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Cimichaotic: ping10:03
chaoticCimi: hey10:13
chaoticCimi: I'll PM you10:15
vishlucidfox: better place! :)  but yeah , there is a bug about the computer janitor.. and seems some of it got fixed..11:33
lucidfoxvish> I like how the author of computer-janitor talks in comments there about "usability-fu" like it's some kind of arcane skill only available to hermit gurus living in the mountains11:34
lucidfoxWish I had remembered about CJ before UI freeze :(11:35
vishlucidfox: i think you missed the point in his rant there.. the 'usability-fu' was not targeted at you.. but seems that his request for a UI review was not fulfilled by whomever he had considered as one with 'usability-fu'.. ;)11:39
lucidfoxWell, I understand that :)11:40
vishlucidfox: thats where UX-advocates help.. you can adopt CJ !  :D11:40
vishas an UX-advocate..11:40
lucidfoxWhat would be my responsibilities?11:43
vishlucidfox: i think aday and ivanka1 are working on that currently.. aday got a min ^?11:45
vishlucidfox: also : http://openetherpad.org/uxadvocates11:45
adayvish: for you, always :)11:45
lucidfoxWorking on what, Computer Janitor?11:46
vishaday: thanks. , lucidfox was looking for ways/responsibilty of an UX-advocate11:46
vishlucidfox: UX-advocates and getting more people involved..11:46
adaylucidfox: i don't know much about computer janitor, but info on ux advocates is here - http://live.gnome.org/UsabilityProject/UXAdvocates11:47
adaylucidfox: that stuff is more orientated towards gnome, but it gives you the idea11:47
* lucidfox bookmarks11:49
vishaday: shall i remove the #usability as a channel.. dint we close it?11:51
adayvish: #usability is still alive.. let's leave it11:52
aday(well, just alive)11:53
vishok.. ;)11:53
adaylucidfox: being a ux advocate is a great way to contribute and to develop your skillz. lemme know if you've got any questions11:54
adaylucidfox: but #gnome-design is where most of the action happens11:54
vishaday: well , mccann's last message there had me thinking the #usability channel died.. :D11:55
adayvish: nobody really uses it any more, but the channel is referenced in a lot of places11:55
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lucidfoxvish> No way I'm getting feedback from those folks again13:41
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andreasnlucidfox, I'm sorry to hear that14:02
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=== BugCrusher is now known as bilalakhtar

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