
BajKso afk have a lot of work to do for the webpage's 3rd revision00:10
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Binary1011Hello, would anyone be able to help with a import problem I'm having with a file on a network share?00:42
James147Binary1011: that depends on what the problem is00:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:45
Binary1011Well, I'm using kubuntu 10.04.  When I try to import a file called bookmarks.html into firefox, I get a error window titled "Remote files not accepted" the message in the window states "you can only select local files".  Yet, I can do this same operation on a windows 7 box.  using dolphin, I can both copy and delete this same file.00:47
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James147Binary1011: have you tryed coping and trying it locally?00:49
Binary1011Yes, that works just fine.00:49
vbgunzI have an external esata backup disk. everytime I plug it in I get 4 password prompts. Its getting quite annoying. anyone know what is causing this?00:49
o0splitpaw0otesssting tesstting Quassei 1.. 2.. 300:50
DaskreechBinary1011: Firefox is neither Gnome nor KDE so it can't make use of the code that either have to treat remote files as local00:59
Daskreechvbgunz: What File System?01:00
vbgunzDaskreech: 3 partitions have ext4 and 1 has ntfs01:05
dbc254have a drive that won't let me mount it. Whats the command to let me see all connected drives?01:14
James147dbc254: "mount"01:15
Spezihey DarthFrog - in case you remember, just wanted to let you know, using dd to backup my laptop hdd and then write the backup to the new, larger drive worked flawlessly. even resizing several partitions did neither kill kubuntu nor vista01:15
James147dbc254: ^^ sorry, connect ones can be see with "sudo blkid -c /dev/null"01:15
James147dbc254: or "sudo fdisk -l"01:15
James147!pm | dbc25401:19
ubottudbc254: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:19
vbgunzDaskreech: I think I solved the prompts. device notifier was set to automatically mount known media. I believe also my esata is not being picked up like its usb counterpart. long story short, I stop automatically mounting known media and those prompts no longer show up. neither does the drive *but* mount works just fine01:19
dbc254!pm | james14701:20
ubottujames147: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:20
dbc254I have one drive, that when viewed with Dolphin, has a slash. The others have a little key01:20
dbc254What does this mean? When I click on the drive, it's like it's not there. Can't select it. What gives!?!?!01:21
James147dbc254: can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "sudo blkid -c /dev/null"01:22
pingvenoIs there a way to downgrade from Firefox 4? Vimperator isn't available for Firefox 4, so I want to downgrade until it is available.01:24
James147pingveno: how did you install version 4?01:26
pingvenoApparently via the normal updates process01:27
pingvenoI did one custom source...01:27
James147_pingveno: :S aptitude only see version 3.6.801:28
James147_here ^^ with the backports enabled01:28
James147_pingveno: did you add an extra ppa to get it? if so you should beable to remove that then reinstall firefox01:29
Spezii think they never offer an update to a new major release in the official sources anyway right?01:30
James147_Spezi: not the offical ones no, but you can add extra ones to do that if you like (such as the backports ppa)01:31
Speziyeah sure01:31
pingvenoAh, I had registered a software source for beta releases.01:35
pingvenoWell, I think that's what happened.01:35
James147_pingveno: :) then you should beable to remove it then reinstall firefox01:36
pingvenoOkay, I think I reverted back successfully01:37
pingvenoVimperator, my love, you have returned.01:38
drunkncrewi don't know how many of  you are active gnome users, but there is a program called Ubuntu Tweak for gnome that is just awesome, i was wondering if there was anything like that for Kubuntu or KDE?01:49
James147_drunkncrew: quite afew of the thins in that also work for kubuntu (the non gnome spicific ones) but, no there isnt an altenitive01:50
elslunkodrunkncrew: I think besidres the repo stuff, kde is very maleable by default.01:50
James147_^^yeah :) kde has less of a need for it being as cusamisable as it is :)01:50
drunkncrewi am brand new to KDE, only been using it for a few days01:51
James147_drunkncrew: then welcome :) and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do01:51
drunkncrewcuz I mainly use ubuntu on my netbook,but now I have this powerful desktop and it can handle KDE, so I'm giving it  a shot and am liking it01:51
elslunkoremember that ctrl+m hides your menu in most windows01:51
elslunkowhich I didn't know01:51
elslunkoand got freaked out about before LOL.01:52
elslunkoBesides that, you can unlock your toolbar positions and customize the buttons in the same way across almost all kde4 programs.01:52
James147_drunkncrew: why cant your netbook handel kde? mine handels it fine01:52
elslunkoSo you can adjust them how you want them visually.01:52
drunkncrewi once tried KDE on my netbook and it took 5 minutes to open amarok01:52
elslunkoTruth be told, amarok is heavy.01:52
elslunkoEspecially if you come from rhythmbox01:52
drunkncrewjames147_: I dunno, well it handles it alright, but it's just not as  zippy on th netbook as gnome01:53
James147_drunkncrew: what version of kde? (and how old is your netbook)?01:53
e_t_What model netbook?01:53
drunkncrewjames147_: my netbook is an HP mini 110 and is only a year old01:53
drunkncrewi detest the netbook versions of the OS01:53
elslunkoyeah I heard it wasn't that great01:55
elslunkoI'll probably go gnome on my netbook whenever I end up buying it.01:55
* James147_ loves the netbook version of plasma on his netbook01:55
drunkncrewgnome is just a lot lighter thane KDE, imo , but on my desktop I'm lovoin KDE01:56
elslunkoThough both are really good to me so it's hard to decide.01:56
James147_its not that much "lighter" but it is slightly more responsive :)01:56
elslunkoWaiting 'till the release of maverick to have both installed on my desktop to switch whenever I change moods.01:56
elslunkoWhat James147_ said01:56
James147_elslunko: "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-netbook"  and you will have them both01:57
elslunkoHow well would it work on 1680x105001:57
James147_(or probally just plasma-netbook)01:57
elslunkoits just a plasmoid then01:57
James147_elslunko: no, its a plasma shell, replaces plasma-desktop01:57
jcgshi, does anyone know why the ` key requires two presses?01:57
elslunkoOhhhh gotcha.01:58
James147_jcgs: ? to do what?01:58
jcgsJames147_: maybe it's just in the uk layout, but it have to press it twice to get it to work01:59
James147_elslunko: it dosnt work as well on larger screen, it maximises windows and gets rid of their border when maximised, great for smaller screen01:59
James147_jcgs: uk here and I only have to once01:59
elslunkoJames147_: Have you tried unity?01:59
James147_elslunko: unity?01:59
jcgsJames147_:orly? how do i fix that, it appears to be causing me mega problems in screen02:00
elslunkoJames147_: The netbook gnome interface being developed for Ubuntu. I think that's what it's called.02:00
James147_jcgs: no clue, its always behaved the same.... :S02:00
Key_Gruinany kasablanca users here? there doesn't seem to be a way to bookmark a local file list to go with a server.02:00
James147_elslunko: have seen it, havent really trye dit though02:01
elslunkoOne of the bigger reasons I want to use gnome though is because one of my photos got chosen to be a default wallpaper for 10.10. Kind of a silly reason.02:03
James147_elslunko: then isent it also in kde? (or do you mean `the` default?)02:05
James147_^^ kubuntu i mean02:05
elslunkoI dunno. When I installed kubuntu I only got 1 wallpaper.02:05
elslunko10.04 that is.02:05
James147_elslunko: yeah, there are extra packages for the wallpapaers02:05
elslunkoJames147_: Ahhh. Let me find it.02:05
drunkncrewya, that's all I got, but one kool thing about kubuntu is it's linked wtih kde-look.org02:06
drunkncrewi thnk that's an awesome feature02:06
James147_elslunko: might end up in ubuntu-wallpapers[-extra]  but you should also look at plasma-wallpapers-addons  :) can have animated wallpapers with that02:07
elslunkoIf you're into the silver oxygen look there's a good tutorial out there for making gtk apps look very integrated02:07
* James147_ likes the "virus" wall paper :)02:08
elslunkodrunkncrew: One application you might look into is Yakuake. If you run many commands via terminal.02:09
elslunkodrunkncrew: and alt+f2 for launcher stuff02:09
drunkncrewelslunko: I do use both02:09
James147_same :D02:09
elslunkoI used this for my gtk apps http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen-Molecule+KDE+&+GTK++unified+theme?content=10374102:11
* James147_ tends to just not use gtk apps...02:12
elslunkoThe only two I use are tomboy notes & gimp02:13
elslunkoOh and firefox02:13
drunkncrewyakuake seems pretty cool, should I just add it to my startup programs to always have it available??02:13
elslunkodrunkncrew: Think it does that by default.02:13
drunkncrewi've switched to chromium for browsing02:13
James147_drunkncrew: by default when you shutdown or logout kde all open aplications are saved, and restored when you logback in02:13
drunkncrewjames147_: i forgot about that02:14
James147_drunkncrew: and I think that is one that also adds its self to an auto start list02:14
James147_elslunko: you might be intrested in basket (kde note taking app)02:16
James147_although I dont know how they compaire02:16
elslunkoJames147_: As long as it synced with ubuntuone02:17
elslunkoWell maybe not, I'll take a look.02:17
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James147_uses nepomuk to store its notes, so can sync with what ever that can :)02:18
elslunkoJames147_: it definately has a lot more going on than tomboy02:19
evilI have been using basket for a few months now and it rules circles around tomboy02:21
elslunkoYeah it does. I'm going to have to transfer everything over.02:21
James147_^^ just remember to backup your notes :) (espically before upgrading to a newer kde version)02:21
evilcan basket easily sync with an android phone? Never really looked into it but it seems like it would be useful02:21
James147_evil: dont know what it would sync to...02:22
elslunkoSweet. I can drag in photos from firefox for moodboarding02:31
vbgunzI've gone over and over man mount and man fstab and I am getting burnt. the users or user or owner options are jokes. I cannot mount my esata partitions without always being asked for my password. what gives?02:43
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realburbhi i have a dvb-t stick, is kaffeine still the standard program for TV in KDE 4?02:47
James147_realburb: it has TV options in it still :)02:49
realburbmhm kk thanks02:49
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maple我就来看下 你们谁看的懂中文03:21
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sagacihey, i'm looking for an option to shrink the panel at each end, like in pardus. I'm using Kubuntu 10.04.05:16
sagacinever mind, found it05:21
DeathKittencool. What setting was it?05:21
sagacijust manually resizing the panel. It's an automagic thing in pardus05:27
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Chr|sHow do I uninstall ubuntu desktop? I just installed kubuntu. Kubuntu is so much better than I thought05:28
DeathKittenDid you dual boot between the two, or did you just install the kubuntu desktop?05:28
Chr|sDeathKitten: just installed the kubuntu desktop05:29
DeathKittenWhich package manager are you using, synaptic?05:29
Chr|swould it be better if I did a clean fresh install of kubuntu? I have nothing to lose really.05:30
DeathKittenYou should be able to search for the gnome packages within synaptic, and just remove them if you want. It doesn't really harm anything to leave them.05:30
Chr|soh ok05:30
DeathKittenEh, it's six of one, half a dozen of another really. There are some minor differences between the settings and packages for the underlying stuff like the login screen and your boot loader. If it's working as is, you don't need to reinstall with kubuntu from the start, but feel free to give it a go if you're curious :D05:31
Chr|sYeah, have nothing else better to do lol05:32
DeathKittenWell, if you have nothing better to do, install away :D However, you could also look for new packages, or try setting up a dual boot with the current 10.10 beta.05:32
Chr|sk thanks05:33
phoenix_hello everyone05:41
phoenix_hello DeathKitten05:42
phoenix_hello JnCrWe05:42
phoenix_how to disable pop up messages05:42
DeathKittenpop up messages?05:43
phoenix_the one i get when i place my mouse over the kmenu05:43
DeathKittenum, yeah, there should be a way to fix that.05:43
* DeathKitten goes to look05:43
DeathKittenhmm, I don't have any pop up messages on my menu. But I don't recall actually disabling it. Which menu version are you using? The classic or the kickoff?05:46
DeathKittenOr do you mean the one that comes up when you hover on the menu without opening it?05:47
chromicI added the kubuntu ppa to my 10.04 install, and it shows a whole bunch of "blocked" packages, is that normal?05:51
DeathKittenThat usually means that you have package conflicts.05:51
DeathKittenAre you using a package manager, or apt-get on the command line?05:52
chromicI'm using the software update application from the menu05:52
chromicIf I remove the ppa, the blocked packages disappear05:53
DeathKittenThat usually means there are conflicts. So either they're looking for different packages than your main install, or there's something else funny going on.05:53
chromicthe ppa would have new versions of kde, so would that be the cause?05:55
DeathKittenI honestly haven't used a package manager in a while. I usually use apt-get on the command line. Have you ever used the console/command line?05:56
chromicI tried aptitude safe-upgrade from konsole, it also shows a whole raft of kde-* packages as being blocked05:58
chromicI don't usually use apt-get05:59
DeathKittenOkay, that's because those packages require the installation of one or more new packages you don't already have installed, or the removal of one or more of your existing packages to proceed.05:59
DeathKittenI usually use apt-get myself. My habit is run sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade. If it has any packages held back, I'll let the regular upgrade finish, then I'll run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and carefully consider if I want to proceed based upon what packages it wants to add or remove.06:00
DeathKittenFrom the package manager program you're using, there should be a full upgrade option, that's what you'll need to run to get it to install all the packages. But proceed with caution. Sometimes there are problems with these packages, and you may have to do some trouble shooting once you install them.06:02
chromicok, thanks, I'll give it a shot and see what happens06:05
DeathKittengood luck06:05
chromicthanks :)06:05
phoenix_DeathKitten: extremily sorry for the delayed reply. "i mean the one that comes up when you hover on the menu without opening it"06:16
DeathKittenno big on the late reply, phoenix_, I must admit I have that too, and I'm not sure how to turn it off. Sorry. :(06:17
phoenix_DeathKitten: ok. it is not a big problem but it annoying06:18
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espereguanyone knows why I might get these errors while trying to play a dvd: http://pastebin.com/73EnfWFE Yesterday I had the same and I solved it by reinnstalling dvdcss: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh. now the same problem but reinstalling does not help.08:19
forestewhat dowgrradde kde  4,5 to 4.4 ?08:20
prabhathi all .. need help on setting up a music player08:27
prabhatnot able to run with the default music player08:28
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happynoffHi there. I'm working on the kdeutils package and particularly on Ark. I'm kinda new at this. How do I only build the Ark .deb instead of all kdeutils .deb ? thanks08:50
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happynoffnobody there ? :(09:20
Chr|shappynoff: what do you need09:22
happynoffI'm working on the kdeutils package and particularly on Ark. I'm kinda new at this. How do I only build the Ark .deb instead of all kdeutils .deb ? thanks09:22
Chr|shmm, that question I can't answer. Just hang in here, someone will be able to help you soon.09:23
JohnHeikkilaWhich question?09:23
Chr|s <happynoff> I'm working on the kdeutils package and particularly on Ark. I'm kinda new at this. How do I only build the Ark .deb instead of all kdeutils .deb ? thanks09:23
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maplenobody there ? :(09:30
Chr|smaple: what do you need?09:31
maplenothing , just  want to know how to use QQ09:32
Riddellhoppyite: packaging questions best in #kubuntu-devel09:33
Riddellhappynoff rather ^^09:33
happynoffRiddell: ok, thanks :)09:33
Chr|sI have a clean fresh install of Kubuntu 10.04. Enabled video drivers, I go to my ATI settings to enable cross fire and I get an error stating "There was a problem initializing Catalyst Control Center Linux edition.09:33
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JohnHeikkilaChr|s: Gnome menu | System | Preferences | Main Menu | Applications | Other | ATI Catalyst Control Center (super-user)" | Properties | Command09:38
JohnHeikkilaChr|s: Then Change "amdxdg-su -c amdcccle" to "gksu amdcccle"09:39
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blip-hi all, I run K 10.4.  I'm using the PPA backports to get latest KDE.  I just checked for an update, there are tons of major kde packages available but I can't update - it says have been held back.  any ideas ?09:59
blip- amarok amarok-common amarok-utils ark cervisia cvsservice dolphin dragonplayer gwenview jovie k3b k3b-data kamera kate kcalc kde-window-manager kde-zeroconf kdeartwor amongst others09:59
blip-using this PPA http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu09:59
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Mamarokblip-: try running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:11
blip-Mamarok: it's installing now, thanks10:12
Mamarokblip-: you are welcome :)10:20
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n8whey all10:50
n8wdo u guys know how to run the dhrystone benchmark on linux?10:51
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n8wive downloaded it, but ive only got two files...dry2 and dry2reg10:51
n8wthere is no documentation available....10:52
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Tm_Thi steveire11:56
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tellurianhi all. I just installed Lucid on a netbook and am looking for online documentation. Where is the canoncical resource ?12:38
tellurianfor newbies that is ;)12:38
tellurianignore that. just read the channel headers ... doh!12:39
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BajKhow can I set up those temperature sensors?13:17
BajKI have nvidia-settings which gives me graphics card temperatur but I cannot make the sensor plasmoid display anyhting13:18
telluriananyone know what ( if any ) AV packages are installed into Lucid by default ?13:26
Picitellurian: None.13:26
tellurianPici: tnx13:26
Picitellurian: Antivirus is generally not needed with Linux unless you're scanning files for Windows users.13:26
tellurianPici: even if the Linux machine in question receives mail ?13:27
Picitellurian: Well the viruses are going to run on Linux, but if you're going to be sharing those files with Windows users you may want to use it.13:28
tellurianPici: got it. thanks :)13:28
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BluesKajHowdy folks14:26
gokuhciao sono primo volta installare kubuntu14:27
gokuhvorrei chiedervi un piccolo aoiutu14:27
Kolia!it |gokuh14:27
ubottugokuh: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:27
paulosou novato  e preciso de um ajudinha15:08
Pici!br | paulo15:08
ubottupaulo: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:08
pauloso tem eu la !15:09
pauloalguem pode me da uma maozinha ?15:10
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pauloalguem poderia me dar um ajudinha com o ubunto  pois sou novato  !15:13
Picipaulo: paro o português tipo: /join #ubuntu-br15:15
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glaucousI just uninstalled the ATI proprietary drivers because they were not working properly, and now I can't start KDM. I tried installing fglrx package, but still the same problem. What can I try?15:30
BluesKajglaucous, which ati card?15:31
glaucousBluesKaj: ATI 4870 (64 bit Kubuntu)15:32
glaucous(HD4870, more specifically)15:32
BluesKajglaucous, not sure but the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver might work if you install it from the tty , and stop kdm first15:37
glaucousBluesKaj: Got a tip to move xorg.conf and type startx, which seems to work15:38
BluesKajok, glaucous , remove xorg.conf or reconconfig ?15:40
zematynnadHas anyone had any luck building launchpad https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting under kubuntu?15:41
glaucousBluesKaj: I removed/backuped it and now it seems to work15:42
BluesKajok glaucous , good to know15:42
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v3nd3tta``hallo iandeb16:22
iandebhave a problem burning the kubuntu 10.4.1 iso16:22
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iandeb5 cds went already to trash!!!16:23
iandebdo not know why ...16:23
iandebused different programs on windows (alcohol, nero bruning lite, cdburnerxp)16:23
iandeb17:07:47 (E:) MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S (0:0) - [Write ERROR], LBA: 316524, Length: 2616:23
iandeb    S:KEY - 03/0C/00  - "Write Error"16:23
iandeberror message by NERO16:23
iandebCan anyone help?16:24
iandebWould really like to install Kubuntu!16:24
v3nd3tta``why do you try 10.04.1 ? i still use 10.04 and i am happy with16:25
iandebv3nd3tta``: just used the most up to date iso16:25
iandebi am new to Ubuntu16:25
iandebbut of course not new to linux, "upgrading" from Debian SID16:26
James147_iandeb: make sure teh .iso isent crupt:16:26
James147_!md5 | iandeb16:26
ubottuiandeb: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:26
James147_it can also help to burn at a slower speed16:27
James147_or just use a usb stick :)16:27
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:28
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iandebfrom know on I will use just CD-RW and not CD-R anymore, 5 CD were burned to trash!!!16:31
James147_iandeb: never have much luck with cdrw... i just use usbsticks now :) never had a problem with them16:32
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BajKboah, sometimes there real a*****es answering or assigned to a bug report my gosh16:40
BajKseriously, who the hell thinks anyone is ever going to activate desktop effects on a netbook? They can be glad if KDE runs at all and then the last thing to activate are desktop effekts. And what was the response “yeah just turn on desktop effects and then this window is no more longer black but working. Resolved as wontfix”16:41
BajKthis just sucks16:41
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JuJuBeeCan someone help me figure out why I cannot bind to my yp server17:56
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n8weverytime i try to lunch an application under a different username i get this error: Session bus not found18:24
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mypavelhello everybody, answer please on a dumb question: is it possible to type whole expressions in kcalc (version 2.7)?18:38
* James147 prefures speedcrunch for more complicated maths... or krunner for simple ones :)18:40
mypavelJames147, thank you, ive asked this because as i remember previvious calculator (not the kde4.5's one) did such tasks...18:41
mypavelseems speedcrunch was the standart calculator before :D Why did it was replaced18:43
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glaucousHow do I set the correct resolution pre-GUI?18:58
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cjaeso you cant use kwin with the propertary ati driver?19:45
cjaedesktop effects19:45
foreste helo19:46
forestewhat downgrade kde 4,5 to kubunty lucid lynx ?19:46
dihaehello. since upgrading to maverick, KDE desktop effects do not work anymore. Direct rendering is still activated, but systemssettings just says:  "Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues", and then just doesn't give any reason at all.19:47
forestewhat downgrade kde 4,5 to kde 4.4 kubunty lucid lynx ?19:47
BluesKajcjae, depends on the graphics card , I can't on my older desktop with the ati x200m onboard19:47
cjaehd 420019:48
dihaeUsing the opensource radeon driver, and also tried to enable/disable KMS, but that didn't help obviously19:48
dihaeapparently quassel does not go to the tray when closed. how pretty annoying :)19:58
BluesKajdihae, ask in #ubuntu+119:59
dihaeBluesKaj: will do, thanks19:59
prowerhello :> anyone else using dosbox in kubuntu 10.04? it works fine for me in gnome, but in kde (4.4.2), there's no mouse movement...doesn't give me any errors back about it either :<20:03
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burguahi all!20:43
burguaI am using ubuntu now and have switched to kde. In KDM on every boot is setted "gnome" as last used DE, no matter what was really used.20:44
burguaHow to set "kde"?20:44
BluesKajburgua, at login click on then menu , choose kde20:45
burguaevery time?20:45
burgua>>In KDM on every boot is setted "gnome" as last used DE, no matter what was really used.20:46
BluesKajburgua, no itshould become default , but if you want to delete gnome then : sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop-envirnoment20:46
burguaI cannot delete it20:47
Ricks937Everyone few days when I am AFK my toolbar gets borked example: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4119/4955246298_18dff64ffd_b.jpg so when I get back I'm missing launcher icon and clock is off by a few hours etc. Is there a known cause for this?20:48
BluesKajthat's because you running in gnome . right ?20:48
burguaLast time I runned gnome 2 weeks ago ...20:48
burguaThere are few users on this laptop20:48
burguaThey need gnome20:49
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BluesKajburgua ok , that's different , the you have to live with logging in to kde , each session20:50
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delaccan anyone tell me if Kpackagekit is able to install updates without administrative rights?20:51
cjaecant get terminatorx to launch even from cli20:51
BluesKajcjae, what's terminatorx ? ..a game ?20:52
cjaedj soft20:52
BluesKajdelac, without using sudo, no20:52
burguaBluesKaj: but other users hadn't use it 4-5 weeks. I'm wondering, why "switcher" isn't switched to kde n kdm.20:53
delacBluesKaj: you sure? because i just installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu and was prompted to update few packages. And at no point did the kpackagemanager ask me any password. And this all happened on a account that has no sudo powers.20:54
BluesKajburgua, you could drop to a tty and do sudo service gdm stop  && sudo service kdm start20:54
burguaBluesKaj: GDM isn't started20:55
BluesKajdelac, well, that's new to me20:55
delacBluesKaj: me to. I'm trying to find out if I should file a bug on this. Should I?20:56
Tm_Tdelac: possibly security updates can be installed by ~any user20:56
cjaeBluesKaj: dj software20:57
delacTm_T: not on pure ubuntu. as far as I know, that is.20:57
delacTm_T: but are you saying that on Kubuntu it is possible?20:58
BluesKajburgua, i don't understand , what desktop are you running then ?20:59
Tm_Tdelac: it's possible in Ubuntu too, policykit++21:00
delacTm_T: you mean any user could start update manager and do the updates?21:00
burguaBluesKaj: kde21:00
Tm_Tdelac: possible, don't know if that's default setup though21:01
BluesKajburgua, so what are you complaining about?21:01
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burguaBluesKaj: I boot. KDM is started. I'm switching to "kde" (Previous session was kde too), cause now it's setted to "gnome". I'm booting to kde.21:02
delacTm_T: well, apparently it didn't work. I just tried. but how would that policykit thing work? is that enabled by default on kubuntu-desktop?21:03
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* BluesKaj shrugs ...still don't understand , burgua ...I give up21:04
burguaBluesKaj: dunno it21:04
glaucousI can't enable OPEN_GL composition, only xrender. There are no problems with my ATI/Graphics drivers, which work perfectly with opengl.21:05
cjaecan t install any dj software that works21:05
Tm_Tdelac: is on by default, it allows to control user rights more extensively than standard file rights -based can21:06
forestewhat prewious kde 4,5 to kde4.4 ?21:07
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foresteplease help21:07
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delacTm_T: so you are saying this is normal kubuntu behaviour and I should not file a bug?21:10
Tm_Tdelac: I don't know what kind of setup with policykit is default21:12
Tm_Tdelac: if in doubt, file a bug with detailed information21:13
delacTm_T: maybe I should. You did say that doing the updates without sudo doesn't work on pure kubuntu?21:15
cjaegood qt dj software21:20
Tm_Tdelac: I don't know really about the defaults21:22
delacdelac: Can anyone using Kubuntu to confirm if it is possible to install updates WITHOUT administrative privileges?21:23
delacTm_T: allthoug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-kde/+bug/353278 check the comment #7921:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353278 in policykit-kde (Ubuntu) "[jaunty] kpackagekit doesn't prompt for user password" [Medium,Fix released]21:24
delacTm_T: this might be becaus of missing policykit-kde. but that comment was made a while ago. I wonder if anyone is working on that?21:25
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Pavel_10can anyone help me figure out what the pixel dimensions of a 10.1" screen would be?21:44
glaucousWhat does .kdevduchain contain? A lot of files there.21:45
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MuzerNtbkEvery now and again, on this netbook, a dialogue box pops up, owned by kded4, that looks like this: http://tim32.org/~muzer/kde-scary-box.png22:33
MuzerNtbkwhy is this? Is it something weird that I've done, something weird with Kubuntu/KDE, or some weird trojan trying to steal my password (I doubt the latter very much, but I won't rule it out...)22:34
pronkto list all the partitions and there names i used fdisk -l but kubuntu does not have it. What is the command under kubuntu?22:34
MuzerNtbkit should have fdisk... if not, install it from the repo.22:35
MuzerNtbkMake sure you're running it as root (prefix the command with sudo)22:35
pronksudo worked22:36
MuzerNtbkah, you probably don't have /sbin in your path then. Odd, I thought it was there in *Ubuntu by default...22:37
Tm_TMuzerNtbk: is this when you're browsing websites or do you use ubuntuone?22:40
Tm_T(don't know why I asked the latter though)22:40
MuzerNtbkTm_T: I don't use Ubuntu One (knowingly, at least), and I use Opera for browsing (and Opera has its own style of dialogues)22:40
Tm_Thmmm, weird22:41
KukuNutpronk: remove gnome and/or kde and *ubuntu should be the same/have the same system tools22:42
MuzerNtbkTm_T: yeah... I honestly have no idea where it's coming fram22:42
MuzerNtbkI'm currently grepping my filesystem for the string22:42
pronkwell I did have it , but i forgot sudo so it gave no error22:43
Tm_TMuzerNtbk: that's normal dialog for http-logins IIRC22:48
Tm_TMuzerNtbk: the site field is weird22:48
OptiplexGX620Hay, how do I print a text file with Kubuntu?22:49
MuzerNtbkTm_T: indeed, that's what I was thinking... I was grepping for the site field22:49
OptiplexGX620My printer is already set up and I've printed the test22:50
pronkOpen it with Kate and select print or print preview?22:51
MuzerNtbkOptiplexGX620: kate should be able to do it... there's a command-line way too if you want22:51
OptiplexGX620No, that just makes a pdf or other file22:51
OptiplexGX620What is the command line way?22:52
pronkNo, pdf is an option it should also print if printer is set up22:52
MuzerNtbkyes, what pronk said22:52
MuzerNtbk(FWIW, the command-line way is lp filename.txt I think)22:52
OptiplexGX620There are two options: Print to file(pdf), print to file(postscript)22:53
MuzerNtbkhmm... have you tried restarting kate and/or logging out and back in?22:54
MuzerNtbkmake sure you've pressed "apply"22:54
MuzerNtbkin the printer settings22:54
OptiplexGX620Yes, I presses apply earlier22:55
OptiplexGX620I havn't restarted my PC, should I try?22:56
MuzerNtbkright. In that case, try restarting kate, and if it still doesn't work, fully log out and back in again.22:56
MuzerNtbkor you can reboot, that would also work22:56
OptiplexGX620OK, 5min...22:56
OptiplexGX620Thank you! HP LaserJet is now listed as an option22:59
drunkncrewhello all!23:00
drunkncrewi'm confused by all the dock programs out there, what is the best dock program? or rather, which one has the most features/ability to customize?23:01
OptiplexGX620One more question: Why does Kubuntu(AND Windows) display .DESKTOP launcher(desktop configuration file) extensions, but Ubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. don't????23:03
drunkncrewOptiplexGX620: ubuntu does display these, only they're hidden files you just hit "Ctrl+H" in nautilus23:04
OptiplexGX620No, I have; it still doesn't23:04
James147OptiplexGX620: and kubuntu dosnt have to display them... alt+.  to toggle hidden folder in dolphin23:05
OptiplexGX620Wait, maybe I'm looking ON the desktop, not in Nautilus23:05
James147or do you mean teh *.desktop files?23:05
drunkncrewya, try nautilus23:05
OptiplexGX620Yeah, wait a sec, I have a different computer for Ubuntu23:05
OptiplexGX620the .desktop extension, I mean23:06
OptiplexGX620Nope: no .desktop is showing23:07
drunkncrewOptiplexGX620: just wondering, what are you trying to locate?23:09
OptiplexGX620Nothing, just the extension. The file works, it just doesn't display the .desktop23:09
cjaewhat is default scan app kde 4.5 ?23:09
OptiplexGX620Ummm... me?? Confused23:10
OptiplexGX620Sry guys, I gotta go eat, I'm dying here'23:10
OptiplexGX620back in 15min23:10
CrissiD_I need help23:12
James147!help | CrissiD_23:13
ubottuCrissiD_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:13
CrissiD_how do i set up a dual monitor, but we don't want them mirrored, just side by side.23:13
CrissiD_I have them mirrored ad the moment23:13
James147CrissiD_: depends on what graphics card/drivers you have23:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:13
MaxDamageI should use /msg, sorry.23:13
JonathanDcard is a radeon X160023:16
JonathanD(for CrissiD_ )23:16
sithlord48whats going on fellow kubuntu ppl23:18
MaxDamagesithlord48: Flash players lol23:19
sithlord48oh what about them?23:19
MaxDamageJust installing one now.23:19
MaxDamageGah, gotta close FF23:19
sithlord48i would generally try not to use flash but i understand u want the youtubes and what not23:20
sithlord48yes you do :P23:20
MaxDamageYeah, I do need flash. :p23:20
sithlord48its a shame.. flash has to be abused in the ways it gets abused.. i miss the days when flash was only for games.. on newgrounds and a few other sites. not on ever singe site wherever you look23:21
MaxDamageOh, it came with the restricted extras package, how convenient.23:21
James147CrissiD_: This might be of help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117423:21
sithlord48oh thats right23:21
MaxDamageYeah, I guess.23:21
OptiplexGX620Hay , I'm back now23:21
MaxDamageAnd here we go again, no sound from flash...23:22
JonathanD2 to 1 says I break this thing trying to make it work.23:22
sithlord48go to kmixer and check make sure ur pcm is not muted and the vol is up.23:22
MaxDamagesithlord48: Yeah, the wrong sound card was selected.23:22
sithlord48JonathanD: what are we gonna break23:22
MaxDamageI love the soundcheck music. :D23:22
sithlord48MaxDamage: most of the time.. its the pcm volume23:23
OptiplexGX620Any idea as to why the heck .DESKTOP extension shows only on Kubuntu and Windows but not on Ubuntu?23:23
MaxDamagesithlord48: PCM volume is up all the way.23:23
sithlord48are they hidden in gnome?23:23
sithlord48the ext that is OptiplexGX62023:24
sithlord48MaxDamage:  your sound is working in flash now?23:24
OptiplexGX620Repeat plz?23:24
JonathanDsithlord48: video.23:24
sithlord48is the .desktop part hidden in gnome23:24
James147OptiplexGX620: if you want to get them to show up in ubuntu, then its best to ask on #ubuntu (most of us dont use gnome)23:24
JonathanDlooks like: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/40361023:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403610 in KDE Base "kde 4.3 Multiple Monitors tells lies" [Unknown,Confirmed]23:25
MaxDamageBlah, still no sound :(23:25
OptiplexGX620how do I switch?23:25
OptiplexGX620last time I typed something in this box23:25
JonathanDOptiplexGX620: to #Ubuntu?23:25
JonathanD/join #ubuntu23:25
sithlord48MaxDamage:  really... have you checked all your sound settings? be sure pcm is up , for some reason on mine my mic is called digital so it might be something else.23:26
OptiplexGX620join #Ubuntu23:26
OptiplexGX620Ummm no23:26
OptiplexGX620to #Ubuntu23:26
James147OptiplexGX620: /join #ubuntu    << dont forget the /23:26
MaxDamagesithlord48: I can hear the sound check music perfectly. Yes, all the volume on my second soundcard are up.23:26
OptiplexGX620Noooo I'm making an a** of my self23:26
MaxDamageHm, is it possible Firefox is using the onboard card as default?23:26
MaxDamageYeah, I get sound from the other card, haha.23:27
James147JonathanD: I dont think so... that dialog is for when you have dual screen already set up :)  (its ment to tell kde where to split one large desktop into smaller ones as dual screen modes like twinview tend to join both displays into one large screen)23:28
MaxDamagesithlord48: xine23:28
sithlord48oh sorry i can't help u much w/ that..23:28
MaxDamageI'll just head on to CMOS Setup and disable the onboard card. :)23:28
sithlord48there u go ..23:28
MaxDamageIt's a good card, but I screwed it up. :(23:29
sithlord48JonathanD: you are trying to set up video?23:29
MaxDamagePlugged its output to my not-grounded guitar amp's input.23:29
sithlord48nicely done bet it sounds good on that channel now23:29
James147JonathanD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174   or  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1773544   should show you how to set it up23:29
sithlord48JonathanD: what kind of video card do u have? and what driver are u using?23:30
CrissiD_James147: I get the message they note there,about not having multiples,but let me see23:32
CrissiD_I = JonathanD23:32
sithlord48CrissiD_: ok what video card do u have?23:32
CrissiD_radeon x160023:33
sithlord48ati driver?23:34
sithlord48CrissiD_: sorry, do you use the properitary driver23:34
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MaxDamagesithlord48: Sound is flawless. :)23:38
CrissiD_whats the best way to check what driver your using.23:38
CrissiD_oooo found it23:38
CrissiD_driver ATI23:38
sithlord48ok you use the preperitary driver23:38
sithlord48MaxDamage: Awesome !23:39
MaxDamagesithlord48: Should I switch to propriatary too?23:39
MaxDamageHD playback is choppy in full screen :(23:39
sithlord48CrissiD_: try to run (alt+f2) this command kdesudo amdcccle , it should bring up the ati driver control panel set up stuff up there23:39
sithlord48MaxDamage: what card do u have?23:39
MaxDamagesithlord48: nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS23:40
MaxDamageFlawless playback, 1080p on Windows23:40
MaxDamageIf it'll help, this is the video I'm trying to view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0OJ-_b2GAI23:40
MaxDamageYeah, it's fine when I watch it in the player, but when it goes fullscreen, 2-3 FPS23:41
markithi, kubuntu 10.04 and kde 4.5.1, I've to run a command with kdesudo, but after entering the password nothing happens (blank terminal). If I manually open a terminal and run with sudo from the terminal is ok, also if I remove kdesudo from the menu item (of course, the script then fails in certain functionality). Any tip?23:41
sithlord48full screen is fine here other then the flicker from the desktop effects being on and its sized werid , play them back in vlc you might get better play back23:42
James147markit: what command?23:42
sithlord48markit: what James147 said..23:42
James147sithlord48: :D23:42
sithlord48James147: you typed it faster..23:42
markitJames147: mmm I'm testing, with kcalc works, with my ruby script not23:43
sithlord48CrissiD_: have yo made any progress?23:44
James147markit: what is the script ment to do?23:45
sithlord48oh well MaxDamage i can't really help you with that i don't know much about the nvidia drivers.23:45
MaxDamagesithlord48: I'll just install the proprietary drivers, that worked last time on Debian. :)23:45
sithlord48well you can always remove them if they break...23:45
sithlord48MaxDamage: the newest nvidia card i have is a geforce2 ... if that gives you any idea.23:46
markitJames147: thanks for the interest, it has to help the teacher manage ltsp accounts/settings/etc. I've reduced the code and works, maybe is the clear (blank) screen part that fights with kdesudo23:46
MaxDamagesithlord48: Yeah. ;P23:47
MaxDamageWell, I kinda need a strong video card, if you look at that YouTube channel, I lead the biggest "free" Modern Warfare 2 community.23:47
sithlord48oh i woun't know i don't really play FPS games.. do u run that on wine?23:48
MaxDamageI dual-boot.23:48
MaxDamageBut my big drive just died, so I installed Kubuntu on an old one.23:48
sithlord48ah ic have you tired it on wine ? j/w ..23:48
MaxDamageAnd yes, it does run on Wine, though there seems to be a sound issue.23:48
JonathanDNot much23:48
sithlord48do you have the amdcccle program?23:49
JonathanDsithlord48: amdcccle wasn't installed.23:49
MaxDamagesithlord48: If you wanna talk about it, #kubuntu-offtopic :)23:49
JonathanDfound it in a fglrx package23:49
JonathanDinstalling it seems to want the fglrx driver, as well23:49
sithlord48JonathanD: thats the properitary driver.. if you have that installed then u use the amdcccle program other wise u should use the kcm (systemsettings) module23:50
JonathanDEh, it's not that important tonight ;)23:50
JonathanDwas trying to get netflix on this ancient/lame TV without changing resolution all the time.23:50
sithlord48and what issues is the display kcm giving you?23:51
JonathanDthere doesn't appear to be a way to do anything other than mirror :)23:51
JonathanDif there is, it's entirely non-obvious.23:52
sithlord48what version of kde do you have? (look under help about kde on any kdesc program )23:52
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markitJames147: the problem is not with blanking screen, but waiting for keyboard input. Strange but the output before is not shown, nor the input is accepted (^C to terminate). Probably better ask in #ruby-lang23:54

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