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highvoltagedoes Unity have an upstream website (or web page) currently?01:00
persiahighvoltage, apt-cache show points at https://launchpad.net/unity01:03
highvoltagepersia: I saw that, not quite marketingy enough, but I guess it will do :)01:04
persiaMaybe ask the ayatana folk?01:05
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beunohighvoltage, there is no other page than the launchpad one01:22
* beuno waves at persia 01:22
highvoltagethanks, beuno01:23
persiahey beuno01:24
persiaThere's the announcement press release, and video of some presentations, if one is desperate :)01:24
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dholbachgood morning06:22
dylan-mgood night :P06:42
dholbachnight dylan-m! :)06:43
asacvguys ... wget with http proxy does not work in lucid?06:56
asacvi have env set ... even tried tweaking /etc/wgetrc06:56
asacvwget -> fails to resolv host ... curl works -> debootstrap fails06:57
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dholbachasac, in some cases I found that HTTP_PROXY vs http_proxy makes a difference07:01
asachmm ... let me try dholbach07:02
asachow can such a basic feature be broken :)07:02
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quadrisprohi guys08:49
quadrisproany main's sponsor around?08:49
quadrisprobug #625327 needs a bit of love08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625327 in libmtp (Ubuntu) "Sync libmtp (main) 1.0.3-4 from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62532708:51
sorenquadrispro: I just put an ACK in the comments, unsubscribe main sponsors, and subscribe ubuntu-archive, right?08:57
quadrisprosoren, yes, it is08:58
sorenquadrispro: done.08:58
quadrisprothanks soren !08:59
sorenquadrispro: Sure.09:05
quadrisprosoren, you should set mark it "Confirmed", I think09:06
* soren does so09:07
* quadrispro thinks soren rocks09:11
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cjwatsonlool: linaro-image-tools depends on uuidgen-runtime, which isn't in the archive.  Was that meant to be uuid-runtime?09:44
cjwatsonlool: and why the explicit dependencies on Essential util-linux, e2fsprogs, and coreutils?09:45
ogra_cmpcsmells like someone copied the jasper deps09:45
ogra_cmpciircd linaro used jasper in the very beginning09:45
ogra_cmpci guess thats a leftover ... when they stopped using jasper that wasnt cleaned up (jasper needs these deps to resize the rootfs on first boot)09:46
loolcjwatson: Crap, I fixed the deps in the shell script but not in control; sorry about that09:49
loolcjwatson: Fixing that now09:49
cjwatsonif jasper has the same, then it is buggy too ...09:49
cjwatsonlool: thanks09:50
loolI didn't think of checking whether any where Essential09:50
cjwatsonjasper has uuid-runtime not uuidgen-runtime; and it has versioned dependencies on the Essential packages, which exempts it from the lintian check09:50
cjwatsonso no, not obviously a copy of jasper09:50
sorenI always forget.. Is it only essential packages that don't need to depended on or can I skip required packages, too?09:52
cjwatsononly essential09:53
loolWe never used jasper, it's not from jasper it's from the ensure_command line in the linaro-media-create script09:53
sorencjwatson: Thanks. Do you happen to know the rationale for this? Perhaps that'll help me remember.09:53
cjwatsonrequired packages are removable without complaint09:54
sorencjwatson: I see.09:54
cjwatsonalso, Priority: required is the transitive closure of Essential, including shared library packages which it's usually easy to remember that you have to depend on09:55
cjwatsonactually, I think strictly the transitive closure under Depends of Essential is a subset of Priority: required, but anyway09:56
cjwatsonalso, there's a footnote in the policy manual about why depends are omitted on Essential, which may be a useful alternative way to think about it09:57
ogra_cmpclool, asac used jasper for quite some time09:57
ogra_cmpclool, for the jasper setup scripts to avoid duplication09:58
ogra_cmpc(not for the resize stuff)09:58
sorencjwatson: Thanks! That's very helpful.09:59
loolcjwatson: I have an upload ready, but I need to sort out some bzr stuff before I push it; will upload later today when james_w is up09:59
cjwatsonkirkland: could eucalyptus be reuploaded to use libavahi-core7-udeb, so that we can NBS out libavahi-core6-udeb?10:02
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sorenWe've attempted to use udd for working on libvirt. I think we may have done it wrong... So, we checked out lp:ubuntu/libvirt. Hacked on it, used dch to update the changelog, debcommit to commit changes as we went along.. Eventually, I ran dch --release, debcommit --release, bzr bd -S and uploaded.10:12
soren..but once the upload was processed and imported, the branch we were working on got moved out of the way and a pristine one was put in its place.10:13
soren("pristine" as in "consisting exlusively of stuff put there by the importer")10:13
sorenAm I supposed to merge the two and push?10:14
sorenI tried looking at wiki.u.c/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/, but I didn't feel any smarter afterwards.10:15
cjwatsonthis usually happens if the tag is not what it expected10:17
* soren just spotted the merge proposal.10:17
cjwatsonsometimes the right thing to do is to push --overwrite the branch you wanted, if the import doesn't add anything new, but do check things like tags carefully10:17
cjwatsonand possibly check with james_w :-)10:17
sorencjwatson: I guessed it might be a tag mismatch, but I tried "bzr mark-uploaded" on my local branch, and it said it was already tagged.10:18
sorencjwatson: Hm... This seems like it's my fault, actually. There's a diff between the two.10:19
* soren didn't think that was possible when using "bzr bd -S" to build the source package.10:20
cjwatsonsoren: mm.  I must say that I generally build the source package *then* commit+tag, just in case.10:25
sorencjwatson: I /may/ have done that.10:25
cjwatsonyou should be able to merge the imported branch into your more detailed branch, and push that.  (Doing it that way round may result in a more obvious history.)10:25
sorencjwatson: Anyways, the problem turned out to be a file that was added.10:26
sorencjwatson: The importer gave it one id, my local branch gave it another => conflict.10:26
sorenExact same name, exact same contents.10:26
cjwatsonyou may want to check with james_w, then; that sounds like an importer bug10:26
sorenThat's the plan when he turns up :)10:27
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Riddellalf__, slangasek: what's the status of qt4-qws ?11:28
alf__Riddell: Hi! Current plan is to have it in PPA for this cycle. We are also in contact with upstream so that for Lighthouse they will hopefully have a different soname for the UI libs and all other libraries are the same.11:31
Riddellhmm ok, I'll reject it from new queue11:32
alf__Riddell: wasn't it already rejected? :)11:34
Riddellalf__: yes, and re-uploaded11:34
alf__Riddell: hmm, I wasn't aware of that, can you give me a minute to see what is going on?11:35
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Riddellalf__: I reuploaded it because asac still wanted it in the archive11:35
alf__Riddell: ok, feel free to remove it, thanks!11:39
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loolcjwatson: Pushed new linaro-image-tools (0.2) fixing the deps; sorry about that12:04
cjwatsonthat's ok12:09
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mdzcjwatson, Keybuk, sabdfl, TB in 5, agenda is up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda14:54
Keybukcjwatson: I got your e-mail about Plymouth, but my peril-sensitive glasses engaged when I tried to read it14:58
smosercjwatson, i'm looking at bug 632096 (the bug i opened to modify euca to use grub rescue images rather than grub-mk-rescue).14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632096 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu) "eucalyptus-nc is missing dependency on grub-pc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63209614:59
smoseri'm looking at grub-mkrescue, and it uses '--embedded-boot' of 'boot.img', which is not in the iso9660 filesystem itself. i'm not sure if i absolutely need it or not, but I don't see a way to get it via isoinfo.15:01
cjwatsonsmoser: you don't need it if all you need is the equivalent of core.img15:01
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smoserwell i need to build a booting iso, (or floppy). I'd prefer ISO, just because i can kind of invision the loader being larger than would fit into my floppy.15:02
smoserso, sorry to be ignorant, but all i know is coming from man pages and the grub-* scripts.15:03
cjwatsonyou don't need it for CD booting either15:03
cjwatson/boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img in the image is fine for that15:03
cjwatsonthe --embedded-boot stuff is for the purpose of creating a hybrid CD/USB/floppy image15:04
smoserwell, that is ideal for me... the stuff i currently have would make a cdrom just as it would make a floppy, the only difference is the floppy gets the size set to 2880K.15:06
smoserif i have to live with making a floppy one way (using core.img) and cdrom another, then i can, it just seemed nicer with the hyprid.15:07
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smoseram i sort of stuck with that ?15:10
cjwatsonI think you probably are for now, sorry15:13
smoserthank you cjwatson15:14
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tkamppeterAnyone can help me with an update problem? Bug 631617? How have the Conflicts/Replaces/Provides on foomatic-db and foomatic-db-compressed-ppds to be set so that an update from Lucid (or older) to Maverick works?15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631617 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Can't update to 10.10 beta from ubuntu 10.04 LTS with kubuntu-desktop" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63161715:17
Riddelltkamppeter: let me look15:18
Riddelltkamppeter: I think I fixed that yesterday by removing hpijs-ppds, ijsgutenprint and foomatic-db-gutenprint from the kubuntu seeds15:19
Riddelltkamppeter: does that sound like the right thing to have done?15:19
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tkamppeterRiddell, yes, these three packages should really not be in any seeds.15:21
Riddelltkamppeter: great, I'll close the bug15:22
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cjwatsonRiddell: the user says ubuntu-desktop, not kubuntu-desktop, so I don't understand how a change in kubuntu-desktop could have helped15:27
cjwatsonperhaps mvo needs to look at this one15:27
Riddellthe bug title says kubuntu-desktop15:28
cjwatsonthe log says: 2010-09-06 16:17:13,123 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'Can not mark 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade'15:31
cjwatsonalthough kubuntu-desktop appears to also be installed15:32
mvoI have a look15:32
cjwatsonibus-pinyin was also broken, which I believe to be fixed now15:32
cjwatsonand python-mako15:32
cjwatsonso I'm sure those weren't helping15:33
jibelcjwatson, the problem was that kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop were both installed, that k-desktop wants to upgrade foomatic-db and u-desktop wants to install foomatic-db-compressed-ppds which both conflicts.15:36
jibelcjwatson, I've just tried in a VM and foomatic-db is now removed and replaced by foomatic-db-compressed-ppds.15:36
tkamppeterjibel, Riddell, cjwatson thanks.15:39
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mvojibel: nice, thanks a bunch15:40
cjwatsonjibel: yay15:40
Keybukhuh, there's a Mumble client for iPhone in their GIT repo15:43
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cjwatsonjames_w`: I may have said this before, but remind me to buy you a drink for sync-helper.py at some point15:54
cjwatsonStevenK: ... and you, since I just noticed you wrote it to start with and apparently I'd been misattributing it.  sorry!15:55
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james_w`cjwatson: much easier isn't it?15:55
cjwatsonlooks like both15:55
cjwatsonyeah, I'm trying to get into the habit of just doing them daily15:55
Keybukkk, let's see whether this builds15:55
StevenKcjwatson: It's both, I started it, james_w` made it better.15:57
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DavieyHi, would an AA be able to publish eucalyptus 1.6.2-0ubuntu30.4 to proposed?16:15
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lamonthow in the hell do I get Network Mangler to quit editing /etc/hosts?16:57
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mycaeHello. I am having some problems with cowbuilder (lucid).  I am getting "Package cowdancer is not available, but is referred to by another package"18:44
mycaeThis appears to have happened to a couple of other users, but I can't find the solution.18:44
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tyarussomycae: cowdancer appears to be in universe.19:15
mycaebut universe is in my /etc/sources.list.19:18
mycaeI have lucid-backports enabled -- could this be causing it?19:19
tyarussoMaybe, but I kind of doubt it.  What's the relevant section of the logs page you posted?19:19
mycaesearch for either "cowdancer" or "kkszysiu"19:20
tyarussoum, not found...19:20
mycaekkszysiu logs on and has the same question; however I cannot figure out if he actually resolved it or not.19:20
tyarussosure you got the right link?19:20
mycaeI just cut and pasted that from firefox19:21
tyarussoYou had /30 before :)19:21
mycaeyes, i was wondering if it rolled over to the next day.19:21
tyarussomycae: It looks like the answers consist of a) check which sources are defined *within* cowbuilder, and b) make sure you know how to use cowbuilder - xnox walks through a few steps.19:24
mycaeI use cowbuilder under debian, but its usually rather automagic.19:24
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mycaeok, so missing pbuilderrc appears to have been the candidate. Maybe I should file a bug in cowbuilder.19:40
mycaenot the most obvious error  :(19:40
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Iraqi...................Ubuntu Version ...............10.10................beta ...... Is NOT support support HP Pavilion tx2645ee.... When running is west side not showing image correct I think this menu side so no thing see it and Auto restart so ................. bye bye20:00
mterrylool, asac, doko: Heyo, fellow MIRers.  Looking for guidance on bug 527142, starting around comment #11.  I'm inclined just to approve, as the server team will hopefully be on top of any library changes...20:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527142 in cluster-glue (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-glue" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52714220:00
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manjosuperm1, I was planning on returning your port replicator today20:04
superm1manjo, i'm here, feel free to swing by20:05
superm1hopefully you got some good results from it?20:05
manjosuperm1, you mentioned in your email that you were not able to boot the 6410 ?20:05
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superm1manjo, no i wasn't, i can show you in person here when you come by20:05
manjohmmm I was able to boot the 6510 with those boot options .. not sure what is going on20:06
superm1might be a little different of a problem on the 641020:06
manjoyou get the same panic ?20:06
superm1i dunno, i don't have a port replicator to see with the options :)20:06
manjo:) ah20:06
manjosuperm1, I will be there @4 is that ok ?20:07
superm1yeah that should be fine, my evening plans were foiled by this rain, so i'll be around for a few extra hours20:07
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manjosuperm1, I am booting todays amd64 iso, but getting buffer io err on dev sr0 ... so looking into what is going on20:10
manjosuperm1, do you have any important info on this laptop? can I erase the HDD ?20:12
superm1manjo, feel free20:12
superm1i think today's ISO should have a lot of the grub-installer fixes and partman fixes that cjwatson put together last week too, so you might be able to get through a full install now20:13
manjoyeah we did a lot of back and forth on installer last week and he emailed me saying todays iso should have those fixes he worked on20:14
manjosuperm1, ok installing on your laptop with UEFI disk20:18
manjokeeping fingers cross that all the issues have been resolved wrt to grub-installer & partman20:18
loolmterry: Commented in the bug20:19
manjohopefully cjwatson fixed all uefi install issues :)20:19
superm1manjo, if i remember right that should be the discrete model too, so you might be able to find out if there are issues with nvidia gfx driver and having no vbios after install too20:21
manjogreat :)20:22
mterrylool, thanks, reading20:23
manjocjwatson, superm1 failed to install grub-efi package failed to install into /target/20:30
mneptokhrmf. an upgrade on x86-64 Karmic complains about lftp not being in the repos.20:33
manjocjwatson, bug 632642 opened for grub-efi not able to install on /target/20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632642 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[MAVERICK] Dell 6510 - grub-efi package failed to install into /target/" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63264220:44
manjosuperm1, ^20:44
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tkamppeterRidell, ping20:53
tkamppeterRiddell, ping20:53
superm1manjo, what's up with all those intel ips errors in the logs?  i was seeing that on another system too20:54
superm1stuff like intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: MCP power or thermal limit exceeded20:54
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manjosuperm1, looking ...20:59
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manjosuperm1, can I keep the 6510 for this week ?21:11
manjosuperm1, I will return the port replicator @421:11
superm1manjo, either that or we can trade 6410 for 6510, we can discuss when you swing by21:11
manjosuperm1, ack21:11
superm1manjo, http://pastebin.com/EjnxcBMv might get you fully installed (it's a dirty hack, it looks like there is a depends/conflicts/replaces problem with grub-efi otherwise)21:13
superm1if you apply it to /usr/share/grub-installer/grub-installer before ubiquity gets to the phase it runs  grub-installer21:13
manjosuperm1, super, let me try that ...21:19
smosercjwatson, i would guess you're not around, is that correct ?21:42
manjosmoser, no I think.. I pinged him earlier with no response21:44
smoserits like its 11:00 pm for him or something, and he doesn't think he should be working :)21:44
manjoyep go figure!21:45
manjosuperm1, looks like that hack worked22:06
superm1manjo, as in the install finished, or it boots?22:06
manjosuperm1, its past the grub installer22:07
superm1ah cool22:07
manjosuperm1, now waiting on "installing system"22:07
manjosuperm1, install done22:08
manjosuperm1, heh does nothing on reboot, blank screen ...22:10
manjosuperm1, error: unknown filesystem.22:13
manjogrub rescue>22:13
superm1i think the prefix is getting set wrong, i just saw that same thing on another system that can actually boot using noexec=off22:13
superm1because the prefix seems to be set to (hd1,gpt1)/boot/grub, when it should actually be (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub22:14
superm1and root is set to hd1,gpt1, when it should be hd1,gpt222:15
manjocan I fix that on the fly ?22:15
superm1maybe, manually reseting the variables might work, but i think it then needs to still parse the right configuration file22:16
manjosuperm1, can you add these comments to http://launchpad.net./bugs/63264222:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632642 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[MAVERICK] Dell 6510 - grub-efi package failed to install into /target/" [High,New]22:17
superm1well this part is probably a separate bug22:17
superm1but i'll mention it22:18
EagleScreenis it necessary to have four entries for memtest in maverick?22:32
EagleScreenI think this will confuse people22:33
Riddelltkamppeter: pong22:33
EagleScreenfour entries in grub22:33
tkamppeterRiddell, it is about bug 631617: In comment #10 tarekeldeeb tells that he gets "E: Couldn't find package foomatic-compressed-ppds". The package I have named foomatic-db-compressed-ppds, can it be that you have mistyped in a seed?22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631617 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Can't update to 10.10 beta from ubuntu 10.04 LTS with kubuntu-desktop" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63161722:36
Riddelltkamppeter: there's no printing bits in the kubuntu seeds directly now, only in the common platform.maverick/desktop-common seeds22:37
Riddelltkamppeter: I think it's more likely he mistyped it22:37
Riddelltkamppeter: there's no rdepends for foomatic-compressed-ppds22:38
tkamppeterRiddell, thank you, I have added a comment to the bug now.22:41
SpamapShrm, if using bzr-buildpackage on a native package, shouldn't it skip the part about getting a .orig tarball?22:52
james_w`SpamapS: yes22:52
SpamapSah, --native22:52
james_w`SpamapS: mkdir - p .bzr-builddeb/ && echo -e "[BUILDDEB]/nnative = True" > .bzr-builddeb/default.conf && bzr add .bzr-builddeb/default.conf22:53
SpamapSjames_w`: I'd say native packags are the exception, not the rule, so I don't mind remembering to do --native for this one package. :)22:54
james_w`SpamapS: that's per-package22:54
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SpamapSright now I see that22:54
SpamapSjames_w`: couldn't you just read debian/source/format ?22:55
james_w`SpamapS: yes22:55
SpamapSwant a wishlist bug as a reminder? ;)22:55
james_w`bug 58661722:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586617 in bzr-builddeb "use debian/source/format to figure out if package is native" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58661722:55
james_w`have one thanks ;-)22:55
SpamapSjames_w`: have I thanked you for bzr-builddeb lately btw? ;)22:56
SpamapSif not.. thanks :)22:56
james_w`I take complaints as thanks, it makes things easier ;-)22:56
SpamapShow very orwellian of you22:57
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RiddellYokoZar: I see you're into Wine, are you going to fix bug 621694 ?23:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621694 in wine1.0 (Ubuntu Maverick) "Faulty dependencies." [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62169423:10
* micahg thought YokoZar was Wine in Ubuntu23:19
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away

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