
AlanBellcharlie-tca: have you tried the new ubuntu font?17:18
AlanBellwould be interested in your opinion of using the new font with the large print high contrast theme17:18
charlie-tcayes, I have been using it. I haven't tried with high contrast themes, but I have it as default for everything, including firefox17:19
charlie-tcaI thought that was what your devel wiki used?17:19
charlie-tcaor am I forcing my fonts somehow?17:19
charlie-tcaI do like it. It is quite easy on the eyes17:20
AlanBellok, good, thanks17:28
AlanBelllooking at the impact of making it the desktop default, which it might be17:28
AlanBellbug 62962217:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 629622 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "MIR+FFE: Inclusion of Ubuntu Font Family ~0.7 in Maverick (10.10) (affects: 6) (heat: 50)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62962217:29
vishAlanBell: hi, did you have time to test the 9pt font bug i mentioned? :)17:33
AlanBellvish: I had a quick look but couldn't see anything special happening, but that wasn't on Maverick at the time17:33
vishAlanBell: hmm weird, i'm not on maverick either.. thanks though ..17:34
AlanBellthere are some hinting bugs17:35
Pendulumthe Disability Studies Conference at Lancaster Uni is streaming their plenaries this week at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/iss/digital/disability/18:23
Pendulumcharlie-tca: ping21:08
pendulum|phoneAnyone around?21:14
pendulum|phoneSorry, my net just went down21:15
AlanBellhi pendulum|phone 21:15
pendulum|phoneAlanBell: Is it just you and me?21:15
AlanBellum, by the looks of things21:16
pendulum|phoneIf so would you be okay with delaying some as the phone is also down so i need to use my mobile to ring the cable company21:16
AlanBellyes, lets do that21:17
Pendulumwell, I may be around now21:33
AlanBelloh good21:33
Pendulumwell, theoretically21:33
Pendulumthe net seems to be working21:33
Pendulumbut the phone still isn't working21:34
Pendulumwhich isn't a great sign21:34
Pendulumand I think the net is being quite laggy21:34
AlanBellok, well lets see how it goes21:34
charlie-tcaI made it back now21:34
AlanBello/ charlie-tca 21:34
Pendulumhiya charlie-tca 21:35
Pendulumcharlie-tca: I was actually poking you about something completely separate since I think you said you don't have time for personas, right?21:36
charlie-tcaOh, yeah21:37
charlie-tcabut I was outside with the lawn mower for a few minutes21:37
AlanBellPendulum: perhaps we should round up some more bodies to join in with the personas21:38
Pendulumcharlie-tca: can I PM you for a sec?21:38
PendulumAlanBell: any suggestions for whom?21:38
charlie-tcasure, Pendulum 21:39
AlanBellI can ask in -uk for a start21:39
AlanBelljust needs people with a bit of imagination and a good grasp of english21:39
MichealHHey all21:45
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility while you are waiting21:46
Pendulumhi sick_fox 21:46
sick_foxhi Pendulum 21:47
sick_foxdont you know how can I get into ubuntu channel?21:47
Pendulumheya dutchie 21:47
dutchiehi Pendulum 21:47
Pendulumsick_fox: /join #ubuntu21:47
sick_foxPendulum, impossible I tried it even with windowed client and it is impossible to join for me21:48
sick_foxPendulum, what could be wrong?21:49
MichealHAlanBell: While im waiting?21:49
charlie-tcasick_fox: check in #ubuntu-ops21:49
Pendulumsick_fox: I dunno, but this isn't a channel for support, you might want to try #ubuntu-beginners-help21:49
AlanBellMichealH: just giving you some light reading21:49
Pendulumanyway, for those of you here about the "writing project" AlanBell was advertising ;-)21:50
Pendulumthe Accessibility Team has been gathering information to create accessibility personas21:50
sick_foxthanks for help21:50
PendulumAlanBell: do you have the really good link with examples of personas handy?21:51
AlanBellPendulum: the IBM one?21:51
MichealHSorry? Presonas?21:51
PendulumAlanBell: I think so?21:51
MichealH(13 y/o her)21:51
PendulumPersonas are generally design techniques21:51
dutchieMichealH: made-up users to exemplify target users21:51
dutchieor something21:51
Pendulumdutchie: that's pretty much it21:52
Pendulumthe idea behind it is that people design for people, not concepts21:52
MichealHmade-up users?21:52
AlanBellok, so a persona is a character that you have in your head while designing something21:52
MichealHLike a image of the final thing?21:52
AlanBellso you are not just building it for yourself, but making sure it works for all your target users21:52
MichealHOkay :)21:52
Pendulumso you're designing to people21:52
* dutchie tries to find where the UMP personas went21:52
Pendulumrather than to more nebulous concepts21:53
Pendulumso with accessibility this means creating personas of people who have accessibility needs21:53
AlanBellcanonical use personas too for designing Ubuntu21:53
AlanBellwe want to expand that set of personas to add some new characters with particular needs21:54
AlanBellso one might be blind and use a screenreader for example21:54
MichealHo where would writing come into this?21:54
AlanBellnow we could just have "person A uses orca a screenreader"21:54
AlanBellwhich is dull and uninspiring21:54
MichealHBut thats not detailed enough?21:55
MichealHAlanBell: Yup21:55
AlanBellso the persona documents flesh this out into a real likeable person21:55
Pendulumwith their goals and life21:55
* dutchie will post a link to the UMP personas as soon as ubuntu one finishes uploading21:55
MichealHSo It would be like "name want to do action but, he/she has a disability..." type thing21:56
MichealHAnd sort turn it into a story?21:56
AlanBellkind of, yes21:57
dutchieah, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/pdfEBhpByuVz4.pdf21:57
MichealHAlanBell: Where do I sign up?21:58
AlanBelldutchie: yeah, that would be the canonical personas we told Ben not to post to the list21:58
dutchieAlanBell: oh dear, he never mentioned that21:58
Pendulumdutchie: that's because he conveniently forgot that we said "don't post publicly"21:59
AlanBellso yeah go look at the link dutchie posted, that is the canonical set of personas, it isn't a "released" document but we were given it for the benefit this project21:59
MichealHCan I get started?21:59
AlanBellMichealH: nope!21:59
MichealHAlanBell: Why??? :(21:59
AlanBellbecause you don't know what you are doing yet21:59
MichealHI know we are making personas22:00
dutchiewe don't know what personas yet :)22:00
AlanBellok, so that document is the kind of thing we want to come up with at the end of the process22:00
AlanBelljust to give you an idea of the overall quality standard we are aiming for and the amount of background about their lives22:00
MichealHLike "name witched to Ubuntu from Windows num year ago"22:01
MichealHI hate my spelling22:01
MichealHWell, keyboard22:01
* charlie-tca keyboard can't spell either22:02
AlanBellnow we want our personas to be realistic, so we conducted a survey, I will link to the questions we asked in a sec22:02
PendulumMichealH: more like "so and so teaches 5th grade and likes to play softball"22:02
MichealHI really need to go soon22:02
dutchiehi Thingymebob 22:03
AlanBellMichealH: ok, thats fine, you can catch up over the next few days, this is a long term project22:03
MichealHAlanBell: Is that it? Because I really need to go22:03
Thingymebob\o dutchie22:03
AlanBellwe got 25 or so detailed responses to the questions which we have put in a spreadsheet somewhere22:04
AlanBellin fact, yes we are not going to post that on the internet anywhere, but if you want it email me and I will send it to you22:04
AlanBellalanbell at ubuntu.com22:04
AlanBellit has names and emails removed but the answers might be a bit recognisable22:05
Pendulumwell, if you know the people22:05
dutchiehow many were you looking to do?22:05
Pendulumwhich most people here don't22:05
Pendulumwe're looking to do about 522:05
AlanBelleach one with a different principal impairment, but some may have multiple issues22:06
Pendulumwe were thinking to break down: blind, partially sighted, motor disability, learning disability... and something else that I'm missing22:06
AlanBellwe want a mixture of ages and genders22:06
AlanBellmotor disability might mean a wheelchair user, but actually in terms of computer use we are talking about manual dexterity, using mouse, keyboard and other pointing devices22:07
AlanBellso I think we need to start with making up their names and real basic information, then start to flesh out each one in turn22:09
AlanBellor each pick a different one to do22:09
dutchiewe'd still need names and basic info first to get a good mix, i should imagine22:10
AlanBellok, so who is here and interested in working on this?22:10
AlanBellmichealH was22:10
Pendulumso that's 4 people22:11
AlanBellthink we caught everyone on a quiet night22:11
AlanBellfeel free to drag other people in on this dutchie 22:12
PendulumI'm also going to poke MichelleQ when I see her next because I think she was also interested22:12
* dutchie tries to round up some ump-ers22:13
AlanBellthat would be ideal22:13
AlanBelllets have a go at writing the high level info22:13
dutchiehow about using an etherpad or something?22:13
AlanBellone other thing, we want to make them somewhat successful and awesome people, not a recluse with no friends!22:17
Pendulumbut it is realistic to have all sorts of ages22:20
ThingymebobDo you need to consider if these are from birth impairments, where the person will have greater skill in dealing with it, or accident / health induced impairments22:21
AlanBellThingymebob: that would certainly go in the description22:21
Pendulumbut it's not necessarily going to impact actual computer usage that much22:21
Pendulum(for example, I use a computer similarly to some of the people with CP I know, even though my mobility stuff showed up when i was 15ish rather than from birth)22:22
AlanBellPendulum: what sort of ages were you thinking?22:22
Pendulumi'm trying to think22:23
AlanBell30 +-10 seems to cover a lot of people in #ubuntu-uk and who were at UDS22:23
Pendulumi'd like to have one teen in there. would anyone mind if I moved Henrietta to 18 from 24?22:24
AlanBellgo ahead22:24
Pendulumotherwise any other ages in the middle work for the last 2 :)22:24
dutchieshall we scatter them around the globe? we've managed to pick english names for most of them, but they could be changed22:25
Pendulummakes sense to me22:25
AlanBellI think a bit more scattering perhaps, I put one in India22:26
AlanBellno Henrietta!22:30
PendulumWe can rename Sally.22:32
AlanBellif I get another chicken I will call it Daniela22:32
dutchiedid the other alan manage to keep them all in one piece?22:33
AlanBellhe did22:33
dutchiethat just leaves Faisal22:34
AlanBellnot a call centre!22:35
dutchiewe could just make him a junior software engineer22:36
AlanBellyup, that works too22:37
dutchieah, didn't see teacher22:37
dutchielooks good to me22:37
* dutchie subscribes to the list22:38
AlanBelllesson plans to type up and so on22:38
AlanBellI am pretty pleased with how that worked out so far22:39
AlanBellok, I think we have done enough for now (but feel free to carry on tweaking)22:41
AlanBellPendulum: what do you think we should do next, schedule another session?22:41
Pendulum Sorry, I'm on dasher so am slow. 22:41
AlanBellyeah, thought you might be :-(22:42
PendulumAlanBell: either that or divvy up and each take on22:42
AlanBellI think working on it together works rather well, we could do a pad for each one and thrash it out, then transfer the results to the wiki or a nicely formatted document later22:43
AlanBellnice idea dutchie!22:44
dutchieonly if they're not all taken :)22:45
AlanBelljust wondering when to have another session at it22:49
AlanBellso I think the thing to do next is to each tell a friend about the project, and show them the etherpad so far22:51
AlanBellwe can schedule another hack hour on the documents in a day or two, via an email to the accessibilty list22:52
AlanBellthanks all o/22:57
Pendulumsounds good to me :)23:05

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