup encrypted, to encrypted, I`d just rsync00:22
duffydackRayArnold, do you want to backup TO an encrypted destination ?00:23
Dr_Willisbacking Up a partition may be better then backing up the whole HD also..00:23
jigaif you need byte by byte copy, dd it obviously the best way to go, if you want to minimize the file say there are some tools for that too00:23
RayArnoldduffydack: yes, for example to a truecrypt container.00:23
shaheeneryI'm looking for a way to restore /var/lib after I accidentally renamed it /var/lkl .  Is this a "re-install" moment?00:24
Dr_Willis!info fsarchiver00:24
ubottufsarchiver (source: fsarchiver): file system archiver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1ubuntu0.1 (lucid), package size 94 kB, installed size 280 kB00:24
Dr_Willisshaheenery:  boot live cd.  mount the / filesystem.. rename it back.. reboot00:24
Dr_Willisproberly doable without the live cd.. :) but  live cds are handy00:24
shaheenerythanks doc :)00:25
Dr_WillisI got a Boot entry in my GRUB to boot a Ubuntu.iso file for super-emergancies like that00:25
DonSliceAnyone having issues with Guake in 10.10, with regards to bashrc coloring?00:25
Dr_WillisDonSlice:  see #ubuntu+100:25
RayArnoldDr_Willis: but i want have a full backup i can restore  to a new hdd in case of a hdd failure.00:25
Dr_WillisRayArnold:  you can backup a partition easier often then you can a whole hd image.00:26
Dr_WillisRayArnold:  its a 'minor' differance . but often overlooked. :)00:26
intradershaheenery: would mv /var/lil /var/lib work?00:26
shaheeneryno because I wouldn't have permissions00:27
usr13RayArnold: You could just leave the extra drive in the machine and make ghost to it every once in a while.00:27
shaheeneryand I can't sudo because /var/lib is gone..... :/00:27
usr13shaheenery: Where did /var/lib  go?00:28
shaheeneryto /var/lkl00:28
RayArnoldDr_Willis: so you would use rsync for a complete system backup. does this work from a running system?00:28
sejwalHello everyone, don't know why this file "debug.log" pops in my home folder again and again, any way to silent it?00:28
RayArnoldusr13: it's a notebook00:28
usr13shaheenery: Did you  mv /var/lib /var/lkl   ?00:28
usr13RayArnold: Oh, ok.. well I dono00:29
shaheeneryI sure did00:29
usr13RayArnold: netbook install?00:29
sejwalthis is what is written in that file ---> [0904/211241:ERROR:o3d/core/cross/message_queue.cc(402)] Failed to send boolean response to client handle : Broken pipe00:29
intradershaheenery: I did not think of that. However if you use something like Knoppix 6, it can see your stuff and change the name.00:29
dendritegreetings. im using grub2 to boot into 10.04, and i also have another distro on a secondary drive. that distro uses grub legacy, and will not let me set a custom vga widescreen mode such as vga=365.  is this something grub2 handles? or am i missing the gfx driver in the 2nd distro?00:29
RayArnoldDr_Willis: no00:29
shaheeneryyeah, basically a livecd fix00:30
FoolishOwlRayArnold, you can use rsync to backup a running system, except that you can't backup .gvfs if someone is using GNOME. However, you don't want to back up .gvfs anyway.00:30
usr13RayArnold: Can't he just change it back to lib ?00:30
shaheenerythat's what doc thinks too00:30
castaway_hello guys i have just bought a new laptop copmaq presario cq62, having some issues with the wless network it just doesn't work00:30
castcastaway_: and what kind of wireless chip is it?00:31
tjubalubais here some sort of gnome log? im having problems starting programs from the menues00:31
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
usr13cast: what does iwconfig say?00:31
ZombieI have an Odd AT Keyboard issue.00:31
FoolishOwlTake a look at rsnapshot, in the repository. It's based on rsync.00:31
ZombieA Keyboard of mind is sending control when it should be sending shift.00:31
castusr13: nothing! i don't have wireless ;)00:31
jigacastaway_, did you check for drivers00:31
usr13castaway_: lspci |grep -i wireless00:32
=== elijahlynn is now known as elijah
usr13castaway_: So iwconfig says "No wireless extensions"    or...?00:32
castusr13: thatll miss some things, like '02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002b (rev 01)00:32
castaway_nor lspci00:33
usr13castaway_: What  wireless chip is it?00:33
edbianExcellent security! :)00:33
RayArnoldhmm, i'm afraid there are no simple solution00:33
evansp01what's wrong with this: sudo chmod a+rwx -R /ect/X11/xorg.conf ? terminal returns "chmod: cannot access "path" no such file or directory00:33
castRayArnold: if you want to backup running systems take a snapshot00:34
edbianon KDE 4.3.5 if I have more than 1 monitor must I have more than one desktop activity thing?00:34
effjevansp01, I believe it's just a spelling error on IRC, but ect != etc.. could that be it? :)00:34
intradercastaway: do you get the applet with a list of network connections - also try System-->Administration-->Network Tools you should see a protocol list00:34
RayArnoldcast: can i do this to an encrypted external hdd?00:35
castaway_usr13, don't know for sure00:35
castRayArnold: sure, if you used LVM, or btrfs, or zfs00:35
usr13castaway_: What does lspci say?00:35
evansp01lemme check, might have just been a spelling error here00:35
PrometheusI just installed a fresh ubuntu server 10.04 and I am having a bit of trouble with accessing internet00:35
usr13castaway_: Bring up a terminal and type    lspci   and hit enter.00:35
PrometheusI'm using dhcp and the router assigns my computer an ip, but after that I can't seem to be accessing anything00:36
RayArnoldcast: and what would be the best way to restore such a snapshot?00:36
ProfessorBaconPrometheus: do you have an IP address?  can you ping the gateway?  how about the DNS server? are you able to resolve hostnames?00:36
usr13Prometheus: what is in /etc/resolv.conf   (after nameserver)00:36
castRayArnold: same way as normal00:36
PrometheusProfessorBacon: let me check00:37
PrometheusI have an ip address, I know that much00:37
usr13Prometheus: Open a terminal window and type    host av.com     and hit enter.00:37
castaway_3:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)00:38
castaway_ usr1300:38
Prometheususr13: it can't resolve hosts00:38
Prometheustimes out00:38
FoolishOwlPrometheus, what's in /etc/resolv.conf ?00:38
ProfessorBaconso what are you using as a DNS server (refer to usr13's eariler question)00:39
Prometheususr13, FoolishOwl: resolve.conf looks like http://pastie.textmate.org/private/cngnlh027vy611adr21w00:39
Prometheusthe router00:39
castaway_Prometheus, edit your etc hosts file and change your current nameservers to , comment out the existing ones00:39
usr13castaway_: lsmod |grep 810100:39
honkyzghi, i have a script which edits a picture file which is set as my wallpaper, i cant figure out how to make this script run at the system startup and repeated every minute, any ideas? help?00:40
switz_cron job00:40
castaway_usr13, nothing00:40
usr13Prometheus: ping
usr13castaway_:  lsmod | egrep "r8|rtl8"00:41
switz_honkyzg search how to setup a cron job00:41
usr13Prometheus: Can you ping your router?   ping
Prometheususr13: hang on, restarted networking00:41
Prometheuspreviously I couldn't, anyway00:41
Prometheusoh, now Network is unreachable =P00:42
usr13Prometheus: ifconfig00:42
usr13Prometheus: route -n00:42
PrometheusI wish I could copypaste from the terminal window =P00:43
castaway_usr13,  lsmod |egrep "r8|rtl8"00:43
castaway_r8169                  34076  000:43
castaway_mii                     4381  1 r816900:43
strangeprometheus you can: ifconfig > file00:43
usr13castaway_: iwconfig00:43
igsenrunning intrepid and stucked w/ pdigin 2.5.2 , How can I get a newer version?00:43
strangeand pastebinit that file :)00:43
Prometheusstrange: except it's on an entirely different computer that I can't ssh onto00:43
Prometheusstrange: otherwise I would =)00:43
switz_Prometheus you could try a different terminal if that bothers you a lot.00:43
CkhiKuzadwhenever i log in, into gnome, the gnome-panel program doesn't start.00:43
strangePrometheus, pastbinit.00:43
castaway_no wless extensions usr1300:44
Prometheusstrange: I can't access the computer from my other computers, and that computer has no access to the internets00:44
Prometheusvery hard to pastebin it =)00:44
Prometheususr13: right, route -n gives me just empty table now00:44
FoolishOwlPrometheus, is anything else plugged in to the router, and successully networked?00:45
strangePrometheus, pastebinit is an app00:45
strangeapt-get install pastebinit00:45
usr13Prometheus: sudo route add default gw
strangethen "pastebinit filename"00:45
PrometheusFoolishOwl: yes00:45
strangeoh nm you have no internets00:45
Prometheusstrange: yes, that's the problem =)00:45
Prometheususr13: SIOCADDRT: no such process00:45
PrometheusFoolishOwl: all of my other machines are fine, just this one that I just freshly installed00:46
Prometheusthat doesn't work, that is00:46
Prometheusit worked in 9.1000:46
chilli0Hello , I'm worried about reinstalling grub2 I don't want to screw it up. Last time I try'd messing with grub I had to do a total reinstall. Is there any easy way just to make grub install?00:46
Prometheusbut it doesn't work in 10.0400:46
Prometheusshould I try setting up a static IP?00:47
igsenintrepid & pidgin 2.5.2, how can I install newer version of pidgin that can connect to yahoo?00:47
usr13castaway_: modprobe r810100:48
IanWizardcastaway_: realtek card?00:48
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
IanWizardOk, so I'm on Ubuntu, but becoming very dissatisfied with the bloat, so I've decided to migrate to Debian.  But I'm on an encrypted partition, so I have to use a separate /boot partition.  What do I need to do to use the same partition as Ubuntu.  What do I need to do to keep the grub / kernel / initdisk from interfering.00:49
IanWizardIs it sufficient to just run update-grub to figure out the new kernels?  Or should I just configure the Debian (or Ubuntu) entries by hand?00:49
castaway_usr13, fatal module not found00:49
castaway_IanWizard, yes realtek00:49
FoolishOwlPrometheus, does your router have a log, and have you checked it?00:49
usr13Prometheus: ifconfig eth0   #What IP address does it show?00:49
jribcircumbendibus: no, here is where you ask questions00:50
Prometheususr13: apparently none now00:50
IanWizardcastaway_: what's your problem?  I've got a finicky realtek card,  maybe I can help00:50
Prometheususr13: it had one before I restarted networking, I'll boot the machine and see what happens =)00:50
PrometheusFoolishOwl: I haven't actually checked it, I'll have a look if it does00:50
Prometheusit's a Verizon FiOS box00:51
usr13Prometheus: sudo ifconfig eth0 ; sudo route add default gw
intraderIanWizard: I am also dissatisfied with the bloat as well as UI performance. However, I have tried suse, debian, fedora, mandriva and derivatives and see the same00:51
castaway_IanWizard, can't load wless iface00:51
castaway_hence no wless00:51
Prometheususr13: alright, I've some thing in route table now00:51
usr13Prometheus: ping
PrometheusDestionation Host Unreachable00:52
IanWizardintrader: I'm on opensuse right now, and I'm pretty satisfied.  But still not willing to give up debian.00:52
castintrader: then don't use KDE/GNOME ;)00:52
castintrader: my desktop is *very* fast and minimal :)00:52
usr13castaway_: Is this a laptop?00:53
castwith the exception of firefox, which is always a hog00:53
IanWizardcastaway_: make sure you have the driver from the realtek site,  and make sure it's the latest.  that's what it took to get mine working.00:53
circumbendibusok, so I just installed Lucid and it doesn't seem to auto-detect my monitor.  I would just change xorg.conf but that has been removed.  Xorg -configure won't work because I can't get the virtual terminals (ctrl-alt-[f1-f6]) to give me more than a blank screen. $service gdm stop does the same loopy thing and I have to restart.00:53
timewriteris there a cleaning tool for ubuntu , except gconf-cleaner ?00:53
Prometheususr13: I can see the machine on the router's network status screen00:53
Prometheusbut that's about it00:53
usr13Prometheus: ping   #can you ping it now?00:53
Prometheususr13: still unreachable00:53
castaway_IanWizard, nice00:54
castaway_let me check that00:54
usr13Prometheus: Go on and reboot, see what happens.00:55
Prometheususr13: that's odd, getting pings back now00:56
usr13Prometheus:  route -n00:56
intraderIanWizard: open suse 8.2 on Dell Inspiron 8200 worked superbly. Old machine that also runs XP perfectly. Troubles began with 9.10 (and then 10.04)00:56
Prometheusalthough funnily it froze amid pinging..00:56
Prometheusafter first 2 pings =)00:56
ProfessorBaconhave you tried pinging yet?00:57
PrometheusProfessorBacon: it answers to that00:57
usr13Prometheus: You must be getting some bogus DHCP info from your network.  Are you sure you have only one DHCP server running on your LAN?00:57
timewriterlets make a contest00:57
Prometheususr13: pretty sure00:57
IanWizardintrader: that's exactly right, that's when it started getting bad.  and I'm on openSuse 11.300:57
Prometheususr13: only the router should be doing dhcp00:57
intradercast: I have tried moving away from kde/gnome (xface). But still problems  remain. I think it is the kernel, or Xorg00:57
timewritergnome for the win00:58
IanWizardtimewriter: ok, first person to ping google wins00:58
Prometheususr13: weird, it does freeze every time I start pinging00:58
timewriteri win00:58
jrib!ot | timewriter00:58
ubottutimewriter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:58
crohakon!ot | jrib00:58
ubottujrib: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:58
timewriteroh man , not even on sudays00:58
jribcrohakon: please do not abuse the bot00:58
IanWizardtimewriter: I was going to say that I keep a ping to google running, in a script, but you spoke before I could00:59
CkhiKuzad-.- come on. i've asked twice and googled it. whenever i start gnome, the panel never starts up. even with alt+f2+gnome-panel00:59
crohakon*gasps* I would never...00:59
timewriterwhy you need a script for that00:59
castintrader: seems unlikely, given that kernel/x ran pretty well back in the day with 400MHz/64MB ram00:59
jribCkhiKuzad: does it happen with a fresh new user?00:59
usr13Prometheus: Try restarting the network:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:59
CkhiKuzadyes, jrib00:59
archangelpetromaverick i sstill beta, right?00:59
jribarchangelpetro: yes00:59
IanWizardtimewriter: it's part of a bigger script00:59
timewriterok :)00:59
jribIanWizard, timewriter: take this elsewhere please00:59
timewriteri just use awn terminal00:59
usr13Prometheus: and then:  ifconfig eth0   And see what IP you have.01:00
timewriterjrib, why are you angry today01:00
IanWizardI gotta go anyway,   jrib: sorry01:00
jribtimewriter: I'm not?01:00
timewriteryoure different than i know you01:00
jribCkhiKuzad: run it from a terminal01:00
timewritercome on man , its sunday01:00
evanescentevery so often I boot and there are no frames on my windows (ubuntu 10.04)01:00
evanescentrebooting a few times fixes it01:00
intraderIanWizard: right: very responsive UI in all applications. Wrong: very slow UI. Started bad: I installed 9.10, then re-installed 9.04 and had the problems, went to 10.04 to remediate.01:00
evanescentbut it's irritating. thoughts?01:00
crohakontimewriter, saturday... it is saturday... move to the correct country... geez.01:00
CkhiKuzadI can start it in fluxbox jrib, but never in GNOMe01:01
timewritermaybe i am in the right country :)01:01
IdleOnetimewriter: take the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic please01:01
jribCkhiKuzad: I have to go.  You should run it from a terminal and pastebin output01:01
timewriterok , sorry01:01
timewriterill get on topic01:01
timewriterhow do i solve the vertical sync issue01:01
panpanshhello ;) how many times for backup with backup-manager ?01:01
timewriterit seems that vsync doesnt work01:01
IdleOne!msgthebot > frobisher01:01
ubottufrobisher, please see my private message01:01
circumbendibusi asked my question a while ago, should i keep asking it, or will someone get to it?  it has to do with screen resolution01:02
jribcircumbendibus: just repeat ~10 minutes01:03
timewritercircumbendibus, can you ask it again please01:03
circumbendibusok, so I just installed Lucid and it doesn't seem to auto-detect my monitor.  I would just change xorg.conf but that has been removed.  Xorg -configure won't work because I can't get the virtual terminals (ctrl-alt-[f1-f6]) to give me more than a blank screen. $service gdm stop does the same loopy thing and I have to restart.  Thanks!01:03
Prometheususr13: just a minute, the computer isn't playing nice with me =)01:03
intradercast: should I list the problems I have with 10.04? 'IanWizard' went of leaving conversation hanging.01:03
PrometheusI might just have to kick up a VM image and install ubuntu on it01:03
timewritercircumbendibus, did you installed the video drivers ?01:04
timewriterits ctrl alt shift F7 , if you want to drop gdm and get to console01:05
circumbendibusmy card is s3 unichrome, i cant find if the driver is even available.  the via website didnt list anything for my comp+distro01:05
timewriterdamn the s3 :(01:05
nytek_is there anyway to enable 2 finger right click?01:05
timewriteri remember i had some problems on a IBM thinkpad T2301:05
nytek_is there anyway to enable 2 finger right click?01:05
timewriterbut i managed to install them01:05
b1ankhey there, i have Ubuntu booting off of a USB stick as persistent that i made using the Pendrive util. i'm trying to mount /home to a hard disk /dev/sda2, it mounts fine manually, but when i put a record in the fstab (as root) it reverts to the default (w/o this entry) every time after a reboot. any idea why this might be happening01:06
circumbendibusbut i still have the problem that C-A-f6 makes me have to reboot.  should it be C-A-S-f6?01:06
timewritersame chip01:06
timewritercircumbendibus, do you want to ctrl + alt + shift + F7 ?01:06
Prometheususr13: after restarting networking, ifconfig doesn't show an ip anymore01:07
Prometheususr13: I got a "No DHCPOFFERS received"01:07
timewriteroh , its ctrl + alt + shift + F101:07
timewriterctrl + alt + F8 to go back01:07
usr13Prometheus: sudo ifconfig eth0 ; sudo route add default gw
ralliasI'm trying to play something in wine, and the audio won't play. I am using 10.04.1, and volume is set at max. What do i need to do?01:07
circumbendibusi can try, but ill probably have to reboot.  will i be able to make an xorg.conf?  because i put the default one in myself, and then i couldnt login after the loading screen01:07
scott_inois multi-touch testing not using utouch package anymore, package doesn't seem to exist01:08
timewritercircumbendibus, you need to stop gdm01:08
timewriterthen reconfigure xorg01:08
=== kish_ is now known as oracle
usr13Prometheus: host av.com01:10
Prometheususr13: still can't ping the router after that01:10
Prometheusand host just times out01:10
circumbendibusok, ill try that.  is there a website where i can plug in my hardware and it will tell you what distros are compatible?01:10
circumbendibuswhen i stop gdm, it freezez and i cant get back01:10
usr13Prometheus: ifconfig eth0   #What IP does it show to have now?01:10
timewritercircumbendibus, did you try Administration > Hardware drivers ?01:11
usr13Prometheus: ping
usr13Prometheus: ping
PrometheusI get an answer back01:11
Prometheus.1.1 is unreachable01:11
evanescentevery so often after I boot there are no frames on my windows. rebooting a coupel times fixes this. is this a known problem?01:12
usr13Prometheus: Check / Change network cable and / or port on router.01:12
castevanescent: next time just try restarted x :)01:12
edbianIs there something in linux that does this? http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2nDk1S/www.howtogeek.com/howto/12131/find-your-computers-location-with-windows-7-and-geosense/01:12
Prometheususr13: I'll do that, thanks01:12
evanescentthanks but that's not really a solution01:12
evanescenti want to stop it from happening01:13
castevanescent: find root cause -> fix problem. step 1 in finding cause, *isolate*01:13
castevanescent: but sure, do whatever you want ;)01:13
evanescentso supposing restarting X fixes it01:13
evanescentthen what01:13
toniHeey , i already have WIne on my computer , but i still cant get Msn Messenger on my computer ..01:14
strangejust use amsn or something?01:14
castyou said rebooting a couple of times...rather than just once, which is curious01:14
evanescentit happens a lot. i figured it was just chance01:15
evanescentsometimes once works01:15
evanescenti'd say there's between a 1/3 and 1/2 chance of it happening on any given boot01:15
evanescentirrespective of whether it happened immediately before01:16
evanescentbut thats just my guess01:16
Takeasyhi, how can i set a program to auto-run when start-up?01:16
remotei'm trying to install kubuntu-desktop and am receiving this error: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-utils_2.3.0-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch01:16
castso how often does it happen with an x restart01:16
remotei tried to apt-get update --fix-missing but it doesn't solve the problem01:16
remotecan someone advise?01:16
Takeasyhi, how can i set a program to auto-run when start-up?01:17
toni Heey , i already have Wine on my computer , but i still cant get Msn Messenger on mky comptuer.. any one have awnsers ?01:17
remoteTakeasy, use an init script01:17
castremote: try a different mirror, hash sum mismatch is fairly clear01:17
remotecast, i'm using mirrors.kernel.org01:18
Takeasycan u explain more? i'm new to this remote01:18
evanescentunclear. i can check later01:18
castremote: i know.01:18
usr13Takeasy: Sessions -> Program Startup01:18
remoteright, can you suggest me another one?01:18
remoteTakeasy, be as specific as you can and try to describe precisely what you are wanting to do and why01:18
shaheeneryI'm trying to mount a partition but I'm getting "wrong fs type bad option bad superblock on"01:18
usr13Takeasy: System \ Preferences\ Sessions01:19
remoteshaheenery, what type of partition?01:19
casti could, but that would involve me opening up a browser, which i think you could do instead of me ;)01:19
shaheeneryit's either ext3 or 401:19
Takeasythx all, i found it01:19
shaheeneryit's ext something01:19
remotecast, try /exec -o grep ^http /etc/apt/source.list | head -101:19
Takeasyi thought i have to code some sudo things......01:19
castremote: sources.list, and that won't help you01:20
remotethat's where you configure the mirror(s) your system uses01:21
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:21
castremote: for a start the lines don't fit that format, furthermore they're not ubuntu mirrors and lastly, they're private mirrors01:21
remotewhat are you talking about?01:21
remoteyou said i should change mirror01:21
castyes. i did.01:22
castbut not to my mirror.01:22
remoteso that's where i change the mirror01:22
remotecast, where should i report my problem?01:22
casti don't know, but i imagine its one that resolves itself over time01:23
sleeppy777does anyone know much about using blacktrack?01:24
rwwsleeppy777: Backtrack Linux isn't supported here, try #backtrack-linux01:25
remotecast, removing amarok* in /var/cache/apt/... fixed the problem ...!01:26
sleeppy777thank you01:26
castremote: it may have been the mirror was syncing and you just hit it at the wrong time01:26
remotebad timing :)01:27
remoteok thanks!01:28
tjubalubahow to troubleshoot a gnome/ubuntu "programlauncher" menu item... nothing happens when i click it01:29
adversaryhello everyone :D01:30
intradertjubaluba, have you tried the item from the terminal?01:30
hiexpowhat app is it tjubaluba01:31
Dekonegagood night01:31
intradertjubaluba, other items are responding?01:31
hiexpotjubaluba, what application01:32
tjubalubaintrader, hiexpo: Yes, and the app is .sh script launching a ruby IDE ... that does require some of my accounts .bashrc env variables01:33
VerminatorI have bee using freenode for a while, but only now registered, when I log on, it tells me the nick is already registered and to use "identify <password>". why is this happening and how do i fix it? I'm using Empathy as mu client.01:33
VerminatorBTW, when I use "identify <password>", all is well, so I'm pretty sure its a configuration issue01:33
Jordan_UVerminator: It's a standard message, before you're identified you're just some person trying to use the nick "Verminator" and so you're being warned that it's registered (in case it's not actually you).01:35
intradertjubaluba, I assume you have tried the script from the terminal. The terminal is running as you, and may not have the variables the IDE expectsl01:36
tjubalubaintrader, yes.. tried in terminal01:36
AsterixDoes anyone know I'm getting an installation error when installing from the CD that file doesn't match source copy? I've done the integrity check when booting with it but there's no errors there.01:37
VerminatorJordan_U, so how do I automatically identify w/ each log in then, so as to log in as the real Verminator.01:37
tjubalubaintrader, so "program in terminal" would run .bashrc right?01:37
intraderVerminator, I had the same problem. What I had to do was have Staff reinstate my account.01:38
Verminatortjubaluba, that is a config file for the bach shell, you cant just run it, there is a command, which I cant think of, to parse it and apply changes, let me look for command01:38
intradertjubaluba, what is the first line of the script?01:39
=== plouffe_ is now known as plouffe
frobisherVerminator,you need to register an acount.01:39
tjubalubaintrader, #!/bin/sh01:40
Verminatorfrobisher, I did register the account and verified it, but when I log in it wants me to use "identify <password>".  I'm think I just need to somehow configure empathy to make sure I log on as the real Verminator.01:41
Jordan_UVerminator: It depends on your IRC client, which are you using?01:41
frobisherThe bot don't work.It tells you how to register(!why)01:41
VerminatorJordan_U, empathy 2.30.201:42
tjubalubaVerminator, oh okey.. so .bashrc isnt run from "Program in terminal" menu items?01:42
frobisherThis morning they where working on the system ,but maybe it's not all fixed yet.01:43
Verminatortjubaluba, no, it is run automatically when u log in, there is a command to reparse it, I'm trying to find it now, I forget what it is off the top o my head01:43
Jordan_UVerminator: http://library.gnome.org/users/empathy/stable/irc-nick-password.html.en01:43
Verminatorfrobisher, ok thx, I'll checxk that out01:43
purrdetasource .bashrc01:43
An_Ony_Moosemeh. SSH will connect to a server, scp won't work with it. Can anyone explain this? :/01:44
intradertjubaluba, Verminator Not necessarily By detault bash, but the first line actually could direct it to use another shell.01:44
denysoniqueAn_Ony_Moose, what is the error?01:44
An_Ony_Moosethe connection times out01:44
An_Ony_Moosessh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out01:44
Verminatorpurrdeta, yes thats it, tjubaluba, thATS what I wa sthinking of, thx purrdeta01:44
jdawgHere is my issue...After an installation of Lucid Lynx, I reboot, then I get a black screen with flashing cursor...It goes through POST but I don't think Grub is loading...holding down shift, e, or other key combos don't work...I also don't think it is my video card since this just happens after post, and before grub....an ideas? I've been pulling my hair out all day lol01:44
purrdetanp :D01:45
Verminatorintrader, thx for that extra info, I did not know that01:45
spacegravity4meum... i'm trying to get to the #xubuntu chat... anyone know how i do that?01:46
intraderVerminator, np01:46
Jordan_Ujdawg: Could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt ?01:46
An_Ony_Moosespacegravity4me, type /j #xubuntu01:46
spacegravity4meokay, ty01:46
An_Ony_Moosenp :)01:46
elitexrayHas anyone been able to game on HP laptops running on ubuntu?01:46
crucialhoaxIs there still no fix for the Acer 532h netbook card reader?01:47
jdawgJordan_U: Should i do this through terminal from my Ubuntu live USB?01:48
RudyValenciaOK, I accidentally selected the wrong partition to format when doing mke2fs, I canceled it during the first part of the process (creating tables). Is there a chance I can still recover data from the partition?01:48
Jordan_Ujdawg: Yes.01:48
castRudyValencia: yes.01:48
RudyValenciahow? :)01:48
Verminatormy usb ports are all offline / dead, lsusb hangs and cant even be killed.  Any suggestions for getting USB back online w/o rebooting?01:48
Jordan_URudyValencia: What filesystem was there previously?01:49
castRudyValencia: well thats the tricky bit...01:49
jdawgJordan_U: I will do that first thing tomorrow.  I have my computer apart in pieces trying to single out the problem, lol01:49
karlwdamn... i pressed ctrl+alt+f2 which tossed me out of X/gnome and im now in console land01:49
RudyValenciaJordan_U: ext301:49
karlwhow do i get back?!01:49
karlwPLEASE.. very tiresome01:49
jdawgJordan_U: Thanks a bunch!01:49
Verminatorkarlw, u can get back w/ ctrl+alt+f701:49
Jordan_Ujdawg: You're welcome.01:49
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.01:49
RudyValenciaJordan_U: The drive had an ext3 filesystem.01:50
tjubalubaVerminator, thanx a handful01:50
Verminatortjubaluba, np01:50
tjubalubagot really scared there in monochrome land01:50
tjubalubagotto go01:50
castthere's at least 1 tool for recovery from ext3, i'd make  a snapshot of the fs and give it a whirl01:50
crucialhoaxIs there still no fix for the Acer 532h netbook card reader?01:51
Microman171Can somebody help out with a audio problem?01:51
jasbututwhat problem?01:51
castyou could try using a backup superblock01:52
Jordan_URudyValencia: No matter what happens you'll be able to get most of your files back with photorec, but I'd like to see if we can actually get the filesystem mountable again.01:52
Microman171In windows 7, I disabled front jeck detection to get them working, and they work fine.  In ubuntu, the headphone jack (front) works fine, but no microphone...01:52
Jordan_Ucast: You read my mind :)01:52
Microman171Is there something similar to jack detection I can disable?01:52
RudyValenciathe computer this drive is in is booted to a live CD01:52
VerminatorJordan_U, thx for the link, exactly what I was looking for, unfortunatly, thats what i did and still have the problem, thx anyway01:53
zzzedMicroman171, have you tried alsamixergui or gamix?01:53
Microman171zzzed: Tried alsamixer, and there is only one input showing up, the rear connector.  The rear works fine.01:54
Jordan_UVerminator: Are you actually not identified before you manually run "/msg nickserv identify foo"? You will get the message you mentioned earlier even when everything is setup correctly.01:54
RudyValenciaJordan_U: What do I do next?01:54
Microman171zzzed: Should I try gamix?01:54
zzzedMicroman171, why not give it a shot01:55
krabadorhi, i need a testdisk expert01:55
VerminatorJordan_U, yes, I have to manually identify each time I log in.01:55
umanHi, I often connect to a server at "lectura.cs.arizona.edu"01:56
umanIs there a way to set up my system so Ic an just type "ssh lectura" instead of typing the whole domain name01:56
castRudyValencia: have a read of http://planet.admon.org/howto/using-alternative-superblock-to-check-ext3/01:56
Jordan_URudyValencia: First run "sudo fsck -n /dev/sdXY" (where XY is replaced with the proper drive and partition) and pastebin the results. This will run fsck *without letting it attempt to repair*, don't try to actually repair with fsck yet.01:56
greezmunkeyuman: put an alias in your /etc/hosts file01:56
sync3timesuman,  a neat way to do it is in a config file in .ssh01:57
stoppokerhallo zusammen is hier jemand der auch 'nur' deutsch spricht?01:57
Jordan_U!de | stoppoker01:57
ubottustoppoker: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.01:57
sync3timesuman that way you can set other site specific things for ssh along with the full hostname01:57
Microman171zzzed: Nope.  I don't think the OS can see the front mic?  There is only one channel01:57
RudyValenciaJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/X6CWkTZH01:57
umansync3times: thanks01:57
casti was thinking if time isn't important, and there's not enough space to make an image of the drive, one could par2 the block device @ say 10% and be able to revert changes that way01:58
mobasherhow do you force kill a process..i can't get rid of something01:58
Microman171mobasher: There is a kill command, or a killall command01:58
zzzedMicroman171, what type of audio card?01:59
mobasheri have this process i want to kill "[ssh-agent] <defunct>01:59
RudyValenciacast: I haven't another hard disk that can hold the contents of this one01:59
sync3timesmobasher, zombies,  hard to kill01:59
Verminatormobasher, you need to first find the PID of the process01:59
mobashermoe       3629  3492  0 20:02 ?        00:00:00 [ssh-agent] <defunct>01:59
sync3timesmobasher, its a zombie process.  It failed to give its return code to its parent because its parent was dead.   Hard to kill02:00
mobasherdarn it02:00
Verminatormobasher, find PID by "ps aux |grep ssh"  this will list the processes running with "ssh" in description, one of the pieces of data will be PID02:00
mobasheri was playing around with openssh installation and i messed up so i removed it02:01
Verminatormobasher, then kill <PID>  and if that doesnt work kill -9 <PID>02:01
mobashermoe       3629  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Zs   20:02   0:00 [ssh-agent] <defunct>02:01
casthttp://linux.die.net/man/8/e2fsck describes how to get a list of alternative superblocks :), under -b02:01
mobasheri need to reboot i guess ?02:01
sync3timesmobasher, its probably not hurting anything02:02
RudyValenciaSomeone else suggested testdick02:02
VerminatorJordan_U, so if i understand um then I must "identify <pass>" each time I log in?02:02
RudyValenciaIt found one backup superblock02:02
mobasherk great..thanks guys apprecaite it02:02
Jordan_UVerminator: You shouldn't need to do that manually, no.02:02
jk_Verminator, if you're using xchat, it will do it for you automagically.02:03
RudyValenciaNow I can run e2fsck -n -b (that number) /dev/sdb1 to see if it will work (read-only, of course - we don't want to do anything until we're 100% sure!)02:03
VerminatorJordan_U, thx for the clarification, jk_, using empathy and I think i have it set correctly, but need to identify manually each time02:03
RudyValenciaOoh three backups so far02:03
pdkask empathy folks or look in docs to see if you can run commands on server connect02:03
RudyValenciaGood, I still have a chance02:03
RudyValencia...Ext2 superblock found at sector 89915392 (block=11239424, blocksize=4096)02:04
RudyValenciaExt2 superblock found at sector 163840000 (block=20480000, blocksize=4096)02:04
RudyValenciaExt2 superblock found at sector 191102976 (block=23887872, blocksize=4096)02:04
Verminatorpdk, good suggestions02:04
RudyValenciaI'm lucky02:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:05
pdkanyway i shouldve gotten to my problem already :p02:05
RudyValenciaI'm just... worried about my data02:05
pdktl;dr version sabrent pci-g802 not being detected right in 64 bit lucid it seems02:05
castRudyValencia: good thing for backups ;)02:05
RudyValenciaSo now if I point e2fsck at one of those it should fix things, right?02:06
pdklspci says "network controller: device 3fff:bfff", iwconfig doesnt find any wireless connection02:06
Microman171zzzed: Integrated Realtek02:06
jaysernI'm on a laptop with Lucid, and when I plug my 2nd monitor in and adjust the monitor preferences to the resolution and refresh rate recommended by the external monitor, the screen shows up but it's fuzzy and shaky. lspci shows that Ubuntu is picking up the right video drivers02:07
lnewlfeanyone with knowledge with setting up soundcards?02:08
sync3timesjaysern, what refresh are you trying,  is it vga or dvi02:08
TheMusicGuyI just performed a routine system update, but when I try to start Ubuntu with the latest kernel, the system drops into an (initramfs) prompt. I am now using the last kernel that was working before the update.02:08
sync3timesjaysern, good cable?02:08
jaysernas far as I know yes02:08
jaysern(by trying it on a different computer)02:09
sync3timesjaysern,  fast machine,  good video chipset?02:09
Verminatorthx all for the help, I'll be logging on and off for testing, thx again, much appreciated.02:09
jaysernyup, not a clunker02:09
sync3timesjaysern,  can you boot up with just the monitor, ie your laptop is closed and not trying to display video?   And using a ext. keyboard.   Is it still jump then?02:10
zzzedMicroman171, sorry, no can help02:10
lnewlfeI'm using 9.10 updated to as of 3 hours ago, cant get sound.  According to driver manager in Windows *Where im getting sound* the comp has a realtek (sp?) soundcard...P4 @server x series computer, built in soundcard02:11
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: press Esc when the system starts booting and see if you can discern any relevant error messages02:11
netbook_im having adobe flash problems02:12
jaysernsync3times: so it's not a driver problem, is it ?02:12
* jaysern trying to rule out problems02:12
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, "when the system starts booting"? When exactly? After I've selected the kernel from Grub?02:12
netbook_im not sre can you help02:12
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: yes02:12
netbook_how do i check my video card and update it in ubuntu02:13
lnewlfeany ideas on setting up my sound?02:13
EvilPhoenixnetbook_:  define update first02:13
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, there is actually an error message that said something about disk-by-id or something that comes up just before the prompt02:13
sync3timesjaysern, I would like to eliminate the chance that running two desktop is too much for the card.    You are extending the desktop onto the external right?   Is it nvidia btw?02:13
jaysernhmmmm ... okay. well, it works perfectly fine in Windows Vista02:14
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: what's the exact error?02:14
jaysernso the hardware can support it02:14
sync3timesjaysern, good to know.   What chipset?02:14
Microman171zzzed: Thanks anyway02:14
ilovefairuzjaysern: pastebin: sudo lshw -C multimedia02:14
lenswipe|debianhey guys02:14
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, I don't know. Its kind of long, and I'm not quite sure how to capture it for viewing in this channel because it appears at a time when I have little access to anything at all02:14
jaysernsync3times: actually the laptop's lcd has a problem - i can see the screen but it is very faint (i think the inverter broke) but that's a different story .. so I'm actually trying to mirror (not extend)02:15
jaysernit's a Radeon Xpress 125002:15
sync3timesjaysern, good to know that too.02:15
lenswipe|debianim having issues getting vlc to stream a DVD02:15
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: look in /var/log/messages starting bottom up02:15
RudyValenciacast, Jordan_U: thanks02:15
lenswipe|debianthe audio comes through not the video02:15
lenswipe|debiancan someone help?02:15
lenswipe|debiani can listen to the DVD but not watch it02:15
lenswipe|debianid really like to be able to watch this DVD by streaming02:16
lenswipe|debiancan someone help me with this problem?02:16
ilovefairuz!enter | lenswipe|debian02:16
ubottulenswipe|debian: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:16
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, I think it said something along the lines of "file not found: /dev/disk-by-id/some-numbers-and-stuff"02:16
EvilPhoenixnetbook_:  learn to write messages in channel rather than PMing users randomly02:16
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, maybe it was disk-by-uuid02:16
lenswipe|debianilovefairuz, do you know?02:16
crucialhoaxIs there still no fix for the Acer 532h netbook card reader?02:17
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo pastebinit /var/log/messages02:17
sacarlsonlenswipe|debian: did you try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats ?02:17
EvilPhoenixnetbook_:  software update... as in driver update for your graphics card?  already automatic usually02:17
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sync3timesjaysern, I know more about nvidia than radeon drivers.    sorry02:17
EvilPhoenixnetbook_:  as for checking the card... try looking through the output of lspci02:17
lenswipe|debiansacarlson, its not a problem with restritcted formats - the video isnt even being broadcast02:17
netbook_sorry about the messaging. i just install xbuntu02:17
ZykoticK9lenswipe|debian, in VLC try changing the Video Output to OpenGL or X11 in the options menu, see if either/or work02:17
lnewlfei have run sudo lshw -C multimedia, and im looking at what it is claiming to be my soundcard, and it claims to be all there,  but i dont get sound.02:18
lenswipe|debianits broadcasting from a windows machine to a linux machine02:18
tastyfishDoes anyone know how to make a custom color scheme for gedit? I've tried making one but all I get when I try to add it is "the selected color scheme cannot be installed"?02:18
lenswipe|debianif i connect on the windows machine using it produces no video02:18
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, its probably copy protection.02:18
ilovefairuz!paste | lnewlfe02:18
ubottulnewlfe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:18
RudyValenciaIt mounted and I can see my files!02:18
lenswipe|debiansync3times, it is possible to stream DVDs - ive seen guides on it - i just cant get it to work02:18
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gaboxhi, when i start my ubuntu with the 2.6.32-24 kernel, i got this message: "/dev/disk/by-uuid/4a4.... does not exist. Droping to a shell!" That uuid refers to the partition were i have ubuntu installed. I first thought it was by hard disk, but i can boot fine with 2.6.32-23 kernel. Any ideas?? thanks02:19
jk_RudyValencia, time to back them up, in case it happens again!02:19
sync3timeslenswipe|debian,  vnc is working in all other respects, but it stops working when you are looking at a movie?02:19
jaysernilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/nAwq692m02:19
lnewlfehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/488535/ for info for soundcard02:19
jaysernsync3times: no worries i appreciate the help.02:19
lenswipe|debiansync3times, vlc*02:19
RudyValenciajk_: yeah, I will. But first I must (correctly) format the USB external drive.02:20
jaysernalso to test the cable, i plugged in another computer to this monitor - and it works. so the cable is ok02:20
tastyfishMan, this gedit thing is annoying. No results on google either.02:20
lenswipe|debiansync3times, not vnc02:20
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, whoops.  srry02:20
elitexrayubottu is actually really helpful02:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:20
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, I don't think that will work. The error occurs before any drives have even been mounted, so no errors could have been reported to /var/log/messages. But I will post it anyway:02:20
lenswipe|debiansync3times, its k :)02:21
lenswipe|debiansync3times, so any ideas about VLC02:21
lnewlfeany ideas?02:21
lenswipe|debianonly the audio is coming through02:21
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, is the firewall on the windows box down?02:21
tjubalubahmm... gnome menu "program launcher" doesnt seem to get variables set in .bashrc02:21
lenswipe|debiansync3times, yes - but it happens even if i run 2 instances of VLC on the windows box and connect one to the other with
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, well, you are getting audio, so its not connection....damn02:22
lenswipe|debiansync3times, infact if i select "Play locally" the audio plays locally but not the video02:22
lenswipe|debianwhen streaming i tell it to play it locally too02:22
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, oh, so it wont play at all02:22
lenswipe|debiansync3times, no it will play if i just watch the movie02:22
lenswipe|debianbut if i try and stream it and select play locally then it wont play the video even on the windows machine02:22
lenswipe|debiansync3times, when streaming you can have it so that it renders the stream on the local machine too02:23
lenswipe|debianand if i select that iti doesnt render the video02:23
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, got it.   I remember the feature now02:23
J381i have a question guys... i run a netgear wnr2000v2 router, how can i get this to run with ubuntu?02:23
lenswipe|debianJplug it in02:23
lenswipe|debianJ381, ethernet cable02:23
lenswipe|debianits all on the TCP/IP stack it its compatable02:24
Viking667hi all. How do I change mouse pointers on 10.04? I can't see it mentioned anywhere under settings.02:24
J381so i cannot use it as a wireless router?02:24
lenswipe|debiansync3times, on a side note have you ever worked with an exbox?02:24
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, can you get a video that is definitely not copy protected playing on vlc and try to stream it just to be sure?   Something public02:24
lenswipe|debiansync3times, xbox*02:24
lenswipe|debiansync3times, sure02:24
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, my minion fixes them .  I have not personally done so02:24
lenswipe|debiansync3times, i was over at my friends trying to get his XBOX to stop giving the "Nat configuration too strict" message02:24
lenswipe|debiansync3times, 3 words about XBOX after that02:24
lnewlfealright, how bout this, is there software similar to hardware manager in windows for gnome so that i can see the list of hardware/drivers?02:24
lenswipe|debianSpawn. Of. Satan.02:25
ilovefairuzjaysern: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6878453&postcount=302:25
lenswipe|debiansync3times, ^02:25
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, lol,  the xbox.   try a wii  its worse02:25
lenswipe|debiani wouldnt have thought it possible02:25
J381lenswipe|debian: ?02:25
ZykoticK9lnewlfe, check out gnome-device-manager for something very windows like ;)02:26
lenswipe|debianJ381, hook up the network cable - you sahould be good to go02:26
shaheeneryAfter I choose my option on from the GRUB menu, all I get is a blinking white underscore at the top left of my screen :(02:26
lnewlfeim just lookin to get my soundcard to work man lol02:26
lnewlfe...or woman...02:26
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, I'm going to try something. brb.02:26
sync3timeslenswipe|debian,  if you play music with your vlc, then the streaming works right?02:27
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: was there ever sound?02:27
J381so wait, connect the ethernet yellow cable to my laptop?02:27
lenswipe|debiansync3times, hang on02:27
lnewlfenot with hardy heron edition either, and my comp wont run 10.04 LTS02:27
lenswipe|debiansync3times, i only got audio going over02:27
jimi_How can i play xvidformat?02:27
lenswipe|debianoh no02:27
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: try and reboot: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic02:27
lenswipe|debiansync3times, i got video going over if i try and stream a ffile02:28
lenswipe|debianlike an AVI or w/e02:28
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, that works?02:28
kalle_I used adduser to make a new user still the user is not listed with users, why ?02:28
lnewlfewhat does backports have to do with it?02:28
lenswipe|debiansync3times, sure02:28
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, but not a dvd02:28
lenswipe|debianstreaming a file works02:28
lenswipe|debianbut not a DVD02:28
shaheeneryHas anyone ever seen a case of a black screen with white curser, immediately following a choice from the GRUB menu?02:28
edbianlenswipe|debian, What's the lenswipe part of your name mean?02:28
Frijoliehey all, I have a Brother HL-2170w wifi printer which I've gotten to work pretty much without a hitch, however, it takes sometimes 2-3 minutes to spool the print job. Is there something that I've done wrong?02:29
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, still seems like drm02:29
lenswipe|debianedbian, long story02:29
lenswipe|debiansync3times, F***ING DRM02:29
lnewlfewhat is this backport modules?02:29
jaysernilovefairuz: gonna try that, but does that pply to me? sounds like that's a solution for a soundcard issue ?02:29
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, no, really you shouldnt hold in your feelings like that, its not good for you02:29
Frijolieif it's multiple pages it can take upwards of 5 minutes to print. I'm using the recommended driver from openprinting.org02:29
lenswipe|debiansync3times, i wont - ill go and write hate mail to RIAA02:30
edbianlenswipe|debian, ahhh02:30
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, best leave the bear alone.02:30
lnewlfeilovefairuz, how do you "reply" to a specific person like you are doing to me?02:30
BrianEIf my laptop lid is closed for more than about 2-5 minutes, it dies02:30
BrianEIE, not a standard shutdown, the power just cuts02:30
BrianEIt's not a hardware issue, as I can't replicate the behaviour in Vista02:31
BrianEAnyone got any ideas?02:31
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, can you try ripping the movie to a avi or something and then play/stream it?02:31
lenswipe|debiansync3times, idk how do i rip to AVI?02:31
ilovefairuzjaysern: you linked me to a soundcard pastebin so i assumed you have a sound issue!02:31
FrijolieBrianE, System > Preferences > Power Management > When lid is closed ...?02:31
ilovefairuz!tab | lnewlfe02:31
ubottulnewlfe: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:31
BrianEFrijolie: <BrianE> IE, not a standard shutdown, the power just cuts02:31
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, does vlc have the option?02:31
jaysernilovefairuz: lol .. you asked me for the lshw -C multimedia! ;)02:32
litropyHI, peeps. Is there a program out there that uses a notification engine like knotify to give me reminders for set dates?02:32
hiexpodid the repois ever fix the problem with pidgin / twitter messanger02:32
lenswipe|debiansync3times, the situation is this - my laptop has a DVD drive but the VGA out on it is broken, the machine connected to the nice HD monitor i want to play the movie on doesnt have a DVD drive - see the dilemma?02:32
lnewlfeim the one with the soundcard issues lol02:32
lenswipe|debiani cant shift them between machines because one is a laptop and the other is a Dell02:32
FrijolieBrianE, mine says "cut power" as an option :(02:32
jaysernsounds works fine for me .. it's my extended monitor that is fuzzy and shaky02:32
sync3timeslenswipe|debian, yes I see.02:32
ilovefairuzjaysern: my bad! it was for another person02:32
lenswipe|debiansync3times, The RIAA, Microsoft and Dell must die.02:32
BrianEFrijolie: Mine says "Blank Screen", "Do Nothing", "Suspend", "Hibernate" and "Shutdown"02:32
Frijolieno printer gurus out here?02:33
sync3timeslenswipe|debian,  ooooh, now the gods will be angered02:33
lnewlfeso i installed the backport modules, what did i change/can expect upon reboot ilovefairuz?02:33
lenswipe|debiansync3times, XD02:33
lenswipe|debianFrijolie, dont talk to me about printers >:{02:33
hiexpohola all02:33
sweetpilenswipe|debian: this doesnt answer your question. but you could share the dvd drive on your windows box and play through vlc on the other02:33
BrianElitropy: Search the Ubuntu Software Centre for "Alarm Clock", that should do the trick02:33
lenswipe|debianFrijolie, i hate the damn things02:33
litropydoing so, BrianE02:34
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, ive tried that and all i see are the files on the DVD02:34
Frijolielenswipe|debian, it's working..just sometimes annoying that it takes so long to spool the print job02:34
lenswipe|debiani cant actually *PLAY* the DVD02:34
BrianE!es | hiexpo02:34
ubottuhiexpo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:34
sync3timeslenswipe|debian,   there are tools to "back up" your dvds.  I suggest you look for one of those and try to get your dvd into a format that you can stream with vlc or file transfer to your other machine02:34
RudyValenciaOh great.02:34
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: reboot, run alsamixer, run something that makes sound and toggle controls around alsamixer to check their effect02:34
sweetpilenswipe|debian: vlc has the option to play dvd from a directory02:34
RudyValenciaI'm missing a directory02:34
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, i just see the folders like AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS02:34
hiexpoBrianE, get a grip02:34
* BrianE gets a grip02:34
lnewlfealrite bbs02:34
BrianEAlright, got one. Now what?02:34
lenswipe|debianSwedeMike, ive tried going to the DVD thing and then typing smb://machinename/D and it just throws an error02:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:35
sweetpilenswipe|debian: File > Open Directory and point it to the VIDEO_TS directory02:35
tjubalubawtf.. this must be standard procedure... running apps from gnome menues that rely on settings done in .bashrc... but .bashrc isnt run when launching apps from menues... not even with "run in terminal" option02:35
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, ok lets try it02:35
hiexpothe language in here today wow02:36
jribtjubaluba: what settings exactly?02:36
sweetpilenswipe|debian: s/File/Media/02:36
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, hmm02:36
IdleOnehiexpo: don't add to the scroll with commentary please02:36
hiexpoIdleOne, im not02:36
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, i cant select the remote DVD drive because VLC only lets me select local directories02:37
CkhiKuzadOk, yet again i really need help. I start my system up into GNOME, and it starts nautilus correctly, but no gnome panel starts. i really need help to get it configured to start.02:37
sweetpilenswipe|debian: mount the share then02:37
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, how?02:38
edbianCkhiKuzad, alt + F2 -> gnome-terminal -> gnome-panel&02:38
edbianCkhiKuzad, After that it should start every time automatically.02:38
CkhiKuzadok, why gnome-panel and an ampersand, is there a particular reason for that?02:39
* CkhiKuzad highlights: edbian ^02:39
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, ok its mounted and i still cant see it from VLC02:40
sweetpilenswipe|debian: been a while since ive mounted a share, something like mount -t smbfs //serverip/share /mount_point02:40
tjubalubawtf.. this must be standard procedure... running apps from gnome menues that rely on settings done in .bashrc... but .bashrc isnt run when launching apps from menues... not even with "run in terminal" option02:40
edbianCkhiKuzad, There is!  The & makes the process it's own instead of a child process of the gnome-terminal.  If you don't do the & then if you close the gnome-terminal window the panel will die.02:40
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, whats the mountpoint?02:40
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, ok, so the error message says the system "gave up waiting for the root device". It then lists possible reasons for that, the first of which said to check the boot command line, which I did.02:40
lenswipe|debiancan i make something up?02:40
sync3timestjubaluba, try .bash_profile02:41
CkhiKuzadalright edbian. is this possible to put in my startup applications as a failsafe?02:41
sweetpilenswipe|debian: where ever you want it, say /media/win_dvd, but you need to create the directory first and do this all from sudo02:41
edbianCkhiKuzad, sure.  Make a new entry in the System -02:41
skumarai'm connected to Internet via mobile broadband, how do i know whether i connected via hsdpa or gprs?02:41
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: looks like a bug in interaction with udev, please file a bug report, join #ubuntu-bugs for help with that02:42
CkhiKuzadthanks edbian02:42
edbianCkhiKuzad, Create an entry in System -> preferences -> startup  the command would be "gnome-panel" no need for the & If the X server dies you don't really care if gnome-panel dies too ;)02:42
edbianCkhiKuzad, Yep! :D02:42
tjubalubasync3times, nope.. didnt work02:42
RudyValenciaI just ran an fsck on a partition and a folder of mine is missing02:42
edbianI love linux!02:42
CkhiKuzadi've had it in startup for a while, it never workd02:42
skumaraTheMusicGuy, do 'ls /dev' and see your partition is listed or not02:43
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, robert@samba:~$ sudo mount -t smbfs // /media/win_dvd02:43
lenswipe|debianmount error: can not change directory into mount target /media/win_dvd02:43
edbianCkhiKuzad, That's very odd.  Did running it in the terminal work?02:43
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, I will try that.02:43
litropyhow do I check whcih windows manager I;m using? I get a kubuntu flashscreen, kubuntu cursor, but everything else looks like gdm.02:43
litropyugh, typos.02:43
TheMusicGuyilovefairuz, thx02:43
sweetpilenswipe|debian: sudo mkdir /media/win_dvd02:43
ilovefairuzTheMusicGuy: np02:43
edbianlitropy, ps -e will list every process on the system :)02:43
sync3timestjubaluba, can you wrap your application in a shell script that pulls in the variables you need?02:43
edbianlitropy, If metacity is the gnome window manager.02:43
=== michaelwindham is now known as ninemen
TheMusicGuyskumara, I was actually able to mount my root device (/dev/sda6) from the initramfs prompt02:44
tjubalubasync3times, yeah i could.. but it sortof feels wrong..02:44
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, ok i tried it - it doesnt play02:45
BrianEWhen I close my laptop lid for more than about 5 minutes, the laptop conks out. Not a standard shutdown, the laptop actually just powers off, like you'd expect if it had no battery and the power was cut. It's not a hardware issue as I can't replicate it under other OSs; has anyone got any ideas / suggestions?02:45
skumaraTheMusicGuy, than if u type 'exit' u should be able to log into ubuntu. right?02:45
lnewlfeYou still here ilovefairuz?02:45
sweetpilenswipe|debian: you can see the files in /media/win_dvd ?02:45
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, sure02:45
TheMusicGuyskumara, I didn't try that. I just used the grub menu to change the root device on the command line to the actual device name rather than the UUID.02:46
lenswipe|debiani just cant fkin access them >:{02:46
edbianBrianE, Is it suspending to disk?02:46
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: yes02:46
lnewlfestill nothing.02:46
sync3timestjubaluba,  well, in the old old days you could put variable in  /etc/profile   maybe there are still variables pulled from  /etc/bash_profile or something02:46
lnewlfeescept it changed my grub02:46
sweetpilenswipe|debian: you mean you dont have permissions?02:46
lenswipe|debiansweetpi, i can see the stuff in there i just cant get VLC to play the damn files02:47
BrianEedbian: No, it wouldn't have time to suspend to disk if it's just dying instantly, and the system doesn't 'wake' when it's turned on in any case =\02:47
edbianI made an amazing discovery today.  I have a wireless mouse.  I'm pretty sure the wires that all connect to the back of my system were messing with the radio signals.  Is there some way I can stop this?  What if I put foil around the other wires or something?02:47
sync3timestjubaluba, btw, if you do it wrong, you will bring your system to its knees the next time you boot02:47
edbianBrianE, You said it takes 5 minutes?02:48
skumaraTheMusicGuy, thats ok. I have same problem with my acer 4520. Every time i need to manuall mount my /dev/sda5 than when i exit i can boot my ubuntu. it is a bug that i am waiting for a patch from ubuntu.02:48
sweetpilenswipe|debian: if you did open directory > video_ts in vlc iirc it should play it. otherwise there is a main file in the video_ts that you could try to play. cant remember the name of it of the top of my head02:48
lnewlfeany additional info you can use from me to figure out this sound thing?02:48
tjubalubasync3times, yeah.. i got the impression it can dangerous to fiddle with these things =D02:48
tjubalubasync3times, i think ill have to ggl more02:48
edbianBrianE, Also, suspend to hdd appears to be off completely (no power is being consumed).  It checks for a suspend to disk image every time it turns on.  If it finds one it boots.  Many laptops are set to "hibernate" when the laptop lid is shut.02:48
litropyedbian: I see things like gdm-session-worker and gnome-session. but I also see things like kdeinit4 and klauncher, and mutter.02:49
BrianEedbian: It isn't a gradual process, the laptop is fine and normal if I open the lid before then - the 5 minutes is rough, as I've never actually timed it specifically02:49
litropyedbian: no metacity02:49
edbianlitropy, You have both running together some how for some reason.02:49
sweetpilenswipe|debian: other that that, the only thing i can think of is you dont have libdvdcss installed02:49
BrianEBut if I don't, it decides to instantly die for some reason, I'm fairly sure it's not suspending to disk. The option in "Power Management" is set to "Blank Screen", too02:49
edbianBrianE, So there is some cutoff point at which it suddenly shuts down as if the plug was suddenly pulled.02:50
litropyedbian, how do I switch to gdm yet still be able to open kde apps?02:50
BrianEedbian: Yes02:50
ilovemyherbzCan someone help me with an issue I am having with a USB drive?02:50
BrianEIE, a while ago I brought my laptop upstairs to brush my teeth with the lid closed, came back to it and it was dead again02:50
edbianlitropy, Well.  when you log in choose "gnome" in the sessions menu.  The KDE apps will still show up in your menu and they'll work.  You don't have to log into kde (or gnome) to use apps from kde (or gnome).02:51
BrianE(That's not what I'm basing it off, it's just another time it's happened - one of the ~15 times I've noticed it)02:51
edbianBrianE, That's a very strange problem.  I'm not sure! :P02:51
BrianEIsn't it just?02:51
TheMusicGuyskumara, I would like to edit my boot configuration so that the change I made to the boot line will be permanent, but it seems the old /boot/grub/menu.lst no longer exists...02:51
litropyedbian, the wm just logs in - no pulldown for sessions. How do I get it back?02:52
lnewlfeanyone else mind helpin out with my soundcard?02:52
jaysernhow do i upgrade xorg-macros in lucid? it says i have 1.5 but 18. is needed02:52
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lnewlfei haven o sound from install02:52
BrianEOf course, because it cuts dead immediately there are no log files or dumps, lol02:52
edbianBrianE, power management is actually a well known rats nest of problems.  When MS introduced the idea hardware manufacturers started implementing it in their systems.  Some cheaper ones started making buggy / crappy ones that worked any way because windows would alter their OS just to allow these hardware to work correctly.  Now for Linux, it's impossible to get it to work well for many machines because they're all different.02:53
ilovemyherbzWhen i boot ubuntu 10.04 up, it says it is waiting for my USB drive to mount, and I have to "Wait for it to continue" or press "S to skip", and it does this even without the USB drive plugged in, I have to press S to skip, or plug the drive in in order to start the laptop02:53
edbianlitropy, Do not have to put in your password / username at all?02:53
litropyedbian: correct.02:53
mrvdvhow do I make it so I can start my computer up but before it logs into ubuntu it needs a password instead of me locking the screen ?02:53
BrianEedbian: Is ACPI not standardised?02:54
lnewlfeany other suggestions ilovefairuz?02:54
edbianBrianE, It is but very poorly.  And like I said, many people simply don't follow it and Microsoft makes room for them.02:54
edbianlitropy, Are you in KDE now or gnome?02:55
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: what are you trying to test sound with? did you install restricted extras?02:55
BrianEedbian: The root of all evil, again!02:55
sync3timesmrvdv, preferences->login manager02:55
edbianBrianE, Ha ha.  Tell me about it.  Linus HATE acpi02:55
sync3timesmrvdv, system->login screen02:55
mrvdvok ty02:55
BrianEmrvdv: Go to System Preferences -> Login Manager, and click 'Unlock' in the dialog that comes up. Type your password, hit enter, then select "Show the screen for choosing who will login", and close the dialog02:56
litropyedbian: like I said, kde cursor, kde loadscreen, yet gnome-like look. UNR with Unity.02:56
lnewlfeilovefairuz, i havnt installed any restricted extracts, and i tried to test sound with alsamixer like you suggested, tweaking levels. I assume it would make a "ping" noise when changed...02:56
edbianlitropy, Do you have a gnome-panel or kde panel?02:56
BrianEI typed that out for no reason, heh02:56
krabadorhi, i need a testdisk expert02:56
BrianEedbian: Do you know him personally? :P02:56
litropyedbian: gnome02:56
tjubalubawhat is the equivalent to "source" in sh ?02:56
edbianlitropy, try this: "gksu gdmsetup"02:57
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: no it doesn't make any sounds by itself..02:57
lnewlfelol gotcha gimmie a sec02:57
edbianBrianE, No.  I wish.  I know from quotations from code comments and such.02:57
tjubaluba...or what is the "source" in bash  equivalent in sh ?02:57
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: told you to run something that makes sound like a music player, AND then tinker with alsamixer02:57
ldurdenhello world!02:58
edbianBrianE, http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds   there is one on their about acpi02:58
klatjubaluba, "."02:58
edbianldurden, hi :02:58
bazhang!ot | edbian BrianE02:58
ubottuedbian BrianE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:58
nextlayerHow can i get help with an issue with ubuntu 10.04?02:59
sync3timesldurden, howdy02:59
edbianbazhang, He is having a problem with acpi.  I'm just explaining to him how it's a mess.  What is off topic?02:59
litropyedbian: I get the pane, I click unlock, and nothing happens. All options are inactive.02:59
edbiannextlayer, You ask us :)02:59
arkaxowhello everyone. i have a problem with ubuntu crashing02:59
bazhangedbian, talking extensively about Linus Torvalds. please stay on topic02:59
ldurdenWhat is this room designated for? Main topics?02:59
TheMusicGuyHow do I find the UUID of my root drive?02:59
nextlayeri didnt know if I was visible to the chat, asked question but i didnt get an answer lol02:59
edbianlitropy, What?  Did you run "gksudo gdmsetup"02:59
litropyedbian: except close02:59
edbianbazhang, Linus is offtopic?  Ok, you're the op.03:00
litropyedbian: exactly.03:00
edbian!ask | ldurden03:00
ubottuldurden: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:00
nextlayerI need help with my USB drive, I unmounted it, and every reboot, it says i need to "Wait for the drive to be ready", "Press S to skip" even if the drive is not plugged in03:00
picard1400hey guys im looking for a way to tether my windows mobile phone to ubuntu 10.0403:00
tjubalubakla: So SH : ". ~/.bashrc" is the same as "source ~/.bashrc" ?03:00
sync3timesldurden, general ubuntu linux questions/answers03:00
edbianldurden, If anyone knows the answer...03:00
krabadorhi, i need a testdisk expert03:00
ipatrolwhy on god's green earth and stallman's undyed beard is Empathy the default chat client?03:00
picard1400anyone know how to setup tethering on ubuntu lucid03:00
ldurdengot it thank you03:01
arkaxowhas anyone had a problem with the ubuntu software center causing it to crash when you maximize it ?03:01
BrianEipatrol: Haha :P03:01
BrianEIs it not stable now?03:01
hiexpoipatrol, get pidgin   :)03:01
sync3timespicard1400, it just works.   Does your phone show up as a modem in network manager?03:01
picard1400no it does not have a full03:01
BrianEI think they finally fixed the 9001 showstopper bugs, so it should be fine if you run an update now03:01
krabadorhi, i need a testdisk expert03:01
picard1400ubuntu desktop its server edition03:01
klatjubaluba, i'm not sure which language you have in mind that has 'source' but assuming it includes the source of another file verbatim it should be it03:02
lnewlfeilovefairuz, no, still no sound, at least from youtube videos...03:02
picard1400sync3times if i just plug it in... and hit connect03:02
picard1400your saying it should work.. RDNIS is working03:02
krabadori mean the software "testdisk"03:02
sync3timespicard1400, worked for me out of the box, but I DID have to set my phone in modem mode rather than mass-storage mode03:02
rwwtjubaluba: yes, "source" and "." are identical.03:02
nextlayerno one has any suggestions? hate to wipe it because of small problem03:02
FlynsarmyMy laptops HDD has a few bad sectors on it that cause file corruption. What's the best way to backup a ubuntu install so that i can dump it onto a replacement HDD?03:03
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: unmute (M key) and max everything in alsamixer03:03
lnewlfeim not muted03:03
lnewlfeand i do have enything maxed03:03
jasbutut<Flynsarmy>: remastersys?03:04
Beliasi'm new to IRC, is there a room for offtopic chat?03:04
rwwBelias: #ubuntu-offtopic03:04
ipatrolwell, I switched to Xchat03:04
ipatrolgnome version03:04
tjubalubanw | kla: What if i wanna "." / source a bash script from a sh script? Possible?03:05
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: individual controls could be muted too03:05
ipatrolbut why did they ever mess with pidgin, it worked fine!03:05
rwwtjubaluba: "source" and "." are bash commands, not sh commands03:06
ipatrolmakes about as much sense as fried rocks03:06
sync3timesnot true03:06
Beliasrww: i made a Question there!03:06
nextlayerhow do i stop USB drive from wanting to mount on startup?03:06
rwwipatrol: then install pidgin, remove empathy, and live happily?03:06
tjubalubanw: so not possible to "source" a bash script from a sh script03:06
ipatrolnextlayer: /etc/fstab03:07
jaysernthanks all03:07
rwwtjubaluba: 1) my name is rww, 2) considering that the concept of sourcing something is a bashism, it obviously wouldn't work in a sh script.03:07
sync3timestjubaluba, the big problem is that it will try, but if you have bash specific stuff in your script, plain sh will abort the script.  .  interpret inside your existing script03:07
ipatrolrww: I know, but if baffles me as to why I had to do that03:07
lnewlfeI unmuted every channel and maxed every level and nothing ilovefairuz03:07
rwwipatrol: because your view of applications is not universally held, and is apparently not the same as the Desktop team's03:07
BrianEipatrol: Empathy has audo and video support, I guess Canonical thought that would please a lot of the users that boycotted Ubuntu because they couldn't use their webcam in chat03:07
ilovefairuzquentusrex: unless you explicitly call bash in the script: bash script.sh03:07
chris_osxhow do i encrypt my home directory with ubuntu?03:08
ilovefairuztjubaluba ^03:08
ipatrolBrianE: and that couldn't have been added to pidgin?03:08
krabadorhi, i need a testdisk expert03:08
krabadori mean the software "testdisk"03:08
BrianEipatrol: The Pidgin team have no interest in it, so no03:08
ipatrolchris_osx: that should have been done on install03:09
arkaxowwow this room is crowded is there another irc channel where I can get help ?03:09
sync3timeschris_osx,  you want to encrypt some files or run out of an encrypted filesystem?03:09
kartsI am having severe connection drop out and response time delay over ssh to my work place.. is there a ssh server to which I can connect to and possibly isolate the issue..03:09
kalle_I created a mysql user and added all priviliges but when logging in both as root and mysql i get  Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.03:09
BrianEchris_osx: You either use something like TrueCrypt, or try using an encrypted LVM (would require a reinstallation for the latter, though)03:09
ipatrol"require a password to log in and decrypt my home folder"03:09
edbianarkaxow, This is the only Ubuntu room.  The other rooms are specific versions (this language that language, kubuntu, etc etc)03:09
ipatrolwe should make subtopic rooms03:10
ldurdenIs anyone in here using two monitors? I have a second monitor but if I set the twin view and reboot it does not load the window manager. I then have the relaunch it manually. It loads but doesn't respond.03:10
ilovefairuzipatrol: usb pendrives are not mounted in fstab, they are mounted by nautilus, (gconf key /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount )03:10
BrianEarkaxow: This room is slightly crowded, yes, but mostly on-topic. If you want help, ask your question here. It's very likely you'll get an answer03:10
Verminatorin Lucid, w/ gnome desktop, does anyone else have all new windows start below existing windows?03:10
BrianE-> !ot | Verminator ?03:11
Viking667hey all. I've got question about mouse pointers - I can't find anywhere to change the mouse pointer.03:11
ipatrolso we sacrificed incalcuable chat features to the hopy god Webcam?03:11
Viking667Where do I find a place to change what mouse pointer I have?03:11
VerminatorBrianE, sorrry, I have no idea what that means03:11
ipatroland a seperate program wasn't enough to appese this deity?03:12
timewriterSystem - Preferences - Mouse03:12
arkaxowbrianE: I just installed ubuntu for the first time and was searching for commonly used applications. When I go to Ubuntu Software Center then maximize it, then it crashes.03:12
Viking667tried that. THere's no pointers tab.03:12
BrianEipatrol: Basically, yes. Empathy also looks more aesthetically pleasing than Pidgin - If it bloody worked, it'd be a better chat application for most people than Pidgin03:12
BrianEarkaxow: Are you using desktop effects?03:13
chris_osxoh, so i have to reinstall everything? ok03:13
ipatrolBrianE: hence the old FOSS adage not to reinvent the wheel03:13
timewriterSystem - Preferences - Appearence03:13
timewriterthen go Customize03:13
Viking667There's just a "General" and "Accessibility" tab.03:13
timewriterand you have Pointers03:13
BrianEchris_osx: No, read what other people said, too03:13
Viking667So _that_ is where they shifted to. Thank you.03:13
timewriteryeah :)03:13
timewriteryoure welcome03:14
ipatrolpidgin could have been forked and reworked it to taste03:14
Viking667Yup. That's it. Wife will be happy now, as long as it works.03:14
timewriteri wish i had a wife that uses ubuntu03:14
BrianETelepathy's not a new project, it's a fairly stable IM library...03:14
ipatrolI wish my spouse would03:14
krabadorhi, i need a testdisk expert03:15
krabadori mean the software "testdisk"03:15
timewriteri wish i had a wife03:15
Verminatorin Lucid, w/ gnome desktop, does anyone else have all new windows start below existing windows?03:15
timewriterkrabador, i used it today03:15
Viking667Only time she needs Windows is when she needs a Windows game running03:15
arkaxowBrianE: I don't think I'm doing any desktop effects. other than making a desktop background picture.03:15
ipatrolbut if I GOD FORBID touch the desktop computer, she gets angrier than at any other time03:15
Viking667ipatrol: huh?03:15
BrianEVerminator: Is that a support question or are you asking for opinions as a poll?03:15
Viking667Is it a work computer?03:16
BrianEarkaxow: Is the problem only with the Software Centre or does it happen with other applications, too?03:16
Viking667man, we got a rocking down here... 7.1 earthquake...03:16
chris_osxsync3times: i would like to have /home encrypted. so i guess i have to create a /home partition and have that encrypted on install right?03:16
ipatrolViking667: we only have two desktop computers, one is for my sons, the other my spouse uses for photography03:16
VerminatorBrianE, sorry guess I should have reworded the question, I'm asking for help or if anyone else has had and fixed the problrem03:16
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Viking667ipatrol: ahhh. That explains it... She uses PhotoShop, right?03:17
ipatrolViking667: yes... and Lightroom03:17
arkaxowBrianE: I've barely used ubuntu, but so far it has only happened with Software Center and nothing else.03:17
Viking667Yup. I don't know if there's a decent Linux equivalent to both of those.03:17
timewriteri like lightroom , and photoshop too , but as long im not a photograph , i can live without them03:17
ipatrolViking667: GIMP and F-spot03:17
timewriteri dont have windows anymore03:18
Viking667ipatrol: gimp doesn't run some Photoshop plugins, what's f-spot?03:18
ldurdenhow do I mark an exe trusted so it will launch?03:18
Viking667I've heard _of_ it, but not what it does.03:18
ipatrolmy spouse is at the line between hobbyist and professional03:18
timewriterf-spot is a picture manager ?03:18
edbiantimewriter, It sure is!03:19
Viking667heh. And I'm at the line between newbie and hobbyist.03:19
extraclassicare f-spot and picasa similar03:19
BrianE"Modern PCs are horrible. ACPI  is a complete design disaster in every way. But we're kind of stuck with it. If any Intel people are listening to this and you had anything to do with ACPI, shoot yourself now, before you reproduce."03:19
bazhangBrianE, stay on topic03:19
edbianBrianE, yep!  But we're off topic :(03:19
Viking667I can use picasa, it's all right, so is the one that goes with flickr03:19
edbianBrianE, we can talk about this in ubuntu-offtopic03:19
ipatrolDSLRs, lenses galore, filters and tools, inordinate number of programs she bought with a NYIOP student discount, and enough lighting to blot out the moon03:20
timewriterf-spot is similar to lightroom i guess03:20
ipatrolor elements organizer, or bridge03:20
picard1400hey guys03:20
timewriteripatrol, tell her about Broncolor and Sinar P203:20
ipatrolnot after dropping 300$ on that suite03:21
picard1400i have ubuntu server installed with the sudo apt-get install gdm command (base GDM(.. im trying to tether my windows mobile phone ... it works fine in windows computers but i dont know what i have to do in ubuntu to get it to work.. do i need to install some RNDIS or something.. or what do i have to do.. i have ubuntu 10.04 lucid03:21
timewriterpicard1400, what do you want to do ?03:21
ipatrolpicard1400: sudo apt-get install wine03:22
ipatrolto start03:22
picard1400just tether03:22
bart_i just bought an ubuntu-dell xps 7100 with onboard ati 4200 hd - using the fglrx from ubuntu i guess - the video on this is a POS, like 3 frames a second, and no opengl.  hmmm i guess i need to get the latest one from ATI, right?03:22
picard1400for internet03:22
picard1400teimwriter literally just tehter my phone so i can use its internet... on the computer.. nothin fnacy03:23
sync3timesbart_, ati blows03:23
ipatrolwe also have free drivers03:23
timewriterpicard1400, ok03:23
lnewlfeilovefairuz, if i switch off jack detect i am now getting a slight hum from speakers, but that is it. I tried every combo of on/off and i cant get sound to work03:23
tjubalubawhy cant i export stuff in a bash script (A) and then utilize those vars in  a sh script (B) that i call from the bash script (A)03:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:23
Viking667ATI blows, NVidia sucks, and Intel is the devil spawn of them both...?03:23
=== Pilif12p is now known as durr
timewriterbart_, i always get the latest drivers from ATI and compiled them03:23
ipatrolpicard1400: you still need to tell the phone and the computer to do that03:23
timewriternever had a problem with ATI drivers03:23
ipatrolyou might need to hack the phone to get it to comply03:24
Viking667I'm peeved because the ATI drivers don't work for me - stupid thing doesn't see my Radeon 955003:24
gnomefreaklnewlfe: hum can be caused by speakers being close to monitor or anything else exltric03:24
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: are you running karmic or lucid?03:24
picard1400ipatrol it works fine on windows computers03:24
picard1400my point is there is some driver something in ubuntu i need or some program or something installed03:24
lnewlfe9.04, karmic03:24
delinquentmejust OOC has anyone used empathy to actually RUn FB chat without the FB interface??03:24
Viking667lnewlfe: that's not karmic... that's jaunty03:24
=== durr is now known as Pilif12p
picard1400right the [phone comes up with the connect thing03:25
chris_osxis it normal that i have a smp kernel on a single core machine?03:25
timewriterViking667, there are several guides online , about how to install ati drivers on ubuntu03:25
timewriterthey never failed me03:25
picard1400i tell it to do it through USB and it just idles and does not connect.. its something with ubuntu03:25
hiexpodelinquentme, pidginworks good for facebook chat i use it daily03:25
lnewlfei thought it went hardy/karmic/lucid...03:25
Viking667lnewlfe: hell, no. Alphabetic sequence after Breezy Badger03:25
delinquentmehiexpo, yeah ive used pidgin .. but i was looking for empathy .. the native one on ubuntu :D03:26
ipatrolpicard1400: because windows computers can do COM calls on each other03:26
ipatrolyou need Wine to emulate that03:26
lnewlfesorry i have 9.1003:26
hiexpodelinquentme, good luck with that one03:26
lnewlfekarmic koala03:26
lnewlfeaccording to package source software03:26
delinquentmehah is empathy crappy??03:26
picard1400ipatrol ok.,.. so is there omething im missing a guide? something ot install03:27
picard1400RNDIS something or whatnot for 10.0403:27
lnewlfe...with no sound, tho it detects audio software.03:27
ipatroldelinquentme: tell us something we don't know03:27
ipatrolpicard1400: google, the help button at the top03:28
delinquentmesudo apt-get pidgin??03:28
picard1400iptraol what?03:28
ipatrolsudo apt-get install pidgin03:28
timewriteri like pidgin03:29
ipatrolsudo apt-get purge empathy03:29
Viking667feisty, Gutsy, Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, Karmic, Lucid03:29
timewriteri can annoy my friends with pidgin-musictracker03:29
Viking667... and Mental Marvin.03:29
rwwMaverick Meerkat, Natty Narwhal03:29
hiexpothan you need the pidgin facebook deb03:29
ilovefairuzlnewlfe: try the lucid live cd03:29
ipatrolwhat happens when we get to Zeebra?03:30
rwwAwesome Aardvark03:30
bazhangipatrol, please take chat elsewhere03:30
lnewlfelucid dosnt work on my comp03:30
lnewlfealready tried03:31
papul93What will happen when you reach Z?03:31
rwwAwesome Aardvark03:31
bazhangpapul93, did you have a support question03:31
edbianrww, That is possibly the coolest name suggestion ever.03:32
edbianrww, But I think it would have to be arrogant, awesome aardvark03:32
hiexpodelinquentme, you will need pidgin-facebookchat-1.64.deb google it03:32
rwwnah, just one adjective03:32
papul93Don't think so :P03:32
bazhanghiexpo, thats in the repos03:33
chrometigerhow do i write the degree symbol in ubuntu      "im trying to goto a location in google earth"03:33
hiexpobazhang, not thatversion i don't think unless its been added lately03:33
rww!info pidgin-facebookchat lucid03:33
ubottupidgin-facebookchat (source: pidgin-facebookchat): Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.64-1 (lucid), package size 36 kB, installed size 152 kB03:33
bazhanghiexpo, telling people to google for outside versions is not the supported method, so please dont.03:34
hiexpook bazhang i didn't know it was in lucid its not in karmic03:35
bazhanghiexpo, please /msg ubottu info package in the future to find out before answering then03:35
delinquentmehiexpo, so i should check the repos?03:36
bazhangdelinquentme, correct03:36
hiexpodelinquentme, yes03:36
sergiusensOut of curioisity, why would you want pidgin-facebookchat when facebook supports jabber?03:37
hiexpodelinquentme, sudo apt-get instal pidginfacebookchat03:37
zkriesse_you guys are doing security questions too now?03:37
chrometigerhow do i write the degree symbol in ubuntu      "im trying to goto a location in google earth"03:38
bazhanghiexpo, thats not the package name03:38
hiexpodelinquentme, or open synamptic and serch there03:38
arkaxowgood night all. I found a less busy chat room for help. Thanks !03:38
delinquentmedling :D thanks guys03:38
jpdssergiusens: It integrates better than XMPP.03:38
jpdszkriesse_: Potentially.03:39
gfiHi all, anyone know why Nautilus-Elementary is slow to open up folders (delay of 10 seconds before folder shows up)?03:39
zkriesse_jpds: Hmmm..not a bad idea03:39
hiexpodelinquentme, open synaptic and type facebook and you will see it03:40
bazhangWren0440, stop that03:40
delinquentmei sudo apt-get'd it03:40
zkriesse_jpds: personally im surprised its not been done before this03:40
hiexpokool delinquentme03:40
jpdsWren0440: Please stop doing that.03:41
jpdsbazhang: Aww.03:42
bazhangChr|s, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=543667903:43
Chr|sbazhang: thanks03:43
kalle_howto create a new root account in mysql ? i tryed to change some settings and deleted it03:43
darwinhello guys I have a realtek wless card r8169 i have downloaded and compiled the driver from the rt  page still I can get wless to work, what do you suggest03:44
hiexpodarwin, give me a minute03:44
picard1400anyone help with the tethering on ubuntu03:45
bazhangdarwin, thats an ethernet nic03:45
hiexpodarwin, what brand and is that the chipset?03:46
bazhangdarwin, paste.ubuntu.com with the outputs from lsusb and lspci please03:46
hiexpodarwin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53844803:48
Viking6678169's gigabit, isn't it?03:49
delinquentmeso its not up and in my appications .. so im assuming i need to install regular pidgin as well?03:49
Viking667uh, yes.03:49
hiexpodelinquentme, yes03:49
Viking667delinquentme: pidgin plugin's not much good without Pidgin in03:49
sergiusensjpds: ty, I'll check it out again then03:49
* Viking667 disappears03:50
SunderphonCan't seem to update java, the current version isn't 103:50
SunderphonCan't seem to update java, the current version isn't 1.5.0 is it?*03:50
Viking667Sunderphon: no.03:51
Viking667More like 1.7.x03:51
Viking667... though the mainline seems to be
SunderphonHow do I update?03:51
Viking667Sunderphon: which version of Ubuntu are you on?03:52
Viking667let me see ...03:52
=== zkriesse__ is now known as zkriesse_
Viking667That's the whole jdk... if you just need the jre, I'd use apt-cache search and look for java603:53
Sunderphonstill returns version 1.5.003:53
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Viking667Sunderphon: hm. You at a commandline? (terminal, konsole)?03:54
hiexpoViking667, how it goes03:54
Viking667apt-cache search | grep java603:54
darwinhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ny0CaQF4 bazhang Please take a look03:54
bazhangdarwin, checking03:54
Viking667hiexpo: bit shaken, but not too bad.03:54
darwinhiexpo, reading03:54
SunderphonE: you must give exactly one pattern03:55
hiexpoViking667, shaken ?03:55
Colloguyis there an http proxy out there that lets you rewrite headers like useragent, to arbitrary values you specify?03:55
SunderphonViking667: That returned an error, about having to give exactly one pattern. What do I do now?03:57
darwinhiexpo, hmm the windows workaround seems handy but my linux install broke w7 installation03:58
adamkexany alternative to open office witer?03:59
darwinI´ll have to reinstall from recovery tool :/03:59
Viking667Sunderphon: apt-cache search java6 | less03:59
Viking667actually, you can remove the |less03:59
bazhangsudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source darwin03:59
bazhangadamkex, abiword?04:00
SunderphonWhat am I looking for Viking667?04:00
adamkexmistake, any alternative to openoffice impress?04:00
binaryMy computer is partitioned with Ubuntu and Windows Vista. How do I view windows file system and alter files while on ubuntu?04:00
adamkexbazhang: sorry i was mistaken04:00
Viking667well, what do you actually want java for?04:00
Viking667ANd do you need a full jdk (i.e. for OpenOffice) or just a jre?04:00
bazhangSunderphon, you have the partner repo enabled for java?04:00
SunderphonRunning java applications, I don't need it for developing04:00
darwinbazhang, already installed and up2date04:00
bazhangdarwin, and what does ifconfig show04:01
Sunderphonbazhang: Not sure04:01
bazhang!partner | Sunderphon04:01
ubottuSunderphon: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:01
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Viking667Sunderphon: if you're needing it for OpenOffice.Org, then you'll likely want a full jdk. (Not sure why, they just suggest them)04:02
darwinbazhang, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/4AXzDC6M04:02
Viking667but jdk comes with a jre anyhow.04:02
bazhangdarwin, it seems to think your wlan0 is eth104:03
bazhangdarwin, try sudo dhclient eth104:03
SunderphonI've installed the partner repo, and tried installing the newest java and it returns that there's no updates available. (I updated apt first)04:03
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bazhangSunderphon, you want a more recent version than is in the repos? is that the issue?04:04
darwinbazhang, I did it previously it fails04:04
bazhangSunderphon, if so, any particular reason?04:04
SunderphonNo, I need a slightly newer version than 1.5.0 and I'm not sure how to go about that04:04
SunderphonI have some applications I run that rely on newer versions of java (I had a newer version installed, but I reinstalled ubuntu recently). Running them on 1.5.0 causes them to hang and die within a few minutes04:06
kalle_where is mysql_install_db.sh ?04:07
elijahWould there be any reasonable hope I could get my Ricoh SD/MMC memory card reader built into my HP Pavillion DV 2700 laptop working?04:07
* darwin shutsdown and unplugs hosts to test04:09
picard1400anyone know the tethering04:10
coz_elijah,   I am checking now04:11
elijahcoz_: Whoops, I meant DV6700 HP Pavillion :)04:11
coz_elijah,  well I am looking for any driver for the ricoh sd mmc reader04:12
hiexpopure_hate,  hola04:13
elijahcoz_: Do you know how I can find that model number of the Ricoh device? Is there a command I can run?04:13
dustin_most of those readers run as media drives04:13
coz_elijah,  maybe   lspci | grep Ricoh04:13
dustin_have you tried just popping a card in to see if it automounts?04:14
elijahdustin_: Yeah, nothing comes up04:14
elijahThe card was jammed04:15
elijahPARTY TIME!04:15
dustin_did it pop up this time?04:15
coz_elijah,  so it is working now?04:15
elijahFunny, it won't work in Windows, but it does in Kubuntu!04:15
elijahYeah, sorry for my bother.04:15
dustin_fyi it is probably seen by the OS as a usb hub untill you insert a card04:16
dustin_no bother04:16
coz_elijah,  no problem  next time someone asks the same question I will tell him to check if the card is jammed :)04:16
dustin_lol yup04:16
SunderphonI got it fixed by doing a manual java install from the site04:16
coz_Sunderphon,  sun java?04:16
coz_Sunderphon,  it is in the repositories04:17
dustin_if the result works dont kick the method04:17
rafterdarwin the jave version is 1.6.0_2104:17
SunderphonIt refused to update past 1.5.0 with the repos04:17
dustin_Sunderphon what version of buntu are you running?04:18
rafterjava has a tarball04:18
Viking667Sunderphon: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk04:18
Viking667sheesh, dude.04:18
mrvdvis there a antivirus program for ubuntu ?04:18
Viking667mrvdv: several. But why?04:18
dustin_mrvdv you shoulnt need one04:18
bazhangmrvdv, clamav04:18
CopyWriterhello everyone04:18
CopyWriteri'm trying to remember a command that loads a menu like that of the network remix on the desktop version of ubuntu04:19
SunderphonViking667: I did that several times and it always told me there was no version higher than 1.5.004:19
CopyWriteri can't remember the package name tho04:19
Viking667hm. Then it's telling you a load of bunkum.04:19
Viking667Didy ou do the usual "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" bit?04:20
Sunderphonyeah, I did04:20
dustin_Sunderphon which release of ubuntu are you running?04:20
dustin_that is wieerd04:20
oraclebest one04:20
dustin_I havent had a single problem getting java for mine04:21
JoeSomebodywhat is the best way to run xp under ubuntu? virtualbox?04:21
SunderphonJava is an on-off problem for me04:21
dustin_I like virtualbox-ose04:22
dustin_sorry to hear that Sunderphon04:22
bitreaderHi, I'm ready to install Ubuntu, I was wondering if you people would reocmmend me to (since it's already one month left to the final release) install Ubuntu 10.10.04:22
dustin_sudo apt-get virtualbox-ose04:23
doctorZeusOn my 775 rig rig I have stability issues with both virtual box and vmplayer but vmplayer is a bit more stable, on my 1156 rig they're both stable but virtualbox seems to be a bit quicker and more responsive04:23
hikubitreader: I'd wait until it's out of beta04:23
dustin_bitreader if you want stable use 10.0404:23
dustin_and if you like hulu use 32 bit04:23
bitreaderYeh, but then I'll have to update the whole operating system from one version to another, which is a lot more risky? (or not?)04:23
=== erana_ is now known as erana
hikudoctorZeus: so, what's your question04:24
dustin_bitreader it is best to stay with the LTS(Long Term Support) releases if you want stable04:24
hikuhold that though...brb04:24
dustin_bitreader those are released every 2 years04:25
bitreaderWhen it's the next one due to launch? And which's the one last launched?04:25
linux_opwhats this stuff about 11.04?.04:26
doctorZeushiku i was commenting on JoeSomebody's question..should have addressed him04:26
dustin_bitreader the latest LTS is 10,.0404:26
SunderphonThat's a good question actually, what are my chances of breaking everything, if I try to update from 10.04 to 10.10?04:26
linux_opsunderphon: not to high04:26
dustin_very slim chance of major breaks04:26
linux_opsunderphon: don't do it since its only beta atm04:27
dustin_my worst breaks were from 8.04 to 8.1004:27
SunderphonI installed via wubi, does that change anything?04:27
doctorZeusSunderphon: breaking everything slim to none.. odd quirks that you'll be sorting through until the next LTS -- very good :)04:27
dustin_I killed KDE04:27
linux_opI hope the next release will have more hardware support04:27
dustin_linux_op what hardware do you need supported?04:27
adamkexif i move a .tar.gz file to a fat filesystem will the permissions inside the file be ruined?04:28
usr13linux_op: What are you finding that is not supported?04:28
linux_opdustin_: from what I see ubuntu lacks wifi support on laptops and netbooks04:28
linux_opsince most of them use the function key04:28
linux_opoww and the fans, and sensors04:28
bitreader"64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage"? Really?04:28
dustin_linux_op what kind of laptop are you running adn are you using 64 bit or 32 bit04:29
linux_opbitreader: they should encourage 64bit...04:29
dustin_I do not reccomend 64 bit for anyone who likes hulu/fancast04:29
linux_opdustin_: im not using ubuntu atm and I ony experienced it on my last hp netbook with kubuntu live04:29
usr13bitreader: actually 64bit is ok for desktop usage.  It's just that there a few applications that are not available in 64bit04:29
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn
SunderphonWhen I get my HP Mini 311 I'll be installing ubuntu on it, but it wont be the netbook remix nor will it be 64 bit :P04:29
linux_opfan, sensors, and te toggle key were missing04:29
linux_opsunderphon: use netbook remix04:30
dustin_linux_op the 32bit ubuntu with Gnome desktop has great wifi support04:30
usr13bitreader: Everything works nicely and is very resource friendly, ESPECIALLY compared to Windows7-64bit which is a super hog.04:30
dustin_my acer aspire came with win7 that never booted    :D04:31
Sunderphonlinux_op: I tried out netbook remix with a friend, before I first tried out ubuntu on my desktop and it was really off putting04:31
usr13linux_op: I don't really like the netbook remix.  It's too limited04:31
dustin_first boot was with ubuntu 9.10 disk in drive04:31
bitreaderusr13, Thanks for the vote of confidence towards that decision. I was already downloading 64 bit but I feel quite more comfortable now. I thought so though... that warning is just a way for developers to be able to launch "I told you so" if things go wrong.04:31
edbianusr13, It has a terminal.  What else do you need?04:31
linux_opsunderphon: well the way I see it the netbook remix gets you to what you want faster04:31
Sunderphondustin_ if you never booted that Win7 you can call MS and have it returned04:31
linux_opsunderphon: since a netbook is smaller to operate in04:32
dustin_Sunderphon do you suppose that they will give my the $200 for the OS that came with my $2654 laptop :D04:32
* Viking667 sighs04:33
bitreaderIs it possible to install ubuntu from Windows without actually having to reboot?, I mean, having the installer copying all the files into a selected partition (Not one created inside Windows's) and then restart and boot like a charm?04:33
ipatrolthey charged you?04:33
linux_opI wana buy this: http://laptops.toshiba.com/laptops/satellite/M500/M505D-S497004:33
dustin_bitreader not realy unless you are running it in an emulator04:33
* Viking667 disconnects04:33
linux_opbut I can't find it anywere new04:33
bitreaderI mean, without having to reboot, and boot the cd, or whatever media installation you have.04:33
Sunderphondustin_: As long as you never booted it, you can call microsoft and have the money returned04:33
ipatrol!wubi | bitreader04:33
ubottubitreader: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.04:33
dustin_Sunderphon I never knew that04:34
SunderphonIf you boot into it, you accept the EULA and therefore can't return it04:34
usr13bitreader: There are only a few apps that do not come in 64bit.  i.e. wine and virtualbox04:34
edbianbitreader, No.  You have to edit the root windows partition which you can't edit if you have it mounted.04:34
Sunderphonbut seeing as you only really bought the hardware, you can get the license returned. As long as you never booted into it, and therefore used the serial key.04:34
weexthinking of buying a sony vaio vpc-f121gx... does anyone else have this or have a site to recommend to check compatibility?04:34
linux_opyou can't edit a partition if its mounted04:34
usr13bitreader: But you can still get those 32bit applications to run on your 64bit system anyway.04:34
bitreaderusr13, Oh virtualbox... :(04:35
bitreaderOh I can get virtualbox 32 bit to run?04:35
azlon1how can i create a script in my context menu of nautilus to move a file into a folder (create new folder) with the same name as the file?04:35
bitreaderThen everything's cool :), what's the big problem then. If I can still run 32 bit, there's no way to lose.04:35
usr13bitreader: You'll need to install package ia32-libs and getlibs,("getlibs automatically solves dependencies for binaries")04:36
usr13bitreader: See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479004:37
bitreaderOk, brb.04:37
dustin_well I am off guys and will return tomorow04:39
raftercrashed :(04:39
usr13dustin_: Enjoy your sleeptime.04:39
gh0ztanyone familiar with openvpn ethernet bridging ubuntu on rackspace or other public servers?04:40
usr13rafter: What did you crash?04:40
usr13gh0zt: ask your question(s)04:41
mobashermust be the beer affect crashed :)04:41
=== TEHZONE is now known as INTEHZ0NE
linux_opdoes anyone game on linux here.04:42
usr13mobasher: beer has had a lot to do with many of my crashes.04:42
linux_op*ubuntu inparticular, using wine04:42
bryan886I have a Broadcom BCM 4303 wireless mini-pci card and i'm having trouble getting it to work with ndiswrapper04:42
usr13bryan886: Yea, that one is a problem.04:42
rafterrunning live session off usb stick04:42
OhioErichi all04:42
gh0zti have a rs cloud server running ubuntu 10.04 - eth0 is my public ip eth1 is an internal 10.x.x.x network and i want to bridge my home 192.x.x.x network to it, not sure which interface to bridge to or if it works at all on ubuntu04:42
bryan886great.  has anyone gotten one to work or should i troll ebay for a replacement04:43
gh0zti tried using a tunnel but couldn't get that working so now trying bridging04:43
mobasherbryan886 >> did you load the windows inf in ndiswrapper ?04:43
bryan886i tried04:43
bryan886i got the driver from my xp driver store04:43
mobasherdid the drivers even load ?04:44
bryan886i also deactivated all the bcm legacy in blacklist.conf04:44
pupihello everyone04:44
bryan886it seems to have04:44
bryan886ndis says it's installed and hardware is 'installed'04:44
usr13bryan886: This looks interesting: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#supporte04:44
usr13bryan886: You should download the latest driver.  (What is the "xp driver store"?)04:45
bryan886yes that does04:45
bryan886so it says it uses the b43legacy04:45
bryan886so should i undo the ndis driver and load the legacy driver04:46
usr13You may need to try different ones.04:46
usr13bryan886: Different versions.04:46
bryan886the trouble might be on the router to04:46
bryan886is the MAC attached to the wireless card or the OS04:47
usr13bryan886: The NIC04:47
geoffmcchave u tried b43-fwcutter04:47
bryan886that's what i thought04:47
usr13bryan886: It's on the wireless card.04:47
bryan886i'm not sure04:47
bryan886i say it referenced somewhere but wasn't sure what that was04:48
malcolmhi there04:48
geoffmccthat how i prev set mine up - done in seconds with wifi good to go04:48
=== malcolm is now known as Guest78696
geoffmccmon mode avble too if that what u lookin for04:48
usr13bryan886: You have encryption turned off on the router.  Right?04:48
Guest78696were would i go for ubuntu help?04:48
=== Guest78696 is now known as Malcolm26
wildemWhere does this command download the files to? scp -r user@host:/home/user/directory /04:49
mobasherbryan886>> what is the version of your drivers and what ubuntu version are u using ?04:50
wildemNote the space before the last slash04:50
Malcolm26Hey umm any one use lightspark beta?04:50
bryan886i'm on 10.0404:50
geoffmccmobasher to /04:50
geoffmccsorry i mean wildem04:50
bryan886i just disabled mac filtering and its unsecured04:50
wildemgeoffmcc:  I cannot fint he files in / :S04:50
wildemnm sorry04:51
usr13wildem: To your root directory.04:51
wildemgeoffmcc: i was tricked04:51
wildemgeoffmcc: I thought i downloaded them out of the folder04:51
linux_opget it04:51
usr13Guest37232: http://www.ubuntu.com/support04:51
wildemgeoffmcc: but of course i got the folder, thanks :)04:51
geoffmccwildem so u got it now04:51
wildemgeoffmcc: got it04:51
usr13Malcolm26: http://www.ubuntu.com/support04:52
wildemgeoffmcc: Thought I had filled my / with tons of junk04:52
Malcolm26any one know how to get flash working  in 64bit ubuntu04:53
usr13Malcolm26: That is a problem04:53
usr13Malcolm26: It is pretty much broken.  Your best bet is to install firefox 32bit and flash 32bit04:54
Malcolm26what happened to the flash64 alpha04:54
usr13Malcolm26: It's pretty much broken.04:54
mobasherbryan886>> was this hardware working before or just started to have problems ?04:55
geoffmcchave u tried http://blog.mattrudge.net/2010/05/03/installing-flash-player-on-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit/04:55
usr13Malcolm26: See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479004:55
bryan886mobasher>> I'm using 10.04 and there's no encryption on the router, the driver i have on ndis is bcmwl5a04:56
omid771hi there, does anybody know where i can find the equivalent for 'inittab' in ubuntu 10.04?04:56
bryan886yeah i swapped in a formatted hd to install ubuntu on, the other one has xp pro and it runs the wireless just fine04:56
bryan886it just suddenly woke  up and found the wifi04:57
LicuadoraI want Ubuntu 10.1004:57
bryan886i think the filtering on the router screwed it up somehow04:57
Malcolm2610,10 is beta now right?04:57
Malcolm26i just swiched from 32 bit to 404:57
Malcolm26every thing is good exept webrowsing04:58
Malcolm26and by that its only flash player04:58
pupiis 10.10 promising_04:58
pupii dunno whether to upgrade yet04:58
pupieach upgrade can be a pain sometimes04:58
cfeddewait for it to be released unless you want to help debug.04:58
pupiso i'll wait : )04:58
LicuadoraI am going to sleep04:58
mobasherbryan886>> can't be the router ...if the ndiswrapper is not working...than nothing to do with router04:59
cfeddehelping debug is also fun.04:59
bryan886mobasher>> it just started working04:59
pupigood night Licuadora04:59
pupihave nice dreams man04:59
mobasherbryan886>> lol..okay what happened ??04:59
bryan886mobasher>>lol...i think it was the router filtering or who knows04:59
cfeddeeven after a verson is released you still get to help debug. :-)04:59
usr13Malcolm26: This is the way it stands right now:  http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html05:00
LicuadoraGood night everybody!!05:00
mobasherbryan886>> that's kind of wierd ..cuz ndiswrapper is just a windows driver installer...and then u load windows drivers and off u go..now the networking and all other stuff comes in..well good for u05:00
bryan886mobasher>>my laptop has a wireless disabling feature that might have been the issue05:00
guiritteranyone knows how to make integrals appear bigger in OpenOffice Math?05:00
mobasherbryan886>> we all learn something everyday :)05:01
kraetzjaif i have a comp that cant get online, and im transfering a bunch of .debs over via external HD, where can i dump the .debs so apt-get finds them?05:01
jorechphello guys i install ubuntu 10.04 on one pc, but when try use "apt-get update" can update but dont resolve nothing when use firefox only google work and another page not any can help me05:02
bryan886mobasher>>yeah..for something so logical computers are rarely rational05:03
usr13omid771: Ubuntu quit using inittab some time ago...05:03
bryan886mobasher>>thanks for the help, i might be back if it can't connect to the internet though05:03
mobasherbryan886>> np :)05:04
timewriterthis xchat-gnome is weird05:04
omid771usr13: so what should i use instead?05:04
geoffmccbryan next time try the fwcutter. script downloads the driver and does all the work for u05:04
usr13omid771: It's a new system called upstart05:06
mobasherjorechp>>check PM05:06
jorechpcheking now!05:06
=== cerber0s is now known as cerberos
usr13omid771: You might find a file "README.Debian.gz" somewhere...05:06
omid771usr13: thanks05:07
bazhang!upstart | omid77105:07
ubottuomid771: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:07
pupiyoure welcome my son05:07
usr13omid771: /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian.gz    I think...05:08
usr13omid771: Is it on your system?05:09
usr13Oh, I see that ubottu has current info.05:10
usr13tnx bazhang05:10
omid771usr13: yes it is05:10
usr13omid771: Well, there you go...05:10
omid771usr13: Thank you so much05:11
dlarmeir@Bauldrick - What proptped Ubuntu to try to fix something that wasn't broken?05:12
creepy_ballerina /quit05:12
quentusrexdlarmeir, what was 'fixed' ?05:13
dlarmeirMoving from init to upstart.05:13
usr13dlarmeir: Are you talking about inittab?05:13
dlarmeirInit scripts in general really.05:14
quentusrexdlarmeir, init is awesome as a simple startup and shutdown system. upstart is designed to be able to be crafted more intelligently05:14
usr13dlarmeir: Well, they just thought that it was time to start doing things a different way. It works ok I think.05:14
quentusrexsuch as on specific events(system events like file creation, deletion, etc) on a schedule(such as in 30 seconds), etc.05:14
dlarmeirI love Ubuntu, don't get me wrong but I think deviating from the standard makes me a bit nervous.05:15
quentusrexdlarmeir, there is cause to be nervous. Moving from a tried and true system like inittab can be dangerous.05:16
usr13dlarmeir: I think what is great about Linux is it's innovative nature.05:16
quentusrexBut so far I have seen good things with upstart.05:16
ezzieyguywufI am running a really old (8.04) ubuntu live cd. I want a newer version of gparted on it. one that hase ext4 on it. how can I accomplish this?05:16
dlarmeiruentusrex - agreed05:17
quentusrexI hear a lot of linux old timers grumble about the removal of inittab, but after they actually dig into what upstart is trying to do, I hear cautious support.05:17
o0zeezzieyguywuf: getdeb.net or ubuntu backports05:17
quentusrexCautious support along the lines of: " I won't run it on my system yet, but I will definitely watch to see others switch"05:18
ezzieyguywufo0ze: and what is a backport?05:18
o0zeezzieyguywuf: google05:18
dlarmeirusr13 - Linux is awesome and innovative, but switching to something that deviateds from the standard on a LTS stable distro makes me feel nervous.05:18
o0zeezzieyguywuf: also mentioned on getdeb.net05:18
ezzieyguywufok thanks05:18
usr13dlarmeir: I hear ya...05:18
quentusrexdlarmeir, personally I don't think they should have switched Lucid to upstart. But now that they have, I have seen nothing wrong with the switch.05:19
quentusrexexcept for the fact that it is different, and if you are not aware of the switch it can be 'dangerous'.05:19
usr13But it's been quite some time now... and I don't see a lot of problems, or ... haven't heard...05:19
dlarmeirquentusrex - that is the exact thing that happened to me. I was troubleshooting a downed mysql server on 10.04 and could not figure out why the init script would not work. That was my first experience with it haha.05:20
quentusrexI deal with a bunch of different production networks, and I have yet to see any issues with the ones that are now using upstart.05:20
ja660khey all, what format should i save application icons as? i made it in photoshop as a .png with transperancy turned on, but it still draws a background when i make it an icon :(05:20
usr13What has it been now... couple years?05:21
quentusrexdlarmeir, I found out about the switch during beta testing. Since I was looking to upgrade some production machines to Lucid from Hardy.05:21
quentusrexdlarmeir, the best thing is to read up on it: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:21
dlarmeirBookmarked - thanks quentusrex!05:22
ezzieyguywufI can't find gparted on getdeb05:22
quentusrexwelcome dlarmeir05:22
guest0001i have a wired connection with ubuntu 10.4 and i cant get my wireless internet to work...someone told me how to fix it the other day sorry i kkeep bothering you guys....i updated somehting in the command line05:23
kyle_ 05:23
kyle_ 05:23
kyle_ 05:23
kyle_ 05:23
kyle_ 05:23
FloodBot1kyle_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
guest0001and then i went to drivers and they were there05:23
usr13guest0001: iwconfig05:23
o0zeezzieyguywuf: did u add the repos ?05:24
ezzieyguywufo0ze: I did.05:24
guest0001ok i did iwconfig05:24
guest0001there's some type of command that updates the system05:25
guest0001that's how you guys fixed it before05:25
usr13guest0001: I was just trying to jog your memory, but try: sudo iwlist <interface-name-here> scanning05:25
o0zeezzieyguywuf: sorry playing poker now but it should be there or try backports05:25
usr13guest0001: Does that work for you?05:26
ezzieyguywufw/e I'll just format to ext305:26
guest0001i typed sudo iwlist05:26
linux_opisn't it about time that a campagn be made to make infomercials about ubuntu on youtube or something like that?.05:26
guest0001sudo apt-get update or something is what i typed before05:27
usr13guest0001: What is the interface name?  (You should have seen it in the output of iwconfig)05:27
guest0001i don't know what you mean sorry05:27
usr13guest0001: Do you see the network-manager anywhere on the screen?05:27
usr13guest0001: Open a terminal window and type:  iwconfig05:28
usr13and hit enter05:28
usr13guest0001: Do  you see the interface name there?05:29
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »05:29
usr13guest0001: Tell us what the interface name is.05:29
guest0001is it wlan0?05:29
guest0001is that what you mean?05:29
usr13guest0001: Yes.05:29
usr13guest0001: Now do this: sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning05:29
guest0001ok done05:30
usr13guest0001: er... did the output of iwlist show an essid name?05:30
usr13guest0001: iwconfig05:30
usr13guest0001: er... did the output of iwconfig show an essid name?05:31
guest0001it says off/any05:31
usr13guest0001: what did it say when you gave the command: sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning05:31
usr13guest0001: did it say that wlan0 does not support scanning?  Or what?05:32
guest0001interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down05:32
usr13guest0001: Ok, what is the essid of your Wireless router?05:32
guest0001can't i just type sudo apt-get upgrade or something?05:33
usr13guest0001: iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys  #Where linksys is the essid of your wireless router.05:33
jamescarr_guest0001, sudo apt-get install theworld05:33
usr13guest0001: What is the essid of your Wireless router?05:33
guest0001i don't know05:33
MaRk-I!list > rosa05:34
ubotturosa, please see my private message05:34
usr13guest0001: What kind of router is it?  Linksys or Dlink or...?05:34
usr13guest0001: netgear? or...?05:34
eboyjrCan I turn off middle click for my touchpad? Sometimes when I'm coding it pastes the clipboard in unusual places and sometimes I don't know so I waste time debugging.... :/05:35
guest0001could someone please just tell how to get my system up to date by typing something like "sudo apt-get upgrade"05:36
Flynsarmywhat's the terminal command to include files & folders starting with a . in the zip? i tried a zip -r zipname * but it didnt include them05:36
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager05:36
Ashthorguest0001 use sudo aptitude full-update05:37
usr13guest0001:  sudo apt-get install networkmanager05:37
Hoverwhat is the command to restart x?05:37
usr13or  ^^^05:37
guest0001thank you trying it now05:37
usr13Hover: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace05:38
ljsoftnethow do i launch kbasic? after extracting it?05:38
Hoverthat is not command05:38
usagihow do I simply undelete a file?05:38
usagiall I get when I look online are complex programs that don't do what I need05:39
usr13Hover: service gdm restart05:39
Hoverok. thanks.05:39
usr13usagi: rm file-mame05:39
usagiusr13, that deletes it05:39
usr13usagi: Yes05:40
usagiI want to undelete it05:40
usr13usagi: Can't help you there.05:40
usagiwhy is it there is never anyone helpful in IRC anymore05:40
usr13usr13: We've all become stupid.05:40
isaac_hello to all05:40
linux_ophello isaac_05:40
eboyjrusr13: nice nick completion05:40
crohakonAnd... your asking for help at 1am est...05:40
usr13haha yea...05:41
isaac_im a newbie but loving it05:41
linux_opI wonder if chatzilla has nick completion05:41
ice2may be05:41
fanso many people here05:41
linux_opisaac_: ever1 once was05:41
isaac_that is true05:41
linux_opor a plugin that does that05:41
ice2does everyone use Ubuntu?05:42
superhawk90210okay, I have a (I think) quick problem that I need solving.  I don't know how to update my wireless adapter's drivers05:42
linux_opsuperhawk90210: whats the need to update them?.05:43
linux_opif they work thee is no need05:43
superhawk90210I went the chipset manufacturer's website and got the .bz2 file for them and extracted all the stuff on to the desktop05:43
eboyjrCan I disable the middle click? I don't want it; it's causing me trouble.05:43
superhawk90210but now I just don't know what to do with it05:43
Ashthorfor that "undelete" question: "Many new users of Linux are surprised to learn that no "undelete" application is part of a distribution"05:44
usr13eboyjr: I'05:44
superhawk90210the problem is that the adapter can't seem to connect to our verizon router since we updated it05:44
linux_opsuperhawk90210: ok05:44
usr13eboyjr: I'd rather dissable the scroll function05:44
linux_opsuperhawk90210: this is what you do, find a file called install, installing05:44
linux_opit should have instructions on how to do it05:44
usr13eboyjr: The middle click is very useful.05:44
linux_opnormally you just go to that folder in terminal, and type ./configure05:44
linux_opthen make05:45
Flynsarmywhat's the terminal command to include files & folders starting with a . in the zip? i tried a zip -r zipname * but it didnt include them05:45
fanwho has setup a softether VPN in ubuntu?05:45
linux_opsuerphawk90210: if you can, send me the install file05:45
eboyjrusr13: Well for me I think it's pasting the clipboard and my touchpad appently clicks the middle button every x seconds randomly when I'm not looking05:45
usr13fan ls -a05:45
Ashthoruse .*05:45
superhawk90210lemme see if I can find it05:45
linux_opsuerphawk90210: I can read over it for you, just use your irc client to send it05:45
FlynsarmyAshthor: will give it a shot05:46
usr13flasheeur: Sorry, wrong answer....05:46
LeempI've got a game that takes both monitors when using full screen mode. The result is that the middle of the screen is split between the monitors. Any idea how i can deal with this?05:46
Ashthorby default, files/folders that start with . are ignored..... so .* explicitly calls them in05:46
usr13Flynsarmy: Not sure what you're trying to do.05:46
zopiacI am trying to run the Dolphin Emulator but I get an error that it can't open libCg.so, and I can't figure out how to install it05:47
linux_opif a file or dicrecory begins with a '.' its hidden05:47
Flynsarmyusr13: trying to back up my entire home folder05:47
zopiacit is apparently bundles with the nvidia-cg-toolkit package, but that is up-to-date05:47
usr13Flynsarmy: try -S05:47
usr13Flynsarmy: Why not use tar?05:48
Flynsarmyusr13: dont know how. zip is easier :)05:48
linux_opuse bzip205:48
fanusr123 can you help me05:48
superhawk90210okay I think I got it05:49
AshthorFlynsarmy, sorry, .* will ONLY include the dotted files/folders ;)05:49
superhawk90210there was a makefile in the folder but no config05:49
superhawk90210so I just navigated there and then hit the make05:49
superhawk90210so let's see05:49
FlynsarmyAshthor: maybe zip -r * .* then :P05:50
usr13Flynsarmy: tar -czf backup.tgz .05:50
Flynsarmyerr, zip -r zipname * .*05:50
usr13I think... let me see05:50
linux_opsuperhawk90210: you got to be carefull and do exaclty as said in the readme05:50
Ashthorthough I've had issues with like that05:50
linux_opbeacuse your dealing with drivers05:50
Flynsarmyusr13: what're the advantages of using tar with the more difficult commands over zip? (note: its a backup so i'm wanting it compressed aswell)05:51
Ashthorbut they were with running zip via .sh script and dealing with errors when .* doesn't exist........ heh, nothing you'll deal with05:51
guiritteranyone knows how to make integrals appear bigger in OpenOffice Math?05:51
matrixblueFlynsarmy: tar compresses when you use the z option with it05:52
WinstonSmithguiritter, !openoffice05:53
guest0001why is it taking so long to get updated is it installing 10.10?05:53
alazyworkaholicI want to convert a video file so it will play on my ipod touch. A couple years ago I used winff/ffmpeg. The winff gui had "ipod" as an option in "convert to", but it's not there anymore. Does anyone know how to get that back?05:53
WinstonSmithguiritter, !openoffice05:53
WinstonSmithguiritter | !openoffice05:53
guiritterstill doesn't understand05:53
WinstonSmithguiritter, try to join #openoffice05:54
oblu_guiritter: dont use openoffice, ha, ha its lame.05:54
red2kicalazyworkaholic: Try ogmrip + ogmrip-profiles05:54
guiritteryeah, ms's equation editor is so good...05:55
WinstonSmithoblu_, your point being...?05:55
oblu_guiritter: latex ftw05:55
=== crow is now known as Guest82304
Viking667quick question. How do I convert a mp3 back into a wav file using sox? Or do I have to use another tool?05:55
guiritteroblu_, i had heard that ms's uses a slight different syntax, didn't knew it was latex...05:56
Hoverhow to restart x in xubuntu?05:56
guiritterbtw, no one in #openoffice...05:56
WinstonSmithHover, try sudo service xdm restart05:57
Ashthorhover:: service gdm restart05:57
Ashthorhover:: service gdm restart05:57
Ashthorhover:: service gdm restart05:57
FloodBot1Ashthor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:57
matrixblueHover: sudo killall X05:57
WinstonSmithAshthor, gdm is for gnome05:57
WinstonSmithkdm is for kde05:57
WinstonSmithViking667, install sound converter05:58
HoverWinstonSmith, xdm unknown service. :D05:58
usr13Flynsarmy: tar -czf home-backup.tgz /home05:58
Ashthornot xdm05:58
HoverAshthor, that works.. actually. gdm05:58
WinstonSmithHover, i am not sure of its name never used xubuntu05:58
Flynsarmyusr13: seems alot more complex than simply using zip....are there any advantages at all?05:58
usr13Flynsarmy: tar -czf home-backup.tgz .05:58
usr13Flynsarmy: Yes05:59
WinstonSmithdo a ls /etc/init.d/*dm05:59
Hoverbut i want to make a shortcut. i made a shortuct for ctrl+alt+bkspc. It works in terminal but not from shortcut05:59
usr13tar is more reliable05:59
Flynsarmyusr13: never had an issue with zip before...anything else?05:59
oblu_usr13: lie!05:59
usr13Flynsarmy: I don't see that it is any more complicated.   (It does pick up the . [hidden files] as well)06:00
usr13oblu_: Is a bit missguided.... so06:00
Flynsarmyusr13: oh well, your nagging has won me over, i'll give it a shot :)06:01
usr13oblu_: But what is your opinion on the matter?06:01
ljsoftnethow do i install Kbasic after extracting it?06:01
WinstonSmithHover, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?06:02
Ashthor<Hover> but i want to make a shortcut. i made a shortuct for ctrl+alt+bkspc. It works in terminal but not from shortcut06:02
Ashthorhe wants a shortcut to restart the gui06:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »06:02
WinstonSmithgoto system > preferences > keyboard > layouts > options . there you have the :shortcut to restart x-server06:03
WinstonSmithHover, goto system > preferences > keyboard > layouts > options . there you have the :shortcut to restart x-server06:03
MaRk-I!dontzap | Ashthor06:03
ubottuAshthor: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap06:03
MadRobotHi all.06:04
WinstonSmithMaRk-I, my solution is simpler no editing of xorg.conf06:04
xfceyourfacevideo driver problems any1 want to help06:04
WinstonSmithxfceyourface, | !ask06:04
linux_opis there anyway to completely reset the wifi drivers in ubuntu 10.04 ?06:04
linux_opas if they were on fresh install?06:05
MaRk-IWinstonSmith: looks the same to me, just didnt want to type the whole thing06:05
ZykoticK9WinstonSmith, the dontzap factoid starts off by explaining the System->Preferences->Keyboard way ;)  same answer06:05
WinstonSmithRSI anyone?06:05
matrixbluelinux_op: Use Synaptic to search for the driver and purge them06:06
WinstonSmithZykoticK9, ok ive never read it just know the dontzap in xorg06:06
* Viking667 doesn't think he has RSI... but then he's not on the keyboard for a day job.06:06
Flynsarmyusr13: is there a way to skip specific folders? like the .gvfs folder?06:06
Viking667WinstonSmith: by the way, thank you for the link on soundconverter... wasn't aware it existed06:06
ZykoticK9WinstonSmith, ya it's not referring to the old-school dontzap really06:06
WinstonSmithViking667, yw06:06
xfceyourfacethe adobe flash player also doesnt work06:07
WinstonSmithZykoticK9, ok already learned something for the day :P06:07
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
MadRobotWhen I play an MP3 file in any player, the file somehow gets "streamed" instead of "played". And the progress bar won't move either. Anyone knows why?06:08
squigyanyone familier with ebox, more specifically, samba managed by ebox?06:08
usr13linux_op: modprobe -r  <driver-name> and then modprobe <driver-name>06:09
usr13linux_op: Oh, well, you can re-install them too, but why?06:09
usr13linux_op: What would be the point?06:09
usr13(modprobe will only dissable and re-enable the same module)06:09
FloodBot1usr13: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
WinstonSmithsquigy, use webmin myself06:10
ZykoticK9!webmin > WinstonSmith06:10
ubottuWinstonSmith, please see my private message06:10
AlbertoPfinally some peace :)06:10
Tobarjacan someone suggest where i can look to figure out why one of my user accounts has a different TERMINFO than another account? (one acts wierd in screen and the other works)06:10
matrixblueTobarja: ~/.bash_profile06:11
WinstonSmithZykoticK9, didnt have any adverse effect on my server until now and ebox is way worse then webmin. for example you cant create your own commands06:11
squigyhaving trouble getting basic samba going in server 10.0406:11
usr13Flynsarmy:  -X, --exclude-from FILE06:11
theshadowAlright, so I had to reinstall my laptop and did so with 10.04 I'm setting up apache/mysql problem is that even though the entire path structure from / to the path of the files is read to all apache is complainging about "(13)Permission denied:"06:11
WinstonSmithlooks slick though06:11
usr13Flynsarmy: ...will exclude files listed in FILE06:12
ZykoticK9WinstonSmith, i don't advocate ebox myself (never used it), but please don't recommend webmin as it's not supported06:12
usr13Flynsarmy: See man tar06:12
squigycan anyone help a noob with some basic samba stuff?06:12
WinstonSmithZykoticK9, ok np. do you have any idea which config files webmin is supposed to mangle?06:13
usr13Flynsarmy:  -X left-out.txt06:13
ZykoticK9WinstonSmith, no idea sorry06:13
WinstonSmithsquigy, what exactly is your problem with samba?06:13
xfceyourfacevideo driver needs updating how do i do it. im really new to xbuntu06:14
squigydaemon running, just can't access shares in nautilus06:14
Flynsarmyusr13: that works for files but when i try it on the .gvfs folder it errors '.gvfs/ is a directory'. Command i used: tar -czf home-backup.tgz . -X .gvfs06:14
WinstonSmithsquigy, what error msg?06:14
WinstonSmithi need more info06:14
Tobarjamatrixblue: the working user has no .bash_profile. I just rm'ed the other out of the way, relogged and they still are different06:14
airtonixa "nice" value of -11 means it has extreme low priority on cpu cycles right ?06:15
matrixblueFlynsarmy: usr13 or use --exclude and set the pattern to .?*g06:15
squigyno message, no domain or server showing in network fo,der06:15
xfceyourfacecan anyone help me?06:15
Phr3ak_hi there !!06:15
matrixblueTobarja: look for a .profile or .bash_login06:15
WinstonSmithsquigy, pastbin you smb.conf plz06:15
guest0001someone have me a link earlier explaining how to make your gmail account work with alpine can someone please resend the link?06:15
Flynsarmymatrixblue: wont' that exclude other stuff besides just the .gvfs folder?06:16
plunderdoes anyone know of some good documentation on the output of 'nmblookup'06:16
squigysorry Im simple, what is pastbin06:16
matrixblueFlynsarmy: only if the folder begins with .g06:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:16
Phr3ak_hi there !!06:17
Phr3ak_ohw, iam repeating my self :\06:17
matrixblueFlynsarmy: You can set the pattern as you like --exclude=".gvfx"06:17
ratdogwhats with having paid software section in software center for 10.00  meekcat?  *revolt*06:18
ratdogback to debian06:18
plunderanyone know a bit about samba or windows shares that can help me with nmblookup?06:18
ZykoticK9!ot | ratdog06:18
ubotturatdog: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:18
ratdogi can do that too06:18
ratdogbad as Novell06:18
AlbertoPratdog: Oo06:19
jjk9plunder:  what do u want to know?06:19
Flannelratdog: Your discussion is well suited for #ubuntu-offtopic, please help keep this channel useful.  Thanks.06:19
guest0001does anyone have the link to the ubuntu documentation that tells how to put code into alpines pine file so it can use gmail06:19
plunderjjk9: im trying to understand it's output, why there are so many entries when I thought I'm retrieving netbios name06:20
* ratdog rolls eyes with ph33r...06:20
plunderjjk9: i figured out ..__MSBROWSE__., but for instances a computer on my network has 3 <WORKGROUP> and 2 <PCNAME> entries06:20
squigywinston, i cant find smb.conf, not at /etc/smb/smb.conf06:20
jjk9plunder:  what guide r u using to config samba + nmb06:20
* AlbertoP pulls ratdog in the -offtopic channel so we can chat06:20
guest0001i just want to use alpine in terminal to check my mail06:21
Kebert_Xelacan i log myself off, while i have scp moving files from my ubuntu box via and to the fedora box?06:21
squigyit has been configed by ebox06:21
jjk9squigy:  maye /etc/samba/smb.conf06:21
Kebert_Xelaor must the user im using the scp/ssh through stay logged on?06:21
plunderjjk9: im using no guide, i have a working windows share, im trying to write a perl script to autofind and mount windows shares but I need to understand the nmblookup output, but i cannot find good docs06:21
WinstonSmithsquigy, /etc/samba/smb.conf ?06:22
FliplipID Mopangga06:22
WinstonSmithKebert_Xela, use screen06:22
jjk9plunder: get back to u in a couple06:22
plunderjjk9: ok thanks06:22
Kebert_XelaWinstonSmith, i dont even know what that means06:23
squigyfound it06:23
mawstAnyone got an lg VX4400/VX6000 working over usb for file transfer?06:23
airtonixKebert_Xela, http://www.rackaid.com/resources/linux-screen-tutorial-and-how-to/ && http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/5644306:23
squigyi dont even know how to copy and paste from nano under terminal06:24
WinstonSmithKebert_Xela, "screen" is a program which will let you start a process/program then log out and the process continues look here :http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/04/command-line-multitasking-with-screen/06:24
jjk9plunder: have you looked in a termina at man nmblookup?06:24
airtonixKebert_Xela, more here : http://www.google.com.au/search?q=linux+screen06:24
plunderjjk9: yeah, it doesnt explain the output though, just usage06:24
ZykoticK9squigy, try highlighting the text in your nano terminal window, then using mouse wheel click in the other window (might work?)06:24
Kebert_Xelaso i would need that even though im wanting to log off of the remote computer06:24
Flannelguest0001: If you follow this guide on setting up alpine: http://support.cs.utah.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49&Itemid=80  you can gather the required gmail specific information here: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=78799  and you need to enable imap in gmail too, which is available here: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=7769506:24
jjk9plunder:  ok let me look some more06:25
f23can anyone tell me why deluge cannot open?06:25
WinstonSmithsquigy, apt-get install pastebinit. then pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf06:25
ZykoticK9f23, did you ever run it with the sudo command?06:25
ee99eeHello, I'm trying to load a new PHP module (json.so) and I'm getting a strange error: kernel: type=1400 audit(1283664030.998:62): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=11905 comm="httpd" name="json.so" dev=sda1 ino=500317 scontext=root:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=root:object_r:tmp_t:s0 tclass=file06:25
WinstonSmithsquigy, gives you back the url where it pasted06:25
ee99eethe permissions are correct -- global write06:26
ee99eeglobal read I mean06:26
f23ZykoticK9,  yes the samething06:26
ee99eeeven when chmod 777, I get this error... other modules in the same directory work fine06:26
Kebert_Xelameh, ill just leave it on06:26
Kebert_Xelaill look into screen later though06:26
Kebert_Xelalooks useful thanks WinstonSmith and airtonix06:26
MadRobotHi all.06:27
matrixblueee99ee: Is this an NTFS drive?06:27
WinstonSmithKebert_Xela, np06:27
MadRobotHow do I fix this error: http://python.pastebin.com/rYq0vHHQ (NOTE: Tried using Pocoo pastebin but it's down)06:27
ZykoticK9f23, i ask because i've seen that break things before with torrent programs.  use gksu for any GUI apps, it's really important, as you might be about to find out.  i don't have a solution i'm affraid, especially if you have torrents you want to continue!  best of luck man.06:28
matrixbluef23; I would try reinstalling deluge06:28
squigythats a neat app06:28
matrixblueee99ee: if its a separate drive it could be mounted read only06:29
ratdoghttp://www.fsf.org/ Free Software Foundation06:29
WinstonSmithsquigy, that is empty. you gave pastebinit the right path/to/file ?06:29
f23ZykoticK9,  what i have to type for gksu?06:30
f23matrixblue,  i did it :(06:30
CppIsWeirdwas trying to install flash plugin, but i keep getting "adobe-flash plugin is virtual"06:30
squigyhttp://pastebin.com/68evbSYs im looking at it now, sorry if I mistyped06:30
matrixbluef23: try sudo apt-get purge deluge06:30
ZykoticK9f23, if at some time you ran "sudo deluge" or whatever the command is it can create some permission issues with your user account for deluge06:31
meatbuni tried to change passwd06:31
meatbun1) too simple06:31
meatbun2) too similar to old one06:31
meatbunhow to fix?06:31
FloodBot1meatbun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:31
matrixbluemeatbun: use a more complex password06:31
Shishireok, what am I doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/4Qrj45Cj  I get this on every site I try, from every system I try (different geo-loc, and different ips)06:31
meatbunmatrixblue, no06:31
f23matrixblue,  ok done purging..06:31
squigydoes the domain "ebox" have to be created on the network somehow, or should that be done automatically by ebox when the share is created?06:32
matrixbluef23: now re-install06:32
meatbunthere should be a 'are u sure' question, and i say yes. and be done with it06:32
WinstonSmithsquigy, it is binding to these addresses only : interfaces = lo,tap0,tap2 is that on purpose?06:32
squigyis tap a vpn interface?06:32
WinstonSmithsquigy, yes06:32
squigyshould be etho06:32
bobbybobjust had a friend ask me a good question, thought I would ask experts....if VNC uses jpeg, where are they saved?06:33
HoverWinstonSmith, hey.. its xubuntu.. and it doesnt have system>pref>keyboard. :( but i can get to the keyboard settings... but there is nothing like restart x-server06:33
WinstonSmithsquigy, exactly eth0 ro eth1 or so if you want it in your home network06:33
WinstonSmithHover, then read !dontzap06:33
f23matrixblue,  it still on applicaions - internet -deluge bittorrent client06:33
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap06:33
squigyif etho, then vpn should show it to any virtual interfaces?06:33
squigyor does each vpn int have to be configured manually to it?06:34
WinstonSmithsquigy, explain better. your setup and what you are trying to do06:34
matrixbluef23 run ps aux | grep deluge06:34
squigyone nic on server. need samba shares accessible on actual lan and by vpn06:35
f23matrixblue, hendaus  10266  2.2  4.8 178168 72948 ?        Sl   Sep04  28:02 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/deluge-gtk06:35
f23hendaus  29960  0.0  0.0   3328   864 pts/0    S+   01:05   0:00 grep --color=auto deluge06:35
squigyhave open vpn installed right now06:35
squigyjust trying to get in on the lan first though06:35
matrixbluef23 sudo killall -9 deluge-gtk06:36
=== jess is now known as Guest14723
f23matrixblue, deluge-gtk: no process found06:36
matrixbluef23 then killall -9 python ..... this may close some other programs you have running though06:36
f23matrixblue,  ok done06:37
WinstonSmithsquigy, try changing the line : interfaces = lo,tap0,tap2 to interfaces = lo,tap0,tap2,eth006:37
WinstonSmithsquigy, do the shares show up?06:37
matrixbluef23: sudo apt-get purge deluge && sudo apt-get install deluge06:38
bobbybobany ideas?06:38
f23matrixblue,  is it matter coz i have ktorrent installed and transmission or not?06:38
matrixbluef23 no it shouldn't matter06:38
f23matrixblue,  ok done06:39
matrixbluef23: try running deluge now06:39
f23matrixblue,  no :(06:40
squigynot under network folder still06:40
matrixbluef23: run deluge from a terminal and pastebin any errors06:40
f23matrixblue,  it says to autoremove on terminal06:40
brandonludoes anyone know how to disable "alt + arrow key" console switching06:40
fujiosanhi guys06:40
brandonlujust wondering...06:40
fujiosanhi brandonlu06:40
fujiosanare you good in kungfu?06:40
brandonluhello fujiosan06:41
matrixbluef23: run sudo apt-get autoremove06:41
fujiosanthis channel is amazing06:41
brandonluI am good at pinpointing the death points ;)06:41
fujiosanso many comrades :)06:41
fujiosani want the USSR edition of Ubuntu does it exist already?06:41
brandonlugimme a nice AA turret ;)06:41
f23matrixblue,  ok done and thesame thing :(06:42
IdleOne!ot | fujiosan brandonlu06:42
ubottufujiosan brandonlu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:42
brandonluso, anyone have an answer to my query?06:42
matrixbluef23: type deluge in terminal and pastebin any error messages06:42
brandonlu"(10:39:29 PM) brandonlu: does anyone know how to disable "alt + arrow key" console switching"06:42
f23matrixblue, i did it and it didnot show anything06:43
fujiosanIdleOne can you help me please i want to install ubuntu on my ipod touch?06:43
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:43
ExziHi guys, I just installed lubuntu and I was wondering if there was an easy way to get youtube videos to work?06:43
matrixbluef23: cat /var/log/messages | grep deluge06:44
WinstonSmithExzi, | !flash06:44
brandonluExzi: hmm... does it have the standard repositories?06:44
ilmenitenow what do i do to install emerald themes? E: Package emerald-themes has no installation candidate06:44
squigyif i restart filesharing in ebox, i loose config change. sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart says samba not a command06:44
brandonluif yes, download adobe-flashplugin06:44
f23matrixblue, hendaus@hendaus-desktop:~$ sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep deluge06:44
brandonlusudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:44
ExziIt has Chromium instead of firefox...06:45
brandonluunless that isn't your problem 0.o06:45
brandonluExzi: what's wrong with chrome?06:45
brandonluit has flash embedded usually, if I'm not mistaken...06:45
IdleOneExzi: the flashplugin will work with chromium06:45
brandonluI remember running it with no issues...06:45
brandonluIdleOne: nowonder... haha!06:45
Exzik, I'll try it again. :o06:46
brandonluI guess the linux version doesn't have adobe-flashplugin built in06:46
WinstonSmithsquigy, not sudo /etc/init.d/samba but sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart06:46
matrixbluef23: Have you tried restarting?06:46
fujiosanIdleOne can you help me please i want to install ubuntu on my ipod touch?06:46
fujiosanIdleOne !ot06:46
brandonlufujiosan: 0.o06:46
f23matrixblue,  no06:46
ilmeniteanyone has emerald themes installed in lucid?06:46
fujiosanIdleOne you cant help me06:46
brandonlufujiosan: jailbreak it.06:46
fujiosanall you do is tell me i cant talk offtopic06:46
IdleOnefujiosan: why are you directing your question to me? did I give you any reason to believe I know about installing Ubuntu on an Ipod06:47
brandonlusimple as that. no need to install ubuntu 0.o06:47
matrixbluef23: Restarting is your best bet at this point06:47
Flannelfujiosan: Please stop.  No, you cannot install Ubuntu on an ipod touch.06:47
brandonlualso, ubuntu does not support multi-touch screens, if I'm not mistaken06:47
squigycommand not found06:47
fujiosanIdleOne because you only watch to see how you can approach people in a negative way06:47
IdleOnefujiosan: only those who don't follow channel policy06:47
fujiosanwill there be a ubuntu version for mobiles?06:47
brandonlufujiosan: nope. go google search mobilin ;)06:48
brandonlu!google mobilin06:48
ilmenitefujiosan: run openmoko if your interested06:48
fujiosanok ty guys06:48
ExziHaha, it worked this time.06:48
brandonluI forgot ubottu is not fully "supybot"06:48
ExziThanks guys.06:48
brandonluExzi: no prob ;)06:48
f23matrixblue,  yes it opens now :)06:48
matrixbluef23 well done06:48
fujiosanmay i ask my next question?06:49
brandonlufujiosan: fire away, I'm up for something amusing :)06:49
f23matrixblue,  but is it shows another time the same problem?06:49
WinstonSmithf23, any reason you cant use transmission?06:50
matrixbluef23 I believe that deluge would not open because there was an old process of it in memory that refused to be killed06:50
fujiosanI have an Intel mac normally i would use wubi to install the ext3/4 filesystem of ubuntu in ntfs5 on win7, but on the intel Mac unlike on the PC this doesnt seem to work, is there another way of installing Ubuntu on the intelMac that avoids having to use grub?06:50
* brandonlu likes transmission06:50
brandonludoes it run in "terminal mode?"06:50
f23matrixblue,  ok thanx :)06:51
WinstonSmithbrandonlu who are you talking to?06:51
matrixbluef23: you're welcome06:51
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P06:51
brandonluWinstonSmith: ubottu.06:51
f23WinstonSmith,  yes i use tranmision also but deluge works fast on mine :)06:51
fujiosanwhat can i do when my questions gets flooded away here ?06:51
IdleOnebrandonlu: please msg the bot to avoid adding scroll to the channel06:51
brandonlu!hi | WinstonSmith06:51
ubottuWinstonSmith: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:51
WinstonSmithbrandonlu, : <brandonlu> does it run in "terminal mode?"06:51
f23matrixblue,  why fb doesnot work on gwibber?06:52
fujiosani dont even see my question anymore text scrolls so fast here06:52
WinstonSmithwho where you talking to?06:52
brandonluIdleOne: I apologise for the inconvenience06:52
chris_osxfujiosan: have you had a look at refit?06:52
IdleOneWinstonSmith: doesn't matter...06:52
brandonluWinstonSmith: I dunno, whoever wanted to chime in and help...06:52
fujiosanchris_osx nope what is it?06:52
matrixbluef23: I've never used gwibber06:53
WinstonSmithbrandonlu, when you address somebody here use the name. makes reading easier06:53
chris_osxfujiosan: the software that lets you triple boot mac os x , linux and win06:53
chris_osxfujiosan: google refit06:53
fujiosanoh ok ty chris_osx06:53
brandonluWinstonSmith: alright...06:53
chris_osxfujiosan: you can also dual boot macosx/win or macosx/linux06:53
=== brandonlu is now known as p1oooop
p1oooophehe :)06:53
chris_osxchris_osx: if you don't need triple06:54
ExziWINSTON SMITH?! I LOVE 1984!06:54
WinstonSmithExzi, you are the 1st to recognize the name :P06:54
WinstonSmithExzi, but its agreat book!06:54
ExziIt's one of my favorite books ever.06:54
* p1oooop wasn't born at that time06:54
fujiosanchris_osx yeah im already dual booting osx/win06:54
* WinstonSmith concurs with Exzi06:55
chris_osxWinstonSmith: interesingly enough, today's (laptop) screens often have a camera built in^^06:55
FlannelPlease take the non-support chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks :)06:55
wizzleis comet bird available for ubuntu?06:55
f23who have gwibber here?06:55
guest0001flannel i got it working thanks but it's telling me that my return address on the mail i send won't be right06:55
fujiosanchris_osx how can i dualboot osx/ubuntu without refit?06:55
fujiosanbootcamp with linux?06:56
Flannelguest0001: You'll need to set that in alpine06:56
guest0001in setup probably i know06:56
chris_osxfujiosan: i think that will not work properly06:56
fujiosanoh ok06:56
chris_osxfujiosan: go with refit06:56
wizzlewhere is people?06:56
fujiosanok ty chris_osx06:56
chris_osxfujiosan: np. refit is really the way to go for mac users06:57
guest0001what should i set in alpine flannel?06:57
chris_osxfujiosan: not just my personal view06:57
fujiosanok i see :)06:57
fujiosan(°ᴗƪ) Mr.Fujisan now has to go back to the land of the shiny objects, and grey windows.. bu bye chris_osx and other curious inhabitants of Ubuntuland06:58
wizzleis comet bird available for ubuntu?06:58
squiggywinston, still cant see shares06:58
Flannelguest0001: I'm looking.  I've never used alpine (because it didn't exist until not too long ago).  Search this page for "setting up the from field": http://staff.washington.edu/chappa/alpine/alpine-info/roles/07:00
WinstonSmithsquiggy, did you change your smb.conf ? restarted /etc/init.d/smbd ? are you in the same network as the server?07:00
WinstonSmithsquiggy, is the network card of the server eth0?07:00
WinstonSmithto all questions?07:01
squiggyunless ebox is causing the shares to be on the vpn network address07:01
WinstonSmithsquiggy, do you have a firewall on your server?07:01
squiggyyes, all tcp and udp allowed for all services07:02
WinstonSmithsquiggy, but you changed that no? with the interfaces= line?07:02
squiggyyes, i dont understand why ebox changes the config back if I restart file sharing services in ebox though07:03
WinstonSmithsquiggy, ok then look in ebox for a line like : bind to interfaces or bind to address and disable that. teh restart file sharing07:04
Suit_Of_Sableshey gang! I've installed uzbl-git. but when I try and run uzbl-tabbed I get a strange permissions error. here is my output on running 'uzbl-tabbed -v': http://pastebin.com/CVcsDuDb would anyone mind taking a look at that?07:06
=== prof_bnc is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG
CppIsWeirdi just installed ubuntu but i couldnt figure out how to install on an encrypted lvm from the CD, is there a process i can perform to take my current ubuntu install and transform it into an encrypted lvm or am i going to have to start over?07:08
SwedeMikeCppIsWeird: you have to use the install image called "alternate".07:10
SwedeMikeCppIsWeird: and yes, you have to start over.07:10
=== nso95 is now known as bopm
CppIsWeird*sighs* i just got it all set up like i wanted it too. :(07:11
=== bopm is now known as Nso95
cuddlefishCppIsWeird: Unless you want to make a new encrypted partition for /home07:11
CppIsWeirdscrew that, see ya.07:11
CppIsWeirdoh, and ah, thanks. :P07:11
zcat[1]Encrypted home directories is the next best thing.. at least that protects all the personal stuff..07:12
cuddlefishzcat[1]: yeah, also faster boot07:12
zcat[1]it should also be possible to archive the current setup, do an encrypted basic install and then unarchive the backup to the encrypted root, minus whatever changes were made to grub and fstab, etc...07:13
zcat[1]although this is something I've never attempted07:13
bdogghow do you enable accelerated composting on chrome in ubuntu?07:14
CppIsWeirdjust to make sure, this is the one i want? http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent07:14
p1oooopbdogg: accelerated compositing?07:14
cuddlefishCppIsWeird: For a 64-bit CPU07:15
bdoggyeah its available for the newest chrome dev07:15
cuddlefishCppIsWeird: For 64-bit, yes07:15
jjk9!hi | JohnHeikkila107:19
ubottuJohnHeikkila1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:19
=== f23 is now known as fusefusae
JohnHeikkila1I'll check that out.07:19
bdoggdont listen to it!07:19
woodong50____me too07:20
JohnHeikkila1Ohh, I've seen the IRC rules.07:20
woodong50____./nick woodong5007:20
CppIsWeirdone more thing, what app can i use to burn iso's?07:20
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:21
zcat[1]CppIsWeird, basically right-click and choose 'burn to disk' -- it's pretty-much built in07:21
woodong50____ih auto bot good!!!!!07:21
ExziI forgot what iso burner I use..07:22
infidsay i want to ssh port forward traffic from computer A to computer B's port 14444, do i have to open port 14444 on B's firewall, or just port 22?07:22
WinstonSmithinfid, port 14444407:23
WinstonSmithport 22 on As FW07:23
rwwinfid: as in "ssh -L someport:localhost:14444 user@hostname"? just port 22.07:23
zcat[1]infid, just port 22, the connection will be tunneled and come from 'localhost' on the end machine07:23
rwwassuming that your firewall doesn't filter loopback connections, which it probably doesn't, because that would be silly07:24
WinstonSmithinfid, yes ignore what i sad : i just read port forwarding ssh port :(07:24
FredFlinstoneis there a channel for themes and that stuff? can anyone recommend a good dark backgrounds gnome / lucid theme?07:25
Nikehello need some help...07:26
NikeAnyone there ?07:26
jjk9Nike:  yes?07:26
WinstonSmith!ask | nike07:26
ubottunike: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:26
infidok thanks guys07:26
NikeHow do we open .vsd files in ubuntu 10.04 ?07:26
reggiyou're welcome infid07:26
Nikeofcourse edit as well(.vsd files)..07:27
john38can somebody help me07:27
john38i have a problem setting up launcher07:27
FredFlinstonebefore my board died i had some good ones, one began with m, cant remember, dark themes anyone?07:27
john38i enter in name: Command and Comment07:28
john38doesnt work07:28
Nike@jjk9 - Hope u got my question !07:28
jjk9nike: yes but don't have answer...07:29
=== nick is now known as RunaSnax
RunaSnaxHey, can anyone give me a hand real fast?07:29
SwedeMike!ask | RunaSnax07:29
john38Anyone help??07:29
ubottuRunaSnax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:29
WinstonSmithnike thas microsoft visio files... i dont think OO supports that07:29
SubCoolhey, how do you fix/"configure" your video from CLI?07:29
SubCooli just upgraded my motherboard, and now my video is shot07:30
SubCooldpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt work07:30
john38i have a problem setting up launcher07:30
john38i enter in name: Command and Comment07:30
john38doesnt work07:30
Nike@WinstonSmith - Any application which can help me view n edit the files ?07:30
SwedeMike!enter | john3807:30
ubottujohn38: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:30
john38SwedeMike, to setup internet launcher07:31
WinstonSmith!repeat | john3807:31
ubottujohn38: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com07:31
RunaSnaxI gotta change some port forwarding on my router, but the only access I have is via CLI in my SSH connection. So I can use 'links2' to get to the router(linksys WRT310N) initial page, but can't get to the port forwarding page. Anyone know the exact URL used? (ex:
john38WindPower, are you not familiar with desktop launcher07:31
john38WinstonSmith, are you not familiar with desktop launcher07:32
WinstonSmithrunasax use ssh port forwarding. like this you can use a proper browser07:32
xanguajohn38: internet launcher¿ just drag your favorite web browser from the app menu to the desktop07:32
john38WinstonSmith, im trying to setup up automatic launcher07:32
SwedeMikejohn38: please stop harassing individuals on the channel.07:33
john38xangua, i entered name command and comment doesnt take me there07:33
* WinstonSmith tells john38 to chill a little07:33
SwedeMikejohn38: people can read you even without you hilighting them, they're not answering you, probably becase they don't know.07:33
john38i thought this was ubuntu07:34
SwedeMikejohn38: it is, and people are volunteers and you're not paying. so chill.07:34
xanguajohn38: automatic launcher¿ you want ypur browser to open when you log in¿07:34
john38xangua, yeah07:34
AlbertoPadd it to the settion john3807:34
masshuuI am missing the postgres script in /etc/init.d/   Is there a way to restore this?07:35
john38xangua, thing is i put a name in name: field then i typed firefox for Command then website address for Comment07:35
xanguajohn38: and what's wrong¿ what did you put in the command section¿07:35
rwwyour punctuation fell over :(07:36
john38xangua, Mozilla opens up but not on the address i put in07:36
fircHi, I have ubuntu 9.04 and things were fine, until yesterday when I tried to play a game via wine. It changed my resolution to 800x600 which i changed back using the display properties. But ever since then, it ages too long to boot up, and when it does boot up, i get a bunch of gnome errors ( mostly applets not showing up).07:36
xanguajohn38: of course no, you didn't tell it to open an adress07:36
john38xangua, what should i type in exactly07:37
john38xangua, i typed in website address in the Comment: field07:37
fircWhat should i do to "restore" my system to the state it was previously07:37
WinstonSmithjohn38, comment ! website07:37
john38xangua, firefox in the Command: field then a name for the name: field07:38
WinstonSmithjohn38, try firefox http://some.site.com07:38
infidwhat's the easiest port to forward to another computer to test if it works, eg not mail and not a dynamic socks forward?07:38
john38WinstonSmith, in the comment field?07:38
WinstonSmithjohn38, no in the program field07:38
SubCoolplease- i wanna goto bed07:39
xanguajohn38: in the command field you put : firefox URL (obviousl you put the url you want to open)07:39
sajishhi, how to make mplayer to play .wma files ??07:39
Nikehellloooo ! can anyone plz help me with an application through which i can view n edit the visio files (.vsd) and save them back into windows compatible file ?07:39
dooglusSubCool: "doesn't work"?  clarify?07:40
Dr_Willissajish:  install the proper w32codecs pack from medibuntu and it should be able to play them. but it will depend on the exact codec07:40
Dr_Willis!medibuntu | sajish07:40
ubottusajish: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:40
SubCooldooglus, does nothing-07:40
john38ok that worked but the firefox icon is not visible07:40
dooglusSubCool: just immediately gives you another shell prompt?07:40
SubCooldooglus, yes07:40
dooglusSubCool: you tried putting 'sudo' in front?07:41
SubCoolonly tried sudo07:41
sajishso wat to do ?07:41
john38xangua, how do i get icon back?07:42
SubCoolits a new video card, i get i have to setup it up-. i just dont now how.07:42
=== edu_bcn is now known as loedu
SubCoolwell, it use to be a video card, now its onboard.07:42
pie_timedo you need a special dual layer dvd burner to burn dual layer dvd's ?07:42
dooglusSubCool: does the same for me too07:42
sajishwhich is the best audio player that supports all type of files and sounds great !!!07:42
Dr_Willispie_time:  yes you would.07:43
xanguajohn38: check in alacarte where is the fx icon directory07:43
chris_osxpie_time: yes your burner has got to be capable of burning double layer. but atm most burners can handle dual layer07:43
Dr_Willissajish:  most of them have the same support and sound about the same.. its al about the other features you may perfer.07:44
john38xangua, alarcarte??07:44
Dr_Willis!info alacarte07:44
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 56 kB, installed size 1356 kB07:44
xanguajohn38: yes, right clic in the menu> edit07:44
xanguamain menu*07:45
SubCoolanyone? please-07:45
john38xangua, you mean web browser menu07:46
SubCoolnot supposed to be hard07:46
Dr_WillisSubCool:  and whats your video card chipset now? what was it befor?07:47
xmumon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 1     /////  why ?/07:48
xmuhow can i set the wlan0 to channel  607:48
john38xangua, i dont understand07:49
NikeApparently, there is noone who has any idea about using .vsd files in ubuntu..:)07:49
WinstonSmithnike that are microsoft visio files... i dont think OO supports that07:50
Dr_WillisNike:  cant say ive ever seen one.  You have checked the ubuntu forums>07:50
AlbertoPplanner has (very) partial support07:50
NikeYep ! did..07:50
SubCoolDr_Willis, the card was a deditcated HIS.. uh.. idk- old. Now it is a new on board one.07:50
SubCoolDr_Willis, i know vague- but it went from legacy to brand new.07:51
ExziNight guys, don't let Big Brother catch you Winston! :o07:51
Dr_WillisSubCool:  doesnt matter if its onboard or not.. the critical part of info is what Chipset its using.  you have ran the 'hardware-drivers' tool and see if it suggests any drivers?07:51
=== xmu is now known as wowoto
Nike@Dr_Willis - tell me if you know any application/plugin which can do the needful ?07:51
john38Dr_Willis, can you help me out07:52
john38Dr_Willis, i think you did before07:52
Dr_WillisNike:  ive never seen or used a file with that extension.. so i have no idea of any apps that support it.07:52
Dr_Willisjohn38:  state the problem in clear concise terms and see what happens. :)07:52
mneptokNike: just FYI, "do the needful" is a nonsensical phrase in English.07:52
=== ServerTechPro is now known as ServerTech
john38Dr_Willis, what do i type in the creating launcher fields for direct click to a website07:53
mneptokNike: i *instantly* know English is your second language, and you are from the Indian subcontinent.07:53
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Does anyone know of some good video tutorials on subversion?07:53
fircmneptok hah. "do the needful" :D07:54
Dr_Willisjohn38:  you are mak9ing a launcher that opens firefox to sa specific web site?07:55
john38Dr_Willis, yeah07:55
SubCoolDr_Willis, no-. ill run it now..07:55
SubCoolunless that is something that can only be done via GUI..07:55
denysoniqueSeanInSeattle, use Git instead of subversion07:55
fircNike: what is that file supposed to be? vsd?07:55
SubCoolthe chipsset now is Ati 89007:55
SubCoolor AMD 890gx?07:55
Dr_Willisjohn38:  'firefox http://www.google.com' in a launcher filed dont work? If not you could make a 2 line script that does it.. then have the launcher launch that script07:55
john38Dr_Willis, that worked but the firefox icon is gone07:56
headkase314Nike, http://filext.com/file-extension/VSD <- vsd files are Microsoft Visio?07:56
CkhiKuzaddo you mean the launcher john38? or just the icon?07:57
john38CkhiKuzad, icon07:57
CkhiKuzadalright, you should be able to find it in /usr/share/pixmaps07:57
Dr_Willisjohn38:  so what? Set the icon to be whatever you want.07:57
CkhiKuzadi think that's the directory, not absolutely sure07:57
Dr_Willisjohn38:  right click on the launcher, properties, click the box at the top left where the icon is normally shown.. browse for an icon and select one07:58
Dr_Willisthe big 'icon' box is a button you click to change the icon07:58
* CkhiKuzad would have said that, but Dr_Willis was faster07:58
john38where is the firefox icon07:58
john38what directory07:58
CkhiKuzadand it's possible to find most of the icons in /usr/share/pixmaps07:58
CkhiKuzadi think.07:58
Dr_Willisjohn38:  no idea.     /usr/share somewhere...07:59
sometuxWhy totem youtube plugin doesn't work in lucid?07:59
* Dr_Willis has a few gb of his own icons he alwyas uses for custome things07:59
CkhiKuzadalright, confirmed. it's pixmaps john38.07:59
HimanshuIs there a Monochrome icon for dropbox on Ambiance theme?07:59
CkhiKuzadyou should be able to scroll down and eventually find it07:59
john38ok thanks for the help08:00
Dr_WillisHimanshu:  ive seen the omgubuntu  site often mention 'monochrome' icons for alternative applications.08:00
CkhiKuzadis Dropbox any better than U1?08:01
Dr_WillisI have to wonder why the move back to monochrome..08:01
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  try them both and decide for yourself. :)08:01
Dr_WillisUbuntu One - lets me sync my tomboy notes automatically. thats a big + for me08:01
CkhiKuzaddoing so right now. i can't get ubuntu one working in 10.04-- :D GitS is on!08:01
headkase314Himanshu, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/dropbox-monochrome-elementary.html08:01
sometuxI have this error when trying to play a youtube video in Totem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/488620/08:02
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  every so often the UbuntuOne servers have issues.. theres the #ubuntuone channel that may be able to help08:03
john38One more question08:03
john38what if i want to change the icon for another website08:03
Dr_Willisjohn38:  change what icon?  You want to make a new launcher with a different icon?08:04
CkhiKuzadsometux: it seems that youtube might have  changed their video junk (sorry, can not think of a better word) so people who were downloading videos would be stopped, and it negatively affected totem08:04
john38like amazon08:04
Dr_Willisjohn38:  you allready know how to change the launchers icon... so copy it, right click, properties, click on the icon,. pck a new icon08:04
john38mozilla saves the icons in history08:05
john38where is that?08:05
HimanshuDr_Willis: that was for elementry theme only08:05
Jeffersondoes anyone know if its possible to install custom login windows in ubuntu lucid08:05
Himanshuheadkase314: let me see, thanks08:05
Dr_Willismake up some icons for each site you like. keep them in your ~/Documents/Icons  or somewhere loigical08:05
CkhiKuzadJefferson, it is.08:05
headkase314Himanshu, you're welcome, hope they suit your taste08:05
SubCoolDr_Willis, I dont have access to hardware-drivers08:05
Dr_WillisJefferson:  you can tweak some settings of GDM2 like the wallpaper and so forth, There are alternative GDM themes also (but not a lot)08:05
Jeffersonhow, I use to use 8.10 and i just had to go into system08:05
CkhiKuzadJefferson, System>Administration>Login Window08:05
CkhiKuzadThen drag the tar archive of the GDM theme you downloaded into the "Local" tab08:06
Dr_WillisSubCool:  You are the admin of that box. you can run 'gksudo jockey-gtk' ? why dont you have 'access' ? clarify what you mean08:06
Jeffersonwhen I open it up then login window then it doesnt bring up the old window that 8.10 use to have08:06
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  theres not a lot of themes for GDM2.. and the gdm1 themes wont work.08:06
CkhiKuzadDr_Willis, oh.08:06
Himanshuheadkase314: thanks, that link worked...08:06
Dr_WillisJefferson:  thats because of the change to 'gdm2'  its not as themeable as the old GDM. (at this time)08:07
Jeffersonall i can do is just change the session from08:07
john38anybody know where the history or favorites folder is08:07
Jeffersonlike gnome08:07
headkase314Himanshu, ;)08:07
Dr_WillisJefferson:  you want to change the 'default session' from gnome to kde?  or what exactly>?08:07
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
SubCoolDr_Willis, i dont have gui-- only CLI08:07
Dr_Willisjohn38:  your firefox directories are under the .mozilla directory08:08
Jeffersonjust change the login screen to a different picture then the default08:08
Dr_WillisSubCool: Jefferson  changing the wallpaper is easy.  theres tool sout to do that. or yopu can just edit the proper file thats on the system08:08
Dr_WillisJefferson:  gdm2setup is one such tool08:09
john38usr/share/mozilla ?08:09
SubCoolDr_Willis, error on gksudo jockey-gtk 'can not open display'08:09
loopidityhow to create a new user??????08:09
Dr_WillisSubCool:  you need to determine your video card chipset if you cant even get into X. and install the proper drivers from the console, and perhapss remove/edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file if it exists08:09
Dr_WillisSubCool:  so you have no X display at all eh?08:09
Jeffersonalso I tried installing 8.10 software on lucid and i kept getting an internal error which i never got before switching, I want to install ubuntu tweak to customize it a little like setting icons of my computer and home directory on my desktop, but it doesnt bring up ubuntu tweak when I search for it in my add or remove programs, so I was just wondering if i installed my copy for 8.10 if it'll work08:09
Dr_Willisloopidity:  sudo adduser billgates08:09
handjobHi. I am using ubuntu netbook edition and I want to turn off power saving feature (i assume) that makes the screen lose brightnes after ~2min of not doing anything.08:10
SubCooli have an 890 chipset.. Dr_Willis08:10
JeffersonAlright I'll try installing gdm2setup08:10
SubCoolDr_Willis, ya- said that.08:10
* CkhiKuzad can honestly say that IHO, U1 is much better than dropbox.08:10
Dr_WillisSubCool:  890 what? Intel, ati? nvidia?08:10
SubCooli can just remove xorg.conf- if that is the file i need to.08:11
SubCool..... ati-08:11
Dr_WillisSubCool:  if you chanbged video cards.. try renameing xorg.conf and restart x (if it exists)08:11
Dr_WillisSubCool:  most systems dont have a xorg.conf these days08:11
SubCoollol- awesome08:11
headkase314loopidity, replace billgates with the user name you want08:11
loopidityand how to delete a user??08:13
_Ray_Hey. I'm interested in downloading gdb-7.2, but the default ubuntu repos only have until gdb-7.1-ubuntu. What would be the recommended path to install gdb-7.2 on my system?08:13
SubCoolDr_Willis, there is like nothing in the xorg.conf- what do systems use now? ubuntu has gone through like 3 that i have known of so far.08:13
Dr_Willisloopidity:  'deluser'08:13
Jeffersonjust curious when I installed software from 8.10 on the version of ubuntu 10.4, then it gave me an internal error code which pretty made so i could install anymore software, i looked it up and it said something like interdependency error, does certain packages only work on certain versions08:14
Dr_WillisSubCool:  i dont use ati at all. theres the ati wiki pagtes that may suggest what to install.08:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:14
JeffersonI assumed that since 10.4 was newer then it'd work but it didnt08:14
itsux2buwhats deluser?  delete a user?08:14
CkhiKuzadyes itsux2bu08:14
headkase314itsux2bu, yes08:14
Dr_WillisJefferson:  you installed 8.10 packages on a 10.04 machine?08:14
JeffersonI want to install ubuntu tweak but only have the package for 8.10 would it work for 10.408:15
WinstonSmith!version | Jefferson08:15
Dr_WillisJefferson:  why not get the newer version?08:15
ubottuJefferson: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:15
CkhiKuzadJefferson, you would need the one for 10.04, then it would work08:15
ravenffmpeg how to select an audio-stream from two?08:15
Himanshuheadkase314: yeah... just loaded them. and looks great......  :D08:15
CkhiKuzad!hi | bashi08:15
ubottubashi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:15
bashi_i m new here08:15
headkase314Jefferson, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ <- get a version compatible with 10.04 here08:15
Jeffersonya i did before, which i ended up having to reinstall it again cause it broke my system to where i couldnt install anything and it gave me an internal error code08:16
headkase314Himanshu, good, glad you like them!08:16
airtonixDr_Willis, CkhiKuzad actually gdm2 themes are just standard GTK themes08:16
JeffersonAlright I'll check that site out, cause ya i've tried looking for it in my software center and couldn't find it08:17
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn
airtonixDr_Willis, CkhiKuzad so if you wanted to for example redesign the actual login form you start with the glade gui designer and find the glade file that gdm2 uses to render the login form08:17
ravenffmpeg how to select an audio-stream from two?08:17
Dr_Willisairtonix:  i mean the different layout/fancy theme features that peopl;e are used to for GDM1.  Ive changed my gdm2 screen to use different gtk 'theme' parts.  but people expect the gdm1 customizeability08:17
headkase314Jefferson, thats the official site and I have it installed no problems in 10.0408:17
airtonixDr_Willis, its much more customisable this way. you can even in theory use python scripts08:18
Dr_Willisairtonix:  seen a guide on that anywhere? docs on gdm2 were lacking last i checked (this was a few mo back)08:18
Dr_WillisIm actually amazed ive not seen more   gdm2 'leet theme anouncements' on OMGubuntu or other sites :)08:18
itsux2bumy brother and i have been trying to SSH from his OSX macbook to my Ubuntu Server with little luck.. if you can help please private me!08:19
SubCoolDr_Willis, i deleted xorg.conf- and then startx --- now im in gnome. lol08:19
rwwumm. aren't we up to gdm3 now?08:19
airtonixDr_Willis, if you understand the priniciples of making a stylesheet for css based on elements that have an ID then making a "stylesheet' for a GTK gui is based on the elements widget name (which you can define in glade when makign a glade form)08:19
Dr_Willisairtonix:  that leaves me out then. :)08:19
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
WinstonSmith!PM | itsux2bu08:19
ubottuitsux2bu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:19
Jeffersonheadkase314: alright I'll give it try. Thanks08:19
Dr_WillisSubCool:  logical eh. :)08:20
headkase314Jefferson, that is the official source so it should work.08:20
sometuxHas anyone succeeded writing a shell script to authenticate to Twitter using OAuth?08:20
airtonixDr_Willis, /usr/share/gdm/gdm-greeter-login-window.ui08:20
itsux2bumy brother and i have been trying to SSH from his OSX macbook to my Ubuntu Server with little luck.. if you can help please help me!08:20
slidinghornitsux2bu, what error(s) are you getting?08:21
ravenffmpeg how to select an audio-stream from two?08:21
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:   You did install ssh  server on the ubuntu box? can it ssh to itself? 'ssh localhost' ?08:21
nilsmaneed tips: ubuntu 10.04, my mouse-button navigation in nautilus has disappeared (keyboard shortcuts still work), m-button navigation workds on other users on same box08:21
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, you have to give more info08:21
itsux2bui don't know.. bro didn't tell me exact errors..08:22
slidinghornitsux2bu, then we don't know what the problem is08:22
Dr_Willisraven:  you have checked the ffmpeg faq/tutorials?  theres proberly some option, and i dont rember what it is.. i would have to go read the faq/docs to look it up.08:22
itsux2bui have ubuntu server with LAMP/OpenSSH/Samba running in a vbox08:22
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  ssh also supports the -v and -vv and -vvv options to give more verbose error messages.08:23
F|ENDhi. does anybody know if ubuntu 10.10 will support toshiba laptops (with the overheating problem) ?08:23
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  you can ssh to the  service from other pcs on the lan?08:23
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, with NAT or bridged connection?08:23
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
itsux2buhe gets connected but can authorize08:23
itsux2bumy vbox is bridged08:23
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, which user is he using?08:23
itsux2bumy windows host can putty into it08:24
ravenffmpeg how to select ONE audio-stream from two?08:24
headkase314F|END, you mean the *recalled* toshiba laptops? ;)  Send it back before it catches on fire!08:24
nilsmaneed tips: ubuntu 10.04, my mouse-button navigation in nautilus has disappeared (keyboard hotkeys still work), m-button navigation works on other users on same box08:25
gcpadmanhey any one know the better channel for cloud computing topic08:25
ravenffmpeg how to select GERMAN from an ARTE stream?08:26
headkase314F|END, http://www.thirdage.com/news/toshiba-recall-burn-hazard-t-series-notebooks_9-4-201 <- theres a BIOS update but that will only shut down the power supply if it happens, the solution is to send it back to Toshiba08:26
Dr_Willisheadkase314:  page not found.08:27
itsux2bumy brother's macbook was using the ssh client that came with it08:27
headkase314Dr_Willis, F|END, Sorry : http://www.thirdage.com/news/toshiba-recall-burn-hazard-t-series-notebooks_9-4-201008:27
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, what is the exact command your brother uses?08:28
slidinghornraven, i am usually against RTFM responses, but judging from your succession of several different questions without waiting at all for a response that you haven't read anything about ffmpeg.  I suggest you do some reading: Open a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and type   man ffmpeg08:28
Dr_Willisheadkase314:  i got a X 505 :)08:28
* WinstonSmith concurs with slidinghorn08:28
headkase314Dr_Willis, I'm on my Acer lappy ;)\08:28
=== Tobarja_ is now known as Tobarja
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
itsux2bushh <myportforwardedubuntuservervboxipaddress>08:31
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  perhaps he shold be uncluding a users name    ssh billgates@remoteboxip:portnumber08:32
itsux2bui have my bro's macbook.. anyone here have ubuntu server with OpenSSH?08:32
=== sloopy is now known as Guest36815
surgyhola, como estas?08:33
slidinghorn!es | surgy08:33
ubottusurgy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:33
gcpadmani have openssh08:33
surgyslidinghorn: cool, im just learning spanish, but thanks for being confused, its an honor :)08:33
F|ENDheadkase314> I don't have that laptop model08:33
itsux2buhow do i create a user account for him on my ubuntu server?08:34
headkase314F|END, what overheating problem are you having?08:34
F|ENDheadkase314> mine only stays at 52-56 degrees in idle, compared to windows which stays at 4408:34
F|ENDeverything else works just fine08:34
ravenffmpeg how to select GERMAN from an ARTE stream?08:34
headkase314F|END, that sounds like power management.  Windows may be idling the processor and Ubuntu may not.  I don't know, see what others say too.08:35
F|ENDheadkase314> I've heard something about faulty DSDT tables, and managed to get mine compiled, but I can't seem to be able to implement them correctly (using WUBI, do you think that might be the problem? )08:35
surgyF|END: try getting an industrial sized 60 cfm blower and apply that to the intake airport08:36
itsux2bui have my bro's macbook.. anyone here have ubuntu server with OpenSSH?08:36
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, ssh -l hisusernameonserver ip-from-server08:36
F|ENDsurgy: lol08:36
surgyF|END: i mean that would solve the issue08:36
headkase314F|END, I honestly have no idea.   I don't have experience with Wubi.08:37
F|ENDsurgy: no kiddin' it's a bit extreme08:37
surgy!offtopic | surgy08:37
ubottusurgy, please see my private message08:37
loganlhphello, does anyone know how to find my machine's INTERNET IP address under the command line? the kind of result you would get going to http://www.whatismyip.com/,08:37
surgyloganlhp: try: ifconfig08:38
itsux2buWinstonSmith, i assume the ip address my ISP gave my computer.. the address outside the router08:38
EimannWhere can I find powerpc netboot-packages for 10.04 or 10.10? I can only find ISO Images for ppc08:38
sajish_my firefox icons got corrupted08:38
sajish_like home button,reload button08:38
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, yes your outside ip address08:38
Eimannloganlhp: curl my.ip.fi or wget --quiet -O - my.ip.fi08:39
WinstonSmithloganlhp, try : wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org/ | tail08:39
sajishcan anybody help08:39
itsux2buso now i need to create him a user account.. i was just letting him use mine for the quick test..08:39
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, audio, is it possible to start a playlist on user1, switch to a user2, and have the same music when logged in on user 2?08:40
itsux2bui haven't created a user account yet08:40
intraderI am experiencing very slow UI in ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome, or no Gnome). Clicks require multiple tries, all apps. Scrollbar sticky, etc.08:40
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, he should be able to use your user but you have to specify it with ssh -l username08:40
chalcedonyintrader, been there, ouch .. try top and see what is using ram?08:40
van7huHello everyone08:43
sajishhow to reinstall firefox08:43
ravenffmpeg how to select GERMAN from an ARTE stream?08:43
intraderchalcedony, I have 1Gb with 270000 free, no swap used. Xorg is using 4% xchat 2%08:43
Himanshusajish: may from Software centre08:43
WinstonSmithsajish, sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox -y08:43
WinstonSmith!repeat | raven08:44
ubotturaven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com08:44
chalcedonymy husband has kubuntu 8.04 .. i didnt realize he had downgraded so far. i tried to upgrae his flash and broke it. is there something that will tell me how 1. to back up his stuff to another box/ drive  2. do whatever to prepare his drive. 3. get 10.04 and 4. get his stuff back on it?08:44
van7huI use usb_modeswicth08:44
_-Caleb-_hi all :)08:44
van7huWhat does error "No driiver found " mean?08:44
headkase314WinstonSmith, sajish don't forget to delete ~/.mozilla if you are having firefox launching problems.08:45
red2kic!home | chalcedony08:45
ubottuchalcedony: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome08:45
chalcedonyintrader, check your hardware, (darned if i know what to check, but that ain't right.. is all your ram seated ok? )08:45
red2kicchalcedony: You should back up ~/ and /etc -- That's it.08:45
chalcedonyred2kic, ty08:45
WinstonSmithheadkase314, it lauches but the icon are corrupted08:45
intraderchalcedony, as I have gone that route, save /home, and install 10.04 retaining /home, only format /08:46
itsux2bui have my bro's macbook.. anyone here have ubuntu server with OpenSSH willing to let me connect?08:46
chalcedonyintrader, hmm so you think that's 10.04 messing up?08:46
intraderchalcedony, I am running this on an Dell Inspiron 8200 that still boots and runs Windows XP OK, The driver for NVIDIA is version 96.08:47
Himanshuhow do i connect to windows pc using ssh08:47
Dr_WillisHimanshu:  you have to install some sort of SSH server on the windows box08:48
itsux2buok.. once my bro connects.. how can i see his connection?08:48
Dr_WillisHimanshu:  and then, im not sure what you would even be able to do.08:48
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  check the 'who' command.  perhaps.08:48
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  ifyou wanted to share a connection to see what each other is doing. screen can be used for that08:48
* WinstonSmith says Dr_Willis is right08:48
HimanshuDr_Willis: ok08:49
Dr_WillisHimanshu:  for transfering files back/forth from a windows -> linux machine. winscp is very handy.08:49
Dr_WillisHimanshu:  but i dont think that lets you do much from the linux side.08:49
intraderchalcedony, I think it is something related to the latest kernel - I had 9.04: snappy UI (without Skype), installed 9.10: had UI problems, reinstalled 9.04: had UI porblems once the ubuntu update finished,installed 10.04: bad UI (have Skype now)08:50
chalcedonyintrader, Dr_Willis might be able to help you, it's beyond my skill level (so sorry)08:50
ravenffmpeg how to select GERMAN from an ARTE stream?08:50
intraderchalcedony, thanks08:50
HimanshuDr_Willis: winscp? ok let me try that. thanks08:51
CkhiKuzad!hi serverv08:51
CkhiKuzad!hi | serverv08:51
ubottuserverv: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:52
* CkhiKuzad was DOING IT WRONG08:52
chalcedonyintrader, i also doubt you're the first to have problems with upgrading, we all run different hardware, miracle is that most of us get it to work .. if not the 1st try the 50th ;)08:52
Dr_WillisHimanshu:  for a mixed lan system of windows/linux box's winscp on every windows box is a 'must' :)08:52
WinstonSmithDr_Willis, winscp and putty FTW!08:53
uniquetransmission-cli: Depends: transmission-common (= 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) but 1.92-0ubuntu2 is to be installed"08:53
uniqueim trying to install transmissioncli and im keep getting this " transmission-cli: Depends: transmission-common (= 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) but 1.92-0ubuntu2 is to be installed08:53
=== serverv is now known as emperium
WinstonSmithunique, install transmission-common then08:53
uniquei did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade08:53
emperiumHello once again, now with the real nick :D08:54
WinstonSmithunique, sudo apt-get install transmission-common08:54
intraderchalcedony, yes, it is amazing. Something that was done to the kernel or Xorg to make multi-gesture works messed up the UI.08:54
uniquei installed -common and i get " transmission-cli: Depends: transmission-common (= 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) but 1.92-0ubuntu2 is to be installed"08:54
emperiumthere's any app like adobe lightroom for ubuntu?08:54
WinstonSmithunique, why dont you just apt-get install transmission08:55
Osahow to update firefox from 3.6 to 3.8 please????08:55
intraderchalcedony, how do I get Dr_Willis to help?08:55
chalcedonyintrader, you might see if you can talk to the team that does that .. file a bug report08:55
chalcedonyi've had a wonderful time following bugs i reproted, people do really work on them08:55
uniqueWinstonSmith: transmission: Depends: transmission-cli (>= 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) but it is not going to be installed ||| Depends: transmission-gtk (>= 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) but it is not going to be installed ||| Depends: transmission-common (= 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) but 1.92-0ubuntu2 is to be installed08:56
=== Tobarja_ is now known as Tobarja
WinstonSmithunique, remove transmission completly and reinstall it . you have mixed versions there08:56
Linuxsapiencould someone remind me how to run a process in the background please08:56
WinstonSmithLinuxsapien, with screen08:56
Linuxsapiencmd is?08:57
chalcedonyWinstonSmith, could you, or Dr_Willis or someone see if they can help my new friend, intrader with his failed upgrade problem?08:57
WinstonSmithor CTRL+z then bg08:57
intraderchalcedony, how would I go about talking to the 'team that does that'08:57
WinstonSmithLinuxsapien, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/04/command-line-multitasking-with-screen/08:57
CkhiKuzadgod i need to turn the brightness down on my monitor08:57
Osahow to update firefox from 3.6 to 3.8 please????,, I downloads the files form the website "download firefox 3.8 for Ubuntu linux"08:57
Linuxsapienthank you WinstonSmith08:57
uniqueWinstonSmith: i apt-get --purge remove transmission-common couze thats the only one i have08:57
WinstonSmithLinuxsapien, welcome08:58
uniqueor how can i search to see if any other transmission- are installed08:58
WinstonSmithunique, yes08:58
CkhiKuzadthere, that's better. now my monitor doesn't hurt my eyes08:58
Dr_Willischalcedony:  i rarely upgrade.  and if i ever have any issues with a upgrade. i normally do a clean reinstall - easier then troubleshooting a failed upgrade08:58
CkhiKuzadgah, sorry. i didn't see that this wasnt OT. *goes there now*08:58
uniqueWinstonSmith: and when i try to install again tells me the same errors08:58
red2kicChell: "xset dpms force off" should relieve your eyes?08:58
LinuxsapienWinstonSmith:  im sure the command wasnt screen though?08:58
Dr_WillisLinuxsapien:  command &, then 'exit' or ctrl-z then 'bg' then 'exit' if you want to close the terminal. See 'bash job controll' in the bash tutorials for more info08:59
Dr_WillisLinuxsapien:  it depends on what you ar wanting to do exactly08:59
WinstonSmithLinuxsapien, yes it was08:59
Linuxsapienwhile since I sent a process to the back :)08:59
red2kicCkhiKuzad: Err, that message few lines above was for you. :P09:00
Dr_WillisLinuxsapien:  ctrlz, works with 'bg' and 'fg'09:00
WinstonSmithunique, did you sudo apt-get update & apt-get upgrade ? try apt-get autoremove && apt-get install -f09:00
WinstonSmithLinuxsapien, try fg09:00
Linuxsapienits just for a silly bot, what is fg?09:00
intraderchalcedony, thanks, hopefully either of them will get involved. And by the way, the first time that I tried 10.04 via upgrade it did not work at all. I then installed 10.04 clean after trying 9.04 again and noticing that after the ubuntu recommended update, I had the UI problems of 10.04 in 9.0409:00
red2kicLinuxsapien: That's for bash. fg bring the job up.09:01
CkhiKuzadred2kic, what exactly was "that message a few likes above"09:01
Linuxsapienrighto :)09:01
WinstonSmithLinuxsapien, ForeGround and BackGround = fg and bg to send processes to the background and to the foreground again09:01
CkhiKuzadoh, nevermind red2kic09:01
red2kicCkhiKuzad: "xset dpms force off" should help your eyes. Too bright. :)09:01
CkhiKuzadi just lowered the brightness on my monitor.09:01
=== jquiterio_ is now known as jquiterio
aswinif i dont use my linux os for a long time everything gets messed up...the nvidia drivers get corrupted or something and i have t install it again..everytime i dont use my system for a long time the same thing happens09:02
CkhiKuzadi kinda want to figure out how to put a solar panel from a calculator on my monitor to dim it a bit when the room gets dark, and let it be bright when the room is bright09:02
chidaswin, there doesn't seem to be a good explaination for this unless you updated your system, either the software/hardware09:02
chidor changed the configuration09:03
headkase314aswin, does it happen after you run update manager?  Like getting a kernel update?09:03
intraderaswin, do you reboot between tries, or is this long term running. In the long term running case you may have a memory leak in the driver.09:03
uniqueWinstonSmith: i did update and upgrade... and apt-get autoremove && apt-get install -f transmission gives me the same error09:03
natschilHello. I installed ubuntu studio on my computer on a separate partition, and grub can see there are two ubuntu installations. However, selecting either of them boots into the ubuntu that I ran grub-install from.... any suggestions as to how to fix this?09:04
rodeoHi all!09:04
An_Ony_Mooseis there a console command that will suspend the computer to RAM?09:05
gamalwhat is ubuntu09:05
An_Ony_Moose(and/or to disk)09:05
WinstonSmithunique, try dpkg -r --force transmission or dpkg -r --force transmission-common09:05
aswinnope no updates..i have dual boot system and i dont use linux continously...yesterday i tried using linux..wen the login screen came i entered my password but instead of logging in it said some process is running..r u sure u wanna logout????i did tht and system hanged and thn again i tried the same thing happened and thn nvidia driver got corrupted and after installing nvidia driver again it worked properly09:05
emperiumis there  any app like lightroom ?09:05
uniqueWinstonSmith: Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !09:06
emperiumsorry but my laptops bat died suddently09:06
WinstonSmithunique, ?09:06
chalcedonyintrader, google your problem, look for most likely and file a bug report .. someone here can explain 'bug report' better than i can09:06
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:06
uniqueWinstonSmith: this is my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/4xRhpeee09:07
WinstonSmithunique, did you try this? : try dpkg -r --force transmission or dpkg -r --force transmission-common09:08
magnetronemperium: there are no apps that are exactly like lightroom except lightroom, but F-Spot is a pretty good photo organizer. it's installed by default in Ubuntu09:08
intraderchalcedony, I have posted in the general ubuntu forum, with some responsed (suggestions), but no solution yet09:08
karthik1890how to change keyboard input language to sanskrit?09:08
uniqueWinstonSmith: this is whats telling me when i try those commands: http://pastebin.com/68Zy9peq09:09
magnetronkarthik1890: go to System > Preferences > Keyboard09:09
chalcedonyintrader, you got magnetron's ubottu 's message?09:09
emperiummegnetron thanks09:09
WinstonSmithunique, ok sry my bad : try dpkg -P transmission or dpkg -P transmission-common09:10
papegaaijhi all09:10
uniquedpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove transmission which isn't installed. ||| dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove transmission-common which isn't installed.09:10
papegaaiji'm trying to install the 10.10 beta, but i'm having trouble with my Silicon Image 3114 SATA controller09:11
papegaaijthe sata_sil driver is loaded, but none of the harddisks are detected09:11
magnetronpapegaaij: support for beta software in #ubuntu+1 please09:11
papegaaijmagnetron: ah, ok thanks09:11
intraderchalcedony, I did not see it - by the way the forum entry is titled 'Re: Seriously defective UI in ubuntu 10.04I' ( I had two spelling errors - in 'Re: Seriusly deffective UI in ubuntu 10.04I')09:12
karthik1890magnetron: i still dont get it. am able to change only the layout.09:13
magnetronkarthik1890: oh sorry, my mistake09:13
Cairo_does anyone know how to access a USB from TTY?09:14
uniqueWinstonSmith: dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove transmission which isn't installed. ||| dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove transmission-common which isn't installed.09:14
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chalcedonyintrader, please read: <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:15
pie_timecan anyone recommend some good newsgroup programs09:16
magnetronunique: what happens if you run "sudo aptitude update" and then try again?09:16
Guest88519how can run linux in viratcul box09:16
Dr_WillisGuest88519:  install virtualbox.. download a ubuntu iso.. boot vbox tell it to use the iso.09:17
=== Guest88519 is now known as SQLShell
WinstonSmithunique, do a dpkg --get-selections | grep transmission please09:18
=== eric is now known as Guest25828
intraderchalcedony, I will do that after reading on how to report bugs09:18
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
DoubleStringhey all09:19
SQLShellDr_Willis  i doing this new inter from this  but i do restart insall  new09:19
Dr_WillisSQLShell:  that statement made no sence  to me.09:20
* WinstonSmith concurs09:20
magnetronpie_time: i can recommend pan and sabnzbdplus. the former is general and the latter is for binary news09:20
Dr_Willisand  i will BRB09:20
pie_timemagnetron, how is thunderbird09:20
fancypantsI have a question.. how do you test a merge via junit/spring/hibernate setup? I am currently extending AbstractTransactionalJUnit38SpringContextTests, http://www.mysticpaste.com/view/3087 for the test, I am not able to get the record back out of the database after the merge09:21
Cairo_does anyone know how to access a USB from TTY?09:21
magnetronpie_time: if you try it and like it, i suggest you go ahead and use it09:21
natschilHello. I installed ubuntu studio on my computer on a separate partition, and grub can see there are two ubuntu installations. However, selecting either of them boots into the ubuntu that I ran grub-install from.... any suggestions as to how to fix this?09:21
Adoniswhat is best version of ubuntu to download? i got the latest version off the website but it runs extremely slow!!! show i try to find a previous version???09:22
loworderbitRevive /dev/ttyUSB0?09:22
itsux2bui was able to reproduce my brothers error message.. The authenticity of host can't be established. RSA key fingerprinter is <big long hex number i don't want to type here>. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?  he said yes.. then got  'broken pipe'  and it did connect..09:23
loworderbitSorry....iPad auto correction...09:23
Adoniswhat is best version of ubuntu to download? i got the latest version off the website but it runs extremely slow!!! show i try to find a previous version???09:23
OpenSourceCodeit's the fastest...09:24
JulieeeeeeeeHi! I have a problem with skype (xubuntu 9.10) - no incoming video; my card is radeon, I do not own a webcam, the weirdest thing is that it worked fine; something happened, and the video wouldn't show; I did a re-install of the system, the problem persists, what should I do? please help.09:24
Adonisthats what i got but its runs so slow?? even the mouse freezes while moviing??09:24
SQLShellDr_Willis> i new inter from viratcul box but all time do restart from system i need reinstall system09:24
slidinghornAdonis, what are your system specs?09:24
OpenSourceCodedid you installed graphics?09:24
loworderbitCairo, what are you trying to do?09:24
OpenSourceCodeBecause you shouldn't09:24
itsux2buWinstonSmith you here?09:24
SQLShellback track09:24
lorenzosuHi all. I want to upgrade ubuntu. I have a separate partition for /home . Which is the best way to go?09:25
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, so it did connect after that?09:25
Adonisim running backtrack 4 r1 now09:25
itsux2busry.. typo..  didn't09:25
slidinghornbacktrack isn't supported here09:25
Julieeeeeeeeany suggestions?09:25
SQLShellwhat doinf new :( ?09:25
slidinghorn!backtrack | Adonis09:25
ubottuAdonis: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)09:25
SQLShelldoing *09:26
Adonisim running dell intel core 2 duo, 4gb ram, 500gb hard drinve09:26
Adonisyea i dont want to be running back track!!!09:26
Adonisi downloaded ubuntu 10.04 and it hards runs on my system!!!!09:26
SQLShellmy la ram 3 core 2 duo09:26
WinstonSmithunique, did he get "write failed : broken pipe" ?09:26
itsux2bumy brother and i are trying to ssh from his macbook pro to my ubuntu server with openssh server..  i was able to reproduce my brothers error message.. The authenticity of host can't be established. RSA key fingerprinter is <big long hex number i don't want to type here>. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?  he said yes.. then got  'broken pipe'  and it didn't connect..09:27
SQLShellhard 120 g09:27
itsux2bujust 'broken pip'09:27
itsux2bujust 'broken pipe'09:27
slidinghornAdonis, sorry i misunderstood...you've got more than enough to run without issues -- have you run through dmesg to see if anything sticks out?09:27
SQLShellDr_Willis> Are you here ?09:28
Adonisits cool i wasnt that clear with my question :)09:28
itsux2buWinstonSmith, remember bro has OSX.. you ever used OSX?09:28
Adonisim a absolute newb to linux so i donk know what dmesg is09:28
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, ok gimme a minute09:28
Adonisi was running it off USB stick, but i also run backtrack off a usb and it runs fine!09:28
=== erana_ is now known as erana
Adonisbut when i try to boot ubuntu it take like atleast 10mins to load and then i runs sooo slow!!!09:29
itsux2bui tried with putty and putty connects to my ubuntu server just fine09:29
OpenSourceCodeadonis, specs of your computer?09:29
Adonisintel core 2 duo 2.0ghz, 4gb ram, 500gb HDD09:30
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, pastebin the output of ssh -v -l user ip-from-server from the MAC please09:30
Adonisits a dell laptop!09:30
OpenSourceCodeadonis, you should install netbook version09:31
OpenSourceCodedid you installed netbook version?09:31
slidinghornOpenSourceCode, Adonis not necessarily09:31
Adonisill just check brb09:31
SQLShellDr_Willis> welcome09:31
itsux2buWinstonSmith, sry.. i have a correction to make..09:31
whosjosewhat is a good alternative to windows visual studios?09:32
Dr_WillisHaving a look at 10.10 :)09:32
SQLShellDr_Willis>i new inter from viratcul box but all time do restart from system i need reinstall system09:32
itsux2buin putty i used ubuntu's vm ip address..09:32
SQLShelluse back track 409:32
slidinghornAdonis, are you just running the livecd right now?09:33
itsux2bunot my outside ip address09:33
Dr_WillisSQLShell:  Clarify what you just said.09:33
Adonisim running back track 4 thru Vm09:33
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, what is the ip of : your computer and the server?09:33
Dr_WillisSQLShell:  you have went to the vbirtualbox homepage. and read its manual?09:33
ServerTechIn future, would it be possible to upgrade ubuntu?? Without reinstalling?09:34
Dr_WillisSQLShell:  then i suggest you do so.09:34
itsux2buWinstonSmith, not want to publish this stuff in public.. can we go private?09:34
Dr_WillisServerTech:  thats a main feature of the package manager system09:34
ginbuntuI am running ubuntu 10.10 beta, can I install kubuntu-desktop on it and use the latest version of KDE?09:34
Cairo_does anyone know how to access a USB from TTY?09:34
ServerTechDr_Willis, Thank You09:34
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, i mean the LAN ip not your WAN ip09:34
ServerTechDr_Willis, Just was making sure09:34
Dr_WillisCairo_:  access what 'usb' device exactly?09:35
AdonisShould i maybe load ubuntu thru VM and see how it runs?09:35
itsux2busry.. to be dumb..  inside or outside router.. that how i think of it.. my ISP assigned IP?09:35
Adonisill try that n come back n let ya know how it goes!09:35
Adonisbye :)09:35
Cairo_a usb flash memory stick09:35
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  wan -> router -> lan      the router has an ip for both sides.09:36
Dr_WillisCairo_:  mount it, cd to the mount point, access it as you would any other directory09:36
Dr_Willis!mount | Cairo_09:36
ubottuCairo_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:36
itsux2buwan IP is from ISP?09:36
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  yes09:37
itsux2buand thats what you want?09:38
Dr_Williswan - Wide Area network - The Internetz09:38
no--namenot happy with 33% (too small) or 50% (too big) in nautilus list view. can i change the font size to be between these?09:38
Dr_Willisyou would ssh/connect to that ip. and the router forwards the connection to the internal LAN pc that you need.09:38
itsux2buthats from whatsmyip.org09:39
Dr_Willisso thats your 'networks' external IP.09:39
Dr_Willisif you run ifconfig on a pc inside the lan.. it should differ09:40
itsux2bu98.231.151.23  <<--09:40
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, sry thats not what i meant : when you connect through putty which ip do you?09:40
Dr_Willisunless the pc is connected directly to the ISP09:40
Dr_Willisthen there wouldent be a router, :)09:40
itsux2bu192.168.0.194 <<--  this is what my router gave my ubuntu server..09:41
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  thats your lan's ip range then. every pc on teh lan should be in the 192.168.0.XXX range09:41
Dr_WillisTHe router is proberly
itsux2buso now i've given everything a hacker needs to access my computer a format all my dad09:42
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, so when you connect with putty you use yes?09:42
slidinghornitsux2bu, we can see your ip anyway without you posting it...it's kinda how IRC works :)09:42
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  if you are on the local lan. you can ssh , if you were OUTSIDE the lan, (on the internetz) you ssh to the  other ip. and the router has to port forward  the connection To
itsux2buslidinghorn, but you see the ip thats inside the router..09:43
WinstonSmithDr_Willis, but the outside box finds the ssh server but then gives an error09:43
slidinghornitsux2bu, nope...the one you posted...we can also see that you're somewhere near (or in) Maryland and have comcast cable09:44
WinstonSmithso i assume port forwarding is ok09:44
* Dr_Willis puts on his tinfoil hat09:44
* WinstonSmith lolz 09:45
slidinghornDr_Willis, we. know. all.09:45
itsux2buport 22 on is port forwarded09:45
Dr_WillisI dont even klnwo what the original problem is/was. :)09:45
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, did you change any configs regarding ssh?09:45
no--namenot happy with 33% (too small) or 50% (too big) in nautilus list view. can i change the font size to be between these?09:45
OBSD^ubuntu is bloated shiny insecure crap that resembles windows more and more everyday09:45
OBSD^yay !09:45
itsux2bussh mods09:45
rwwOBSD^: Awesome. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?09:45
* WinstonSmith tells OBSD^ to breath deeply09:45
Dr_WillisOBSD^:  demand a refund in #ubuntu-offtopic then09:45
OBSD^OpenBSD blackhole.hvc.rr.com 4.7 puffy-kernel#0 i38609:46
* slidinghorn lols @ Dr_Willis 09:46
OBSD^linux is for dumb bitches09:46
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, ssh mods?09:46
itsux2bui didn't change anything to do with ssh anywhere09:46
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  so can linux machines ssh in? and this os-x box cant? was that the issue?09:47
itsux2buopenssh server is at its default settings09:47
itsux2buslow down.. i'm an old man..09:47
* Dr_Willis t y p e s s l o o w e r....09:48
yellabsi need an html what you see it what you get editor, what would be the top three choices for proffesional use ?09:50
itsux2bui been using putty with, which is the router asssigned ip for my ubuntu server with ssh.. i realize now i was using my internal ip address..09:50
WinstonSmithcan you pastbein your /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:50
luwyou need an html?09:50
itsux2buit for some reason doesn't error out with the RSA message09:50
luwwhat the f is that supposed to mean?09:51
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  yes. Networking 101 :)   Internal lan pc's use that ip. external access  to the other ip.09:51
slidinghornyellabs, not sure of any actual WYSIWYG editors -- bluefish is probably the most commonly used editor though09:51
WinstonSmithDr_Willis, itsux2bu problem looks like this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133775509:51
yellabsi see09:51
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/09:52
slidinghornyellabs, it does have syntax highlighting09:52
itsux2buinternal IPs (from router) don't require RSA keys but exernal IPs (from ISP) do?09:52
yellabsi use gedit at the moment09:52
luwhe needs a hypertext markup language?09:52
=== dmex is now known as dmex01
yellabsbut i need to have an more visual one,09:53
yellabsfirebug does help a lot, but still not perfect in total09:53
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, since the MAC connects to the server the question with internal and external ips doenst matter here09:53
yellabsi will look into iceape09:53
luwyou mean a css deal or just html?09:53
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  baack up a moment.. the MAc is on the Internal LAN also?09:54
itsux2buwhen  i ssh with internal ip, no RSA Key needed,  but when i putty or my brother ssh using external ip we get that RSA key error message09:55
yellabsi use css as well as html09:55
slidinghorn!cn | liukai09:55
ubottuliukai: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:55
yellabswordpress templates etc09:55
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, try sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server && sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:56
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, you said putty works ok???09:56
itsux2buthe openssh-server is installed fine..09:56
luwso have been using chrome for about a month now with pretty much no problems.  all the sudden now it takes longer than normal to resolve websites.  several seconds.  i fear that maybe something has pointed my computer to a proxy for all internet traffic.  is there a way to see this other than wireshark?09:57
itsux2buputty works if i use internal router assigned ip address09:57
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, yes but remove and purge it the reinstall . the msg about rsa is not an error msg. it appears only the 1st time you connect09:57
WinstonSmith*then reinstall09:57
luwubuntu 9.04, and i think this is a os problem, not a chrome problem09:57
itsux2buno.. not first time.. everytime i use external ip address09:58
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, look here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337755 same problem fixed by reinstalling09:58
wikorAnybody using google chrome 6 with ubuntu?09:58
luwno freaking way i just asked that09:58
luwyes i am09:59
luwdo you have a problem with it?09:59
luwresolving host?09:59
slidinghorn!anyone | wikor09:59
ubottuwikor: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:59
slidinghorn!enter | luw09:59
ubottuluw: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:59
itsux2buputty from windows host os to vbox ubuntu server with openssh using internal ip address worked.. but when i use external ip address i get a big rsa ket error message.. so does my brother from mac OSX using ssh10:00
itsux2buany clearer?10:00
wikorslidinghom: Please stop using that bot10:00
wikorOr at least type the message yourself10:00
luwlol hes just doing his job or something10:00
slidinghornwikor, it's there for a reason...now what is your actual question?10:00
yellabshmm seems that amaya has progressed a lot10:00
wikorslidinghom: Well, its weird when you use a bot10:01
yellabsi will give it a try for html css editor10:01
luwanyway,  yes please tell us wikor.  are you having a problem with resolving hosts?10:01
wikorAnyways, I just upgraded to Google Chrome 6 and I am having problems10:01
wikorThe buttons are appearing on left side10:01
wikorAnd of the 2 buttons which used to appear on right, I can't find them now10:02
wikorEverything seems missing10:02
wikorI mean the buttons10:02
luwcontrol and customize?10:02
slidinghornwhich buttons are you talking about?  Minimize/Maximize/Close?10:02
yellabscross my fingers .. amaya install10:02
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, you said earlies the errormsg your brother got was broken pipe?????10:02
wikorslidinghorn: yes10:02
wikorluw : How?10:02
itsux2bui got my windows host os, ubuntu server with openssh, and my brothers macbook pro  all connected to my router.. i can do whatever you want..10:03
itsux2buhold on..10:03
luwnot the buttons in the top right, but almost top right?  one is a page and one is a wrench right?10:03
slidinghornwikor, there should be a setting in the preferences (click the button with the wrench in the icon) and look around for an option to use the OSs theme -- not sure exactly where it is10:03
itsux2buThe authenticity of host can't be established. RSA key fingerprinter is <big long hex number i don't want to type here>. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?  he typed yes.. then he got  'broken pipe' and it didn't connect..10:04
wikorslidinghorn: well, its not there10:04
wikorluw: The page button is also missing10:04
luwwrench > options > personal > appearance10:05
luwwikor: right click around the top bar or other areas up there10:05
slidinghornwikor, is chrome the only application you have this issue with?10:05
itsux2buwhen i use putty with my external ip address i get similar error message10:05
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, thats what i said : its not an error msg its an info msg but sibce he cant successfully connect his client does not save the rsa key so next time it asks again10:05
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, so did you read the link?10:06
ShapeShifter499does a theme have to be netbook friendly to be able to work in netbook remix?  there is this gnome theme I got up in my 64 bit debian squeeze system and I like it and think it would be great on my acer netbook with ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix10:06
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
slidinghornShapeShifter499, only thing I can really think of that would be an issue is possibly the wallpaper10:07
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, look here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337755 same problem fixed by reinstalling10:07
wikorslidinghorn: yes10:07
wikorluw: I now have the default theme10:07
ShapeShifter499slidinghorn, there is no wallpaper, you can set your own10:07
slidinghornwikor, so all other applications have the control buttons on the right?10:07
wikorslidinghorn: yes10:07
wikorthey all look fine10:07
luwwikor: and do you have the buttons?10:08
wikorluw: No10:08
slidinghornShapeShifter499, try it...if it doesn't work, just switch back to defaults10:08
wikorluw: Are you using the Google Chrome 6?10:08
ShapeShifter499slidinghorn, which leads me to ask ubuntu netbook remix allows for wallpaper right? I haven't checked or used ubuntu netbook that much before to find out10:08
itsux2busry.. your absolutely right.. second login attempt works on macbook..10:08
luwno 5.010:08
slidinghornShapeShifter499, yes it does10:09
wikorluw, slidinghorn : This occurred when I updated to the new stable version10:09
itsux2busry.. i didn't think second try would change anything10:09
luwwikor: they might have put that page in the wrench if you know what i mean10:09
wikorluw: But its quite anooying :(10:09
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  the netbook interface is undergoing big changes for 10.10  also. so what you get used to now., may not apply in the next release.10:09
itsux2bui'm used to computers that do the same thing each time you use it..10:09
wikoreverything looks weird to me10:09
ShapeShifter499slidinghorn, ok thanks10:09
itsux2bumac and putty both go in with external ip address10:10
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: what kind of changes? is there a change log somewhere?10:10
itsux2buwith 2nd try10:10
luwwikor: an option might be available to change it to have the page out front like before10:10
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  in the netbook interface.. radical changes.  google for 'unity' screenshot/videos10:10
luwi honestly dont have chrome 6 to test and tell you though...and now dont want to upgrade because i dont want your problems lol10:11
slidinghornShapeShifter499, understand that there's no real requirement to upgrade to 10.10 -- it's not an LTS release...10.04 will be supported for a long time10:11
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, good for you ! well i am going to eat something.. have a nice day10:11
* WinstonSmith goes hunting for some food10:11
itsux2buSORRY i wasted your time by not trying a 2nd time10:12
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  heh.. so you always just tried once.. then gave up? :)10:12
ShapeShifter499oh ya btw when I start to run alot of apps together on my netbook my system freezes/crashes  even though the applications don't take up all the ram and I have to hard reboot it anyone know why ?10:12
luwWinstonSmith: i keep reading your name and thinking smith and wesson10:12
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  you learned some networking fundamentals in the process at least.10:12
no--namenot happy with 33% (too small) or 50% (too big) in nautilus list view. can i change the font size to be between these?10:13
WinstonSmithitsux2bu, all ok no harm done!10:13
digim0nkShapeShifter499: could be u dont have enough swap10:13
ShapeShifter499digim0nk, I thought that too but I checked and my usb install(installed to computer mem from usb) partitioned in 3 gigs of swap10:14
itsux2buDr_Willis. no.. never i try things multiple times..  but i'm also used to getting same results each time.. i guess i got jaded by every program giving an error message.. and the fact i had it working between windows host os and ubuntu guest os from first try.. also threw my off..10:15
digim0nkShapeShifter499: strange .. 3gigs shoud be more than enough .. updated your kernel .. try booting off the earlier one10:16
ShapeShifter499digim0nk, but when I have system monitor up it shows that right before crashing I'm only using about 300mb of a gig of ram10:17
ShapeShifter499it did this on the newest version and the one the system came installed with10:17
digim0nkShapeShifter499: are using multiple firefox windows10:18
ShapeShifter499its scares me when it does that10:18
britta_Hello. I seem to have forgotten which key combination allows me to move my window freely without being restricted by the top bar. I'm on a netbook and can't access the bottom buttons of my window. It's Alt + something + left mousebutton, right? Thanks :)10:19
ShapeShifter499and if it crashes while playing music it will repeat the last few seconds like a vinyl does when it skips10:19
digim0nkShapeShifter499: ubuntu version ?10:19
ShapeShifter499newest stable version of ubuntu netbook remix 10.0410:20
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  im still not sure why it failed the first time. Could very well be somthing odd in how OS-X's ssh works10:20
no--nameDoes anybody know how to remove fonts from the font menu? I removed them from /usr/share/fonts but they are still there10:21
Dr_Willisno--name:  did you restart the X server?10:21
no--nameDr_Willis: how do I do that, again?10:22
itsux2buapparently ssh keeps track of computers that don't have rsa keys and puts them in a OK list10:22
Dr_Willisno--name:  one way.. reboot.. other way logout and at console do 'sudo service gdm restart'10:22
digim0nk<ShapeShifter499: are you using a 3D screensaver10:22
no--nameok thanks10:22
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  theres proberly a way to generate an rsa key on OS-X also10:22
itsux2buputty and osx showed same results10:23
ShapeShifter499digim0nk, no I don't use one10:23
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  theres proberly a way to generate an rsa key on putty  :)10:23
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  for ubuntu i use 'ssh-keygen' command10:23
ShapeShifter499digim0nk, and it freezes sometimes while I'm actively using it10:23
itsux2buyea.. lesson for another day10:23
facelessloseri cant un zip anything in ubuntu 10.04 keeps coming up with error 110:24
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  not muych to it.. run  ssh-keygen, hit enter a few times.. then i can 'ssh-copy-id' to a ssh server and enter password once.. after that i can login with no password. :) very handy10:24
WinstonSmithbritta_, ALT + leftmouse10:24
erUSULfacelessloser: plain zip files?10:24
Dr_Willisfacelessloser:  try extractinbg it from the terminal with the unzip command?10:24
facelessloseryeah just plain zip files10:25
facelessloseri can un zip rar files10:25
Dr_Willistechnically you un-rar rar files. :)10:25
facelessloseryeah sorry10:25
Dr_Willis!info unzip10:25
ubottuunzip (source: unzip): De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0-1build1 (lucid), package size 173 kB, installed size 388 kB10:25
Dr_Williscould be the unzip/zip binaries are not installed.10:25
britta_WinstonSmith, thanks, but tried that. doesn't do the trick.10:26
Hounddoghi, i am trying to use clonezilla to do a backup of a system... i assigned 500gb in the virtualbox and the system to backup has 250gb... i am allways getting that the harddisk is full... i am clueless on what to do ...10:26
ShapeShifter499digim0nk, and I use this for school and stuff and even though it hasen't happened I'm worried that it will messing up my workflow and costing me time to reboot. also I'm worried of loosing files10:26
itsux2buDr_Willis, where do i ssh-keygen?  ssh client or ssh server?10:27
digim0nkShapeShifter499: maybe this will help to keep u sane till u find the issue .. backintime.le-web .o r g10:27
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  on your clients., each one generates a key that  you upload to the server via the ssh-copy-id command10:28
itsux2buDr_Willis, ok.. after i gen key.. i run ssh-copy-id on client?  it copies to server?10:29
Adonishello im back!10:30
Adonisi got ubuntu running thru VM fine!10:30
magnetronAdonis: congrats!10:30
sudipta_is ubuntu 10.10 going to have gnome 3.0?10:30
Adonisim running it now and its running smooth!10:30
ShapeShifter499digim0nk, ok thanks, I figure it out later I'm currently on another comp10:30
deepak2Iam using 8.10 ubuntu intrepid10:30
deepak2and I want to upgrade it to 9.0410:30
deepak2I have the CD10:30
deepak2I want to do the ugrade without losing any of my existing data10:31
dogmatic69hi all10:31
digim0nkShapeShifter499: sorry could not help ... BackInTIme will at least save your data10:31
magnetrondeepak2: do you have the Alternate CD?10:32
ShapeShifter499ya its ok thanks for trying10:32
deepak2Can someone help me with ubuntu upgrade,,10:32
Adoniswhats the best way to run ubuntu from usb stick with persistence?10:32
Dr_WillisAdonis:  the usb-disk-creator tool can make a usb stick with persistantce save file10:32
itsux2buDr_Willis, ok.. after i keygen.. i run ssh-copy-id on client?  it copies to server?10:32
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  yes10:33
Adoniswhere can i get the usb-disk creator?10:33
Dr_WillisAdonis:  its in the system menus.10:33
itsux2bui wonder if OSX uses same commands10:33
Adonislol ok im new to this "D10:33
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  Ive no idea what ssh  implemtation OS-X uses10:33
facelessloseri ve tryed unziping from the command line but it still wont work here is the outcome http://paste.ubuntu.com/488670/10:34
Adonisstartup disk creator?10:34
Adonisis that it10:34
Dr_Willisfacelessloser:  its a currupted zip file it seems10:34
Dr_WillisAdonis:  yes10:34
facelessloseroh right i see10:34
Adonisthanks :D10:34
itsux2buso someone was telling me i can watch users connected to my ubuntu server with  screen?10:34
facelessloseri will try another some now10:34
itsux2buhows that work?10:35
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  2 users can 'share' a shell via screen if you want to watch/show the user how to do things10:35
Dr_Willis!screen | itsux2bu10:35
ubottuitsux2bu: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen10:35
NoianoI am running ubuntu 10.04 and I cannot blacklist nouveau kernel module, even if it's blacklisted on modprobe.conf...any ideas???10:35
HounddogDr_Willis that is something i was looking for the other day!10:35
* jemark is away: Away10:36
ShredMasterhow do i set permission from MAIN USER to use the harddisk?10:36
* jemark is back (gone 00:00:27)10:36
Dr_WillisShredMaster:  clarify what you are doing.10:36
MichealH!away > jemark10:37
ubottujemark, please see my private message10:37
Adonisis there a way to view existing files from my HDD when running uvuntu thru VM so i can created bootable usb?10:37
itsux2buso just the ubuntu side has to support screen.. its not something the client side needs to support?10:37
ShredMasterWillis: I made new user. I can't access the hard-drive because it askes Password of the MAIN USER.10:38
Dr_WillisAdonis:  You want to use virtualbox to access the 'real hard drive'  - thats doable. but not reccomended.10:38
Dr_WillisShredMaster:  what hard drive?10:38
ShredMasterWillis: I mean c: , d: drives10:38
sudipta_will gnome 3.0 support compiz?10:38
Dr_WillisShredMaster:  if you mean a extenal usb ntfs or similer drive. You can try running the ntfs-config command (as root) and  check the boxs to allow all users access10:38
Adonisits in c:\ when in windows! i just want to locate the ubuntu.iso so i can run the bootable usb prog thru ubuntu10:38
soreausudipta_: not likely10:39
ShredMasterok i will try10:39
Dr_WillisAdonis:  so you are running virtualbox on windows.. running UBUNTU, and you want the Guest Ubuntu In VBOX to access teh ISO file on C: to generate a bootable USB flash drive with persistant save.10:39
Adonisexactly :D10:40
sudipta_<soreau>then how it will support various effects?10:40
Adonisis that possible?10:40
Dr_WillisAdonis:  the pendrivelinux  websit has tools and scripts and instructions on making a bootable usb flash drive  - within windows. No virtualbox needed10:40
Dr_WillisAdonis:  its possible.. but a bit comples. when pendrivelinux web site has tools to do it directly10:40
Adonisexcellent thanks :D10:41
soreausudipta_: gnome 3 uses mutter which is metacity+clutter, their version of their effects. Compiz is completely separate (and can run without and DE as a matter of fact)10:41
Dr_WillisAdonis:  theres dozens of tools out under windows to generate bootable flash drives10:41
Dr_WillisAdonis:  'unetbootin' 'lili' and proberly a dozen more ive never heard of. :)10:42
Adonisi downloaded one about a week ago! created bootable usb with this exact iso and it ran mega slow for somereason??? but through vmware its running fine10:42
Dr_WillisAdonis:  if you have a large enough flash drive you could do a 'normal' install to the flash drive.    a Live-setup is slower then a normal install10:43
Adonisso im gonna try remake a new bootable usb stick.. hopefully this time it wont run like a dog10:43
Adonisits 8gb10:43
lousygaruaAdonis, this also has some information about creating usb boot things, there's a section about creating it from windows. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:43
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sudipta_how to run itunes under ubuntu?10:44
erUSUL!wine > sudipta_10:44
ubottusudipta_, please see my private message10:44
Dr_WillisAdonis:  this one looks Cool --> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/10:44
soreau! hi10:45
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:45
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=== sometux_ is now known as sometux
kk9822how to install JRE 1.6.0 and above in ubuntu10:47
soreau! java10:47
kk9822in terminal10:47
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.10:47
sprockets2000does ubuntu have a round robin type load balancing similar to what MS added in Windows 7?10:47
adonis12Dr_Willis thanks for ya help mate10:47
erUSULkk9822: sudo aptitude install default-jre10:47
facelessloserdr_willis: i think that zip files was corrupted10:47
LjLsprockets2000: load balancing of what, network? (i don't know, i'm just curious about the Windows 7 thing)10:48
sudipta_i have a 2 gb ipod shuffle.How to sync it in ubuntu 10.04?i Hva gtkpod installed but whenever i connect it some error message pops up(related to itunes.db).Now what to do?10:48
chalcedonyis there a command to tell me in plain speak which version of ubuntu i'm in? i'm suspicious that i'm in the old drive and not the new one.10:48
erUSUL!version | chalcedony10:48
LjLchalcedony: lsb_release -a10:48
ubottuchalcedony: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »10:48
sprockets2000ljl well i can sim use 2 connections to download mutli ip downloads10:48
sprockets2000like torrents or usenet10:48
LjLsprockets2000: hm, i'm pretty sure Ubuntu doesn't have that10:48
ShredMasterI want to register to chat in #PHP. Just give me the starting point.10:49
chalcedonyerUSUL, ty but not the one i'm on here :)10:49
chalcedonyLjL, thans10:49
LjL!register > ShredMaster10:49
ubottuShredMaster, please see my private message10:49
kk9822hi erusul how to know it is installed10:49
erUSULsprockets2000: you can try to understand how to use tc to achieve it ...10:49
erUSULkk9822: java -version10:49
chilli0I need some help pretty please. I have just installed windows 7 and the grub2 bootloader is gone. I have used a Grub2 CD so I can boot into ubuntu. So I'm currently on my linux partion , so how can I reinstall grub from here? Thanks.10:50
kk9822thanks erusul it is done10:50
gryllidaHello! How do I change user's password in command line?10:51
kk9822ailed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  mai/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:51
kk9822Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]10:51
kk9822when i update normally it gives this message10:51
erUSULgryllida: passwd user10:51
ServerTechgryllida : passwd10:51
kk9822how do i clear this10:52
gryllidaerUSUL: ServerTech: Thanks!10:52
erUSUL!eol | kk982210:52
ubottukk9822: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:52
=== josh is now known as Katsuki
kk9822i am not able to update any thing for 47 days10:52
kk9822pl help me10:53
lorenzosuIf I have 2 ppas and both contain the same package how can I tell the update manager which to use for *that* package?10:53
erUSULkk9822: your version is too old. updates stopped a long time ago10:53
erUSUL!pinning | lorenzosu10:53
ubottulorenzosu: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:53
sudipta_hey anyone help with my ipod!!!!!!!!!!!1110:53
gryllidahow do I add user AND create his home dir? I added user, logged in with it, it says /home/user/ not found10:53
kk9822yes pl help me how to solve this10:53
gryllida!patience | sudipta_10:54
ubottusudipta_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com10:54
magnetronchilli0: type "sudo grub-install" in a terminal10:54
ShredMasterLjL: is there a website to register?10:54
slidinghorn!upgrade | kk982210:54
ubottukk9822: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:54
KatsukiAnyone having problems with applications uninstalling on reboot, when running maverick10:54
chalcedonyi have two drives in whitestar, one is 8.04, the other new one is 10.04 (i think), when i checked on it, it said kernel panic, and now booted into the 8.04 drive, what do i need to do to see if the other drive is ok?10:54
magnetronKatsuki: we do not discuss maverick here, go to #ubuntu+110:54
Get_A_Fixkk9822: you could however use a command like; sudo sed -e 's/\us.archive/old-releases/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list10:54
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:55
chilli0magnetron, That comes up with a lot of options , I don't want to be screwing with this , I want some one to tell me how to do it. I can't ruin my system. I have tried this before and I lost everything.10:55
Get_A_Fixand then try another apt-get update10:55
lorenzosuerUSUL, thanks a lot10:55
gryllidahow do I add user AND create his home dir? I added user, logged in with it, it says /home/user/ not found -- it can't cd to ~10:55
Get_A_Fixkk9822: i've just upgraded from 6.10 edgy to 8.04 hardy, and i'm doing upgrade to intrepid now10:56
kk9822yes pl help me how to solve this10:56
ServerTechgryllida, weird.... It does auto create, maybe someone else can answer.....10:56
erUSULlorenzosu: no problem10:56
ShredMastergerllida: use adduser command10:57
Get_A_Fixgryllida: it should do that, but if it doesn't, maybe check /etc/adduser.conf10:57
erUSULkk9822: folow the instructions ubottu told you to upgrade10:57
erUSUL!eol | kk982210:57
ubottukk9822: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:57
magnetronchilli0: oh right, which hard drive do you want to install GRUB to? usually you will have to type something like "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" or similar10:57
chalcedonygood to see you RudyValencia :)10:57
gryllidaShredMaster: I used useradd user && passwd user && tried to login , it doesn't see ~10:57
ShredMastergerllida: sudo adduser username -force --badname10:57
th0rShredMaster: check the man page, I think you need to add a -m to useradd10:58
ShredMasterth0r: i made this user today with same command10:58
Get_A_Fixuseradd = old - adduser is better10:58
chalcedonyhellboy316, try /quit10:58
hellboy316ohh yaa10:59
chilli0magnetron, Oh , I'm not sure what one to install it to? Does it matter.10:59
magnetronchilli0: yes it matters10:59
magnetronchilli0: please give as many details as possible about your hard drives10:59
ShredMastergetafix: how do I change user within TERMINAL ?11:00
gryllidaShredMaster: thanks.11:00
ShredMastergryllida: WELcom11:00
RudyValenciahey chalcedony11:00
th0rShredMaster: su to change users11:00
chilli0magnetron, How do I know what one to pick?11:00
ServerTechShredmaster : That is for frocing the capitals and other limitations in the username right11:00
chilli0magnetron, I know that ubuntu \11:00
magnetronchilli0: there is a tool in System → Administration that will give you info about hard drives11:00
ShredMasterservertech: I dont know friend11:01
adonis12alright got my multiboot usb started :D cant wait to try this out!11:01
ServerTechShredMaster : I mean adduser -force --adname11:01
ServerTech*badname sorry11:01
chilli0magnetron, Will that say what one to install grub on?11:01
ShredMasterServerTech: If you don't use BADNAME, then you cannot create a new user. You can create a new user that was created in the past and deldted.11:02
rekhi i created a usb startup   disk with ubuntu i try to boot it  with my packardbell but  i see hard disk fail what does that mean?what can i do a nework install? lan pxe?'11:02
natschilHello. I'm trying to install grub so that I can have two separate ubuntu partitions. I am in one of the ubuntu partitions now. Can anyone tell me how to setup grub2 or grub-legacy to do this? (Grub-legacy somehow doesn't seem to detect the partition signature, so probably grub2 is easiest)11:02
no--name hi. i have a mac keyboard and i want to be able to use the f keys instead of esc+<number>. anyone know how to change it?11:02
ServerTechShreadmaster : but usernames cannot be made with caps in it, doing that command lets it bypass those limitations:\11:03
ShredMasterth0r: after su , whose password do I enter??11:03
Dr_Willisthat would be the new users password11:03
th0rtthe user yo uwant to become11:03
Dr_WillisYou only got 2 to logically try. :)11:03
gryllidahow do I install a C compiler to be able to run `make'?11:04
Dr_Willisgryllida:  install teh build-essentials package.11:04
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:04
Dr_Willis!info build-essentials11:04
ubottuPackage build-essentials does not exist in lucid11:04
dogmatic69if i create a symlink in php and the server is restarted will it still be there?11:04
natschilHowever, I would prefer grub-legacy in the sense that I understand how it's configuration files work, as grub2 somehow repaces the good ol' menu.list with something more complex11:04
Dr_Willisoh wait no s :)11:04
Dr_Willis!info build-essential11:04
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4build1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB11:04
rekDr_Willis: how can i install my os? if i try to boot using usb i read...hard disk fail11:04
kk9822 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS pl give the command in terminal to upgrade11:05
Dr_Willisrek:  is your Hard disk failing? or are you saying the usb  dosent even boot?11:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:05
gryllidaDr_Willis: E: Couldn't find package build-essentials11:05
Dr_Willisgryllida:  no s11:05
rekDr_Willis: i can boot windows i read that if i set usb mass storage boot in the bios yes...11:06
Dr_Williswhich dosent make sence to me. :) but thats computers for you11:06
gryllidaDr_Willis: E: Couldn't find package build-essential11:06
Dr_Willisgryllida:  you are running what release of ubuntu?11:06
gryllidaDr_Willis: how do I find out?11:06
Dr_Willisgryllida:  what did you install? lsb_release -a  to see11:06
gryllidaDescription:Ubuntu 8.04.211:06
Dr_Willisrek:  and how did you make this bootable usb flash>11:06
gryllidaDr_Willis, it's a vps -- how do I update the OS then?11:07
rekusing ubuntu live cd11:07
Dr_Willisgryllida:  when in doubt 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and try again11:07
reksystem create usb disk11:07
Dr_Willisgryllida:  no idea on a VPS11:07
rekathlon 2600+ is a x86 pc11:07
rekthe dvd drive is broken11:07
chilli0magnetron, Hello?11:07
Dr_Willisrek:  thats odd.. You may wan tto try  the unetbootin tool  , ive  had the usb disk creator tool fail in the past when installing the bootloader11:07
no--name hi. i have a mac keyboard and i want to be able to use the f keys instead of esc+<number>. any ideas?11:08
no--namein gnome terminal11:08
rekDr_Willis:  what? how can i do that11:08
adonis12what command do i use in terminal to list directories/? "sorry about newb question"11:08
gryllidaadonis12: ls11:08
adonis12thanks :D11:08
gryllidayou're welcome.. welcome to linux!11:09
Dr_Willisrek:  install unetbootin, try using it to make a bootable flash drive.11:09
erUSULadonis12: ls */11:09
adonis12and then how do i open the direcotry11:09
ServerTechcd directory11:09
Dr_Willis!bash | adonis1211:09
ubottuadonis12: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:09
adonis12oh like dos?11:09
Dr_Willisadonis12:  bash is like dos , in the same way  the spaceshuttle is like a paper airplane.11:10
gryllidaadonis12: cd directorynamehere11:10
rekDr_Willis:  disk creator just did it... why shold i try this? how can i do a net install11:10
adonis12thanks guys :D11:10
Dr_Willisrek:  if the disk-creator failed.. unetbootin may work.  try it and see.. I dont do net installs.11:10
Dr_Willis!install | rek11:10
ubotturek: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:10
Dr_Willisrek:  ive also had some pc's be VERY picky about what flash drives they boot  or wont boot. I had to try several on one of m older machines befor i found one that worked.11:11
adonis12ok im off my USB multiboot is installed :D thanks for ya help today guys!11:12
chalcedonyadonis12, congratulations11:13
jb__hello, is there a procedure to upgrade the the latest ubuntu version?11:13
erUSUL!upgrade | jb__11:13
ubottujb__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:13
Dr_WillisI wonder how many disrtos one can fit on a 16gb flash drive. :)11:13
chalcedonyDr_Willis, i have two drives, the primary seems to have stopped, it booted into the secondary drive. primary didn't show on fsck, what do i need to do?11:14
jb__i have xubuntu 9.10 there, and I would like to upgrade to latest stable *kernel* (apparently 2.6.35-4) but in synaptics it says latest its 2.6.31 something ??11:14
Dr_Willischalcedony:  check sudo fdisk -l output, check if the bios sees it.. if neither do. check the cables..11:14
Dr_Willischalcedony:  and hope you made backups11:14
jb__thx erUSUL i'm looking11:14
gryllidaHello there! I get this message. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:11:14
gryllidaLANGUAGE = (unset),11:14
gryllida.. how do I set language in cli?11:15
erUSULjb__: last ubuntu version 10.04 uses 2.6.3211:15
chalcedonyDr_Willis, new drive, not much on it.. i was hoping to get to installing a few things tonight..11:15
FriarI have 10.04 installed on my laptop. I have a server with openssh. When I want to upgrade to 10.10 I like to do a complete install. How can I get my key onto the new install so that my ssh connection doesn't go down?11:15
Dr_Willischalcedony:   ive had new drives fail very quickly..   check sudo fdisk -l, see if its seen.11:16
jb__erUSUL, okay, is there a way to install a more recent kernel using the package managers? or I must do it manually?11:16
Dr_Willischalcedony:  also make sure fdisk -l, is reporting what  the drive actually is. (size wize)11:16
erUSULjb__: i think there is ppa with mainline ( vanilla ) kernels.11:16
erUSUL!ppa | jb__11:16
ubottujb__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.11:16
erUSULjb__: or you can compile it yourself11:16
mysteryguyHello, I have an external harddrive connected thru USB and it's corrupted, it has no important data at all on it, so I don't mind trashing it up, it's on /dev/sdd and I would like to make it work again fine11:17
Dr_WillisFriar:  its proberly best to upgrade while you are sitting at the machine.  the upgrade shouldent affect the users home dir or settings. but the ssh service may get reset.restarted as part of the upgrade11:17
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  repartition/reformat it.  You may want to 'zero' it via dd befor hand . if you want to go hardcore on it.11:17
itsux2buhow do i create a user account in ubuntu server?11:18
erUSULmysteryguy: create a new partition table and partitions on it ?11:18
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  sudo adduser pickausername11:18
mysteryguyI formatted it and did that a few mins ago11:18
FriarDr_Willis, the server is running a different install. I am going to upgrade my laptop. I also want to do a fresh install when 10.10 gets released.11:18
itsux2buand password?11:18
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  and its currupted again a few min later>11:18
mysteryguyno, it never got uncorrupted11:18
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  sudo passwd username11:18
jb__can I expect problems if I use a vanilla kernel with my current ubuntu install? anything I should take care about?11:18
chalcedonyDr_Willis, my son's mailserver does not like my access level in this drive it says it will report me! ;)  i shall look at the cables... anything else to try while i'm in there with it working?11:18
erUSULFriar: your keys should be in your home folder ~/.ssh/ ? make a backup of your home11:19
Dr_Willischalcedony:  clean out the dust bunnies.11:19
mysteryguyI tried fscking it, and "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext211:19
mysteryguyfilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext211:19
mysteryguyfilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock11:19
mysteryguyis corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:11:19
mysteryguy    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>11:19
FloodBot1mysteryguy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  it is a ext2/3/4 filesystem?11:19
erUSULjb__: some drivers that ubuntu adds may not be present in vanilla kernel11:19
mysteryguyI formatted it to ext211:19
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FriarerUSUL, that is indeed where my keys are located. so If I just make a copy of ~/.ssh and replace the default one it should be ok?11:19
erUSULFriar: should be11:19
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  so in the last 10 min or so.. you reformated, then fscked an empty drive and gotr an error mesage?11:20
slidinghornDr_Willis, he could have a 50mb hdd :)11:20
mysteryguyIt's 160Gb btw :311:20
Dr_Willissounds like it may be ready for the trash also11:20
mysteryguyempty though.11:20
FriarerUSUL, thanks. I think I'll make the server accept passwords before I upgrade as well just to be on the safe side...I don't have physical access to my server at the moment. I'm in europe for 6 months for work, and the server is at my parents house back in the states.11:20
incorrecti am sure there was a quick way to copy over the partition table layout from one disk to another11:21
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  check dmesg command for any error messages. could be the drive is failing11:21
KatsukiUbuntu+1 is dead >.<11:21
mysteryguy"[130730.843506]  sdd: unknown partition table"11:21
WinstonSmithincorrect, layout or data?11:21
incorrectWindowFixer202, layout11:21
mysteryguyI used Gparted to give it a msdos partition table11:21
erUSULFriar: ok;: good luck11:21
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  you did reboot after repartioning ?11:22
erUSUL!weekend | Katsuki11:22
ubottuKatsuki: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.11:22
Friarthanks again. I appreciate it.11:22
chilli0Hi I ran sudo update-grub and it came up saying all of the updates and stuffs. And then said it worked. But when I restart still no Grub loader? Goes straight into ubuntu.11:22
mysteryguyShould I reboot Ubuntu?11:22
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  you may want to.. some times thye kernel can use the old layout/tables and that causes issues11:22
mysteryguywill try fsck again and if problem continues will come back (after reboot of course)11:22
erUSULmysteryguy: if it is a usb drive just eject it and plug it again11:22
mysteryguyoh kk :)11:23
mysteryguyno apparent error messages now11:23
mysteryguywill try fsck11:23
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mysteryguydoesnt work11:23
otswimhi, i have a trojan/virus on windows and i can't even boot on it because i get a BSOD every time i try; can i fix it from my kubuntu dual boot?11:24
Dr_Willisotswim:  install/try clamav and its gui front ends..11:24
mysteryguywhen I try to fsck I get11:24
mysteryguye2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdd11:24
Dr_Willisotswim:  i would definatly be backing up stuff from that windows install somewhere safe...11:24
mysteryguy(same for fsck, tried what it said in that long message I posted before)11:25
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  this is a exteranal usb hard drive correct?11:25
otswimDr_Willis: just the clamav package?11:25
Get_A_Fixchilli0: sounds like you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst - setting the timeout to something higher than 0-111:25
mysteryguyyes, it is11:25
mysteryguyno data at all, so you can do anything with it11:25
chilli0Get_A_Fix, Would you be able to tell me where that line is?11:26
otswimDr_Willis: i've installed the clamav package, how can i use it to scan windows now?11:26
Get_A_Fixopen a terminal - type; sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst11:27
malvubuntu didn't detect windows, how do I run the grub detection script?11:27
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  you could go hardcore and 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=2048' (DONT MAKE A TYPO)  and zerio the drive to total zero-ness :) then reparttion, and reformat11:27
Get_A_Fixthen at the top is the default and then timeout11:27
kalle_howto create a mysql root account ?11:27
dlimalv, sudo update-grub11:27
Dr_Willisotswim:  install one of the front ends for it.. and run the front end11:27
mysteryguyI tried that too Dr_Willis :)11:27
chilli0Get_A_Fix, I don't have that file. I have grub211:27
malvdli: ok, it worked. thanks11:27
mysteryguydidn't use the bs=2048 part though, is it important?11:27
gryllidahow do I set OS locale in cli?11:27
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  time to open it up.. take out the platters and hang them from the ceiling for disco light effects.. and put the magnets on the fridge to hold the pizza cupons.11:28
chilli0Get_A_Fix, I may have found it, brb restarting.11:28
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  bs= makes it go faster11:28
mysteryguyI will try again anyway11:28
mysteryguyelse I will do some disk-hulk-smash :)11:28
Dr_Willismysteryguy:  thers some other HD tools out ther eint he repos you can try. but I wouldent trust the HD.11:28
WinstonSmithhi ppl :) i have a udev-rule to execute a script when i plug in my backup usb hdd but it doesnt work : ACTION=="add"; SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="1d00", SYSFS{idVendor}=="13fe", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/mount.tera", SYMLINK+="terabyte_toshiba". any ideas? thx11:29
Dr_WillisThose Magnets in hard drives are amazingly strong.11:29
otswimDr_Willis: should i scan my whole windows partition, or just C:\Windows\System32?11:29
WinstonSmithDr_Willis, neodymium i think11:29
Dr_Willisotswim:  why do things part way...11:29
Dr_Willisotswim:  scan EVERYTHING11:29
otswim:D because it's taking hours just to calculate scan time :)11:30
kalle_howto create a mysql root account ?11:30
Dr_Willisotswim:  You got other things to do? :)11:30
rekDR:Dr_Willis can i install ubuntu x86 if i'm running kubuntu amd64 ..i mean net install11:30
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:30
Dr_Willisotswim:  of course it may remove the virus. but not fix the system to be bootable...11:30
gryllidahow do I set OS locale in cli? like the language seaaing and such11:30
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning11:30
Dr_Willisrek:  a 64bit cpu can run the 32bit OS.11:31
gryllidaplease ping me when replying it's very active here I can't read this all11:31
otswimDr_Willis: no actually it is bootable, but on boot, if i don't end the processus very quickly, the virus takes control, creates a lot of processes, and causes a BSOD11:31
Dr_Willisgryllida:  export locale='somthing'11:31
KatsukiBoot in safe mode, most viruses dont get executed in safe mode, you can run your virus scan from there, or manually remove files11:32
Dr_Willisor is it LOCALE..11:32
rekDr_Willis: i must install ubuntu x86 in my laptop with the net but on my pc i have kubuntu amd64 can i install x86 using net install how can i specifiy the version i want to go in my laptop11:32
wieshkai have a really stupid question - for what stands "console-kit-daemon"11:32
incorrectits a shame that the software raid doesn't have a tool to help you rebuild your array11:32
wieshkai have ~60 running processes11:32
wieshkanamed console-kit-daemon11:32
Dr_Willisrek:  ive never done net installs.. so no idea if you can host a 32bit install  from a 64bit machine. proberly can.11:32
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wieshkalooks like they ar just incorrectly showed up11:33
nordlehello.  Reading http://www.ubuntugeek.com/kernel-2-6-35-officially-available-for-ubuntu-10-04.html it says "This kernel is now available in the git repository of Ubuntu 10.04"  and  "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".  If its a dist-upgrade, isn't that 10.10 beta?  I don't understand how it can remain 10.04 but with kernel.  Can anyone help me understand this please?  Thanks.11:33
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Dr_Willisnordle:  a dist-upgrade does not always upgrade to the next release.11:34
Dr_WillisI often have to do a dist-upgrade to make it upgrade some held back packages11:34
Dr_Willisalways seems to be trivial things held back also..11:35
Dr_WillisOR very imporntant things - like thje kernel.11:35
itsux2buDr_Willis, you were telling me about ssh-keygen.. i'm running it now.. you said you didn't need passwords by using a key, right?11:35
nordleDr_Willis: wow, ok, mmm.  I need to re-learn some stuff by the looks of it :)  Thanks for the information!11:36
jb__ok will upgrading ubuntu version upgrade the kernel too?11:36
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  i do not need to use a password to ssh to my other linux box's after setting up sshkeygen and ssh-copy-id..11:36
Dr_Willisjb__:  yes - it should11:36
jb__Dr_Willis, can I upgrade while I have applications running?11:37
majeszkoHi I'm runing ubuntu 10 4 1 and trying to install tom tom sat nav software, I can't get to the installerdata by terminal, I become a root, then command <cd /media/INTERNAL/TomTom HOME Install.app/Contents> and answer <bash: cd: /media/INTERNAL/TomTom: No such file or directory> I'd really stuck exactly on the start, help11:37
Dr_Willisnordle:  i never have figured out the logic to what gets held back11:37
Dr_Willisjb__:  I did earlier today. :)11:37
Dr_Willisjb__:  prioberly not the best idea.. but im brave and stupid.11:37
jb__ah.. you went from 9.10 to 10.4?11:37
itsux2bussh-keygen asking for a passphrase..  is this a one time thing.. or will my brother have to enter it everytime he connects via ssh?11:37
BattlePoperandom web server question: I have two websites with their own domains sitting on the same box. How do I go to dir_a/ if I input a.com, and dir_b/ if I input b.com? I've got the A record set in my domain registrar to my server's IP, but I can't figure how to separate the sites without using a redirect :)11:37
Dr_Willismajeszko:  spaces in path names are your issue.. use the TAB key to complete the names.. of just copy the files over to your HOME so you dont have as big a path to use.. and install from HOME11:38
Dr_Willismajeszko:  cd '/path/dir with spaces/stuff'11:38
Dr_Willismajeszko:  cd /media/INTERNAL/Tom<TABKEY>    may also work11:39
jb__BattlePope, hm.. maybe a http server option for thaT?11:39
majeszkothx Dr Willis11:39
jgbwhich dock do you guys prefer? i'm trying cairo-dock atm, and I've got a few issues11:39
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JoshuaLi like avant-window-navigator11:39
jb__like.. change root depending on request url's domain11:39
itsux2buDr_Willis, ssh-keygen asking for a passphrase..  is this a one time thing.. or will my brother have to enter it everytime he connects via ssh?11:39
BattlePopehmmm... yeah I reckon that might be the way to do it, but it seems like it must be a common thing, there must be a tool or easy script to do it11:40
jgbJoshuaL: thx, will try it now11:40
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DilbertoPetition to pressure Kevin Rose to eat uncured pork bacon live on streaming video and drink COLD BEER with it. Have him prove that simple greed and or incompetence was the reason behind this and not something else, if you get my drift!11:41
DilbertoSign the petition here:11:41
=== mkaay_ is now known as mkaay
FloodBot1Dilberto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:41
zagabarI think I have done something bad to my server. I tried to update libc6 to version 2.11 by using a deb package but then it started to complain on dependencies and now I get this message when installing stuff: http://pastebin.com/3yn1qDAt  If I try the -f thingy, it tries to remove like 10000 packages, telling me that I should abort it if I really don't know what I am doing. It would free 1.5 GB of space.11:41
jb__BattlePope, yea it must be common, it's common to redirect subdomains like bleh.waza.com to ~bleh/public_html11:42
jb__so it shouldnt be too hard to redirect different domains also11:42
BattlePopethat's what I thought, but all my googling has not returned an answer :)11:43
jb__you're using apache?11:43
jb__hehe.. I've always been too lazy to go through the whole config file11:44
jb__its probably there somewhere though11:44
mike9055any idea what my symbolic links in mpds music folder arent working?11:45
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  i dont set a passphrase11:45
Dr_Willis!ssh | itsux2bu11:45
ubottuitsux2bu: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:45
itsux2buok.. i'm looking at ssh tutorial now11:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:46
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  theres entire books written on ssh and all the neat ssh tricks one can do11:46
Dr_WillisGuess e24s dident need help...11:46
babaluhow can i install wine1.2 on ubuntu?11:47
Dr_Willisbabalu:  via the packagte manager. and enable any newer ppa's for it if needed11:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:47
magnetronbabalu: use a package manager (synaptic or similar) to install the package named wine1.211:48
jb__BattlePope, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html11:48
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babaluthanks it's ok now11:49
BattlePopecheers jb__11:49
magnetronDr_Willis: wine1.2 is already included in the official ubuntu repository11:49
Dr_WillisI dont keep up with version #'s :)11:49
magnetronDr_Willis: key but the package is named "wine1.2"11:50
Dr_Williswines one of the few apps that i always stay with the latest version11:50
jgbJoshuaL: thx, it is great11:52
JoshuaLjgb, nice :)11:52
schoolschoolhello. i have a problem with my cdrom.11:56
schoolschoolwhen i double click the cdrom icon i nthe computer folder11:57
Aijsejoin #mythbuntu11:57
schoolschooli get mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist11:57
teagehow do i turn off the desktop switcher. i do not want my mouse scroll switching desktops for me? im using kubuntu 9.1011:57
alexandrпривет всем11:57
Dr_Willisteage:  you may want to ask in #kubuntu11:57
schoolschooldmesg | grep cdr11:57
Dr_Willisteage:  theres a setting somewhere i imagine.. i just dont know where its at11:58
schoolschoolor dmesg | grep dvd11:58
schoolschoolreturns nothing11:58
teagekubuntu is ubuntu isnt it11:58
schoolschoolcdrom -scanbus returns mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist11:58
Dr_Willisteage:  the interfaces are different.. so we may not know where the settings at in here.. kubuntu guys will proberly know faster11:58
schoolschooland when i try modprobe sr_mod i get FATAL: Module sr_mod not found.11:58
Dr_Willisteage:  so ask in there and get posibally a faster answer.. or wait in here....11:58
teagei will check for a kubuntu room,11:58
teagethanks anyways guys11:59
Dr_Willisteage:  its #kubuntu :)11:59
Dr_WillisI keep trying  the latest kde.. but end up back in gnome11:59
schoolschooland lsscsi returns only the hdd11:59
gryllidahttp://ssh.shellium.org/~gryllida/pastebin.txt ::: How do I fix it? I tried `export LANGUAGE="en_AU"` but it didn't satisfy the system. I get this message in the pastebin every time I try to install nano via `apt-get install nano`.12:00
Dr_Willisgryllida:  thats just a warning.. it shouldnet keep the system from installing nano12:01
reki like nano12:02
Hounddogi need to run fsck on one partition but i am unable to unmount it... device is busy if i check with fuser there is nothing on there12:02
rekanyone able to do netwrok installs?12:02
ttmrichter_Is there any way to get the Gwibber social networking client to use a proxy?12:03
gryllidaDr_Willis: Yes. Nano installation succeeds. However I want to fix locale in the system. I ge same messages about locales every time I install anythng.12:03
Dr_Willisschoolschool:  my cdrom is /dev/sr012:03
Dr_Willisls -l /dev/cdrom12:04
Dr_Willislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-09-05 04:23 /dev/cdrom -> sr012:04
schoolschoolls: /dev/cdrom nu poate fi accesat: No such file or directory12:04
Dr_Willisschoolschool:  is there a sr0 ?12:04
schoolschoolactually, i have no cdr or dvd in a grep dmesg12:05
rekwhere can i find the network install in italian12:05
schoolschoolso i guess it is a driver problem12:05
gryllidaDr_Willis: Any idea on how to set the proper locale?12:06
oCean_schoolschool: find out if the system sees the device: sudo lshw -C disk12:07
Dr_Willisgryllida:  Never really worried about it - if its just warnings.. I recall  some forum threads on the topic.   Theres may be some package you need to reconfigure12:07
schoolschooloCean_ it lists only the hdd12:08
schoolschooloCean_ no cdrom in there12:08
majeszkoHI, I copied Installer data for sat nav tom tom, I made it executable(checked with <ls -l>) now for command <root@ubuntu:/home/majeszko/programs# ./Installer.data> answer <bash: ./Installer.data: cannot execute binary file>12:08
* ankur says hi12:09
oCean_schoolschool: but you did use the cdrom device for installing ubuntu?12:09
Dr_Willismajeszko:  this is a windows binary>? or what exactly?12:09
schoolschoolit used to work12:09
schoolschooloCean_ after the installation, it worked for a time, and then somebody did something and now it is not working12:10
majeszkoThis is for Tom Tom satelite navigation12:10
Dr_Willismajeszko:  so.. IS this a windows binary/program you are trying to run on linux? or has tomtom made native linux binaries?12:11
oCean_schoolschool: the fact that it does not recognize the hardware might be something to worry about12:11
majeszkoIt worked in windows, so it must be for windows12:12
oCean_schoolschool: your hdd is/are scsi?12:12
schoolschooloCean_ , the hdd appears in the lsscsi listing12:13
th_what is the best way to draw a grid in Linux?12:13
majeszkoIt won't work on ubuntu then?12:13
oCean_schoolschool: ok, so the required scsi drivers are loaded. In that case, it seems toe me it's an hardware issue12:13
lousygaruath_ openoffice?12:13
oCean_th_: draw a grid?12:13
Dr_Willismajeszko:  you use wine to run windows appliocations on linux. theres no guarentees it will work12:14
rekanyonee able to do net installs?12:14
Dr_Willis!wine | majeszko12:14
ubottumajeszko: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:14
th_oCean_, you know. time and distance etc12:14
HexidecimalTitle: Wine - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at help.ubuntu.com)12:14
th_lousygarua, hmm wich part?12:14
oCean_th_: I don't see how that is an ubuntu issue12:14
th_oCean_, well its linux issue12:14
schoolschooloCean_ why do I then get the Cannot open SCSI driver! for the cdrecord -scanbus command12:14
lousygaruath_ you want a table of time and distances?12:14
ankurhi , i just wanted to know some basic things about apport bug reporting . Does we need to add any specifipport c hook to our application or does apport always intercept any crash signal?12:14
Dr_Willisth_:  theres ploting tools in the repos.12:15
schoolschooloCean_ and there is no sr_mod module in the modprobe -l listing12:15
th_lousygarua, yes12:15
Dr_Willisth_:  oocalc can also do graphs i recall12:15
oCean_th_: well, the topic of this channel is ubuntu technical support, not general questions12:15
lousygaruath_, yeah, try ubuntu calc, it's like excel on windows12:15
th_lousygarua, ok12:15
oCean_schoolschool: I don't have sr listed, but I can use my scsi dvd12:15
jonas__anybody else whos display backlight stopped working after the first time the computer woke from sleep?:/12:15
lousygaruath_: "openoffice spreadsheet", that's how it appears in me menu12:15
majeszkoAll right I'll try, beer from fridge then wine from computer thanks12:15
AijseMy keyboard does not seem to be fully supported as some keys are not bindable. eg if I press them when I want to set short cut nothing happens. Is there a file where I canedit the input from my keyboard? Or somewhere I can d-load defaults?12:15
wezzSince nobody in irc://irc.freenode.net/#mongodb reacts, I give it a try in here. Does anybody know, when trying to install mongodb on ubuntu 10.04 it wants to install all kinds of x11 libraries. Since i run a CLI-only server this sounds unnecessary to me. Is there a way to do a 'minimal' install without these X-libs?12:15
th_lousygarua, well if thats the tool12:16
schoolschoolI see. I'll try a bootable cd and see if that's working and then check for the hardware12:16
Dr_WillisAijse:  what keys are not bindable?12:16
oCean_schoolschool: good idea12:16
AijseLike a zoom in and zoom out key for example12:16
Dr_WillisAijse:  Your keyboard has an actual zoom in/out keys? thats odd..  wonder what they were designed for. :)12:17
schoolschooloCean_ thank you very much . have a good day.12:17
Dr_WillisAijse:  some keyboards special keys can take some work to get working properly.12:17
AijseDr_Willis, I also use Lirc and it took some time to figure all commands for the keys out but it was possible12:17
Dr_WillisAijse:  if you hit the keys a few tmes then check 'dmesg' output it may give some info on the key12:18
AijseDr_Willis, Isnt there some config file for the keyboard?12:18
Dr_WillisAijse:  yep. same setup/tricks may be needed fot the keyboard. ive never noticed a single config for thekeyboard.12:18
jb42i think you can setup some stuff with xmodmap12:18
Dr_WillisAijse:  i spent part of a day getting the media/special keys going on an IBM keyboard. (old)  it was a pain. :)12:18
magnetronwezz: seems like mongodb depends on xulrunner, as if mongodb had a XUL based UI.12:19
chalcedonyDr_Willis, my husband's computer can see this drive. whitestar cannot. cleaning contacts on the drive didn't help. ideas?12:19
Dr_Willischalcedony:  this is a IDE hard drive> sata? what exactly?12:19
chalcedonyDr_Willis, eide drive yes12:19
cyberonede quoi on parle ici12:19
bazhang!fr | cyberone12:20
Dr_Willischalcedony:  ive seen hard drives so flakey that just moving them got them working for a while. or mounting them in a differnt orientation worked.. for a time12:20
ubottucyberone: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:20
chalcedonyDr_Willis, western digital 500 gb and it DID work and it's set to master.12:20
Dr_Williscould be the ide slot/controller is going bad on that one pc.12:20
chalcedonyit's nearly new12:20
jb42Dr_Willis: haha12:20
AijseDr_Willis, Yes most of my media keys work out of the box wich made me a bit spoiled I guess. Now I want all keys to work12:20
Dr_Willishard drives can die at ANY time. :)  new old, now, 20 sec from now.12:20
Dr_WillisReal fun when they die while you are using them.....12:21
Aijse20 sec from now!? all back up fast12:21
chalcedonyoh i know .. glares at 5 years of work sitting on top of the monitor.12:21
jb42I heard it's best to let them spin all the time12:21
jb42rather than spin down/up often12:21
chalcedonyjb42, i turned it on, made sure it stayed as cool as i could.. and it did that kernel panic thing and now it won't see it12:22
Dr_Willisjb42:  ive heard opposite.. but it depends on the disk ussage.12:22
Dr_Willisjb42:  i got some tha tsmart says have 2+ yrs of spinning time. :) others get used once a day for 10 min.. then spindown for 23 hrs.....12:22
FriarI just made an update to my /etc/hosts file. Do I need to restart anything to make it take effect? I tried to do ssh user@server and I get a cannot resolve hostame server.12:23
Dr_Willis!hostname | Friar12:23
ubottuFriar: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.12:23
itsux2buDr_Willis, your right.. i found a book in pdf on ssh12:24
itsux2bu400+ pages12:24
bazhang!it | mario_12:24
ubottumario_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:24
Dr_Willisitsux2bu:  ive seen  many books on ssh.. :)12:24
dt_hi, I had an odd problem that was solved with a reboot. whenever I typed anything/anywhere it would act as if I had some other key pressed (like control or something) and I couldn't really do anything12:24
dt_and when I did ctrl+alt+f1 to switch workspaces, anything i typed would show up with a ^ or a [12:24
itsux2buthis is a 'definitive guide'12:24
FriarDr_Willis, I'm not quite sure what that means...I looked at hostname and all it has in it is lappy, the name of my computer.12:25
dt_so if I typed a dot it would show up as [.12:25
th_how i can make windows file types as defaults to whole system?12:25
dt_any idea what could've happened?12:25
jribdt_: did you try running « reset »?12:25
Dr_WillisFriar:  you edit /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and  a be sure they are correct.. then use the hostname command12:25
dt_jrib, no12:25
FriarDr_Willis, I added the line neezer96.poweredbyclear.com      server to my /etc/hosts...do I need to add the same thing to /etc/hostname?12:26
Dr_WillisFriar:  i recall the ubuntu-tweak tool has a tool to change the hostname also12:26
Dr_Willis Friar  my /etc/hosts just has the sort name of my pc. not the full name like you got.12:26
FriarDr_Willis, I'm not sure we're on the same page. I just want to type ssh root@server in command line instead of ssh root@neezer96.poweredbyclear.com12:27
dt_jrib, would that've fixed it?12:27
jribdt_: maybe12:27
Dr_WillisFriar:  if you are just wanting to save typing.. make an alias.12:27
FriarDr_Willis, sounds great...thanks12:27
Dr_WillisFriar:  Friar  less dangerous also12:28
Dr_WillisFriar:  you could edit your /etc/hosts also to make  'server' point to the ip# of the long.named.server12:28
FriarDr_Willis, that is what I was trying to do, but it wasn't working I don't think.12:29
StaleHello, does anybody know how to resolve a atheros wireless driver prob w/ ubuntu?12:30
adhordenhi, where is the best place to ask information on Indecator Display Objects, https://launchpad.net/ido working on a bug just after some advice12:30
HexidecimalTitle: Indicator Display Objects in Launchpad (at launchpad.net)12:30
Dr_WillisFriar:  you edit the hosts on the client to make them see the short name.. not the servers hosts ;)12:30
Dr_WillisFriar:  ie: i got a hosts entry for 'printer' on every machine on the lan. with the ip of the printer i got.. that way i can rember 'http://printer' to get to its gui/web interface12:31
FriarDr_Willis, thanks a bunch. I am going to give it a try.12:31
Taravelhello; can anyone help me to install the linux driver for a wifi pen drive? the page where i found the driver is this: http://www.atlantisland.it/ita/download.php?articolo=A02-UP1-WN&tipologia=DRIVER12:31
HexidecimalTitle: Atlantis Land (at www.atlantisland.it)12:31
StaleI need it as an offline package, ready to 'install'; and no 'ethernet' assistance.12:31
StaleTaravel: I wish I can help, but I am having the same problem as well.12:32
Dr_WillisTaravel:  you did try the hardware-driver tool first? plug it in and system -> admin -> hardwaredrivers  (or whatever its called)12:32
TaravelMy friend is under xubuntu12:33
vampirI'm from Russia12:33
bodwickStale you can download the packages with all dependencies as deb, copy to pendrive and install then12:33
Stalehello. I heard that http://madwifi-project.org/wiki is the problem solver.12:33
HexidecimalTitle: madwifi-project.org - Trac (at madwifi-project.org)12:33
Kartagisbazhang are you there?12:34
Staleor I have to read the instructions from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88584712:34
Dr_WillisTaravel:  the bianry for the tool is 'jockey-gtk' No idwa where the icon is on xubuntu12:34
HexidecimalTitle: [all variants] Comprehensive ndiswrapper troubleshooting guide - Ubuntu Forums (at ubuntuforums.org)12:34
HexidecimalTitle: HOW TO: A Beginners Guide to Setting up Conky - Ubuntu Forums (at ubuntuforums.org)12:35
bazhangStale, your bot?12:35
Staleno, it's probably the channel bot12:36
msogo ubuntu12:36
msowindows or ubuntu?12:37
ankurhi , i wanted to know that can we launch apport to report bugs even if the application haven't crashed .How can i report bugs to launchpad using apport which are not crash related?12:37
StaleI guess nobody really seen the atheros problem yet, or even the busybox dual-boot probs.12:37
jb42im upgrading to lucid lynx12:37
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)12:37
Stalemso: I would still stick to windows for backup.12:38
jb42what is the difference between desktop and server? are those separate distribs?12:38
msohey Stale  wats up12:38
Stalemso: I'm trying to get the wireless to work on a ubuntu
msostill running 9.10 karmic...having problems with 10.04 lts12:39
Stalejb42, the server is supposed to be a degraded PC/desktop.12:39
gryllidahow o I go to line 10 in my file, which I'm editing in nano, otherwise than manually?12:39
msoonce its installed screen goes blank...??help12:39
jb42mso... thanks now i feel very confident in my upgrade hehe12:40
StaleI guess that new/change isn't always a good thing *becomes enlightens by lightning bolt*.12:40
msojb42,  true12:40
msoi cant get it right..dont know why..12:40
Aijsetell that to Obama?12:40
=== zhang is now known as Guest90523
gryllidahow do I go to a line with a specific number in nano?12:40
jb42is Obama a muslim?12:40
Stalemso: I think there's a heavier requirement for the later releases.12:41
bazhangjb42, what?12:41
Dr_Willisjb42:  try the offtopic channel12:41
Stalesorry, gryllida, I don't know that nano thing.12:41
gryllidaStale: it's ok. we aare all to help eachother. and to lern from others too. :)12:41
msogeez what sort of requirement..dang12:41
Hounddogi started a system from a live cd and wanted to check the disk... i am not able to unmount the partition to be checked :(12:42
Dr_Willisgryllida:  learn a better editor.. or hid the down arrow 10 times..12:42
Aijsegryllida, I always use the ctrl w option ... its used to search12:42
Stalemso: I think its 320 RAM for 10.0412:42
Dr_Willisin vi i can think of like 10  ways to go to a specific line # :)12:43
msoStale, everything goes well until i reboot then it goes to screen then blank12:43
gryllidaDr_Willis: Aijse: the actual number is more than 100. I don't know what to search. I only know line number.12:43
Hounddogfuser -m /dev/sda1 does not show anything12:43
gryllidawin 212:43
jb42i think ih vae only 256 :(12:43
msoi got 6gig is that enough???12:43
Stalemso: Does the screen mentions "BusyBox" or you happened to try adjusting the monitor settings?12:43
Dr_Willisgryllida:  hit ctrl-h and check the nano help perhaps.12:44
msoeverything loads up fine till i get to log on..then nothing12:44
Stalemso: I believe that 6GB of RAM should more than suffice in the RAM requirement.12:44
jb42wow.. installing upgrades says 2 hours 20 remaining.. is this normal?12:45
Stalemso: What moniter are you using by the way? (here comes a story from me)12:45
red2kicgryllida: Where Is --> Go To Line --> 1012:45
msoi dont what is missing in 10.04lts that 9.10 had12:45
Aijsegryllida:  What about : nano [OPTION]... [[+LINE] FILE]12:45
jamiewan_mso: so you get a grub menu at start up and all normal until oog in prompt?12:45
msoiam running ubuntu 9.10 karmic now..12:46
msoi have np with karmic12:46
gryllidaAijse: red2kic: Dr_Willis: I hit ^G for nano help, then ^C for cursor position, fixed12:46
jb42its the karmic koala12:46
Dr_Willisgryllida:  it pays to read the docs :)12:46
msoyeah but karmic works fine jb4212:47
msotill i upgrade to 10.04 lts12:47
jb42maybe its a driver12:47
jb42it you say its screen12:47
jamiewan_mso: did u upgrade thru update or use a live cd?12:47
msoive tried both ways jamiewan_12:47
matrixbluemso: What's the problem?12:48
jb42screen goes blank.. maybe its the Xorg update then12:48
jb42if the rest works fine12:48
msoscreen goes blank when i get to log on..12:48
msopretty frustrating after ive tried 3 times12:49
Stalemso, you can try that 'safe graphics' mode and see if the sys holds up.12:49
meisHey there. Could anyone direct me to a tutorial telling me how to get conky to display my network stats as it is not picking them up, and I cant find a good tutorial to help me12:49
Tweakymso: boot in safe graphics mode and choose to reconfigure x12:49
Stale*holds up after computer processing*12:49
msoohh ok...didnt try that12:49
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 meis this?12:49
Dr_Willismeis:  try different configs til you see one that works? ive never had to fight to get it to show the stats (but wht stats are you refering to exactly?)12:50
=== unknow is now known as elee
msoTweaky, ill try that c what happens12:51
meisbazhang: I think thats hte sort of thing I want. Dr_Willis my config displays them but it is stuck on 0kb Download 0Kb Upload12:51
Dr_Willismeis:  could be your network card is some device the cojfigs are overlooking.  ive had to tweak a few configs to use eth1 instead of eth0 (for example)12:51
msothx guys12:51
bazhangmeis, there are some sample configs in there as well12:51
Stalemso: The problem with safe graphics mode is that the graphics are not really great. I also tried logging in a 'generic gnome setting' and I think that worked for me during my 8.04.1 experience.12:51
EmryI have a question... Are there any Twitter clients that currently work, and is there a patch in the works for Gwibber? (Since Twitter changed the way they handle logins, Gwibber doesn't like to log in right,12:51
meisbazhang: I have a nice config at the moment, its just the wireless wont work12:51
Emryand I haven't seen any updates to it recently. O.o;;12:51
Dr_Willismeis:  i also have seen some conky-config helper tools in the last few months. some make nice custome ubuntu-themed configs you can tewek12:51
msothat funny its a pretty new graphics card Stale12:52
Dr_Willisconky hacking seems to gotten really popular the last few months.12:52
meisAHh right Dr_Willis, I may look at them if I can't get bahangs link to work12:52
Stalemso: Then I am stumped.12:53
jamiewan_meis: private message?12:53
msodid the updated ati radeon drivers as well linux Stale12:53
Tweakymso: did you install the proprietary ati driver12:54
jb42now it says 1 hour 23 .. remainint time estimation is flakey in update-manager lol12:54
bazhangjb42, no need for the offtopic updates12:54
msono Tweaky the one from ati site12:54
Dr_Willisjb42:  or the kids stoppee watching videos  from Hulu...12:54
Tweakymso: yes thats the propriatary one12:54
Tweakymso: i recently had the exact same issue12:55
Dr_Willisjb42:  its all just estimates based on server download rates. it will never be real accurate12:55
msoand how did u resolve it Tweaky ???12:55
jb42itsnot downloads but install Dr_Willis12:55
majeszkoHi it may be a stupid question, I tried to install windows application (software for sat nav tomtom) on ubuntu 10 4 1, for <majeszko@ubuntu:~/programs$ wine Installer.data> as I've been advised on ubuntu page - answer<wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\home\majeszko\programs\Installer.data> Question is - am I doing something wrong or it just would not work??12:55
Dr_Willisjb42:  if it pops up a dialog.. let it sit and watch the time soar..12:55
bazhangmajeszko, check the appdb and join #winehq12:56
bazhang!appdb | majeszko12:56
ubottumajeszko: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:56
KuehlschrankIs there any way to rename "Windows" to "Ubuntu" in Boot Camp's (MacOsX)  bootloader ?12:56
Staleok, I g2g and see my atheros problem.....12:56
msolater Stale12:56
vinokhey mso, is the problem fix?12:57
msono not yet12:57
Tweakymso: yeah. ok well firstly you will want to boot up into safe gfx mode, go into synaptic, type in ati, re-install your installed packages, and completely remove fglrx. then restart and you should be ok. dont use the ati stuff from them, use the repository drivers12:57
majeszkook thx bazhang12:58
msoTweaky, thansk ill try that12:59
Tweakymso: ok let me know12:59
Kartagisbazhang are you there?13:01
Kartagisdo you know what codec my mp4 file uses?13:06
Kartagisdo you know how what codec I can show my mp4 file uses?13:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:07
Kartagisdo you know how I can show what codec my mp4 file uses? there you go13:07
ljsoftnethow do i see the previous packages i just installed, through Terminal?13:07
NewaKartagis: play it with vlc and then choose tools / codec information13:08
Kartagisljsoftnet cat /var/log/apt.log13:08
ljsoftnetKartagis: it  says no file or directory13:09
Kartagisljsoftnet sudo cat /var/log/apt/term.log13:09
ActionParsnipKartagis: also add the medibuntu ppa and install gnome-mplayer and you will be able to play most things13:09
Dr_WillisKartagis:  ffprobe can also show it.  or right click on file, and select properties.. gnome file manager has some tabs with info13:10
Dr_WillisKartagis:  depending on what sort of info you want and need. :) any of the above can work13:10
ActionParsnipKartagis: weird how users can't read the log file huh :(13:10
KartagisActionParsnip what I'm looking is to encode to mp4 that nokia 5800 can read. handbrake can do what I want (mass convert and mass subtitle embed) but only converts to m2v13:11
ljsoftnetKartagis: i see it thanks13:12
KartagisDr_Willis there are two types of mp4 files13:12
ActionParsnipKartagis: you can use a bash scipt to blast through the files and run mencoder / ffmpeg on them all13:12
ActionParsnipKartagis: something like this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/bash-script-to-convert-all-mp3-files-to-aac-768678/13:13
Dr_WillisKartagis:  theres proberly more then 2 codecs they can use..13:13
KartagisActionParsnip on ubuntu forums I see a one liner but bazhang told me those options were removed because of legal issues13:13
Dr_WillisKartagis:  theres the various tool sin the mediabuntu and other repositories/ppa's that may have whatever features you are needing13:14
Dr_WillisKartagis:  what are yoy trying to do exactly anyway?13:14
ljsoftnetKartagis: thanks man13:14
ActionParsnipKartagis: wow, not heard that before. freaky13:15
fajfhi guys, im having a problem with VMWARE, it wont recognize my network card13:15
Kartagisljsoftnet np13:15
ActionParsnipfajf: i'd ask in #vmware too13:15
Dr_Willisfajf:  vmwarew emulates its own  virtual nic i thought.13:15
fajfi' ve been told on other chat to ask here ;o13:16
Dr_Willisfajf:  it would appear as a networked machine (at least thats how virtualbox works)13:16
KartagisDr_Willis what I'm trying to do is, mass convert and mass subtitle embed to mp4 files that nokia 5800 can read13:16
Dr_Willis!vmware | fajf13:16
ubottufajf: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:16
Dr_WillisKartagis:  thats a phone? or somthing else?13:16
KartagisDr_Willis format factory can do what I what I want with the exception of mass subtitle embedding13:17
KartagisDr_Willis phone13:17
Dr_WillisKartagis:  my phones just do 3gp :(   heh..13:17
Dr_WillisKartagis:  i recall the ffmpeg faq having some info on subtitles. ive never used the feature.13:17
KartagisActionParsnip http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125181 is one-liner I found13:17
Dr_WillisKartagis:  once ya learn how to make ffmpeg do it for one..  - the bulk conversion is easy13:17
KartagisDr_Willis http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125181 is the one-liner I found but bazhang told me some options were removed from ffmpeg because of legal issues and suggested that I use handbrake instead, but that converts to m2v only13:19
Dr_WillisI made a dirty Nautilus Script. so i can convert vbideos to cell phone format with a right click. (for my phone) heres the pastebin of it -->13:19
Dr_Willis pastebinit  Video_To_Cellphone13:19
Dr_WillisKartagis:  you can get ffmpeg from other sources.. or recompile the latest with all features13:19
ActionParsnipKartagis: looks good, use a script with that and you can do whole bunches of files while you sleep13:20
KartagisDr_Willis what source do you recommend?13:21
tracy69how to get motherboard info under ubuntu ??? in bios it doesnt show13:21
Tweakyanyone had success using blackberry with ubuntu? i've read all forums etc but still nothing close to the BDM (blackberry desktop manager) for windows. cant get it to run through wine. anyone had success?13:21
tracy69Tweaky,  i had13:21
Dr_WillisKartagis:  i saw some scripts on various ubuntu news/blog sites that automated the whole 'compile latest ffmpeg'  process.. but medibuntu may have  the allready13:21
tracy69but under windows13:22
Dr_WillisKartagis:  the issue may be the aac audio codec. You may be able to just use mp3  and have it work.13:22
Tweakytracy69: install a program from repository called sysinfo13:22
KartagisDr_Willis it complained about libxvid too13:22
Dr_WillisKartagis:  xvid is video codec. that example command i saw was using the h264  not xvid.13:23
zagabarI think I have done something bad to my server. I tried to update libc6 to version 2.11 by using a deb package but then it started to complain on dependencies and now I get this message when installing stuff: http://pastebin.com/3yn1qDAt  If I try the -f thingy, it tries to remove like 10000 packages, telling me that I should abort it if I really don't know what I am doing. It would free 1.5 GB of space.13:23
jophishHowdy all. A disk in a raid5 array just failed. http://pastebin.com/arDmuPjE I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what to do13:24
Dr_WillisUnknown encoder 'libfaac'13:24
jribzagabar: install the old version of libc...13:24
Dr_Willisseems faac is the problem child. :)13:24
ActionParsnipzagabar: then you need to satisfy the deps13:24
jribzagabar: the one from the repositories13:24
jribjophish: sorry I can't help you, but I love the way you phrased that13:25
jophishjrib: It's exciting13:25
jribjophish: I'm even adding it to my ubuntu_quotes file13:25
kakihi world13:25
jophishhi kaki13:26
Kartagiscan ffmpeg convert from mkv?13:26
rekinvoke-rc.d: initscript dhcp3-server, action "start" failed           why ?13:26
duffydackthe last time I tried ffmpeg from the repo with medibuntu extras it suppoted libfaac.  I use compiled version tho.13:26
max__hi i want to restrict folder access in ubuntu. how i can do that?13:26
Dr_WillisKartagis:  should be able to convert from/to most anything witht he right commands13:26
ActionParsnipmax__: look into chown to change ownership and chmod to restrict access to the groups and the owner to be appropriate for your needs13:27
shauny /server /server irc.crypticlarity.net +669713:27
Tweakyright click on folder, properties, permissions13:27
Dr_Willisyou can spend sevarl days learning about ffmpeg and all the things to watch out for. :)13:28
=== tracy68 is now known as tracy69
Dr_Willis http://rob.opendot.cl/index.php/useful-stuff/ffmpeg-x264-encoding-guide/      has some neat info13:28
kakior sudo chmod 0777 the folder path13:28
tracy69people i tried to run lshw and my screen freeze anyone know why? lshw started scan and i stopped at framebuffer than screen freeze13:29
ActionParsnipkaki: 777 on folders isreally silly13:29
kakiyeah really13:29
KartagisDr_Willis if medibuntu repo and another repo have what I want, how can I make sure that I get it from the right repo?13:29
jribActionParsnip: it's binary permissions, everyone has permissions or no one does, duh13:29
st__linux permissions are useless13:30
ActionParsnipjrib: true, or you can make a group and have those folks have access and the owner too but no other13:30
ActionParsnipst__: how so?13:30
duffydackKartagis, if you can copy paste commands then its as easy as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609513:30
max__i tired using chown -R but i shows lock icon on folder but does not ask for password to access13:31
st__any sudoer can delete/reassign any file on the system13:31
ActionParsnipmax__: then you will need to add sudo to the command as it is not your users13:31
vinokchown  yourusername:yourusergroup13:31
ActionParsnipst__: tru but if you dont have everyone as admin you can have control13:31
rekPrepare your dhcp-server13:32
rekOn what network interfaces should the DHCP server (dhcpd) serve DHCP requests?  i must write my network card  right? wlan0 ?13:32
ActionParsnipst__: same can be said in windows, difference is that all users are admin by default in windows wheras they are users in linux13:32
vinoksudo chown13:32
max__this is what i wrote "sudo chown -R root:blaze ~/Desktop/Practice". Is this command correct13:32
st__no, in windows you can assign privileges to any group and allow the groups filesystem access, like Powerusers13:33
ActionParsnipmax__: looks fine, root will be the outright owner but the users in the blaze group will also have the access granted to the group13:33
ActionParsnipst__: yes, you can do that in linux using chown and chmod, its synonymous13:33
ActionParsnipst__: and any admin can remove any permissions set, just like sudoers can get access to stuff in linux13:34
max__thanks i got what's the problem13:34
st__you have to give users sudo access for working with trivial stuff like /usr/share/fonts and /usr/share/wallpapers13:35
ActionParsnipmax__: you will need to chmod too to give the owners and group members the access you want, you may only want the blaze group to have read access but root to have full access etc13:36
touch-eHi everybody ...13:36
confoociousHello. I'm on a Sony Vaio; My webcam doesn't work (R5U870); I've installed (tried both apt-get as well as compile) the R5U87X driver, but the camera doesn't seem to get detected in gstreamer-properties. Also there is no /dev/video* .. How do i get my cam to work?13:36
touch-ei need to get help about tomcat server, but i cannot join irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntu-server channel.13:36
ActionParsnipst__: not if you give them sufficient access with groups, normal users should have access to those, you should log a bug if your normal users do not and you havent modified your accesses13:36
touch-esomeone can help :s13:37
ActionParsniptouch-e: i believe if you register you will be able to join13:37
touch-ehaaa oky :)13:37
touch-eoky thx for the advice13:38
st__ActionParsnip, everything in /usr is owned by root:root, you tell it's a bug?13:40
tracy69what tool can i use to diagnostic everything thats in my laptop ?13:41
ActionParsnipst__: what access does the world have though, thats only 2 3rds of the access puzzle13:42
vinokguys, is there a way for me to remove the notifications in xChat. its annoying when someone joins and leaves the channel13:43
ActionParsnipst__: you will see the last octet of access, is R-X which means the world and it's dog can READ and EXECUTE the files therin, sufficient access is given13:43
kakihere tracy69 http://linux-diag.sourceforge.net/Sysdiag.html13:43
phaedravinok, right click the channel tab and select to hide the messages13:43
ActionParsnipst__: also means that users do NOT need complete system access to get what they need13:43
phaedravinok, under settings....13:44
wildc4rdstupid question, just upgraded to 10.04, how do I get the window buttons back to the right side of the top bars?13:45
ActionParsnipst__: in reply to your question, no root:root is not a bug and is expected13:45
jrib!controls | wildc4rd13:45
ubottuwildc4rd: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side13:45
ActionParsnip!controls | wildc4rd13:45
Himanshuis there a way i can hide wally from the notification area but still keep it running for wallpaper change. Its notification icon is green and doesn't look good with all the monochrome icons. thanks13:46
l3dxI have some trouble installing the latest nvidia drivers from nvidia.com - does anyone know of a guide, or perhaps a ppa for a newer nvidia-latest?13:46
vinokphaedra, sorry for being a noob where is it exactly, im using xchat 2.8.613:47
phaedravinok, right click on the channel name in either the tree view or tab view.13:48
wildc4rdthanks jrib, sorted13:48
phaedravinok, then go to settings > hide join/part messages13:49
jb42anyone has a wifi card with ralink chipset?13:49
ActionParsnipl3dx: http://www.sucka.net/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-256-35-display-drivers-in-ubuntu-from-a-ppa-repository/13:49
jb42cant get it to work with rt2500pci13:49
l3dxActionParsnip: thanks a lot! :)13:49
ActionParsnip!anyone | jb4213:49
ubottujb42: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:49
jb42how to get ralink card to work?13:50
rekhi,what does this mean? # path of the bootloader file, relative to tftpd's root13:52
hacked_kernelhow to capture ipcamera stream in Ubuntu?13:52
LinuxFetusHey I have an HP tx 1320 us with a fresh 64 bit Ubuntu 10.04 install.  I don't think that Ubuntu is detecting the WiFi hardware.  Can someone help me? Thanks.13:53
st__rek, where the bootloader code is stored on your netboot server13:54
magnetronLinuxFetus: try running the tool called "hardware drivers" and tell us if it lists any inactive drivers13:54
rekst__: that path of pxe.0 ?13:54
magnetronhacked_kernel: depends, what format is the stream in and how is it delivered?13:55
jemarkLinuxFetus, did you try to see the output of lspci?13:55
cba123I'm getting (seemingly) random lockups.  Mainly when doing something with Nautilus.  I've fscked all my drives, so I'm not sure what else to do.  Any ideas?13:55
rekst__: can pxe.0 be anywhere? should i get only that little file? 14kb ?13:55
st__rek, have no idea, never worked with net boot13:55
rekso what does "relative to the tftpd's root mean ?13:55
hacked_kernelmagentar, mpeg4  and i can get it through UDP port13:56
LinuxFetusmagnetron: Yeah, I think it said that Broadcom PTA Wireless Driver was inactivated.13:56
LinuxFetusjemark: I'll try that, too.13:56
magnetronLinuxFetus: try selecting that driver and click "activate"13:56
st__rek https://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-3-Manual/sysadmin-guide/s1-netboot-pxe-config.html ?13:56
LinuxFetusmagnetron: I did, but it tries to download it... which I can't, obviously, because I can't connect to the internet (I'm on this channel via another computer).13:57
rekno no ok at the root i found out13:57
magnetronLinuxFetus: could you connect with a cable for the sake of driver download? it's a restricted driver and ubuntu isn't allowed to dstribute it on the CD13:57
jb42broadcom sux ballz13:58
LinuxFetusmagnetron: Not at the moment.  I do have a USB, so, if it's possible, I can download it and move it over.13:58
LinuxFetusjb42: It's not my computer.13:59
st__restricted as in 'pirated'?13:59
LinuxFetusst__: Restricted probably as proprietary.  Debian doesn't like that.13:59
LinuxFetusst__: Generally speaking.13:59
st__so why it cannot be on CD, if it's legit?13:59
magnetronst__: some software is legit UNLESS you redistribute it on CDs14:00
hacked_kernelhow to capture ipcamera stream in Ubuntu?14:00
magnetronst__: i don̈́'t know the name of the software in question, so i can't provide any further details14:00
LinuxFetusst__: you can't just redistribute anything, even if it's "free" to download.  Linux is free as in freedom to redistribute and modify (keeping the license).14:00
magnetronhacked_kernel: depends, i asked some follow up question earlier. feel free to help me help you14:01
paddy_My old home directory is encrypted with encryptfs, i did it at instalation "require my password to log in and decrypt my home directory". I now need to decrypt it in a different os, I cant find any guides to do this. Can anyone help?14:01
LinuxFetusmagnetron: So is there a way I can download it onto a USB?14:01
jb42hacked_kernel: you tried with mplayer?14:01
magnetronLinuxFetus: i don't know14:01
hacked_kernel mpeg4  and i can get it through UDP port  magentar14:01
jb42mplayer -dumpstream or something14:01
jb42if you can watch it with mplayer, youcan record it14:01
rileypi have no sound in lucid on my asrock ion in flashplayer14:01
wildc4rdok, I have a few issues since upgrading to 10.04 netbook remix. If I change the display configuration all the menus vanish, and I can't watch media anymore, flash based online or anything on my PC, I get the sound but not the image.14:01
hacked_kerneljb42, yes it connects but nothing happening14:01
LinuxFetusmagnetron: Well would would the terminal command be for activating a driver?14:02
Hounddogjust a question... does an usb headset get recognized without issues?14:02
Hounddogjust setting up multiple systems and idling here... so i thought i might ask14:02
rileypI use hsmi for  and it works fine for mythtv and vlc after adjusting settings14:02
suprengrRe wirelessUSB: On each disto since 9..10 I have to add "blacklist rt2800usb" to:  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and add "rt2870sta" to: /etc/modules... any ideas if there is a better way or a driver available somewhere?14:03
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: can you use http://pastie.org to give the output of:  dpkg -l | grep flash;dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf; lsb_release -a    thanks14:03
=== raymond is now known as ipatrol
Hounddogi will check it on a single system first and run a backup if required.14:03
rileypno sound in firefox help....14:03
magnetronLinuxFetus: "jockey-text". it does the exact same thing as the "Hardware Drivers" GUI14:04
lousygaruarileyp in flash?14:04
ActionParsniprileyp: in flash do you mean????14:04
rileypyes thats correct14:04
ActionParsniprileyp: can you use http://pastie.org to give the output of:  dpkg -l | grep flash;dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf; lsb_release -a    thanks14:04
lousygaruarileyp, did you try to restart firefox?14:04
ActionParsniprileyp: flash != firefox14:04
LinuxFetusmagnetron: Well I think I found a solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139097914:04
ActionParsniprileyp: you could be using embedded vdeo (avi etc) and get sound and it is a completely different issue to flash audio14:05
ipatrolThe dark lucid theme was giving me a headache, so I changed back to the human theme and dug through the source archives to get the Karmic wallpaper14:05
jb42update-manager wants to delete 118 "obsolete" packages. is this fine?14:05
st__jb42, no14:05
jb42there's sun-java6-jre int here and other stuff14:05
jb42i keep them then?14:05
wildc4rdactionparsnip, I just post the link back in here?14:06
geirhajb42: Upgrading from karmic to lucid?14:06
rileypActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/113949314:06
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: yep, copy the address bar address and paste here14:06
jb42keep or delete?14:07
geirhajb42: sun-java is no longer in the standard repositories, it's in the partner repository.14:07
geirhajb42: I'd go with delete, then add the partner repository and install sun-java again14:07
rileypI have an asrock ion and use hdmi for audio I use alsa14:07
jb42geirha: what difference does that make?14:07
jb42how to install partner then?14:07
geirhajb42: The partner repository is disabled by default.14:07
jb42it also wants to delete mplayer and wine14:07
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jb42and 188 total14:07
wildlappyactionparsnip, here is the link http://pastie.org/1139492 (the problem is on my netbook)14:07
ActionParsniprileyp: hmm strange, ok lets try reinstalling it: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge autormove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:08
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:08
magnetronLinuxFetus: i suggest you install the package "broadcom-sta-common" from USB14:08
ActionParsnipwildlappy: hmm strange, ok lets try reinstalling it: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge autormove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:08
geirhajb42: Sounds about the same as when I upgraded to lucid. I chose to delete.14:08
jb42i chose delete14:09
JPetersonis there a simple way to restruct a user to his home dir in ssh and sftp now?14:09
jb42okay, hope i did well14:09
magnetronLinuxFetus: try using the CD as installation source if possible14:09
jb42hopefully i'll be in lucid in a few14:09
st__can ubuntu installer migrate Windows' user profiles?14:09
razor950I am trying to setup dual monitor correctly but can't get the primary monitor switched14:10
ActionParsnipst__: in what way? the windows profile stuff holds a lot of stuff that linux doesnt need...14:10
rileypActionParsnip,  Im reinstalling14:10
st__well like documents, desktop etc14:11
jb42see ya in lucid :p14:11
ActionParsnipst__: you can transfer docs etc, desktop icons might not be appropriate as the apps may be different. You could suggest it on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com   it sounds simple in areas to acomplish but others could be hard14:12
magnetronJPeterson: there's a directive called "ChrootDirectory" that can apply to SFTP. i don't think it applies to the SCP protocol14:12
rileypActionParsnip,  done still no auido  I closed firefox whilst installing and then tried after install completed14:12
JPetersonmagnetron: ok, i'll try that14:13
rileypActionParsnip,  do I need to reboot?14:13
ActionParsniprileyp: does this work: http://www.rathergood.com/blode2    do you get sound?14:13
ActionParsniprileyp: no, reboots are for windows (and kernel updates)14:13
ActionParsniprileyp: Just close all browsers and rerun14:14
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rileypActionParsnip,  Idid that the flash animation mworks but still no sound I need to select hdmi as the out put somewher or make it the default audio output somehow this is how Ive fixed in the past but silly me did not document what I did14:15
magnetronJPeterson: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59014:15
paddy_In evolution mail my gmail inbox is in a different folder to my normal inbox how can i fix this?14:15
ipatrolActionParsnip: restarts are also a rough way to complete changes to background processes14:15
ipatrolif the uses doesn't know how to use killall14:16
ActionParsnipipatrol: true14:16
ActionParsniprileyp: i've never played with hdmi, try  using standard speakers to test14:16
ActionParsnipipatrol: i usually advise reboots, much easier14:16
wildlappyactionparsnip, uninstalled and reinstalled flashplayer OK, youtube works, but still nothing on BBC new 24 or any of my media through VLC14:16
rileypIt wil prob work with std speakers but that is of little consecqeuince14:16
ipatrolbut logoff-logon can do that, many updates that claim to need restarts aren't actually nessecary, you just have to start the service14:17
ipatrolon windows14:17
ipatrolon linux we know better14:17
rileypI need to make the alsa /hdmi the default sound output14:18
ActionParsnipipatrol: yeah but for new users I just advise reboots bit messy but it works14:18
rileypDo I need to remove pulse14:18
ipatrolbut most windows users just think of a terminal as some scary thing that will break the computer if they open it14:18
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jribipatrol: it's really just KISS for new linux desktop users14:18
ActionParsnipipatrol: we use powershell here to do lots, its awesome14:18
JPetersonmagnetron: ok i tried the changes to /etc/ssh/sshd_config outlined there, so a stupid question, how do I enable the changes, ie how do I restart openssh?14:19
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:19
ipatrolActionParsnip: also, they are used to reboots after updates, terminal commands, not so much14:19
lestatis it possible to change the mouse scroll speed ?14:19
ipatrollestat: yes14:19
magnetronJPeterson: "sudo service ssh restart14:19
ipatrollestat: system - preferences - mouse14:19
lestatipatrol: i've been there but cannot find anything about scroll speed14:20
rileypwhat document is the default audio output device selected in14:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:20
ipatrollestat: it's called pointer speed14:20
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:21
lestatipatrol: the pointer speed is the speed of the cursor afaik, not the scroll increment14:21
ipatrollestat: yes, but they are by default interconnected. otherwise you need to look at the manual to your mouse14:21
ipatrolunless you want to start hacking around with xorg.conf14:22
jriblestat: if you just want to do it for firefox, you can change it in about:config, don't know about system-wide14:22
JPetersonmagnetron: on a sidenote, it seemes like my system used the old convention sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart, even though I've upgraded to 10.04, because sudo service ssh restart just says "ssh start/running, process 30802", or maybe that means it has restarted?14:22
lestatjrib: i want to change it system wide14:22
jb__no, sun jre isnot in pertner... i can't find it anymore!14:22
lestatdoesn't gnome allowed to change the scroll increment ? o_o14:22
jribjb__: it's "partner", and it is in there14:22
ipatrollestat: hold on one second then14:22
magnetronJPeterson: i don't know14:22
JPetersonmagnetron: ok14:23
PsyNetHow is it possible to allow a certain group the permission to do anything to some files Except delete them?14:23
ruhelestat: afaik, this is not solved yet in gnome14:23
hepatitkimse varmı türk14:23
BlueEagle!fi > hepatit14:23
ubottuhepatit, please see my private message14:23
jribPsyNet: do you care whether the files get deleted or just emptied?14:23
ActionParsnipPsyNet: write access will give write access and delete access unfortunately, not sure there personally14:23
jb__jrib, I added the partner repo as indicated, and it's not listed in synaptics anymore since I did. It was right before I did, but said something about apckage cannot be found even though it is listed14:24
ipatrollestat: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/920014:24
jribjb__: run sudo apt-get update.  Use a terminal to attempt install the package and show me the output on a pastebin (including your commands)14:24
PsyNetjrib I don't want to files to be either14:24
BlueEaglePsyNet: You can not prevent delition if you want to enable write access. The file system in itself does not support an "append" right afaik.14:24
jribPsyNet: how about if they just replace the contents with the letter 'a', is that okay?  What exactly do you want them to be able to do?14:25
kelle_pI want to record the sound from my applications not from my microphone. But first i had to set my settings from sound preferences. Can someone help me please ?14:26
ipatrollestat: as far as I can see the feature does not exits because of the way scrolling is handled, you need to find a solution with your mouse or drivers14:26
lestatipatrol: i guess i will change for a less retarded desktop manager ^^14:27
ipatrollestat: no, the problem is X, and that is not something that you could probably change14:28
ipatrolI really don't even know of a free window manager other than X14:28
jb__how come apt-get ofund sun-java6-jre but synaptic didn't? is something broken?14:28
lestatipatrol: how kde is handling it then ?14:28
ipatrollestat: modifications to the X server's source code?14:29
lestatipatrol: really ?14:29
ipatrollestat: comb the source trees and see14:29
lestatipatrol: i don't understand what the problem is, when i scroll in xev, either it's button 4 or 5 wethere i scroll up or down14:31
dmexlestat try #kubuntu, ask them about scroll increment settings.14:31
ipatrollestat: also, try asking in #kde or #kde-dev14:31
lestatipatrol: i trust you, just trying to understand the problem si i can accept it ^^14:32
snarksterits useless to ask anything in #kde14:32
ipatrollestat: yeah, that's how X handles scroll events14:32
ipatrolsnarkster: why?14:32
kelle_pI want to record the sound from my applications not from my microphone. But first i had to set my settings from sound preferences. Can someone help me please ?14:32
snarksterive asked several hundred question they never answer, i come in here and get an answer almost immediately14:32
jamescarrhey, my ubuntu 10.10 is stuck waiting in the bootup screen on my laptop, normally it completes in 5 seconds... is it perhaps doing a fs scan that isn't displayed?14:32
jamescarris there someway to see the progress of the fs scan?14:33
afeijo_brI'm trying to enable the rewrite module to my new ubuntu note, I changed the AllowOverride to All but its not working14:33
rek# this is the unused IP address we will assign temporarily to the PXE client14:33
rek  fixed-address;14:33
rek         is this necessary?14:33
lestatipatrol: is it possible to handle the scroll config with something else than xorg.cong, like udev etc ?14:33
ipatrollestat: if all else fails, you can file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome14:33
afeijo_brwhat am I missing?14:34
ipatrollestat: only with a kernel extension14:34
snarksterive been an avid KDE fan since version 1, gave up and went to gnome..14:34
lestatipatrol: i don't mind having to install a lkm14:34
dmexrek, for PXE yes, otherwise your client will not connect.14:34
jamescarris there someway to see the progress of the fs scan during bootup?14:35
snarksteranyone know away to have a kde plasmoid on a gnome desktop?14:35
jamescarrcurrently it just displays the purple bootup screen14:35
rekdmex are you an expert?14:35
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:35
ipatrolsnarkster: try #kubuntu14:35
rekmy laptop doesn't receive any pxe image14:35
wildlappyany further thoughts on why I might get sound from media playing in VLC but not the image?14:36
snarksterwrong video codec?14:36
paddy_how do i decrypt and encryped folder, encrypded with encryptfs14:36
magnetronwildlappy: check in the notification area, is there a VLC icon there?14:36
ipatrolwildlappy: what type is it?14:36
wildlappynothing plays correctly, .mpg .avi .mkv etc14:37
snarksterhave you tried mplayer?14:37
wildlappyno, I get fed up of it asking for codecs14:38
snarksterWHAT ABOUT TOTEM?14:38
dmex!codecs | wildlappy14:38
ubottuwildlappy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:38
wildlappywhats wrong with VLC? its been fine for the last 5 years14:38
snarksterhmm true maybe you need ubuntu-restricted?14:39
paddy_what channel should i be on for encryptfs?14:39
jamescarrcurrently it just displays the purple bootup screen14:39
kelle_pI want to record the sound from my applications not from my microphone. But first i had to set my settings from sound preferences. Can someone help me please ?14:39
snarksterkelle_p:  try jack14:40
ipatrolwildlappy: in recent times there has been a movement to strip ubuntu of nonfree packages, including certain codecs14:40
kelle_psnarkster:  jack ?14:40
kelle_psnarkster: is a software ?14:40
snarksterkelle_p: jack audio14:40
krautis it possible to use a notebook-keyboard as a bluetooth keyboard for another device?14:40
paddy_kelle_p gtkrecordmydesktop will do it (it is possibal only to record sound) it is in the repoes14:40
snarksterkelle_p: yes14:40
snarksterkraut: no but neat idea14:40
wildlappyipatrol, it was fine on Karmic, codecs removed since then?14:41
krautsnarkster: damn14:41
snarksterkraut: make it so14:41
krautdon't want to pay for a bluetooth keyboard for my ps314:41
ipatrolwildlappy: wouldn't suprise me14:41
snarksterkraut: I just use a cabled one14:41
krauti dislike cables ;)14:41
snarksterkraut: then quit being cheap and go get a BT keyboard, while your at it get me one to14:42
paddy_snarkster kraut what would be great if you could do that with ipod/ipad14:42
kelle_psnarkster: paddy_: i dont need any new program. this is something about "sound preferences". if i will set the true options it will do it. it is not possible to say that. it must record my applications... :(14:42
jamescarris there any way whatsoever to see the progress of the FS scan that gets triggered during bootup!?!?!?!?!14:42
snarksterpaddy_: yup agreed14:42
ActionParsnipkraut: use vnc maybe14:42
jamescarrFOR THE LOVE OF GOD!14:42
FloodBot1jamescarr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
jamescarrI just ewanted to boot into my laptop and do a 5 minute task14:42
krautActionParsnip: vnc on a ps3?! #wtf14:42
paddy_snarkster kraut i think i am going to get a apple dev account :-)14:43
jamescarrit's been sitting in bootup for an hour now14:43
snarksteris there a vnc server for ps3?14:43
krautand gtfo with apple crap14:43
ActionParsnipkraut: if its running ubuntu, sure why not, sure the specs are low for a pc but it'll run14:43
paddy_snarkster if you run linux on a partition14:43
ActionParsnipsnarkster: if the ps3 runs unbuntu, yes14:43
snarksterjamescarr: try rebooting into recovery mode.14:43
krautActionParsnip: it's a slim, doesn't support otheros14:43
krautand ubuntu on a ps3 makes no sense14:43
ActionParsnipkraut: i see14:43
krautmaybe with psgroove, but not actually14:43
snarkstersadly my ps3 has been upgraded and can not longer run other operating systems14:44
razor950it does make ssense with a psgroove14:44
paddy_snarkster otherwise no and a recent softwere update removed the functinality to do that14:44
ProfessorBaconkraut: actually the exploit code for ps3 was leaked.  supplemental hardware is required to pull off various different overflows in a certain order, however.14:44
krautrazor950: yep, in the future indeed14:44
krautProfessorBacon: google -> psgroove14:44
razor950well, its been said a linux kernel can run via the exploit easily14:44
krauti know14:44
jamescarrsnarkster, is it safe to reboot while it is stuck int the boot screen14:44
razor950so this means rsx in linux now :D14:44
ProfessorBaconah sorry14:44
krautrazor950: and xbmc! =)14:45
snarksterjamescarr: cant hurt it anymore than it already is14:45
jamescarrand the second thing, anyway to disable the forced fs scan on laptops? they get rebooted often and ubuntu thinks it needs to scan after so many reboots14:45
snarksterjust press esacpe to end that14:45
jamescarrsnarkster, in my experience, the fs is never broken when it does this shit to me, it just forces it on me14:45
paddy_anyone know how to manualy decrypt an encryped home folder?14:46
snarksterjamescarr: i know your frustrated, but take a deep breath, say to yourself that your not going to let a box of sand and copper get the better of you14:46
paddy_snarkster lol14:46
snarkstertrue aint it?14:47
matrixbluejamescarr: I would reboot14:48
snarksterany of yous guys tried PMS?? the playstation 3 Media Server?14:48
kelle_pI want to record the sound from my applications not from my microphone. But first i had to set my settings from sound preferences. Can someone help me please ?14:48
jamescarri did14:48
jamescarrthis is BS14:48
snarksterkelle_p: what exactly are you doing?14:49
snarksterjamescarr: its your computer.14:49
jamescarrmountall: fsck / [422] terminated with status 414:49
ActionParsnipjamescarr: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1066069.html  read the post by jerome123214:49
jamescarrsnarkster, no its not14:49
jamescarrsnarkster, it always does this too me after awhile14:49
jamescarron ubuntu 8 and ubuntu 914:49
jamescarrwhen I have something important and I've rebooted so many times, it fucks me over14:49
snarksterboot the live cd, and work around the problem14:49
jamescarrand I have to reinstall14:49
Pici!language | jamescarr14:50
ubottujamescarr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:50
kelle_psnarkster: to record sound from vlc or firefox with ubuntu's default sound recorder.14:50
snarksterkelle_p: why would you want to reduce quality that way.14:50
kelle_p snarkster: i dont want anythink. i just will record the sound.14:51
snarksterand thats time guys, ill be back later. gotta take the kid to school14:51
kelle_p snarkster: thi is possible ofcorse someone is doing it but with the sam eoption is did not worked for me.. :(14:51
jamescarranyway to ignore the inconsistency14:51
Dr_Willisjamescarr:  if you are getting hard drive file system curruption. You mayt want to fsck MORE not less.14:51
_Dave123_is truecrypt pre installed on ubuntu?14:51
rautamiekka_Dave123_: Never.14:51
Dr_Willisjamescarr:  you can set it to never fsck - or fsak after every 100 mounts or any other #. but then you may loose more data14:52
kelle_p snarkster: it need a change from harware tab of the sound preferences.14:52
_Dave123_Is it possible to mount a full disk encrypted partition with truecrypt through ubuntu live cd ?14:52
Dr_Willisjamescarr:  see the tune2fs command.14:52
jamescarrsometimes I think fsck is unneedlessy alarming14:52
jamescarrfinally got in manually, ran it, and an swered y to 3 questions14:53
Dr_Willisit does it every 30 or so reboots here.. i rarely notice it.14:53
jamescarrtheres no reason it cant just do that itself14:53
JPetersonmagnetron: i applied these settings http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/590 to ssh, but now the user has no write right?14:53
Dr_Willisjamescarr:  theres a risk of data loss.. so you dont want it doing it by its self. thats the reason why.14:53
JPeterson7: Make directory /dfgf14:53
JPeterson7: Permission denied14:53
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:54
ActionParsnipJPeterson: users dont have write access to / so your command will need sudo to make the directory14:55
_Dave123_I just booted ubuntu, but it does not start in a graphical env but in a shell, called "initramfs"14:55
_Dave123_how can I get into the graphical version?14:55
ipatrollestat: after poking around, I have a few answers to your scroll question14:55
JPetersonActionParsnip: but the / is from usermod -d / user14:56
JPetersonfrom http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59014:56
rautamiekka_Dave123_: Auto-booting into initRAMfs means your installation, or an important part of it, is corrupted or otherwise screwed up.14:56
JPetersonthe user is supposed to have write right to its dir14:56
lestatipatrol: :D14:56
=== lap_dragon is now known as AnnoyingOrange
ipatrollestat: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kcontrol/input/mouse.cpp?revision=1008907&view=markup at line 28014:57
blue_annahow do I get awk to remove the line endings?14:57
blue_annagit diff | grep "diff --cc" | awk '{print $3}' | awk '{/\n|\r//}' | xargs -rt0 git add14:57
blue_annathis fails because the line endings get passed through14:58
blue_annaumm, ignore that second awk -- that was just me fooling around14:58
blue_annagit diff | grep "diff --cc" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -rt0 git add14:58
ActionParsnipJPeterson: not done any of that stuff, sorry. I'd stick to sudo stuffs14:58
JPetersonActionParsnip: ok14:58
Dr_Willisyou could use tr to convert  a line ending to a space or otehr character or delete it..14:58
JPetersonmagnetron: are you still there? do you know if the ChrootDirectory option can allow write access too?14:59
blue_annaDr_Willis, eeh, once I'm already in awk I shouldnt need to re-massage the data ..14:59
JPetersonI understand that you need chown root.root /home/user, but does that preclude the possibility for write access?14:59
kelle_pI want to record the sound from my applications not from my microphone. But first i had to set my settings from sound preferences. Can someone help me please ?14:59
Dr_Willisblue_anna:  read up on awk more i guess.. i just offerd a quick suggestion15:00
vlade4ek1кто может дать ссылку на то, как сделать терминал в убунте как в линукс минт15:00
timewriterwhat blia15:00
wildc4rdinteresting, all the media problems go away when I remove the second monitor from the netbook, media plays fine again, any thoughts?15:01
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:02
enzotibblue_anna, printf("%s", $3)15:02
blue_annaenzotib, thank you .. that command is much uglier in ruby15:03
skkeeperhey guys, anyone got globalmenu working on Ubuntu 10.10?15:04
Dr_Willisskkeeper:  not tried it on 10.10. had it on 10.04 - its nice.. and its annoying. :) heh15:04
ipatrollestat: it appears to be a special KDE xorg.conf setting and I was told that it only applies to apps that use the KDE library15:04
st__is there a way to make 'configure' script to ignore all missing dependencies?15:04
skkeeperi use it for ages and i love it, im running beta one and I miss it :(15:04
ipatrolso GNOME would have to change GTK for that15:05
skkeepertried the ppa for lucid, doesnt work, tried compile it, doesnt work15:05
skkeeperim guessing something major changed15:05
Dr_Willisst__:  if they are written properly they would disable the feature for the dependencies not installed.. but some programs require some dependencuies to function.. so proberly not.15:05
toal193is there any way for installing ubuntu without burning the iso image into a CD?15:06
Dr_Willistoal193:  several ways15:06
Dr_Willis!install | toal19315:06
ubottutoal193: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:06
Dr_Willistoal193:  i make bootable usb flash drives normally15:06
st__so I have to install a ton of *-dev crap just to get 'configure' to create makefiles?? it sucks15:06
Dr_Willisst__:  use the build-deps feature of apt.. and it  can normally grab them all. if the progam is allready in the repos15:07
Dr_Willisst__:  now you know why  the package manager binaries is perffered over 'source'15:07
n00bycan anyone explain me wat GCC is?15:08
rautamiekkan00by: I think it means GNU C Compiler.15:08
Dr_Willis!info gcc | n00by15:08
ubottun00by: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu1)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB15:08
dpacn00by, Its GNU C Compiler15:08
n00bygnu compiler collectio15:08
n00byThe GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj,...).15:08
n00byfrontends ?15:08
paddy_nooby it is gnu c compiler it takes source code and turns it into a file/s readable by a microprocessor15:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:09
rautamiekkarosa, how does that relate into anything ?15:09
n00bywat does frontends means in tht sentence ?15:09
=== AnnoyingOrange is now known as lap_dragon
rautamiekkan00by, from Wikipedia: Front end and back end are generalized terms that refer to  the initial and the end stages of a process. The front end is  responsible for collecting input in various forms from the user and  processing it to conform to a specification the back end can use. The  front end is an interface between the user and the back end.15:10
=== [keanu] is now known as keanu
n00byrautamiekka: that means editors for c, c++ ? or the application interface ?15:11
Dr_Willisn00by:  gcc is a front end.. editors can be a front end to gcc :)15:11
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator15:11
n00byyes, i knw abt IDE's, still gcc is getting a bit confusing15:12
Dr_Willisn00by:  in geany you write the kode . hit a key. it does the stuff to call gcc and compile the stuff. *or other things* depending on the languge you are coding in15:12
Dr_Willisn00by:  gcc compiles the code.. whats confuseing about that15:12
rautamiekkaDr_Willis: I think it didn't sound like that to him.15:13
SmileDayquestion. How to 'Ubuntu -> SAMBA -> VirtualBox -> Printer' printing?15:13
n00bygotcha :)15:13
wildc4rdhow do I convert from netbook remix to full ubuntu again?15:13
Dr_WillisSmileDay:  you have a printer you want vbirtualbox to 'controll' ? or vbox accessing a printer on the host OS ?15:13
ActionParsnipSmileDay: if you make the virtualbox adapter bridged then it will just appear as another PC on your LAN15:13
stanmanhi, how do i find pictures based on date? ie all pictures between juli 2009 untill juli 2010?15:13
Dr_Williswildc4rd:  install ubuntu-desktop and select gnome at the GDM screen15:14
new_to_irssiirssi is confusin at first15:14
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: you could just install LXDE if you want so that you pull in less stuff15:14
Dr_Willisnew_to_irssi:  i perfer weechat to irssi these4 days15:14
ActionParsnipnew_to_irssi: pidgin all the way here :)15:15
_Dave123_Any users of truecrypt around? need some urgent help.. To mount a full disk encrypted windows partition from another partition15:15
new_to_irssiDr_Willis: i was looking for deeemonn, well i like xchat15:15
BluElecTricStahow to install vmware inside of bt4 rc?15:15
wildc4rdactionparsnip, hoping this will cure the media issues, it works fine with just one monitor, but as soon as I use the second media stops displaying15:16
ActionParsnipBluElecTricSta: backtrack isnt suported here15:16
wildc4rdmost odd15:16
BluElecTricStasorry lol wrong chat lmao15:16
_Dave123_ok i am using Ubuntu live cd now, is it possible to use truecrypt from here to mount a disk?15:17
rylordhey does anyone know how to disable the critical cpu temp check when booting for some reason it keeps wanting to shut my system down and the temp is fine on it15:18
lestatipatrol: i'm just surprise it hasn't been done (bug has been reported in 2002)15:18
rekhi my client is not receiving any pxe file to boot, why?cana you help me15:18
toal193can I use GRUB's loop devices support to boot from an ISO of a bootable CD with isolinux?15:18
ActionParsniprylord: this is EXACTLY why I dont bother with or advise encrypted file systems15:19
Dr_Willistoal193:  yes. if the cd/iso is properly setup15:19
ActionParsniprylord: may help: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/15:19
Dr_Willistoal193:  i use grub2 to boot iso files all the time15:19
duffydacktoal193, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860415:19
rylordthank you15:20
th0r_Dave123_: you should be able to install truecrypt in portable mode to a usb drive and access that from the livecd15:20
n00bythx Dr_Willis15:20
toal193thanx again15:20
n00byr u some contributor to ubuntu ?15:20
krabadori need an expert of testdisk software15:21
JPetersoncan someone explain this http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openssh/dev/44657?15:21
esmirlinhello does anyone having the same problem as me? i'm having my internal microphone not working... i on an asus eee 1005PE...15:21
JPetersonwhere is the passwd file he's talking about?15:21
JPetersonwhere I'm supposed to enter "djm:*:1000:1000:Damien Miller:/home/djm:/bin/ksh "15:22
st__JPeterson, /etc15:22
Dr_WillisJPeterson:  backup your original first...15:23
Dr_WillisJPeterson:  dare we ask why you are editing that file?15:24
krabadori need an expert of testdisk software15:24
JPetersonDr_Willis: see the link http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openssh/dev/44657, I want to enable write access with ChrootDirectory15:24
ramrebolhi, how can I turn on my wireless??   I can't click in "Enable Wireless"15:24
zzzed_!ask | krabador15:24
ubottukrabador: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:25
JPetersonhe also says "Create a home directory "/chroot/djm/home/djm""15:25
JPetersonbut I have no /chroot to begin with15:25
Dr_WillisJPeterson:  so.. make it..15:25
JPetersonit seems like I'm missing a step15:25
rylorddoes anyone know how to disable the cpu temp option when booting it is saying my cpu is 95C and it shuts down when booting15:25
Dr_WillisJPeterson:  its sort of scary you are wanting to do this stuff when you dont seem to know the basics.. be very carefull.15:25
JPetersonDr_Willis: are you sure I'm not missing a step then?15:25
Dr_WillisJPeterson:  if you want that directory.. make the directory. theres no /chroot/ by default on ubuntu15:26
Dr_Willis "Create a home directory "/chroot/djm/home/djm""     seems rather clear to me...  mkdir -p /chroot/djm/home/djm15:26
wildc4rdso LXDE just overrides the remix part yes? I'll just have normal ubuntu15:27
ramrebolI can't click on "Enable Wireless", somebody can help me?15:27
* Dr_Willis has no idea why JPeterson is doing this chrooting stuff. :) but have fun15:27
Dr_Williswildc4rd:  lxde is a differnt desktop enviroment.. it dosent  Overwrite  the netbook adn its NOT normal ubuntu-gnome's desktop15:27
JPetersonDr_Willis: ok, thanks, i think i might be missing a step then15:27
JPetersonanyone familiar with chrootdirectory and write access on at least one dir?15:28
Dr_Williswildc4rd:  its the LXDE  'desktop'  you can have sevral desktopp/window ,managers installed at the same time15:28
rekshould i open some ports on my router to do a net install ?15:28
wildc4rdI might just reinstall 10.04, lol15:28
cannonfodderhey is there a command to dump file contents to the terminal?  basically i wanna view contents without having to open it with gedit15:28
craigbass1976cannonfodder, cat filename15:29
ramrebolI can't click on "Enable Wireless", somebody can help me?  How can I select wireless internet?15:29
craigbass1976cannonfodder, but shut your speakers off in case you accidentally cat a binary file...15:29
JPetersonok, for a dir inside /home/user, for example /home/user/upload it wasn't a problem to add write access15:29
sanoophow to create multiple desktop? i has only 215:29
JPetersonit's just that chrootdirectory requires /home/user to have to write access to anyone besides root15:30
oukourjhi at all15:30
sanoophow to create multiple desktop? i has only 2 can anyone help15:30
oukourjI'm having trouble setting up a bridge with that HOWTO : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge15:30
ramrebolsanoop: click on desktop icon15:30
hiexposanoop, are you talking about ccsm15:30
oukourjcan someone help ?15:31
ActionParsnipsanoop: if you are using compiz its in ccsm under the general button#15:31
sanoopya i can see but how to set 415:31
sanoopits disabled15:31
sanoopam usin compiz15:32
hiexpoopen simple ccsm15:32
jimmy_alpIs there any problem if i will install chromium and chrome browser to my Ubuntu 10.04 ?15:32
_Dave123_I have mounted an ntfs filesystem from ubuntu, and I need to copy an .exe file to C:\Windows\System32.. is this possible?15:32
Dr_Willis_Dave123_:  yes it is possible.15:32
Dr_Willis_Dave123_:  mount the windows drive also. copy it over same as you would any other file.15:33
ActionParsnipjimmy_alp: none at all, go for it dude. I personally advise it WAAAY above firefox15:33
sanoophey i got it but the number of desktop is still one15:33
Dr_Willis_Dave123_:  you might need root access.. dependin on how the system is set up15:33
jimmy_alp ActionParsnip: is chromium browser use the same directory for temp files on my /home directory ?15:33
jimmy_alp ActionParsnip: anyway thank you!15:34
sanoopactionParsnip:the number of desktop is still one15:34
ActionParsnipjimmy_alp: it will use ~/.config/chromium15:34
ActionParsnipsanoop: if you enable the cube desktop do you have a cube if you hold CTRL+ALT and drag the desktop with mouse?15:35
oukourjI have just setup a simple bridge with brctl, (ifconfig --> eth1+eth0 0,0,0,0, brctl --> addbr, addif eth0+eth1, ifconfig mybridge up)15:35
oukourjinternet works but my second pc cant ping my bridge15:36
n00bywhere do i find configure and autogen.sh files ?15:38
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Dr_Willisn00by:  what are you trying to do exactly?15:39
Brutusdoes anoyone know how to get a soundgraph imon pad VFD/LCD to work? all i reached so far is garbage on te screen15:39
gaboxhi, i have this little problem with the 2.6.32-24 kernel. When i boot i get the following message: "/dev/disk/by-uuid/4a4... does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" That uuid refers to the ubuntu partition. The thing is that ubuntu boots without problems with kernel 2.6.32-23. Any ideas? thanks15:39
=== ossi_ is now known as Guest4864
n00byDr_Willis: i am new to ubuntu, reading this -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware and trying to understand ech and everything :)15:39
n00bylinux is lovely, and grep is super lovely :P15:40
n00bygrep and wget ;)15:40
Dr_Willisn00by:  go read a book on grep and regular expressions.. :)15:40
Dr_Willisn00by:  you will blow up when you learn Regular Expressions15:40
n00byyeah, i am using grep15:40
Brutusare there books about regular expressions for real life? :S need one o fthose15:40
n00byi knw regexps :)15:40
Dr_WillisBrutus:  several of them15:40
Brutusoh and one on sarcasm and irony and stuff like that15:40
n00byi just wanna learn how to compile applications now, instead of doing sudo apt-get install or the deb file :P15:41
Dr_Williseat lots of fiber or you get Iregular Expressions15:41
n00byso Dr_Willis, where is configure and autogen.sh files and wat do they do/used for ?15:41
Brutusthat should turn poo hard right?15:41
wildc4rdok, getting fed up with this now, is there any reason that media stops working correctly when I have the second monitor plugged in, running 10.04 in standard gnome desktop15:41
n00bypoo ?15:41
Brutusshit, crap etc15:41
Brutusdunno the correct terminology for that15:42
Dr_Willisn00by:  in the 13+ years of me compiling tuff and using linux. ive never needed to mess with them15:42
igor_witam wszystkich :)15:42
jrib!pl | igor_15:42
ubottuigor_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:42
Dr_Willisn00by:  go learn how to program and C and i imagine it will get covered.15:42
jribwildc4rd: "stops playing correctly" i sa bit vague15:42
Brutusanyway, anyone know how to get my antec fusion VFD (imon) to work?15:42
Brutusall i get is gibberish15:42
VCoolion00by: it's inside a source directory; raw source has autogen.sh to create configure and make file; precompiled only needs configure script executed; read up on checkinstall too, creates a .deb so your package manager knows about it15:42
Brutusor garbage, crap, poop, dunno the termss15:42
oukourjI have just setup a simple bridge with brctl, (ifconfig --> eth1+eth0 0,0,0,0, brctl --> addbr, addif eth0+eth1, ifconfig mybridge up)15:42
oukourjinternet works but my second pc cant ping my bridge15:42
oukourjgot an idea ?15:43
* Brutus has an idea: don't ping it. 15:43
Brutusbut seriousley, no idea15:43
oukourjdoh :/15:43
wildc4rdjrib, sorry, the media file plays, I can hear it, but get no picture. with just the laptop screen working its fine15:43
oxiI'm stuck - can anyone please have a look at a box of mine, why I can't do name resolving?15:44
oukourjpersonally I dont understand how I could ping it as I started setting my ethX to
gaboxno idea about "/dev/disk/byuuid does not exist" issue at boot??15:44
jribwildc4rd: do you do anything other than plug in the monitor?  Does it happen with mplayer? vlc?15:44
oukourjaccording to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge15:44
jribgabox: it should be "by-uuid" but I'm guessing you aren't telling us the whole error15:45
wildc4rdjrib, just the monitor, seems to affect vlc, mplayer and the likes of the BBCiPlayer on line15:45
jribwildc4rd: have you tried videos using different codecs (no idea why that would matter, but hey why not)?  Does mplayer with verbosity turned up display anything different than without the monitor plugged in?15:46
jribwildc4rd: and is the screen just black where the picture normally is?  What driver are you using?15:47
gaboxjrib, the whole error is the following: i get that message when i boot with 2.6.32-24 kernel. Everything works fine with the 2.6.32-23 kernel.15:48
wildc4rdjrib, tried different media types, all the same, just get black screen in the playback with working sound15:48
shiftingcontrolis der any open source package to protect editing pdf files ?15:51
wildc4rdjrib, and as soon as I unplug the second monitor (just tried it again) it works perfectly15:51
jribwildc4rd: I realize I threw out a lot of questions at you, how about the driver?  And anything different with mplayer output?  (i've never seen this before)15:52
olskolircyou should be able to lock up your pdf files with acroread or adobepdf15:52
jribwildc4rd: without even having to replay the video?15:52
=== zabata is now known as Enissay
shiftingcontrololskolirc:i want open source .i don't think so those adobe products don't run in linux. .15:53
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: maybe this : http://lgjsheron.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/convert-copy-protected-pdfs-to-unprotected-using-two-simple-commands-in-ubuntu/15:53
psionhow can I modify the places menu on the top bar? when I go to edit, it only allows editing system & applications15:54
wildc4rdjrib, pass on the driver, not sure how to check it, just plugged in monitor with a file playing in vlc, as soon as I clicked on monitor preferences to enable it the video went, still got sound15:54
jribwildc4rd: what video card?15:54
ActionParsnippsion: if you drag things to nautilus' left panel, they will appear in the places menu15:54
aeon-ltdBluesKaj: sup15:55
wildc4rdjrib, its a netbook, something intel flavour onboard I expect15:55
jribwildc4rd: and the mplayer question?15:55
BluesKajaeon-ltd, trying to figure out why k3b won't load cddb or kcddb15:56
shiftingcontrolActionParsnip:thank yu,hw to protect pdf files with password in linux ?15:56
ngirardHi all. How can I get the dependancy list of a package on the command line ?15:56
EnissayHi all, i need help please with my UNCLAIMED wifi device since i installed 10.04... thanks15:57
wildc4rdjrib, mplayer is the same, the moment the second monitor is enabled I lose video content15:57
jribngirard: apt-cache depends   or apt-cache show15:57
jribwildc4rd: right, I'm asking if you enable verbose output, is there any difference in the output when you start it in the two different scenarios15:57
ngirardjrib: perfect, thanks15:57
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: not finding much but you could put it in a password protected archive15:59
n00bywat does ./autogen.sh do guys ?15:59
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24215/15:59
ServerTechProHow do i create a new directory with commands?16:00
ActionParsnipServerTechPro: mkdir foldername16:00
ActionParsnipServerTechPro: obv you will need sudo if you dont have write access16:01
ServerTechProWhat is "mkdir -p" used for?16:01
ActionParsnipServerTechPro: it means that if you specify a folder in some subfolders that dont exists, then the other folders will be created too, rather than give an error16:01
ServerTechProThank You :)16:02
wildc4rdjrib, can you clarify 'enable verbose output' please16:02
karmelI've got a problem with pulseaudio (I think). I want to get software sound mixing on my Lenovo y530. Is it possible?16:02
Mba7ethguys can i split an iso DVD  into multiple CD ?16:02
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:05
Mba7ethguys can i split an iso DVD  into multiple CD ?16:05
peter__I would like to output what comes from Line-In. Can anybody tell me, how to do that?16:05
gaboxjrib, about my kernel issue. I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1565714 it seems they solved it.16:06
jribgabox: cool16:06
=== diego is now known as Guest93741
dpacMba7eth, you can use 'split' to split files into multiple parts and use 'cat' to join them back.16:06
gryllidahow do I change user's password in cli?16:07
jribwildc4rd: just check mplayer's options so that it gives verbose output16:07
jribgryllida: passwd16:07
ActionParsnipgryllida: if you want to change another users password (not your own) run: sudo passwd foo    replace foo with the username16:07
asdjk132NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! asdjk132 pie_time gryllida peter__ coz_ puwei carandraug ede_ flupke_ marioluk jrolland-kubuntu seele0x Mba7eth mathmoi__ Slix` Benwa ubudekstop tieinv Profion karmel glaucous metoikos ngirard Ginbuntu Iksf k1b3r_4r7 llua BluesKaj undifined artistxe I-are- psion Vanadis riddlebox dotblank Enissay shiftingcontrol huff3r Enissay__ Frozenball ruhe pshr bootstrap demigod mgraf w16:08
mgolischpeter__: try loading the loopback-module in pulseaudio16:08
pie_timeI'm getting the following output, could anyone tell me what it means?16:10
pie_timeubuntu@ubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/polipo start16:10
pie_timeStarting polipo: start-stop-daemon: Unable to set gid to 13 (Operation not permitted)16:10
mgolischpie_time: that it has to be started as root?16:11
pie_timeok thanks16:11
oukourjhi again... I'm being disconnected from my wifi network cause I'm trying to make a bridge up16:11
frankyweiany body here?16:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:11
focusoneGood Morning... I need some help installing my mic... Thanks..16:14
oukourjI have a bridge done with brctl on an ubuntu machine with eth0 = RJ45 and eth1  = Wifi (this interface connects to my ADSL router); after making `dhclient mybridge` i get an IP and am able to access the internet but my WinXP machine (connected with RJ45) cant, though it can ping the IP of `mybridge`... any idea ?16:14
peter__mgolisch, thank you very much. Do i have to load it every time i want to have this?16:15
Brutusi need a ftp server on my box, what is the easiest one that works with CLI?16:15
Brutusno GUI available16:15
focusoneBrutus: get a ssh server...16:15
focusoneftp is very secure...16:15
focusoneUN!... lol16:15
mgolischpeter__: probably or change the config file to have it loaded automaticaly16:16
Brutusit's for internal network16:16
Brutusso it doesn't matter16:16
peter__mgolisch, okay. :-) Thx again16:16
Brutusftp is way faster16:16
focusonessh and use winscp to connect to it..16:16
=== james is now known as Guest56428
Brutusi don't wan't to use ssh since it's to slow for sending hundreds of gigabytes of data. what is an easy to configure ftp server?16:16
focusoneCan someone help me with trouble shooting my MIC issue...   Thanks..16:17
=== oxi__ is now known as oxi
Brutusok i will check that out16:17
bitreaderHi, I just installed ubuntu, and would like to watch some youtube videos but flash's not installed yet. When firefox's plugin manager prompts for the assistance to install flash, and I agree, the installation fails, well it doesn't even start. What should I do?16:17
focusoneBrutus: are you using Linux?16:17
focusoneOk... then use SSH... lol.. or Proftd16:18
BrutusSSH limits me to about 5MB/s16:18
=== LJL is now known as LjL
Brutusit's too slow16:18
BluesKajbitreader, install flashplugin-installer16:18
focusonebitreader: are you root?16:18
Brutusi can download faster...16:18
seymourbuttzNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! seymourbuttz ShapeShifter499 Alazinou macode_ puwei LjL krzysz00 D34THS4PPR3NT1CE oxi tul jrolland-kubuntu matt__ Austin|Xchat ^Cheeky bitreader kinks oxi_ focusone oukourj lord_mezry gryllida peter__ coz_ carandraug ede_ flupke_ marioluk seele0x Mba7eth mathmoi__ Slix` Benwa ubudekstop tieinv Profion glaucous metoikos ngirard Ginbuntu Iksf k1b3r_4r7 llua BluesKaj undifined art16:18
seymourbuttzNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! huff3r Enissay__ Frozenball ruhe pshr bootstrap demigod mgraf winterweaver aetaric antidoto Milos_SD jefinc S0|ar|s ehc bruenig Brutus noobuntu magical raven seisetepc colde89 dpac jrib shmock Sky[x] creepy_ballerina Simath e01 Kurogane Italian_Plumber ^Sarah cpf_ PEBMAC kavurt Oli```` jemark duffydack denny Finnish pdk voob_of_doom geoffmcc akssps011 AntonioBlob SimonP86 lyxx 16:18
seymourbuttzNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! _Dave123_ SirDidi janek diconico07 rek fantasticulous wisey spreda VCoolio jiohdi pickett abhijeet Kvik_sverige kraut ikepanhc toxictux Regyun Olytibar Daekdroom napterk__ BlackBinary IamReck skunkworks ibrahim-kasem_ TMK gaveen FiReSTaRT hoppyite booyab rwmarch Krasus internalkernel reload Guest15101 thune3 Cumulo741 Pici JoshuaL twobitsprite razor950 bellman foolano aeon-ltd 16:18
seymourbuttzNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! sree__ hacked_kernel pxlx4ev cba123 Jari0001 LinuxFetus Tomcat_ha dmex01 l3dx walkman Error404NotFound keepex Someone67 Rinsmaster senorpedro sepehr Snake_ themetalgamer SimonP86__ OmegaPhil ServerTechPro LouisJB schlaftier pinoyskull crunch2 test34 handjob radioman-lt GH1234 dwar jabraltr dai_ RambJoe evident Shurakai xerox1 Varox oln reggi jeffisabelle phaedra jiga dri245 Act16:18
seymourbuttzNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! pr0b0t Tadys matrixblue pw-toxic_ obst jdpillon wildem Biolunar Terminator jmburgess adhorden Thingymebob lol_h dt_ lux` Slart lorenzo_ ekki devunt wezz wieshka panpansh [ND] bobthemilkman vitor-br aLeSD DeEM0N dgm_077 ogra_cmpc DeathCrawler AndroidLoverInSF zagabar jfroebe |freeman11111| Demitar An_Ony_Moose_ BattlePope Zorge qub1 magentar Bauldrick desti majeszko nikhil_ giga16:18
focusoneok I will help you set it up... can I get an account? ... lol..16:18
wildc4rdjrib, I get an error when trying to open files in mplayer (sorry, was using media player before, just realised its a different app) Error opening/initialising the selected video_out (-vo) device16:19
bitreaderfocusone, I don't think so. BluesKaj 'aptitude install flashplugin-installer'?16:19
chris_osxwhat is this FUHRER Spam about?16:19
winterweaveryes... can a mod pls kick?16:19
Pici /mode +r16:19
BluesKajbitreader, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer  :)16:19
aetaricchris_osx: people are stupid, that's what16:19
jribwildc4rd: regardless of whether you have the monitor plugged in?16:20
paddy_I am on ubuntu 10.04 and have tried dragging music from my libary to a playlist on my ipod touch and it does not do anyting, what is wrong?16:20
Brutusproftpd works16:20
ShapeShifter499what the hell....   what was that piece of spam?16:20
focusoneBrutus: cool...16:21
focusonechange the banner and the port number for a little more security..16:21
Brutus90MB/s average instead of 516:21
wildc4rdjrib, yes16:21
Brutusit's internal only. no port 21 forwarding16:21
bitreaderBluesKaj, Before I start installing too much software, I'd like to know how to get the latest software. I know the repositories I have are the default (10.04 LTS) ones, and I'm pretty sure most of the libraries and software there is probably outdated by now.16:22
focusoneCan someone help me with trouble shooting my MIC issue...   Thanks..16:22
aetaricbitreader: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:22
krzysz00focusone: is your mic muted in volume control?16:23
aetaricin terminal16:23
focusonekrzysz00: No..16:23
BlueEaglebitreader: Then (read: if you don't want stability) go to the upstream source and download the SVN/CVS source code and build from there.16:23
focusoneI dont think is installed..16:23
focusonekrzysz00: under the kmix everything looks fine...16:23
bitreaderaetaric, Why apt-get and not aptitude?16:24
BluesKajbitreader, open your software sources in package manager and enable all the repos , canonical partners and other software sources , except the cdrom repos , then sudo aptitude update16:24
krzysz00krzysz00: well, idk then16:24
focusonekrzysz00: but I try to record a test there is no sound coming out..16:24
aetaricbitreader: apt-get or aptitude, whatever floats your boat16:24
krzysz00how many mic jacks do u have on ur comp focusone ?16:24
=== oxi__ is now known as oxi
focusonewell I have Master PCM Digital options in kmix..16:25
i_is_brokeanyone got a belkin wireless adapter working in ubuntu? if so anyone know where the docs. are for it?16:25
focusoneunder unput there is 2 mics..16:25
focusoneexternal and internal..16:25
BlueEagle!wireless | i_is_broke16:26
ubottui_is_broke: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:26
jribwildc4rd: that says interesting things about your drivers.  How does mplayer do if you specify "-vo x11"?16:26
BluesKaji_is_broke, I have a belkin usb wifi adapter , but I haven't been able to get it to work since jaunty16:26
krzysz00focusone: so i don;t know what could be happening16:27
gryllidahow do I grant user `john` permission to read and write file `myfile` ?16:27
gryllidain cli16:27
focusoneI think its a dirver issue..16:27
i_is_brokeBluesKaj, hey hows it going? and great...whats a good one to use then?16:27
BlueEaglegryllida: Is john the owner of the file? Is John a member of the group that the file belongs to?16:28
gryllidaBlueEagle: I think so16:28
gryllidahe made the file16:28
jribwildc4rd: could be that you're actually running out of video memory.  1) Is it one of those shared memory type setups?  2) Have you tried disabling compiz?16:28
BlueEaglegryllida: please provide the output of `ls -l filename`16:28
BluesKaji_is_broke, I don't know , I switched to ethernet ...it's much faster moving data around on our network anyway16:28
gryllidaBlueEagle: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root16:29
BlueEaglegryllida: I see. And this is a file that john should own but it was made while john were doing sudo?16:29
BlueEaglegryllida: sudo chown john:john filename16:29
focusonehere is my mic erro http://pastebin.com/iqNfmgYv16:30
gryllidaBlueEagle: er. it was made by john, then root user changed permission ( I don't know how), then I have root too and want to change it back16:30
gryllidaBlueEagle: ok16:30
BlueEaglegryllida: chown will change the owner of the file.16:30
bitreaderaetaric, BluesKaj The reason I asked is because for instance... I just installed xchat, issuing 'sudo aptitude install xchat', and it installed 2.8.6 version, yet xchat is running around 2.8.9 by now.16:30
BlueEaglegryllida: If john is a member of the group root you can `chmod g+rw filename` which will allow the group to read/write it.16:31
focusoneI'm trying to install a mic driver here is the output ..  Thanks...      http://pastebin.com/iqNfmgYv16:31
S0lderI'm having some trouble with ubuntu if anyone could help.16:31
BlueEaglegryllida: But I think you want john to be the owner of the file in most cases.16:32
pdkwhat would be a good equivalent to hardinfo that works on amd6416:32
dpacS0lder, just fire the question.16:32
focusoneS0lder: whats the problem..16:32
BlueEagle!ask | S0lder16:32
ubottuS0lder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:32
S0lderSometimes when I load ubuntu it doesn't load the window border with the close, maximize, etc. buttons.16:33
wildc4rdjrib, with it set to x11 it now plays, I get an error message saying Unsupported Pixelformat -116:33
duffydackbitreader, http://theubuntunews.blogspot.com/2010/06/install-or-update-xchat-288-on-ubuntu.html16:33
BluesKaji_is_broke, which belkin usb adapter ?16:33
dpacS0lder, When that happens, press Alt+f2 and type metacity and press enter16:34
NikkieFolks, need a help...I've tried all possibilities n landed here..How do i view and edit visio files(.vsd) in ubuntu 10.0416:34
i_is_brokeBluesKaj,  thats what im looking for, it doesnt give me a chipset with lsusb it just says belkin16:35
switch10_pdk: hardinfo works on 64 bit16:35
ActionParsnipNikkie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99549616:35
BluesKajbitreader, aptitude tends to install the more stable apps with stable dependencies , but you can try apt-get if you wish, but i doubt there will be any difference16:35
intradermetaric, what I know about it the repositories that ubuntu uses, is that they contain the latest of the software that has been accepted into that repository.16:35
pdkhaha never mind there16:35
pdkapparently it was dumb and using the old listing in the package manager16:35
pdkbefore updating the cache it was all "SORRY NO HARDINFO FOR 64" but now we're good16:36
ActionParsnipNikkie: you may have to shell out for visio if not16:36
Hilikusevery time i start my system i get prompted to unlock my keyring saying it did not get unlocked when i log in. how do i make it so that it does get automatically unlocked? i have auto-login set up16:36
BluesKaji_is_broke, is this a built in belkin or a usb16:36
i_is_brokeBluesKaj, its a usb. n15016:36
ActionParsnipHilikus: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/12/automatically-unlocking-the-default-gnome-keyring-pam-keyring/16:36
BluesKajoops redundant question16:36
ActionParsnipHilikus: if you set no keyring password you dont get bothered for that16:37
Nikkie@ActionParsnip - Didn't get you !16:37
^Cheekyhi , how can i have my silimilar windows open and form a stack or somesort instead of opening different windows like if i open FF and then another FF window it would take up more space in the horizonal pannel at the bottom,  cant they be stacked, or when i open file browser every time .. a new window opens up for each one cant i have it open or maximize only one nautilus file browser window ?16:37
pdkkinda sucks that the temperature readings in hardinfo are blank right now but hey16:37
BluesKaji_is_broke, maybe this tutorial using ndiswrapper will work for you , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin%20F5D8053?highlight=%28ManufacturerModel%29|%28AND%2916:37
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i_is_brokeBluesKaj, ill take a look at it...thanks16:38
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:38
BluesKaji_is_broke, or this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:38
yalexhello, session management doesn't appear to be working with my ubuntu lucid install?16:39
Hilikusthanks ActionParsnip , i'll test it16:40
paperboyhow do i check my distro version  i tried uname -a and -r and i get some weird result .. no actual name16:41
jrib!version | paperboy16:41
ubottupaperboy: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:41
paperboyi dont have ubuntu16:41
paperboytrying to find out what i have.16:42
jribpaperboy: this channel is for ubuntu support.  That command works on many distros however.16:42
stercorHow do I fix this:  configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables?16:42
jribstercor: you use APT instead of compiling16:43
stercorjrib: I need to compile.16:43
jribstercor: what is it exactly that you need to compile?16:43
dpacpaperboy, http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/07/04/howto-find-out-your-linux-distribution-name-and-version-through-command-line/16:43
stercorThe crypto addition to SQLite.16:43
dpacpaperboy, That will help you find out. FYI, it was written by me. :)16:44
jribstercor: what is it *exactly* that you need to compile?16:45
nickyi have a problem my computer is over heating and i dont know what to do16:45
jrib!compile > stercor16:45
ubottustercor, please see my private message16:45
nickyi just moved to a new location and before moving the temperature for the cpu on realtemp seems fine. but now wen i put it on load it goes to 100 degrees celsius :|!!!!!!16:45
jribstercor: if you want to do it the right way, answer my question, otherwise ignore me and read ubottu16:46
stercorAFAIK, there are not precompiled packages.16:47
bullkramanyone else experiencing high cpu spikes when using google chrome?16:47
wildc4rdjrib, I can now at least watch media, nice one, any thoughts on why it dosn't work in VLC or why bbc iplayer no longer works? it was working OK yesterday under karmic in the same hardware config16:47
magnetronnicky: look if there are any dust balls stuck in the CPU cooler16:47
magnetronbullkram: probably16:47
BluesKajjrib, he did mention The crypto addition to SQLite16:47
Phil_Bhey all...I'm thinking of formatting my Acer Aspire One ZG5 and switching to Ubuntu.  Is there anything I need to know, or is it easier to just install 10.04 without formatting?16:48
jribBluesKaj: I saw that, apparently there's more than one solution though16:48
ActionParsnipPhil_B: make 3 partitions, / swap and /home16:48
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BluesKajPhil_B, do you want to keep windows , if so you can dual boot windows and ubuntu16:48
BluesKajjrib, ok16:49
Phil_BI'm dual booting from a USB stick right now, but if it's easy enough I'd like to format my HD and just install 10.04.16:49
ipatrolHad a mishap with a VM and a hard shutdown, thank god I saved the boot ISO16:49
ipatrolfsck took care of it16:50
vncsnvsPhil_B, do u know virtualbox?16:50
BluesKajPhil_B, then do what ActionParsnip suggested16:50
ipatrolvncnvs: I'm on one16:50
Phil_Bnot familiar with virtualbox unfortunately16:50
vncsnvsPhil_B, no problem, it's very very easy.16:50
vncsnvsthrow away your windows.16:50
Phil_BI'm also a total nub when it comes to partitions and whatnot, any links to walkthroughs or anything?16:50
ipatrolvncsnvs: I am on a virtual box, you can ask me16:50
focusonesorry got disconnected..16:51
BluesKajvirtuals are pita , not worth the trouble IMO , but that's me :)16:51
ipatrolI just recovered form a partition error16:51
vncsnvsstep 1: throw away windows from HD. step 2: install windows on a VM step316:51
vncsnvsstep 3: be happy16:51
vncsnvsBlueEagle, pita ? whats this ?16:51
BluesKajvncsnvs, be happy with VB probs , right :)16:51
ipatrolvncsnvs: you need to be careful to transfer the license16:51
focusoneHere is the mic error one more time...  Thanks..   http://pastebin.com/TDZecDv016:52
ActionParsnipPhil_B: use custom partitioning, write a new file allocation table and make / about 6Gb make sawp equal to your RAM mount if you have 2Gb ram or more (or 2xRAM if you have less) then use the rest for /home. Make them all ex4 except swap which has its own16:52
ipatrolit's better to convert your current drive to a VDI16:52
AdlucHello, im booting ubuntu from CD, on my computer at home, it works fine. Now im at friend and installing it, it ask me for language, then choosing to try ubuntu - Now its in terminal instead of desktop like it should , and keep saying BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s16:52
vncsnvsBluesKaj, ok, if u like to pay, buy vmware, if want something professional, use XEN :D16:52
AdlucHere is nothing for live CD16:52
Adlucon google16:52
vncsnvsBluesKaj, i don't c many problems with VB16:52
ipatrolvncsnvs: VBox is fine if you know how to use it16:52
stercorjrib: I did what ubottu said.  The problem remains.16:53
BluesKajwho said anything about vmware , vncsnvs , why are you promoting virtuals anyway , the guy just wants to run ubuntu16:53
vncsnvsipatrol, vbox is one of the most fine stuff 4 virtualization.16:53
ipatrolvncsnvs: true that16:53
AdlucCan somebody please help me ?16:53
a16BitSoftanyone know where I can download VirtualBox DEB install file for Ubuntu 10.10 32bit Beta?16:53
focusoneAdluc: wiht?16:53
ipatrolPhil_B: so you want to dual boot?16:53
vncsnvsBluesKaj, first, install virtualbox on ur ubuntu, we talk later16:53
paperboydpac: Thank you.16:54
vncsnvsa16BitSoft, ubuntu software center? ??? apt-get install virtualbox ?16:54
AdlucIm booting ubuntu from CD, on my computer at home, it works fine. Now im at friend and installing it, it ask me for language, then choosing to try ubuntu - Now its in terminal instead of desktop like it should , and keep saying BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s16:54
ipatroljust run the CD with windows still an and allocate at least 15 GBs to Ubuntu16:54
Phil_Bgotcha ActionParsnip ...3 partitions, one 6GB, one either equal to ram mount if 2GB+, 2xRAM if less, remainder for home...all ext416:54
AdlucI cannot16:54
Adlucwindows which is there is locked16:54
Adlucit was demo for 30days16:54
Castboundhello guys I have a problem with my wless when running ubuntu, yesterday someone post me a thread where there was a windows side fix, related to something windows closes and linux can open. I have reimaged my pc now and lost those logs, anyone can help? my wless card is a: brandcom 4313 802.11b/g/n realtek pcie fe familly controller16:55
ipatrolAdluc: ubuntu does not expire16:55
dpacpaperboy, So which distro are you using?16:55
ActionParsnipPhil_B: indeed, if you have like 4Gb RAM then I wouldnt bother with swap unless you are doing some intense stuff16:55
ipatrolif it does, you don't have ubuntu16:55
AdlucI know, but I cannot get to windows which is installed on computer where Iwant ubuntu16:55
AdlucBut from CD, it doesnt do what should16:55
Adlucit keeps telling me error16:55
Phil_Bdoes size of the /home partition matter?  I've only got an 8.1GB HD on this netbook..16:55
ipatrolAdluc: is the computer 3s bit or 64 bit?16:55
st__what the hell is going on with channel?16:55
ActionParsnipAdluc: you can mount the NTFS and copy off your wubi setup16:56
Phil_Bonly 1Gb ram, so I'd assume I need the swap16:56
eraggoAdluc: did you burn it to CD with imgburner?16:56
ipatrolst__: too many cooks, not enough stoves16:56
AdlucNero, that CD is fine, it works at home16:56
Adlucbut here it doesnt, its new computer16:56
ipatrolAdluc: does he have a 64 bit computer?16:56
AdlucIm not sure, not mine16:57
ipatrolAdluc: find out16:57
FalczHi, my computer has a intel extreme graphics i845 and everything is fine except for very jumpy 3d rendering. Any help would be much appreciated16:57
ipatrol64 bit machines need 64 bit ubuntu16:57
AdlucI cannot reburn that CD16:57
a16BitSoftvncsnvs - I want the non OSE version of VirtualBox for 10.10 Beta16:57
AdlucHere is 24 kB/s internet16:57
Dr_Willisipatrol:  they can run 32bit just fune..16:57
ipatrolAdluc: you can download a new copy16:57
ActionParsnipipatrol: 64bit CPU can run 32bit OS16:57
vncsnvsa16BitSoft, nice, go to www.virtualbox.org16:57
knollsipatrol: do they need it, or does it just run better?  i use 32bit with 64 bit processor16:58
ipatrolActionParsnip: unless thay lack proprt emulation16:58
jasbutut<ipatrol>My machine is64bit but i'm using 32bit ubuntu n just works fine16:58
ipatrolknolls: it depends, the hardware has to have 32 bit emulation to work16:58
Nikkie@ActionParsnip - What do you mean by shell out ?16:58
AdlucWhen I choose to install ubuntu, it gets me to terminal,after minute it starts X, with black screen16:58
Adlucnothing else16:58
ipatrolmost do, but a few small computers don't16:58
st__all 64bit processors are born as 32bit16:58
Dr_WillisAdluc:  and whats the video card/chipset?16:59
ActionParsnipAdluc: did you MD5 test the file you downloaded to make the CD / USB?16:59
ActionParsnipAdluc: if you made a CD did you test the CD for defects once booted to?16:59
AdlucThat CD is fine, it already installed from it 3 times16:59
pdk64 bit intel/amd cpus support 32 bit "emulation" by design16:59
ipatrolAdluc: download a new copy from the website, do a checksum, and try booting it, installing ubuntu right at the boot menu. Do not pass LiveCD, do not collect 200MBs. Partition it and GRUB will dual boot for you17:01
ActionParsnipAdluc: then test CD for defects just in case then this may help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html17:01
AdlucI mean17:01
AdlucIts not live CD17:01
ActionParsnipAdluc: so its a USB / SD card?17:01
ipatrolAdluc: all ubuntu CDs are live CDs17:01
Dr_WillisIt may be a good test to try some alterantive disrtos also like tiny-core linux - see if they have any issues (its just a 10mb download)17:01
ipatroltinycore, damn small linux, puppy linux17:02
Adlucon my laptop, when I boot it, it asks me for language in desktop17:02
AdlucHere it doesnt17:02
Dr_WillisAdluc:  what version of ubuntu is tyhis?17:02
ActionParsnipxpud rocks too, boots the fastest of any linux i've seen17:02
ipatrolAdluc: describe the laptop's chips/cards/features in more detail17:02
Dr_WillisAdluc:  if you hit space when you see some icons at the bottom it should pop up a menu and ask for the language and let you select some other options17:03
edbian192.168.0.1/24 == 192.168.0.(1 - 254)   correct?17:03
Castboundhello guys I have a problem with my wless when running ubuntu, yesterday someone post me a thread where there was a windows side fix, related to something windows closes and linux can open. I have reimaged my pc now and lost those logs, anyone can help? my wless card is a: brandcom 4313 802.11b/g/n realtek pcie fe familly controller - I have downloaded and installed the driver from realtek yet it won't work+17:03
aeon-ltdedbian: err did you mean
edbianaeon-ltd: No  I did not.  I meant the block notation / 24   (meaning the first 24 bits are locked, the first 3 octets)17:04
Nikkie@ActionParsnip - openOffice draw can serve the purpose of creating a file...However, I'd like to open .vsd(windows) file..17:04
edbianaeon-ltd: Do you know what I'm talking about?17:05
aeon-ltdedbian: no i don't know the whole context, but in iptables rules is short for accept ips within that range17:07
focusonehere is the mic error again: http://pastebin.com/TDZecDv0  Thanks..17:07
effjedbian, yes, you're correct17:07
edbianaeon-ltd: Do you mean  means "ranges from to 192.168.0.n  ??17:07
AdlucIs it possible to check MD5 of CD from windows ?17:07
AdlucWithout rebooting17:07
ikoniamd5sum is available on windows too17:08
aeon-ltdedbian: yeah17:08
edbianeffj: I'm rigth about = 192.168.0.(1-254)17:08
edbianaeon-ltd: I don't think you're right.  But I can't double check right now.17:08
magnetronfocusone: did you try the command that your message is speaking about?17:08
Castboundjoin #es-ubuntu17:08
st__Nikkie, I'm afraid Visio is unique Windows product and you cannot import its documents17:08
effjedbian, yes17:08
Castboundjoin #ubuntu-es17:08
aeon-ltdedbian: ok, i'll look it up, but the rules seem to work for samba etc :)17:08
edbianeffj: Thanks17:08
magnetronfocusone: ...and what happened?17:08
focusonebut I'm not sure if it went through correctly... I know if I try to record no audio is being recodeed..17:08
magnetronfocusone: exactly happened when you ran the command you mentioned?17:09
focusone_ was able to build the modules.. installed them...17:09
elitexrayDoes anyone know how to sync music to ipod with amarok ?17:09
elitexrayOr know any other software that will sync?17:09
jasbututHi all, what's recommended app for desktop recording?17:09
edbianThanks guys!17:09
effjedbian, aeon-ltd, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR_notation if you want to read more about it17:09
focusoneI run dpkg-reconfigure em8300 and it give me that error in the bin file I posted..17:10
magnetronfocusone: add "sudo" infront of the commmand17:10
focusoneI'm running as root..17:10
focusonenot in here.... lol..17:11
sacarlsonwhat do I need to do to get ircd-hybrid to work from an account other than from localhost.  seems my localhost works ok.  I already changed /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf to http://paste.ubuntu.com/488811/ but still won't work as anything but local host.17:11
ikoniafocusone: then you should know what you are doing17:11
focusoneikonia: if I did I wouldnt be asking for help  :  -   )17:11
ikoniafocusone: then you shouldn't be running as root17:11
rjgonzaAny ideas why ubuntu is only outputting sound to the rear channel on my sound card?17:11
Dr_Willisrjgonza:  just 1 side or just the rear 2>17:12
magnetronrjgonza: probably because surround isn't enabled17:12
rjgonzajust rear17:12
focusoneikonia: OK.. point taken... but this is a mic issue that i'm hacving..17:12
FalczHi, does anyone know how to get old intel drivers for ubuntu?17:12
ikoniafocusone: how is the type of issue your having related to what I've just said17:13
vlcnis there anyway to enable per pixel touchpad scrolling?17:13
rjgonzalemme look around about enabling surround sound17:13
focusoneikonia: you said that I should know what I'm doing becuase I'm running as root... well I always have... I dont like using the sudo command... thats just me...  but I dont know why I'm having mic issues...17:14
ikoniafocusone: then you shouldn't be running as root17:14
focusoneok once again.. point taken...17:14
sacarlsonFalcz: normaly older stuff (drivers) work better than newer ones.  try to give the results of lspci and or lshw in pastebin and maybe someone can help you.17:14
Falczsacarlson: Ok thanks. Will do.17:15
ikoniasacarlson: that is just utter nonsense17:15
sacarlsonikonia: I meant that older hardware is normaly supported better than new stuf.  not that new software is bad.17:15
ikoniasacarlson: much less nonsense17:16
aseemikonia : i agree with you.17:17
sacarlsonikonia: thanks for catching that17:17
ikoniasacarlson: more thanks for correcting17:17
Falczsacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/488813/17:18
focusoneThanks guys...17:19
sacarlsonFalcz: so what doesn't work the graphic card that I'm not sure but seems to have 2?17:19
sdwrageHey guys... I need to rename a bunch of files that end in .rhtml to the filename but with the extension of .html.erb17:20
sdwragedoes anyone know any easy way to do that?17:20
sdwrageI need to do it in sub folders too17:20
slybootssdwrage: Yup17:20
slybootsDead easy, with the POWER OF REGEX!17:20
* slyboots glows with Regex power17:20
sdwrageslyboots, would you be able to throw the command my way? :)17:20
Falczsacarlson: The graphics card works, but the 3d rendering is extremely jumpy and basically useless.17:21
slybootsI would better recomend learning how to do it yourself tbh17:21
slybootsRegular expressions are great, but.. Im feeling lazy so okay17:21
slybootsTry 'rename -n 's/.html/.html.erb/' *17:21
slybootsIm not sure how to make that run in sub-directores though (-n is test, if you want to do the rename for real use -v)17:22
slybootsman rename will have the answer to that Im sure17:23
rjgonzaso i changed deamon.conf to have my speaker channel setup and restarted pulseaudio, but still no sound from the normal channel, only rear17:23
RenatoSilvawhat does it mean exactly the manage system permission in preferences of an user?17:23
sacarlsonFalcz: seem I see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1448684  did you look at the propriatary or backports ?17:23
RenatoSilvawhat does it mean exactly the manage system permission in preferences of an user? is it just allowing to run sudo, su etc?17:24
ronniemy 3d games crash my computer17:24
aeon-ltdsebsebseb: hi17:24
sebsebsebaeon-ltd: hi17:24
ronniewho can help me17:24
sebsebsebronnie: With what? Just joined17:25
Falczsacarlson: Sorry, Im not entirely sure what you mean?17:25
ronniemy 3d games crash my computer17:25
phoenixandthorI just have a real quick question about CUPS deamon. Is CUPS supposed to send stuff like this? See http://dpaste.com/239156/ I think it could be a rootkit. I know that it has something to do with CUPS, because it stopped as soon as I killed the deamon.17:25
sebsebsebronnie: Games from Ubuntu repo?17:25
ronniegoogle earth17:26
sacarlsonFalcz: I also see this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes  that I'm not sure is a match for yours17:26
sebsebsebronnie: ok Google Earth isn't a game17:26
aeon-ltdronnie: have you got the right drivers for your card?17:26
ronniei dont know17:26
sebsebsebronnie: system > administration > hardware drivers17:26
sebsebsebronnie: what card you got?17:26
sebsebsebor type of17:26
FloodBot3sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:26
=== dallas_ is now known as DallasG
sacarlsonFalcz: 8xx chips I guess that might be you17:27
FalczSacarlson: Yep, I think it is.17:27
bitreaderI just installed flashplugin-installer, and it did so successfully, yet, I get a prompt in youtube asking me to upgrade to 10.1. Is there a safe way to do this? Or simply by downloading the .deb for ubuntu 8.04+ from adobe will work like a charm?17:27
FalczSacarlson: Do you think it would help with the performance?17:27
sebsebsebbitreader: oh your on 8.0417:27
ronniewhen i do that it just say no proprietary drivers are in use on this system17:27
bitreadersebsebseb, I'm not.17:28
sacarlsonFalcz: I'm not sure did you look at System>Administration>hardware  to see if any propriatary stuff exists?17:28
aeon-ltdronnie: do you personally know what card it is?17:28
sebsebsebbitreader: ok just read it again17:28
sebsebsebbitreader: the version from the repo should be good enough really, if your on 10.0417:28
sebsebsebronnie: is there one to install?17:28
sacarlsonFalcz: I didn't see it in my search so I guess it's not there.17:28
sebsebsebronnie: is there are driver being offered to be installed?17:28
ronniei dont know im new to ubuntu if you couldnt figure17:29
bitreaderI feel like the lack of gpu accel is affecting the performance of a 1080p I'm streaming on youtube.17:29
sebsebsebronnie: in hardware drivers, does it show a driver to install?17:29
sebsebsebronnie: or I should say to activate17:29
FalczSacarlson: Says no prop. drivers are in use17:29
paddy_how do i put songs on my ipod touch with rythmbox17:30
sacarlsonFalcz: I guess your stuck with try the backport then17:30
sebsebsebpaddy_: not sure, but Banshee  is useually recommended for this kind of stuff17:30
sebsebsebronnie: open a terminal17:30
FalczSacarlson: Sorry, im pretty new to linux. how do i go avout that?17:31
ronnieits open17:31
FalczSacarlson: *about17:31
sebsebsebronnie: run lspci and pastebin the output,  and I know there is at least one other command that will say what graphics card you got, but can't think of it right now17:31
sebsebsebronnie: or do you have maybe Intel graphics?17:31
sebsebsebronnie: any idea?17:31
guitar-maniacim trying to get my labteb webcam working, gound a guide but terminal outputs this: Linker version: GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.20.1-system.2010030317:31
guitar-maniacKernel compiler: gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5)17:31
guitar-maniac[!] Kernel compiler and gcc seem to be different versions.17:31
guitar-maniacInstead, they should be the same. If you have many compilers17:31
guitar-maniacinstalled, you can specify the correct one with command (in bash)17:31
FloodBot3guitar-maniac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
guitar-maniacexport CC=kgcc17:31
BluesKajronnie lspci | grep VGA17:31
sebsebsebronnie: yeah what BluesKaj said17:31
sebsebsebBluesKaj: thanks17:32
sebsebsebronnie: run what BluesKaj typed17:32
BluesKajnp, sebsebseb17:32
sacarlsonFalcz: what I already sent you is the backport  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes  it instructs how to install it17:32
sebsebsebronnie: and its probably just a line or two of output, which you can put in the channel, since not much17:32
FalczSacarlson: ahh, ok. Thanks for the help17:32
ronnieits intel17:32
magnetronbitreader: well, the official Adobe version has no GPU hardware video acceleration. Gnash supports it though, but they are a little buggy. i would simply download the video with youtube-dl and play it on my VDPAU accelerated mplayer17:33
sebsebsebronnie: ok17:33
sebsebsebronnie: thats why you don't have any propritary driver availalbe in hardware drivers17:33
sacarlsonronnie: is that a question about Falcz?  yes17:33
guitar-maniactrying to get my labteb webcam working. found a guide and got stuck at this point, pasted it at the pastebin17:33
sebsebsebronnie: however I thought Intel graphics cards in  Ubuntu will have 3D support by default now17:33
jperlai was upgrading from karmic->lucid by changing apt/sources.list on a headless, now I'm getting dependency errors: http://paste.debian.net/87966/17:33
ronnieeverything 3d crashes17:34
sebsebsebronnie: maybe you installed Google Earth wrong, and other 3D apps will work, such as compiz, and OpenGL games from the repo17:34
ActionParsnipguitar-maniac: if you run: lsusb  you can see the identifier and get guides, The model is pretty useless, you need the chip inside17:34
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:34
sebsebsebronnie: your on 10.04?17:34
bitreadermagnetron, Ok thanks for the tip.17:34
guitar-maniacActionParsnip: when i have figured out the identifier, i just google it and follow instructions?17:35
sebsebsebronnie: ok I don't know enough about Intel cards, to be able to help with your issue, but there is bound to be someone else, who does17:35
sebsebsebronnie: maybe BluesKaj17:35
besogonHi! What do you use to scan and recognise a document? I heard about  Sane. But I need something wich is as Finereader17:35
realubotIs it possible to bind a keyboard and a mouse to a single software window so that only that software will bw controlled by that mouse and keyboard and rest of Ubuntu by default keyboard and mosue?17:35
Falczronnie: I had the same prob. I just upgraded to 10.10 and i no longer have any crashes17:36
BluesKajronnie, exactly which intel graphics card , model # pls17:36
ActionParsnipguitar-maniac: if you want to use google, sure17:36
ronniewhat do i use to find it again17:36
realubotIs it also possible to output a single software window at an external display while the default display will show the ordinary Ubuntu Desktop screen?17:36
sacarlsonbesogon: sane is the graphic part of the scanner.  you might see if that works first.  then you need a caracter recognition system (exuse my spelling)17:37
zacktui'm trying to use keepassx and can't get autotype to work - my keyboard gets messed up when i use my keyboard shortcut17:37
magnetronrealubot: seems like you want to run two X servers on one computer. it's possible to do that17:37
sebsebsebronnie:  lspci | grep VGA17:37
besogonrealubot: I think NO. You can make multi seat. And run secial X on other screen. But not only one program.17:37
jperlahow do i install an older version of libc6?17:38
ronnie00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device [8086:2562] (rev 01)17:38
sebsebsebBluesKaj: ^17:38
sacarlsonjperla:  sure you need the older one?  at times I just make a symlink to the new one with the old name.17:39
jperlathe question is a dependencies probleem: http://paste.debian.net/87966/17:39
ronnieBlueKaj. 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device [8086:2562] (rev 01)17:40
ActionParsnipjperla: you can download the deb and force install it, could get VERY messy, libc6 is integral to the OS17:40
ilovefairuzbesogon: sacarlson: it's called  OCR (optical character recognition)17:40
ilovefairuz!info orcad | besogon17:40
ubottubesogon: Package orcad does not exist in lucid17:40
jperlahow about, how do i fix mountall? E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall17:40
sacarlsonilovefairuz: that correct ocr17:40
jribjperla: umm, same way I told you to fix it a few hours ago17:41
Falczronnie: I have the exact same chipset. Upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 and the crashes should stop.17:41
madjoeHi! I have already registered my nickname (e-mail) with nickserve, but I keep receiving bot questions... why?17:41
magnetronjperla: seems like you can't mount all filesystems in fstab17:41
ilovefairuz!info ocrad | besogon17:41
ubottubesogon: ocrad (source: ocrad): Optical Character Recognition program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-4 (lucid), package size 141 kB, installed size 360 kB17:41
jperlajrib: i wasnt here a few hours ago...17:41
magnetronFalcz: please do NOT recommend beta software in here17:41
besogonsacarlson: Have you heard something like YaGF but for Gnome as one uses KDE libraries.17:41
=== macode_ is now known as macode_|afk
Falczmagnetron: Sorry. I'm just giving him a solution that worked for me.17:42
jrib!away > macode_|afk17:42
ubottumacode_|afk, please see my private message17:42
ilovefairuzmadjoe: ask in #freenode17:42
magnetronFalcz: yes but it's not a supported solution17:42
jribjperla: install the version of libc6 from the repositories....17:42
mrhaiim trying to install the drivers for the broadcom cards and im getting a very strange error message17:42
besogonilovefairuz: Thanks17:42
raik_my fan keeps running fast on ubuntu 10.04 on dell studio 1747? can anyone help?17:42
mrhaisomething to do with the kernel17:42
mrhai2010-09-05 12:38:01,886 WARNING: /sys/module/wl/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind wl driver17:42
madjoeilovefairuz: but this is ubuntu's bot asking me.. I don't have issues like that on any other freenode channel...17:42
besogonilovefairuz: I will see about that17:42
ilovefairuzmadjoe: #ubuntu-ops17:43
mrhaiand then a slurry of others about the driver17:43
jribjperla: apologies, someone had basically the same exact question with the same exact version so I thought you were the same person17:43
Falczmagnetron: Well, I struggled with it for a week and there is no other solution.17:43
madjoeilovefairuz: ok17:43
mrhaiit says the b43 drivers are blacklisted17:43
sacarlsonbesogon: never heard of yagf but if you looking for ocr I see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR17:43
van7huHello everyone17:44
van7huHow could I safety remove my USB 3G modem17:44
ilovefairuz!ocr > besogon17:44
ubottubesogon, please see my private message17:44
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Dr_Willisvan7hu:  and for some reason Unplugging it is a bad way?17:44
jperlawhat do you mean by repositories? like wget from here?: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/libc6/download17:45
van7huyes of course17:45
ilovefairuzvan7hu: disconnect and unplug17:45
BluesKajronnie, the intel builtin graphics drivers for 10.04 are difficult , some work and some don't for 3d ...sorry I can't help more17:45
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  usb was designed to be hot plug/unplugable.17:46
ronniethanks for at least telling me that17:46
BluesKaj!pm |ronnie17:46
ubotturonnie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:46
van7huI have just probed it successful17:46
van7huto connect internet17:46
jperlai can't dpkg install anything because it says Bad File Descriptor17:46
van7huif I hot unplug it17:47
jribjperla: too vague17:47
van7huas I have done before17:47
sacarlsonjperla: I looked at your pastebin but not sure what application is having a problem with it? what are you upgrading from and to?17:47
jperlasudo dpkg -i libc6_2.10.1-0ubuntu17_i386.deb17:47
jperlatar: ./templates: Cannot utime: Bad file descriptor17:47
jrib!who | jperla17:47
ubottujperla: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:47
jperlajrib: karmic -> lucid17:47
van7huit's hard for me to re-probe it17:47
jperlajrib: i edited sources.list17:47
ronniecan anyone else help- 3d programs crash my computer17:47
sacarlsonjperla: sorry I had missed part of what was already going on.17:47
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  rmmod the module, and reload the module as needed.. but in theiry the moduiles should auto load as needed17:48
ilovefairuzjperla: check memory and disk usage, 'free' and 'df'17:48
ActionParsnipronnie: you may need an xorg.conf file to define better display options if you are using smoe crappy intel thing17:48
jribjperla: you didn't use the proper upgrade procedure, please make a note for next time17:48
van7huIs there anyway disconnect internet before I safety remove it17:48
crankharderif I have unattended-updates installed, shouldn't ubuntu be automatically updating things? it's not :(17:48
jrib!upgrade > jperla17:48
ubottujperla, please see my private message17:48
ronniecan you further explain17:48
BluesKajActionParsnip, good point , forgot about that17:48
van7hufrom the right mouse>17:48
saivnobahi, i dont know what went wrong, now when lucid boots, neither the trackpad nor the keyboard works..what can be the issue?17:48
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: intel vga is such a pain in the ass17:49
martez89hey when I try sudo apt-get update I get this error: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: KEY. After that I put this in the terminal: gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys KEY. But than it says gpgkeys: key KEY not found on keyserver..17:49
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  its not a USB flash drive  so its not got an icon on teh desktop>? or is it obboth?17:49
jperlailovefairuz: most disk usage is 69%, 56MB free17:49
ilovefairuzvan7hu: aren't you using network manager (network indicator icon) to connect? use it to disconnect17:49
aeon-ltd!gpg | martez8917:49
ubottumartez89: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts17:49
van7huI have said I probed it17:49
van7huand I use wvdial17:50
mouseprobshi, my mouse on the main admin user account is acting as if I have the alt key press all the time, and only the mouse. I also doesnt respond to changes in the 'System>Prefernces>Mouse'17:50
rookssaivnoba, course of the microsoft17:50
aeon-ltdmartez89: wrong factoid sorry.17:50
BluesKajActionParsnip, yeah, as is my old ati x200m , used to do 3d and and dir on jaunty , no longer the case ...the drivers suck17:50
guitar-maniachttp://paste.ubuntu.com/488828/ is pixart the id im looking for (labtec webcam? now i just search the id number for guides?17:50
mouseprobsit also*17:50
sacarlsonmartez89: I know those can be fixed but most the time I ignore the key errors.  I don't think it breaks anything it's just a security risk.17:50
van7huIt doesn't appear on network manager to disconnect17:50
ronnieso what do i need to do17:50
jperlajrib: okay, now that the upgrade failed what do i do17:50
saivnobarooks: i did not get17:50
bitreaderHi, can anyone provide me with a link with instructions to install nvidia accelerated drivesr? the latest ones17:50
van7hubut It has an icon on computer :D17:51
saivnobacould it be some package upgrade issue. as for as i can remember i clicked ok on the automatic updater..17:51
van7huso I can use right mouse to select it17:51
martez89sacarlson: I fixed two other errors like this, so I was wondering why this fix didn't work17:51
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  i dont see how. unles sit also has some flash storage.17:51
jribjperla: it will probably take us longer to debug than for you to reinstall tbh, but we can try if you want to17:51
realubotbesogon: I've read some articles about multiseat but I thought I could somehow avoid all this just doing some smart thing to bind a special keyboard/mouse to a single window and then output that window (or workspace) to a external monitor while using the rest of Ubuntu as normal.17:52
jperlajrib: reinstall tbh?17:52
saivnobathen it gave error saying not all packages could be upgraded. i was busy so i did not pay much attention..17:52
sacarlsonmartez89: maybe the server is down?  maybe it has a mirror site.17:52
jribjperla: to be honest17:52
topikuninganyone can help please?17:52
van7huIs there any way to disconnect internet17:52
ilovefairuzvan7hu: 'poff'17:52
van7hubefore I safety remove it17:52
jribtopikuning: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:52
codefuiStopping by to announce a new developer resource site.  http://codefui.com.  I use Ubuntu heavily in my development environment and will be adding quite  bit of Ubuntu related content.  Please feel free to peruse17:52
martez89sacarlson: how do I check that?17:53
BluesKajbitreader, look in your hardware , look for the nvidia recommended driver and choose it17:53
topikuningi have trouble rebooting with ASUS K40IN,17:53
sacarlsonvan7hu: wow disconect?  most people are trying to make it work.  you can go to networkmanager and disable it on your top panel17:53
topikuninghalt, just normal17:53
rookssaivnoba, microsoft might put a curse on your hardware to be only ms-compatible, tho lappys usually dont fall into that category, so i dunno17:53
martez89sacarlson: its about the http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release17:53
besogonrealubot: Its very specific thing.Do you think somebody had worked on it?17:53
mouseprobshad anyone had a bug where the mouse acts as if the alt key is depressed, ie when you left click on a window it moves it and when you middle click is startes resizing it?17:54
mouseprobsit doesnt happen with the keyboard17:54
saivnobarooks: how do we check if a particular package upgrade caused the problem?17:54
van7huthank ilovefairuz17:54
geoffmccrooks i dont think that category really exists17:54
van7huI will try17:54
van7huhope it work !17:54
saivnobarooks: i'm just going through /var but not sure what to look17:54
birchsportstopping by to announce a new developer resource site.  http://codefui.com.  I use Ubuntu heavily in my development environment and will be adding quite  bit of Ubuntu related content.  Please feel free to peruse17:55
geoffmccu did it allready17:55
sacarlsonmartez89:  you can go to synaptic and setup>repositories>download from17:55
rooksgeoffmcc, some mp3 players are wma-only and work only with microsoft proprietary protocol over usb, like no normal hdd17:55
bitreaderWait... am I really seeing a "You need to restart the computer to activate this driver" in Linux?17:56
Mba7ethguys how can i format my flash as an ext3 filesystem ?17:56
geoffmccrooks: wow, never came across anything like that17:56
jribbitreader: yes, you don't really have to but that's the simplest way for it to happen17:56
rookssaivnoba, sorry, i dont have a clue what it might be17:56
sacarlsonmartez89:  oh then they give you instructions on the ppa site but I'm not sure those have mirrors.  you might just have to wait till the server start working again in a day or two.17:57
BluesKajbitreader, yes, it needs to remove the old driver , reboot is fine17:57
dpac_Mba7eth, use mkfs.ext317:57
saivnobarooks: no prob. will check on the forums.. :)17:57
hellboy316hey guys how do i register my web page on on dydns or any free domain name registration site17:57
realubotbesogon: I don't know. I don't think it that specific to output MythTV or XBMC to an external display while still using the computer at it's default display as normal. the I have to bind another keyboard to MythTV. Is that really that strange? :S17:57
Mba7ethdpac_, thanks :)17:57
jperlaugh, i fubared my install17:57
jribhellboy316: you have the ip address
=== napterk is now known as napterk_
hellboy316no thats a dns server ip ... i used it as an example17:58
geoffmcci was wondering the same17:58
* silent_breeze says hello all17:58
ronnieActionParsnips, you said something about xconf17:58
martez89sacarlson: I don't think the server is the problem, because I fixed two of those errors from the same ppa without problems, only for this one it doesnt find the gpgkey17:58
jribhellboy316: anyway, you need to visit dyndns' site and register there.  There are plenty of update clients in the repositories (like ddclient for example)17:58
martez89sacarlson: will adding the ppa again maybe solve the problem?17:58
hellboy316my college server lets me upload my page but it doesnt have a domain name17:58
hellboy316so every time i access it i have to type in ip/~user17:59
sacarlsonmartez89:  did you fix those keys today?  time is an important factor.17:59
sailerboyhellboy316, get a domain name and use an a-record17:59
EvilPhoenixhellboy316:  you need to have your college give you a page then.  or, go buy a domain name17:59
geoffmcchellboy- yea just use dyn.dns17:59
sailerboyyou can use co.cc17:59
mbroekerhellboy316, do you have always the same ip to type? or does the ip change?17:59
sailerboythere we go17:59
rooksgeoffmcc, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol#Drawbacks17:59
martez89sacarlson: about ten minutes ago17:59
birchsportanyone know if adium has a plugin to alert you when a keyword is typed?17:59
sacarlsonmartez89: I'm not sure17:59
hellboy316but it wont let me register as a ip/~user ... its the same ip17:59
jribhellboy316: use just "ip" then access your site as domainname/~user18:00
sailerboyhellboy316, go to www.co.cc18:00
sailerboyand use the a-record to point to your ip18:00
sailerboyrdns wont be set up but w/18:00
sailerboyrdns wont be set up but w/e18:00
mouseprobswhat terminal command would reset the mouse settings on a user basis?18:00
=== napterk_ is now known as napterk2
hellboy316oh yaa but the user string is long like tu1f0304001 .. this big18:00
mbroekerhellboy316, edit /etc/hosts and add your site :) choose a fake name like site.mycollege.tld college18:00
rooksgeoffmcc, oh, they did a lib to solve those, yay :)18:00
tsoloxis it really the case that tightvnc cannot join an existing xsession?18:00
besogonrealubot: So only thing I could advise to you is to run 2 X server on ubuntu with different mause and keyboards. I did it but with one single keyboard and mause. Then write a script wich run the second X server and application you need18:00
hellboy316i registered on co.cc and dy.dns18:01
sailerboyhellboy316, ok, now create an a-record18:01
ronniehow do i get a xorg.conf file?18:01
geoffmccrooks, i never knew there was problem - always thought was myth18:01
sacarlsonmartez89:  that ppa stuf is in flux they guy that wrote may not even know how to setup keys.  it's done by people like you and me.18:01
=== napterk2 is now known as napterk
soreauronnie: Xorg -configure18:01
topikuningsorry disconected, last time18:01
rooksgeoffmcc, few years ago when i was looking for mp3 player it was some problem18:01
hellboy316a-record ?? i am on url-forwarding thats not working18:01
topikuningi have trouble rebooting my machine on ASUS k4oin, but halt normal.18:02
soreauronnie: What do you need an xorg.conf for?18:02
sacarlsonmartez89:  ppa is try at your own risk.18:02
sailerboyhellboy316, for host, leave blank18:02
sailerboyttl leave at 1d, default18:02
martez89sacarlson: I now used this: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv KEY and now it imported a gpg key18:02
ronnieaction parsnips said it might help my 3d graphics18:02
sailerboytype == a18:02
=== frankbro__ is now known as frankbro
rekwhere's fluxbox startup file?18:02
martez89sacarlson: thanks for your help :)18:03
sailerboyand value == ip address18:03
geoffmcchellboy, your at school and your running a server. you want a free domain name right? if u signed up for one and not redirecting to webserver problem may be in httpd.conf - define new url18:03
sacarlsonmartez89: see just a server problem they don't always work18:03
sailerboyhellboy316, if you are still confused, opena  query with me18:03
jribrek: try the #fluxbox channel and fluxbox wiki18:03
realubotbesogon: ok, I'll look into it. Thanks for helping me out!18:03
hellboy316how do i open a query with you ..i am new to irc also sorry18:03
martez89sacarlson: I will try another server when I get this problem again in the future18:03
ronniesoreau, actionparsnips said i might need one to better define display options because i have an intel chip18:04
sacarlsonmartez89: I don't think that's an option on ppa.  but maybe they do.18:04
BluesKajronnie, http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/ubuntu-9-10/xorg-conf-file-create-on-ubuntu-9-10/18:04
hellboy316i cant register the ip alone .. but i want to the register the whole thing as www.something.co.cc18:05
sailerboyhellboy316, in the sidebar on the left, click on sailerboy18:05
delinquentmeso ive got pidgin installed ... and im getting these notification that i simply dont want... are these from pidgin or is this something that is ubuntu native?18:05
ronniethank you blueskaj18:05
martez89sacarlson: I think it was a problem with the authentication @ software sources18:05
soreauronnie: The only reason you might want one is to setup dual screens or something but you can also use xrandr to change your modes in real time too18:05
geoffmcchellboy - your not registering the ip - just the something.com18:05
martez89sacarlson: Launchpad VLC is now added18:06
ronniewell i need something so my 3d programs will stop crashing my computer18:06
mouseprobsplease can someone help me. My mouse is functioning as if the Alt key where depresses continously. This doesnt sound like such a big problem but I cant left click anything as it starts using the Compiz shortcut key for moving the window.18:06
^mNotIntelligenthello everyone !18:06
EvilPhoenixmouseprobs:  press the alt key once, see if it fixes it...?18:07
mouseprobsI have. Still doesnt work.18:07
elitexrayi dont know no one knows how to sync music18:07
geoffmcci have had keyboards that i thought i broke but it turned out cause my bad habbit of eating at pc some crums got down in there18:07
geoffmccevilphoenix have u tried poppin off key and seeing if dirty down there18:08
soreaumouseprobs: Is this a consistent problem or it's only happening now? Have you tried restarting compiz or just t=disabling it to test?18:08
mouseprobsI tried cleaning the keyboard18:08
EvilPhoenixgeoffmcc:  i'm not the one with the issue... ping mouseprobs18:08
mouseprobsthis only happens in the main admin account18:08
geoffmccEvilPhoenix - yea you were line up, my bad18:08
sacarlsonelitexray: jackd is suposed to do that sync music but I can't get it to work lately.18:08
mouseprobsso I think the hardware is okay18:08
IanWizardmouseprobs: that's not just compiz, that's a default without compiz too.  also, I advise that you create your own name, rather than calling yourself  mouseprobs.  also,  you may try just restarting the session18:08
IanWizardmouseprobs: here's a test,  prest Ctrl-F2, and see if it goes to a text console18:09
mouseprobssoreau: I just tried 'compiz --replace', nothing18:09
elitexraySacarlson: so then theres no other software that can sync?18:09
mouseprobsI will try disable18:10
SchaboHi, I have trouble getting Dolby Digital and DTS to work over spdif on 10.04. Anyone out there that might be able to help?18:10
topikuningso no one would help me... ?18:10
elitexrayI'm looked into amarok and also rhytmbox ... And I can't seem to figure out its functionality for ipod.18:10
OSCIanWizard: It's Alt+Ctrl+F218:10
sacarlsonelitexray: there are composing software that might do what you want like rosegarden18:10
sanoop_can i have multiple background18:10
sanoop_i mean different background in each desktop18:10
elitexraySo Rosegarden18:10
IanWizardOSC: so if it works by pressing Ctrl+F2 then we know that the comp "thinks" that alt is being pressed globably, just rules some things out.18:11
elitexraydescription of rosegarden does not sound like any typical ipod sync. lol18:11
mouseprobsokay I have identified it is compiz. I will investigate wiping the settings. Thanks18:11
OSCIanWizard: Ok.18:12
mouseprobsIanWizard: yes it does18:12
sacarlsonelitexray: there are a few more but I think rosegarden is one of the better ones. ardour is another18:12
sanoop_can i have multiple background18:12
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sanoop_FlooBot: can i have different background in each desktop18:12
IanWizardmouseprobs: look for a .compiz file or folder in your home directory.  if you find it, delete it and you should be good18:13
elijahIs the screen display and monitor software the same in Ubuntu as it is in Kubuntu? I am wondering how to both vertically AND horizontally offset the second monitor. Currently It will only let me do one OR the other. ie. left OR top etc..18:13
aeon-ltdsanoop_: google it, sorry but seriously just try18:13
aeon-ltdsanoop_: its not really a technical problem so not many people can help18:13
sacarlsonelitexray: oh ipod.  that is not music sync as I know it that's more data sync that rythmbox is top dog but can also be done with others.18:13
IanWizardaeon-ltd: check out lmgtfy.com18:14
elitexraySo I'm confused. So rythmbox is able to sync?18:14
aeon-ltdIanWizard: is there a factoid shrortcut for that?18:14
tracy69guys i have problem when booting ubuntu after grub im getting only command prompt no graphic save mode and cant boot it says no screens found how to sort it out18:14
tracy69tried fix vesa doesnt work18:14
sacarlsonelitexray: well it is most like itunes like it's clone18:14
IanWizardaeon-ltd: ?? a "factoid shortcut"?   it stands for let me google that for you.  it can come in handy sometimes18:15
aeon-ltdIanWizard: yeah i know18:15
mouseprobsIanWizard: I deleted the mentioned folder and then switched back to compiz I still get the same problem18:15
aeon-ltd!g lmgtfy | IanWizard18:15
aeon-ltdIanWizard: balls. it works in #archlinux18:15
aeon-ltd!google lmgtfy | IanWizard18:16
elitexraySo you've sucessfully had your ipod synced?18:16
IanWizardmouseprobs: you'll have to restart compiz first18:16
sacarlsonelitexray: sync I guess you mean add and remove music from your ipod yes it can.18:16
erdnaseExcuse me, I have some problems with GIMP. I tried to save a .jpg image and this error pops up: "Unable to run plug-in "file-jpeg" (/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/file-jpg). Failed to fork (Cannot allocate memory).18:16
Pici!lmgtfy | aeon-ltd IanWizard18:16
ubottuaeon-ltd IanWizard: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:16
tracy69hello when trying boot ubuntu im getting message no screens found how to sort it out ???18:16
aeon-ltdPici: i'm looking for a custom query factoid18:16
Piciaeon-ltd: We have none.18:16
erdnaseI successfully saved it as .xcf though. And the only thing that I change to gimp were: I added some brushes and set the cache tile thing to 350 (lower than what it was previously set).18:17
aeon-ltdPici: ubottu should really get one developed, just for usefulness18:17
karmic-koalahi all quick one, how do i compress a folder as an iso on lucid18:17
mouseprobsIanWizard: does 'compiz --replace' not restart it?18:17
sacarlsonelitexray: no I had a friend that has an ipod that I setup for and it has worked but I also crashed his ipod to a point that required reset to factory defaults that lost all his play lists that he failed to backup.18:17
elijahIs it generally acceptable to ask Kubuntu questions in this channel?18:18
elitexray@sacarlson, that's reassuring lol18:18
elitexraySo the success rate is low18:18
hellboy316thanks a lot guys i just registered the ip to a domain name .. now its working fine18:18
sacarlsonelitexray: I I had one I could tell you and that was over 1.5 years ago.  they might have fixed it by now.18:18
aeon-ltdkarmic-koala: i don't know one, but why?18:19
elitexraywell, it seems that they have an ipod sync plugin for rythmbox now.. but I'm not too sure to take the risk18:19
sacarlsonelitexray: just backup your stuff before you play18:20
elitexrayyou can do that?18:20
erdnasenevermind, turns out, I just need to set the tile cache to a higher amount. >_>18:20
karmic-koalaaeon-ltd, i have vista's setup on usb drive, i need to run a windows app, vmware will only install from from iso18:20
aeon-ltdkarmic-koala: ok18:20
mouseprobshow do I bomb X? The Alt+ctrl+backspace does seem to be working18:20
karmic-koalaaeon-ltd, hence the need to compress a folder to iso so vmware can install vista18:20
soreaumouseprobs: Is right click the only thing affected by Alt? Did you check gnome keybindings? Did you check if someone unchecked 'Alt' for ccsm>Alt+Right Click? (install sexy python package and go to ccsm>prefs then click on the keyboard icon in the Filter box and type a key binding; it will tell you if it's bound to any plugin)18:20
sacarlsonelitexray: use windows first backup all your stuff then work on seeing if ubuntu works18:20
hellboy316hey one question can i alias the ip/~user the user part to something shorter by defining a variable on my server18:20
tracy69guys i have problem when booting ubuntu after grub im getting only command prompt no graphic save mode and cant boot it says no screens found how to sort it out18:20
elitexrayYeah thats the problem. I am no longer able to access windows18:20
geoffmcckarmic mkisofs18:20
elitexrayUbuntu is the only OS that I can possibly use right now. My laptop will not reformat to xp.18:21
mouseprobssoreau: no I middle click it starts resizing the window18:21
sacarlsonelitexray: run windows in a virtualbox and backup you stuf first.18:21
soreaumouseprobs: Did you check ccsm>Resize bindings?18:21
geoffmcckarmic-koala mkisofs -o /tmp/cd.iso /tmp/directory/18:21
tracy69could please someone help me ? no screens found how to sort this out i cant boot ubuntu18:22
mouseprobssoreau: Ill check now18:22
hellboy316try to run in vesa mode18:22
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
tracy69could please someone help me ? no screens found how to sort this out i cant boot ubuntu18:23
karmic-koalageoffmcc, thanks for that :)18:23
sacarlsontracy69: new install or upgrade?18:23
SchaboI have trouble getting DTS and DD to work over SPDIF, all other seems to play correct, any ides what I could check/do?18:24
geoffmcckarmic-koala - not sure if can boot it though18:24
tracy69ubuntu 10.0418:24
mouseprobssoreau: keyboard filter in ccsm?18:24
sacarlsontracy69: I assume with no answer to my question that it's an upgrade so maybe this will help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/487206/18:25
tracy69sacarlson it is normal install i isnatlled ubuntu 3 months ago 10.04 thats all18:27
hellboy316sacarlson: Can i alias my username to a shorter name so that the apache webserver can load my page with that name ..from the default to
=== dns is now known as DNS-
tracy69today tried boot it and it says no screens found thts all18:27
sacarlsontracy69: well it's not a fresh install then you probly did a kernel upgrade without knowing.  try the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/487206/18:28
bubbles|i am trying to set up postfix, following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto18:28
bubbles|but now postfix doesn't respond any more if i telnet to it18:29
todd_I have an app running on 8080... I want to be able to access it from port 80... is there a simple command I can use to do this?18:29
tracy69sacarlson, no i didnt upgrade anythign18:29
geoffmcctracy, did u make changes to the xorg.conf file?18:29
gryllidawhat software like teamviewer can I install for remote desktop access?18:29
bubbles|gryllida try nx/freenx18:29
sacarlsontracy69: do you use propratary drivers?  the look at the link18:29
tracy69yes cuz i use fglrx so after i installed ati driver xorg has changed18:30
ServerTechgryllida : TeamViewer itself you can sue18:30
geoffmccproblem is in there somewhere18:30
ServerTechI do use TeamViewer in mine18:30
sacarlsontracy69: you need to disable the drivers as it shows in the link18:30
gryllidaE: Couldn't find package teamviewer18:30
ServerTechDownload it from its website18:31
sacarlsonhellboy316: I am clueless as to what you want to do on your website.18:31
karmic-koalageoffmcc, yeah, you're right, any thoughts how i could install vista as a vm from the setup i have on my usb drive?18:32
hellboy316my server gives me a page which can be accessed with "server_ip/~username" i registered server ip as a domain name but the username is too long i want to know if i can alias it to a shorter name by defining some variable18:32
sacarlsonhellboy316: I guess what you want is to symlink a dir to your website from your home account.  try man ln for details18:32
jribhellboy316: do you have control over the server?18:33
hellboy316college server18:33
gryllidahow do I install a .deb file in cli ?18:33
jribgryllida: dpkg or gdebi but you really should be using apt...18:33
geoffmccthats problem - your site runs on vhost- you have to tell vhost to watch for traffic coming into new domain u created18:33
hellyeahi am using gentoo may be you know that18:33
hellyeahSIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13218:33
hellyeahhow can i fix that18:34
jribhellyeah: #gentoo for gentoo help18:34
^mNotIntelligentgryllida, i would suggest trying teamviewer with wine... I've tried the same on karmic it worked pretty well...18:34
bubbles|i am trying to set up postfix, following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto18:34
bubbles|but now postfix doesn't respond any more if i telnet to it18:34
hellyeahyes i know but this is wireless error18:34
MrUrbanityHeyas,  How do I disable X entirely in 10.04?  I did a desktop install, but I am running headless and don't need the X stuff at all.18:34
jribhellyeah: doesn't mattery18:34
magnetronhellyeah: we do not offer support for gentoo wireless18:34
hellyeahmay be here someone knows noone answer to this question18:34
magnetronhellyeah: ask in the correct channel please18:34
sebsebsebMrUrbanity: maybe you want the server version18:34
gryllidajrib: apt doesn't see a 'teamviewer' package18:34
sacarlsonhellboy316: there are many ways to do it not sure what method would be best for you but take a look a man ln see it that will work.  you can also alias things in apach2.conf but not sure you need that.18:34
hellyeahbut google give lots of ubuntu links18:35
sebsebseb!server > MrUrbanity18:35
ubottuMrUrbanity, please see my private message18:35
sebsebsebMrUrbanity: I mean since it has no GUI18:35
hellyeahi look that and i join that channel because of that18:35
magnetronhellyeah: try adding "gentoo" in your google search18:35
jribgryllida: well, does team viewer offer an ubuntu repository?18:35
MrUrbanityyeah I didnt have the server disk handy to install.. i've looked and can't find a way to move between desktop and server  instlal profiles.18:35
^mNotIntelligentjrib, gryllida :  i guess not18:35
Woodydarkohi people/ bonjour à tous18:35
^mNotIntelligentjrib,  gryllida : installing through wine didn't work ?18:36
hellboy316how would making a link help i have a folder mywebsite in my home folder where i can put my page18:36
^mNotIntelligent!hi ! Woodydarko18:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:36
coz_Woodydarko,  bonjour  ca va?18:36
sacarlsonhellboy316: apache2 also has virtual server mode so you can be more than one dns name with only a single ip address.  is that what your looking for?18:36
MrUrbanityso, anyone ... move between Desktop --> Server install prpfiles, or disable X entirely on desktop install profile ?18:37
gryllida^mNotIntelligent, I have only cli access. installing through wine doesn't sound possible.18:38
gryllidab/c wine is gui18:38
hellboy316i want to make the server_ip/~user page as a www.something.com/co.cc or anything18:38
^mNotIntelligentgryllida, it is very much possible18:38
sacarlsonhellboy316: you can make a symlink from your /home/myaccount/myweb  so that myweb is linked to /var/www  so myweb is the root of your site or it could be linked as as /var/www/here  it's up to you were you want to link it with ln command18:38
^mNotIntelligentgryllida, just run : wine  <teamviewersetup.exe>18:39
hellboy316but how would i add my page there i dont have write permissions on /var/www18:39
jff9hi guys i just updated and now when i try and boot it says udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured... does anyone know what i can do?18:39
gryllida^mNotIntelligent, ok, since you seem to have some experience with it. do I need to setup the teamviewer after the installation and how do I connect?18:40
ServerTechDirectly open it gryllida, are you talking bout a vps!?!?18:41
sacarlsonhellboy316: no write permissions?  how can you have a site without that?  were is the admin letting you write?18:41
hellboy316i can put it on myhomefolder/mywebsite18:41
^mNotIntelligentgryllida, after installing it, just launch ti through wine...18:41
hellboy316that can be accessed as serverip/~username18:41
sacarlsonhellboy316: well then have your admin link it for you18:41
hellboy316i dont think he will do that . can i not update the name values of apache as a ~/.appache.conf18:42
gryllidaServerTech: what vps?18:43
sacarlsonhellboy316: well without admin priv you will never be able to touch /etc/apache/appache.conf18:43
ServerTechgryllida, just install TV and open it18:43
burguahi all!18:44
gryllida /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1_i386.deb18:44
gryllidaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:44
hellboy316uh ok... thanks dude i will just keep it as www.something.co.cc/~user18:44
gryllidathis after  apt-get install install wine ^18:44
sacarlsonhellboy316: I'm not sure how your admin has it setup maybe you can.  I don't do things without admin rights18:44
burguahad someone troubles with Fujitsu-Siemens and Ubuntu 10.04? (noise)18:44
bitreaderwhat's the command line app that displays the use of the network interfaces?18:44
gryllida!anyone | burgua18:44
ubottuburgua: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:44
ilmeniteanyone for : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9809530 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9804034 ?18:45
jff9is there nobody that knows what i can do then?18:45
SchaboI have trouble getting DTS and DD to work over SPDIF, all other seems to play correct, any ideas what I could check/do? Running Ubuntu 10.0418:46
suprengrburgua: what 'noise', when...  & which FSC pooter18:46
gryllida/var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) <---- this after  apt-get install install wine . Any idea?18:46
ilmeniteSchabo: look for smoothpenguin on #gentoo , he's got it working right18:47
burguaubottu: ok. I have Ubuntu on my laptop (Fujitsu Siemens H240). The fans are to loud. Is it at all people using this Laptop? All ok with temperature #Sounds better?#18:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
NeurotiquetteWhat do I need to use to setup a proxy server locally, that patches connections through to another proxy server I have access to on the net?18:48
ilovefairuz!squid | Neurotiquette18:49
ubottuNeurotiquette: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org18:49
sacarlsonNeurotiquette: I'm not sure about proxy to another proxy but squid is the poxy server that runs on ubuntu18:49
Neurotiquetteworks for me, thanks18:49
Neurotiquettesacarlson, ilovefairuz: Which package should I aptitude?18:50
ilovefairuzNeurotiquette: read the link?18:51
uRockWhen using the minimal installer, will installing the openbox package install everything needed to have a GUI?18:51
xanguauRock: no but you can try lubuntu-desktop metapackage, it uses openbox wm i believe18:52
gryllidaServerTech: /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) <---- this after  apt-get install install wine . Any idea?18:52
ilovefairuzuRock: probably not18:52
gryllidaafter apt-get install wine, I mean18:52
uRockcool, thanx ilovefairuz & xangua18:52
ilovefairuzgryllida: sudo apt-cache clean && sudo apt-get install wine18:52
Neurotiquetteilovefairuz: Not that squidguard one, will check out. Thanks.18:53
sebsebsebuRock: uhmm18:54
sebsebsebuRock: yes itwill18:54
sebsebsebuRock: OpenBox is a basic GUI / window manager18:54
gryllidailovefairuz: # apt-cache clean18:54
gryllidaE: Invalid operation clean18:54
gryllidasebsebseb: HELLO!18:55
sebsebsebgryllida: Hi18:55
ilovefairuzgryllida: sorry, it's apt-get for both18:55
coldhaki'm trying to make a lightweight fluxbox setup. I appear to be missing some things(such as whatever automounts usb devices), but don't know what they're called. is there a guide for this?18:55
suprengrburnin: try running the live cd with "acpi_os" option ...see if it makes a difference to running with/without "no-acpi" [select under boot options at startup screen18:56
sebsebsebcoldhak: lets see uhmm, partitions are dealt with using fstab, so I guess mounted usb devices as well18:56
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:56
gryllidailovefairuz: I did both lines. am getting same error.  /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1_i386.deb18:56
suprengrburnin: soz... wrong tab18:56
gryllidaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:56
jcduttongryllida, what do you need wine for ?18:57
uRocksebsebseb, thanx,18:58
coldhakhow do I find out where a filesystem is, if it's not listed by df and it isn't in fstab?18:59
sebsebsebuRock: ok thats what you were after?18:59
sebsebsebuRock: I thought I was replying to coldhak18:59
jcduttoncoldhak, what do you mean, where a filesystem is?18:59
coldhakjcdutton: it's address, such as /dev/sda19:00
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sebsebsebuRock:  ok yeah no problem your welcome, have fun with OpenBox, you may want to try ou Fluxbox as well whist your at it, by the way19:00
sebsebsebuRock: and maybe E17 even19:00
toehio2How do you take a picture with your webcam from the commandline?19:00
slybootstoehio2: $> camera go clickyclick19:01
sreerajI cant see any chats19:01
jcduttoncoldhak, /dev/sda is a device, not a filesystem.19:01
sebsebsebtoehio2: I wonder after you asked, if that is possible19:01
jcduttoncoldhak, Are you looking for the contents of a usb stick or something?19:01
geoffmcci was wondering why would want too, lol19:01
toehio2slyboots: haha, but no19:01
geoffmccis an interesting though19:01
coldhakjcdutton: ok, how do I find out the name of the devices? I have both an internal drive, and external usb that aren't mounted. I need to know what they're named(/dev/sda, etc), to mount them19:02
sreerajIs there any software to play AOE in Ubuntu?19:02
lousygaruatoehio2, http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/2519:03
geoffmccnowadays with motion detect software and what not not really needed but could be an old school security system - set cron job take pic every once in while19:03
gryllidajcdutton: ServerTech said I need it for teamviewer.19:03
jcduttoncoldhak, the disks should all be present in /dev/disc19:03
coldhakfor some odd reason firefox picks up that the internal exists via the saveas prompt, but says I don't have authorization to access it(probably 'cause it isn't mounted, and isn't in fstab)19:03
coldhakjcdutton: /dev/disc does not exist.19:04
jcduttoncoldhak, what about /dev/disk19:04
coldhakah, that does exist19:04
p1und3ris anyone familiar withthe output of 'nmblookup -A <ip>', I cannot find any documentation on it19:04
toehio2lousygarua: thanks19:05
jcduttongryllida,  If teamviewer is a windows program, they ServerTech was right19:05
IdleOnep1oooop1: man nmblookup19:06
coldhakjcdutton: this appears to work. never seen that before. thanks :)19:06
IdleOnep1und3r: : man nmblookup19:06
jcduttoncoldhak, no problem19:06
ClouseHi all, I'm runnig 10.04 and have lost thumbnail preview for all video files any ideas? I have checked all the normal settings like the ones in gnome-conf and all looks good.19:06
sreerajWhat is the best audio player in Linux19:07
coldhakthat's a complicated question. what do you mean "best"?19:07
Realcoolguy9xmmx comes to mind.  VLC does an ok job if that's already on there.  Hmmm what else is good?19:07
gryllida!best > sreeraj19:07
ubottusreeraj, please see my private message19:07
jcduttongryllida, do you have synaptic package manager?19:07
gryllidajcdutton: how do I know?19:08
jcduttongryllida, via menus.   System->Administrator->Synaptic19:08
Oli````Anybody know the command-line analogue of right clicking the network applet and toggling the "Enable wireless" checkbox?19:08
Clousesreeraj: There are many but I would suggest Songbird19:08
bitreaderHi, I'm playing quakelive, and it's running like a charm. I have full steady 125 fps, yet the rendering looks odd, it looks like I'm actually at 60 fps or something. I'm quite sure it's the frequency of the monitor, seems like it is too low, is there any way to check htis?19:08
gryllidajcdutton: it's .. a server. I only have cli access.19:08
uRockI want to start playing with setting up a server within a vbox, From the minimal installer do I just run apt-get install "ubuntu-server"?19:08
gryllidajcdutton: hence why I want the teamviewer19:09
jcduttongryllida, Ok. do you have aptitude installed ?19:09
picard1400hey im trying to tether my windows mobile phone to ubuntu 10.0419:09
picard1400when i try to connect19:09
gryllidajcdutton: "apt-get" works, so maybe yes19:09
picard1400it does not show up.. what drivers tdo i have to install for RNDIS etc???19:09
jcduttongryllida, apt-get install aptitude19:09
geoffmccuRock think your gonna need a server iso19:11
jcduttongryllida, I do not think teamviewer will help you19:11
ikoniauRock: no19:11
ikoniageoffmcc: he won't need a server iso19:11
gryllidajcdutton: help with?19:12
uRockthanx both19:12
geoffmccmaybe im looking at wrong thing.19:12
cysiolandI downloaded Yenka for Linux, but it's .package file. How yo use it?19:12
ikoniacysioland: .package files are not supported in debian19:13
jcduttongryllida, what do you want teamviewer for? The teamviewer web site says it is a remote access tool19:13
picard1400anyone know how to connect it i have hte HTC touch pro 2 and it works fine on windows  computers but im not sure how to set it up on ubuntu 10.0419:13
ikoniacysioland: or "debian" based systems, as they use dpkg as a package manager19:13
sreerajHey u people there?19:13
jcduttongryllida, Do you have ssh access to the server ?19:14
ikoniasreeraj: yes19:14
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jcduttongryllida, just connect to it with "ssh -Y username@hostname"19:14
kthomas_vhI'm trying to replace a $form['title] field with an autocomplete;  where to look for instructions?19:14
cysiolandHow to use it?19:15
intraderStaff, please let me know (again), where to report or deal with a problem with 10.04, thanks.19:15
jcduttongryllida, then run "xterm" and you have your remote gui working for the server.19:15
cysiolandHow to use dpkg?19:15
jcduttonintrader, google for "ubuntu bugs"19:16
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intraderjcbutton, thanks19:16
ispothello, who knows how to mantains multi adsl in one box?19:17
cysiolanddpkg-deb: "Yenka_3.2.6.package" is not Debian package19:18
jcduttonispot, depends what is on the other end of the adsl. If it is to a single destination, you can run load sharing protocols both ends, if you only control one end, you can only do limited load sharing19:18
BahrHi, I want to try out ubuntu 10.04 due to the new ui and want to switch completely from Win 7 to Ubuntu, but I can't install it on a Vaio CW21SE, has someone in here done this sucessfully. My screen goes blank when I try to load into the live cd also when I try to load with live vga=77119:19
gryllidajcdutton: ok. but when I add -Y option to ssh command, it says 'connection timed out', though it does succeed in the usual way.19:19
parasany1 used openmpi?19:19
gryllida!anyone > paras19:20
ubottuparas, please see my private message19:20
edbian_Can I get help with math on IRC??19:20
ikoniaedbian_: not in this channel19:21
SchaboBahr, I also had that problem, on another computer, I ended up connecting an external monitor by VGA...19:21
parasDoes anyone do openmpi programming?19:21
edbian_ikonia: What channel can you suggest?19:21
geoffmcctry gen chat19:21
gryllidaedbian_: #math19:21
ikoniaedbian_: no idea, read freenode's website19:21
ispotjcdutton, I want to use them all in same time, but I don't know how to do . if I pon dsl-provider2, pon dsl-provider3, just the last one work.19:21
geoffmccor use a calculator, ;-p19:21
p1und3ranyone good with samba that could help me out?19:22
gryllidap1und3r: not before seeing the question19:22
picard1400ok i have ubuntu 10.04 server installed. i want to do tethering with my windows mobile device.. the tethering works fine on windows computers.. buyt when i plug it into the ubuntu computer and click internet shharing... it does not connect. (i also dont get an IP address) what do i need to change?19:22
p1und3rgryllida: i have 2, first one is: do I even need a NETBIOS name to connect to a share with smbclient?19:22
ikoniapicard1400: why are you using a server for a desktop function (tethering)19:23
picard1400i want a light install19:23
picard1400so i did ubuntu server edition19:23
gryllidajcdutton: hello there. I tried to add -Y option to ssh command, it says 'connection timed out', though it does succeed in the usual way.19:23
jcduttonispot, you need to use special load balancing software so that it directs your traffic down the correct link19:23
picard1400but i want to use my phone (tethering as internet)19:23
ikoniapicard1400: then use a desktop install and remove what you want19:23
ikoniapicard1400: server install is meant for server hardware19:23
jcduttongryllida, It should not time out. What is the "usual way" ?19:24
picard1400is there a package i can install for RNDIS19:24
picard1400cause i have everything setup like i want.. i just need that RNDIS stuff or the "tetherin" packag?19:24
ikoniapicard1400: no19:24
ikoniapicard1400: again , I would strongly advise you to use a desktop install base, and remove what you don't want, or use the alternative CD installer to install a cut down base install19:25
Bahrhm damn that sucks, I don't have an external monitor :/19:25
ispotjcdutton, thank you. then which software19:25
SchaboBahr, There might be something else, but after two days of trying different things I gave up... :/19:25
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
picard1400ikonia i understand what ur sayin19:26
picard1400i still just want to setup a tethering thign.. if possible19:27
picard1400i mean19:27
picard1400there should be a .deb somehwere or somethign19:27
ikoniapicard1400: why should there be a deb for windows software ?19:27
elijahI don't have my drive here but can Ubuntu r/w to HFS+ filesystems (Mac)?19:27
ikoniapicard1400: its "windows software" it's not open source, how can debian package it ?19:27
jcduttonispot, Try reading this: http://www.ssi.bg/~ja/nano.txt19:28
picard1400its not windows sfotware19:28
picard1400all i need is the drivers for RNDIS19:28
Sia--picard1400, whta is your problem?19:28
picard1400or package19:28
ikoniapicard1400: are there linux drivers ?19:28
Sia--what is RNDIS19:28
picard1400Sia-- ok basically i want to use my windows mobile phone as my internet connection19:29
picard1400it works fine in windows and its supposed to work fine in ubuntu 10.04..19:29
ikoniapicard1400: note the phrase "windows mobile phone"19:29
jcduttonispot, as you can see, it is quite complicated19:29
Sia--picard1400, work fine in ubuntu to19:29
picard1400right.. but its not working for me on my ubuntu 10.04 server install19:29
picard1400i think its drivers or an app that only comes in desktop edition and i was wondering where i could talk to somone/ask someone to helpe me get it onto my sever install19:30
geoffmccpicard1400 - try using this as a base to get going -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=358871719:30
ikoniapicard1400: 1.) the server install won't have all the software needed as it's not got a desktop setup in by default 2.) is there a linux driver for your phone19:30
picard1400i have already configed my server fully to what i need/.... i just need this last thing19:30
Sia--picard1400, because you need some tool to done it, are you good in linux i mean CLI?19:30
CheticIs there a good app for playing a midi piano in linux?19:30
picard1400Sia-- medium19:30
picard1400not beginner not expert19:30
ikoniapicard1400: is there a linux driver for your phone19:31
ActionParsnipChetic: timidity will be your base. Could try audacity etc19:31
Sia--ok , and you have you ubuntu with GUI or without?19:31
MadRobotHi all.19:31
picard1400it supposed to work on ubuntu ... out of hte box19:31
ongolaBoyHi.When I launch gwibber from the CLI, this is what I got http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TGG985BC . What's wrong ?should I file a bug ?19:31
ActionParsnipHi MadRobot19:31
ikoniapicard1400: where are you getting this info ?19:31
MadRobotI have this weird problem with playing MP3 files.19:31
picard1400ubuntu forums19:31
ikoniapicard1400: could you please post the link ?19:31
ActionParsnipongolaBoy: could try the gwibber ppa. The later build may help19:31
picard1400one sec19:32
Sia--ongolaBoy, gwibber is bugy19:32
intraderWow, launchpad has bugs in its login sequence. Have you encountered problems with launchpad?19:32
ikoniapicard1400: thanks,19:32
ispotjcdutton, "First, this will not work for a single computer with two modem connections...."19:32
picard1400ikonia look at first line19:32
ikoniapicard1400: you know that's not ubuntu forums ?19:32
picard1400and there are plenty of articles that state that not just this one19:32
MadRobotNo matter what player was, when I play an MP3 on it, the file plays the progress bar never moves.19:32
ongolaBoySia--: then I should file this issue in launchpad at least then :(19:32
ikoniapicard1400: the first line says nothing about ubuntu forums19:32
picard1400im saying this is just one article19:33
ikoniapicard1400: have you compiled the svn version of rndis-lite19:33
picard1400there are others on ubuntu19:33
picard1400i konia i ahve tried.. but that is for older versions of ubuntu19:33
MadRobotthe file plays *but* the progress bar never budges.19:33
picard1400the libraries are missing/ changed19:33
th0rpicard1400: have you compiled and installed the drivers mentioned on that page?19:33
Sia--picard1400, what is about you desktop is with GUI or not?19:33
ikoniapicard1400: no it's not - it's svn19:33
picard1400....... those drivers are for older versions of ubuntu19:34
ikoniapicard1400: they are svn19:34
picard1400when i do "make" there are librarires missing out of date because they are made for earlier versions of ubuntu19:34
gryllidaHow long can "dpkg --configure -a" take? It says rebuilding database for like 5 minutes or so.19:34
sreerajHow can  i Enable my ATI graphics card in ubuntu?19:34
ActionParsnipMadRobot: what players have you tried. Do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed and w32codecs or w64codes installed from the medibuntu repo?19:34
obscurant1stwhat is the user name n password for live cd for ubuntu 10.0419:34
Sia--picard1400, the use apt-get build-dep PACKAGE719:34
ikoniapicard1400: ok, so what does that tell you19:34
picard1400Sia-- what will that do?19:34
Sia--obscurant1st, root19:34
evanescentevery so often I boot (ubuntu 10.04) and my windows have no frames. rebooting usually fixes it.19:35
evanescentis this a known problem?19:35
obscurant1stSia--, and passwrd?19:35
jcduttonispot, It does work, but it does not load balance evenly. For example if you try and download a file from a single web site, it will only use one link. If you try downloading two files from two different web sites, it will use both links19:35
ActionParsnipsreeraj: use the same hardware item of an installed system. Just restart x server once its installed19:35
Sia--! tell picard1400 about compiling19:35
ubottupicard1400, please see my private message19:35
ispotjcdutton, Ah!19:35
Sia--obscurant1st, nothing19:35
picard1400Sia-- i have build essentials installed19:35
MadRobotActionParsnip, thanks. However, w32codecs doesn't seem to have an installation candidate19:35
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: on the login screen log on as ubuntu with no pass then run: sudo gdm start19:35
obscurant1stActionParsnip, ok19:36
obscurant1stSia--, that didnt work19:36
ActionParsnipSia--: root is disabled on livecd too19:36
Sia--ActionParsnip, not true19:36
magnetronhi, how do i set a software to start on boot, run as a regular user? i had some vague memory of using 'cron' for this but i was probably wrong19:36
Sia--and sudo is not for GUI19:36
ActionParsnipMadRobot: you meed the medibuntu repo19:36
ikoniajust use sudo19:36
Sia--gksu gdm is right19:36
BluesKaj!medibuntu | MadRobot19:36
ubottuMadRobot: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:36
th0rpicard1400: you very well may have to compile old lib versions for that package, and those may require more old packages, and....welcome to the OLD linux19:36
MadRobotActionParsnip, oh. I see.19:36
ActionParsnipSia--: gdm is a service so is non gui, so sudo is ok19:36
gryllidaHow long can "dpkg --configure -a" take? It says rebuilding database for like 5 minutes or so.19:37
th0rpicard1400: the way things used to be done years ago <smile>19:37
Sia--ActionParsnip, heheh19:37
MadRobotBluesKaj, Thanks.19:37
Sia--! tell ActionParsnip about gdm19:37
MadRobotAlso, one more problem. How do I solve a BADSIG problem?19:37
obscurant1stActionParsnip, yeah that seems to wokr, but now i am back at login screen19:37
ActionParsnipgryllida: if you open another terminal and run: top ,it may give clues to if its working or not19:37
obscurant1stthe screen just blinks after i enter the login information19:38
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: ok do the same again but instead of starting gdm, run: passwd ,then set a password. Start gdm again and login with the account19:38
CheticIs there a good app for playing a midi piano in linux?19:38
Sia--gryllida, or use 'ps aux | grep19:38
obscurant1stand then again the login button comes19:38
gryllidathis is the top one19:38
gryllida  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND19:39
TELL0gryllida: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.19:39
gryllida32042 root      18   0 40732  38m 1448 R   10 29.9   0:54.43 scrollkeeper-up19:39
FloodBot3gryllida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
ikonia!es | TELL019:39
ubottuTELL0: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:39
gryllidaso I think dpkg should have finished19:39
gryllidabut it shows af it was busy yet19:39
Sia--gryllida, use ' ps aux | grep dpkg19:39
sreerajIs there anyway to store the ubuntu updates to a cd/dvd, so i can update later very fast when i format my system.19:39
obscurant1stActionParsnip, but where should i enter that command, actually the GUI already started but, after entering the login info , the login button again comes19:39
ActionParsnipgryllida: id go with Sia-- 's command19:39
Quantum_Ion /join #SDL19:39
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: in the alt+f1 screen19:40
gryllidaSia--: ActionParsnip: yes, dpkg is listed in the output19:40
Sia--gryllida, also kill him :D19:40
ActionParsnipgryllida: then its busy19:40
Sia--if you dont like it19:40
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gryllida0% cpu, 3.4% memory19:40
gryllidaActionParsnip: ^19:41
Sia--gryllida, and wa?19:41
obscurant1stActionParsnip, alt+f1 gives me nothin19:41
ActionParsnipgryllida: grep will show, you will always get 1 output line19:41
gryllidaobscurant1st: ctrl+alt+f119:41
obscurant1stu meant alt+ctrl+f119:41
obscurant1stActionParsnip, ^^19:41
Sia--obscurant1st, Alt+Ctrl+F219:41
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: doh yeah ctrl+alt+f119:41
ActionParsnipgryllida: ty dude19:41
obscurant1stoh, ok19:41
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: you can set the pass to the account there19:42
gryllidaActionParsnip: well it's running. how long can it take and how am I sure it isn't stuck?19:42
PupenoI have this content http://gist.github.com/566218 in /etc/cron.d/projectx and it seems it's not being run. Any ideas how to find out why?19:42
obscurant1stActionParsnip, but after pressing zlt+ctrl+f1 the screen became weird!19:42
robertzaccourif my printer isn't on the openprinting site does that mean it probably won't work?19:42
ActionParsnipgryllida: depends on spec and how many packages etc I guess19:42
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: does ctrl+L do anything?19:43
obscurant1stsomething like which used to come if the resolution have some problm19:43
sreerajIs there anyway to store the ubuntu updates to a cd/dvd, so i can update later very fast when i format my system.19:43
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | sreeraj19:43
ubottusreeraj: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:43
obscurant1stActionParsnip, yes some changes @ the top of the screen19:43
on3pkHey guys!  Updating question here... If I install the 10.10 beta, is there an update manager which will update core files once 10.10 final is released?19:43
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: hmm. Does the cd pass verification once first booted to?19:43
Sia--on3pk, yes19:44
ActionParsnip!10.10 | on3pk19:44
ubottuon3pk: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:44
bastidrazoron3pk: if you install the beta just do regular updates and it will be update when the final is released.19:44
on3pkubottu... clever name..19:44
silentwater77hi there, i ran into serious trouble with upgrading mountall19:44
ActionParsnipon3pk: you will update seamlessly to the rec19:44
on3pkActionParsnip: awesome!19:44
obscurant1stActionParsnip, yes, actully i think its the problm with computer itslef, coz the cd have no problem n it works ok, in any other systems19:44
robertzaccourif my printer isn't on the openprinting site does that mean it probably won't work?19:44
on3pkDoes Ubuntu support Windows filesharing?  If I want to access files on a windows computer on the network, is that possible?  I know thats another n00b question19:45
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: boot to the cd and use the memtest maybe19:45
ActionParsnipon3pk: it has samba which windows can use. Win7 has a weird implementation of samba but it can be worked around19:46
silentwater77can someone explain the meaning of this :19:46
silentwater77Package: mountall19:46
silentwater77Status: hold ok installed19:46
silentwater77Priority: required19:46
silentwater77Section: admin19:46
FloodBot3silentwater77: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
silentwater77Installed-Size: 23219:46
obscurant1stActionParsnip, oh, ok19:46
elijahWhat command do I run to see if I have GTK 2.12 or higher?19:46
obscurant1stcan u tell me one thing pls, ActionParsnip19:46
elijahI need these softwares http://www.dropbox.com/downloading?src=index19:46
evanescentevery so often I boot (ubuntu 10.04) and my windows have no frames. rebooting usually fixes it. does anyone know how to fix this?19:46
obscurant1stafter press ctrl+alt+f119:46
ActionParsnipelijah: dpkg -l | grep libgtk should do it19:47
on3pkWow... the new ubuntu website is nice... I haven't seen it since like... the 08.XX days19:47
obscurant1stafter press ctrl+alt+f1 what exeactly should i type to change the password, so that i cn type it even i cnt see the screen19:47
obscurant1stActionParsnip, ^^19:47
silentwater77sorry for flooding19:47
erUSULelijah: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-019:47
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: the command is: passwd19:47
sreerajI installed aptoncd but now i can't see that in my menu.  :(19:48
sreeraj I installed aptoncd but now i can't see that in my menu.  :(19:48
elijaherUSUL: Thanks, that one worked19:48
silentwater77can someone explain the meaning and the next step of this to me : http://paste.ubuntu.com/488861/19:49
on3pkhmmm.... I just thought of a problem.... If I dont' have a CD Drive on my netbook, is there a way to install the beta?19:49
elijaherUSUL: What about glib, nautilus and libnotify19:49
jirizavadilhello guys19:49
sreeraj I installed aptoncd but now i can't see that in my menu.  :(19:49
elijaherUSUL: How do you guys know these package names?19:49
BluesKaj!repeat |sreeraj19:50
ubottusreeraj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com19:50
silentwater77pls could someone explain the meaning of the hold, but installed package http://paste.ubuntu.com/488861/19:51
magnetronhi, how do i set a software to start on boot, run as a regular user? i had some vague memory of using 'cron' for this but i was probably wrong19:52
c3lhow does one uninstall a patch installed with the patch tool?19:52
MadRobotHi all. I have just installed both Ubunt-restricted-extras and w32codecs, but I still have problem with playing MP3 files.19:52
sreerajwhen it consider user as spam?19:52
nshto be rebuild initramfs?19:52
nshgot hit by the udev update bug19:52
nshor whatever it is19:52
BluesKaj!startup | magnetron19:53
ubottumagnetron: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:53
MadRobotWhen I play an MP3 file on any player, the file itself plays perfectly but the progress bar doesn't move. Why is that?19:53
bodwickMadRobot: just install good, bad and ugly gstreamer codecs19:53
bodwickMadRobot what player? rhythmbox ?19:53
MadRobotbodwick, yes. And MPlayer too.19:53
c3luse mplayer or cplay :)19:53
magnetronBluesKaj: yes, that's for log in. but i want them to run at system boot19:53
gauravOhhh... irc from empathy!!! Never knew this... wow19:54
bodwickMadRobot you've got all gstreamer codecs installed?19:54
BluesKaj!boot | magnetron19:55
ubottumagnetron: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:55
MadRobotbodwick, I guess so, but not sure.19:55
paddy_Is it possibal to add music with rythmbox onto an ipod touch in ubuntu 10.04? and if so how?19:55
magnetronBluesKaj: oh thx19:55
bodwickMadRobot ffmpeg, plugins-bad, plugins-ugly19:55
MadRobotbodwick, the files itself works but the progress bar doesn't move at all.19:55
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TELL0ikonia, Ido not typed that. I don't how that happened, but I didn't type anything19:55
c3lpaddy_: depends on your ipods firmware version, the latest ones use databases no one have yet managet to hack19:56
bodwickMadRobot try running rhythmbox or mplayer from terminal and see if it return some errors ?19:56
MadRobotbodwick, did that. Nothing relevant.19:56
paddy_c3l the softwere version is 3.1.3 is that ok?19:57
c3lpaddy_: iirc anything >= 2.x works19:57
FireshiI want a program *.inf19:57
paddy_c3l how do i do it then?19:58
aseemjoin #python19:58
bodwickMadRobot weird, same issue with totem?19:58
MadRobotbodwick, yes.19:58
a16BitSoftanyone know how to run VirtualBox non-OSE version on new Ubuntu 10.10 32bit beta?19:58
gryllidaanything i can do instead of 'dpkg --configure -a' but less resource hungry and with approximately same effect?19:58
c3lpaddy_: if nothing's changed since i checked last time it wont work, you must do it via itunes. or alternatively save the music files as plain files and install a 3rd party music player from cydia19:58
Fireshihow use linux??19:59
paddy_aseem i once saw someone post "nickserv identify [their password]"19:59
bodwickMadRobot i would play with the codecs installed, but have never seen such a problem so just guessing19:59
gryllidaer oops19:59
c3lpaddy_: putting the files where ever you want on your ipods filesystem via ssh19:59
MadRobotbodwick, yeah. It's a very weird problem indeed..19:59
gryllidaFireshi: I don't know.. I just use it. what exactly are you now trying to do?20:00
paddy_c3l but according to !ipod it is possibal to do it without jailbreaking out the box20:00
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:00
aseempaddy: haha!my bad.20:00
gryllidaanything i can do instead of 'dpkg --configure -a' but less resource hungry and with approximately same effect?20:00
bodwickMadRobot personally i dont use w32 codecs at all, just gstreamer codecs i've mentioned and everything is ok20:00
MadRobotbodwick, everything should be okay. But this is really strange, I've never had such an issue before. @_@20:01
sreerajHow can see the codes of a program?20:02
bodwickMadRobot try on another user account ? maybe it's some settings of yours20:02
ActionParsnipsreeraj: you can use apt-get etc to download the source if the source repos are enabled in software sources20:03
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bitreaderHi, which's the them that can set the icons in your bar to group and look like Windows 7 desktop bar grouping? Where's only the icon of the app, and when you click on it, it displays the several instances of it.20:03
Deevzhey guys, just installed windows 7 and my ubuntu wont boot anymore20:03
c3lpaddy_: i think its outdated, afaik syncing with ipods music database only works on "normal" ipods and ipods on iOS < 3.020:03
DeevzIn fact, i cant access grub20:03
ActionParsnipDeevz: reinstall grub. Win7 has overwritten the boot sector with its own20:04
bodwickDeevz because grub got overwritten20:04
bitreaderDeevz, Wdinwos 7 took control of the mbr.20:04
c3lpaddy_: but it says it should work up to 4.0! I need to read up on this20:04
jefincis there a program for an iPod that uses drag and drop?20:04
jefincsimilar to anapod for windows ^^^20:04
paddy_jefinc gtkpod but it does not have very good gnome intergration20:05
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paddy_c3l exactly, saying it did work how would i put songs on there?20:05
ActionParsnippaddy_: c3l : http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html20:05
ActionParsnipCould just not buy ipods, easier life20:06
GhentCan anyone tell me how to create a new user that has its home dir encrypted?20:07
ActionParsnipDeevz: you'll need to boot to the livecd and use a guide to reinstall grub. There are thousands around20:07
jefincI'm looking for drag and drop, like from one nautilus window to another20:07
paddy_ActionParsnip there are unfortunaly not meany alternatives20:07
paddy_jefinc gtkpod is the easyest one to do20:07
jefincanapod explorer does it for windows, this is what I want to have similar to20:07
ActionParsnippaddy_: cowon make fantastic players20:07
Fireshigryllida: I also just use it..20:07
jefincpaddy_: gtkpod is not drag and drop in a nautilus window20:08
DeevzI just found one, thx ActionParsnip20:08
ActionParsnippaddy_: my lady has a philips gogear thing which is pretty awesome too20:08
DeevzLuckily I am already in live mode :)20:08
ActionParsnipDeevz: perfect. Sounds like you are set20:08
Deevzwindows 7 is good, but I like my ubuntu20:08
ActionParsnipDeevz: after installing grub you may find that only ubuntu boots but boot in then run: sudo update-grub20:09
paddy_what is the default feed reader in ubuntu 10.04?20:09
hiexpohello ActionParsnip & IdleOne20:09
gryllidaFireshi: but what?20:09
VCooliobitreader: it's dockbarx, search it on gnome-look.org20:09
Deevzok thx20:09
ActionParsniphiexpo: howdy20:09
Fireshigryllida: I dn't know..how to use it..20:10
ActionParsnippaddy_: I know in kubuntu its akregator. Not sure if ubuntu comes with one. Doesn't evolution do that sort of thing...20:11
hiexpojefinc, you can open a nauilus and a reugular window and drop items from regular into nautilus window20:11
elijahHas anyone used Skitch for Mac? If so, is there a similar app for GNU/Linux that exists?20:11
trismpaddy_: perhaps liferea? it's not bad20:11
elijahOR, what is the fastest workflow for grabbing screenshots?20:11
jefinchiexpo: that will not allow me to add/remove music from the ipod20:11
ActionParsnippaddy_: i'd search software centre to find names then read feature lists of each to see what suits your needs20:12
paddy_trism it does not come with that i want one that is already installed20:12
Deevzwell now im stuck20:12
ActionParsnipelijah: fastest for screenshots is gonna be imagemagick20:12
DeevzI just installedgrubon my mbr20:12
paddy_i cannot belive there isn't a feed reader somewere20:12
trismpaddy_: there isn't one already installed20:12
ipunkI has a simple problem downloaded a torrent witha lot of rars which would normally extract to an iso but ubuntu archive manager pops and error when i try to extract what do ?20:12
Deevzand nothing can boot, I only get a grub command line20:12
GhentCan anyone tell me how to create a new user that has its home dir encrypted?20:13
ActionParsnipipunk: do you have rar, unrar, unrar-free p7zip-rar and p7zip-full installed?20:13
ActionParsnipDeevz: you need a different guide20:13
ActionParsnipipunk: there is your issue then20:13
ActionParsnip!grub2 | Deevz20:13
ubottuDeevz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:13
elijahActionParsnip: I will try that too but this looks close - http://shutter-project.org/preview/screenshots/20:14
gauravgaurav: hi20:14
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox20:14
hiexpojefinc, i can't remember what used but there is one forlinux that works with ipod i used it before but was a long time ago for my daughters ipod20:14
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:15
paddy_is there a feed reader that displayes the content like google reader20:15
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:15
cuddlefishhiexpo: would that be GTKpod? or Rhythmbox, perhaps?20:15
switz_hiexpo I think that compatability was broken in one of apple's "updates"20:15
ActionParsnipelijah: there are a few screenshot tools around. I like scripting imagemagick to do stuff, its good fun :)20:15
Asigottechjefinc: gtk pod, rythmbox lots of them work well20:15
HabsNewbie question... So I'm connected to an SSH server using the command-line client using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/ConnectingTo but, how would I go about moving files into it? Will the "mv" command work?20:16
paddy_is this irc chanel officialy logged?20:16
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:16
sreerajWhat is this Ubuntu One?20:16
switz_paddy_ yes20:16
jefincAsigottech: yes but none of them are drag and drop... they are all similar to iTunes which is what I don't want20:16
ActionParsnipsreeraj: online storage20:17
paddy_Habs no you need to pipe stuff to it20:17
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone20:17
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hiexpocuddlefish, i think it was gtk i couldn't make make rym work at all was a pain20:17
Asigottechjefinc: attach and mount20:17
Habspaddy_, how can I do that?20:17
jefincAsigottech: that does not let you drag and drop music due to the ipod OS20:17
ActionParsnipsreeraj: another alternative is dropbox20:17
ipunkanother q how to improve sound quality on my acer laptop20:18
hiexpoeven with gtk it was not easy it took somework to pair the two20:18
sreerajHow much i can upload or download?20:18
ActionParsnipipunk: try alsa 1.0.23 maybe20:18
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ActionParsnipsreeraj: free gives 2gb I think but you can pay for more space20:18
hiexposreeraj, what you mean ?20:18
jeltschHi, Brasero tells me to install icedax for CD ripping. Is icedax (or Brasero using icedax) using jitter correction by default?20:19
Aviat0rsomebody can tell my difference between ubuntu and debian systems?20:19
Asigottechjefinc: YamiPod then20:19
ActionParsnipipunk: if its a netbook then the sound chips aren't great20:19
sreerajIs there any way to install Matlab in ubuntu?20:19
sreerajits linux alternatives are not good at all20:19
Habspaddy_, you still there?20:19
Asigottechjefinc: http://www.yamipod.com/main/modules/home/20:19
ActionParsnipsreeraj: I think you gotta compile for matlab. Saw a guide a while ago if memory serves20:19
SwedeMikeAviat0r: think of it like Audi and VolksWagen, they share parts under the hood. what the difference is might be a matter of opinion.20:19
paddy_correct me if i am wrong someone but "cat local.file | ssh example@example.com "cat > remote.file"20:19
ActionParsnippaddy_: why not just use sshfs20:20
hiexpoActionParsnip, you beat me lol20:20
ActionParsnippaddy_: you can mount the filesystem via ssh20:20
paddy_ActionParsnip if it is only a single file it works fine20:20
jakerhelp dibil20:20
SwedeMikepaddy_: scp is easier.20:20
ipunkyeah i know but w7 still sounds a lot better on some songs]20:21
jakeral kill you20:21
erkan^I can not found "OpenClipart" :S20:21
erkan^I have installed openclipart20:21
jefincAsigottech: I will give it a try thanks20:21
ActionParsnipipunk: different drivers, different settings etc.20:21
sreerajHey how can i talk to a person?20:21
jakerI killer USA20:21
jefincAsigottech: ...it's the same as iTunes...20:21
hiexposreeraj, \ ask20:21
ActionParsnipsreeraj: skype20:22
gbear14275is there a ppa or some other way to ensure get sun/oracle java updates?20:22
ipunkthe probelms is some songs just sound terrible on ubuntu20:22
jeltschpaddy_: What about sftp?20:22
paddy_habs if you are doing a lot of files then yeh there are other options as there is a protocall for that but in my opinion that is good enouch for a single ifle20:22
sreerajI mean in this chat window20:22
Asigottechjefinc: it has drag and drop : )20:22
Deevzalright this is not working20:22
paddy_Jeltsch concidering one does not have a ftp server20:22
IdleOnesreeraj: just type the first few letters of the name and hit the tab key. exampl idl tab will give you IdleOne20:22
trismsreeraj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB20:23
Deevzis there an option when installing ubuntu to do it without removing files in /home/{user}?20:23
jeltschpaddy_: The name sftp is misleading. It has nothing to do with the FTP protocol. It’s file transfer using SSH.20:23
paddy_if you need to tranfser a *single* file it is easyer to do that than to set up a ftp server20:23
Aviat0rand can you tell me compelling difference in both systems?20:23
paolohi. I have tedious problems with midi on rosegarden (on ubuntu 10.04) . First of all: I need to start jack and timidity manually (i run qjackctl and timidity -iA -Oj -B2,8) . second: midi plays with an  annoying echo. how can I fix that? thanks20:23
robert__hello polacy ubuntowcy20:23
AsigottechDeevz: you mean on a re-install ?20:24
Deevzim kind of stuck right now20:24
DeevzI upgraded my windows from vista to 7 so I put my important files on the ubuntu partition20:24
paddy_paolo about the echo fiddle with the reverb20:24
ipunkanother easy q how do i mount an iso to virtual drive20:24
bastidrazor!iso | ipunk20:25
ubottuipunk: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:25
Deevzbut windows wont let me access the ubuntu part, even with special tools, and grub stopped working so only 7 boots20:25
AsigottechDeevz: copy your files from Ubuntu to windows using the live disk then reinstall over that partion or make another partion to install on20:25
paolopaddy_: reverb is at 020:25
robert__hellp in dvb twinhan driver for ubuntu20:25
sreerajWhen i use dc++ sometimes the mouse icon becomes inactive evenif there is no download occuring,why it is so?20:25
ikonia!grub2 > Deevz20:25
ubottuDeevz, please see my private message20:25
paddy_paolo sorry cant helo20:25
evanescentevery so often I boot (ubuntu 10.04) and my windows have no frames. rebooting usually fixes it. does anyone know how to fix this?20:26
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Deevzi just read that, ubottu, didnt find anything that works for me20:26
ikoniaDeevz: what's the error when you boot ?20:26
DeevzI get no boot menu, only grub command line interface20:26
ikoniaDeevz: so how do you boot windows ?20:27
DeevzI cant no more20:27
DeevzI just installed grub20:27
Deevzand it has no meny20:27
AsigottechDeevz: if you use the live disk you can mount both the old Ubuntu (and re-store grub) mount both windows and Ubuntu partitions and copy files over20:27
ost2lifeHELP! I booted up my comp upstairs earlier and it decided to do a disc scan, I let it do its thing, and when I came back it'd booted into ubuntu okay, and "connected" to my wireless network okay - the problem is i can't connect to any server or box outside of that PC...I can't even connect to the router from it20:27
JackdamielsHow can I get panel background with ambiance to work? I mean that background picture will be visible through whole panel?20:27
paddy_how do you add songs to a pmp with rythmbox?20:27
Habs@paddy_, I'm just trying to move a single file. So will cat 'File I want to move here' | ssh username@IPadress 'where I want to move it to' Work?20:27
ikoniaDeevz: you need to re-install grub2 following that guide that ubottu gave you20:27
ikoniaHabs: use scp20:28
ipunkmount: only root can do that20:28
ipunktahts what i get when i try to mount20:28
DeevzI just did install it tho20:28
ikoniaDeevz: you've installed it pointing at the wrong partition, or your ubuntu partition/data is gone20:28
paddy_habs no                       cat filetobetransfered | ssh asdf@asdfgebe cat > filedest20:28
Aviat0r"De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est": there's a Linux for everyone.20:29
bastidrazorHabs: scp filename username@ip:~/      the :~/ tells it to put the file in your home directory20:29
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)20:29
sreerajhow can i save all these chats in a file20:29
Deevzits not gone because I can see the files from ubuntu live, but I cant read it20:29
Habsbastidrazor, thanks. I'll try that.20:29
ikoniaDeevz: why can't you read it ?20:29
hiexposreeraj, the are saved20:29
paddy_habs no cat filetobetransfered | ssh asdf@asdfgebe "cat > filedest"20:29
Deevzif there was a way to read/copy the files from my current ubuntu partition using the live cd, I would do it20:29
ikoniaDeevz: what's stopping you20:29
sreerajhiexpo, didnt get u20:29
Deevzikonia, because it is encrypted I guess20:29
ikoniaDeevz: how can you "see it" but not "read it"20:30
bastidrazorpaddy_: that is an insane idea.20:30
oraclepaddy_, why the quotes?20:30
ikoniaDeevz: what do you mean you guess, either you encypted it, or you didn't20:30
AsigottechDeevz: mount the linux partion in live disk then just fdisk -l and it will tell you which part it is20:30
DeevzI didnt20:30
hiexposreeraj, you asked is there a way way to save these chat logs right20:30
paddy_oracle so the argument is one argument not lots20:30
ikoniaDeevz: right, so why do you think it's encypted20:30
ikoniaDeevz: don't make stuff up20:30
sreerajhiexpo, yes20:30
Deevzbecause I dont have permission to read it, ikonia20:30
paddy_bastidrazor he needs to tranfser  ONE file it is fire20:30
ikoniaDeevz: how are ou mounting it ?20:30
MadRobotbodwick, lol. The problem is solved now. I'm using Exaile. :)20:31
Habs:S It seems like a lot of people want me to use scp, but only you want me to use cat paddy_... sorry.20:31
ost2lifecan anyone help me?20:31
DeevzI didnt "mount" anything20:31
paddy_how do you add songs to a pmp in rythmbox20:31
bastidrazorpaddy_: okay, scp will do exactly that. all the nonsense you gave of cat file.. is absurb.20:31
ikoniaDeevz: then that's why you can't access your disk20:31
sreerajhiexpo, if it is saved then from where i get it?20:31
DeevzI just explored thhe drive using the explorer tool, or whatever its called20:31
ikoniaDeevz: you need to mount the disk to be able to access it20:31
AsigottechDeevz: if you can not see the partition and mount it (easiest way from places menu)  can not see it from fdisk or gparted and it is not encrypted then your pretty much fuc**d and should go drink some beer20:31
hiexpothey are already saved in // i gotta rem because i don't save mine but by default your system saves the logs20:32
sreerajhiexpo, k20:32
paddy_bast* i understand it is not the most efficant file transfer method but it is quick and dirty but it works20:32
bodwickMadRobot: wonder what's causing your problem20:32
DeevzI go in places, open the filesystem20:32
ipunkok where do i mount to???20:32
ikoniaDeevz: ok, you need to mount it20:32
Deevzand I can identify it as the linux filesystem20:32
Deevzlooks like it is mounted20:33
Deevzthe drive poped up as an icon on the desktop20:33
hiexpoikonia, where is chat logs saved at var/sys/logs ?20:33
sreerajhiexpo, i got the place20:34
bastidrazoripunk: to any empty directory. you could make a directory in /media if you want the iso to be visible on the desktop.. type sudo mkdir /media/ISO   ..then use /media/ISO as your mountpoint20:34
hiexposreeraj, kool20:34
ipunkjust tryed that gave an error20:34
sachaelanyone know a terminal application that feels/looks like gloobus preview?20:34
MadRobotbodwick, I'd really like to know too. The problem is that not even running rhythmbox in the terminal reveals anything.20:34
Deevzthen, all the data I put on my partition is in  one folder20:34
ipunkAn error occured20:35
ipunk wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,       missing codepage or helper program, or other error20:35
Deevzhowever, when I click it, it says "The folder contents could not be displayed"20:35
miniuserhello. how can i remove "avahi" without breaking: pulseaudio, cups, vnc , rhythembox ?xbmc20:35
Deevz"You do not have permission necessary to view the contents of "Deevz"."20:35
=== macode_|afk is now known as macode_
sreerajI set the windows key to pop up the application menu, when i press second time it is not poping down20:36
paddy_does anyone know of a rssreader that dispalays all the contendt on one long list like google reader?20:36
ongolaBoypaddy_: maybe you should try *canto*20:37
sreeraj I set the windows key to pop up the application menu, when i press second time it is not poping down20:37
gbear14275anyone on a 64 bit system using chromium here?20:38
gbear1427510.04 actually20:38
* duffydack yup20:38
computer_anyone can help me build a ubuntu gaming desktop? like tell me what parts i should get?20:38
gbear14275duffydack: do you have java installed?20:38
duffydackcomputer_, games would be a good place.20:38
duffydackgbear14275, yes, why20:39
gbear14275I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with a site detecting java... looking to confirm it its me or more than me20:39
computer_#games the channel?20:39
bodwickMadRobot you have fluendo codec installed?20:39
duffydackgbear14275, using openjdk?20:39
gbear14275 http://www.ookla.com/demo-lq.php20:39
sreerajwhere can i ask programming related questions?20:39
gbear14275no, sun/oracle20:39
Habs@paddy_, bastidrazor, ikonia: So I tried both ways, and every time I get, "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out lost connection" I was able to connect several seconds ago to the server using the SSH command line client.20:39
gbear14275duffydack: that site happen to detect your java?20:40
jribsreeraj: visit the channel for the language you are programming in20:40
MadRobotbodwick, I'm not sure it's necessary.20:40
duffydackgbear14275, I have a page ready to a line test ?20:40
duffydackgbear14275, if thats what I`m supposed to be looking at20:40
gbear14275duffydack: it will skip the first 3 tests if it doesn't detect java20:40
gbear14275yes sir it is duffydack20:40
bodwickMadRobot i would purge it .. :)20:40
lov255Anyone know where I can find the cgi-bin directory?  Or do I have to install somthing on 10.4 for CGI-BIN to show up?20:40
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tjubalubais there a convention regarding env variables.. ".bashrc" should Only be executed when starting a shell.. but som env variables are used elsewhere.. should these env variables go in some special file or something?20:41
duffydackgbear14275, I clicked ' begin test ' and now its testing me.. show me data and stuff20:41
neyohi guys, i have just upgraded to lucid from karmic , while installing the upgrades, i got install-info error, now whenever i am doing apt-get upgrade, it is showing some error of install-info20:41
tjubaluba...i mean... is there some place for variables that should be available everywhere20:41
ikoniatjubaluba: can you give me an example please ?20:41
sreerajIs there any viruses in linux?20:41
gbear14275duffydack: is it doing just a speed test or the others as well?20:41
Slartsreeraj: nor really.. there are other bad things out there though20:41
Slart!virus | sreeraj20:42
ubottusreeraj: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:42
tjubalubaikonia, JDK_HOME... used in the terminal.. .also used by some java IDE's20:42
ikoniatjubaluba: that's also set in the .bashrc20:42
sreeraj!virus | sreeraj20:42
ubottusreeraj, please see my private message20:42
duffydackgbear14275, well the other tests below are greyed out.. I know my jaav is fine because I can play pogo :)20:42
Slartgbear14275: all the tests work nicely on my machine20:42
gbear14275duffydack: does it say java not detected?20:43
tjubalubaikonia, yes right now.. but i have several java GUI programs that use it.. and are started wo the terminal... so then .bashrc isnt executed20:43
lov255anyone know where to find the cgi-bin directory or how to install the cgi stuff in my computer to get it working on 10.0420:43
duffydackgbear14275, no.20:43
momhi my sister just got trivial pursuit digital choice edition for her birthday and she wants to know how to download questions for it on linux . . .20:43
duffydackgbear14275, its using flash to display the page tho20:43
momi plugged it in and ubuntu doesnt seem to detect it20:43
Slartgbear14275: Chromium 7.0.513.0 (58299) Ubuntu 10.04, running on 64-bit 10.0420:43
ipunkhow to mount a damn iso20:43
duffydackgbear14275, any other pages work with java for you?20:43
ikoniatjubaluba: bashrc should still be executed, it's bash_login thats a login shell only20:43
ikoniaipunk: you start by dropping the language and attitude20:44
ipunkthe stuff some1 gave earlier none of it works20:44
gbear14275hmm... on mine it skips the first three tests and says "Test Skipped ; Java not detected"20:44
duffydackSlart, you like them daily`s eh20:44
brandon420i got a kinda weird question this time guys20:44
computer_i cant find the gaming channel so i will ask here: what are some of ur favorite ubuntu games? my windows games arent working so i want to try some of the ubuntu games20:44
tjubalubaikonia, theres a check at the top of ubuntu .bashrc to quit if the script isnt executed using a terminal / "interactively" it quits directly20:44
duffydackI`m 7.0.503 (beta/dev/)20:44
jrib!games | computer_20:44
ubottucomputer_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php20:44
gbear14275duffydack: the sun java page says I'm behind a revision but other than that I'm fine20:44
* lov255 feels like he is being ignored20:44
brandon420how do i get the compiz cube to spilt between two displays?20:44
MadRobotbodwick, purge what?20:44
jrib!compiz | brandon42020:44
ubottubrandon420: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:44
Slartduffydack: well.. that was the only link I found for installing chromium when I started using it.. I do find it a bit annoying to have updates each day.. but it has worked most of the time20:44
sreerajhow to configure cedega20:44
tjubalubaikonia, so the JDK_HOME isnt available for programs launched through gnome20:44
ipunksorry it justs gets a litlle bit irritating when youre trying to mount an iso for 30 mins and its not happening20:45
duffydackSlart, yeah, thats why I use the dev/beta channel20:45
ikoniatjubaluba: just reading .bashrc hang on20:45
brandon420jrib, i have googled about compiz20:45
jribbrandon420: ok?20:45
duffydackSlart, a mix between stable and daily20:45
bodwickMadRobot fluendo of course20:45
* lov255 just noticed he is being ignored :(20:45
ikoniaipunk: mouont -o loop $iso_image $mount_point20:45
duffydackLess breakage I find20:45
brandon420meaning i have seen that.20:45
lov255can anyone help me with cgi-bin?20:45
jribbrandon420: the channel ubottu told you about is probably your best bet.20:45
ikonialov255: the cgi-bin is in the directory up from the document root of the site20:46
ikonialov255: it's clearly defined in the site config files20:46
lov255ikonia - So the pather for cgi-bin would be?20:46
hiexpoikonia, hello20:46
gryllidahow do I install latest java?20:46
gbear14275Slart: which ppa are you using?  I just updated 5 min ago and am on 7.0.508.0 (57768) Ubuntu 10.0420:46
ikoniahiexpo: yes ?20:46
jrib!java | gryllida20:46
MadRobotbodwick, Oh. Okay. :)20:46
ubottugryllida: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:46
Slartgbear14275: let me check20:46
surgywhats new in the new kernal update?20:46
gbear14275oops... haven't restarted the browser yet... nvm20:46
ikonialov255: where is the document root for your site ?20:46
jribsurgy: read the changelog20:46
Slartgbear14275: ok =)20:46
lov255ikonia: I have not clue - I am not sure that I set that part of ubuntu up?20:47
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lov255I am kind of a noob if you can not tell20:47
ipunkikonia:  gives me this mount: only root can do that20:47
paddy_is there something like canto for gnome20:47
ikonialov255: where do you put the files for your website20:47
ikoniaipunk: use "sudo" in front of the command20:47
duffydackgbear14275, 7.0.508?20:47
gryllidajrib: `apt-cache search sun-java6' no results20:47
neyogetting the install-info error while installing the updates20:47
gbear14275duffydack: I'm sorry to ask again... so on that site it was greying out the first three tests but it didn't say why?  or did it say java not detected?20:47
jribgryllida: but that's not what I said to do :/20:47
sreerajsome of my friends having this problem that update manager now showing upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04, but it showing all other updates20:48
gryllidajrib: `For the Sun Java products and browser plugin,  search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled),20:48
lov255ikonia: I have not put any files for the web yet, I am not sure that I have a web server set up?  I am figuring Ubuntu comes with one prebuilt?20:48
gbear14275duffydack: yeah, from the about screen20:48
IdleOnegryllida: you need to enable the partner repository20:48
* gryllida sighs20:48
jribgryllida: so did you enable the partner repository like it says?20:48
duffydackgbear14275, I only know of stable, dev/beta, and daily..  I`m 7.0.503 using beta and Slart is 7.0.513 using daily.. something inbetween?20:48
ikonialov255: it doesn't20:48
gryllidaI don't know how20:48
jrib!partner | gryllida20:48
ubottugryllida: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:48
ikonialov255:  you need to open the package manager, search for "apache2" and then install it20:48
gbear14275duffydack: sorry, I'm on daily20:48
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lov255awww okay will do - thanks a lot ikonia20:49
IdleOnegryllida: in System > Admin > Software Sources20:49
duffydackgbear14275, ah ok.20:49
ikoniatjubaluba: just looking, I'd not noticed that conditional check before20:49
lov255can I apt-get install apache2?20:49
gryllidaIdleOne: it's all cli20:49
ipunkikonia:  the folder i wanted to mount on is empty20:49
ikoniatjubaluba: you could cheat it and put JAVAHOME in before the check20:49
gbear14275duffydack: and I agree it is a little too buggy... you said you're on /dev and you like it?20:49
sreerajupdate manager not showing upgrade to 10.04 in 9.10 ,why?20:49
ikoniaipunk: that's fine20:49
IdleOnegryllida: in that case sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the # in front of the partner repo20:49
duffydackgbear14275, the buttons underneath for firewall test etc were not usable.. there were no java errors20:49
ikoniaipunk: an empty directory is a good mount point20:49
jribgryllida: you generally get cli instructions over irc because it's a text-based communication medium20:49
ikoniasreeraj: 9.10 is not LTS, 10.04 IS lts20:49
ipunkyeah but its empty after i mounted20:49
duffydackgbear14275, its less frequently updated.. yet still new20:49
lov255Got it -is setting up apache2 going to be very dificult?20:50
ikoniaipunk: then the iso is empty20:50
ikonialov255: no20:50
gryllidajrib: no, I do really have cli access to the box, no gui.20:50
ipunkno it aint its 4.3 gb20:50
jribgryllida: so what's the problem?  Ubottu gave you the one-line command.20:50
guntbertipunk: can you paste the exact command you used to mount it?20:50
ikoniaipunk: it can be 4.3GB of empty space20:50
intraderI am having problems reporting bug in launchpad - it wants package; however, the problem occurs in all packages with UI.20:50
sreerajIs swap area necesarry?20:50
ikoniasreeraj: if you run lots of stuff and don't have enough ram, yes20:51
Slartsreeraj: not really.. unless you want to use hibernation20:51
ipunksudo mount -o loop $rld-strf4.iso $/home/ipunk/Desktop/a20:51
ipunkit can't i dled a torrent20:51
lov255ikonia: I have apache2 installed - what is the command to get into it to set it up?20:51
neyogetting the install-info error while installing the updates20:51
Slartsreeraj: but it would depend on how much memory you've got20:51
ikoniaipunk: why did you put $ signs in20:51
ikonialov255: there isn't 1 command20:51
ikonia!apache > lov25520:51
ubottulov255, please see my private message20:51
gryllida!info default-jre20:51
ubottudefault-jre (source: java-common (0.34)): Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6-34 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB20:51
sreerajSlart, k20:51
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guntbert!who ipunk20:52
ipunkthis is the first day im on ubuntu please tell what to exactly dont assume i will remove some signs on my own20:52
guntbert!who | ipunk20:52
ubottuipunk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:52
gryllidawhy does it say `E: Couldn't find package default-jre' then?20:52
sreerajIs there a way to remove useless system files?20:52
ikoniaipunk: $ is a varible20:52
jribgryllida: what version of ubuntu?20:52
ikoniaipunk: remove the $ sign20:52
sreerajlike disk clean up in windows?20:52
ikoniasreeraj: yes, find them and delete them20:52
IdleOnethere are useless system files?20:53
guntbertipunk: remove both $ signs20:53
duffydacksreeraj, computer janitor in admin menu20:53
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:53
ipunkikonia:  rld-stf4.iso: No such file or directory20:53
sreerajbut janitor not finding much20:53
gryllidajrib: well, I think Hardy, but not sure20:53
jrib!version | gryllida20:53
ubottugryllida: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:53
fede_Hi all20:53
gryllidajrib: how do I find out?20:53
IdleOnegryllida: lsb_release -a20:53
ikoniaipunk: then you're not in the directory that contains that file20:53
gbear14275sreeraj: try System-->Administration-->Computer Janitor20:53
gryllidajrib: Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS20:54
ipunki get to that director by cd?20:54
sreerajI heard defragmentaion is not required in linux,is it true?20:54
HabsGuys, if you could all help me out, I'm just trying to move files into an SSH server, I can connect to it through the command-line client, but when I try to move a file to it using either cat "'filename' | ssh user@ip "cat > 'finaldirectory'" or "scp 'filename' user@ip:'finaldirectory'", I get "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out lost connection"20:54
ikoniaipunk: thats fine20:54
gryllidasreeraj: right20:54
edbiansreeraj, It is.20:54
ikoniasreeraj: you don't need it20:54
jrib!info default-jre hardy | gryllida20:54
IanWizardsreeraj: yes20:54
ubottugryllida: Package default-jre does not exist in hardy20:54
edbiansreeraj, It defragments for you on the fly :)20:54
IdleOnegryllida: the package should be called sun-java6-jre20:54
jribgryllida: follow ubottu's original link since you aren't using lucid.20:54
IanWizardwhy is that?  is it the FS or the OS that keeps it from needing defrag?20:54
sreerajubottu is maintained by whom?20:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:55
edbianIanWizard, The FS20:55
IdleOneIanWizard: the FS20:55
suprengranyone tried the 'bsdgames' collection [old unix 'text based games' arithmetic, atc, backgammon, battlestar...].  Are they really like the old Unix5 games? #the backgammon is the one most interested in...20:55
IdleOne!bot | sreeraj20:55
ubottusreeraj: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:55
intraderubotto, sorry to interrupt, I need someone's advice on reporting a bug in launchpad (it wants 'package', however, bug is for all packages with UI)20:55
gryllidaE: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate20:55
Aviat0rwhat is the difference between xterm and terminal?20:55
jribintrader: try #ubuntu-bugs20:55
IdleOnegryllida: try sun-java5-jre20:55
IanWizardedbian, IdleOne: that's what I thought, but I couldn't ever make sense of it.  I guess I could just ask google20:55
jribAviat0r: terminal is gnome-terminal20:55
gryllidaE: Package sun-java5-jre has no installation candidate20:56
intraderjrib, ubottu, thanks I will go there20:56
ztronguys does anyone know how to convert xinput commands to xorg.conf settings? trying to get my multitouch settings to persist.. 10.4 netbook remix, aspire one 521..20:56
ikoniaHabs: your server is the problem20:56
Aviat0rand what is xterm?20:56
edbianIanWizard, http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting  This explains it very well.20:56
IdleOnegryllida: can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list20:56
edbiansreeraj, See link? ^20:56
ost2lifeokay, let me try this again. I've recently booted up my other computer and it went fine, connected to the network and have been assigned an IP address by my router. I've been through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide paying special attention to sections 4 and 6, however none of the things suggested on there have worked. beyond the actual connection and assigned IP address, I have no acce20:56
IanWizardedbian: thx (P.S.  Love the name ;) )20:57
ipunkI cant open the setup because its not executable and it doesn't let me change the permmisions because its only read only what to do20:57
sreerajedbian, ys20:57
gryllidamaybe I'll go with openjdk-6-jre instead ; this is what I got for apt-get search jre20:57
gryllidaIdleOne: ^20:57
Habsikonia: If my server was the problem, then I wouldn't be able to connect to it and view all the files through the command line SSH client.20:57
IdleOnegryllida: that's should work20:57
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duffydackipunk, remount it with 'exec'20:58
guntbertgryllida: for hardy you need the multiverse repository, not the partner repo to get sun-java20:58
ipunkIdleOne:  how to do tah texactly first day on ubuntu here20:58
edbianIanWizard, :)20:58
sreerajWhen i use wine to run some programs it asks me to install,why?20:58
IdleOneguntbert: multiverse wasn't enable by default in 8.04 right20:58
sreerajand where it is being installed?20:58
lov255so now that I have apache2 installed - where will I find the cgi-bin dir?20:59
guntbertIdleOne: it still isn't20:59
IdleOneguntbert: good catch :)20:59
ikoniaHabs: yes you would, you could be flooding it with the tansfer20:59
sreerajlov255 asking about cgi-bin, someone help him20:59
ikoniaHabs: try moving a small 1k text file across with scp20:59
guntbertIdleOne: :)20:59
momhow do i get my usb trivial pursuit digital edition device to be detected?21:00
ubuntu_jest ktoś z polsk?21:00
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.21:00
edbianmom, What?21:00
robertzaccourI'm having trouble getting my 5 in 1 canon machine to work21:00
elijahWhere does wget save stuff?21:00
robertzaccourits not installing in the printer install21:00
guntbertIdleOne: sometimes it pays to actually read factoids before/after sending them :-)21:00
momedbian, i plugged in my trivial pursuit device and its not detected by wine21:00
robertzaccourits not in the list21:00
ztronelijah, current directory21:00
jribelijah: current working directory21:00
IdleOneguntbert: :P I'll try to remember that21:00
LicuadoraI can't open Picasa21:00
hepatittürk varmı türk :D21:01
guntbert!tr | hepatit21:01
ubottuhepatit: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:01
Licuadoraosmodivs@rosita:~$ picasa21:01
Licuadora/usr/bin/picasa: línea 139:  3176 Fallo de segmentación  "$PIC_BINDIR"/wrapper check_dir.exe.so21:01
Licuadora/usr/bin/picasa: línea 175:  3279 Fallo de segmentación  "$PIC_BINDIR/wrapper" regedit /E $registry_export HKEY_USERS\\S-1-5-4\\Software\\Google\\Picasa\\Picasa2\\Preferences\\21:01
FloodBot3Licuadora: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
ipunkany1 please how to change permissions in the mounted iso21:01
momedbian, i cant load questions into it http://www.hasbro.com/trivialpursuit/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=2205221:01
robertzaccourit shows up in the select list but when searching for drivers  its not there21:01
sreerajpicasa taking too much time to oopen21:01
guntbertipunk: why?21:01
surgycan someone help me increase my overall security of my desktop? i want it to be next to imposible for unwanted people to look at anything on my computer unless they are setting in front of it.21:01
ipunkguntbert:  doesnt let me open setup.exe with wine21:02
=== ztron is now known as zambaboo
edbianmom, You have to forward usb device into wine.  I don't know how to do it but I remember from working with my ipod and itunes once.  I never got it to work though.  Try asking in #wineHQ21:02
IdleOnesurgy, disconnect from the internet21:02
sreerajsome softwares cant be seen in application menu,why?21:02
Victor_Ti am tryning to get in a symlink from apache21:02
sreerajfrom where i get it21:02
jribsurgy: it's like that by default...21:02
ipunkguntbert:  and doesn't let me change permmisions because its only read only21:02
Victor_Tand i can not enter using /var/ww/21:02
Licuadorawhats wrong with Picasa?21:02
surgyjrib: nothing i can do to make it even more secure?21:02
sreerajI mean after installation21:02
guntbertipunk: I never needed that, but you should be able to set more mount options than just -o loop, please see man mount21:03
Victor_Tsorry, and i can enter using /var/www/ but not from the explorer using
LicuadoraI installed the 32bit version,21:03
jribsurgy: there is no non-negative number less than 021:03
Victor_Tsome idea?21:03
robertzaccourpixma m320 isn't in the list would a different driver work?21:03
elijahzambaboo & jrib - thanks21:03
robertzaccouranyone ever install a canon printer not in the list?21:03
jribsurgy: enable a firewall if you want to waste your time I guess21:03
rolohello, I have installed ubuntu on my entire disk, without partitions. can I format the disk so that I can install windows 7 on it, and then install ubuntu 10.04 alongside with it?21:03
ipunkguntbert:  you eman manual of mount?21:03
robertzaccouranyone know a lot about printers?21:04
th0rrolo: yes, but windows has to go on first, then ubuntu21:04
guntbertipunk: yes, in terminal type: man mount21:04
Victor_TI am trying enter to a folder using a symlink to another folder in apache, i can did that in nautilus, but when i try in firefox21:04
duffydackrolo, use win7 to resize it to make a free partition space..21:04
twotenrolo: bad idea, you should at least have a separate /home partition21:04
lov255OKay I have another stupid question - I have 4 computers on my router - how do I define an IP address for my Ubuntu box?21:04
Victor_Ti get "location do not exist in this server"21:04
Victor_Tsome idea?21:04
jribVictor_T: try #httpd21:04
duffydackrolo, sorry didnt read properly.  ignore21:05
rolothor: how can I format the disk so that I can install windows 7 on it?21:05
Victor_Tthanks jrib i am go to try21:05
edbianLicuadora, segmentation errors be that ram was accessed that should not have been.  Either the program has a very nasty bug or your ram is going bad (the former is more likely)  Try an older version of picasa21:05
jribVictor_T: if no one's around there make sure you have FollowSymlinks enabled I guess21:05
st__rolo, create a new primary partition in the beginning of volume21:05
HopsaLicuadora: Looks like a segfault. Is that run from wine or.. ?21:05
duffydackrolo, you can install win7 after ubuntu, you just need to reinstall grub later on.21:05
Victor_Tis working whit another one21:05
Victor_Tand that do not work21:06
roloso, just boot the windows 7 dvd? and install it?21:06
HopsaLicuadora: Under wine ?21:06
duffydackrolo, make free space first.21:06
sreerajHow can i recover deleted files in ubuntu?21:06
guntbertipunk: I didn't find anything regarding execution of files -- you could try to copy that exe to your own directory21:06
roloduffydack: you mean a partition?21:06
twotenrolo: ignore this warning at your peril and everlasting regret: create a separate /home directory21:06
duffydackipunk,  try running it with winesetup21:07
sreerajRecover deleted files in ubutnu?21:07
duffydackipunk, or mount the cd with exec permissions21:07
rolotwoten: so I don't loose my files if ubuntu crashes?21:07
duffydackipunk, cant remember if its winesetup or wineserver.. its in the right click options somewhere..21:07
twotenrolo: when you upgrade to a different distro - all sorts of reasons21:07
ipunkI tryed doing that21:07
duffydackipunk, anyway, all i know is, it works...21:08
sreerajThnx for the help everyone ,im going to sleep,bye21:08
duffydackrolo, yes21:08
duffydackrolo, if you dont care about the installation you have now then the best thing would be win7 first, then ubuntu......21:08
tjubalubaikonia, hmm.. not even putting it on top of bashrc helped... (in making env variables available for programs started through gnome)21:09
roloduffyduck: if I create a partition, I can format that partition to windows format?21:09
st___how to add my computer to ubuntu1?21:09
blackstar_hello, i have a toshiba satellite laptop, builtin with a qualcomm 3G Gobi card, and i can't get it to work under lucid, can some one help me out please21:09
st___rolo, sure21:09
tjubalubaHow damn hard should it be: "START A PROGRAM WITH SOME ENV VARIABLES MUTUTAL TO .BASHRC"21:10
tjubaluba...from gnome21:10
rolohow can I create a partition in ubuntu 10.04. (sorry too many questions, I'm just ignoramus)21:10
duffydackrolo,  just resize your partition to make an empty partition for win to use21:10
st___rolo, gparted21:10
duffydackrolo, no need to format it.. just make it free and available21:11
st___rolo, it's partitionmgic clone21:11
hiexpotjubaluba, easy there21:11
ipunkguntbert:  thx21:11
duffydackrolo, be advised you`ll need to boot a livecd to reinstall grub21:11
blackstar_any one know how to get 3G gobi card working under lucid?21:11
tjubalubahiexpo, takes to long accomodate such a simple thing21:11
roloduffyduck: I have a live cd21:11
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tjubalubahiexpo, should be standard procedure but ive asked on #ubuntu for atleast 3 hours split between twho sessions21:12
st___how to connect a computer to ubuntuone?21:13
surgy!ask | tjubaluba21:13
ubottutjubaluba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:13
th0rtjubaluba: I think what you want is 'export', but I just got here so may be misunderstanding your problem21:13
Hopsatjubaluba: The highest level of the env vars settings are located in /etc/profile (system wide). dunno what you want..21:13
petoGuys I just installed ubuntu with Wubi  on partition  "F". I see partion C (where is windows) but not partition E21:14
petoand i need to access from ubuntu21:14
=== jrib1 is now known as jrib
duffydackrolo, you`ll need to run sudo grub-install /dev/sda  from a livecd.. and then boot into ubuntu and run sudo update-grub21:14
Hopsapeto: mount it21:14
duffydackrolo, then you`ll get windows in the grub menu.21:14
trijntjest__, click on your login name at the top right, and choose Ubuntu One21:15
petoHopsa what do you mean by that?21:15
blackstar_any body knows how can i get my 3G gobi car working under Ubuntu Lucid?21:15
duffydackrolo, assumiung sda is your hard drive of course.21:15
hiexpotjubaluba, you have to understand the people here are not employee;s there are here helping on there own time if noone is familiar   > noone will give you bad advice   all i can say is just keep being paient and asking is all we all help   > to help you21:15
st___duffydack, you cannot run grub-install from livecd21:15
guntbertst___: how many of you are there?  ubuntu one support is to be found in #ubuntuone21:15
duffydackst__,  um. yes you can.21:15
ppappilaNeed help with Ubuntu 10 auto mounting second drive21:15
st___it will not work because of missing drive map21:16
Hopsapeto: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/21:16
=== ThorFuruseth is now known as Thor^^
duffydackst__, what did I do last week then.. baked cakes with fairies?21:16
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=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:16
rolook, in gparted it says: unallocated 1mb. dev/sda1 ext4 180.55 gb. dev/sda2 extended 5.76 gb. dev/sda5 linux-swap 5.76 gb21:16
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HopsaHoly! :)21:16
rolook, in gparted it says: unallocated 1mb. dev/sda1 ext4 180.55 gb. dev/sda2 extended 5.76 gb. dev/sda5 linux-swap 5.76 gb21:16
hiexpook who did that21:16
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BiggFREE_Do not panic !  lol21:17
duffydackrolo, backup your hd before you mess with it21:17
duffydackrolo, if your data isnt important that is..21:17
roloI don't have anything in it duffydack21:17
Hopsarizzuh_: Lol!21:17
petohopsa thanks how do I know wich partition is right one on step when I type sudo fdisk -l21:18
ikoniadon't worry about it, lets move on21:18
lov255okay guys - so now I would like to set up my users on apache2 - so they can have www.<ip address>.com/<username>21:18
lov255can someone please help me on figuring out how to do that?21:18
rizzuh_Hopsa, :P21:18
rolook, in gparted it says: unallocated 1mb. dev/sda1 ext4 180.55 gb. dev/sda2 extended 5.76 gb. dev/sda5 linux-swap 5.76 gb duffyduck21:18
duffydackrolo,  looking at your partition table,  I`d probably install windows first and then ubuntu...if data isnt important.21:19
st___rolo, just resize dev/sda1 and move it to extended partition21:19
Hopsapeto: Make a directory, mount one partition or drive and check the contents. If its wrong use umount /mnt/directory. If its correct, enjoy :)21:19
duffydackI prefer windows at the beginning.. then I dont have to touch it ever again..21:19
ikonialov255: resarch mod_user21:19
duffydackI install/remove/install linux more than I do windows.. in fact I never boot into windows.21:19
=== Mike___ is now known as Mike__
lov255ikonia - Returns command not found21:20
tjubalubaHopsa, but isnt there a place for PER-USER env variables that are set on whatever context yo're in? .bashrc only seems to execute when the bash is started.. not when in gnome and not when executing apps through gnome21:20
rolost__ so, I move sda1 to sda2, make a new partition to install windows in, then install ubuntu?21:20
ikonialov255: I said "resarch mod_user"21:20
ikonialov255: not type in that word21:20
ikonialov255: also mod_username21:20
Hopsaduffydack: Why do you need to reinstall it ?21:20
ost2lifeokay,  2 beers for the person that helps me with my networking problems :)21:20
sid123whenever i try to start evince(from terminal),it says "symbol lookup error: evince: undefined symbol: ev_get_locale_dir"       what is that?how to remedy it?21:21
duffydackHopsa, because its new.. I dont waste time with upgrades...21:21
hiexpohola pure_hate21:21
LjLdon't shout please21:21
duffydackHopsa, I also play with other distros.. so having all my stuff at the end to play with is just easier in my eyes.21:21
petohopsa I did but folder media/c is empty21:21
Hopsatjubaluba: setup a session via System->Preferences->Sessions. Or .gnomerc21:21
armor-64Hi ! i want to play starcraft 2 on ubuntu!but the prob is that is starting and every thinks is going good except the sound what can i do so the sound will work?21:21
hiexpoblackstar_, loose the caps21:21
petohopsa i did: # sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sda1 /media/c  and /dev/sda1 is HPFS/NTFS partition21:22
petohopsa and I got no error21:22
blackstar_anyone ever setup a 3g gobi connection under ubuntu21:22
Hopsapeto: did you mount using filesystem type "-t ntfs" ?21:22
Victor_Thi again21:23
Hopsapeto: Hard to read atm :) ... noted that you did.21:23
hiexpoblackstar_, just be patient and polite and i am sure if someone knows they will help you21:23
MrUnagithats annoying =/21:24
Hopsapeto: Try the next partition..21:24
roloit seems extended and linux-swap are the same duffyduck st__ twoten21:24
lov255what in the world?21:24
petohopsa not sure will check it anyway why does ubuntu doesnþt see partition on which it is installed21:24
blackstar_hiexpo thanks21:24
MrUnagiis that a netsplit?21:24
lov255Server split?21:24
Hopsapeto: umount /mnt/drive/c or what path you mounted it in21:24
hawodiIs there a way to specify the python version to use when installing a package that requires a lower version of python?21:24
hiexpoblackstar_, no prob21:24
ikoniahawodi: do you have multiple versions of python installed ?21:24
barrapontoanyone else having issues with optical media devices?21:24
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Victor_They, what it's the diference in drwxr-xr-x 4 victor victor     4096 2010-09-05 15:01 fss121:25
barrapontodvd/cd haas completely stopped working here21:25
Victor_Tand drwxr-xr-x 3 victor victor     4096 2010-09-05 15:01 fss21:25
Hopsasome hub must have gone down briefly21:25
st___no, how much are your /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 ?21:25
lov255ikonia: so I am going to have to config mod_userdir.c and then make it again?21:25
jribVictor_T: a hard link?21:25
keioI have a intel core i5 machine currently running widows 7 64bit.  What version of Ubuntu do I download amd64 bit?21:25
hawodiikonia: yes.21:25
petohopsa i tried to umount it but I got error that it wasnt mountet21:25
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ikoniaVictor_T: they look the same21:25
petomounted omg :)21:25
ikonialov255: "make" ?21:25
petocant write21:25
st___keio, any21:25
ikonialov255: what have you "made" so far ?21:25
roloand I cannot resize dev/sda121:25
Victor_Ti am not sure21:25
lov255ikonia: Compile it21:25
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jrib!who | Victor_T21:26
ubottuVictor_T: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:26
st___rolo, why?21:26
Victor_Ti use ln -s comamnd whit two21:26
lov255iknoia: I made a driver21:26
guntbertVictor_T: the link count is different21:26
ikonialov255: what have you compiled ?21:26
petohopsa and yea i have used -t ntfs21:26
lov255iknoia: a driver21:26
jribVictor_T: the second number is the number of hard links21:26
rolost__ do I have to unmount it first?21:26
LjLbhah: i suggest an ident change21:26
ikonialov255: why do you think you need to compile mod_userdir ?21:26
jribVictor_T: well the first number, the second column21:26
Hopsapeto: Odd, try to mount it using mount -t ntfs /dev/sd?? ... wo the other options.21:26
ikonialov255: open the package manager, and search for mod_userdir or apache modules21:26
barrapontoi need help with dvd issuess21:26
grandmaHi, i can't use my rc.local. All i have write to it doesn't work...21:27
ikonialov255: the package manager will have pretty much every software pacakge you ever need already made21:27
Hopsapeto: It should give an error if it fails21:27
ikonia!synaptic > lov25521:27
ubottulov255, please see my private message21:27
jccquelqu'un est français21:27
barrapontoit wont detect anything since last update...21:27
LjL!fr | jcc21:27
ubottujcc: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:27
petohopsa ok I find where i did error21:27
Victor_Tjrib guntbert and ikonia ummm, interesting then 4 is a hardlink and 3 a symlink?21:27
Hopsapeto: :)21:27
keiost___, there is i386 and amd64. i386 is in 32bit I believe.  Is there a intel verison of 64bit ubuntu?21:27
lov255ikonia: it says that I would have ot configure the mod_usrdir.c file - it is a .c file which in my understanding after being modified would need to be compiled?21:27
jribVictor_T: the number represents the number of hard links21:28
st___keio, amd64 *is* x86-64 version21:28
grandmaHow can I run any comands on system starting?21:28
guntbertVictor_T: no, it means there are 3 vs 4 hardlinks21:28
bastidrazor!boot | grandma21:28
ubottugrandma: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:28
edbiangrandma, By using update.rc21:28
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st___keio, amd is opposed to 'ia21:28
petohopsa one thing which i didnþt find on that page what to write when partition is W95 Ext'd (LBA)21:28
Hopsalov255: Why would you need to edit it in the first place ?21:28
pure_hatehola hiexpo21:28
Victor_Tthen i do not know what is happening21:28
Victor_TI have two symlinks21:29
Hopsapeto: mount -t vfat ...21:29
jribVictor_T: pastebin what you are doing and maybe we can help you...21:29
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:29
ost2life>_< please help me, or at least point me in the direction of someone that can21:29
Victor_Tok, thaks jrib21:29
hawodiikonia: I have both python2.5 and python2.621:29
jribost2life: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:29
rolocan I send you guys a screen dump?21:29
lov255hopsa: when I looked up mod)userdir - it says to make the user directories for apache2 I would have to modify that file21:29
grandmaThanks much.21:29
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=== Guest53292 is now known as nhandler
ikonialov255: again, look in the package manager, one will be pre-built for you21:30
jriblov255: umm, not sure what you are doing but apache2 comes with mod_userdir21:30
Hopsalov255: homedir on demand ?21:30
ost2lifejrib, tried that! :) I'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router21:30
ost2lifethis has only started in the past 2 hours though21:30
lov255hopsa: I am simply trying to make a directory structure for my users so they would have web pages that would point to http://www.<ip address>.com/<user>21:30
ikoniahawodi: so if you look at the binaryies they should be a symlink to python-2.5 or python-2.6 (python -> python-2.6)21:30
ikonialov255: so install mod_userdir from the repo21:31
jribost2life: ubuntu?21:31
petohopsa ok a tried differnt partition to different folder and i got :peto@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000 /dev/sda5 /media/dmount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /media/d busy21:31
ost2lifeyep, 10.0421:31
petomount: according to mtab, /dev/sda5 is mounted on /host21:31
jriblov255: just run « sudo a2enmod userdir »21:31
petohopsa lol OK :D21:31
ost2lifejrib: the only thing that's changed, is this time I let it auto check my hard disks rather than just skipping it21:31
st___peto is this wubi install?21:31
petohopsa that is partition I was looking for :D it was always there21:31
petost__ yeap :)21:31
Hopsalov255: Aha. I think thats handeled by directives given to mod_userdir ... checking...21:32
Hopsapeto: Good :)21:32
petohopsa ok now I can watch Rambo 3 :D21:32
guntbertVictor_T: symlinks have nothing to do with this21:33
ost2lifejrib: I've got ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces if you want to see them21:33
jriblov255: there's nothing to compile, nothing to configure, just enable the module...21:33
jribost2life: you should pastebin and link with your question,  yes21:33
petohopsa hh btw I istaled ubuntu just for fun and for windows user doing something like this with terminal it feels like hacking :D21:33
barrapontohow do i change the kernel that is booted21:34
barrapontohow do i change the kernel that is booted?21:34
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Victor_Tguntbert, what do you think? because in apache one works and the other don't21:34
jrib!away > DiegoGrez|away21:34
ubottuDiegoGrez|away, please see my private message21:34
Victor_Tthis is the pastebin21:34
ikoniabarraponto: you can't change the booted kernel while the machine is running21:34
ost2lifejrib: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ21:34
Rseveranyone ever have issues with a trackpad on the dell mini 9?21:34
barrapontoikonia: ok, but how do i change the version i will boot next time?21:34
jribost2life: repeat your question to the channel and include that, I don't know much about wireless21:35
st___rolo, it didn;t worked21:35
duffydackrolo, I dont do DCC21:35
barrapontoikonia: i haven't uninstalled any of the older kernel versions, they must be all hanging around in my machine21:35
Hopsapeto: Its very powerful. Only your imagination is the limit.21:35
duffydackrolo, imgur or something21:35
jjk9_barraponto:  reconfigure grub to give you a choice at boot time21:35
ikoniabarraponto:  easy way is to uninstall the old ones21:35
ikoniabarraponto: the newest one should always be selected though21:35
barrapontoikonia: i just don't know how to change it for grub2, i used to do it on older grub21:35
barrapontojjk9_: how do i configure grub to give me the choice on next boot?21:36
jjk9_!grub | barraponto21:36
ubottubarraponto: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:36
barrapontojjk9_: it used to be the default behaviour on grub 121:36
guntbertVictor_T: sorry, I have no idea what apache does expect here :-(21:36
barrapontojjk9_: thanks21:36
jjk9_barraponto:   yep they made it not so easy21:36
Victor_Tyesterday works fine21:36
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering a bottle of vodka for the fi21:36
sid123whenever i try to start evince(from terminal),it says "symbol lookup error: evince: undefined symbol: ev_get_locale_dir"       what is that?how to remedy it?21:36
Victor_Ttomorrow i defend my pre-grade thesis21:37
alejandro1I have some 32 bit application in 64 bit ubuntu that looks for the libraries in the wrong path /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib3221:37
Victor_Tand i need that folder in apache :'(21:37
Victor_Ti am go to reboot21:37
Victor_Tmybe some load bad21:37
guntbertsid123: did you remove something from your system?21:37
ikoniaalejandro1:  you shouldn't be using 32bit applications on 64bit21:37
st___sid123, check if updates are available and install them21:37
alejandro1its a dofus21:38
petohopsa still there ?21:38
alejandro1erm dofus21:38
rolohttp://imgur.com/9KI4U.png duffyduck st__21:38
ikoniaalejandro1: ?21:38
jk_barraponto, open the file /etc/default/grub in an editor with root privileges. the first non-comment line is GRUB_DEFAULT=0. Change the "0" to the number of the kernel you want to boot, probably "2" if you want the next newest version. Then save the file and run "update-grub" to make the change take effect.21:38
alejandro1a adobe air based game21:38
petohopsa I downloaded codecs run movie it goes find that i double click for full windows and its looks like this http://img841.imageshack.us/i/screenshotwc.png/21:38
mqu1nn`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! mqu1nn` seymourbuttz fntstcdn root__ Chr|s shafiq Darwin4Ever ZykoticK9 Inc` billybigrigger ant30 traedre ttl- alejandro1 Dodger68 tonsofpcs JohnSQ_ pipeep yamba Rsever Shakey_Jake MichealH bonhoffer umarmuha bazhang_ jjk9_ uzu-cat jenkins soreau Guest85512 bradski-cola switch10_ HrT websniper kyleN overdub zanoi keepex S_p_or_t_o PaulEycks QPrime bhah jk_ Pony_MacOSX Olytibar c21:38
ikoniaalejandro1: then you need to contact adobe as they have hardcoded the lib paths21:38
seymourbuttzNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! seymourbuttz fntstcdn root__ Chr|s shafiq Darwin4Ever ZykoticK9 Inc` billybigrigger ant30 traedre ttl- alejandro1 Dodger68 tonsofpcs JohnSQ_ pipeep yamba Rsever Shakey_Jake MichealH bonhoffer umarmuha bazhang_ jjk9_ uzu-cat jenkins soreau Guest85512 bradski-cola switch10_ HrT websniper kyleN overdub zanoi keepex S_p_or_t_o PaulEycks QPrime bhah jk_ Pony_MacOSX Olytibar c0m21:38
barrapontojk_: i want to display the kernel options21:38
petoguys looks please here: I just run movie double clicked for full screen http://img841.imageshack.us/i/screenshotwc.png/21:38
hawodiikonia:thanks but I don't get it. Do you mean the deb package?21:39
alejandro1how can I be sure if its adobe air or the game that hardcoded the libraries?21:39
sid123<guntbert>i dont think so.But while i was updating evince,it was interruted once and i restrtd it.Is that the problem???21:39
ikoniahawodi: no21:39
jk_barraponto, then hit the left shift key at the time you used to hit escape, to see the grub2 menu.21:39
barrapontothanks a lot21:40
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering ***a bottle of vodka and 2 b21:40
petoguys either I am doing something wrong OR Wubi is doing something wrong or I dont know what but everytime i installed ubuntu I got problem with playing media21:40
hawodiikonia: do you mean I should symlink the python binary?21:40
ikoniahawodi: the python binary should be a symlink to one of the python binaries, either use the symlink to link to what you want, or use a hashbang at the top of your python scripts21:40
guntbertsid123: then run sudo aptitude/apt-get update and safe-upgrade/upgrade again21:40
knollsIs there a way to assign the windows key + d to minimize all windows, I'm very attuned to this shortcut.  Or is there an alternative I can get used to?21:41
jdawgHow do you enable 3D acceleration on an ATI Radeon 9550 in Lucid Lynx using the installed open source drivers?  I've been trying to figure this one out for the last 2 days and it is driving me crazy!21:41
histoknolls: in keyboard shortcuts under preference3s or in compiz possibly21:41
edbianknolls, Are you running desktop effects?21:41
xanguaknolls: control+alt+D21:42
histoknolls: right now its ctrl+alt+D but it can be changed21:42
knollsedbian: yes, histo thank you, xangua thank you- i might get used to this shortcut since it also pivots with the tty's21:42
hawodiikonia: thanks and sorry for the trouble but am still confused. Here is what I want to do: I have a deb package that I downloaded to install but it's complaining of my python version greater than what it needs.21:42
guntbertsid123: Good luck :-) I'm off...21:43
barrapontojk_: left shift did nothing21:43
sid123will gnome3 support compiz?21:43
edbianknolls, You can use compiz to adjust the keyboard shortcuts.  Any command can be any keyboard combo you like.  It even lets you have multiple keyboard combos do the same thing (although it yells at you)21:43
knollsedbian: sounds like my mother, i'm checking it out right now, and i appreciate the help.  i'll probably be using this often21:44
hawodiikonia: it requires python2.5 but I have python2.6. I have installed python2.5 but it still doesn't see it.21:44
hayleywdoes anyone know if the logitech g930 works on linux? i've googled for hours and cant find an answer21:44
elijahSo, does EXT4 support meta-data for files such as comments? In Kubuntu (Dolphin) there is a information column/box and I am wondering if that is part of EXT4?21:44
jdawgThere must be some way to get my ATI 9550 working with 3D acceleration with the open source drivers in ubuntu, anyone know?21:44
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering ***a bottle of vodka and 2 b21:44
JohnSQ__How do I uninstall a file in Ubuntu from the command line?21:44
jazzzi've a problem with soundkonverter after a reinstalation21:44
jk_barraponto, i found timing to be pretty critical. also they "optimized" things so that in some cases the menu won't display. try editing the /etc/defaults/grub file to uncomment some of the timeout values and change them from 0 to something a bit greater.21:45
edbianknolls, I live in compiz :)21:45
elijahIn otherwords, if I add a comment to a file in Kubuntu, will that comment transcend the environment and stay with the file as long as it is in EXT4?21:45
jazzzi can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange21:45
jazzzcan somebody help me21:45
timewriterhello boyosd21:46
jdawgWay of getting 3d acceleration enabled on my ati radeon 9550 in Ubuntu with the open source driver?21:46
AlHafoudhis it possible to get HDMI working in ubuntu on SiI1390 with nvidia 7300 ?21:46
Karen_mI upgraded to 10.10 and upon a reboot I received:  error: the symbol `grub_xputs` not found.     I am googling on how to resolve this, but I just wanted to let others know to have a LIVE CD HANDY21:47
jazzzi've a problem with soundkonverter after a lucid instalation.i can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange.can somebody help me?21:47
jdawgAnyone an expert on ATI Radeon cards and Ubuntu with non-proprietary drivers?21:47
barrapontojk_: what do i need to do once i changed it. i know i must run something to reconfigure grub221:47
jk_barraponto, also, on one of my boxes here, with an older BIOS, the keystrokes from a USB keyboard are not recognized until later in the boot; it has to use a PS2 keyboard in order to control BIOS access or the grub menu!21:47
jk_barraponto, after you change the defaults file, run "sudo update-grub" to put the changes into effect.21:48
jdawgThere a way to get 3D acceleration working on an older ATI Radeon 9550 graphics card in Lucid Lynx using the provided Open source drivers?21:49
timewritermesa happy to see you21:49
jazzzi've a problem with soundkonverter after a lucid instalation.i can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange.can somebody help me?21:49
John]is there a way for me to auto run an application at ubuntu's startup but make it run ona  different desktop?21:49
jdawgIs there a way to get 3D acceleration working on an older ATI Radeon 9550 graphics card in Lucid Lynx using the provided Open source drivers?21:50
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering ***a bottle of vodka and 2 b21:50
jdawgThere a way to get 3D acceleration working on an older ATI Radeon 9550 graphics card in Lucid Lynx using the provided Open source drivers?21:51
joonaI need help with 10.10 wlan21:51
ost2lifehi joona21:51
timewriterjdawg , proprietary drivers wont work ?21:51
xangua!maverick | joona21:52
ubottujoona: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:52
joona(Ubuntu 10.10)21:52
KjetilKjdawg, I suspect you can find your answer at http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/Radeon21:52
erUSULjdawg: radeon drivers should just work. take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why not21:52
xanguajdawg: tried the closed source drivers¿21:52
rolowhat if I get gparted on live cd could that solve my problem?21:52
jdawgClosed source drivers i try to stay away from...21:52
jazzz i've a problem with soundkonverter after a lucid instalation.i can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange.can somebody help me?21:53
jdawgKjetilK: I will check out the link21:53
jazzzcan somebody help me?21:54
Hopsalov255: you can do this to create directories for all users, cd to the directory where you want the directories, (change "echo" to "mkdir -p")21:54
Hopsalov255: cat /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f1 | xargs echo21:55
roloduffyduck: could not unmount /dev/sda121:55
roloThe partition could not be unmounted from the following mount points:21:55
roloMost likely other partitions are also mounted on these mount points. You are advised to unmount them manually.21:55
FloodBot1rolo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:55
sid123will gnome3 support compiz?21:56
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering ***a bottle of vodka and 2 b21:56
st___sid123, there will be no gnome321:56
Victor_Thi again21:56
jazzz  i've a problem with soundkonverter after a lucid instalation.i can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange.can somebody help me?21:56
bsdpunksxAnyone have any success with iPod Touch on firmware 4.0.2 and GTKPod?21:57
erUSULost2life: what error you get when you try to ping your router?21:57
petoguys looks please here: I just run movie double clicked for full screen http://img841.imageshack.us/i/screenshotwc.png/21:57
xanguast___: yes it will21:57
st___gnome3 is a fiction like dukenukem forever21:57
ost2lifeunable to reach host, nor am I able to ping the troublesome computer from this one21:57
sid123st_:i mean gnome 3.0 that is to be launched september this year21:58
ost2lifeerUSUL:  unable to reach host, nor am I able to ping the troublesome computer from this one21:58
xanguasid123: no in this year21:58
erUSULost2life: "ip route" output? show gateaway? looks sane?21:58
picard1400whtsc the cli command to install ubuntu desktop21:58
ost2lifeerUSUL: don't go anywhere, i'm gonna go try21:59
lov255OMG this is driving me crazy - I can not find it anywhere - where is the default dir for /cgi-bin on a fresh install of apache2?21:59
=== saf_ is now known as saifallof
bsdpunksxAnyone know how to successfully mount an iPod Touch 4.0.2 firmware with GTKPod to manage music? I'm trying to add/remove songs21:59
erUSUL!ipod | bsdpunksx21:59
ubottubsdpunksx: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:59
Hopsalov255: Could be in /etc/apache2/..21:59
bsdpunksxerUSUL: thanks22:00
saifallofhey I need some help with ubuntu 10.04 with broadcom 4312. My wired connected does not work, nor does my wireless even though it does see the wireless access points.22:00
cagordonpicard1400 apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:00
lov255just found it - it is /usr/lib/cgi-bin22:00
picard1400k tncxs22:00
bsdpunksxerUSUL: Any idea when firmware 4.0.2 will be supported? According to these it says >running up to firmware 4.0.122:01
* Victor_T interesting apache2 is p22:01
jazzz  i've a problem with soundkonverter after a lucid instalation.i can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange.can somebody help me?22:01
erUSULbsdpunksx: no; sorry22:01
saifallofAnyone? :[22:01
elijahIs there a way I can do a speed test within terminal?22:01
rolothanks for all the help!22:01
erUSULelijah: test spped of what?22:01
elijahIs there a way I can do a speed test within terminal? Specifically, r/w speeds to different filesystems/partitions? I want to see how fast NTFS is.22:02
erUSULelijah: test speed of what?22:02
Hopsaelijah: Type really really fast :)22:02
elijahHopsa: lol22:02
saifallofhey I need some help with ubuntu 10.04 with broadcom 4312. My wired connected does not work, nor does my wireless even though it does see the wireless access points. I have tried fw-cutter, bcmkernal source, and everything online. But nothing will work. Help someone?22:02
erUSULelijah: iozone?22:02
=== astrchmp is now known as astrochimp
saifallofAlso even the broadcom.com linux driver does not work.22:03
jribIf I run « info info » and then try to invoke the "Info tutorial" by pressing "H" I get "Info: No such file or directory".  How can I run the info tutorial?  Why does "H" not work?22:03
elijaherUSUL: Thanks, that looks nice, apt-get'ing now22:03
prometeushi guys! I have a question: i inserted a wifi PCI card,22:04
prometeuslspci lists it. lsmod shows me the good module being loaded. Thing is no interface is shown...22:04
prometeuswhat am I missing?22:04
ost2lifeerUSUL: dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src metric 2, dev wlan0 scope link metric 1000, default via dev wlan0 proto static22:04
jjk9_elijah:  hdparm -t /dev/devname  and also hdparm -T /dev/devicename22:05
prometeushow can I make my wifi PCI interface show up?22:05
erUSULost2life: the routes looks ok.22:06
saifallofhey prometeus what wiresless is it?22:06
erUSULprometeus: depends on the wifi chip22:06
elijahjjk9_: Thanks, what is the command to list all devices again?22:06
erUSULost2life: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up22:06
Hopsaprometeus: iwconfig22:06
prometeussaifallof, erUSUL, Hopsa, thanks.22:06
elijahjjk9_: Does hdparm do write timings too?22:07
prometeusiwconfig shows no wireless extensions for eth0 or lo22:07
prometeussaifallof, erUSUL, Hopsa: 02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)22:07
erUSULelijah: hdparm works on the device. filsystem is bypassed22:07
jjk9_elijah:  ls /dev or df not sure which u want22:07
erUSULprometeus: that's the wired car22:07
erUSULprometeus: that's the wired card22:07
elijaherUSUL: Ahh, gtk22:07
=== rizzuh_ is now known as rizzuh
jazzz i've a problem with soundkonverter after a lucid instalation.i can't ad wav files, the program crash, or the window look transparent....it's strange.can somebody help me?22:08
prometeuserUSUL, i don t think so22:09
ost2lifeerUSUL: no output, no change22:09
erUSULost2life: :/22:09
ost2lifeerUSUL: yep22:09
prometeussaifallof, erUSUL, Hopsa, it s a realtek chipset on PCI. The eth0 is in the mobo.22:09
NitzchONotHello guys, how can i mount a NTFS drive with write permitions ? What do i have to use at fstab file ? :\22:10
Hopsaprometeus: You can still use it and connect via say networkmanager.22:10
flacohi all... how can I set the displays resolutions in extended monitor mode??22:10
jribNitzchONot: you don't have to do anything special, just plug it in22:10
prometeusHopsa, that s the thing: i don t have the network manager applet..22:10
Hopsaprometeus: http://wirelessdefence.org/Contents/LinuxWirelessCommands.htm And http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Tools.html22:10
erUSULprometeus: http://www.realtek.com.tw/products/productsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=6&Level=5&Conn=4&ProdID=1722:11
ost2lifeerUSUL: any other ideas?22:11
TELL0is there any difference when confirming an installation, using apt-get, is I type "Y" or "y" (uppercase - lowercase)?22:11
jribTELL0: no22:11
erUSULost2life: not really; sorry22:12
prometeussaifallof, erUSUL, Hopsa, it seems it s detected... but nm-applet is not showing up22:12
NitzchONotjrib, it's not an External Drive actually... it's Internal. Actually, what i try to do, it's to set my VMBox's Virtual Drive, to store the OS's there22:12
NitzchONotBut for a reason, i cant.22:12
Hopsaprometeus: Note that iwconfig is used to set the parameters of the card, it does not bring the card ‘up’ for use. You must use the command: ifconfig wlan0 up22:12
TELL0thanks jrib22:12
jribNitzchONot: host os is ubuntu?22:12
ost2lifeerUSUL: I was afraid you were going to say that22:12
NitzchONotjrib, yes, its Ubu 10.0422:13
jribNitzchONot: you want it automatically mounted using fstab?22:13
prometeusHopsa, No such device...22:13
Hopsaip link set dev wlan0 up should also be ok. Just from the top of my head..22:13
erUSULprometeus: as i said the lspci line you showed us is for a wired chip a 10/100 card22:13
prometeusthis is weird, i plugged it and it is there... i used it before, it s the 8139 pci card22:14
dlihow do I specify options for kernel modules?22:14
=== zero is now known as Guest5862
Guest5862i need some help please22:14
NitzchONotjrib, i got that part. all i want to do is my VirtalMachine to store the drives (and the client OS) over there. I had that issue (about the permissions) before too..22:14
prometeuserUSUL, i know, but i m sure this line was not there...e22:14
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering ***a bottle of vodka and 2 b22:14
jrib!ntfs > NitzchONot22:14
ubottuNitzchONot, please see my private message22:14
brishuHey, does anyone know the terminal command to lock Lucid? (The shortcut does not seem to work for me, for some reason)22:14
jribNitzchONot: that page tells you the proper options to use in fstab so that you can write22:14
Johnirc.iCPFlames.co.cc is the best IRC you could ever go to. We have services, botserv, and even more. Our services are much more advanced, and in variety than freenodes. In conclusion, remember to join our irc, irc.iCPFlames.co.cc22:14
Johnirc.iCPFlames.co.cc is the best IRC you could ever go to. We have services, botserv, and even more. Our services are much more advanced, and in variety than freenodes. In conclusion, remember to join our irc, irc.iCPFlames.co.cc22:14
FloodBot1John: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
NitzchONotty jrib! Ill give it a try! :)22:15
erUSULdli: create a file /etc/modprobe.d/my_options.con for example. put a line with « option modulename [options here] »22:15
Guest5862which player to use to play hd and blu-ray formats from my hard drives in ubuntu22:15
dlierUSUL, thanks22:15
magicianlordGuest5862: vlc22:15
Guest5862vlc not good22:15
erUSULprometeus: maybe the card is not correctly placed in the pci slot and that's why it does not show in pci  and it does not work22:15
Guest5862drops too much22:15
DrManhattanvlc sucks balls.22:15
=== diego is now known as Guest72279
erUSULdli: /etc/modprobe.d/my_options.conf   <<< missing f sorry22:16
magicianlordDrManhattan: be professional, please.22:16
Guest5862yes drmanhatan i agree22:16
joonaguest5862: maybe dragon-player?22:16
prometeuserUSUL, yes. but can I check this while power is on? :D22:16
* Hopsa Brews an Imperial Stormtrooper Triple Bock Stout and hopes itll be good :)22:16
jribVictor_T: you sort your apache issue out?22:16
DrManhattanVlc offer unacceptable live streaming quality22:16
* jrib does not ask Hopsa what that is22:16
Guest5862is dragon player proper for hd videos22:17
Guest5862downloaded hd movies from torrents22:17
jribDrManhattan: this channel is for support, not ranting22:17
* Hopsa :)22:17
Bahranybody who knows how to adjust the  screen brightness on a Sony Vaio cw2s1e model? I managed to install ubuntu now, but I can't adjust the brightness, so my eyes are getting burned out soon :/22:17
Guest5862install applet for brightness22:18
HopsaBahr: Rightclick on a panel, add an applet to adjust the brightness22:18
ost2lifeI'm having problems with my wireless on the other PC, it's connecting to the router and being assigned an IP address but I cannot access anything, not even the router. When I look at the router from this computer, it's showing my other computer okay. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and here's a pastebin of ifconfig, route and cat /etc/network/interfaces http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/inFEFcaZ I'm now offering ***a bottle of vodka and 2 b22:18
BahrOk i'll try that22:18
joonaguest5862: You should try Kaffeine or Totem to play HD22:18
Victor_Tjrib, nothing does not work yet22:18
joonaI got the same problem as ost2life22:19
jjk9_elijah:  dunno22:19
jribVictor_T: what exactly is the problem?  I never saw your question.  Please ask on one line, use pastebin for details22:19
TELL0neoxan: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.22:19
prometeuscan I unplug a PCI device with power on?22:19
neoxanFUCK THE REST22:19
dliany idea about the b43 error: b43-phy0 ERROR: Fatal DMA error22:19
FloodBot1neoxan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
Guest5862i will try dragon,but is it for gnome22:19
cburner|gone_fisfile created on ubuntu is not seen by other when uploaded to samba server. how can i fix?22:19
Guest5862or kde22:19
magicianlordprometeus: no22:19
jribneoxan: this channel's for ubuntu support only22:19
=== cburner|gone_fis is now known as cburner
xzwermwhy is my text big in my console?22:19
saifallofhey I need some help with ubuntu 10.04 with broadcom 4312. My wired connected does not work, nor does my wireless even though it does see the wireless access points. I have tried fw-cutter, bcmkernal source, and even the broadcom.com linux driver you can create.22:19
xzwermhow to i make it half the size like normal?22:19
jribxzwerm: right click -> edit profile22:19
neoxantelling people to NOT use ubuntu is kind of support for ubuntu or?22:20
magicianlordxzwerm: appearance settings22:20
xzwermthis is when i hit ctrl alt f122:20
ost2lifejoona: did your problem start *after* you let it scan your hard drives on boot?22:20
prometeusmagicianlord, ok thanks. I supposed not. I ll wait then22:20
jribneoxan: it is not support, now  you know22:20
LjLjrib: he's a known troll22:20
prometeusbye guys22:20
xzwermeven when i boot up the default text is big22:20
saifallofhey I need some help with ubuntu 10.04 with broadcom 4312. My wired connected does not work, nor does my wireless even though it does see the wireless access points. I have tried fw-cutter, bcmkernal source, and even the broadcom.com linux driver you can create.22:20
joonaost2life: ehh, no I haven't done that22:20
magicianlordyou change font size in gnome appearances22:20
Victor_Tok, jrib I can not see my symblinks directorys in in firefox  but workis fine using nautilus and terminator, the question is  what is happening?22:20
Hopsaost2life: eth0 is not up22:20
Hopsaost2life: Doesnt have an ip22:21
ost2lifeHopsa: I'm not using eth022:21
prometeussaifallof, ok. so lspci shows your device?22:21
jribVictor_T: what's your document root?  /var/www?22:21
prometeusthen, does lsmod shows the module loaded?22:21
ost2lifeHopsa: I'm using wlan0, and that does and an IP22:21
Sorayaguys i install ubuntu on a laptop fresh,then use ptoncd iso to update,then update manager to install udates22:21
Hopsaost2life: Is your gateway "" ?22:21
Hopsaost2life: Is your gateway "" ?22:22
Hopsaost2life: Is your gateway ""22:22
ost2lifethat's the routers IP22:22
HopsaHmm, sorry22:22
Sorayanow i just log in  with user pasword and i dont need keyring22:22
Sorayahow is that posible22:22
NitzchONotjrib, any idea how do i unmount an already mounted device ? It says "Only root can unmount"22:22
Hopsaost2life: Im getting a bit tired :) ...22:22
ost2lifeHopsa: and the router sees my computer too22:22
jribNitzchONot: prefix your command with "sudo"22:22
saifalloflspci does shot the module, (wireless bcm4312 rev 01) and wired is BCM5906M22:22
ost2lifesorry, Hopsa, can I PM you, all the noise in the room is getting to me! :)22:22
NitzchONotjrib, i didn't use a command, thats what im looking for :D (I used Disk Utility) :p22:23
Hopsaost2life: Np, but im no expert on wifi (Try to not use it as much as possible:)22:23
saifalloflsmod shows lib80211 and wl being used22:23
jribNitzchONot: but then this isn't ubuntu?  in ubuntu it would be: sudo umount /mount/directory/or/block/device22:23
Victor_Tin Apache, yes22:23
Victor_Tin my web page fss122:23
jrib!who | Victor_T22:24
ubottuVictor_T: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:24
NitzchONotjrib, i just didnt know the command :D22:24
robertzaccourmy 5 in 1 machine model isn't in the list under canon22:24
saifallofwait, lib80211 is being used by two (wl and 80211_crypt_tkip and wl) whilst wl is not being used by anything22:24
robertzaccourcould a different model's drivers possibly work?22:24
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:24
Victor_Tyes jrib22:25
Victor_Tmy document root is /var/www22:25
Victor_Tfor apache22:25
jribVictor_T: pastebin: ls -l /var/www/ (try to keep responses on a single line)22:25
Victor_Tand my web page is fss1 jrib22:25
saifallofso now what?22:25
Victor_Tok jrib22:25
timewriterhow to i remove google earth ?22:25
Victor_Tit is jrib http://pastie.org/114031822:26
magicianlordtimewriter: software cener22:26
timewriterits not there22:26
NitzchONotjrib, the command it's not "unmount" but "eject" :)~22:27
jribVictor_T: ok, and what isn't working?22:28
jribNitzchONot: ok22:28
timewriternot in synaptic also22:28
jribNitzchONot: it's "umount" not "unmount" in ubuntu by the way22:28
saifallofhey I need some help with ubuntu 10.04 with broadcom 4312. My wired connected does not work, nor does my wireless even though it does see the wireless access points. I have tried fw-cutter, bcmkernal source, and even the broadcom.com linux driver you can create. lspci shows my wireless (bcm4312 rev01) and lsmod shows wl.ko being used by nothing while lib80211 being used by 80211_crypt_tkip...22:29
saifallof...and wl.ko22:29
Victor_Tno, it's not working22:29
NitzchONotjrib, Looks like :D Both do the same i guess :) (Almost) :)22:29
jribVictor_T: *what* isn't working22:29
magicianlordsaifallof: did you blacklist ssb and b43?22:29
Victor_Tthat i can not follow the symlink in apache jrib22:30
magicianlordin /etc/rc.conf22:30
jribVictor_T: you mean does not work?22:30
magicianlordthen it isnt properly depmodded or insmodded probably22:30
saifallofthere is no etc/rc.conf22:31
Victor_Tyes jrib22:31
saifallofbut i did put them in blacklist.conf22:31
saifallof-> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf22:31
saifallofI followed this guide for the broadcom drivers (wl.ko creation) http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt22:32
robertzaccourany idea if canon pixma m320 drivers will ever be available?22:32
jribVictor_T: can www-data read /home/victor/buildouts/cynin313-source-snapshot/var/filestorage/fss122:32
Fiddichhi everyone22:32
Victor_Tgood question22:32
saifallofnot sure if it matters but I do not have any other bcm programs/files isntalled22:32
saifallofonly the wl.ko driver22:32
craunchHELP! my webcams only works on VLC or MPlayer but not on Cheese or totem22:33
craunchFailed querying control 9963800 on device '/dev/video0'. (5 - Error de entrada/salida)]22:33
craunch*Failed querying control 9963800 on device '/dev/video0'. (5 - Input/Output error)]22:33
saifallofBut I mean it works to SEE the wireless points but I can not connect22:33
tittiellev VERIFY REGISTER tittielle noepmwhxojev22:34
NitzchONotSo, to mount a NTFS partition, have READ?WRITE Access to it, i ahev to use "UUID=****/media/Essencentfs-3grw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=000002" to the fstab file ? (sorry jrib :P, is that correct?) :D22:34
jribtittielle: try again22:34
jribNitzchONot: that should work, yeah22:34
saifallof  # rmmod b4322:35
saifallof  # rmmod ssb , when executed it states it does not exsist22:35
NitzchONotjrib, thanks again! :D22:35
jribNitzchONot: no problem22:35
discozohanwhats the simplest way to check hdd performance ?22:35
jribNitzchONot: you don't need to unmount, by the way you can just pass -o remount to mount22:35
discozohanwrite / read spead22:36
erUSULdiscozohan: sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sdx22:36
* jrib is not sure how that , moved...22:36
discozohanerUSUL: thanks ;)22:36
erUSULno problem22:36
NitzchONotjrib, i thought that will be safer. Next time i'll know better, thanks for the tip! :)22:37
ost2lifeHopsa, erUSUL could my wifi woes be a problem with iptables?22:37
craunchWebcam works on skype22:37
erUSULost2life: well that's easy to test. flush all rules « sudo iptables -F » test22:38
Revhello all22:38
SlarterUSUL: don't forget default actions on chains.. I don't think a flush changes those22:38
Revwhere do the file you save in your /home on a ubuntu USB key (persistent) go?22:39
histoRev: casper22:39
Revcause i installed some software on my USB key running Ubuntu, and at the next boot, it said : "cannot boot, /root is full"22:39
erUSULSlart: ;( didn't know that22:39
ost2lifejrib, Hopsa, erUSUL: Right, I have to go now, thanks for your help and hopefully I'll get it sorted. Thanks22:39
histoRev: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102856422:39
Revhisto, : there is no folder in casper. Are my files packed in some file?22:40
gsedejhi! I have 10.04 and just done a loth of work with photos in nautilus. Not it takes 150MB of RAM even after reboot22:40
jribost2life: good luck22:40
Revhisto, thanks, im checking out that link22:40
gsedejany idea how to get make it eat less ram22:40
SlarterUSUL: at least that's the way it was when I last checked.. but that was quite some time ago.. might have changed since then22:40
xzwermwhat is the command to change the display in a linux console? i know theres a command for it but i forget22:40
histoRev: you can basically mount the casper rw file22:40
ost2lifeI suspect I'll need it. If I can't get it sorted I'm thinking about just reinstalling22:40
histoRev: as a loop device22:40
ProfessorBaconhi #ubuntu.  Right now i have a 10.04 box where X appears to be frozen, at least most things in both top and bottom panels are frozen (white).  top shows Xorg utilizing amost 100% cpu.  "service gdm restart" doesn't work, even "service gdm stop" doesn't seem to work.  When i issue a "service gdm status", it says "gdm stop/waiting" any ideas on how I can fix this?  something I am missing here?22:41
ProfessorBaconmouse and keyboard are unresponsive.22:41
bodwickxzwerm you mean ctrl + alt + Fx22:41
Revhisto, i cnat find any casper-rw file. I only have a casper folder22:42
xzwermyes i use ctrl alt f1 to get to the console and i was sure there was a command for changing the display22:42
HopsaProfessorBacon: Bad HD maybe ?22:42
Izinucsgsedej: if you do a lot of photo work.. if you haven't seen darktable for editing check it out.. outstanding program.. they have a ppa for ubuntu. http://darktable.sourceforge.net/ .. digikam is also very good for organization, tagging, uploading to numerous services etc.22:42
zerr0xhi. is there any way i could see a specific line with the "cat" command? something like cat file | grep line_number  ?22:42
Revhisto, : wait, my mistake22:42
ProfessorBaconHopsa: what leads you to that assumption?22:42
ProfessorBaconas far as i can tell the UI is frozen..22:42
ProfessorBaconi'm actually ssh'd into the box using irssi on said machine right now22:42
jribzerr0x: not with cat.  Try sed -n 'Lp'    where L is the line number22:43
VCoolioxzwerm: define 'change display'22:43
histozerr0x: sed will do the trick22:43
zerr0xjrib, lemme see. thanks22:43
Revhisto: it worked, but i dont have the right to modify the files22:43
HopsaProfessorBacon: Connection timed out for a while ?22:43
ProfessorBaconHopsa: connection from what to what?22:43
jjk9_ProfessorBacon:  bad memory?22:43
kimiskovhi I have a Ubuntu live on USB. Does it make since to make an system Update when running live?22:43
xzwermvcoolio text size color resolution brightness22:43
CityscapeCan anyone help me with some graphics compatibility questions?22:43
zerr0xgreat, thanks alot22:43
HopsaProfessorBacon: Your connection to the other computer timed out, lost connection for a short while.22:44
Revhisto, i can only see the files in the home folder, while i would want to free some space in /root to be able to boot on the key22:44
histoRev: cause you mounted it as root22:44
zerr0xjrib, out of curiousity, why the p ?22:44
gsedejIzinucs: Thanks for advice, but I just did some copying and moveing in different folders22:44
VCoolioxzwerm: for resolution you can add vga=blah to grub depending on what resolution and how many colors22:44
ProfessorBaconjjk9_: i suppse memory may be to blame, is this indicated by the fact that I can't kill X?22:44
HopsaProfessorBacon: Open a new session22:44
jribzerr0x: 'print'22:44
ProfessorBaconHopsa: session isn't the issue here, i think there is a misunderstanding.22:44
zerr0xoh, okay. cheers22:44
jribzerr0x: (sed does a lot more than just print a specific line)22:44
histoRev: I'm not sure how casper saves and where in that image it saves certain items.  I just know it saves changes there.22:44
jjk9_ProfessorBacon:  not sure but might have gone off into infinite loop somewhere22:45
Revhisto, right, i launched a nautilus as root : i can now explore /root in casper : any idea what i could delete to free up some space without harming the system?22:45
jani_hello, 10.04 64-bit, 10.10 64 bit all hang at boot after line that says "to disable cgroup memory, try..." 4GB DDR3 ECC memory, amd phenom x6 1055T, ASUS M4A785TD-V board (latest bios), 785G+710 chipset22:45
gsedejIzinucs: Nautilus is kind of "best" for this work, it has costum site thumbs, you can make many windows and still se much22:45
HopsaProfessorBacon: I think you forgot to tall us that youre using X from a remote ssh session.22:45
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ProfessorBaconif you scroll up you will find that i did.22:45
Izinucsgsedej: digikam ...22:46
CityscapeCan anyone help me with some graphics compatibility questions?22:46
ProfessorBaconi'm attempting to restart x22:46
ProfessorBaconfrom ssh22:46
HopsaProfessorBacon: good22:46
xzwermis GRUB used on all linux system including ubuntu?22:46
ProfessorBaconservice gdm restart doesn't work, service gdm status still says "gdm stop/waiting"22:46
jani_default bios options, nothing extra connected (other than keyboard + mouse)22:46
ProfessorBaconis the only option at this point to reboot?22:46
sebsebseb_xzwerm: most Desktop Linux in the past few years use Grub by default22:47
xzwermincluding ubuntu?22:47
Hopsaxzwerm: Sure, other boot loaders are also used22:47
xzwermis that the equivilant of lilo?22:47
sebsebseb_xzwerm: then more recently this changed to Grub 2 for most distros based on Debian such as Ubuntu, quite a few of the other distros still use the old version of Grub by default22:47
VCoolioxzwerm: for colors add something like this to ~/.bashrc (or /root/.bashrc for root console) http://paste.pocoo.org/show/258907/22:47
sam898889is there a channel for mac users of ubuntu ~~??~?~?22:47
sebsebseb_xzwerm: and lilo is an option in the installer of some distros,  but hardly anyone uses lilo anymore22:47
jani_it hangs with a cursor blinking indefinitely at that point (waited one hour)22:47
Picijani_: 10.10?22:49
jani_yes, 10.10 beta22:49
Hopsajani_: What did it tell you to disable ?22:49
jani_i tried also 8.04 32-bit, also hangs22:49
Picijani_: 10.10 support is in #ubuntu+122:49
sebsebseb_xzwerm: Grub 2 is more of a Debian and Ubuntu thing at the moment.22:49
jani_it said disable cgroup, i tried that way, but it still hung22:49
jani_pici, sure, but also happens with 10.0422:49
Hopsajani_: -noapic -noacpi could be worth a shot22:50
jani_hopsa, ok, will try that22:50
jani_what's the catch, though? i guess suspend and hibernate won't work, but what else?22:51
rosemarieEnter text here...hi22:51
sebsebseb_rosemarie: hi22:51
BiggFREE_May I get the link of the Super Grub ?22:51
Hopsajani_: From your input its a bit hard to tell :)22:51
IanWizardI've got a perculiar problem.  I can connect to wifi, but random apps work, and others dont.  Chrome will connect, but Firefox wont.  Pidgin will connect to freenode, but not to MSN, or GTalk.  What on earth could be causing this?  (No I haven't done anything with a proxy, or any other network tweaks.)22:52
sailerboy!wiki efi22:52
rosemarieok I is new to this so just gonna get straight to the point lol been learning how to hack on hack this site but taking longer than i thought lol. Just wondering if anyone knows how to hack a mobileme.com email account need to know if the husband cheetin on me lol.22:52
jani_hopsa, hard to get more details... all i know the cd image is correct and memtest86 doesn't find any problems (and the memory is ECC anyways)22:52
BiggFREE_May I get the link of the Super Grub ? Or Super Boot Loader ??????22:53
timewritersupergrub disk22:53
timewriterok google22:53
sebsebseb_rosemarie: uhmm  legally your not meant to brake into other peoples accounts, without permission22:53
BiggFREE_ok ty ... timewriter22:53
saifallofI have a question22:53
jani_IanWizard, probably DNS issue22:53
rosemarieyer its all good he my husband lol22:54
CkhiKuzadrosemarie, did he say you could crack into his email and check it?22:54
sebsebseb_rosemarie: even if  they are your husband, this still applys, as far as I know22:54
CkhiKuzaddid he explicitly say it?22:54
saifallofWho would help me get my bcm4312 working (wireless) on a fresh installation of ubuntu 10.04.22:54
IanWizardjani_: oh, stupid me.  I was thinking it was an application (NM) screwing it up.  thanks for suggesting the obvious ;)22:55
aeon-ltdrosemarie: please, we don't support that here but heres my suggestion 1. do you trust your husband? if yes don't bother if no confront him22:55
saifallofRose just guess the password reset questions if you really are his husband22:55
sebsebseb_saifallof: wife you meant to put22:55
rosemarieok so i guess thats a no........ ok thanks any advise on hacking talk sites all legal of course cough cough?22:55
CkhiKuzadrosemarie, what you are doing is illegal.22:55
jani_rosemarie, if you need to suspect him your relationship obviously has bigger problems22:56
saifallofI am guessing it really is a guy based on the grammar and style of writing. Using this wife/husband excuse as a exploit of our human nature.22:56
icerootrosemarie: hacking has nothing to do with what you want, what you mean is cracking22:56
jani_rosemarie, there's no relationship anyways without trust22:56
IanWizardrosemarie: there are ways to change linux passwords without knowing the original22:56
CkhiKuzadi said that too, iceroot.22:56
sebsebseb_Pici: ^22:56
aeon-ltdrosemarie: i gotta say its easier to guess your husbands pw than to try to break into apple's server, find the correct db and extract the data you need22:57
rosemarielol thats wat i,v been doin for the last 3 nights22:57
IanWizardrosemarie: oh, sorry, thought you were talking about a linux account.22:57
karnameHi , I wanted to make one of my external hard bootable for ubuntu via ubuntu startup disk creator , but after I click on make , I saw an error and my partitions disappeared,How can I recover them ?22:58
aeon-ltdrosemarie: its most likely the same as his other passwords, sorry about stating the obvious22:58
timewriterkarname , undo changes22:58
karnametimewriter : there isn't undo button22:58
jani_saifallof, i don't see how being married makes the situation any more understandable22:59
timewriterdo you have any data on that drive ?22:59
icerootrosemarie: learn what is the difference between http and https and learn to sniff network-traffic for http and you have what you want, if it is not https but its off-topic and has nothing to do with ubuntu22:59
karnametimewritter : it stopped in first step22:59
saifallofJani it is because you think it is for a good cause but maybe it is a guy wanting to hack another person just using a cover story for help22:59
timewriterkarname , so the hdd is empty ? just format it using gparted22:59
karnametimewriter  : yes , and my data is very important for me22:59
timewriteroh noes22:59
saifallofAlso rosie, just social engineer the password reset questions23:00
timewriterboot a live cd and try to recover the data23:00
gubusaifallof, these are off topic here23:00
BiggFREE_timewriter: It is bookmarked now23:00
timewriterBiggFREE_ :)23:01
jani_rosemarie, you need to use other methods than to spy on your husband. it's a road that leads nowhere, trust me, been there23:01
sebsebseb_jani_: they are gone23:01
timewriteryou managed to solve the issue ?23:01
BiggFREE_timewriter: Thanks :)23:01
karnametimewriter : which live cd ?23:01
IanWizardjani_ she's already gone23:01
timewriteryoure welcome23:01
jani_sebsebseb_, oops23:01
* sebsebseb_ nearly called hte ops23:01
timewriterkarname , ubuntu live cd23:01
jani_just noticed afterwards23:01
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karnameis there any recover program in ubuntu live cd ?23:01
sebsebseb_jani_: I nearly called the ops, so they could take a look at  what was going on23:01
picard1400hey i have different login profilees.... dwm vs. gnome how do change the default23:02
timewriteryou may be able to access the partition , from the live cd , and recover your data23:02
aeon-ltdsebsebseb_: Channel OPeratorS?23:02
sebsebseb_aeon-ltd: yep23:02
HopsaThat wasnt a "she".23:02
jani_sebsebseb_, what could ops do anyways... ban or kick, what would that help?23:02
sebsebseb_jani_: yeah that, and say its offtopic and such23:02
IanWizardeverybody, look at the way she was writing.  the way she was talking, and you may pick up on some clues that she is probably not a woman.  I imagine she... or should I say "she"... is some n00b trying to make themselves fit in, just to learn to breakin to mobilme23:02
karnametimewriter : with fdisk (in ubuntu) when I list partitions , there isn't any partition23:02
timewriterthat might be a bit of a problem23:03
sync3timesplus the legality is a bit disturbing.   Communications across state lines and all that.23:03
CkhiKuzadeverybody, think about it. it was hackthissite. i've been there, it's almost entirely trolls.23:03
sebsebseb_IanWizard: yeah probably doesn't take much to pretend to be female on IRC really23:03
CkhiKuzadit was most likely a troll.23:03
IanWizardsebsebseb_: "they" weren't talking like a woman, but more like a young male, or VERY young female.23:04
jani_i don't think we can judge rosemarie being woman or man at all, there are real people just like that23:04
timewriterwhat makes the difference ?23:04
timewriterman or woman on irc23:04
DontKnow17898 Hola como estas Black0x |Bienvenido| -No_One ScripT-23:05
aeon-ltdIanWizard: yeah the grammar kinda killed it, but it was a good con - adult noob needing help23:05
sebsebseb_might have just been someone not that technical, that thought they would ask a load of computer people  for advice on what they wanted to do23:05
IanWizardaeon-ltd: yup.23:05
jani_i know a 31 years old woman who sure writes just like rosemarie did23:05
sebsebseb_A troll I don't think so,  I think that probably was someones wife for real,  but anyway people, we are off topic here23:06
timewriterirc can be a very tricky maze :)23:07
aeon-ltdjani_: err to quote "cheetin on me"? really you know someone who is 31 and writes that bad?23:07
karnametimewriter  : can you help me ?23:07
jani_aeon-ltd, yes :(23:07
IanWizardsebsebseb_: that's nothing new (offtopic)23:07
timewriterkarname , im not good with linux , i just solve my problems in my way23:07
aeon-ltdjani_: how unfortunate, IM-ing must suck23:07
timewriterin case of lost data , i use getdataback on windows23:07
timewriterplug the hdd you want to recover from as a secondary hdd23:08
Guest66389I'm new to IRC is there a decent guide anywhere? common commands etc...23:08
timewriterand use a recovery software23:08
madfox!hi | madfox23:08
ubottumadfox, please see my private message23:08
timewriterthis if you cant recover your partition in a easier way23:08
sebsebseb_!irc | Guest6638923:08
ubottuGuest66389: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:08
madfoxhallo people23:08
IanWizardGuest66389: try looking on google for "irc tutorial"23:08
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jani_aeon-ltd, and the person in question speaks 6 languages and has a university degree... we're for many23:08
Guest66389thank you23:08
sebsebseb_Guest66389:  you could try asking in #freenode23:08
erUSUL!irc | Guest6638923:09
ubottuGuest66389: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:09
sebsebseb_erUSUL: already used the factoid23:09
aeon-ltdjani_: just... how?, meh probably lazy typer23:09
erUSULsebsebseb_: ouch sorry Guest6638923:09
IanWizarderUSUL: someone already used !irc23:09
cronjectGoogle pays $8.5m to settle Buzz privacy invasion suit http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/05/google_buzz_suit_settlement/23:09
* erUSUL needs sleep ...23:09
sebsebseb_!ot | cronject23:09
ubottucronject: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:09
sebsebseb_oh they have updated the !ot factoid23:10
cronjectWrong chatroom sorry23:10
sebsebseb_cronject: well ok23:10
sebsebseb_cronject: and that link is probably interestingish anyway :)23:11
IanWizardwe need a channel called ubuntu-support,  that'd stay on topic more23:12
maple_leafif any canonical staff are monitoring this channel, please contact the webmaster of ubuntu.com and have them fix the 404 http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid23:12
DontKnow17898maple_leaf has been kicked automaticly by  -No_One ScripT-23:12
IanWizardoh, there already is one. just needs invite23:12
oberonhow do I make a router know about a secondary ip address I added to an ethN ?23:12
oberon(using "ip addr add ... ")23:12
icerootoberon: in another network?23:13
latagoreI did something stupid and I tried removing nautilus and reinstalling. It brings me back to the login screen after I login23:13
icerootoberon: or is the ip in the same network?23:13
oberonsame network23:13
sebsebseb_IanWizard: well there is one kind of #ubuntu-beginners23:13
icerootoberon: dhcp?23:13
IanWizardoberon: depending on what you mean, it either already does, OR, the new Ip will be internal only23:13
oberon192.168.1.4/24 +
aeon-ltdlatagore: uhh removing nautilus shouldn't do that, what else was removed with nautilus?23:14
icerootoberon: add the ip to the router (read the manuek from the router) or use dhcp23:14
oberonI mean that I did "ip addr add .. " twice23:14
oberonwith both these ip addresses23:14
oberon, but I can only ping one23:14
IanWizardoberon: you could also set the router to forward all packets for one to the other.23:14
sebsebseb_iceroot: not the name you suggested, but yes a support channel23:14
oberonthe primary23:14
sebsebseb_IanWizard: ^23:14
sebsebseb_iceroot: wrong one23:14
oberonwhen I add the other first .. I can ping it instead of the other23:14
IanWizardsebsebseb_: sry23:15
x-izzy_why is it that when i play a video it shuts down after like 3mins?23:15
icerootoberon: ifconfig is showing eth0 and eth1 (or eth0:1)?23:15
latagoreaeon-ltd: I only removed it's dependencies; I also screwed up my partitions before hand so that may be the issue23:15
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oberoniceroot, I'm not using ifconfig23:16
icerootoberon: ifconfig eth0 netmask && ifconfig eth0:1 netmask
oberonI'm using ip from iproute223:16
icerootoberon: that should do the job23:16
FiddichI have installed Ubuntu server edition for the first time now and everything worked fine during the installation except my eth0 network card. Even after the installation I can't ping anything in my LAN neither on the internet. I read the documentation part for network configuration and used the commands to configure eth0 and add gateways and dns but still it doesn't work. Any hints you can give me? I am a first time user and have no clue about 23:17
aeon-ltdlatagore: what happens as soon as you login?23:17
icerootFiddich: paste the output of ifconfig  to pastebin23:17
iceroot!paste | Fiddich23:18
ubottuFiddich: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:18
latagoreaeon-ltd: Quick flash of the command and then back to the logon screen23:18
sebsebseb_!server  | Fiddich23:18
ubottuFiddich: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server23:18
DontKnow17898ubottu has been kicked automaticly by  -No_One ScripT-23:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:18
icerootDontKnow17898: stop it please23:18
x-izzyi need help23:19
iceroot!ask | x-izzy23:19
ubottux-izzy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:19
x-izzymy video play shuts down after 2mins23:19
aeon-ltdlatagore: you might need to reinstall gnome, but i'm not 100% sure that will solve it.23:19
IanWizardx-izzy: a little more specific?  and don't use ENTER as punctuation23:20
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madjoeSeveas: hello23:20
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aeon-ltd!enter | x-izzy23:20
ubottux-izzy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:20
timewriterFiddich , whats youre internet connection type ?23:20
IanWizardaeon-ltd: is there a reference sheet for those?23:20
x-izzymy media player shuts down when i play an mkv file afer 1-2mins23:20
madjoeSeveas: I just want to inform you that I've posted your solution here, if you don't mind: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149077623:20
timewriterx-izzy , have you tried a different .mkv file ?23:21
IanWizardx-izzy: what media player.23:21
latagoreaeon-ltd: So would I just use apt get and stuff?23:21
aeon-ltdIanWizard: factoids? not sure23:21
IanWizardx-izzy: is it totem?  (Movie Player)23:21
aeon-ltdlatagore: yeah23:21
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:21
IanWizardaeon-ltd: thank you :D23:21
x-izzyjust movie player, i tried different players but they can't ready the file like movie player does23:22
Fiddichsorry but that was pretty much input at the same time for someone who is using linux server for the first time23:22
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IanWizardx-izzy: try skipping like half way through, and watch. it may be a corrupt file23:23
walterj89_Anyone here have any luck getting serial touch screens working with 10.04 ?23:23
BiggFREEtimewriter: The SuperGrub Disk is only 4.1 MB23:23
timewriterBiggFREE , burn the iso23:23
BiggFREEtimewriter: I will23:24
walterj89_I've been at it for a very long time now... try to get a 3m touchscreen to work..23:24
Fiddichiceroot:  can't paste it because I am on another machine right now and I don't even know how to copy paste it23:24
latagoreaeon-ltd: Well apparently I can't install gnome because of broken packages23:24
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icerootFiddich: is there a line with eth0 and a correct ip adrress on it?23:24
timewriterthere are different versions23:25
timewriterone for grub and another for grub223:25
timewriterbut i guess you need rescatux23:25
Fiddichyes, I used this documenation to configure my network https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html23:25
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jrib!away > Victor_T|away23:26
ubottuVictor_T|away, please see my private message23:26
Fiddichhave a look on "IP Adressing" when you scroll a bit down23:26
gl3nyubuntu noob looking for some help, is this the right place?23:26
jribgl3ny: yep23:26
hikugl3ny: sure is23:26
Fiddichthe part with sudo ifconfig eth0 is the thing I used23:26
sebsebseb_gl3ny: ok what do you want help with?23:27
walterj89_Anyone had any luck getting a 3m Touchscreen to work with Ubuntu 10.04 ?  anyone at all?23:27
aeon-ltdlatagore: this might fix it http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=947124#923:27
Fiddichand I also added a gateway23:27
gl3nyneed hellp with xampp localhost and a remote mysql db23:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
sebsebseb_!details | gl3ny23:27
ubottugl3ny: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:27
BiggFREEtimewriter: I downloaded Super Grub Disk ISO (Version  0.9799) .  Is it the good one ?23:27
timewriterBiggFREE , super grub disk Does not fix GRUB223:28
latagoreaeon-ltd: No dice. Still not installing23:28
=== TELL0 is now known as ^TELL0^
=== ^TELL0^ is now known as TELL0
walterj89_I've been in and out of here a few times... seems touchscreens are a difficult subject with linux..23:28
icerootFiddich: very strange documentation, much to complex for such an easy step23:29
aeon-ltdlatagore: you tried all the commands all ready?23:29
sebsebseb_walterj89_: yes, but I think some better support is coming to 10.1023:29
BiggFREEtimewriter: I will downloaded the big one then.  (RESCATUX)23:29
BiggFREEtimewriter: I will download the big one then. (RESCATUX)23:29
jrib!lamp | gl3ny23:29
ubottugl3ny: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:29
jribgl3ny: don't use xampp, follow ubottu for a proper lamp setup23:29
Fiddichiceroot: hmm maybe but that was the documentation linked on the official ubuntu page23:29
latagoreaeon-ltd: I tried. It didn't remove any packages23:29
TELL0Indicator applet now added a global-menu like part?23:29
sebsebseb_TELL0: in the netbook edition for 10.10 sure, but thats not released just yet in final23:30
icerootFiddich: what you want? a static ip or using dhcp?23:30
aeon-ltdlatagore: it should allow you to continue re-installing gnome23:30
BiggFREEtimewriter: Thanks a lot for helping me :)23:30
TELL0my indicator applet just turn into it today23:30
Fiddichiceroot: static ip23:30
timewriterBiggFREE , i hope you can solve the problem23:30
latagoreaeon-ltd: lemme just make sure I got the right command: "sudo apt-get install gnome"23:30
BiggFREEtimewriter: Sure :)23:30
TELL0I have a global-menu like on my indicator applet and is attached to it23:30
TELL0weird, but I like it hehe23:31
walterj89_I've tried for quite a few hours to get the calibration software from 3m to work...  the best I can do it get it so when I touch the screen the mouse goes to the top right corner.. and the calibration software barely works.... anyone know of any alternative calibration software for 10.04 that may work with 3m drivers?23:31
histowalterj89_: did you try checking the forums23:31
Fiddichdo I need to activate eth0 after installation? because I can't ping anything on the network, with or without dhcp23:31
walterj89_or an alternive driver all together that works with 3m serial touchscreens...  I've looked for hours23:32
walterj89_everything is out of date23:32
edbianFiddich, If you have DHCP it work automatically.23:32
gl3nytrying to install wp3.0 in htdocs folder in xampp. Cannot connect to remote database. apache access logs showing a 500 error and browser showing database connection error. I triple checked hostname (using ip) and login credentials. I know my remote server is working because I can boot windows from same machine and location with same ip and can connect no problem. Been googling this all day and don't understand why xampp should work o23:32
gl3nyn windows and not linux?23:32
Fiddichedbian:  no dhcp23:32
latagoreaeon-ltd: if I can't solve this soon, I just want to get my appearance preferences and then just reinstall ubuntu; I've been into a lot of ubuntu trouble lately23:32
edbianFiddich, What do you get if you ping something else on the network.  Do you have a static ip?23:32
jribgl3ny: did you see what I said?23:32
aeon-ltdlatagore: ok, but "sudo apt-get install gnome" is correct23:32
x-izzyi tried those and still no head way, where can i get another player?23:32
gl3nydont use xampp?23:32
Fiddichedbian: I get "Host unreachable" error and yes I have a static IP23:33
jribgl3ny: yes...23:33
gl3nywhy is that?23:33
icerootFiddich: http://pastebin.com/v4NFSw1U23:33
icerootFiddich: change the adresses to your need23:33
edbianFiddich, Can you ping the gateway?23:33
walterj89_the most relevent post I've found is this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1508944&highlight=3m+touchscreen23:33
histowalterj89_: there is a post on june 14th about drivers23:33
Fiddichedbian: no23:33
latagoreaeon-ltd: apt-get isn't automaticaly installing the dependencies; do I have to install them all manually?23:33
walterj89_ya the one i just linked to is the 13th..23:33
Fiddichiceroot: will try that now23:33
histowalterj89_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150894423:34
histowalterj89_: looks like he was able to get it working23:34
histowalterj89_: using the 3m drivers23:34
walterj89_unfortunetly that got me close but I cant get the calibration software to work...  nearly but it doesnt do anything  (the link i had)23:34
aeon-ltdlatagore: no you already have gnome, this should reinstall it, the dependencies you already have23:35
walterj89_ok those are the same posts...23:35
gl3nyFiddich: why not use xampp?23:36
acehi all23:36
morf_When I want to change the Icons in gnome, it actually changes some of them, but the one shown in nautilus/thunar (for example the folder-icons) stay the same.23:36
morf_I have no clue how to fix that.23:36
latagoreaeon-ltd:  I'm at a loss; It says gnome has unmet dependecies; Depends: blahblah package but it is not going to be installed23:36
timewritermorf_ , you installed a new icon theme ?23:36
Fiddichgl3ny: I am not even close to do that. It is about 10 minutes ago that I started a linux server for the first time23:37
aeon-ltdlatagore: ok, just install them manually then23:37
morf_timewriter: yes23:37
timewriterthats why23:37
timewriterthe icon theme you installed isnt complete23:37
morf_No, it is.23:37
aeon-ltdmorf_: it doesn't contain those icons23:37
morf_It contains folder-icons n that23:37
latagoreaeon-ltd: I imagine this will be a pain; gnome must have a lot of dependencies23:38
aeon-ltdmorf_: perhaps not in the correct size, are they scalable?23:38
walterj89_alright when I get to the "startCP"  I just get a blank white screen and it says calibration failed23:38
gl3nyfiddich: well I tried installing lamp and i had permision issues accessing the site which is why i switched to xampp23:38
timewritermorf_ , try awOken icon theme23:38
timewriteryou might like it23:38
jdawgOk, I have an ati R300 chipset Radeon 9550 and need 3d acceleration...have done extensive searching on the net and found something about a mesa r300_dri.so....do i use this one to configure my graphics card in Ubuntu, and if so how?23:38
walterj89_thats more or less when I get stuck23:38
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on3pkhey guys, whats the best way of sharing files between say, my home computer and a McDonald's WIFI hotspot23:38
morf_It's a 16mb icon-theme, it contains everything23:38
aeon-ltdlatagore: try installing gnome-desktop-environment instead23:38
morf_timewriter: ok, mom.23:38
gl3nyi'm about ready to go back to windows lol23:38
walterj89_assuming the calibration software runs at all.. i sometime have problems with the java for some reason23:39
edbianon3pk, You can't share files with a hotspot?23:39
bodwickon3pk samba23:39
on3pkedbian, I can't? :(23:39
on3pkwould a samba connection work between Windows & Ubuntu?23:39
edbianon3pk, A hotspot is a wireless router that gives people internet access without requiring encryption23:39
jxtremehi, does somebody know how to use the leds and extra buttons on a notebook with lucid or just give me a hint where to start :) thx23:40
bodwickon3pk if there is a local area network you may share files using samba23:40
edbianon3pk, Samba is file and printer sharing for window and linux.23:40
morf_timewriter: got any link, perhaps?23:40
timewriterjust a sec23:40
on3pkbodwick: would that not be possible over an internet connection, just intranet?23:41
Fiddichiceroot: /etc/network/interfaces looks exactly like you wrote it in the pastebin aswell as the resolv.conf and after restarting it still doesn't work23:41
timewriterhttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/AwOken+-+Awesome+Token+icon+set?content=126344 there you go23:41
jdawgTrying to use ATI 9550 video card (r300 chipset) and fglrx driver (ati proprietary) does not work with Lucid...I found something called a Mesa r300_dri.so driver.......I'm lost23:41
illmortalanyone know anything about Broadcom 4318? I have the wireless card, I do an LSPCI and ubuntu clearly sees it but I can enable it using the "up" command.. anyone know what's going on? this is on ubuntu 10.0423:41
bodwickon3pk if you want to share files over internet you can use ssh or ftp23:41
jdawgI just need 3d acceleration, and can't get it23:41
PeskyJugh eww eww - I'm in windows for the first tiem in about three years, forgot how sucky it is - my ubuntu is broken, it wont boot, firefox crashed and I had to hard-reset and now it won't boot into linux23:41
icerootFiddich: then we need the output from ifconfig23:42
bodwickon3pk so if theres a lan -> samba, if not -> ssh or ftp23:42
Fiddichok I write it down23:42
Fiddichjust give me some minutes :D23:42
edbianjdawg, Check this out: http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check23:42
icerootFiddich: i am at bed then but the others will help you23:42
bodwickon3pk you want to share files with windows clients ?23:42
jdawgEdbian: will do23:43
Fiddichkk thanks for your help23:43
on3pkwhat about WebDAV23:43
PeskyJthe loader menu comes up, picking ubuntu or ubuntu recovery says it can't mount /dev /proc /sys - is there a way I can mount the ubuntu partition from windows or run a rescue from windows to try to fix it?23:43
on3pkbodwick, well, I want to share files between my netbook (ubuntu) and my laptop (windows 7)23:43
PeskyJon3pk: Dropbox!23:43
jxtremenobody any ideas .. its a pity :(23:43
bodwickon3pk Ubuntu One ;)23:44
on3pkbut my laptop might be at home, whereas my netbook might be at.. McDonald's or the library or whatever23:44
jdawgEdbian: Compiz? I need that?\23:44
PeskyJon3pk: Dropbox!23:44
morf_timewriter: Hmm... this one works...*g23:44
timewritermorf_  :)23:45
morf_timewriter: thanks.23:45
aeon-ltdon3pk: ftp server23:45
timewriteryoure welcome23:45
timewritermorf_ , you can do apt-cache search icon-theme23:45
timewriteryou can find nice icon themes that way23:45
edbianjdawg, compiz draws the special effects like wobbly windows and such.  you need 3d acceleration to run compiz.  The script checks to make sure you can get 3d accel with your current hardware and it makes helpful comments.23:45
elijahI am trying to sign Ubuntu code of conduct. I enter gpg --fingerprint the first time and it created directories and such, second time it doesn't do anything23:45
lxLeewhy won't ld link the .obj files from nasm?23:45
PeskyJcan the wubi installer do a rescue?23:45
on3pkPeskyJ, will that allow me to update things immediately23:46
jdawgEdbian: Thank ya!  I hear ati and ubuntu don't get along, lol23:46
latagoreaeon-ltd: You saved me a load of trouble23:46
bodwickon3pk Dropbox is the same as Ubuntu One but not from ubuntu23:46
PeskyJon3pk: put things in directory on one computer, appears on the other one23:46
aeon-ltdlatagore: it worked?23:46
edbianjdawg, ati and nvidia don't care much about oss because all they care about is money.23:46
jdawgEbian: i can do wobbly windows.....so that means i have 3d?23:46
bodwickon3pk it's a cloud account - 2gb for free23:46
latagoreaeon-ltd: Yep23:48
edbianjdawg, I believe so. yes23:48
bodwickon3pk it automagically synchronizes files23:48
on3pkdoes Ubuntu One do the same thing?23:48
aeon-ltdlatagore: oh, good. :) glad i could help23:48
jdawgEdbian: ok, then how do i change the 3d settings? i'm not getting the most crisp clear images23:48
bodwickon3pk yup, but i don't know if there's a windows client, dropbox has a client for every major os23:48
edbianjdawg, I don't know.  Did you check out the catalyst thing in the repos?23:48
latagoreaeon-ltd: Uh, I do have a couple concerns; I'm kinda of worried what I did to my computer and hard drive so I want to take my preferences and reinstall Ubuntu23:48
on3pkUbuntu One has a client for windows, for $10/month23:48
bodwickon3pk i use wicd not network manager so i have to use dropbox and i like it23:48
jdawgEdbian,: will check23:48
on3pkwell, I'll give it a try23:48
bodwickon3pk so you can try dropbox, it's pretty good23:48
PeskyJI use dropbox to sync between my mac, iPad, iPhone, ubuntu laptop, etc.23:48
on3pkyeah, thats really what I want to do23:49
illmortalshouldn't ubuntu 10.04 already have the capability to start my broadcom 4318 wireless network card? Especially since it sees it via LSPCI?23:49
BlaDe^Hi guys, I've broken my vps I think, kinda.. whenever you SSH in it says Connection closed by <ip>23:49
BlaDe^luckily I still have a session active, how can I figure out the issue?23:50
bodwickon3pk hmm .. the only drawback is that you can share one folder .. i think23:50
pure_hateBlaDe^,  use ssh -vvv and see whats happing23:50
edbianillmortal, No.  Showing up in dmesg means the systems sees and recognizes the card.  It does not say that it has found a driver.  Do you have wireless networks show up in the panel applet?23:50
artistxeawesome drop is great for the droid (btw)23:50
on3pkbodwick, does... "/" and "C:\" count?23:50
PeskyJbodwick: in dropbox? you can share as many as you want, with different people, etc. You also have two "public" directories for general web-access (one for photos with a gallery interface and one for anything else)23:51
illmortalthat's another thing, the panel applet no longer exists, edbian. when it did... the wireless portion was blanked out as if it was disabled.23:51
edbianillmortal, right click the panel and add a new "notification area" that's where the network manager is hidden inside.23:51
bodwickon3pk but you can't share for example ~/Dropbox and ~/Documents/Pictures23:51
BlaDe^pure_hate:  http://pastie.org/114042023:51
sje46hey, control alt Fn isn't working23:52
PeskyJon3pk: oh I see what you mean - not you can't share / or arbitrary directories - only any directory under your designated "dropbox" directory23:52
edbianillmortal, To make the hardware scan for access points type "sudo iwlist scan" in the terminal.23:52
aeon-ltdlatagore: ok, all your preferences are in your home directory as dot(as in .foldername) folders if you want to keep the settings you can just copy those and put them in your new home directory before new ones are generated23:52
on3pkah. thats a slight drawback23:53
on3pkbut I can learn to adapt!23:53
PeskyJon3pk: but what you can do is set up an encrypted directory (for example) then just mount into it from whatever path you want23:53
latagoreaeon-ltd: Can I replace the preferences of my new login if I make a login of the same name?\23:53
smcdoes anybody know of a good ssh tutorial for green/GREEN ssh users?23:53
illmortaledbian heh.. it refuse.. i click on "notification area", then click on "add" and nothing =\  i even expanded my panel in case it was really there.23:53
illmortaledbian.. wait it is showing.. it's in black..23:54
illmortalalmost hard to see.23:54
aeon-ltdlatagore: you don't have  to have the same name, just the old dotfolders of your currect system23:54
PeskyJon3pk: or if you don't want/need encryption, just use symbolic links23:54
edbianillmortal, Well I have no idea why it's like that.  Do the wireless networks show up?  Is it greyed out?23:54
BlaDe^anyone have any ideas what's going on here? I'm really worried :/ http://pastie.org/114042023:54
illmortalno it's showing as if there's nothing in the notification area at all <_<  - edbian23:55
edbianillmortal, What about the terminal command.  Does that work?23:55
illmortalwhich should I run?23:55
PeskyJanyway, so how can I rescue my ubuntu installation? it says it can't find the filesystem when I try to boot it - can I do it from this windows boot?23:55
illmortalwhich command, edbian?23:55
edbianillmortal, "sudo iwlist scan"23:56
pure_hateBlaDe^, Looks like a issue on their end, its not returning the SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received string23:56
illmortalwlan0 failed to read scan data: network is down23:56
bodwickon3pk just made a little experiment and you can make a link of anything to Dropbox :)23:56
illmortaledbian ^23:56
BlaDe^i'm logged into the server luckily23:57
edbianillmortal, what?23:57
BlaDe^but I think I broke it earlier hwen I did a apt-get auto-remove23:57
BlaDe^how can I check what the issue is?23:57
illmortaledbian: (3:56:53 PM) illmortal: wlan0 failed to read scan data: network is down23:57
latagoreaeon-ltd: Is there a particular way I should do it?23:57
phycholehelp me23:57
phycholehow to change gdm theme on lucid23:57
Guest80304hi, guys!23:57
Guest80304hwo are you doing?23:57
edbianillmortal, Do you have a wired internet connection?23:58
aeon-ltdlatagore: not that i know of, i would just copy them to usb, then check them once to make sure they're ok23:58
kallehowto mount a usb stick ?23:58
pure_hateBlaDe^, First thing I would do is ssh from another box to that vps. If that works you can rule out the vps23:58
BlaDe^naw my other friend is having the issue23:58
* phychole ask to all23:58
illmortaledbian, unfortunately not on my desktop... i have this laptop though and can download then transfer file via usb stick23:58
BlaDe^he told me that stuff was broken.. luckily i'm still logged in so can possibly fix it23:58
phycholeHow to change GDM theme23:58
illmortali was hoping i didn't have to use ndiswrapper nor fwcutter.. but if i have to use either, i will.23:59
illmortaledbian ^23:59
phycholei download GDM theme23:59
phycholebut can be installed23:59
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bodwickphychole try gnome-art23:59
boywonderillmortal you trying to get a beroadcom wireless up?23:59
illmortalsorry caps23:59

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