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mac9416Is it possible to request reviews from multiple people?03:46
mac9416On a merge request that is.03:46
thumpermac9416: yes it is and if you were still here I'd tell you how04:22
persiaYou could tell everyone else, and it'd be in backscroll :)04:22
thumperpersia: once sumbitted you "Request another review"04:48
persiaI've seen that.  I've also seen teams who request a review from a team, and require two responses before they commit.04:49
thumperpersia: you can now have two outstanding reviews for a team04:49
thumperpersia: and it has been like that for a while04:50
persiaOh, so "Request another review" doesn't create a new merge request object?04:51
persiaThat's very nice indeed :)04:51
thumperpersia: no, it doesn't create a new proposal, just requests another review from someone or some team04:54
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bilalakhtarThe shipova builder is slow!09:17
bilalakhtarI uploaded a source package to my PPA, the amd64 builder built in 6 minutes, while this one is building from the last 20+ minutes!09:18
bilalakhtarthe source package is actually a patched plymouth09:18
bigjoolsnot all the builders are equal, no09:18
bilalakhtarbigjools: this is not the first time09:24
bigjoolsbilalakhtar: are you asking me a question or something else?09:25
bilalakhtarbigjools: well, I am reporting a could-be problem09:25
bigjoolssometimes the builds can take longer because we have a scaling issue on the dispatcher.  It will be fixed in a couple of days.09:29
lucazadehi all! i'm not able to build plymouth in my ppa repository09:51
lucazadebuildlog says there is a issue with vga16fb09:51
lucazadeis there a way to fix it?09:52
bilalakhtarlucazade: lol, I just built it in mine09:53
lucazadewell i'll try using your source package09:56
idnaris there a way to stop an LP account receiving email notifications for a team it belongs to?10:13
idnar(or even just disable all email notifications)10:14
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ubot5An OOPS is a system error in launchpad, please see https://help.launchpad.net/Oops12:50
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eLBatidebian users?13:43
eLBatieasiest way to solve "Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)" launchpad error ?13:44
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maxbeLBati: backports.org has 2.0.3, that's old, but new enough14:05
eLBatimaxb, thanks14:06
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thefishhi, we would like to replace redmine with launchpad - is this possible to do with a local launchpad install? Ive installed as per the instructions on dev.launchpad, and have a running instance, though it is full of other launchpad.net projects. Is there a way to run it for local-only projects, and not have any connection to launchpad.net?16:06
deryckthefish, hi again. :-)  Is it "possible?"  -- yes, with a lot of work.  But Launchpad is not meant/designed to be run stand alone, locally, or for a single project....16:09
thefishderyck: ok cool, this is what i was starting to think16:09
deryckthefish, the whole power of lp is that it makes cross-project collaboration better, easier, etc.16:09
thefishyes fair enough, i was being a bit selfish and hoping to limit the size of cross-project :)16:10
thefishback to redmine i think16:10
thefishderyck: thank you for the help16:10
deryckthefish, np.16:11
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gnb_hm, what's the recommended way of migrating from mantisbt to launchpad's bug tracker?17:13
gnb_i can't seem to find a migration tool for that, so figured i might try mantisbt -> trac (using their conversion tool) -> launchpad using https://edge.launchpad.net/trac-launchpad-migrator17:14
gnb_or did i just miss some more direct way? :)17:14
deryckgnb_, hi.  Mainly you just need to get your bugs out of the existing tracker in lp bug import format.  https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/ImportFormat17:31
deryckgnb_, there is no existing tool (that I know of) to do this for mantisbt.17:31
gnb_deryck: yeah, i saw that, i thought that maybe there was a tool i had missed while googling :)17:32
deryckgnb_, not that I know of.  sorry.17:32
gnb_thanks anyway, i'll try that mantis->trac->launchpad idea now17:33
deryckgnb_, if you do happen to work up a script to do this for yourself, please consider releasing it OSS and hosting on LP.  To help others in the future.17:33
gnb_i might, assuming my trac idea doesn't work :)17:34
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MTecknologyI thought time in queue estimates werre supposed to be fixed? This has been a LONG 4sec19:26
MTecknologyabout 12,000% off19:31
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yofelmaxb: does this look right now? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/oscaf/trunk (shared desktop ontologies import)21:46
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maxbyofel: yes, that looks fine, approved.21:48
yofelthanks :)21:50
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JoshBrownWhat is ~launchpad-users for?22:44
thumperJoshBrown: a mailing list?22:46
maxbJoshBrown: Launchpad mailing lists are a bit odd... they exist only in connection with a team. In this case, the team only exists to allow the mailing list to exist.22:47
AnAntdoes my webbrower have to support javascript in order to be able to modify the title/description of a bug on Launchpad ?23:10
AnAntah, use the add tags link !23:11
SpamapSis there no way to link, directly, a project with a PPA?23:22
lifelessnot yet23:22
JoshBrownSo ~launchpad-users is just a general launchpad mailing list, like new features and stuff?23:22
JoshBrownSpamapS: You could create a team, then give the team a PPA and link the team to the project.23:23
SpamapSJoshBrown: yeah, I kind of want the PPA to be shown on the project downloads list. :)23:24
SpamapSlike .. here's the tarball.. and here's where you can just get the debs23:24
JoshBrownSpamapS: Ah, well sorry, that's the best suggestion I can offer. Apart from maybe submitting a feature request.23:26
SpamapSI know mtaylor was wanting that a while back23:26
SpamapSwas hoping it had somehow slipped through already. :)23:26
JoshBrownSee: bug #572292 and bug #24518323:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 572292 in Launchpad Registry "Cannot link projects to packages in PPAs (affected: 2, heat: 8)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57229223:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 245183 in Soyuz "Can't easily link a project and its PPA (affected: 6, heat: 16)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24518323:31
mangojambohi... I'm having a little problem with bazaar. When I try to open Settings > Configuration > User Configuration , nothing happens and I get this error: QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: open: No such file or directory   QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /Users/mj/.bazaar/bazaar.conf23:34
mangojambohow can I fix it?23:34
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