
histoWhat files should I have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  ?  I have one thats giving an error the lucid-partner.list.distUpgrade00:02
histonvm I deleted it00:04
tracy68i have broadcom 4353 what driver should i use to get it working in 10.10 ?00:11
tracy68anyone here >?00:13
tracy68!seen ubuntu technical support00:14
ubottuI have no seen command00:14
tracy68!seen ubuntu customer service00:14
ChogyDantracy68: i heard that broadcoms don't work00:15
tracy68i knew it00:15
tracy68in 2.6.34 it does work00:15
tracy68i mean 2.6.3200:15
tracy68in lucid00:15
ChogyDanyou may just have to wait till it is closer till release00:15
tracy68but it doesnt in maverick00:15
tracy68arent there some compat-wireless dirvers for this device ?00:16
ChogyDanyeah, exactly, that's what I heard.  Hopefully by release it will be fixed00:16
Karen_mI installed the latest nvidia video driver so I can get CUDA, and when I startx, it signal 11s.   Anyone know a guide on how to get CUDA working in Maverick?00:16
ChogyDantracy68: compat-wireless is backporting later kernel drivers to earlier kernels...00:17
tracy68what about bradcom or whoever made the wifi card dont they have the driver for it ?00:17
Karen_mif I installed maverick, anyway to go back to lucid?00:17
tracy68karen_m dont know mych about nvidia i have real graphic card not some dummy one00:18
Karen_mnvidia is real, forget ati00:18
tracy68why dont u buy propper graphic card00:18
Karen_mnvidia>ati anyday00:18
tracy68ati and only ati u should try the one i have got its called tesla00:19
tracy68u would like it im sure00:19
Karen_mati is second fiddle to nvidia, if you like that.. :)00:20
tracy68u know nothing00:20
tracy68why nvidia trying to copy ati and their tesla?00:20
Karen_mtracy, lose the purse honey.00:20
tracy68everythign bad about ati is that isnt supported good enough in linux00:21
tracy68<ChogyDan> there is some sta driver for my broadcom dont u know what one someone from ubuntu told me00:22
devonhey, how do i install the -rt kernel?00:47
yofel_devon: install the 'linux-image-rt' package?00:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
devon@yofel_, searching that in synaptic doesn't lead to anything except "testdisk", which i have a feeling has nothing to do with the rt kernel00:49
yofel!info linux-image-rt00:50
ubottuPackage linux-image-rt does not exist in maverick00:50
devonthat sucks00:50
yofelgive me a sec00:50
devonso do i have to go hunting through ppas or something?00:51
Karen_mis there a way to downgrade?00:51
devonlike from the beta back to 10.0400:51
yofelKaren_m: officially, no - reinstalling is your best option00:51
devontoo bad, this is a fresh install, and i was just setting it up...00:52
yofelhm... linux-image-rt is listed in apt-cache though...00:52
yofel 000:52
yofel        500 http://mirror.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/ubuntu/ maverick/universe amd64 Packages00:52
devonis there a way to add the lucid repo to my sources list?  i could nab it from there00:53
yofelsure, just add the same lines where it says 'maverick' again with 'lucid'00:54
devonhang on, i'm going to try an apt-get update b4 doing anything00:55
devonactually, i think i'll just go back to my fedora/ccrma install, i know that worked00:57
devoni kinda installed this on impulse00:57
rockhopperhi is anyone there?01:14
yofel!anyone | rockhopper01:23
ubotturockhopper: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:23
rockhopperhi yofel01:24
rockhopperI want to know if i can install Unity window manager on 10.04 UNR lucid01:24
FoolishOwlI notice grub2 isn't automatically booting, even though /etc/default/grub seems to be configured for that.01:55
FoolishOwlAnyone else having trouble with grub2?02:03
coreytI have just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, now when i boot, ubuntu does not load into the gnome desktop, it just gives me a command line interface. How can I get back to gnome?02:04
FoolishOwlThat's odd. You could try "sudo service gdm start"02:05
coreytFoolishOwl: Thanks for the tip I will try that, but would I have to do that each time?02:06
FoolishOwlYou shouldn't. Most likely, what you'll get from that is a more informative error message.02:06
FoolishOwlIf it just plain works, then the trick is figuring out why it's not doing that automatically.02:07
coreytOkay, I running ubuntu off the 10.04 cd right now, so I will have to go and try that, I will get back to you about this02:07
coreyt_FoolishOwl: sudo service gdm start told me the service gdm is already running02:19
coreyt_I guess he is not here anymore02:20
coreyt_I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, and now when i boot, ubuntu does not load the gnome desktop, it just loads a command line interface, how do i get my gnome desktop back or at the very least downgrade back to 10.04?02:21
coreyt_I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, and now when i boot, ubuntu does not load the gnome desktop, it just loads a command line interface, how do i get my gnome desktop back or at the very least downgrade back to 10.04?02:26
coreyt_I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, and now when i boot, ubuntu does not load the gnome desktop, it just loads a command line interface, how do i get my gnome desktop back or at the very least downgrade back to 10.04?02:28
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: con the CLI, can you verify you have ubuntu-desktop and gdm installed?02:30
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: do you know how to check for it?02:31
coreyt_Thanks for answering, but no I don't02:31
coreyt_following the advice of someone else last time i ran sudo service gdm start, it told me gdm was already running02:32
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: are you currently loged in on the CLI ?02:32
coreyt_nope I would have to reboot, i using the live cd02:33
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: do you see a prompt with you name@hostname$  ?02:33
coreyt_yes i see that when the os loads02:33
coreyt_instead of the gnome desktop02:33
kklimonda.b 1102:34
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: there is no easy way to downgrade (that I am aware of) and unless you have the /home in a different partition than your system files (/boot /usr /etc /var) you can end up losing your personal files, which is not good02:34
coreyt_so is there a way to get gnome up?02:34
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: if in the end of the boot you get to a login prompt on the CLI, try to login with your old username and password02:35
coreyt_I did02:35
coreyt_it just gave me the command prompt02:35
coreyt_after the successful login02:35
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: good, assuming you are a sudoer, try this: $ sudo lsb_release -a02:36
coreyt_does that include the $02:36
PresuntoRJthe $ is for the regular user prompt (not root) - sudo will take elevation to the necessary priviledges02:36
PresuntoRJusually, the root prompt we indicate with a #02:37
coreyt_okay, can you think of anything else i can try if that doesn't work, while im at it?02:37
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: we are investigating together... there will be a at least a couple of commands to try to solve it or figure out what went wrong02:38
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: now, what does this last command told you ?02:38
coreyt_well see ill have to reboot in order to try these because im on the same computer, using the live cd to boot to 10.0402:39
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: for instance, mine, right now, says my machine is running Lucid 10.04.0102:39
PresuntoRJok, so right down a few commands for later02:39
PresuntoRJbefore you boot02:39
coreyt_of course02:39
PresuntoRJthis checks the version of the ubuntu installed : $ sudo lsb_release -a02:40
coreyt_I'm sure its 10.10 though, it says to at the top02:40
coreyt_when im at that screen02:40
PresuntoRJthis checks the version of the linux kernel installed : $ uname -r02:41
PresuntoRJthe lucid is still on 2.6.32-25-generic02:41
PresuntoRJthis can verify is the installation process halted and try to resume: $ sudo dpkg --configure -a02:41
PresuntoRJthis, can verify if the apt-get during the upgrade has downloaded a broken package, and advise on possible fixes: $ sudo apt-get check02:42
PresuntoRJthis can force the repository to re-read the list of available packages: $ sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True02:43
PresuntoRJthis can remove unecessary packages: $ sudo apt-get -y autoremove02:43
PresuntoRJthis should solve most installation issues, read carefully for the output before reacting: $ sudo apt-get -f -y install02:44
PresuntoRJthis should complete the upgrade process, but only after everything you have tried: $ sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:45
PresuntoRJif it still does not boot on your GUI, you may be short of the GUI packages... so try $ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:46
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: do exactly in this order02:47
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: it should solve most upgrades issues that might have ocurred on your machine02:47
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: let us know afterwards how it went02:47
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: have you wrote it down?02:48
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: by the way, have you tried to upgrade via the GUI applet, or the do-release-upgrade CLI command ?02:49
coreyt_i upgraded by running the upgrade manager, then after it told me 10.10 was available, i clicked upgrade02:49
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: if you get to a particularly difficult package, you might be able to clean the cache comlpetely with $ sudo apt-get clean           before you repeat the process, ok?02:50
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: but it told you it was still beta, write? or at least, you have set up some time ago to let you know beforehand, right ?02:51
coreyt_yeah i knew it wasnt a stable release yet02:51
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: okido, just checking :D02:52
coreyt_so i should do the sudo apt-get clean before i repeat what process?02:52
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: when you are ready to reboot, let me know02:52
lsmobriandoes anyone know how to login into launchpad using command line.  I enter my username/password however after that theres nothing to do.  "continue" is not a link.  I am using w3m trying to submit some bug info using apport-collect02:53
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: if you follow these steps and you get to a stubrn package that refuses to install, the clean will remove every downloaded .deb file from the cache and force them to redownload when you repeat the process02:53
coreyt_okay i see02:54
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: but at first, try it again with what you've got there already...02:54
coreyt_im going to reboot now02:54
coreyt_will you still be on here?02:54
PresuntoRJlsmobrian: sorry, never tried that...02:54
PresuntoRJcoreyt_: for a while... probably I will still be here since I am tring to upgrade a laptop right now02:54
coreyt_okay, thanks for your help i appreciate it, i will get back to you02:55
PresuntoRJlsmobrian: there should be a community documentation on that somewhere02:55
lsmobrianI was hoping so, but have had no luck finding any02:56
PresuntoRJlsmobrian: are you using maverick ? (ubuntu 10.10)02:57
lsmobrianwell, sorta02:57
lsmobrianIm in the installer now and trying to file a bug for ubiquity(the installer)02:57
PresuntoRJlsmobrian: probably the server team have the answer, since they are used not to have the GUI installed... you should try this question on the #ubuntu-server channel then02:58
lsmobriangood idea, thanks02:58
PresuntoRJlsmobrian: good luke02:58
Dr_WillisI think i need to file a bug on compiz also here. I just noticed if you use the 'windows rules' plugin,  the + button to add a window title, or other info to a rule. dosent seem to propery set the variable. it gives 'title=' Instead of 'title="window title"' like it should.02:59
Dr_Willissomeone care to verify if it works on a clean install? this is a Upgrade machine i did yesterday.02:59
kklimondalsmobrian: you can save report and copy it over to another machine that has graphical browser.03:01
PresuntoRJDr_Willis: I am almost finishing an upgrade here, so I can check the behavior... but I don't have a fresh install on sight any time soon...03:01
Dr_WillisPresuntoRJ:  actually i recall the SAME problem with my older install.. but i had it with so many PPA's it may of been using a ppa for compiz. so i never looked into the issue03:01
Dr_WillisPresuntoRJ:   Window rules, like where you enter the 'title' rule. the + button, the grab thing 'works' there . but dosent send the rule to the main setting. and even entering a value manually and  adding the rule.. it also ends up not getting set properly on the parent rule dialaog.03:02
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PresuntoRJDr_Willis: PPAs got disabled during the upgrade process... unless its a really newer version number that would not get replaced from 10.10 repository, that should be no issue03:03
Dr_WillisI use this feature to make things like 'File Operations'  window stay on top.03:03
white_magici'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 and it's been at 'resizing partition' stage for at least 10 minutes. It doesn't seem rigth. any ideas?03:03
Dr_WillisPresuntoRJ:  yea. I just wanted to check with a clean install. I got a clean install on the laptop. I will check that later today.03:03
lsmobriankklimonda, thanks, not sure why im trying to make this hard, i already moved a few logs03:03
Dr_WillisPresuntoRJ:  work time for me. So chat at you later.03:03
ChogyDanwhite_magic: I would let it go for a long time before I give up.  You loose all your data otherwise...03:04
white_magicits a mostly clean install of win7.. but i also have a clean install of ubuntu 9.04, both of which would be installed alongside ubuntu 10.1003:04
PresuntoRJDr_Willis: I can try on a VMWare after I finish here, but I am not sure if it will have an affect on the result to be a valid test in this case03:04
white_magici wonder if that's a lot of OSs for it to handle03:04
white_magicwould hate to lose my win7, just after i installed everything. not that any data there is vital03:05
white_magicthat stage is over03:05
white_magicgood thing i didnt do anything impulsive03:05
switz_Hi, I am having a weird problem after updating. After going to meerkat whenever I open a program it maximizes so that I can't see the [x][_][ ] buttons on top03:05
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: sometimes it takes for ever if the windows (NTFS) partition is not defragmented... because the partition tool would have to move the files around as well as resizing the table ;)03:07
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: that could have been your case03:08
white_magicmakes sense03:08
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: let us know if you run into any troubles03:08
white_magici didnt defrag since installation, which wasnt that long ago, but still03:08
white_magici will, thanks03:08
white_magici usually avoid betas, but thought i'd take a chance this time03:08
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: windows after the installation is a complete mess of fragmentation.... don't let the "freshness" of the installation foul you03:09
white_magici miss the beautiful installers of regular releases though :p03:09
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: one of the downsides of using a work-in-progress version ;)03:09
white_magicPresuntoRJ: i went with the default options for partitioning (install 10.10 alongside win7 & ubuntu 9.04). i will want to remove 9.04.. anything i should keep in mind?03:10
white_magici have not bothered to look at the partition process at all, since ubuntu has never screwed me over with it03:10
white_magici mean i never configured anything other than partition sizes03:11
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: do you have a partition for your /home separated from the system files (like /boot , /etc, /var, /usr , etc) ?03:11
Doylewhite_magic: it's not uncommon for a partition resizing to take several hours...03:11
white_magicPresuntoRJ: like i said, i just went with default settings when installing 9.04 & 10.10 now03:12
white_magicstupid, i know, but i'm not so worried03:12
PresuntoRJDoyle: it has been a 50-50 experience for me... either really quick, or takes for ever to complete03:12
white_magicanyway, it's 'installing the base system' now, so the partition is over03:13
white_magici suppose i can just edit GRUB and delete the 9.04 entry for starters03:13
white_magicthen just remove 9.04 partitions?03:13
DoylePresuntoRJ: yea, it depends on how easily the system can shuffel the data around... if you resize a partition with only 10% free space it'll take all night03:13
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: if you have your personal files backed up somewhere else, and there is nothing in the 9.04 you need for later, than you could delete it with no fear... a $ sudo grub-probe would do the trick for you03:13
Doylewhite_magic: you should leave it there in case you need to boot ot the old kernel version03:14
white_magicwell, i used 9.04 for less than 3 minutes in total03:14
PresuntoRJDoyle: good point03:14
white_magicso i dont have anythign to lose..03:14
white_magicwhy would i need to boot to the old kernel version?03:14
white_magicalso, should i encrypt the home directory if i plan to dual boot? common sense says no, for convenience purposes? what is the default setting, though?03:15
white_magicinstaller doesn't tell me..03:15
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: so, there is no need to keep it at all during the instalation... I think a fresh installation (keeping windows and 10.10) would have you going for now... just remember that 10.10 is still beta, and it is still prone to bugs and stuff...03:15
white_magicwell, it's chosen no by default, but doesn't say much else03:15
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coreytPresuntoRJ: I'm bank03:16
PresuntoRJcoreyt: and?03:16
PresuntoRJcoreyt: any troubles ?03:16
PresuntoRJcoreyt: any progress?03:16
coreytno progress :)03:16
coreytok ill run through the list you gave me and tell you what they did03:16
PresuntoRJcoreyt: :-p ...  :-/03:16
PresuntoRJcoreyt: ok03:16
coreytthe ubuntu version is 10.1003:17
PresuntoRJcoreyt: so, it has done something already03:17
coreytkernel version is 2.6.35-19-generic03:17
PresuntoRJcoreyt: sure, the 10.10 kernel03:17
PresuntoRJcoreyt: what else?03:17
coreytdpkg --configure -a did nothing03:17
PresuntoRJcoreyt: nothing has stoped in the middle, good03:18
coreytapt-get check looks like it tried to do something but...03:18
coreytgave me 6 files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d03:18
coreytthat apparently had invalid filename extensions03:18
PresuntoRJcoreyt: which ones?03:18
kklimondacoreyt: your gdm doesn't start?03:19
PresuntoRJkklimonda: nope, that's the point03:19
kklimondacoreyt: can you launch X with startx?03:20
PresuntoRJcoreyt: any ppa you can disable... try editing the source.list files and put a # in the beging of the line...03:20
coreytthose 603:20
ChogyDancoreyt: if you don't want those ppas, you can just delete those files03:21
coreytdo you want me to run through the other commands03:22
PresuntoRJcoreyt: if you can, sure... kklimonda has a good point, can you get to the X running $ startx ?03:22
coreytwhat do you mean X?03:22
PresuntoRJcoreyt: yeap... X is the GUI server ...03:23
coreyti can try that, just enter startx?03:23
PresuntoRJcoreyt: we were checking if the upgrade has failed somehow, but the X could be running manually also03:24
PresuntoRJcoreyt: sure03:24
PresuntoRJcoreyt: $ startx03:24
coreytokay, i will go do that right now03:24
PresuntoRJcoreyt: then you can resume the check with the rest of the list anyway (even if startx works) just to play safe03:25
coreyti ran all the commands you gave me03:25
PresuntoRJcoreyt: if it does not, we will get there soon enough03:25
coreytmost of them gave the same thing as apt-get check gave me03:25
coreyttrying to install ubuntu-desktop told me it was already up to date03:26
ChogyDancoreyt: what did apt-get check say?03:26
PresuntoRJcoreyt: good, than you can go on editing the files to comment the "inapropriate" lines with # as the first letter, or ever, delete the files it has complained and try the list again03:26
coreytokay, i will be back03:26
PresuntoRJChogyDan: a bunch of invalid files as the source.list repositories, mostly ppa related03:26
PresuntoRJChogyDan: he will try to comment those and try again03:27
ChogyDanPresuntoRJ: is that the problem?03:27
ChogyDanI had that same issue, but they were for all these ppas disabled at upgrade, figured it was a non issue03:28
PresuntoRJChogyDan: not sure, we are checking... he had the X and gdm not running after the upgrade... not sure if something hasd stoped during the upgrade... we were checking manually for the dpkg and apt statuses03:30
ChogyDanah, ok03:30
PresuntoRJChogyDan: when he came back from the boot, he was reading the results of the commands I have passed him ;)03:30
PresuntoRJChogyDan: you know, dpkg --configure -a, apt-get check, that kind of stuff03:31
PresuntoRJChogyDan: but those commands complained about 6 invalid lines, all but one were ppa related, the other was gdm related, not sure what repository was that anyway03:32
PresuntoRJChogyDan: but it was not an ubuntu one03:32
PresuntoRJChogyDan: and it said lucid in the name anyway...  gdm2setup-gdm2setup-lucid.list.save03:33
ChogyDanPresuntoRJ: yeah, probably all old ppa listings03:33
PresuntoRJChogyDan: hence the advise to disable those03:34
PresuntoRJChogyDan: I wonder if they were disabled during the upgrade process at all as they should have been03:34
PresuntoRJChogyDan: but thouse could have cause the strange behavior anywaym so he will try the dpkg and apt check again03:35
ChogyDanPresuntoRJ: what happened when he ran startx?  I missed that03:36
PresuntoRJChogyDan: I think he never said... :-/03:37
PresuntoRJChogyDan: I think he is on the live-cd to IRC with us, and have to reboot to get to the testing part03:38
PresuntoRJChogyDan: he'll be back03:38
i_is_brokehas there been any issues with nvidia video cards with m&m???03:38
PresuntoRJChogyDan: if there was nothing else to disrupt the upgrade itself, I believe he could try a $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:38
PresuntoRJright ?03:38
ChogyDanPresuntoRJ: I dunno, I've never tried that03:39
ChogyDanPresuntoRJ: but if startx fails, whatever error msg and Xorg.0.log should give good leads03:40
PresuntoRJChogyDan: that should re-run the installation scripts that usually happen during the upgrade ... after his boot we will learn more03:40
PresuntoRJbusy repositories ! 3 hours to complete the download for the upgrade ?03:41
coreyteetPresuntoRJ: Im back again03:52
ChogyDancoreyteet: can you pastebin the error from startx, and your Xorg.0.log?03:54
coreyteeti wrote down the errors but i dont have the log :(03:54
coreyteetFailed to load /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/nvidia.drv.so03:55
ChogyDancoreyteet: can you access your /root?03:55
coreyteetFailed to load module "nvidia" (loader failed, 7)03:55
ChogyDanwas there a message about ABI?03:55
coreyteetno drivers available03:56
coreyteetthose were my errors03:56
coreyteetI dont believe so03:56
coreyteetmy root folder? i didnt try03:56
ChogyDancoreyteet: I mean, I just want you to edit a file  (I assume you are on a live install?)03:57
coreyteetyes i am03:57
coreyteetedit a file on my live install?03:57
ChogyDancoreyteet: sudo mv /root/etc/X11/xorg.conf /root/etc/X11.xorg.conf.no_work03:57
ChogyDanof course, sub in the actual root location for root03:58
coreyteetdo this at boot on 10.10 or on my live installation?03:58
ChogyDancoreyteet: the one that is giving those nvidia errors03:59
white_magichey, so i delete my main 9.04 partition (which was 2.5gb only), but now i have 2 SWAP partitions. one is 11gb, the other is 181MB04:00
white_magici'm not sure which one is for ubuntu 10.1004:00
white_magici'd like to delete the one for 9.04..04:00
ChogyDanwhite_magic: why do you have an 11g swap partition?04:01
white_magici haven't got a clue04:02
white_magicit's been chosen to be so by default04:02
white_magichow do i find out which is the one for 10.10 (currently in use)?04:03
ChogyDanwhite_magic: I think you can list all your partitions with sudo fdisk -l04:03
white_magicdoes 10.10 alt disc contain gparted by any chance?04:04
ChogyDanwhite_magic: I don't think it does04:05
Doylewhite_magic: you cna boot to it, get online then install it through synaptic04:06
white_magicwell im booted in a 10.10 install, but i dont suppose i can edit a partition that is currently in use04:07
white_magicon a different note, where is GRUB stored? i thought it would be /boot/grub/menu.lst, but it's not there..04:09
Doylewhite_magic: no... best way, download an image of parted magic, burn it and boot to it04:09
white_magicis parted magic different from gparted?04:09
Doylewhite_magic: do a 'locate menu.lst' in term04:09
Doylewhite_magic: parted magic is a distribution that focuses on disk tools04:10
Doylewhite_magic: I use it to image all the new pc's that come into the office.04:10
white_magici dont wanna use my dvd-rw's on it :(04:10
white_magicwonder if a 1 or 2 year old version of gparted would do04:10
white_magicfor ext4 and ntfs..04:10
white_magici think it's grub.d now, not menu.lst04:11
white_magicwait.. scratch that04:12
ChogyDanwhite_magic: it is grub.d under /etc I believe, it is also /boot/grub/grub.cfg I believe04:15
white_magicyea, well opening grub.cfg, i read that i should be using grub-mkconfig to edit it04:16
white_magicbut it seems that grub-mkconfig is for adding entries04:16
* ChogyDan *yawn*04:58
KukuNutcan't get netbook in vbox.  all I get is the background and x mouse cursor.  any idea how to get past this? tried no splash no modeset..06:07
KukuNutstartx would get me the regular ubuntu06:07
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
j_r_dHey, I made a custom command to run when a cd gets mounted but now I need to change it.....how do I do that? I tried going to file management but the option wasn't there. I'm using 10.10 btw..07:08
j_r_dany ideas?07:13
lucas-arghello, im having problems with my bluetooth, ubuntu doesnt recognize it at all07:20
redAnyone know what could cause login screen to be fading light\purple\light\purple indefinately on Maverick? Started today with apt-get upgrades09:15
redI could log in by typing username\pw even tho i didnt see the dialogs09:15
redand after that the screen started functioning properly again09:15
chandru_inIn maverick beta is it not possible to hide rhythmbox window without quitting rhythmbox?10:02
gnomefreakchandru_in: yes but i dont remember how,i think it is the close button and it will be in the sound dialog10:08
chandru_inWhich close button are you referring to?10:09
gnomefreakchandru_in: the x tha it should show up in the sound menu10:14
chandru_inNope the sound menu has no close button.  I'm running Maverick beta with all updates installed10:15
chandru_inThere is an entry for rhythmbox though10:15
gnomefreakchandru_in: the sound menu will have ry... in it and you can use the menu to play quit ect...10:15
vishchandru_in: the close from the window doesnt work?10:16
vishnot the menu..10:16
chandru_invish, it quits rhythmbox10:16
chandru_ingnomefreak, There are options to play, pause and change track10:16
gnomefreakchandru_in: the rhythmbox entry will still allow you to play since you didnt really quit it.10:16
chandru_inbut none to close10:16
gnomefreakchandru_in: IIRC you right click on it but let me look10:17
chandru_ingnomefreak, it does play but was wondering why something which was working fine has been removed10:17
gnomefreakchandru_in: removed?10:17
chandru_inI mean ability to close the main window without quitting the whole application10:18
gnomefreakchandru_in: the main window will be closed and placed in the sound menu10:19
chandru_inBy doing what?10:19
chandru_inClosing it quits rhythmbox10:19
chandru_inCtrl+W minimizes it10:19
gnomefreakif you open it play or what not. than close the widow by using the x to close the window. than it will show up in sound menu but the gig window is gone, you can close that or wuit it to stop using it10:20
vishchandru_in: thats odd , it minimizes to the tray here... close from the metacity needs to minimize to the tray10:20
vishwell , alteast that what it does here..10:21
* gnomefreak maybe missunderstanding10:21
gnomefreakah ok you can either play it from sound menu or quit by opening the main window to close the app totally10:22
chandru_invish, Can you double check whether you have all the latest updates installed?10:23
vishchandru_in: yup.. just checked now :)10:23
* vish checks again..!10:23
luftikussDoes maverick provide FreeNX or NX_technology?10:28
jo-erlendin lucid, I can write messages to facebook, etc, from the panel. I'm not able to do that in maverick. Am I doing something wrong, or has that possibility been removed?10:44
chandru_invish, Nothing work.  Closing main window still quits!  :(10:48
JoshuaLi thought mark said they would do something special with the space in the right of the titlebar in 10.1010:55
JoshuaLor am i mistaken and will it be in 11.04?10:55
vishchandru_in: hmm , yeah , i have a bunch of updates , let me install them and try again to isolate if it is due to RB or not..10:56
chandru_inok thanks, vish10:57
JoshuaLjo-erlend, same here, no idea why. maybe they will enable it before release or so10:59
jo-erlendI hope so. I think that was a very compelling argument for many people.10:59
zniavre_vish,  RB lose his indicator-app cause it's now inside indicator-sound no ?12:05
vishzniavre_: yeah..12:06
vishzniavre_: its now in the sound menu itself..12:06
vega_hmm, maverick boot hangs if my iphone is plugged in during boot..12:18
tracy69guys what the temp of the cpu and the gpu should i have running 10.10 on my laptop ?12:50
tracy69!seen anyone12:52
ubottuI have no seen command12:52
yofeltracy69: depends on what apps you're running, and type of machine, my i7 notebook usually runs at cpu core temp ~45°C when idle13:15
yofel(with ffx, thunderbird, KDE, quassel and one smplayer instance open)13:15
tracy69<yofel> my run at 29 and it has q9000 cpu so i dont know if that isnt a bit to cold or soemthing13:17
tracy69and the gpu temp says 24C13:17
vega_too cold?13:17
vega_i don't think it can be too cold.. :)13:18
tracy69i odnt know much about gpu cpu temp dont know what the right temp etc13:18
tracy69better is to have 50C cpu or 20C temp?13:18
yofelusually, the lower the better13:19
tracy69i have custom made i mean one company have made for me water cooling pad so im able to reduce the temp to as low as 15C cpu but normally it has from 25 to 29C when playing clips etc13:20
vega_as long as you don't freeze it .. :)13:21
tracy69what would happen if the temp dropped to -5C13:22
tracy69would the cpu die?13:22
vega_actually, no idea..13:22
tracy69i can go below 0 thats for sure:)13:22
yofelI doubt that, it would just be unecessarily expensive13:22
vega_my cpu is 38, gpu 51 at work (home computer is something about the same)13:23
vega_dell e6500 laptop13:23
tracy69ok thats not bad i think13:23
tracy69before the company made the pad for me the cpu was about 55C and the GPU 60 to 65 even when idle thats why i was looking for something to cool this laptop now is ok13:25
tracy69i have one more questio whats plugin-containe ?13:27
tracy69what does it do ?13:27
lucas-arghello, i have an hp dv6, bluetooth doesnt seem to be working...13:56
lucas-argneither was working on 10.0413:56
lucas-argbut it worked on arch linux...13:56
lucas-argi dont know how to solve this problem13:56
Neo_Hi, I am currently using 10.04. I have a broadcom wireless adapter, for which even the proprietary drivers that ubuntu provides do not work. So, I have compiled the drivers by downloading the source. If I upgrade to 10.10 now, will these drivers have to be recompiled?14:18
Neo_Hi, I am currently using 10.04. I have a broadcom wireless adapter, for which even the proprietary drivers that ubuntu provides do not work. So, I have compiled the drivers by downloading the source. If I upgrade to 10.10 now, will these drivers have to be recompiled?14:20
yofelyes, you have to recompile them for every new kernel14:20
yofeland please don't repeat yourself (at least not until you have waited a few hours)14:20
yofelleft -.-14:20
Neo_Hi, I am currently using 10.04. I have a broadcom wireless adapter, for which even the proprietary drivers that ubuntu provides do not work. So, I have compiled the drivers by downloading the source. If I upgrade to 10.10 now, will these drivers have to be recompiled?14:20
yofelyes, you have to recompile them for every new kernel14:21
yofeland please don't repeat yourself (at least not until you have waited a few hours)14:21
Neo_sorry about that14:21
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:21
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions14:22
Neo_yofel, since I already have packages needed for compiling these drivers (build-essential and stuff), I can go ahead and upgrade and then recompile. I wont need internet to download those packages again. Am i right?14:23
willwork4foohi all14:24
willwork4foodoes anyone know if the upower bug affecting netbooks has been resolved for 10.10?14:24
yofelright, you'll only need to rebuid the driver (if it's compatible with 2.35)14:24
vaibhavi want to change admindir which is used by dpkg, how can i do it14:24
Neo_thanks yofel14:25
yofelvaibhav: there is --admindir=14:25
vaibhavyofel: i tried it, but it says "no such file or directory", i checked the path it was correct14:27
yofelhm, then I don't know, I never actually used that14:28
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:29
vaibhavyofel: can you suggest me something else, actuall i need to run dpkg and transfer file to a particular location14:29
yofelwhat are you trying to do actually? --admindir will tell it to use another place instead of /var/lib/dpkg - what file from there do you need?14:30
lucas-argneed help with bluetooth... any one?14:30
willwork4fooanyone know much about upower?14:31
yofellucas-arg: unless you tell us what your problem is we won't know if we can help you14:31
vaibhavyofel : i am using nokiaQt SDK for development; which does not have dpkg of it's own if some how i instruct dpkg (of system) to use the place i want, all my problems will be solved14:32
lucas-argyofel: ubuntu is not detecting my card i guess... gnome-bluetooth or whatever its name is, says that i dont have a bluetooth card, but i do...14:32
lucas-argyofel: i dont know whats goin on, in arch i had to turn it on via software, but here i dont even know how14:33
ToxinPoweAnyone knows why Pokerstars doesn't works with wine on Maverick? everything else works fine. :/14:34
yofellucas-arg: does lspci or lsusb list a bluetooth device?14:34
luftikussFor what date is Maverick Beta scheduled?14:34
yofelvaibhav: erm, do you want to make dpkg install stuff at a specific location, or do you want to make dpkg install the sdk which doesn't have a .deb file?14:34
lucas-argyofel: i can paste bin the outputs so u can see... i search it but didnt find it14:35
yofelluftikuss: see schedule in /topic14:35
vaibhavyofel: i want dpkg to install stuffs at specific location14:35
yofellucas-arg: can you pastebin the output of dmesg instead?14:35
lucas-argyofel: sure14:35
yofelvaibhav: then you'll have to use --root= I think, which will set instdir and admindir14:36
yofel(see man dpkg)14:36
vaibhavyofel: it still gave same error ; tried it14:37
lucas-argyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/489810/14:37
Daekdroom!info foomatic-db14:38
ubottufoomatic-db (source: foomatic-db): OpenPrinting printer support - database. In component main, is optional. Version 20100806-0ubuntu7 (maverick), package size 970 kB, installed size 16944 kB14:38
DaekdroomHm.. dist-upgrade wants to remove it..14:38
yofelDaekdroom: here too14:39
yofellucas-arg: that does list a bluetooth device... what does 'hciconfig' tell you?14:39
lucas-argyofel: nothing14:40
yofelthen I'm out of ideas, maybe it recognised the device and removed it immediately again...14:41
lucas-argi dont know what to do either14:41
luftikussyofel: Thank you.14:41
redI've got Maverick installed at my personal PC now, set up for my work just the way I want it (apps, settings, themes, firefox addons/customizations etc. etc). What would be the easiest solution in exporting my installed applications and user settings? I know of copying home folder would mostly sort the settings (then just slap a few things from etc to get apache2 etc enviroments too), but how about the apps?14:45
lucas-argyofel: in bluez web they say 0.32 version of obexd solve some of my problems...14:45
redI wan't to use this same installation @workplace :)14:45
yofelhm, we have 0.31 right now for obexd, not sure if there's still time or a reason to get 0.32 in mav14:46
yofelred: this should give you a list of all installed packages: dpkg --get-selections | awk '!/deinstall|purge|hold/ {print $1}'14:47
lucas-argyofel: well, i have a reason... in arch i was using lastest bluez and it worked ok...14:47
lucas-argyofel: otherwise, how am i supposed to use my bluetooth?14:48
yofellucas-arg: no idea, 0.32 has already been requested btw. (bug 625544 )14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625544 in obexd (Ubuntu) "Sponsor new upstream release" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62554414:49
redyofel: and I can use that list easily to apt-get install stuff?14:49
redexcept for manually set up packages (there are just 3 so that is np)14:49
yofelright, you should be just be able to do 'apt-get install <generated list>'14:50
lucas-argyofel: ill have to wait then, thanks14:50
yofelapt will skip everything that's already installed. only downside: the packages that are installed as deps will be listed as manually and not automatically installed14:50
yofelso apt-get autoremove won't work14:51
redyofel: ok thanks, now just to figure how ubuntu will let met to tar my home folder, getting odd error14:52
lucas-argyofel: is possible to start obexd manually?14:53
lucas-argor bluez14:53
red"No such file or directory" when ctrl-a @ home dir, then deselecting two folders (dropbox and one other) -> right click -> compress14:53
lucas-argall i see in bluetooth in /etc/init.d/14:53
redWill work as long as hidden files are not shown14:53
yofellucas-arg: I don't know, maybe someone else does :/14:54
lucas-argok thanks yofel14:55
redit was my .wine folder causing that14:56
redodd :)14:56
VolkodavSo gdebi was changed to ubuntu software center ?14:58
Volkodavthere is no verbose info on it ( at least I did not find)14:59
yofelsoftware center was changed to be the default for package file installations. gdebi is still there, but not used15:00
lucas-argyofel: solve the problem, it was something in my bios for saving energy...15:01
lucas-argis it true that devs want to remove synaptic from cd for ubuntu 11.04?15:03
shadeslayerto answer lucas-arg's question, yes15:13
tacomasterhello i just upgraded to 10.10 and wine and virtualbox where disabled in my third party software how can i reenable them?15:34
Mike1_hey! I’ve just read that AMD open-sourced it’s graphics card drivers … are they included in Maverick? Are they working well?15:38
* Mike1_ got a HD4850 (RV770) and I’m wondering if I should try Ubuntu 10.10 beta with KDE SC15:40
=== Mike1_ is now known as Mike1
* shadeslayer hits Mike1 for not trying KDE SC 4.5.115:42
Mike1shadeslayer: which version comes with Maverick?15:42
shadeslayer4.5.1 .. i just said that :P15:42
tacomasterdoes anyone know a web site i can read about how to turn on the software sources that were disabled in the upgrade to 10.1015:43
Mike1shadeslayer: I’m wondering if I should try it – meaning I’m about to do it15:43
Mike1shadeslayer: so no reason to hit me!15:43
shadeslayerMike1: ok just a few things, install extra wallpapers from the kde wallpaper pack15:43
shadeslayerthe default one is horrible15:44
ToxinPoweethais horrible?15:44
shadeslayerand install kopete-gcall package to get google call support in kopete15:44
shadeslayerToxinPowe: yes :(15:44
shadeslayeri hate that wallpaper...15:44
shadeslayer( its just my opinion )15:44
ToxinPoweshadeslayer, nop the best but not horrible, IMHO =)15:44
Mike1shadeslayer: The default wallpapers in ubuntu suck too since 10.04, so no surprise for me ;-)15:44
DamienCassouI really need sun jre/jdk in maverick. Is it possible?15:45
shadeslayerMike1: yes, but ubuntu comes with a nice stack of wallpapers to choose from, kubuntu has just ethias15:45
shadeslayerDamienCassou: id say install from lucid15:45
DamienCassoushadeslayer: you mean download various deb files manually and run dpkg?15:45
shadeslayerDamienCassou: yes15:46
Mike1shadeslayer: the Wallpapers in Ubuntu are nice photos, but they are bad as wallpapers (if you use stuff like desktop icons etc)15:46
DamienCassoushadeslayer: thank you15:46
shadeslayeri wouldnt recommend it, but seeing that the packages are not in the repo.. thats your best bet15:46
tacomasterdoes anyone know how to reenable software sources that have been disabled with a upgrade?15:47
shadeslayerMike1: didnt try out ubuntu for that long... <3 kde too much :D15:47
shadeslayertacomaster: via synaptic ?15:47
shadeslayerIIRC its under repositories15:47
tacomastershadeslayer: so reinstall them?15:47
shadeslayertacomaster: just re-enable them if  you did a upgrade15:48
Mike1or tinker around in the /etc/apt directory15:48
shadeslayeror that if you know what your doing15:48
tacomastershadeslayer: there not disabled in synaptic there disabled in software sources under the other software tab15:49
tacomastershadeslayer: the two programs are wine and virtualbox15:49
shadeslayertacomaster: my first question is why do you need the wine repo?15:50
shadeslayerand  if im not mistaken vbox is in archives as well15:50
tacomasterto update wine as newer versions come out15:50
shadeslayerwell.. go lp page of ppa and add manually if you cant re-enable then15:53
=== nixtux- is now known as linux1
=== linux1 is now known as nixtux
atrustacomaster: maybe they weren't disabled, but ubuntu just has a newer version, so it's using that? in which case, there may be an updated software-source to go along wtith it...16:06
tacomasteratrus: it was when i tried to update that it said something along the lines of cant update repo disabled16:06
charlie-tcaIs there a version available for Maverick, or is the version lucid?16:07
charlie-tcaIt won't auto enable anything for lucid16:07
killer999I got a problem...the option for turning off bluetooth from indicator applet is gone...how do i turn off bluetooth16:10
DamienCassoushadeslayer: thank you. Java now works perfectly on maverick16:15
shadeslayerDamienCassou: oh great! :D16:16
shadeslayerherbs: 0_o16:16
shadeslayerhe really needed it..16:16
killer999I got a problem...the option for turning off bluetooth from indicator applet is gone...how do i turn off bluetooth16:16
DamienCassouduring the install of maverick, I choosed 'USA International (with dead keys)' as my keyboard layout. Once installed, I then choose 'USA International (ALTGr dead keys)'. I want to remove the first layout to use only the first one. However, after each reboot the first layout comes back16:17
tacomasterok so if i have 10.10 can i delete everything in my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ that has lucid in it?16:25
charlie-tcaPretty much. I use VirtualBox PEUL edition, and there is none yet for Maverick. I have a sources line that uses lucid for it instead of Maverick16:27
tacomastermine are mostly wine-ppa's16:28
charlie-tcaI don't know wine enough to say if you can use them or not.16:29
charlie-tcaHave you checked for the wine version in maverick?16:29
tacomasterno not yet but when i try to sudo apt-get update it gives me errors on everything of mine that has lucid in it in this file16:30
tacomasterim just making sure i wont break my system if i delete them16:31
gnomefreakback the folder up (rename) than update16:31
EagleScreenhere using Kubuntu maverick16:32
EagleScreenI cannot change the locales to en-GB.utf816:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Mike1yay, i crashed plasma =)16:56
shadeslayerMike1: :O16:56
shadeslayerwhat did you do???16:57
Mike1added a plasma widget16:57
charlie-tcatacomaster: you can always manually edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and comment those lines with lucid. Just add #  in front of them.16:57
Mike1(just trying all of them ;) )16:57
shadeslayerhehe :P16:58
shadeslayeri know what happened16:58
shadeslayerits the network manager plasmoid16:58
Mike1nope, that one works16:59
Mike1what do you need a web browser plasmoid for? oO17:00
* Mike1 is playing with bouncy ball :D17:00
Mike1mhhh, with auto refresh it’s useful17:01
Mike1and rekonq is damn fast by the way =)17:01
Mike1the installer is nice =)17:04
Mike1though the manual partition selection thingy could be bigger17:04
Mike1argh, wrong username -_-17:07
Lars_GHey all.17:43
Lars_GCongrat me17:43
Lars_GI foobared my machine slightly with meerkat :D17:44
Lars_GJust a word of advice. don't take your "tends to hang up in it's bag due to heat" laptop with you during the package configuration part of a dist upgrade17:44
charlie-tcanice :-(17:45
Lars_GLet's see if dpkg --configure -a helps17:48
sinmanhow can i se if ubuntu 10.10 will have the wireless driver for my wireless adapter?17:59
bjsniderwhat is your wireless adapter?17:59
sinmanD-Link DWA-13017:59
bjsnider130? how old is that?17:59
shadeslayerMike1: go look in the about rekonq section, im one of the authors, thanks :D18:00
sinmanit's not that old because it can be use as N instead of b or g18:00
sinmanif i have a wireless N router18:00
bjsniderare you currently running linux?18:01
sinmanyes ubuntu 10.04 I had to use the ndiswrapper to install the windows driver for it18:01
shadeslayersinman: download ubuntu 10.10 > put it on USB/CD > try it out18:01
shadeslayerthats the best way18:01
shadeslayerMike1: even has apturl support :)18:02
shadeslayer( incase you even use it :P )18:02
sinmanshadeslayer: ok but before i install it I would need to do a fresh install of 10.04 and change the partition size of my one of myu storage partition18:03
shadeslayersinman: erm.. you dont need to install it18:03
shadeslayeryou can check via the live CD18:03
shadeslayerif it works on the live CD itll work on the installed system18:04
sinmanthen im off to ubuntu site and download 10.1018:04
sinmanthanxs shadeslayer18:04
Mike1how can I set a „primary” display? It just asumes that DVI-0 is where I want to have the panel etc. but that’s wrong18:05
bjsniderthat won't work. his device still has no native driver18:05
shadeslayerMike1: in kde?18:06
Mike1shadeslayer: yes18:07
shadeslayerMike1: K > System Settings > Display and Monitor18:07
Mike1yes, and there I have DVI-0 and DVI-118:09
Mike1and the problem is that I want the panel etc. at the display connected to DVI-118:09
shadeslayerMike1: can you post a screenshot of the Multiple Monitors dialog ?18:10
Mike1let me configure quassel ;-)18:11
Mike1how to seperate the channels in „Join Channels Automatically”? Space? Comma?18:12
PiciMike1: Commas genreally.18:12
Picigenerally too.18:12
shadeslayerMike1: usually i add one channel in one line18:14
shadeslayerMike1_: pong18:14
Mike1_where can I find the setting after the first start?18:14
Mike1_for the Channels to join automatically18:15
shadeslayerMike1_: Settings > configure18:16
Mike1_and there?18:16
Mike1_in „Networks” I can only set the server I want to connect to18:17
Mike1_or do I have to put /join #foobar into the command list?18:17
IdleOneselect the server and click edit18:17
IdleOneshould have a autojoin filed18:17
Mike1_got no such field18:17
IdleOnewhat client?18:18
Mike1_Version: v0.7-rc1 (dist-a504e9f)18:18
IdleOnehttp://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/1/wiki/FAQ  second question18:19
Mike1_shadeslayer: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=snapshot1jkrc.png18:25
shadeslayerno idea.. #kubuntu-devel or #kde18:26
Mike1_I could just set it with xrandr ;-)18:27
Mike1_or not18:28
Mike1_ah, got it18:29
Mike1_xrandr --output DVI-1 --primary18:29
Mike1_is there a way to display „Chats” as Tabs in Quassel? Like it’s possible in Konversation (or at least was back in KDE3.5 times)18:33
Mike1_and I also don’t like how it breaks my lines18:33
Mike1_let’s install firefox18:36
Mike1_and konversation and/or irssi18:36
=== Sary is now known as S|Away
EagleScreen_ig language-selector is broken, can I change locales in other way?18:42
IdleOne!locales | EagleScreen_18:46
ubottuEagleScreen_: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf18:46
Mike1__„Switch to classic menu style” makes my KMenu unusable -_-18:49
Mike1__customizing the panel is really not easy -_-18:50
Mike1_yay, Konversation is still as great as in the good old days =)18:59
yofelMike1_: what's the issue with line breaking?19:00
yofel(in quassel)19:00
EagleScreen_IdleOne: localepurge does nothing19:01
Mike1_yofel: it should break per word and not per character19:01
yofelit breaks per word, if it breaks for you like 'tes\nt' then that's a known bug with quassel and qt4.7beta, rc1 should have fixed that though19:02
Mike1_but I prefer the tabs of Konversation anyways, so no chance for Quassel19:03
yofelheh, np, konversation is nice, I'm using quassel as I have core and client seperate19:03
Mike1_now I just have to get pulseaudio running19:07
Lars_Gseems dpkg --configure -a is fixing it all19:07
st__why windows xp installer from 2001 works without a hitch, but maverick one always has some stupid problem which borks installed system?19:08
Lars_Gst__: trolling is not gonna help much.19:08
st__it even had an exception once, during dpkg configure phase19:09
Picist__: And did you log a bug?19:09
st__st__, no, it gave an exception and terminated, i had no option to submit a bug19:10
st__btw we were promised a gtk theme with transparency and new font in lucid, but it's still not in maverick19:13
st__and I still waiting for atheros wireless and SYS Mirage video support, but it's not here19:16
Lars_GWith the new unity, for netbooks19:19
Lars_Gdo we still use netbook-launcher ? or another thing?19:19
TsimsCan someone help me please19:31
TsimsI just updated to 10.10 and the only way i can launch the desktop is in failsafe graphics mode19:31
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
Mike1_what graphics card do you have, Tsims?19:31
Mike1_mhhhh, looks like that’s currently a problem ;-)19:32
Mike1_friend of mine has troubles too19:32
Mike1_though I don’t know details19:32
Tsimsit just boots in text and asks me for login19:33
Tsimsno solutions yet?19:33
Mike1_I just asked him if and how he fixed it19:33
Mike1_let’s wait for the answer and google for it in the meantime ;-)19:34
Tsimsawesome, let me know thanks19:34
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
tacomasterok quick question if i have kernel version 2.6.35 but now some programs dont work and need to get a different kernel version what should i do upgrade the kernel (2.6.36) or go back a kernel?19:36
Mike1_Tsims: does the additional drivers thingy over you something? Jockey is it’s name19:36
TsimsN: Ignoring file 'docky-core-ppa-lucid.list.distUpgrade' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:37
TsimsN: Ignoring file 'playdeb.list.save' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:37
TsimsN: Ignoring file 'playdeb.list.distUpgrade' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:37
TsimsN: Ignoring file 'swiftfox.list.distUpgrade' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:37
TsimsN: Ignoring file 'nvidia-vdpau-ppa-lucid.list.distUpgrade' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:37
TsimsN: Ignoring file 'docky-core-ppa-lucid.list.save' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:37
Tsimsi just ran a sudo update and got this19:38
cwillu_at_work!info inkscape19:39
ubottuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47.0-2ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 19576 kB, installed size 68588 kB19:39
Mike1_Tsims: the friend I mentioned decided to wait for an update and uses the free noveau driver for now19:40
Mike1_Tsims: but it looks like he only got problems because he uses a custom kernel19:40
Tsimshmm, ill try and figure it out19:40
Tsimsthanks for the help!19:40
Mike1_oh noes -_-19:53
Mike1_Battle for Wesnoth does not work well with two displays19:53
Mike1_it assumes the two displays as one with a resolution of 3200x1200px -_-19:55
Mike1_→setting the 1920x1200px of the display I want to play it at centers it right were the borders of the displays meet19:56
dihaehello. since upgrading to maverick, KDE desktop effects do not work anymore. Direct rendering is still activated, but systemssettings just says:  "Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues", and then just doesn't give any reason at all.20:00
tacomasterif some stuff broke when upgradeing to 10.10 because of the kernel being 2.6.35 is there any way to go back to 2.6.3220:00
dihaeUsing the opensource radeon driver, and also tried to enable/disable KMS, but that didn't help obviously20:00
yofeltacomaster: officially not, but you could install the lucid kernel. I can't guarantee that it will work flawlessly though (and please file a bug about your 35 issue first)20:02
Lars_GWill 10.10 final stay with .35? or we might see .36?20:02
Lars_Gok. thanks20:03
tacomasteryofel: its just a problem with wine not working with some games its all over the winehq website20:03
yofeltacomaster: oh, ptrace?20:03
Lars_GFINALLY! dpkg --configure -a finished! I'll go load .35 :P20:03
Lars_Gyofel: Say, we use unity now, instead of netbook-launcher... right?20:03
tacomasteryofel: world of warcraft stops working after kernel 2.6.3220:04
yofelafaik yes, but I've never used unity20:04
tacomasteryofel: so its not ubuntu's fault i just want to play the game20:04
yofeltacomaster: mom, let's try something20:04
tacomasteryofel: what do you want to try20:05
yofeltacomaster: can you try to run 'echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope' in a terminal and see if it works then? If it works edit /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf to make the change permanent20:05
dihaeany ideas?20:06
tacomasteryofel: do i need the single quotes?20:06
yofeltacomaster: no20:06
yofel(and note that this is set for a reason -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Roadmap/KernelHardening#PTRACE Protection)20:06
Lars_Gyofel: wouldn't sysctl -w be easier than echo and tee?20:06
yofelLars_G: now that you mention it, meh :P20:07
dihaenot that desktop effects are all that important, but since I can change the Qt graphicssystem to OpenGL (even raster issignificantly faster), it would be nice to get it all working20:07
yofeldihae: not sure, I only own nvidia and intel cards, and KDE works fine there (well, mostly)20:08
yofelchecked if it says anything in ~/.xsession-errors (check the end of the file after trying to enable effects)20:08
tacomasteryofel: i have no idea what you told me to do but it worked so far tyvm lifesaver20:09
yofeltacomaster: see the wiki page I posted, it's a security 'feature'20:10
tacomasteryofel: do i need to do something everytime i open wow?20:10
tacomasteror is it fixed for good?20:10
yofeltacomaster: no, if you change it in /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf then it will stay20:10
yofelthen again20:11
yofelyou probably only should set it while playing wow20:11
yofeldepends on how much you care about security20:11
tacomasteryofel:  "echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope" is the thing i typed in does that change it in /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf?20:12
dihaeyofel: this is what I got from .xsession-errors: http://pastebin.com/XB6EDyAW20:12
yofelok, I have no clue why it says 'KWin has detected that your OpenGL library is unsafe to use'20:13
dihaeyofel: me neither20:14
tacomasteryofel: so you recomend just type in that command everytime i want to play wow?20:14
dihaeyofel: the only thing I came across that could fix it, is removing every CheckIs* line from kwinrc. But as there also is a GUI option for that, it doesn't work either :)20:19
yofelas I said, no idea, actually... you could ask in #kubuntu-devel if they know what you should file a bug against20:21
dihaeyofel: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22679120:22
ubottuKDE bug 226791 in compositing "KWin with fglrx: Compositing is not supported on your system " [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:22
duffydacknot really digging the arrows next to each folder in nautilus.  can I remove them?20:38
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=== BugCrusher is now known as bilalakhtar
Lars_GI've hit jackpot21:02
Lars_GUnity is slow as hell, and plasma-netbook sigfaults!21:02
Lars_GBeing on the beta, are the repos the same for builds/fixes between betas?21:03
Lars_GI'd like to switch to dailies until final21:03
tacomasteryofel: ok i finally read that page fully and i understand what you were talking about with that being a problem enabling ptrace other than when i use wow how do i turn the ptrace protection back to normal after i finish playing wow21:04
yofeltacomaster: set the value back to 1 again21:04
tacomasteryofel: so "echo 1 | blah blah" to get it back on21:05
tacomasteryofel: "echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope" turns ptrace back on?21:07
yofelright, or as Lars said, you could use "sudo sysctl -w kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=1" too21:07
tacomasteryofel: is that way better or do they do the same function the same way?21:07
Lars_GIs there a kubuntu+1?21:08
Lars_Gor tips on how to speed up netbook ui on gnome?21:08
Lars_GI think I'll go xfce :P21:08
yofelLars_G: kubuntu+1 redirects to here21:08
Mike1Lars_G: there is no netbook ui with xfce =P21:08
Lars_GMike1: Everything's a netbook UI with xfce :P21:09
yofeltacomaster: they do the same thing, only difference is that it's one command, and I used 2 connected by pipe21:09
Mike1Lars_G: and the netbook ui does not need to be fast because you can’t move around windows etc. anyways21:09
Lars_GSo right now, plasma-netbook sigfaults on me, and both 2d and 3d gnome netbook uis are too slow to use21:09
yofelLars_G: you could go to #kubuntu-devel for debugging help, do you get a backtrace of the crash?21:10
Mike1what’s slow with them?21:10
Lars_GMike1: Yeah but when I click on an icon I want it to open an app rather than waiting 25 seconds to then cause lot's of crash reports21:10
Lars_Gyofel: I do21:10
Mike1Lars_G: oh, that’s bad21:10
yermanduconfigure: error: glib-compile-schemas not found.21:10
tacomasteryofel: ok ty so much for all you have helped me with today really wish i knew enough to be able to help you back but still to new in linux but do know a bit about cisco if you ever need :P21:10
yermanduwhat is the package that contain this files21:10
Lars_Gfirst things first, is the repos used for the beta the dailies ones?21:11
yofeltacomaster: heh, I'll come back to that if I'll need to :P21:11
Lars_GI want to update stuff as it comes out, between betas21:11
yofelLars_G: for  maverick? we don't have a beta repos, the archive is updated as soon as packages come out21:11
tacomasterdoes anyone know if this is suppost to be when i upgraded i lost my system > admin > software sources21:12
Lars_Ggood. thanks yofel21:12
Lars_GI might be able to use the machine in a day or two :D21:12
Lars_GWhat was the channel?21:13
Lars_Gsaw it21:13
yofelyermandu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/489998/21:14
tacomasteryofel: is something wrong if i dont have the button under system > admin > software sources?21:16
yofelnot sure, I don't use gnome, maybe it was integrated into software center?21:17
tacomasteryofel: thats what im saying software center is gone21:17
yofelsoftware sources isn't software center, but was a button for software-properties-gtk21:18
Lars_Gyofel: found one of your reports... you were reporting the crash dialog is not useful :) for the same crash I have21:18
Lars_GAh it's not yours21:18
Lars_Gyou comment on it21:19
yofelbug number?21:19
tacomasteryofel: where ever you add your ppa's for wine and stuff like that21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603716 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot PTRACE subthreads due to Yama" [High,Fix released]21:19
yofeloh, *that* one, that's fix for most cases, at least your backtrace looks somewhat useful, can you click on install debugging symbols if it's there?21:20
yermanduyofel: i think i have this packages but the folder is empty21:21
Lars_Gwould the crash have anything to do with ptrace?21:22
yofelLars_G: no, if you were affected by the ptrace bug, you wouldn't even have a backtrace!21:22
yofeltacomaster: can you check if the 'software-center' package is installed?21:23
yofeltacomaster: also, from the last software-properties changelog: "  * data/software-properties-gtk.desktop.in: desktop file is now really hidden (LP: #624072)"21:24
yofelthat seems to have removed the entry21:24
yofelbug 62407221:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624072 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Hide 'Software Sources' from the System > Administration menu" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62407221:24
tacomasteryea when i type software-center i get that but i dont think thats what im looking for21:24
yofeltacomaster: you can open it from software-center -> edit -> software sources21:26
tacomasteryofel: ok ty i see it now21:27
Lars_GOk the video in kde is seriously foobared21:30
Karen_mmy MOUSE stopped working;  wired usb mouse.   I tried it in another computer, mouse works.  I plug it back in, it isn't even sending power to the mouse21:36
Karen_mnever had this issue on lucid, now it's here with maverick21:36
Lars_GI think composite's seizuring21:39
Lars_GKaren_m: the no power is very very odd.21:39
Lars_GI'd check dmesg for errors when plugging in the mouse, and make a report21:39
* Lars_G prays .35 fixed acpi for his netbook21:44
Lars_GI've spent all of Lucid with a non working lid switch21:44
Lars_GAnd no enough mojo to fix it21:44
Lars_GMaybe if I someday take the 2 months of vacations I've accumulated.21:44
EagleScreenlanguage-selector seems to be broken, how can I change locales?21:55
* Lars_G languishes22:00
Andre_Gondimmy friends is dev of ubuntu games and he wants to know how add the picture in software center, cause now is showing the software, but no picture22:06
VolkodavXorg CPU usage is through the roof22:15
Volkodavhmm no errors in logs might be compiz22:19
Volkodaveverything else is normal22:20
navjotGuys, I just download ubuntu 10.10, and the grub menu.lst is empty, and grub doesnt even show up!22:20
yofel!grub2 | navjot22:21
ubottunavjot: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:21
yofelit's hidden by default now22:21
yofelI mean *completely* hidden22:21
navjotok so how do I boot into windows22:24
navjotwhen grub doesnt show22:24
Volkodavyou don't22:25
navjotso i cant boot into windows unless I uninstall ubuntu22:25
EagleScreennegative, navjot22:25
navjotso what do I do :D22:25
Volkodavwhat's wrong with grub ?22:25
EagleScreenand how would you uninstall Ubuntu?22:25
navjotIt doesnt show up22:25
Volkodavtried Esc at boot ?22:26
Volkodavmaybe you installed over windows ?22:26
duffydacknavjot, shift to show grub22:26
Volkodavthen grub will not show22:26
navjotno i didnt install over windows22:26
navjotI accesed my windows partition, everything is still there22:27
navjotok ill try shift22:27
navjotwell there was no entery for windows22:28
EagleScreennavjot: do not panic22:29
navjothow would I add it in :D22:29
navjotIm not panicking :l22:29
navjotsorry if im asking too much stuff :|22:29
EagleScreennavjot: install libdebian-installer4 package on first22:30
yofelnavjot: does 'sudo update-grub' list the ubuntu entry? (it runs os-prober)22:30
navjotoll try22:30
yofeler... windows entry22:30
EagleScreenand later run update-grub22:30
navjotok it update22:31
navjotI selected package maintainers version22:31
EagleScreenwell done22:31
navjot So it should work?22:32
navjotdo you want me to paste what it gives me or something?22:33
EagleScreennavjot: when you run update-grub, it shows the found OS, did it showd Windows?22:33
q_mousetrap crashes for me, once it tries to get or process my webcams image (segmentation fault). No webcam image is shown, with webcam disabled the program starts up normally.22:34
q_as I'm not diabled,so it's not as important ^^, but if there is a quick solution, let me now22:35
yofelq_: did you report the crash?22:36
navjotthis is what I get, eaglescreen: http://pastebin.com/aDjwk6bJ22:36
yofelnavjot: you are using maverick, right?22:37
q_yofel, no. as a bugreport? I now think it's definitly an program error (covering my webcam makes the program fail to detect any recognition matches and it does *not* crash)22:37
q_still no image22:37
navjotI thought this was for ubuntu 10.10?22:37
navjotare they same thing22:38
navjotsorry I are nub22:38
EagleScreennavjot: you must see something like this http://pastebin.ca/193532022:38
yofelnavjot: well, maverick doesn't use grub, but grub2, so you shouldn't have a menu.lst22:38
q_yofel, one could say, as soon as it sees my face it hangs itself :,(22:38
yofelheh, can you report it please?22:39
EagleScreennavjot: how did you install this maverick?22:39
q_yofel, i can, as a bugreport, right? (never did this)22:39
q_on launchpad22:39
navjotI chose partitions manually22:40
EagleScreennavjot: which CD?22:40
yofelq_: right, you'll need a LP account. Let apport upload the crash data and later fill in how you got it to crash22:40
EagleScreenLive CD? the beta? the alpha?22:40
EagleScreennavjot: just install libdebian-installer4, run update-grub and reboot and see22:41
q_yofel, how do i get apport to do so?22:41
navjotI did this: sudo aptitude install grub-pc22:41
navjotnao i think i ahve grub 2?22:41
yofelq_: open /var/crash in nautilus and click on the mousetrap .crash file22:42
q_ah ok, ty22:42
yofelnavjot: do what EagleScreen said for now22:43
navjotok just gotta reboot22:44
AnAntpc speaker not working in maverick ?22:44
AnAntanyways has this issue ?22:44
EagleScreenAnAnt: turn on your speakers22:44
EagleScreenAnAnt: check the audio cable22:45
AnAntEagleScreen: it worked in lucid22:45
EagleScreenAnAnt: check the volume slider (all of them)22:45
AnAntbtw, I am talking about the beeps22:45
EagleScreenyou want the bips?22:45
AnAntthe beeps22:46
navjotok so22:46
navjotI did it all22:46
EagleScreenAnAnt: install beep package and test the beep speaker22:46
EagleScreennavjot: what is the result?22:47
navjotwell grub just had the same options22:48
AnAntEagleScreen: well, it used to work in Lucid22:48
AnAntnow it doesn't work in maverick22:48
EagleScreenAnAnt: which software uses beeps?22:48
navjotwell now : http://pastebin.com/5TUQQs8r22:49
AnAntoh dear22:49
EagleScreennavjot: did you install libdebian-installer4?22:49
EagleScreenok, you may ahve to add Windows entry manually22:50
navjotok I tried that with the menu.lst22:50
navjotbut I realized that grub 2 doesnt use that22:50
EagleScreengrub2 works differnet22:51
navjotok so22:51
navjotonline tut link?22:51
navjotill google first22:51
EagleScreennavjot: you must add it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom22:52
EagleScreennavjot: you must add an entry like this: http://pastebin.ca/1935328 but following your partitions numbers and so22:53
navjotis there a way to find out my partition number?22:55
navjotwill this work EagleScreen :  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda22:58
EagleScreenthat is to see information about sda, I think23:00
navjotso sda2 isnt partition 2?23:01
EagleScreenyes it is23:02
EagleScreensda is the first disk23:02
EagleScreenand sda2 is the second partition in the first disk23:03
navjotoh ok23:03
navjoti update grub23:03
EagleScreensudo fdisk -l23:03
navjotso now i restart23:03
EagleScreennavjot: wait23:03
EagleScreendid you add it to 40_custom and run sudo update-grub?23:03
EagleScreenopen file /boot/grub/grub.cfg and look for your new entry23:04
navjoti see it23:05
=== duffydack is now known as KDEadict
EagleScreenok reboot and you will seee it23:07
Maro_Hey guys, in netbook edition is there a way of adding network shares to the favourites without going into the terminal?23:33
androidbruce|laphey gys23:33
androidbruce|lapi just installed 10.10 beta23:33
Maro_Anyone got any idea how to access network shares in the netbook edition using the GUI interface? I can't even access the regular file system to be honest...23:35
q_yofel, damn, i reported the bug as effecting "mousetrap" which is a game instead of "gnome-moustrap". how can I move it?23:37
q_in launchpad23:37
yofelq_: didn't apport fill in the correct package?23:37
yofelq_: click on the arrow beside 'mousetrap (Ubuntu)' and edit  the package field23:37
q_yofel, apport filled in "pyton"23:38
Maro_Seriously, someone must know if its possible to access the network or the raw filesystem in the Unity interface...23:39
killer999appmenu memory leak is fixed?23:44
xcyclistOkay, I have 10.10 up, and mostly it's going.  Right now I'm seeing Chromium only after my Chromium install, and the Chrome install is not visible.23:46
xcyclistI tried a reinstall of Chrome, and it did not change this.23:47
xcyclistLooks like nobody is here, so I'm going to try rebooting, and then come back.23:48
xcyclistI am unable to get a regular Chrome Install on MM since I installed Chromium.23:55
JoelioHi, I'm unable to connect an openvpn server..  (IP Config Get) timeout exceeded.23:56
JoelioTried this http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=52498923:57
ubottuDebian bug 524989 in network-manager-openvpn "network-manager-openvpn is unable to connect to an openvpn server because of an openvpn bug" [Important,Open]23:57
JoelioExactly the same config on Lucid works23:57
Joeliojust about to break out wireshark but seeing if it's a common bug23:57
xcyclistIs there an intentional feature to prevent simultaneous installs of both Chromium and Chrome?23:58
xcyclistOr, I should say, is there an intentional feature to prevent Chrome installs after a Chromium install, and to replace a Chrome install with a Chromium install?23:59
yofelxcyclist: not that I know of, what are their package names?23:59
jjcmxcyclist: not that I've ever heard of23:59
jjcmI always install both side by yside23:59

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