
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1172332 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Check the URI to determine the uniqueness of an entry for the DownloadModel.00:13
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1172335 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/workeracquire.cpp Call updateStatus() in WorkerAcquire::Done() so that we can set the percentage to 100% when an item finished downloading00:37
* claydoh|werk contemplates installing Hardy as there are quite a few holdouts making the move from 8.04 to 10.0400:37
claydoh|werkand a few going back to kde300:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1172341 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (5 files in 2 dirs) Pretty up the Download view a bit. Still needs some work.01:46
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1172346 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Bring back feature parity with the old DownloadWidget by showing Done once an item is done downloading, "Hit" if a hit occurs, and "Ignored" if a package is ignored.02:03
JontheEchidnahttp://imgur.com/dSEwV yey02:35
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1172350 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/DownloadModel/ (DownloadDelegate.cpp DownloadDelegate.h DownloadModel.cpp) - Add a size column - Since we have so many text columns now, let's just have one text painting function, instead of reimplementing it each switch case02:37
nigelbanyone here interested in a session during app developer week? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek/Timetable03:52
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
CIA-116[muon] pino * 1172407 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/Messages.sh fix message extraction08:38
CIA-116[muon] pino * 1172408 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/main.cpp use the muon catalog as main in moun-installer08:38
Riddellhappynoff: but you can only build the whole source package, not part of it09:33
Riddellfor packaging anyway, you can compile only part of the source code but you can't make only 1 of the .debs09:34
happynoffOk maybe there is another way to test my patch, 'cause losing 20/25 minutes each time I change a line is long.09:35
happynoffI tried to cmake/make/make install Arl09:35
Riddellyes, you don't need to build the .deb to test some code changes09:35
happynoffbut when I call it I get an error telling that a plugin was not found09:35
Riddellmkdir build; cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..; cd ark; make; sudo make install09:36
Riddellthen only the last two are needed after each change09:36
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
happynoffok I'll try it thanks09:37
happynoffwhat is the build directory located ?09:38
happynoffdo I need to create it in a specific path ?09:38
debfxcould someone pleaes make bug #629753 public09:39
ubottuBug 629753 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/629753 is private09:39
Riddellhappynoff: create it in the top of the kdeutils sources09:48
happynoffok, thanks09:49
Riddelldebfx: done09:49
happynoffRiddell: it seems to work, I'll retry to check but I would like to clean up the /usr/local install. How do I do that ? I tried make dist-clean/uninstall/fclean. is there something ?09:55
Riddellrm -r :)10:00
happynoffRiddell: yes but I guess there are some lib or shared files10:01
apacheloggerwgrant: cool, xz is the future anyway ^^10:01
apacheloggerScottK: thanks for the approval10:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thanks for review10:03
apacheloggerScottK: uploaded10:04
nigelbapachelogger: what is your app developer week session on?10:08
wgrantapachelogger: Once Debian supports it, we will follow quickly.10:17
apacheloggernigelb: Qt development: why you want to do it, why it is awesome and why you will love it.10:19
apacheloggerwgrant: that only leaves us with 5 more years to wait then ^^10:20
wgrantapachelogger: Heh, yeah.10:20
nigelbapachelogger: looking for someone to talk about plasma widgets.10:20
apacheloggercan do that too10:20
nigelbone of the topics suggested to fill the gaps in the scedule10:21
apacheloggernigelb: or maybe you can find someone in #plasma to do it10:21
* nigelb smiles sweetly10:21
apacheloggerin any case I can jump in as fallback since I had a plasma talk at last whateverweek10:21
nigelbapachelogger: Can you ask somone you might know?10:21
apacheloggerI do not know nobody :P10:22
apacheloggernigelb: just hop in and throw the qustion out10:22
apachelogger"Thanks to this little feature, my computer now runs significantly faster. You could even call it 'snappy' :)"10:22
apachelogger<3 raster10:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we should implement a RAM chexx0r and set raster as backend if RAMz > 2 GiB or so10:23
apacheloggeraccording to thiago raster works all end every time10:23
apacheloggeralso from a techical POV I do not see why it shouldnt work10:23
apacheloggeror is it technological10:24
apacheloggera techfoo POV10:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also what do you think about raising the warning barrier for running out of space as to maybe avoid bug reports related to that?10:26
* apachelogger thinks that apt should check and warn before installing anyway10:26
nigelbapachelogger: I asked! If they eat me alive I'll just direct to you10:31
nigelbSigh, even worse.  No response.10:37
lelamalapachelogger: hi, I followed the guidelines reported on your blog about qt graphics system, but it doesn't show up in system settings, not even when using the search field - can you help please?10:51
apacheloggerthat is interesting10:51
apacheloggerlelamal: when you run sudo make install10:51
apacheloggerwhat does the output look like?10:52
apacheloggerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com please10:52
lelamalapachelogger: I installed it yestarday, should I give the command again?10:52
apacheloggerlelamal: please10:53
apacheloggermaybe it installed to a wrong path10:53
happynoffRiddell: do you know which option I need to pass to cmake/make to enable debug messages ? 'cause I don't see the kDebug messages. thanks10:53
* apachelogger just found a way to detect the backend in use10:55
apachelogger(sort of)10:55
valoriehappynoff: DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull I think10:56
happynoffvalorie: I'll try it, thanks10:56
lelamalapachelogger: sorry for being slow http://pastebin.com/KR1gUsrQ10:57
apacheloggerlelamal: sudo make uninstall && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr && make && sudo make install10:58
apacheloggerit wont work in /usr/local since KDE only looks for desktop files in it's default prefix10:58
apachelogger(kde4-config --prefix that is)10:58
Riddellhappynoff: also make sure it's on in kdebugdialog10:59
lelamalapachelogger: http://pastebin.com11:00
lelamalapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/aXEiAhKA sorry11:00
apacheloggeroh, also I was at my cardiologist's today and apparently I took no permanent damage from my illness in february \o/11:00
apacheloggerlelamal: sudo make uninstall && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. && make && sudo make install11:00
apacheloggersry ^^11:00
apacheloggeractuallty you can ditch the uninstall11:00
happynoffRiddell: the kdebugdialog ? sorry I'm a noob at it :/11:01
Riddellhappynoff: run it, it's a command11:02
Riddelllets you turn on debugging output11:02
happynoffRiddell: I just did and it seems to be enabled :)11:02
happynoffRiddell: thanks11:03
lelamalapachelogger: what do you mean? I have to remove it from the command, and give only:sudo cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr && make && sudo make install 11:04
apacheloggerlelamal: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. && make && sudo make install11:04
lelamalapachelogger: that was it, it's now in System Settings, thank you! :) - can I remove that folder from my desktop directory?11:06
apacheloggerlelamal: yes11:07
lelamalapachelogger: ok, sorry for asking, and many thanks for the KCM and your support!11:08
apacheloggerlelamal: you're very welcome11:08
ryanakcaHmmm. I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew, would someone like to tackle a package or two off of http://files.kolab.org/apt/ubuntu/dists/lucid/kdepim-e35-extras/source/ ? I had done arts, but I had a feeling I'd be shot if I didn't run 'shred -zu' on it, and kdepim proper is nearly done; I just fear running out of time.11:12
Riddellryanakca: there's no actual kdepim source?11:13
RiddellI see only kdepim i18n11:13
ryanakcaRiddell: I have http://files.kolab.org/apt/snapshots/dists/karmic/kdepim-enterprise35/source/kdepim_3.5.10.enterprise.0.20100831.1170137-kk1.dsc11:14
Riddelldpm: what is the last day for uploading packages with translations to be imported into launchpad and what is the last day to do translations in launchpad for the release?12:00
dpmhey Riddell, the last day to do translations in LP for the release is September 30th as per the LanguagePackDeadline on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule - some few packages are subject to an earlier deadline (NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline on September 16th). As per the last day to upload packages with translations, in theory it should be the same date as for LanguagePackTranslationDeadline, September 30th. However, it depends on the12:06
dpm load of Rosetta and how quickly translations are imported, so I'd recommend uploading those a day or two earlier - or even more, if you are intending to upload a full KDE release12:06
smarter_JontheEchidna: hoy12:12
smarter_the download page looks great now :)12:13
JontheEchidnaI'd like to get the % column smaller, and the URI column bigger, but thanks :)12:14
smarter_but I don't see the point of a QHash<int, QVariant> to store data in fields we know about, wouldn't an object instantiated from a private class be more appropriate?12:15
JontheEchidnathat would probably be faster12:15
smarter_yes :)12:16
JontheEchidnaand a private class would be much less convoluted, as a means of getting the info12:16
smarter_no need to lookup a hash table when the fields are hard-coded12:16
smarter_(oh, we need to reimplement scrollTo to get feature parity too)12:17
JontheEchidnaI'll have to head off to classes in a bit, so feel free to make the necessary changes.12:17
smarter_maybe when I'll be a bit less asleep :p12:18
ScottKdpm: We've already uploaded the final full KDE update for Maverick.12:19
ScottKapachelogger: Your kcm lacks a versioned build-depend on Qt 4.7 even though your cmake requires 4.7.12:19
RiddellScottK: I might update the kde-l10n packages with new desktop translations for extragear bits closer to release12:20
apacheloggertechnically it also builds with < 4.7 :P12:21
apacheloggerthat check is only there since I did not bother to implement a runtime check12:21
ScottKapachelogger: Except it won't build with < 4.7 since it will fail the CMake check.12:22
apacheloggeryeah, but maverick only got 4.7...12:23
ScottKRight, but based on build-depends it'd be fine on Intrepid and later when in fact it only works on Maverick (or Lucid with PPA).12:23
ScottKapachelogger: I'm attempting to accept it (no promises about LP), but please fix that.12:25
apacheloggeractually it could only build on lucid12:26
apacheloggerdebhelper and pkg-kde-tools should only be satisfiable in lucid and above12:26
apacheloggerNightrose: should I ever come to finish the release script ... it will be heaven on earth12:32
* apachelogger is using it for his kcm and that thing is sweet like a jar of honey12:33
ScottKBuilt fast too. Already in binary New.12:33
ScottKapachelogger: Might be better to relax the CMake check.  The highest dependency in the binary is on Qt
ScottKSo I doubt it needs more than that to build.12:36
apacheloggerScottK: the check is only there to prevent people from using it on setups < 4.712:37
apacheloggersince I do not have a nice way of checking this at runtime yet12:37
ScottKapachelogger: Then the run-time depends versions are wrong.12:37
apachelogger1.1 released12:42
apacheloggercomes with funky stuff to detect the current standard backend :D12:42
apacheloggerThe graphics engine in use seems to be:12:42
apachelogger----->>>>>  Raster  <<<<<-----12:42
apachelogger:D :D :D12:42
CIA-116[libqapt] gmartres * 1172509 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/qaptbatch.cpp QAptBatch: sets the focus to the appropriate button for each mode12:47
apacheloggerScottK: now I am not even sure if the runtime dep should be bumped...12:47
apacheloggeryou can still use it with say 4.612:47
apacheloggerbut the setting will only apply to 4.7 apps12:47
apacheloggerso if you used lucid and had a kde-devel setup with Qt 4.7 you could still use it but it would only affect your devel setup12:48
ScottKHmmm.  What qualifies and app as a 4.7 app?12:48
vishScottK: hi, i wanted to ask , does kubuntu have any artowrk mailing list? or is there no need for a kubuntu specific one?  it seems that most of the artwork comes from upstream.. wallpapers/themes/..   12:48
ScottKvish: We use kubuntu-devel for it when needed.12:48
ScottKSo no.12:49
ScottKapachelogger: It's in the archive now.  Please fix it up as you decide is best.12:50
vishScottK: k.. but what artwork do we change in kubuntu? the boot animation is one that i can notice.. i'm trying to find out if derivatives need artwork and if some of the concerns are not addressed.. xubuntu folk need help.. so was wondering about kubuntu.12:50
RiddellI'm going to send this to upstream translators to tell them what needs doing if they want Kubuntu translated https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Translations12:50
ScottKapachelogger: Also don't forget to mark the needs-packaging bug fix released.12:50
apacheloggerScottK: I'll bump the build-dep ... runtime checking is more an upstream thing IMHO12:50
ScottKvish: We're in pretty good shape this cycle.  The installer is probably the place with the most of it.  We needed help last cycle on the branding stuff and got it (if somewhat late).12:51
Riddellvish: we change very little artwork, upstream artwork rocks, so there's not much need12:52
dpmRiddell, please send it to the ubuntu-translators list as well12:52
Riddellalthough I notice that usb-creator still needs an updated icon12:52
Riddelldpm: good idea12:52
vishRiddell: ScottK: neat thanks.. yeah , kubuntu upstream has pretty good artwork :)12:53
dpmRiddell, thanks a lot for the work on compiling the list of translations and for the e-mail to upstream and downstream translators!13:32
ScottKAnyone have ATI video, running maverick, and able to test some kwin changes?13:33
Riddelldpm: I still need to check all the kubuntu specific apps actually pick up the translations properly (no reason why they shouldn't but good to be sure)13:34
Riddelldpm: are you able to get the output of the upstream/downstream comparison tool sometime?13:35
Riddelldpm: are the launchpad priority translations for kubuntu matching the ones on that wiki page?13:35
dpmRiddell, sorry I missed that on the Kubuntu Translations day. I won't probably be able to do this today, but I'll add it on my TODO for tomorrow. The same with priorities: they're not matching the wiki yet, but I'll sort them out13:36
ScottKRiddell: Current i386 live CD is 13MB smaller than amd64.  Perhaps we should bump up the translations a bit on i386?13:37
ulyssesRiddell: thanks for your mail, it's a great help by translations13:39
RiddellScottK: for beta I only added a couple of translations, we should fill up the CDs with translations now13:40
sheytanRiddell hey13:44
Riddellhi sheytan 13:45
sheytanI see that the kubuntu installer slideshow polish translation sucks. I can translate it, but i need someone to tell me how ;)13:45
Riddelldpm: ^^13:45
dpmsheytan, "it sucks" is not a very accurate description. If there are translations that need fixing and you would help with that, you can submit translation suggestions at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+pots/ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu/pl/+translate - after that, you should contact the Polish translators to review and accept your suggestions. You can get in touch with them here: https://launchpad.net13:50
debfxScottK: re ati video: yes, I have a HD 485013:50
debfxdesktop effects don't work at all with the radeon driver13:51
ScottKdebfx: Could you test the kdebase-workspace in my ppa and see if it's any better/different?13:51
ScottKrgreening: How come usb-creator requires a local iso to burn onto a stick?13:58
apacheloggerdebfx: radeon does not work on maverick at all14:04
apacheloggerfglrx that is14:04
* apachelogger messes up the names ^^14:04
apacheloggerScottK: what should be better with your workspace package?14:25
ScottKapachelogger: Hopefully better desktop effects.  14:25
apacheloggerdont see nothing different on ati14:26
ScottKapachelogger: What are you running it with?14:26
apacheloggerthat is ... it only works with xrender either way14:26
ScottKThe idea is to force some stuff back to indirect without blur so they can have effects.14:27
apacheloggeron some mobility radeon hd 500014:27
ScottKHopefully mgraesslin will reappear and we can discuss.14:27
ScottKapachelogger: What happens when you try to change effects setting while they are activated?14:30
ScottKThis is, hopefully, part of solving KDE Bug 241402.14:30
apacheloggerScottK: no error but no effects either14:30
ubottuKDE bug 241402 in compositing "kwin freezes when changing related settings in systemsettings while compositing is active" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24140214:30
apacheloggerthat is when I switch form xrender to opengl14:30
apacheloggerso from my POV that is a regression because before it was not wanna let me use opengl14:31
apacheloggernow it says desktop effects are on even though they are clearly not (judging from missing shadow and opaque panel...)14:32
apacheloggersomething tells me the openoffice-kde foo expects Qt to use the native backend implicitly14:35
shadeslayerum when i logged in i had no KWin running14:37
* shadeslayer wonders why14:38
apacheloggerseems ooo needs to make  sure whenever it tries to get a kapp that it sets the graphicssystem to native15:02
apacheloggernigelb: any talkers yet?15:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: quick question, why do we provide just one wallpaper on the live CD? ubuntu provides so many .... i feel sad15:04
apacheloggerbecause we need to squeeze a crapload of gtk on the CD and KDE wallpapers consume super amounts of space15:05
shadeslayerwe have gtk on the CD ? :O15:05
shadeslayerOOo ??15:05
apacheloggerI am almost certain we do15:05
apacheloggeralso amarok is in a relationship with GTK I recon15:06
apacheloggerthey even have glib babies together!15:06
shadeslayerwhat should i blame for gtk?15:06
apacheloggeryes I saw it15:06
apacheloggerI was going all greppy on their source15:06
apacheloggerand there it was15:06
* shadeslayer would like someone to kick amarok off the CD then15:06
shadeslayerbring in bangarang... 15:07
ScottKshadeslayer: Won't help the gtk question until koffice becomes useful.15:07
nigelbapachelogger: none at all15:07
shadeslayerScottK: ah so its OOo as well...15:07
shadeslayerwe surely cant kick that off...15:07
apacheloggernigelb: you were not naggy enough then ;)15:07
nigelbapachelogger: yes, I didn't want to be kicked out15:08
shadeslayernigelb: your a student or work ?15:09
shadeslayer*or do you work ?15:09
nigelbshadeslayer: both, why?15:09
shadeslayernigelb: intrested in writing a paper on network security >15:10
nigelbshadeslayer: No way. Network is totally not my thing.15:10
shadeslayerah well then.. :)15:10
shadeslayerScottK: apparently rekonq does not have the borders on slackware plasma-netbook15:12
shadeslayer( IIRC this is what we want right?15:12
ScottKSounds right.15:13
ScottKBTW, rekonq + cnn video = Fail.15:13
shadeslayerhehe... someone just reported on #rekonq that it doesnt have windeco with kde 4.4.315:14
apacheloggerScottK: I hear rekonq + ccn = fail15:14
apacheloggerScottK: time to report bug ;)15:14
ScottKapachelogger: shadeslayer's right here, so I just did.15:14
apacheloggerk ^^15:15
shadeslayerits CNN's fault :D15:15
shadeslayerthey dont like FOSS 15:15
shadeslayerhaving a looksie .. compiling...15:16
shadeslayerScottK: any particular vids?15:17
ScottKshadeslayer: I tried a few.  None worked.  The wildcat miners one in particular15:18
ScottKshadeslayer: Works on chromium15:18
shadeslayerseems your right15:18
shadeslayerScottK: blame it on stupid adblock15:19
shadeslayerScottK: http://imgur.com/Fopzs15:19
ScottKshadeslayer: Please fix.15:20
ScottKEven when I click on it, the most I ever got was audio.15:21
shadeslayercant really do anything, ive been complaining we need better adblock list15:21
ScottKWhy can't we fix that one?15:21
* shadeslayer got audio as well15:21
ScottKWhere's the list?15:21
shadeslayerits the easy block adblock list15:21
shadeslayerit works with adblock now15:22
ScottKWe install that by default?15:22
shadeslayerrekonq downloads it by default15:22
shadeslayer( its freely available from the net )15:22
shadeslayerbut i got it to work with adblock as well now15:23
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ downloading random stuff from the net by default I think is not a good plan.15:23
shadeslayerits just a list of regex15:24
shadeslayerand even chromium uses that list ( if you install the adblock plugin )15:24
ScottKshadeslayer: It's the by default thing I have a problem with.15:25
ScottKIf a user asks for it, fine.15:25
shadeslayeryou can easily disable it15:25
* apachelogger has a problem with adblock by default anyway15:25
shadeslayer( via a patch )15:25
apacheloggernot the first time it causes problems15:25
ScottKWe shouldn't ship it enabled by default.15:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: we had this discussion at a point earlier as well right?15:26
apacheloggeryeah :P15:26
apacheloggerI also had it disabled15:26
apacheloggerjr did not agree and reverted15:26
Riddellwe've had this discussion for years, in the end we've always decisded to go with giving users a useful feature by default rather than not15:26
* apachelogger also does not care enough to open up that box again ^^15:26
* Riddell runs out15:27
ScottKRiddell: Not working with cnn.com is a feature?15:27
apacheloggerin rekonq and khtml 4.5 the situation is a bit different in that it is super easy for the user to get adblocking now 15:27
* ScottK runs out too.15:27
apachelogger(since we now have autodownload facilities for the lists)15:27
shadeslayerScottK: im trying to confirm your issue, but it seems to be fixed in git, could just be that rekonq is trying to cache a part of the video before starting it, trying to confirm with other people in #rekonq anyways15:30
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:31
txwikingerwhat is the general direction of the browser for KDE/Konqueror in the future?15:33
txwikingerWill Konqueror go to a more standard base?15:34
txwikingerThe reason why I ask, I approached a webapp site to include konqueror support, and they are reluctant due to the lower usage of it15:34
txwikingerSo we are somewhat at the point of where these things need to be fixed... in the browser or at the websites15:35
shadeslayerScottK: oh and have a look here  : http://imagebin.org/11306415:38
* apachelogger fixes apturl protocol file15:59
apacheloggerI wonder if there is a reason the apturl packages are arch: all and not any16:11
apacheloggernigelb: I could do a Widgetcraft talk on thursday16:15
nigelbapachelogger: you can? SERIOUSLY?16:15
* nigelb hugs apachelogger 16:15
debfxScottK: opengl desktop effects still don't work16:15
apacheloggernigelb: javascript or cpp?16:16
apacheloggerlast time I did javascript16:16
debfxScottK: xrender works even though the kcm says that desktop effects aren't available on my system16:16
* apachelogger also finds javascript better for first timers16:16
nigelbapachelogger: I'd leave it to you :)16:16
debfxalso the all effects tab is empty16:16
nigelbapachelogger: 1600 or 1700?16:16
apacheloggerI have exams on friday ^^16:17
apachelogger⚠ Widgetcraft16:22
nigelbapachelogger: many thanks! Addddded.16:23
apacheloggerthat looks all sorts of magic16:23
apacheloggernigelb: cool, can I get a ⚠ too? ^^16:23
apacheloggeror ❤16:24
apachelogger❤ is always good16:24
nigelberr, I cna only see '?'16:24
apacheloggerwhat font are you using?16:24
nigelbdunno, debian default thingy16:25
apacheloggerthat are two of the more standard unicode symbols :O16:25
nigelbwhat fail debian :/16:25
apacheloggerwell then, something more ascii must be used 16:26
* apachelogger breaks fingers16:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude, help me load a kate kpart in rekonq16:26
apacheloggerO|¯|_ orz16:26
apacheloggernigelb: how about that16:26
* apachelogger always likes a good fall ^^16:26
shadeslayerthats a fall? :S16:26
nigelb O|?|_ orz :/16:26
apacheloggernot that awesome though16:27
* apachelogger consults wikipedia16:27
nigelbapachelogger: pastebin?16:27
apacheloggersurely that will not work either16:27
apacheloggerthat works16:28
apacheloggernigelb: @}-;-'---16:28
* nigelb sighs16:28
nigelbthis is getting more and more comic16:28
apacheloggerdebian is the suck clearly :P16:28
apacheloggernigelb: just add a <316:29
shadeslayernigelb: apparently everyone leaves house in Season 3 :/16:29
nigelbshadeslayer: not really.16:29
nigelbthey'll be back in 616:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you fix kate yet?16:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: the packaging16:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: also, when you have a minute or 60 ... someone really needs to polish up my wiki page16:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope.. writing  mail to kwrite-devel asking about ABI stablity16:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: why?16:30
shadeslayerYOUR wiki page? :P16:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: because debian wants to confirm16:30
ScottKapachelogger: Because Debian dropped the headers because no one used them/not maintained and they want some promise of ABI stability to put them back.16:31
shadeslayer<pinotree> shadeslayer: the kate/kdesdk-dev was dropped because of no guarantees about api/abi stability16:31
apacheloggerdebian should better be concerned with their fonts being utter crap16:31
nigelbapachelogger: +116:31
ScottKSince we want to minimize diff, it makes sense to check.16:31
apacheloggerwrong priorities obviously16:31
apacheloggerScottK: I am somewhat certain that kate would want to maintain a stable API and ABI for their plugin interface ;)16:32
apacheloggerwhich is the only package of need anyway16:32
ScottKapachelogger: Right.  We just want them to say that.16:32
ScottKYou know what happens when you assume, right?16:32
ScottK(this is almost certainly and american idiom though)16:32
apacheloggerI also know what happens when politics get in the way of UX16:32
ScottKmgraesslin: Good afternoon.16:33
apacheloggerand if we judge ABI over UX then I am very much in doubt of our mission anyway16:33
apacheloggernigelb: so, do I get a <316:33
apacheloggernigelb: maybe make that Plasma Widgetcraft 16:34
apacheloggerWidgetcraft alone is a bit too cryptic I think16:34
ScottKmgraesslin: One of the ubuntu-x people just had me try mesa 7.9 with a driconf of http://sarvatt.com/downloads/drirc.txt and on my intel 945gme netbook I got effects by default (including blur).16:34
EagleScreenKubuntu maverick is still giving problems to change the language and locales16:35
shadeslayermail sent.. lets see their response16:35
apacheloggerEagleScreen: hm?16:35
apacheloggerso, who is going to replace lernid with something that looks decent?16:35
ScottKmgraesslin: The idea is to "switch to the GL_ARB_fragment_program blur implementation with that and that might actually work, 7.9 enabled that ARB_fragment_shader option by default which was disabled on 7.8.x and it looks like that's the extension it checks to use the GLSL shader variant instead."16:35
EagleScreenIn language.selector I have configured the system language to British English16:36
EagleScreenneed to pastebin..16:36
nigelbapachelogger: adding <3 :)16:37
ScottKmgraesslin: That's with a stock 4.5.1 kwin (none of your patch or the reversions)16:37
EagleScreenthen my locale settings is this: http://pastebin.ca/1935112  is it correct?16:37
nigelbmy irssi instance is misbehaving16:38
EagleScreenonly LANGUAGE is set in en_GB16:38
apacheloggerEagleScreen: you restarted?16:38
EagleScreenall the system or KDE?16:39
apacheloggerthe system16:39
nigelbapachelogger: you HAZ <3 :)16:39
apacheloggerEagleScreen: also, do you get the same on a tty?16:39
apacheloggernigelb: thank you16:39
EagleScreenalso in tty, yes16:39
apacheloggerthat is interesting16:40
apacheloggerEagleScreen: is there a bug report about this?16:40
EagleScreenit also seems like some KDE atuff is showing the language based in locale settings and not in systemsettings->Locale language16:40
CIA-116[apturl] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100907154047-2clmy5icomcmsvno * (6 files in 3 dirs) releasing version 0.4.1ubuntu716:40
apacheloggerEagleScreen: pardon?16:41
EagleScreennow I can't be able to switch my KDE language to English, but this is an ancient bug in Kubuntu16:41
* apachelogger does not follow16:41
EagleScreenthere two language settings in Kubuntu: the KDE language and the System language, right?16:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: soo... your wiki page...16:42
EagleScreenthe KDE language is the list of languages, and you have to set your preferred language on the top16:42
EagleScreenand the system language is the "Set System language" which changes locales16:43
shadeslayerwhat about it?16:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you think I should add a list of favorite unicorn colors?16:43
EagleScreenif I change locales and I dont change the KDE language, some KDE strings change their language too16:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is a bit empty16:44
apacheloggerEagleScreen: if you change the global language all of KDE should follow after a reboot16:44
EagleScreenI know apachelogger16:44
shadeslayerhold on.. lemme open it16:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: that is IT16:45
* shadeslayer faints16:45
EagleScreenI wouldn't be here if I would't think some is broken16:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: huh?16:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: its completely empty :P16:45
shadeslayermaybe you can add a bunch of IRC channels?16:46
EagleScreennow my KDE is set to British English and all KDE stuff is in Spanish16:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: what are we talking about?16:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: your wiki page16:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter16:46
shadeslayeryes that one16:46
apacheloggernow I would not call that completely16:46
apacheloggerEagleScreen: so what is the problem?16:46
apacheloggerEagleScreen: it does not change to en_GB after reboot?16:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: have a look https://wiki.kubuntu.org/shadeslayer16:47
EagleScreenapachelogger: let me reboot one more time and report to you some things16:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do not enough important things to document them16:47
apacheloggerthere is a do missing I think16:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: * I have also been contributing to the Ubuntu Main archives (thanks to Riddle for sponsoring my uploads) and helped package KDE 4.5 Beta 1 for Maverick and Lucid.16:48
apacheloggerspot the name typo16:48
shadeslayerRiddle ...16:48
mgraesslinScottK: so do I understand that disabling the extension fixes the problem?16:49
ScottKmgraesslin: It appears to.16:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: so what do I write "I am supreme master of the universe and want to become supreme ranter too"?16:49
ScottKAt least on the one system I've tried it on.16:49
mgraesslinthat's all I want :-)16:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/shadeslayer/Header << copy and modify according to needs id say16:49
shadeslayerthen go on about how you have your own distro.. fluffy16:50
ScottKmgraesslin: I need to try it on more systems.16:50
mgraesslinand a way better solution to fix it in the driver instead of trying more quircks in the software16:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayermaybe ask someone to give wiki a fluffy theme? :P16:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: there is a bit of a problem with that header... in that it duplicates information from launchpad and contains highly variable information ;)16:50
mgraesslinsure and I think that FBO are also a limitation16:50
ScottKmgraesslin: Is it possible you could detect whether or not to use GLSL a different way?16:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: you know how it is with getting things past the canonical sysadmins ;)16:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: I propose a new wiki theme today and we might have it in time for 11.04 :P16:51
shadeslayertrue :D16:51
mgraesslinScottK: well that's why there are things like extensions. To check at runtime if it is available16:51
mgraesslinthe only other option I see is to do serious testing during startup which is probably nothing we want to do either16:51
ScottKSlowing startup even more is not a good option.16:52
apacheloggerI should create a startup that creates a website that customers can use as intarwebs identity16:53
apacheloggera CV of some sort16:53
ScottKmgraesslin: I still have the problem of the relevant bug about changing effects with them activated freezes the screen.16:53
apacheloggerso apachelogger does not have to write that crap on every page he comes across16:53
ScottKSo that still needs sorting.16:53
mgraesslinI think we can only solve this one by enforcing indirect rendering16:54
EagleScreen_first: language-selector fails to change locales even after reboot16:54
mgraesslinand as soon as we do that blur breaks in the fbo16:54
ScottKmgraesslin: OK.  So we still need to pursue your patch/reversions.16:54
mgraesslinand the breakage can only be detected with the patch16:54
mgraesslinoh and than we still have the crashers and there is nothing we can do about it16:55
* shadeslayer points that rekonq release is in 5 days16:55
EagleScreen_but this language-selector bug not worry me becaus it is possibly a eventual bug which will be fixed soon16:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do you load a kpart????16:56
shadeslayergimme a example16:56
ScottKmgraesslin: Crashers are a problem, but if it crashes during a configuration change and automatically restarts, that's a huge improvement over just freezing.16:56
EagleScreen_the main problem is that I see that Kubuntu language switching is a few crazy since years16:56
debfxshadeslayer: is it still necessary to delete the rekonq configs after upgrading?16:56
mgraesslinof course, but I fear that it might trigger kwin's "we crashed so we disable compositing" feature16:57
shadeslayerdebfx: yeah.. configs are not compatible16:57
* shadeslayer hates that 16:57
mgraesslinand that one is only revertable by manually changing the kwinrc16:57
mgraesslin(I will change that for 4.6)16:57
ScottKDisable effects, change config, re-enable effects is at the level of a not totally ridiculous work around.16:58
EagleScreen_there are many strings in Kubuntu which does not follow the KDE language settings in systemsettings, and thay does in other distributions like Debian or openSUSE, so I think some must be broken or wrongly done in Kubuntu16:58
debfxshadeslayer: I could live with it if rekonq did reset the configs instead of just being broken16:58
shadeslayerdebfx: im looking into it, no one on #rekonq, do you want to send a mail to rekonq@kde.org ?16:59
ScottKEagleScreen_: We'd need a list of strings and language to check.  Generally we are supposed to be preferring upstream translations where they are available.16:59
mgraesslinif I were able to reproduce I would try to do that programmatically, but I think that's what kwin already does16:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kparts/html/namespaceKParts_1_1ComponentFactory.html#a71eb5a47ba2fab6636de27f0535f813717:00
shadeslayerwell.. if im successful this will take about.. 2 mins17:02
EagleScreen_ScottK: If I install Kubuntu in English, all is well transtated into English, but if I later want to switch language to Spanish, a lot of string does not change their language. By the same way, if I install Kubuntu in Spanish, all is well translated to Spanish, but if I later want to change the language to English, a lot of string does not change their language, the problem is changing the language, and this is happening since 17:02
EagleScreen_several releases17:02
ScottKAh.  I see.  No idea about that.17:02
EagleScreen_when I switch langage in Debian or Suse, it changes with no problem17:03
dpmEagleScreen_, the best thing would be to report a bug and mention exactly which strings don't get translated upon language change, so that this can be tracked down.17:03
* apachelogger switches languages around17:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw the class that reads file extensions was QFile right?17:04
EagleScreen_yes, and I will be able to do it when this locale issue i am having to be fixed/cleared17:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: see, that is why you should have found it yourself instead of me telling you17:04
shadeslayerok lemme see then :D17:04
apacheloggerif you had found i yourself you would remember the name17:04
apacheloggerso here we go again17:04
apacheloggersearch for it :P17:05
EagleScreen_now in maverik i feel that KDE language has been following locale settings instead of KDE language settings in systemsettings, is it intended?17:05
* shadeslayer looks up17:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it would be nice if one could set the parenting windowid for qapt-batch17:06
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: just dont use the KDE setting?17:06
JontheEchidna  --attach <winid>          Attaches the window to an X app specified by winid17:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh, why does language-selector not use it?17:06
JontheEchidnaprobably because it didn't use it with install-package17:07
JontheEchidnaI just did s/install-package/qapt-batch17:07
apacheloggersomething to look into then17:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^17:07
EagleScreen_apachelogger: dont use thing becaus they are broken is not a solution17:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot21.png17:08
apacheloggerthe sizing here looks weird17:09
JontheEchidnayeah, there's not really a good way to get the window itself to resize...17:09
JontheEchidnaor at least I've not found one17:09
EagleScreen_you are the developpers, if you dont know how this language tools are expected to work, who know??17:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut???17:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: mgraesslin will surely know ;)17:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: but I think you just need to resize the mainwidget to its new hint17:11
apacheloggeror set the max size to the hint17:11
mgraesslinI think I need context17:11
apacheloggersince you probably need to max size it for the netbook usecase17:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: language-selector-qt does not invoke qapt-batch with its --attach option which would enable qapt-batch to be arranged as transient window of language-selector-qt ... so that should be fixed17:12
apacheloggermgraesslin: we were wondering how to resize a window after content was removed17:12
JontheEchidnamore specifically, a KProgressDialog after buttons are removed17:13
apacheloggerwhom do I annoy with that?17:13
apacheloggerdpm: 17:13
shadeslayeri still have no idea what you guys are talking about ..but ill nod anyways .... *nod17:14
mgraesslinhmm that should be possible with Qt17:14
apacheloggerdpm: there are two white spaces between German. and Select17:14
apacheloggernot sure where they come from17:14
* apachelogger notes that language-selector-qt is a butterfly like mess17:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: no nodding, fixing :P17:15
* dpm was just about to make a remark along those lines as well17:15
apacheloggeroh oh oh17:15
apacheloggerI think that might be caused from GTK translations using \n17:15
apacheloggeror maybe not17:16
dpmhm, but why shouldn't the kde app interpret \n as line break?17:16
dpmthey all use gettext17:16
apacheloggerthere are actually 2 whitespaces in the source :O17:16
apacheloggerdpm: Qt widgets in richtext mode will not interpret \n IIRC17:17
apacheloggeronly <br/> or <p>17:17
dpmah, I didn't know that one17:17
apacheloggerwell, maybe it changed by now but I certainly remember that there was something going on with \n in our python apps that share translations with GTK uis17:18
apacheloggerdpm: do you think it would be wise to change that typo at this point in the cycle?17:19
apacheloggerconsidering it is fairly minor17:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: IT WAS QFILEINFO!!!!!17:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: rihto17:19
apacheloggerrighto even17:19
dpmapachelogger, I wouldn't at this point, we're past UI freeze. It is really minor and would break translations for lots of languages17:20
shadeslayeroh i said QFile .. forgot to add info there ... 17:20
EagleScreen_but I am going to tell you how I think this is expected to work: the KDE applications language should follow the preferred language in this list: http://img824.imageshack.us/my.php?image=plasmadesktopsy1531.png , and locale settings (which haven't why to coincide with Desktop language) should be set in this window: http://img824.imageshack.us/my.php?image=plasmadesktopqx1531.png , to switch KDE language you must change the first 17:20
EagleScreen_list and not the second, and if this is not working like this, then something is broken in Kubuntu sice years17:20
apacheloggerthat message as a whole is crap17:20
apachelogger"Select them from the Add Language button."17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill looksie after i fix0r rekonq17:20
apacheloggerthat does not mean anything to me17:20
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: that is a bogus assumption, the former regulates language at user level and the latter at system level17:21
apacheloggeralso the former supports a broken concept of language fallback order17:21
apacheloggerwhich is about the most useless thing I have seen in my life, also I think it is broken in KDE itself17:22
apacheloggerrestarting to get a german system17:22
EagleScreen_I dont think so apachelogger17:22
EagleScreen_I dont understand why you can think this is a "bogus assumption"17:23
EagleScreen_it is expected to work like that17:23
EagleScreen_some applications and Gnome (i think) show the language following the locale settings17:24
apacheloggerchanging the latter without changing the former will still change the KDE language as long as the former is not set17:24
apacheloggerso what is supposed to be not be translated?17:25
EagleScreen_but KDE has to follow this former17:25
apacheloggerI just switched from en_US to de_AT (by just logout and login) 17:25
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: the former should not even be there, since as you stated it only manipulates KDE17:25
apacheloggerwhich is utterly useless17:26
apacheloggerif I want my desktop to be french than I want Kopete AND nautilus to be french17:26
apacheloggernot one and the other some other language17:26
EagleScreen_the former is for missing translations17:27
* Riddell wanders back home17:27
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: for missing translations?17:27
EagleScreen_if a string is not available in some language, it will showed in the second17:27
EagleScreen_but this is out of our discussion17:27
apacheloggerthat might be why your system is half spanish and half english17:27
EagleScreen_not it is not the cause17:28
EagleScreen_i am sure17:28
apacheloggerso what is the cause then?17:28
apacheloggerbecause I just switched from en_US to de_AT and have no problems whatosever17:28
EagleScreen_I hopped any of you would know17:28
EagleScreen_may be Launchpad translations?17:29
shadeslayeri have no idea how to do this ....17:29
EagleScreen_mya be lnaguage-selector17:29
apacheloggerI doubt the latter because it worked for me17:29
EagleScreen_kde-language-pack packages? what are they for?17:30
EagleScreen_the rest of distros only use the kde-l10n packages17:30
* apachelogger installs spanish17:30
dpmEagleScreen_, I've read the conversation, but I'm not sure what the problem is. Can you summarize it and post the output of the 'locale' command somewhere?17:30
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: they also do not have launchpad17:30
EagleScreen_sure. dpm17:31
EagleScreen_locales: http://pastebin.ca/193514217:31
* apachelogger switches to spanish17:31
dpmbasically, apart from installing language packs, fonts and input methods, the only thing that language-selector does is to write to the locale variables to change language17:32
EagleScreen_apachelogger: are you swotiching locales?17:32
dpmah, you've been bitten by the LANGUAGE bug, let me find the link...17:32
EagleScreen_dpm: curently in maverick changing locales with language-selector seems to be broken for me17:33
EagleScreen_but dpm it is not the end of the matter17:33
dpmEagleScreen_, apachelogger, that's bug 553162 - notice the LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables there17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553162 in Ubuntu Translations "Unset $LANGUAGE if the user picks a different locale in gdm, so that language-selector and gdm stop disagreeing" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55316217:34
dpmthe bug mentions gdm, but I guess it applies to kdm as well17:34
dpmin principle, this should be only visible in applications which not follow the standard order in reading the LANGUAGE and LANG variables.17:35
EagleScreen_the matter is that in Kubuntu, since years, there are a lot of string that does not switch the language when you switche the KDE language in systemsettings, they always stay in the language in which Kubuntu was installed17:35
dpmDue to those apps you end up with a half translated system17:35
dpmand they expose the underlying bug in language selector as well17:36
EagleScreen_dpm: read my last message17:36
apacheloggerthe problem is17:36
apacheloggerKubuntu has to locale settings17:36
apacheloggerone at KDE level17:36
apacheloggerone at system level17:36
* nigelb hands apachelogger a 'w' for to17:36
apacheloggerif nothing configured at KDE level it will just use system level17:36
apacheloggerIF there is something configured at KDE level it will use whatever is configured at KDE level17:37
dpmEagleScreen_, I did read it, but until there is a bug stating exactly which strings don't get translated, it is really difficult to track it down17:37
EagleScreen_apachelogger: Kuubntu is not following that17:37
apacheloggerIF the language configured at KDE level is incomplete it will fall back to system language17:37
apacheloggerIF KDE language is en_GB AND system language is not en_US you get a mixed language setup17:38
EagleScreen_apachelogger: and how is possible that the language translation is incomplete in Kubuntu and not in the rest of distros?17:38
apacheloggerBECAUSE en_GB is an incomplete translation (for obvious reasons)17:38
EagleScreen_that is not a reason17:38
EagleScreen_If i'd set en_US under en_GB the incomplete translation is still there17:39
EagleScreen_anyway, I cannot see the evolution of this bug in maverick until I find a way to change locales out17:40
EagleScreen_but this translation issue is in Kubuntu since KDE3 age, so I do not expect to be magically fixed in maverick17:41
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: where exactly did I claim that KDE falls back to the next in list?17:42
apachelogger<apachelogger> IF the language configured at KDE level is incomplete it will fall back to system language17:42
apacheloggerinstall german, configure german via the KDE setting and behold that your system will be german17:42
apacheloggerinstall french, configure french via the KDE setting and behold that your system will be french17:43
apacheloggerthis is nothing but an incompleteness in en_GB coming from the assumption that en_GB will fall through to en_US, which it usually does, unless configured for KDE only in which case it falls to the system language17:44
apacheloggerIF the system language is then not en_US you get a mixed language KDE17:44
EagleScreen_apachelogger: i am sure that is not the only problem17:44
apacheloggerand I am sure that this is exactly the problem you were complaining about17:45
EagleScreen_apachelogger: do you mean to have a fully english Kubuntu, do I need set English in locale and also in KDE?17:45
apacheloggerread what I wrote17:45
EagleScreen_you said that KDE fallback into locales17:45
apacheloggeryou set your system locale to english AND do not have anything configured in KDE17:45
apacheloggeryou set KDE to some english version but then the system locale MUST BE en_US17:46
ScottKapachelogger: Since you're so hot with KCMs, Could you whip one up that allows one to change the system name easily?  That choice got removed from the installer and I think we're going to need to make it easy for people to mess with it post install.17:46
apacheloggerScottK: I can, question is if we should not incorporate this in some existing thing17:46
ScottKGotta run.  17:47
ScottKapachelogger: No idea.  You tell me.17:47
apacheloggerhaving such tiny KCMs is a bit of a waste17:47
* ScottK is off to $WORK meetings.17:47
apacheloggerScottK: well, I dunno where we could squeeze it in... :S17:47
smarter_JontheEchidna: I'd like to backport my latest qapt commit, but I can't find the branch ^^'17:48
JontheEchidnasmarter_: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/17:49
* apachelogger thinks that language-selector needs a rewrite in c(++)17:50
EagleScreen_apachelogger: many times I have installed kde-l10n-en-gb in other distros, and the KDE was well translated to English even having es_ES.utf8 locales17:50
smarter_apachelogger: it needs to be integrated in the kcm17:50
smarter_and since you seem to like kcms... :p17:51
apacheloggersmarter_: I know, but that will not come to pass with pyth0rn17:51
apacheloggerthanks to sip the other way around would be no problem :S17:51
smarter_how do I tell svn diff to give me the latest rev changes without manually specifiying the rev number?17:52
smarter_svn diff -r PREV:COMMITTED, great.17:56
CIA-116gmartres * 1172627 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/qaptbatch.cpp QAptBatch: sets the focus to the appropriate button for each mode (backport of r1172509)17:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: people in #ubuntu+1 think rekonq is fast :P18:00
apacheloggerfast in crashig18:04
apacheloggerholy smokes18:06
apacheloggeropensuse's cd start screen is like 30000000000 times better looking than ours18:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: suse in a box?18:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: in what box?18:07
apacheloggeropensuse's bootscreen is like 6000000000000 times better looking than ours18:07
* Sput thinks those are made-up numbers though18:08
apacheloggerwell, at least the installer is not that convincing18:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: suse in a VBox ?18:08
apacheloggerthough I like their buttons I think18:08
Riddellpointless start screens are annoying, at least it's fairly easy to close18:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: why would I install that pour soul in a vbox?18:09
apacheloggerRiddell: I mean the one where you select what to do ... install ... run ... etc18:09
apacheloggerRiddell: did you try 11.3?18:09
EagleScreen_apachelogger: you may have fallen in your own assumption, now I have done a test in Fedora 12 KDE, it becomes translated to English when I set KDE in British English, and locales are still in es_ES18:10
EagleScreen_the same happens in Debian and Suse18:10
EagleScreen_now in maverick i have KDE set in British English, why is all Kubuntu in Spanish?18:11
Riddellyou'd need to check the sources, but probably the British English translation has strings removed where they match the US English translation18:12
apacheloggerbureau KDE18:12
apacheloggersounds funny18:13
apacheloggeroh la la18:14
apachelogger2.5 Go18:14
apacheloggerthat is gonna take a bit18:14
apacheloggerwhat I do not get, why is their installer using non-oxyge icons?18:16
EagleScreen_then in Kubuntu to use British English, am I forced to have locales in en_US?18:16
Riddellbecause they're 0wned by gnome fanboys18:16
apacheloggerEagleScreen_: but we were not talking about fedora or debian or suse, but kubuntu18:16
apacheloggerRiddell: ah, right, forgot that ^^18:16
EagleScreen_then Kubuntu kde-l10n-en-gb is incomplete (almost empty) while the package in the other distros is complete, is this a good idea?18:17
Riddellthe first stage of their installer is mostly unthemed, the second stage uses a stylesheet, which seems inconsistent18:17
apacheloggerRiddell: what first stage?18:18
apacheloggerfor me i was themed all the way through18:18
RiddellEagleScreen_: the relevant package is language-pack-kde-en18:18
RiddellEagleScreen_: and language-pack-kde-en-base18:18
apacheloggerlike that18:18
EagleScreen_Riddell: what do you mean? sorry18:19
Riddellapachelogger: that's not what I got when using their KDE CD image, first stage was plain oxygen theme (second stage is after a reboot I think, very 2005)18:19
apacheloggerRiddell: I think what differs us from other distros is that we export the system lang via kdm which makes it primary default rather than en_US18:19
apacheloggerhm... I am on a DVD media here18:19
RiddellEagleScreen_: the package with the translation files in it is language-pack-kde-en and language-pack-kde-en-base18:19
apacheloggerAFAIK they are not too keen on the CD foo18:20
* apachelogger also knows why :P18:20
EagleScreen_Riddell: then what are kde-l10n-xxx for?18:20
RiddellEagleScreen_: they're the upstream packages, the files all get extracted and put into launchpad18:21
Riddellwe keep them for docs18:21
apacheloggerand data files such as audio18:21
EagleScreen_then kde-l10n are upstream. and language-pack-kde are launchpad?18:23
Riddellit's a useful exercise to compare the two18:24
EagleScreen_and KDE in Kubuntu uses language-pack-kde instead of kde-l10n-es?18:24
Riddelllanguage-pack-kde-es is where the translations are18:24
EagleScreen_and as I see, no translations for en-gb18:25
EagleScreen_and I think that the KDE language form always fallback in locales and not in the second language in the list18:26
EagleScreen_at leats in Kubuntu18:26
* apachelogger thinks that is what he said quite a while ago already18:27
smarter_apachelogger: opensuse in French? Is that done to make the installation more challenging? :p18:27
apacheloggerwhy challenging? :P18:27
EagleScreen_yes, now I understand you when soy said thet the form has no sense18:27
lex79Riddell: can you upload qimageblitz from here https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa/+packages ?18:29
smarter_apachelogger: I guess as long as you know what effacer, supprimer and formater mean you won't make too much of a mess :p18:29
EagleScreen_but the form could be designed to fallback in the second language in the list, this may be a KDE upstream bug18:29
apacheloggersmarter_: I think my french is good enough to use a system :P18:31
* smarter_ should try installing an OS in German, but only in a VM :p18:32
* Sput never installs OSes in German18:33
Sputtranslations generally are too abysmal to be used in production18:33
dpmerr... I disagree18:34
apacheloggeropensuse with autologin goes pretty fast18:34
shadeslayerim off to sleep.. cya tmmrw18:34
lex79autologin by default?18:34
apacheloggero/ shadeslayer18:34
lex79night shadeslayer18:34
apacheloggerlex79: their autologin checkbox is checked by default18:35
apacheloggerwhereas hours is not18:35
Sputdpm: in my experience, translations are often "overdone", but translating things into the target language that are much easier to say and understand in english18:35
* apachelogger thinks having it checked is nicer though18:35
dpmSput, there are many many translation teams that work really hard to ensure good translation quality, especially on those languages where Kubuntu or Ubuntu is used in governmental or educational institutions18:35
Sputdpm: one of my favourite examples, "systray" is officially translated into "Systemleistenkontrollabschnitt" on Windows18:35
apacheloggerlex79: in fact a popular german computer magazine once did a security review of windows (I think vista) vs. osx vs. suse18:36
apacheloggersuse lost18:36
apacheloggerwith reasons like autologin by default is a security threat18:36
Sputmaybe it's better in other languages, but at least for German I find many translations very awkward, that is even true for books and stuff18:36
Sputand I wouldn't even blame the translators18:36
lex79apachelogger: I see, but autologin is comfortable :P18:36
apacheloggerlex79: I agree18:36
dpmSput, ah, but that's proprietary software translated by a translation agency :P in Kubuntu at least you can make suggestions for better translations :)18:37
apacheloggerlex79: also I do not see a point in not having autologin by default18:37
SputI can imagine that it's much more useful for older/"normal" people though, who haven't been in touch with the English notions that much18:37
lex79users don't like type the passwords, me too ;)18:37
apacheloggerlex79: corporate environments will rollout images and I think it should somewhat easy to turn off autologin once a second user account was created18:37
Sputdpm: thing is, if I had a say, many words would just stay English :) there is no good German word for "system tray" other than "systray"... of course, my grandma wouldn't understand "systray", but I doubt she would understand "Systemleistenkontrollabschnitt" either :)18:38
apacheloggerSput: german KDE translation have the target of being understandable by grandmamas18:38
Sputlooks like in kubuntu/KDE it's "Systemleiste" which is already much better than the windows version, but semantically not entirely correct (translated back it'd be "system panel")18:39
apacheloggersuse even comes with vim installed18:41
apacheloggerI am in love again18:41
apacheloggerwhat a wonderful feeling18:41
Sputapachelogger: switching distros?18:41
SputGentoo comes with nano!18:41
apacheloggerjust as gross as you bun too18:42
dpmSput, you are assuming that everyone can understand a bit of English. While that might be true for e.g. Western languages, English might look completely different to someone with a different cultural background. In that sense, translations make the system accessible for him/her18:42
jussinano <318:43
* apachelogger does not think his sister knows what a system tray is18:44
lex79someone here use nano to hack18:44
apacheloggerthat would be quite the PITA18:45
jussianyone know how to get rid of this? N: Ignoring file 'google-talkplugin.list.save' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension18:45
lex79you know who is :P18:45
Sputdpm: I do understand that reasoning18:46
Sputafter all, I've spent a lot of effort (with a lot of your help too) to make quassel easily translateable :)18:46
nixternalapachelogger: got any pics of this installer/boot screen you are referring to that looks hot? I don't remember it when installing a couple of weeks ago18:46
Sputbut running an OS in my native languagee certainly isn't for me18:46
dpmyeah, that's a personal choice :)18:48
apacheloggernixternal: no18:48
apacheloggernixternal: can get you one later18:48
nixternalwell that isn't any good. i wanna see it now dangit18:49
* apachelogger throws mono at nixternal18:50
EagleScreen_apachelogger: please, look at this http://img441.imageshack.us/f/plasmadesktopaw1531.png/18:52
EagleScreen_as mentioned there, KDE should fallback to the second language on the list, not to locales18:53
nixternalapachelogger: I had mono once, when I was like 13 years old, the kissing disease. I didn't like it then and I still don't like it :p18:54
apacheloggernixternal: that is why you get it :P18:55
apacheloggerno dpm19:06
apacheloggerwhat a load of crap19:18
apacheloggerRiddell: our en_GB translations are pretty nakkid19:18
apacheloggersystemsettings.mo for example does not seem ot contain any translation at all19:18
apacheloggerlaunchpad however contains them19:18
* apachelogger expects madness in langpack-o-matic19:19
apacheloggerEagleScreen: that is changed in 4.519:19
EagleScreenapachelogger: this is new in 4.5 or the newer way is to fallback to locales and the help is outdated?19:20
apacheloggerwell it certainly does not claim that it is a fallback list anymore19:21
* apachelogger will remove that widget now19:21
EagleScreenapachelogger: where did you find the information about this change?19:23
apacheloggerin my system19:23
EagleScreenin nyour system?19:23
EagleScreendid you ask in #kde-devel?19:23
Tscheesyow - poor you :)19:25
EagleScreenapachelogger: are you using trunk?19:26
apacheloggernow I am using 4.519:26
EagleScreenwhy our help is different then?19:26
apacheloggerI dunno19:27
EagleScreenor have you deleted the rest of the text by yourself?19:27
apacheloggerdoesnt matter19:27
apacheloggerthat thing goes away19:27
EagleScreenapachelogger: change the list by some widget to can select just one language then19:28
EagleScreensome people may want different languages for locale and KDE, in addiction, KDE forces me to have one language on the list19:28
EagleScreensometimes appears one text and sometimes the other19:30
EagleScreenoh, if you put the mouse over the widget, the updated help is showed, but if you click with the "what is this" the outdated help is showed19:32
apacheloggerEagleScreen: software-properties will not honor this setting19:34
apacheloggerneither will openoffice19:34
apacheloggerneither will firefox19:34
apacheloggerneither will any gnome application19:34
apacheloggerneither will any TK appliction19:34
apacheloggerneither will any application that does not use KDE19:34
EagleScreenyes I know19:34
EagleScreenonly KDE applications19:34
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apacheloggerso what is the reationale of only having KDE applications appear in another language?19:35
apacheloggermake that "user-executed KDE applications"19:35
EagleScreenif I set locales to english only to have KDE in English.. will I be able to write characters like ñ ?19:35
EagleScreenthen, are you going to use only the locales way?19:36
EagleScreenlike Gnome?19:37
apacheloggerI mean19:37
apacheloggera) that list is crap19:37
apacheloggerb) it is not applying to non-KDE apps19:37
EagleScreenok, I hope for this not to give problems19:37
apacheloggeruntil those things are fixed I consider the KDE thing broken19:37
EagleScreenfor me that KDE thing works in other distros19:38
EagleScreenbut not tested in 4.5, only in 4.419:38
EagleScreenif language-selector is broken, is there another way to chnage locales?19:39
apacheloggersmarter_: what do you think?19:40
apacheloggermaybe add icons?19:40
EagleScreenit is more clear now19:41
EagleScreenbut I will change if the fallback list is working in other distros in KDE 4.519:41
EagleScreenI will test*19:41
EagleScreenso it is expected to work, apachelogger19:52
apacheloggerand yet it doesnt19:52
EagleScreenanyway, will you remove the fallback list?19:52
EagleScreenhave you got any idea about why Kubuntu fallbacks to locales?19:53
EagleScreenblack magic I'd say19:59
EagleScreenapachelogger: when your new change to be released, I will do a fresh Kubuntu maverick install and I will test if the ancient translations problems is still reproducible20:01
EagleScreenI mean the string what always stay in the language in which Kuubntu was installed20:01
EagleScreenbut I supose I have to wait for language-selector fix20:01
apacheloggerit looks like fallback is working just fine20:04
apacheloggerat least for desktop files20:04
EagleScreenin maverick?20:04
EagleScreenin maverick, I have locales in es_ES and I cannot change them20:05
apacheloggerhm, or maybe not20:05
EagleScreenI set on the list first British English and seconf US English, I apply, I re-login, and all is in Spanish20:06
lex79apachelogger: there are two typo in the description of OpenGL in your kcm20:06
lex79"iusing" and "wiht"20:06
apacheloggerlex79: git merge directive plz20:06
apacheloggeror merge request for that matter20:07
apacheloggerEagleScreen: now I doubt that works in KDE even20:07
apacheloggerEagleScreen: install some other language and use that as secondary language20:08
apacheloggerthen fallback works20:08
EagleScreenin KDE if only have to set British in the first place20:09
EagleScreeneven if I have locales in spanish20:09
EagleScreentesting first British and Portuguese as second..20:10
apacheloggerengb is crippled20:10
apacheloggernot sure why20:11
apacheloggerprobably to save space20:11
danttidoes someone knows is qt sqlite is compiled diferently on debian? cause with the same db it's so much slower on kubuntu..20:11
apacheloggerhowever that is bound to the assumption that en_GB is system locale and falls back to C20:11
danttis/is/if (first is)20:11
EagleScreenyes but British is not falling back to US, it is falling back to Spanish (locales)20:11
apacheloggerdantti: I think that largely depends on the sqlite version under the hood20:11
danttiapachelogger: hmm on debian it's 3.7 and here 3.6, but it's soo slow to do a simple while (query.next()) {};20:13
apacheloggerdantti: well, I think our Qt package is pretty close to Debian's so I would think sqlite is at fault20:15
apacheloggerdantti: maybe try with 3.720:15
danttiapachelogger: right, I'll try to upgrade to 3.720:15
EagleScreenapachelogger: we have kde-l10n-pt and kde-l10n-ptbr20:15
EagleScreenkde-l10n-ptbr is for Brazil20:16
EagleScreenand the other is for?20:16
EagleScreenso it says Portugues do Brazil20:17
EagleScreenboth are for Brazil?20:17
apacheloggerdunno that description is drained from some desktop file IIRC20:17
apacheloggerdoesnt sound right though20:17
EagleScreenok now British is first and Portuguese is second, and apps are in portuguese not Spanish20:18
EagleScreenthat is the expected 20:18
EagleScreenbut it can be because portuguese was the last used lang20:19
danttiwow, even on sqlite3 cmd line through a ssh my query runs much faster.. probably 3.7 is a must ..20:21
EagleScreenapachelogger: it could be falling back well to all languages but US English?20:22
EagleScreenhow and why?20:22
apacheloggerwe do not know it seems20:22
apacheloggerEagleScreen: where does it say portugues do brazil?20:23
EagleScreenin the widget you want to remove20:24
EagleScreenapachelogger: my conclusion is that British fall back well to all languages except US English, it falls back to the next language after US English20:26
EagleScreenand if no language after US English, then it fallbacks to locale20:26
EagleScreenso the mess is in the English language packs20:26
danttiapachelogger: appget took 15 seconds to start with sqlite 3.6, now with 3.7 it's instantly :P how can it be so much faster :P?20:27
EagleScreenso, apachelogger, I'd not remobe this widget, I'd try to fix English language packs, but you are the developer20:28
EagleScreenapachelogger: I think if I install the Debian kde-l10n packages, English and fallback works very well20:29
apacheloggerdantti: sqlite is so dirty there is loads of things to improve I hear ;)20:31
Riddelllex79: syncs done, qimageblitz done (gosh I messed that one up)20:37
lex79kk :)20:39
EagleScreenapachelogger: I may tray to test if Catalan can fallback to Catalan-Valençia20:42
EagleScreenmay be the same language is not able to fallback to the same language but from other region20:43
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ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts21:02
Lars_GGreets all.21:14
Lars_GI'm testing out Maverick, and I'm getting a segmentation fault with plasma-netbook21:14
Lars_G(on a netbook)21:14
Lars_Ganyone knows who could be the culpright here? http://pastebin.com/Nrj5UxSv21:15
Lars_GAny help is appreciated21:15
apacheloggerEagleScreen: fallback to en_US fixed21:26
apacheloggerLars_G: with all updates installed?21:26
lex79apachelogger: did you see my merge requests? :P21:28
apacheloggerlex79: not yet, we were busy tracking kde bugs :P21:28
apacheloggerlex79: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot26.png what do you think about that as intermediate work around until I can make the language selection thing of KDE more sensible?21:29
apacheloggerthere is hell in my inbox21:29
apacheloggercomment here comment there comments everywhere21:29
Lars_Gapachelogger: I'm about to push them all21:30
Lars_GI seem to have only 3, let me see which ones21:30
Lars_Gerr 154 packages... nvm21:30
lex79apachelogger: it seems better than what we have now21:31
smarter_apachelogger: looks less confusing, except for those few people who like to have KDE fallback on a specific language when the translation is not available on their first language21:32
apacheloggershtylman: pingy21:36
apacheloggersmarter_: it only works for KDE apps though which is fail IMHO21:36
apacheloggerwhat needs to be done is make it create an env script or hack up klocale to export the locale vars appropriately21:37
apacheloggerso that every non-KDE app also can use the other default language21:37
apacheloggeralso the whole list thing needs to be redone21:37
apacheloggerway too heigh it i21:37
apacheloggeralso the up and down buttons are completely 1990's21:37
shtylmanapachelogger: pongy21:38
apacheloggershtylman: openoffice-kde needs some fixing if you have time21:38
smarter_apachelogger: I think a Default language/ Fallback language would cover all the (sane) use cases21:39
shtylmanapachelogger: not sure if I will before freeze and release21:39
smarter_but don't we have a usability expert to enlighten us on that sort of thing? ;)21:39
apacheloggershtylman: after creating KApplication you need to call setGraphicsSystem("native");21:39
shtylmanapachelogger: this cycle has not awarded me much time unfortunately21:39
shtylmanapachelogger: what will that do?21:39
apacheloggershtylman: ensure that the X11 painter is used21:40
shtylmanas opposed to?21:40
apacheloggerwhich seems to be necessary since openoffice goes down if one uses raster21:40
apacheloggershtylman: whatever the user configured21:40
shtylmanI see21:40
apacheloggeror what Qt was built with21:40
apacheloggershtylman: apparently you need some X11 functionallity foo21:40
apacheloggerso you need to ensure that painter is used21:40
apacheloggerKWin does that too IIRC21:40
shtylmanyes...cause we get iwndow ids to copy pixmaps and whatnot21:40
apacheloggeryeah, that sounds like a case where one needs the X11 painter ^^21:41
* apachelogger got horribly lost when he tried to find his way in the openoffice code ^^21:41
shtylmanapachelogger:  :)21:42
shtylmanone cannot just find their way through that code... the code finds it's way through you21:43
* apachelogger needs to kjot that for later21:44
Lars_Gshtylman: if that's true, xorg's core team must be in institutions by now.21:46
Lars_GI navigated XFree86's source twice... it was scary21:47
lex79qtcreator freezes everytime bleh21:47
apachelogger<3 merging in git21:47
apacheloggerlex79: thanks for the fixes21:47
Lars_G<3 git21:48
Lars_GSigh, with all users connected. my updates will take 1 day21:48
Lars_Gbbl, I'll go for coffe and a gun21:48
* apachelogger thinks gitorious could really autoclose merge requests21:49
* apachelogger is wondering if Lars_G will shoot the coffee21:49
apacheloggerhuman after all alter ego remix21:50
apacheloggersome fine beats those are21:50
* apachelogger imagines that most illuminating in combination with shrooms21:50
apacheloggersmarter_: do you happen to know a button type where I can control alignment?21:51
apacheloggerqpushbutton defaults to central when an icon is around (thanks to qstyle -.-)21:51
smarter_nop, I hope you won't have to resort to paint()ing :p21:52
EagleScreenwhy havent you change kcm-touchpad by synaptiks?21:52
smarter_apachelogger: maybe using the CSS property text-align?21:54
apacheloggersmarter_: that is a bit sick though21:54
apacheloggeralso I wonder how one does that with regards to RTL vs LTR21:55
Tm_Tapachelogger: should do as expected IIRC21:55
Tm_Thmmm, or did it require separateRTL rule, cannot remember21:56
* apachelogger would think that it requires a seperate rule21:56
apacheloggerthere surely are occasions where one will not want that stuff to swap around21:56
smarter_but, are central-aligned buttons that bad?21:57
smarter_I mean, buttons that launch a new app inside an app are already ugly and evil, left-aligning them won't change that :p21:57
apacheloggersmarter_: take a look at the screny21:57
apacheloggerIMHO i looks odd21:57
apacheloggerI certainly look odd too, but that is another story :P21:58
smarter_I think we should not worry too much about that and rather try to C++ize and KCMize that language selector mess21:59
Lars_GI wish Jambi would be ported to android22:01
apacheloggersmarter_: JT had a rather good jolly good concept (not sure if it involved full port to C++ but at least a helper for polkit22:01
apacheloggersmarter_: I recommended that to a couple of canonical employees as something that one could give bounty for, without luck :/22:02
apacheloggersmarter_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GSoC/2010/JonathanThomas22:03
apacheloggerLars_G: http://code.google.com/p/android-lighthouse/22:03
smarter_apachelogger: nice, he didn't get accepted?22:03
apparlewhat all should I do after generating a gpg key pair, so that debsign will detect it22:03
apacheloggersmarter_: no, because I had a diagram with a cloud in my proposal ;)22:03
apacheloggeryou cannot compete with cloud diagrams :S22:04
smarter_hah, of course :p22:04
smarter_also ubuntu one is more fancy than language selection, who cares about usability anyway? :p22:05
* apachelogger just noticed that the actual design in the end did not look much different22:05
apacheloggersmarter_: well, you can sell crap that does fancy things, if you try selling working stuff that is not fancy you have a problem ;)22:06
apacheloggersmarter_: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot27.png22:12
apacheloggerdoesnt that look much better?22:12
smarter_yep actually :)22:13
smarter_you switched back to English? :p22:13
apacheloggerno, there is a bug!!!22:15
apacheloggermy toolbar is french :P22:15
apacheloggerhow do I switch to RTL?22:15
smarter_there's a command line switch22:16
smarter_a secret one22:16
* apachelogger hate secret switches22:16
smarter_actually, in --help-qt: --reverse22:17
smarter_woah, progress bars going to the left in muon, trippy22:18
* apachelogger likes that22:18
* Lars_G weeps22:18
apacheloggerthis is crazy22:18
apacheloggerRTL rox22:18
smarter_apachelogger: april 1st material? :p22:18
Lars_Git says it'll take 6 hours. it seems reliable22:18
apacheloggersmarter_: totally22:18
* apachelogger kjots that 22:18
smarter_with some CSS goodness22:18
apacheloggersmarter_, Tm_T: it will indeed invert the alignment22:18
smarter_so, how did you do it?22:19
apacheloggerLars_G: that is rather long I might say22:19
EagleScreenapachelogger: with your new method, a user must be admin to can switch KDE language, and I think this is bad22:19
apacheloggersmarter_: style to text-align: left;22:19
smarter_simple :)22:19
Lars_Gapachelogger: the connection's not at it'a best22:20
smarter_Country: Israel?22:20
apacheloggerEagleScreen: then fix the language selection widget22:20
Lars_Gand linux-headers is on the update list22:20
apacheloggersmarter_: I am going all funky on localization now ^^22:21
Tm_TLars_G: if networkmanager isn't the one doing the connection, it doesn't show it existing (:22:21
EagleScreenapachelogger: what is the problem with it? the problem is in your British English packages22:21
Lars_GTm_T: ?22:21
EagleScreenis not it apachelogger?22:21
Tm_T0020.12 < Lars_G> apachelogger: the connection's not at it'a best22:21
apacheloggersmarter_: come to think of it, is that selector not also on the left?22:21
Lars_GTm_T: What does that have to do with networkmanager?22:22
apacheloggerEagleScreen: not it is not22:22
Lars_GI mean our backbone is crap right now22:22
apacheloggerEagleScreen: also it is broken by design22:22
EagleScreenwhat any other have you found?22:22
apacheloggerLars_G: I recommend seeing a doctor22:22
Tm_TLars_G: aaah, I thought you were referring to screenshot (:22:22
smarter_apachelogger: what selector?22:22
apacheloggersmarter_: the country selector22:23
Lars_Gapachelogger: I'll have silicon injected in it...22:23
Lars_Gbbl I'll go eat22:23
apacheloggersmarter_: it is misaligned is it not?22:23
apacheloggerit should be next to the country or region label22:23
apacheloggerbut instead it sticks on the other end of the window for some reason22:23
smarter_oh right22:23
apacheloggerBUG ALERT!22:24
smarter_someone hardcoded something22:24
apacheloggersmarter_: that bugger is UI file based22:24
apacheloggersmarter_: it is set to alignement gauche22:25
apacheloggerinteresting ^^22:25
apacheloggerwhich actually is the default for qlabel22:25
smarter_and it's not reversed by that magic switch?22:26
apacheloggermaybe, but I wonder why qlabel does not invert that automatically22:26
apacheloggerthat whole brackets thing is off anyway22:26
smarter_also, you're watching Dragon Ball22:27
apacheloggerthe brackety thingy should be left of the country22:27
apacheloggersmarter_: yeah22:27
apacheloggersecond tournament is coming up ^^22:27
smarter_why the hell does it look like a link anyway22:28
smarter_this application is a mess22:28
apacheloggerfor a locale widget this thing sure has a lot of RTL issues22:28
apacheloggersmarter_: ack22:28
apacheloggerhas not been changed since KDE 2 22:28
smarter_what does the gnome equivalent look like? a single dropbox?22:29
apacheloggerI do not think they have that at all22:29
apacheloggeractually 22:29
apacheloggerthat might have been a single dropbox in KDE 322:29
apacheloggerI seem to remember something like that22:29
smarter_I remember that monster from KDE 3.5 at least22:29
smarter_KDE 3.4 is a vague and distant memory :p22:30
apacheloggerI remember KDE 3.3 as crashy monster :P22:30
apacheloggerthat beast was horrible22:30
apacheloggeror maybe it was my suse22:30
apacheloggercant remember22:30
smarter_actually, I'm not sure if it was KDE 3.4 that was used in my first distro evar22:30
* smarter_ checks22:31
apacheloggerqwidgets have a layoutdirecton property22:31
apacheloggerthat can be set to layoutdirectionauto22:31
apacheloggerBUT!!! that does not do no nothing for that silly qlabel22:31
apacheloggersmarter_: the stylesheet trick also doesnt work22:33
apacheloggerqlabels clearly are made out of stupid -.-22:33
smarter_that sucks22:33
smarter_(apparently it was 3.4.1, I remember being amazed by a menu with real organization instead of the Windows mess)22:34
apacheloggerback then things were still awesome22:35
smarter_back then I was almost 12, and yes I guess, things were pretty awesome.22:37
apachelogger    if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {22:38
apachelogger        m_selectedCountryLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);22:38
apachelogger    }22:38
apacheloggergood thing Qt is nice22:39
apacheloggersmarter_: with 12 everything is amazing anyway :P22:39
* apachelogger trusts that hebrew translators mad foo (change...) into (change...) foo22:40
smarter_or is it (...change) foo? :p22:41
apacheloggerI dunno22:42
apacheloggersmarter_: I wonder if they use ... at all ... ;)22:42
apacheloggerScottK: I really cant think of a KCM where we could squeeze in host name configuration22:44
smarter_I remember gnome having a setting for that, one of the few thing configurable22:46
apacheloggerlike it is so important ^^22:47
apacheloggergenerally I would squeeze that in with DNS settings22:49
apacheloggerbut since we do not really have that...22:49
claydohsmarter_: you missed the days when a kde menu was worse than a windows menu :) a stock kde2x/3x iirc was a monster with multiple submenus for *everything*22:50
apacheloggersuse also has it with dns foo http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot29.png22:50
smarter_claydoh: I saw the multiple submenu thing and still liked it :p22:50
smarter_and there was KEdit, and KWrite, and Kate22:51
claydohsmarter_: still cooler than windows, but I always had to move things around a bit to make it sensible22:51
smarter_apachelogger: dns can be configured per connection with KNM22:51
claydohdunno if that was a mandrake thing then, tho22:51
apacheloggersmarter_: yes, but that does not make sense with hostname :P22:52
smarter_not at all22:52
smarter_is yast any good?22:52
claydohsmarter_: then distros like Lycoris, elx, and eventually Kubuntu made the menus sane22:52
apacheloggersmarter_: It used to be better22:52
claydohnow all the kool kids are doing that22:52
smarter_claydoh: isn't kickoff an opensuse thing?22:52
apacheloggersmarter_: seems more stable though ... not sure if that is general maturity or the fact that they are moving towards C++22:53
apachelogger...they used their own language for yast back in the days22:53
claydohsmarter_: sorry was still in the kde3 stage22:53
smarter_claydoh: kickoff started as a kde3 app22:53
claydohbut it was out of the same need to clean up a messy men u22:53
apacheloggersmarter_: we could patch in a tab in knm's KCMs somewhere22:54
smarter_claydoh:  http://home.kde.org/~binner/kickoff/sneak_preview.html22:54
apacheloggeror add another KCM 22:54
claydohyup, but other distros stared out by simplifying the menu structures on the stock menu22:54
smarter_right :)22:54
claydohbefore kickoff existed22:54
apacheloggerbut really I do not know what to do with a KCM that basically jus thas a label and a textedit22:54
smarter_apachelogger: you really like KCM don't you? :p22:54
apacheloggerthey are truely awesome :P22:55
smarter_rename one of the network KCM to something more general, add hostname, profit?22:55
apacheloggerUI freeze and all22:55
apacheloggerwhich would be in favor of an independent KCM22:55
apacheloggerwe could have that in universe for maverick22:56
smarter_but who would download it?22:56
apacheloggerScottK ;)22:56
smarter_the "sharing" kcm is one big useless thing22:57
apacheloggerit is not the only one22:58
smarter_but the most annoying thing with systemsettings at the moment is that in French it puts newline after an apostrophe22:58
smarter_like: Configuration de l'22:59
apacheloggerit is truely inspiring to see almost empty tabs with non-generic names22:59
smarter_didn't do that before 4.522:59
JontheEchidnaCIA is behind...22:59
apacheloggersmarter_: I think that is Qt22:59
apacheloggerhas to do with linebreaking22:59
apacheloggerat least I think so ^^23:00
smarter_well, it sucks23:00
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
apacheloggerpendulum essential mix23:01
apacheloggeroh my23:01
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1172710 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (DownloadWidget.cpp DownloadWidget.h) Remove DownloadWidget::updateDownloadMessage(), superceeded by updatePackageDownloadProgres()23:08
apacheloggerno up down buttons no more23:11
smarter_you're ripping apart what someone else patiently built, how does it feel? :p23:12
Lars_Gor, hi23:17
debfxapachelogger: why has the graphicssystem kcm a bomb as the icon? ^^23:17
apacheloggerdanger :P23:18
apacheloggerit breaks openoffice23:18
apacheloggeralso I had no better one23:18
apacheloggerwhich is really the primary reason ;)23:18
RiddellBlizzz: are you into German translations at all?23:19
debfxyeah I noticed that openoffice explodes on start ;)23:19
BlizzzRiddell: currently i am not involved in it23:19
apacheloggeryou know23:20
apacheloggerI think it is time we abduct nuno23:20
apacheloggeror at least make him kubuntu user23:20
apacheloggernow that mandriva is down it might be our chance23:20
Lars_Gnuno... that rings a bell23:20
smarter_apachelogger: show up at his house with a bat mask23:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^ you get me the icon overlord23:20
RiddellBlizzz: do you know who is?23:21
apacheloggersmarter_: not me, I will take him and make us both switch to suse :P23:21
apacheloggerwhat I do not get about that language list23:22
apacheloggerwhy is it so heigh that you could fit 20 languages in?23:22
apacheloggerand why is it so wide that these 20 languages could have an average name length of say 200 characters23:22
BlizzzRiddell: kubuntu specific? i'd need to ask to be sure, but mcas, Tscheesy and bulldog98 put effort in it some time ago23:23
apacheloggermarkey: pendulum essential mix ... very recommendable if you havent heared that23:23
* apachelogger finds kcmlocale as a whole very strange23:24
apacheloggerwhy does the ctor have 4 char indent and the rest of the beast 2 char23:24
smarter_apachelogger: because when it was designed screen resolutions were small?23:24
Sput2 char indent <323:24
apparlewhen I use debuild -S to generate a source, it is taking my email as apparle@<hostname> what env variable should I set so that it will take my email address correctly23:24
smarter_apparle: EMAIL or DEBEMAIL23:25
apacheloggersmarter_: wouldnt you then want to have a smaller list? :P23:25
apparlesmarter_: DEBEMAIL is set correct23:25
BlizzzRiddell: is it because of your recent mail to devel-ml regarding translations?23:25
apacheloggerSput: I prefer 423:25
yofelapparle: did you export $DEBEMAIL? 23:25
apacheloggerbasically because I tend to make the font super small when I look for something ^^23:25
Sputapachelogger: yeah, nowadays I'd do 4 as well, but meh, not gonna change the whole codebase and spoil the git history23:26
smarter_apachelogger: you would want something that takes all the screen available space23:26
apparleyofel: yes23:26
Sputthen again, git diff and friends can ignore whitespace nowadays...23:26
yofelapparle: odd, wfm23:26
apachelogger+ astyle makes your code pretty23:26
apachelogger<3 kdebug include without usage23:26
apacheloggerdoes anyone know if there is a KDE script that checks for unncessary includes?23:26
smarter_that doesn't seem trivial to do23:27
RiddellBlizzz: no, it's because we had someone complaining that the slideshow translations in German were full of typos and I think it should be checked23:27
apacheloggersmarter_: why not?23:27
smarter_because includes can include stuff23:27
apacheloggeryeah, so?23:27
smarter_apachelogger: so you'd need to examine a lot of files before concluding if the include is necessary or not23:28
apacheloggersmarter_: you only need to build a list of include files and each of those associated with a list of structs, classes, enums and global functions in that file23:28
apparleyofel: I think lintian related messages are taking the address incorrectly. Any ideas?23:29
apacheloggersmarter_: I rather have one expensive operation once a month than pointless expense all the time23:29
yofelapparle: wait, what do you have in debian/changelog?23:29
smarter_well, do it then :p23:29
smarter_I think kdevplatform might help23:29
apacheloggerthat is over the top23:30
apacheloggerlast I checked their interfaces where mindwarping23:30
smarter_c++ is over the top :p23:30
apacheloggersmarter_: well you do not need to have a full featured c++ parser23:30
Lars_GI like forth so much more than c++23:30
apparleyofel: :) fixed23:31
apacheloggersmarter_: in fact you just need to try to grasp signature matches for functions23:31
apacheloggeroh and enum values 23:31
smarter_and templates!23:32
Sputsmarter_: Doxygen can build a full include graph for a project. removing superfluos edges from that should be trivial23:32
apacheloggersmarter_: those can be ignored23:32
smarter_Sput: how, didn't think of that23:32
smarter_but I bet the doxygen code is non-trivial :p23:32
apacheloggerSput: finding the superfluos stuff is the problem I expect23:33
apparlehow to edit dependencies of package. I want to add X11 libraries to it?23:33
Sputsmarter_: well, it's just going recursively down... parsing for #include isn't a problem, so you can easily build the full graph23:33
apacheloggerSput: connecting the includes to actual use is the nifty part23:33
apacheloggerand the most useful one23:33
Sputapachelogger: ah, I was just thinking superfluous #include (including files that are already included)23:34
apacheloggerthat would also be nice 23:34
yofelapparle: build dependencies?23:34
Sputthe other thing should be easily integratable into IDEs like Creator or KDevelop23:34
Sputthose have a full code model23:34
Sputand know where everything is defined23:34
apacheloggeroh, good point23:34
apparleyofel: sorry ... only dependencies23:34
apparleyofel: on a second thought build dependencies as well23:34
SputI mean, KDev4 can tell me the file something comes from, extending that to check if there's files nothing comes from shouldn't be hard23:35
Sputalso, KDev4 can already auto-add #includes...23:35
yofelapparle: edit debian/control and add your package to the source package Build-Depends: or the binary package Depends:23:35
BlizzzRiddell: on first sight, i see some typos in the packaged string, most of them have already corrections in launchpad. but we can take a closer look.23:36
Lars_Gapachelogger: down to 30 minutes, not that you care23:36
smarter_that's why I suggested kdevplatform23:36
smarter_anyway, 'night everyone!23:36
apacheloggerSput: well, I imagine the thing is inside out23:36
apacheloggerI would not bet on the simplicity 23:36
ScottKapachelogger: I think it's have a kcm for hostname or have lots of complaints.23:37
* ScottK waves.23:37
apacheloggerLars_G: yeah, I will be down too in 30 minutes :P23:37
Lars_Gapachelogger: down on whom?23:37
Lars_Gdamn. it's gonna hurt. isn't it?23:37
apacheloggerScottK: well, it is editing one file...23:38
apacheloggerand the KCM would not do anything different23:38
ScottKapachelogger: No, it's more than one.23:38
apacheloggershow a line where you can things23:38
apacheloggeris it?23:38
apacheloggerwhat else is there?23:38
apacheloggerroyksopp <323:39
ScottKapachelogger: At least /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname23:39
smarter_careful with hostname change, if done wrong you'll kill sudo23:39
apacheloggerScottK: so two files..23:40
apacheloggerof which one will reqiure a parser class to prevent breakage23:40
ScottKapachelogger: sudo + two files in /etc == too hard for a lot of our user base.23:40
ScottKapachelogger: I wouldn't have bothered asking you if it were trivially simple.23:40
apacheloggerScottK: then they should not want ot change their hostname23:41
apacheloggerwhy was it removed from the installer anyway?23:41
ScottKapachelogger: Part of the redesign.23:41
* ScottK looks for the bug.23:41
apacheloggersilly craps23:41
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1172714 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (muon/MainWindow.cpp updater/UpdaterWindow.cpp) - Don't connect to the old updateDownloadMessage signal in Muon's MainWindow class - Switch from updateDownloadMessage to packageDownloadProgress in UpdaterWindow23:41
smarter_wait, you can't choose your hostname in the installer?23:41
apacheloggersmarter_: sometimes I think it might be better if sudo was not working for a majority of people :P23:41
ScottKapachelogger: Bug 62808723:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628087 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Maverick ubiquity lacks option to change computer name" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62808723:42
smarter_I only installed maverick last week and I could23:42
ScottKsmarter_: You probably had the pre-beta installer.  That or Riddell left it in by "accident" and it's OK.23:42
ScottKIf it's still there it's technically a bug that one might expect to be fixed anytime.23:43
smarter_why the hell would we remove that?23:43
yofelsmarter_: was decided at UDS..23:43
smarter_what happens on a personal network with multiple computers?23:43
yofelsmarter_: you install it and first thing you do is change hostname I guess, or use the alternate installer, I don't think it was removed there23:44
apacheloggersmarter_: you install opensuse23:45
yofelor that23:45
smarter_MS wants to make it a "live-CD boot parameter"23:46
apacheloggerScottK: we could probably deploy a hosts file editor in the same KCM ... desired?23:46
RiddellScottK: I didn't change the user setup page in our installer, no plans to do so for maverick23:46
ScottKRiddell: Oh.  Excellent then.23:46
ScottKapachelogger: Nevermind.  Riddell has saved the day.23:47
apacheloggerScottK: well, the issue of no gui for hostname changes remains :P23:47
* apachelogger sends cookies to JR 23:47
* apachelogger looks at the clock and goes omg I should have been in bed 3 hours ago23:48
smarter_me too :p23:48
smarter_'night for real23:48
ScottKapachelogger: True, but it's less critical if one can set it during install.23:48
apacheloggerScottK: well, it is a 1 hour hack including a hosts file parser or so ... I just need to know where to put it and what it should look like ;)23:49
apacheloggerso what do you think about adding a hosts file editor in the KCM23:50
apparleRiddell: I have made the debdiff for SRU of rekonq in lucid. What next23:50
smarter_but we won't have it translated?23:50
apacheloggerHostname: [                                    ]23:50
ScottKapachelogger: I think it'd be good to have it.  Idiodic hostname choices are the #1 source of postfix bugs, so it could stand being easier to set.23:50
apacheloggerthen a layoutbox titled "Hosts"23:50
apacheloggerwith listview23:50
apacheloggerwhere you can mess with the hosts file23:51
ScottKCheck to make sure it's valid.23:51
apacheloggerlimited editing capabilities so it stays valid23:51
apacheloggerneed to look into what valid means for hosts file though ^^23:51
apachelogger-> bed23:51
Riddelldantti: I needed this patch to stop kpackagekit modules appearing in Lost and Found23:51
Riddellapparle: ooh great23:51
apacheloggerRiddell: I fixed that upstream23:51
Riddellapparle: is there a bug for the issue?  if not file one and attach the debdiff23:52
apacheloggeralong with a change in systemsettings 4.5.1 23:52
Riddellapachelogger: oh?23:52
danttiRiddell: yup kpk in lucid needs a new package23:52
danttiwith apachelogger's changes23:52
apacheloggerRiddell: you are talking about categories?23:52
apacheloggerif so I changed this in KDE SVN to work on both <4.5 and >=4.523:53
Riddellapachelogger: yes23:53
Riddelldantti: I'm not in lucid, I'm in maverick with 4.5.123:53
apparleRiddell: onething though, the fix adds X11_LIBRARIES to CMakeLists.txt Should I add them to rekonq dependencies, I didn't get any problems in pbuilder.23:53
apacheloggerRiddell: kde rev 116677823:53
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1166778&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1166778 | Add a V2 sytemsettings category for KDE 4.5 (works in 4.5 after revision 1166776 and trunk after revision 1166775).23:53
Riddellapparle: if pbuilder is fine then that's ok23:54
Riddellapachelogger: well I'm not convinced that fixed it, I think it broke it23:55
danttiRiddell: let me start the vbox...23:55
danttiRiddell: at least here in lucid (with my development kpk) it's working23:56
danttiRiddell: new ui btw :P http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopee3757023:56
* dantti needs to stop changing uis23:56
Riddellooh, nice simple tickboxes23:57
danttiyeah, sheytan and pinheiro gave me a hand23:57
ScottKdantti: Particularly since we are past U/I freeze.23:57
danttiScottK: the problem is that the old ui didn't support well screen shots for the app installer23:58
ScottKOK.  Just make sure the docs people know.23:58
danttiRiddell: my updated vbox maverick has it fine in system settings23:59

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