
=== jeremy is now known as Guest81492
bullfrog1492anyone here?00:15
bullfrog1492the bzreclipse download is down @ the only mirror that still seems to be up: http://verterok.com.ar/bzr-eclipse/update-site/00:16
bullfrog1492please advise.00:16
jelmerverterok: ^00:23
mgzpoolie or someone else in charge, do I need to bug for contributor agreement for lp:~zigarn/bzr/440472-string-bugtracker to be merged?00:34
lifelessI think so00:37
anteruIs there anyone working on the website?03:09
mwhudsondoes anyone know what04:10
mwhudson<lifeless> this means:04:10
mwhudson<lifeless>  - either LP team supports the code base04:10
mwhudson<lifeless>  - or the distro have it in main and support the code base04:10
mwhudson<lifeless>  - no *new* SPOFs04:10
mwhudson<lifeless>  - transparent04:10
mwhudson<lifeless>  - no *slower* than what we have today04:10
mwhudson<lifeless>  - no *higher* expected maintenance overhead (stability, corruption, robustness)04:10
mwhudson<jamesh> you could always migrate the librarian to S3 ...04:10
mwhudsondoes anyone know what04:10
mwhudsonAttributeError: 'Tag' object has no attribute 'parents'04:10
mwhudsontrunk dulwich, git & bzr04:10
fullermdSeems to me I've heard reports of that, and it was a result of some API slippage among pieces.04:13
fullermdBut I don't remember any details.04:13
mwhudsonreverting to the most recent tags on bzr-git and dulwich gets different errors :(04:13
fullermdSee?  Progress!04:14
mwhudsoni think it might be that imports from local git repos are busticated?04:54
verterokbullfrog1492: hi, sorry. I'll contact the owner of the server, I can't even login via ssh05:35
verterokbullfrog1492: fyi, it seems to be a dns problem, should be fixed pretty soon. in the meantime the update site is accesible in a different domain: http://guille.beuno.com.ar/bzr-eclipse/update-site/06:05
johnfWhat does "inconsistent parents" mean in a bzr check?06:12
spivjohnf: short answer: nothing important06:12
spiv(I'm not really here, hopefully vila or someone can go into more detail if you need it)06:13
johnfspiv: yeah wondering why it occurs. Related to the bzr repository analysis I'm doing06:13
mwhudsonjohnf: i think it means that the file graph and the revision graph don't always specify the parent revids in the same order06:16
lifelessmwhudson: well, I know what the former means.06:24
bullfrog1492verterok: thank you very much06:24
mwhudsonit's entirely possible i'm completely wrong06:24
mwhudsoni actually meant to say that before lifeless's comment :)06:25
bullfrog2000verterok: I tried using http://guille.beuno.com.ar/bzr-eclipse/update-site/, but it seems to be hanging at "Calculating requirements and dependencies"07:01
bullfrog2000when i try to install07:01
vilahi all 107:44
vila<shudder> even there I manage to make typos :)07:44
mwhudsonvila: are you low on caffeine, nicotine or both?07:48
* vila get a needle and does an analysis...07:49
vilanope, seems correct07:49
vilaob both counts07:49
vilashould be something else then...07:49
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johnfIs it possible to tell which version of bzr a particular commit was made with?08:22
lifelessits not stamped08:23
lifelessone can guess depending on how buggy it is :P08:23
vilajohnf: is it still related to the inconsistent parents ?08:24
johnfvila: no08:24
johnfdo source downloads of bzr prior to 0.17 exist anywhere?08:24
lifelesslp I guess08:25
johnfonly goes back to 0.17 in 200708:25
vilajohnf: if not on lp, there are tags and you may use some VCS to get back at the sources you're interested in ;)08:25
fullermdI think before that the primary downloads were off the bazaar-ng.org site.08:26
johnfgood poing :)08:26
* vila wonders if it08:26
* vila wonders if it's a typo or pun on 'poing' meaning first in French ;)08:26
fullermdDoesn't seem accessible any more.  It just redirects itself into the wiki.08:26
vilafist not first :-(08:26
fullermdIf you have to use a fist, it's best to be first   :p08:27
johnfHas "bzr mv" always existed?08:30
fullermdAs long as I've used bzr (sorta)08:30
Jerubthat was one of the selling points wasn' tit?08:35
Jerubthat it could rename and svn couldn't?08:35
johnfjust checked out tag for 0.1 and I can move did indeed exist08:44
johnfsorry that's 0.0.508:45
vilajohnf: what kind of archeological stuff are you on ? ;)08:47
johnfvila: heh I've been asked to perform some analysis on a repository for a client, going back to 2006 :)08:48
vilajohnf: oh, hmm, I hope you will be able to tell us about the interesting bits08:49
vilajohnf: Is the repo public or not ?08:50
johnfvila: no it isn't08:50
vilajohnf: yeah, I guessed... but better to be sure :)08:50
lifelessjohnf: is this the thing you rang me about ?08:55
johnflifeless: yes08:55
starenkahow can i annotate deleted file (get to know when and who deleted it)?08:58
CcxCZstarenka: bzr log <file>09:03
CcxCZwell duh09:04
CcxCZbut the file is not there09:04
CcxCZthere was some history grep plugin09:04
lifelessbzr log -v | less, and search for the path (/PATH009:05
starenkalifeless: how come i can't | grep it?09:08
* starenka shots himself in the head (bad file name :) )09:09
bialixvila, mgs: ping09:13
bialixvila, mgz: ping09:13
vilabialix: pong09:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 631350 in Bazaar "bzr 2.2 @ win32: print non-ascii characters to console made in user_encoding() instead of terminal_encoding() (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]09:13
bialixvila: I'm very confused09:14
bialixthe only way I can think of is to try to reproduce the same with simple python script09:14
vilawow, I can understand why, this sounds pretty awful09:14
bialixand check is this a bug in Python 2.6 or MS dlls09:15
bialixso, the tip to go back to 2.5 does not sound completely crazy this morning09:15
vilabialix: long term (and may be even short term), it may be better to diagnose and fix... I don't know what will be required to downgrade to 2.5 on windows...09:16
bialixvila: and maybe I need to look at the build machine soon. I think I should contact either jam or Garyvdm09:16
vilabialix: yup, maybe check with mgz first, he seemed to be on something09:17
mgzah, bialix, you tried with a standalone 2.6? that was worth doing.09:18
bialixI'll wait for mgz comments. He hunted that bug very effectively yesterday09:18
bialixmgz: heya!09:18
vilabialix: and what output do you have with the 2.2.0 installer ?09:18
bialixthe same as with py 2.609:18
mgzhow about something even simpler and just do `python26 -c "print 'Тест'"09:19
bialixadded as comment 1209:19
vilabialix: Ok, borked then. And when you say 2.2 sources which revno ?09:19
mgzor at least see how minimal we can get a repo without bzr09:19
bialixvila, mgz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/631350/comments/1309:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 631350 in Bazaar "bzr 2.2 @ win32: print non-ascii characters to console made in user_encoding() instead of terminal_encoding() (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed]09:20
vilabialix: and make sure you have the compiled extensions too, that may be another source of differences if dirstate is involved09:20
mgzif this is a python upstream bug, great. I couldn't really believe it would be, as it's pretty giant and I found nothing on their tracker.09:20
mgzone thing to try: locale module in python 2.609:21
mgzusing the c locale has always been a great way to shoot yourself in the foot on windows09:21
bialixC:\work\Bazaar\bzr-2a\2.2>C:\Python26\python.exe -c "print u'\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442'"09:21
vilamgz: works nicely on OSX too (regarding feet)09:22
mgzokay, how about with import locale;locale.set_locale('') on the front09:22
mgz(or whatever it is we do in bzr on that front)09:22
bialixvila: compiled extensions does involved here. it's all about output09:22
bialixvila: compiled extensions does NOT involved here. it's all about output09:22
vilabialix: except if they provide a different *input* :)09:23
bialixif you look at my bug report you can see that *sometimes* bzr produce correct output09:23
mgz*locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')09:23
bialixvila: I don't think so09:23
vilabialix: should be easy to prove that it's irrelevant then ;-P09:24
bialixvila: I don't have VS2008 compiler :-P09:24
* vila bangs head on desk09:24
vilabialix: waitaminute, you mean you never compile extensions yourself ?09:25
bialixI can copy pyds from bzr.exe but I'm sure  it's irrelevant09:25
bialixvila: for Python 2.5 I have VS200309:25
vilabialix: eerk, don't do that, if they are out-of-date you'll get all sort of weirds errors09:26
bialixfor Python 2.6 I need VS2008. I don't have it, and not very keen to install it right now09:26
vilabialix: ha, so you build your own bzr.exe for py25 from sources ?09:26
bialixand I'm not sure which version of mingw-gcc should support both 2.5 and 2.609:26
bialixvila: I *can* build bzr.exe for py25, yes09:27
bialixbut I don't because I prefer to dogfood official installer09:27
* vila cries, we *need* a free (as in speech) versioned dev setup09:27
* bialix cries too09:28
vilabialix: but how can you test your fixes ?09:28
bialixI haven't done the changes to compiled extensions yet09:28
bialixand I'm happy with Python 2.5, so if I need to test something I can build extensions for 2.509:29
mgzokay, that repos it for me.09:29
vilamgz: repro ?09:29
bialixvila: I don't understand what you can't understand09:29
vilabialix: I didn't understand how you built extensions, now I do, you use py25 ;)09:30
vilabialix: but stay with the installer as much as you can09:30
bialixyes, excatly09:30
bialixbecause somebody should file bugs about installer09:31
vilabialix: sure, what I wasn't getting was the py25/py26 difference09:31
bialixpy2.3 have used old MSVS v.6; py2.4/2.5 switched to VS2003, py2.6/2.7 switched to VS200809:32
bialixevery time it created pain in the *ss for people09:32
mgz^that repo.09:32
bialixmgz: it's not quite correct; what sys.stdout.encoding says?09:33
bialixprint is not quite correct to use here09:33
bialixmgz: please use unicode for Тест: u'\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442'09:34
mgzas does locale.getpreferredencoding *prior* to calling setlocale09:34
bialixdoes we call set_locale in bzrlib???09:34
mgzthe problem is it's trying to get to a codepage from the system *language*09:34
* bialix cries09:34
mgzwhen both the system codepage and terminal codepage are unrelated09:35
mgzso... step one, kill the locale module :)09:35
bialixkiil the chicken09:35
mgzdon't know why the locale setting started mangling streams in msvc 9, but we can avoid it at least.09:36
bialixso this is either bug in python2.6+ or misfeature in python2.6+09:38
bialixI think the latter09:38
mgzwell, I think python 2.6 might be able to blame it alternately on us and microsoft09:38
bialixyes, of course, of course, why not09:39
bialixI think blaming us is the right choice09:39
* bialix is going crying for the rest of the day09:40
mgzwell, two options I think on the fixing front09:49
mgz#1 just don't call setlocale on windows, we don't use any of the features it attempts to provide anyway09:50
mgz#2 do locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ".%d" % locale.getpreferredencoding())... but that might still mess stuff up09:51
mgzgetting all that crap out of the bzr startup script would be nice, there's already some mac workaround and a giant comment in there09:52
vilamgz: time for a brzlib.osutils.locale module ?09:52
vilamgz: yup, I know this comment :-(09:53
vilamgz: and I'm pretty sure it's not accurate anymore09:53
mgzwell, the flipside of that is it's a process-global setting we really only want to hit once even on platforms that benefit from it09:55
mgzbut packagifying osutils and some serious sanitising is one of the things I've got notes on in case I ever have a free month :)09:56
vilamgz: all the encodings we use (terminal, output, user) are already cached so we shouldn't set it more than once anyway09:56
vilamgz: yup, but starting with locale may be a first step09:57
vilacould be overkill for this bug though, just mentioning09:57
* bialix bbl10:00
bialixmgz: ping10:54
mgzpong: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/489700/10:55
mgzjust reading a confused thread on mingw-users on this too, doesn't help much10:58
bialixI've just realized I'm testing on native English Windows XP with Russian locale. I have to test on my home notebook with native Russian Windows XP10:59
bialixbut after your paste I'm not sure there will be any difference10:59
bialixmgz: so this is a bug in msvcrt90.dll?10:59
mgzI think it will still be broken if the terminal and general codepage are different, unless they've special-cased that somehow10:59
mgzit's an... odd... behaviour change, at any rate11:00
bialixwhy anybody want to re-encode the strings -- I don't understand11:00
mgzcan see why they've done it, the locale dependent c functions need to return a bytestring in some sensible encoding, so languages have a default encoding tagged on11:00
mgzsomewhere along the line they've had people expecting to be able to change the locale+codepage of the whole process like this,11:01
mgzas per this post saying "mingw should do it like msvc" <http://lists-archives.org/mingw-users/10242-problem-with-setlocale.html>11:01
bialixin python everything was easy: if you have unicode then it will be encoded on output11:01
mgzbut Python 2 cheats11:02
bialixshould we still file a bug against python?11:02
mgzit encodes to bytes itself then wants those kept pristine through the c library byte handling functions11:02
mgz(not a big requirement, but apparently breakable)11:02
mgzpretty much, we want to avoid this by not going near LC_CTYPE, which isn't hard because it's strictly less useful than unicodedata anyway11:03
mgzreally, the only thing we *might* be using currently is strftime, for all its other flaws at least the c locale stuff lets to cherrypick categories11:04
bialixhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tf52y4t1(VS.71).aspx this page says that only putws (unicode version) encode the output11:06
bialixthere is no indication that puts should re-encode the output11:07
mgzright, this is... talking about different things11:07
mgz<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x99tb11d> "The category must be either LC_ALL or LC_CTYPE to effect a change of code page."11:09
mgzThat's all I can see in the docs, but the implication is they've bundled chcp-like functionality into setlocale11:10
mgzI don't quite get it, but... we can avoid this problem.11:11
bialixmgz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/489707/11:13
mgzyeah, it's pretty dumb.11:13
bialixbut if I run chcp 1251 and repeat the same steps it's anyway borked11:14
bialixif you know how to avoid this crazyness I'll +1e6 on the patch11:15
mgzdon't call breakmyprogramrandomly(LC_ALL, "")... ehm, I mean, setlocale11:17
mgzI'll put up a branch to that effect for review.11:18
bialixthank you11:20
ddaajust wondering12:30
ddaais there a hack around to provide authentication on plain bzr:// ?12:31
lifelessssltunnel ? :P12:32
ddaayep, bzr serve --port localhost:4155 woud work with tunelling12:33
ddaabut that's pointless, because then you may as well use bzr+ssh.12:33
maxbWhat would be neat, would be SASL auth on top of the smart server protocol12:34
ddaaI can imagine that stunnel might be easier to setup than sshd in some cases (windows...)12:39
mgzdammit. missplaced apostrophe.13:24
mgz...and tyop in the first sentence13:25
mgzthink that's a sign of time to give up on computers and do something else13:25
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vilamgz: ok, got it.13:43
vilamgz: many regressions about unicode/locale have been introduced in 2.1 when we stopped running LC_CTYPE= LANG=C LC_ALL= ./bzr selftest13:44
vilawell s/in 2.1/since 2.1/13:44
vilamgz: try it on trunk :-/13:45
mgzI think this bug might be a bit harder to hit than it appeared, I wouldn't be suprised if on Alexander's all russian, all the time, box no mangling happens even though the basic code page and terminal codepage differ13:46
mgzbut locale things are just a pain, there's actually some benefit on nix though as it controls a bunch of system things as well as the c language stuff13:47
vilamgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/489776/ will remind you some things13:49
mgzyeah, that's the "don't know how to map unicode to the filesystem" joy13:50
vilamgz: not only, it doesn't *finish*13:51
mgzthe tests falling over is an easier fix, must remember to do that...13:52
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dev001.join #suse16:12
bialixhi jam16:12
jammorning bi16:12
jambialix (tab fail)16:12
bialixis it possible to look at build machine? I'm interesting in py2exe.log file and/or in the content of win32_bzr.exe folder16:13
bialixI suspect we should bundle manifest files for our exe files16:14
bialixthey're not currently installed with standalone installer16:14
bialixjam: ^16:14
jambialix: the build machine is currently stopped, but we can bring it (from scratch) if you want. We'll need to trigger a fresh build to get any interesting output, though16:16
bialixGary said he's going to build new installer tonight, maybe I should waut him then16:17
GaryvdMHi jam17:39
GaryvdMjam: Please may I do a build on the ec2 server17:40
jamGaryvdM: I'll spin it up17:40
GaryvdMjam: Thanks17:40
GaryvdMjam: I started building a vm, but not done yet.17:40
jamGaryvdM: i was also hoping to get it set up on vila's babune machine, but we haven't done much with that17:41
jamwe should add a startup script that emails me so I know when the instance is actually running :)17:42
GaryvdMbialix probable on his way home. I read he was just talking to you.17:42
jmlcan I use bzrlib to fetch an http page with query parameters?17:51
jamjml: Transport.get_bytes() talks in URLs, so it should be possible17:54
jmljam: thanks.17:54
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vilajml: not so sure, that rings a bell around split_url or some other url related function that get rid of the junk (err, sorry, query)17:56
vilajam: yeah, I know :-/ But clean full test suite first ;)17:57
jamanyone know the name of the app that pops up the 'enter your password for the keymanager' dialog?17:59
GaryvdMjam: what os is this on?18:03
jamGaryvdM: lucid18:03
jamI'm trying to file a bug18:03
jamthe 'info' areas can take the cursor18:03
jamso if you click on the dialog to enter your password, it doesn't actually let you type18:04
jamuntil you click inside the edit box18:04
jamit has caught me a few times, seemed bug worthy18:04
jamI'll just file it in gnome-keyring18:05
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jamjml: some questions about the codehosting stuff if you have time.18:35
jamI can find the code that starts the 'sftp' server, is that *also* the smart server code?18:36
jamThe best I can find is registering the 'launch_smart_server' adapter18:36
jambut I have no clue where that actually gets invoked18:36
jmljam: you mean daemons/sftp.tac? that launches the SSH server which handles both, yes.18:36
jamjml: specifically I was looking at "make run_codehosting" which starts sftp, and tracks down...18:36
jambut thanks18:36
jamthat gives me the general location18:36
jmljam: there's some code somewhere (ExecOnlySession) that makes an SSH session that allows exactly one thing: running commands18:37
jamjml: yep, I know that code, but I diddn't know what service calls that code18:37
jmljam: ahh right. it's registered as an adapter somehow, and then conch uses that when the SSH client asks for a session.18:37
jamthe sftp code inherits from an Application that calls itself "sftponly"18:37
jmlyeah, that's legacy, sadly.18:37
jamjml: I figured it was the only place that looked like it *could* be running it, but it certainly wasn't directly obvious :)18:38
jmlbecause developers have no idea or control over how scripts are invoked in production, we are generally reluctant to rename them.18:38
jamjml: 'make run_codehosting' seems to invoke 'bin/run ... codebrowse' which in turn starts codebrowse via 'make run_codebrowse'. It then adds a "stop_at_exit(<make process>)".18:48
jamDoes that mean when running codehosting *make* is actively running18:48
jamwaiting on the exit of the loggerhead script?18:48
jam(It feels very odd to me that it indirects through make)18:48
jam(As I'm creating a new long-lived process, I'm trying to determine what the "correct" method is)18:49
jmlI don't know why it indirects through make18:49
jmlI didn't have anything to do with codebrowse.18:49
jmljam: someone on #launchpad-dev might know about that.18:50
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jmljam: I've got to head out now. Good luck.18:55
jamnp, thanks for your help jml18:55
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GaryvdMmgz: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4494367/bzr-2.2.0-setup.exe19:15
GaryvdMBuild of lp:~gz/bzr/setlocale_on_posix_only_63135019:15
GaryvdMFor Bug 631350, I'm trying to test if the installer I built of mgz's branch fixes the the bug.19:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 631350 in Bazaar "Python 2.6 @ win32: print non-ascii characters to console produce borked output (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63135019:51
GaryvdMBut I can't paste the unicode into the console.19:51
GaryvdMWhen I try paste Тест, it comes out as ????19:51
GaryvdMDo I maybe have to change the console encoding? How?19:52
HollyRainwhen is used "bzr push <url>", where is stored the URL information?20:09
maxbHollyRain: In .bzr/branch/branch.conf20:11
maxbUse 'bzr info' to see it in friendly form20:11
maxbUse 'bzr push --remember' to update it without needing to edit the file manually20:11
drummIf I bzr join in something, is there a way to get that root back out so I don't have to remember where it came from for bzr merge .. ?20:18
GaryvdM:-( The windows installer specific bug are disheartening.21:34
GaryvdMjam: I'm done with the ec2 server. I don't know if you want to leave it on for bialix so that he can look at Bug 632465 or not.21:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 632465 in Bazaar Windows Installers "[manifest?] bzr.exe using system msvcrt90.dll from sxs, not the bundled one (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63246521:51
GaryvdMjam: Thanks21:51
jamGaryvdM: np, sorry to hear about the win32 installer stuff, but I'm *very* happy that it isn't me :)21:51
GaryvdMjam: All the issues seem to fallout from the python / pyqt upgrade...21:52
jamGaryvdM: I'm sure there are quite a few there, at least they aren't just plugin related :)21:52
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JoshBrownI'm using qbzr and something seems to be converting my symlinked path into an incorrect expanded one:22:33
JoshBrownRun command: bzr merge ~/.bzr/snakes-game/tail-code --revision 2722:33
JoshBrownbzr: ERROR: Requested revision: u'27' does not exist in branch: BzrBranch7('file:///mnt/Home/Misc/Mine/Packages/Bazaar/snakes-game/trunk/')22:33
GaryvdMJoshBrown: I don't think that qbzr is affecting it. I think that if you ran  bzr merge ~/.bzr/snakes-game/tail-code --revision 27 from the terminal, you would get the same result.22:36
maxbJoshBrown: Can you tell us more about what branches are symlinked to what in your arrangement?22:36
GaryvdMJoshBrown: What is the output of ls -l ~/.bzr/snakes-game/22:37
JoshBrownmaxb, GaryvdM: ~/.bzr → /mnt/Home/Misc/Mine/Packages/Bazaar22:38
JoshBrownmaxb, GaryvdM: There are no other symlinks inside those subdirectories22:38
maxbSo, um, why is it looking for the stated revnum in ..../trunk when you asked for it in ..../tail-code? :-(22:39
GaryvdMJoshBrown: what says bzr info ~/.bzr/snakes-game/tail-code22:40
JoshBrownRepository tree (format: 2a)22:41
JoshBrown  shared repository: .bzr/snakes-game22:41
JoshBrown  repository branch: .bzr/snakes-game/tail-code22:41
JoshBrownbzr: ERROR: Parent not accessible given base "file:///home/josh/.bzr/snakes-game/tail-code/" and relative path "../../../../../../../../home/josh/.bzr/snakes-game/trunk/"22:42
JoshBrownmaxb, GaryvdM: It works fine if I give it an exact filepath (i.e. '/mnt/Home/Misc/Mine/Packages/Bazaar/snakes-game/tail-code')22:43
maxbJoshBrown: Do you have a traceback in ~/.bzr.log corresponding to your original "Requested revision ... does not exist" ?22:44
JoshBrownmaxb: No...22:46
maxbI don't suppose executing 'bzr merge -Derror  ~/.bzr/snakes-game/tail-code --revision 27' produces one?22:47
JoshBrownIf it helps, I actually have multiple layers of symlinks: ~/.bzr → ~/.pkg/Bazaar & ~/.pkg → /home/josh/Home/Misc/Mine/Packages22:48
JoshBrownmaxb: It's already merged using an exact filepath, but I can setup a new branch to test it if you want22:49
GaryvdMGood night all - I have to wake early tomorrow...22:49
maxbJoshBrown: Well, if you have time, info that leads to finding bugs is always good22:50
Buttons840when viewing the bzr logs, there is a "branch nick" listed, this appears to default to the name of the folder your working from (forgive my terminology); is there a way to change this branch nick?22:56
dashbzr nick super-awesome-branch22:56
Buttons840are the effects retroactive on old logs?  (i'm about to tias, but if anyone wants to answer anyways)22:58
maxbNo, bzr revisions are always immutable once committed22:58
dashpretty much nothing is retroactive on previous commits22:58
maxbs/pretty much //  :-)22:58
dashmaxb: well 'uncommit' provides a convincing appearance. :)22:59
Buttons840is uncommit really just another commit?22:59
dashit just changes what the tip revision is22:59
maxbi.e. "these revisions may still exist on your disk, but we're ignoring the fact they once existed in this branch"23:00
JoshBrownmaxb: I think this is a qbzr issue since everything works fine using plain bzr23:12
maxbthat seems rather odd. Possible, but odd23:12
JoshBrownmaxb: Yeah, maybe it's something to do with canonicalization of links or something like that. Anyway I'm off for now, I'll check the differences between the commands I'm running and the ones qbzr is running tomorrow. Bye, and thanks for the help!23:21
ayanhow do you get a list of available branches?  i'm looking for the eqivalent to "git branch -la"23:53
dashayan: available where?23:55
ayanavailable in a cloned repository.23:56
dashayan: 'ls'23:56
ayanah!  thank you.23:57
ayanhmm... maybe i should rtfm harder.23:59
dashayan: what's wrong?23:59
fullermdAnd you don't clone repositories, you clone branches.  So there's not much to list  ;)23:59

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