[00:32] urgh, the menu's on FF4.0 dailies are broken [00:32] they don't grab the pointer when they open [00:32] ugh === micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Lucid | Firefox 3.6.9 in Maverick and Security PPA (http://is.gd/dsudW) | Thunderbird 3.1 Now in Maverick/Daily PPA, Coming to Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming with Beta 5| Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW === micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Lucid | Firefox 3.6.9 in Maverick and Security PPA (http://is.gd/dsudW) | Thunderbird 3.1 Now in Maverick/Daily PPA, Coming to Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming with Beta 5 | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW [10:20] chrisccoulson: maverick is pretty cool with memory management, I have almost all my apps open and I'm not hitting swap [10:20] micahg - that's strange, i'm finding it completely the opposite ;) [10:21] chrisccoulson: I'm using xubuntu though :) [10:21] the system cache is being more heavily used [10:29] i wish i could say that for my system ;) [10:29] i desperately need to get more RAM though [10:32] * micahg needs to go back to sleep now [10:51] oh, i'm glad the menus are working properly in todays dailies :) [10:54] will the beta be firefox branded? [10:59] Dimmuxx, i'm not sure. i don't think it should be though (I think we should only brand our official version) [10:59] and the packaging currently handles this automatically anyway [11:01] i've got quite used to the minefield branding now :) [11:01] chrisccoulson: maybe not for the betas, since we don't have a lot of testing yet, but maybe for the RCs? [11:01] micahg - yeah, possibly for RC's [11:01] but aren't the official betas firefox branded? [11:02] Dimmuxx, yeah, they are [11:02] Dimmuxx: yes, but we don't have much quality control on the 4.0 branch, so we can't really brand it yet [11:02] i think we should stick with the unofficial branding for the beta [11:02] and that requires no packaging changes to handle that :) [11:02] ah so less work ;) [11:03] Dimmuxx, well, we added logic to the packaging to select what we think is the branding we should use, depending on the version of the package [11:04] chrisccoulson: BTW, I now have more upload karma than bug karma, an interesting milestone :) [11:04] and the way it works currently is: [11:04] Nightly snapshot => minefield [11:04] Beta version => unofficial [11:04] anything else => official [11:04] micahg - nice! [11:05] what's the code name for 4.0? [11:05] Dimmuxx, there isn't really one. it's just "Mozilla Developer Preview" atm [11:05] that's what the unofficial branding gives [11:08] ah I wondered why I hadn't seen any code name for it anywhere [11:08] is the current goal to have the beta ppa ready for the beta 5 release? [11:08] micahg can possibly answer that one :) [11:08] Dimmuxx: yeah, I'm going to try to push it up the day beta 5 is released [11:09] micahg - you'll also need to grab the patch from mozilla bug 591331 for the beta PPA [11:09] Mozilla bug 591331 in Breakpad Integration "Allow Linux dumper to work on PTRACE-hardened kernels (Ubuntu 10.10)" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591331 [11:10] chrisccoulson: k, will you be able to push the symbols for the builds? [11:10] micahg - yeah, that's just a matter of pushing a new config file to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+junk/mozilla-symbols-uploader-config [11:24] is there a way to get chromium to save passwords? [11:26] in prefferences i choose offer to save passwords. it is set to offer to save.... but still never asks [12:10] micahg - ok, xul1.9.2 is in the PPA now [12:10] chrisccoulson: great, thanks, looks like we're on schedule for release tomorrow [12:10] yeah, hopefully. it's looking pretty good [12:11] i'll look at the thunderbird issue after lunch [12:11] chrisccoulson: k [12:18] !info wdt [12:18] fta: Package wdt does not exist in lucid [12:18] !info wdt maverick [12:19] fta: Package wdt does not exist in maverick [14:16] micahg: remember the maps.google.com crash I talked about? It works in the latest daily firefox build :) [15:14] micahg: so who do I contact on the branding issue? [15:14] (for Sugar, that is) [15:27] lfaraone, trademarks@mozilla.com [15:27] (http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/policy.html) [15:49] Dimmuxx: that's good [15:49] chrisccoulson: you should probably be the one to contact for the branding issue [15:50] micahg - possibly, but i don't feel completely comfortable answering the question [15:51] chrisccoulson: right, but at least as far as does Ubuntu/Canonical's agreement cover what he's doing, if yes, then no issue, if no, then they need to figure it out [16:29] micahg: i have a question about instantbird. i want my buddy list in alphbital order [16:31] gnomefreak: I haven't done much with it [16:31] k [16:31] gnomefreak: it should be able to do what pidgin does for the most part [16:32] i don tknow if pidgin did it [16:38] i get this feeling that i can change that in config just not sure where to start but i will test pidgin in a few [16:40] gnomefreak: no, there doesn't seem to be any control over it [16:42] * gnomefreak wonders if there is an add-on. do ou have any idea how to browse add-ons [16:43] gnomefreak: try addons.mozilla.org [16:43] micahg: thanks i wasnt sure if they would have anything for instantbird [16:43] * micahg doesn't know, that's the best idea I have though [16:44] sooner of later i should find one. im sure other sites will help [16:47] micahg: take a look at this, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/search/?q=instantbird&cat=all&lver=any&pid=1&sort=&pp=20&lup=&advanced= [16:48] hmm..seems they don't have anything official yet [16:49] yeah, so it seems just those 2 maybe [16:49] that had crossed my mindi guess i live with it being jumbled [16:50] i tired of fileing bugs on pidgina nd instantbird [16:51] micahg: i found more when i used the tools menu === JanC_ is now known as JanC === Pilif12p is now known as pilif|bike === cwillu_at_work is now known as cwlu === cwlu is now known as cwillu_at_work === pilif|bike is now known as Pilif12p [21:57] bRoas [23:26] micahg, why is ff 3.6 shipping its own nspr/nss? [23:26] fta: firefox is using minimum system libs now [23:27] we want to make it more like upstream [23:27] xulrunner doesn't [23:27] hmm [23:28] just got a chromium crash in system nss (memory exhaustion) [23:28] waht release? [23:29] 3.12.7 [23:29] StacktraceTop: [23:29] PR_EnterMonitor (mon=0x0) at ptsynch.c:559 [23:29] ocsp_GetCachedOCSPResponseStatusIfFresh (certID=0xbc57910, time=1283811086386742, ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting=1, rvOcsp=0xb1be366c, missingResponseError=0xb1be36e0) at ocsp.c:4681 [23:29] PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_GetFreshCacheStatus (cid=0xbc4e710, validity=0xbc26680, hasFreshStatus=0xb1be36e8, statusIsGood=0xb1be36e4, missingResponseError=0xb1be36e0, plContext=0xbbfbc90) at pkhostname_pl_ocspcertid.c:231 [23:29] pkhostname_OcspChecker_CheckLocal (cert=0xbc3c180, issuer=0xbc3c0d0, date=0xbc26680, checkerObject=0xbc257a0, procParams=0xbb79db0, methodFlags=5, chainVerificationState=1, pRevStatus=0xb1be37c4, pReasonCode=0xbc41230, plContext=0xbbfbc90) at pkhostname_ocspchecker.c:203 [23:29] PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check (cert=0xbc3c180, issuer=0xbc3c0d0, revChecker=0xbc26650, procParams=0xbb79db0, chainVerificationState=1, testingLeafCert=1, pRevStatus=0xb1be38d4, pReasonCode=0xbc41230, pNbioContext=0xb1be38dc, plContext=0xbbfbc90) at pkhostname_revocationchecker.c:401 [23:30] PR_ is nspr, but the rest is nss [23:30] this is on maverick? [23:31] yes [23:32] and system nspr as well? [23:32] yes [23:33] spammer [23:33] cof [23:33] micahg, 4.8.6-0ubuntu1 & 3.12.7-0ubuntu1 [23:36] fta: I'll have to look later [23:39] * micahg will bbiab [23:43] (i was offline, i missed the last 2~3min) [23:46] need the log? [23:46] since my last sentence, yes [23:46] if any [23:47] see pvt [23:51] "Delivery estimate: We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate" grrrr [23:52] 10 more days to wait [23:59] on what?