
lifelessanyone got a sec? had ec2 find a new failure in my librarian branch; 1 line code change, 6 line test change (3 in two tests)03:32
lifelessthumper: ^03:33
lifelessthumper: hi ?04:17
thumperlifeless: hi04:18
lifelesscan you eyeball http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/private-librarian/revision/9600 please04:18
thumperwhat does self._when_streaming() do?04:18
thumperwhy do you need to import the entire module ? import lp.services.features04:18
lifelessself._when_streaming is a hook point for subclasses, I added it earlier but forgot to call it :(04:19
lifelessit lets the subclass do $whatever, in this case add a header.04:19
lifelessI could do from lp.services import features if you like04:20
lifelessper_thread, the variable that needs to be poked, is a package scope variabe04:20
lifelesstheres a bug, I'll add an XXX to it04:20
thumperyou could make a null feature fixture04:21
lifelesswe should just fix the bug04:21
_mup_Bug #631884: feature flags get out of sync easily <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/631884>04:21
thumperdo you have an MP?04:22
thumperor just landing?04:22
lifelessits already review on the MP04:22
thumperfine then04:22
lifelessthis is fixing the MP because it found a bug04:22
lifelessif you know what I mean04:23
thumperI've hit a snag with my lp:project for private code04:23
thumpera snag in that it isn't working04:23
mwhudsonthumper: :(04:24
mwhudsonthumper: which bit isn't working?04:24
lifelessthumper: can we help?04:25
thumpermwhudson: only the bit that bzr calls to resolve lp:foo04:25
thumperif I go `bzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.staging.launchpad.net/+branch/wikkid` it worked when I had privacy set and no trunk branch04:25
thumperbut both push and pull fail with:04:25
thumperbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp://staging/wikkid": Wikkid Wiki has no default branch.04:26
thumperwhich surprised me04:26
thumperI'm looking for the whole in the test coverage04:26
thumperI found the problem04:45
thumperthe tests were there04:45
thumperbut not checking for the right thing04:45
thumperany one on call?11:07
thumperrollout blocker ^^^11:08
thumperdone by gmb11:20
=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [noodles775] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews || gmb is RM; for RC reviews please add him as a reviewer
noodles775Hi henninge! If you'd like to, I've got a branch which will require a UI review at: A following branch will add the remaining non-js functionality (the search bar).12:26
noodles775but no pressure, or rush... it can wait until someone else is available if you're busy.12:27
henningenoodles775: no, that's ok. I am already looking at it.12:27
noodles775Thanks henninge12:28
* noodles775 takes a break for lunch.12:28
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
jelmerbac: Hi14:44
bachi jelmer14:44
jelmerbac: I've (finally!) managed to fix up the tests for the branch I proposed on Friday, and I was wondering if you could have another look. Julian's also done a review this morning - we'd really like to get this in for the current release.14:46
bacjelmer: ok.14:47
bacjelmer: you have gotten all of the tests to work now?14:48
jelmerbac: Yes. You were indeed right that there were some failing; what I was running on dogfood was slightly more hackish (but working) than what was in the branch I had proposed.14:49
bacjelmer: i'd like to run the tests.  it'll take about 30 minutes.  that's ok for you?14:50
jelmerbac: yeah, np14:50
bacjelmer: ok.14:50
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
bacgmb: jelmer's branch is approved and awaits your RC approval:  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/launchpad/506256-remove-popen/+merge/3454915:06
* bac was going to say "Imprimatur" but couldn't spell it.15:07
bacgmb: actually, wait a bit on that.  my testing may have been flawed15:08
* gmb waits15:09
bacgmb: done.15:18
gmbbac, Looking now.15:18
gmbbac, jelmer : rc=me; please land it on db-devel if you can; we want to close devel for landings today.15:21
gmb(Once it's un-broken)15:21
jelmergmb: ok15:21
jelmerbac, gmb: Thanks for the reviews.15:21
noodles775mars or leonardr: Could either of your review a trivial fix that we're hoping to land in the release? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/db-611568-no-email-for-commercial-subscriptions/+merge/3475715:31
leonardroh, right, it's tuesday15:32
leonardrmars, are you around? it's your turn15:32
leonardrnoodles775, r=me15:35
noodles775Thanks leonardr !15:36
noodles775gmb: If you've time, the above MP is an RC.15:36
gmbnoodles775, Sure, I'll take a look now.15:38
henningenoodles775: Hi!15:38
noodles775Hiya henninge15:38
henningenoodles775: I am sorry, I got busy doing other things ...15:39
gmbnoodles775, rc=me.15:39
noodles775Thanks gmb15:39
gmbnoodles775, That's bound for db-devel isn't it?15:39
noodles775gmb: I've set it for db-devel yes (in case devel is closed).15:39
henningenoodles775: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55136007/distro-series-differences.png15:39
gmbnoodles775, Brilliant. (it isn't closed but will be soon, hopfully)15:39
henningenoodles775: ^ that is what we already have?15:39
noodles775henninge: no, that's what that branch adds. It's the first step towards the planned UI.15:40
henningenoodles775: so the mockup is about what the planned UI is but it will be done in a future branch or branches?15:41
henningenoodles775: and the screenshot is what this review is currently about?15:41
noodles775henninge: yes, I need to do it in stages to keep it manageable. I'm not sure if you saw my comment on the MP, regarding whether I should wait until the UI is complete before requesting a review... I think we may need to re-think this with feature flags.15:42
henningeoh, missed that ;)15:42
henningenoodles775: no, UI reviews should be done as early as possible as they influence the coding15:43
noodles775I don't want to build up a huge branch (or pipeline of braches) locally, so landing the UI incrementally seemed sane.15:43
noodles775Yep, great.15:43
henningenoodles775: what happens if the "latest comment" is longer? Wrapping or truncating?15:44
noodles775Currently it would wrap.15:45
henningenoodles775: I think I'd prefer truncating ...15:46
henningeor wrap once, then truncate if that is not too hard.15:46
henningesince there will be an option to expand an entry, the user will have easy access to the full comment.15:46
noodles775henninge: yep, I agree (and yes, truncating won't stop wrapping, but it will be better than displaying long comments.)15:48
henningenoodles775: and maybe "no signer" should simply be "unknown"15:49
henningenoodles775: you know, I wish we had an easy way for "personal demos".15:50
henningejust push the branch and let it run.15:50
henningeNow I have to branch, make schema, make run to see your branch in action.15:50
noodles775henninge: I did try to make it easy with the script ;) (ie. merge;make schema;bin/iharness < sample_data.py)15:51
noodles775henninge: I think we can (or at least, could) put ec2 instances up for demo, but not sure its worth it.15:52
henningenoodles775: there was a description for that, iirc. Maybe there is already an "ec2" command for that.15:53
* henninge has to explore that but not now.15:53
henningenoodles775: I am just wondering what the package name and versions link to.15:53
henningenoodles775: and what does the "-" link to in the first column?15:54
henningeit looks blue15:54
noodles775Both columns link to the source package publishing histories in the parent/derived series respectively.15:54
noodles775henninge: it is part of the same link. The first column uses the name-version as the link text, the second column doesn't repeat the name (as in the mockup, as having a separate column for the name looked strange).15:55
noodles775(which is why the column headers are "Warty package"/"Hoary version")15:56
henningeyes, that is quite a neat solution15:56
henningeI was just considering if having an extra column would really look that bad15:57
noodles775Regarding the "no signer", that was just based on the precedent of the PPA packages page, but unknown might be clearer.15:57
henningebut this solution is fine, too.15:57
henningenoodles775: also, the version numbers seem to go *down* from parent to child or is that just a glitch in your sample data?15:57
henningenoodles775: what is a blacklist, btw?15:57
noodles775oh, you mean from the mockup (I was confused, knowing it wasn't mentioned on the screenshot).15:58
henningenoodles775: yes, mockup15:58
henningenoodles775: I just had a call and have to run out right now. Terribly sorry.15:59
henningenoodles775: Is it OK if I sum up our conversation to a review later?15:59
noodles775henninge: of course!16:00
noodles775henninge: for your summary, the choice of "blacklist" is here https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg04536.html16:00
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: leonardr || Reviewing: - || queue: [noodles775] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews || gmb is RM; for RC reviews please add him as a reviewer
leonardrnoodles775, are you still in the queue?16:12
noodles775leonardr: I am, for a different branch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/distro-series-difference-browser2/+merge/3473916:13
leonardrnoodles775: ok, mars is off today, so i'll take it in a bit16:13
noodles775leonardr: thanks!16:14
noodles775leonardr: I need to be off, do you mind doing the review via email?16:42
leonardrnoodles775, sure16:42
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
henningerockstar: ping17:52
rockstarhenninge, pong17:52
henningerockstar: Hi! ;-)17:52
rockstarhenninge, how's things?17:52
henningevery good, thanks. I just did a UI review.17:52
rockstarhenninge, great, I'll take a look.17:53
rockstarhenninge, instead of "no signer" or "unknown" perhaps we shouldn't show it at all.17:55
henningerockstar: I thought the "when" information was still of interest?17:56
henningerockstar: maybe the column should be called "Last uploaded" and the content "18 minutes ago by Foo Bar"17:56
rockstarhenninge, I was just about to suggest that exact thing.17:57
henningeor just "18 minutes ago"17:57
henningedo we have similar columns elsewhere on LP?17:57
rockstarhenninge, basically, if the user can't do anything about it, we shouldn't show "unknown" because the user may think they're doing something wrong.17:57
* rockstar JUST learned that in his UX class.17:57
henningegood point17:57
rockstarhenninge, we have similar date columns, and I think we could/should adopt a similar pattern to what we're proposing here.17:58
henningesounds good17:58
rockstarhenninge, great.17:58
henningerockstar: Also, I begin to wonder if the Name of the commenter should not be linkified, too, like the uploader.18:00
henningebut that would put more stuff in the comment colmun.18:00
rockstarhenninge, yeah, and we should use a full display name.18:01
rockstarhenninge, if we still limit it to two lines, that would still be okay.18:01
henningerockstar: did you noticed that the name of the currently logged-in user (top right) is not the full name anymore?18:01
henningeI wonder why that was changed.18:01
henningerockstar: for the comment column: I actually think it should be like the upload column:18:02
rockstarhenninge, because full names aren't unique.18:02
henninge"18 minutes ago by Mark Shuttleworth: I am working on this"18:02
rockstarhenninge, yup. I think that's a good idea.18:03
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
henningerockstar: are you going to add those suggestions to the MP or shall I do it?18:07
rockstarhenninge, you could just put our whole discussion from IRC copy-n-pasted into a comment there.18:08
henningerockstar: done18:11
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
gary_posterleonardr: up for a short but critical review?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug632218/+merge/34785 .  The description is a bit bare bones, but I'm hoping the linked bug report (bug 632218) gives you an idea of what is going on and what I set out to do.19:43
_mup_Bug #632218: staging builddmaster is having building woes with permissions - template engine <canonical-losa-lp> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by gary> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/632218>19:43
leonardrgary: ok, if it's shorti 'll take it now19:43
gary_posterit is19:44
gary_posterleonardr: (did you see that? ^^^)19:55
leonardrgary: yes, reading the bug now19:55
gary_postercool thank you19:55
leonardrgary: so you remove *.pt.py during make clean?19:56
gary_posteryes, leonardr19:57
leonardrand you give the 'compile' step responsibility for (re-)creating them?19:57
leonardrok, r=me19:57
gary_posterthank you19:57
bacleonardr: have time for a modest branch to review?20:22
leonardrbac, sure, put it in the queue20:22
bacleonardr: not RC20:22
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: leonardr || Reviewing: - || queue: [noodles775, bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews || gmb is RM; for RC reviews please add him as a reviewer
bacleonardr: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-237722/+merge/3479020:22
benjileonardr: given the queue and the time, I doubt you have time for any more reviewing today, right?21:13
leonardrbenji: actually the queue is about to be emptied. i can do one more if it's not too long21:13
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: leonardr || Reviewing: bac || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews || gmb is RM; for RC reviews please add him as a reviewer
benjileonardr: it should be pretty short: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-413174/+merge/3479421:14
benjiit's just using the new lazr.restful.error.expose functionality to kill a couple of OOPSes in LP21:14
bacthanks for the nice review leonardr21:22
leonardrbenji, why put the message as the default in MultipleProductReleases? i'd rather see it at the single raise site21:36
leonardrin fact, why have a separate exception that you only use once?21:36
benjiI'm not married to it.  My reasoning was that there is only one reason to raise that exception (vs. the other exception I added) so I made it the default text.  In other words, put it in the place that matches its generality.21:38
leonardrwould it be make sense to raise expose(Exception("A milestone can only have...")) ?21:38
leonardror ValueError or something21:39
benjire. separate exception: we want to be able to distinguish it from other exceptions that might be raised from that function21:39
benjiright, I considered ValueError, but the cost of adding a more specific exception seemed lower than the value of being explicit21:39
leonardrok, it's your call21:43
leonardrcan you refactor get_last_oops_id into a helper module?21:43
leonardrbenji, on line 246, if for some reason the exception isn't thrown, the test will pass when it should fail21:46
leonardroh, no, nevermind21:46
leonardryou tested that immediately before21:46
leonardrbenji: looks good, just refactor get_last_oops_id21:58
james_w`benji: you might like self.assertNoNewOops22:05
benjiooh, I might indeed22:05
james_w`currently only used in lib/lp/services/job/tests/test_runner.py22:05
james_w`plus, TestCases have an oopses attribute that might be useful22:06
=== abentley_ is now known as abentley
benjileonardr: in what way do you want me to "[r]efactor get_last_oops_id"?22:14
leonardrlet me double check, but i think you define the same method twice22:15
benji(I think I'll just be removing it.)22:15
leonardrah, yes, just remove it22:15
benjileonardr: ah, indeed!22:15
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: leonardr || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews || gmb is RM; for RC reviews please add him as a reviewer
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews || gmb is RM; for RC reviews please add him as a reviewer

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