
MarkDudeHow long can a quieting last? Whats normal?  And is it fair for it to be open ended04:55
MarkDudeThere are at least a few people that witnessed my quieting and think that possible days appears to much04:56
MarkDudeThere has been nothing *specific* as to why a q was used04:56
persiaMarkDude, The various sorts of operator actions have timeframes measured in minutes through months.04:57
persiaGenerally, the best option is to discuss the quiet with the operator who quieted you.  This is a good forum in which to do it.04:58
MarkDudeWith usually a warning being issued04:58
* MarkDude remembers that, I am an OP in quite a few channels :)04:58
MarkDudeSure, we have plenty of CoC violations to share all around in the California Team04:59
MarkDudeWe have had jono try to help here, along with paultag akgraner and a few others05:00
MarkDudeThis dates back at least two years, non-transparent deals continually happen behind closed doors here05:00
MarkDudeProcesses are said to be outlined and then are not.05:01
MarkDudePeople have left the group over this05:01
persiaWell, I can't ever be in favour of CoC violations, but I tend to have a somewhat contrary interpretation of the CoC.05:03
persiaThat said, I still think the best way to handle it is to raise it here, with specifics, like the channel in which you are quieted and the operator who quieted you (preferably in their presence).05:04
MarkDudeFor one - I have publically asked the the lead contact of Cali to stop PMing me05:04
MarkDudesince last year05:04
MarkDudeHe is not stopping05:04
persiaIt is my firm belief that the CoC requires us to raise issues rapidly, publically, and respectfully.05:04
MarkDudeDoing it right now05:04
* MarkDude aggres05:05
FlannelMarkDude: I sent you a query to attempt to resolve your quiet sooner than other people would've been able to handle it, not to have a social conversation with you.05:05
MarkDudeNathan said the team has a Benevolent Dictator.05:05
FlannelMarkDude: And I will once again ask that you refrain from making baseless accusations.05:05
MarkDudeI asked you last year to not PM mer05:05
MarkDudewould anyone like to see my log05:06
MarkDude\I have ASKED you NOT to PM me05:06
MarkDudeI dont trust you05:06
MarkDudeyou say one thing in private05:06
MarkDudethen say it did not happen05:06
FlannelMarkDude: Yes, you did.  However this was a little bit different, considering at the time you were quieted in the channel we usually speak in.05:06
MarkDudewihout warning05:07
MarkDudeCalifornia team organization, management structure, processes05:07
MarkDudeJono wrote a blog entry on roadmaps05:07
MarkDudeNeal says one is "in the works" since Mark suggested it a few weeks ago05:07
MarkDudethat is from last December05:07
MarkDudewhere is that outline of problem solving Flannel ?05:08
MarkDudeThe meeting paultag came to05:08
MarkDudeYou said you would outline a solving process *last year*05:09
IdleOneMarkDude: This is not the place to discuss LoCo roadmaps05:09
MarkDudeyou are the lead contact, Natahn called you a dictator, in the log05:09
MarkDudeIdleOne,  - not roadmaps, that Cali has needed a process to solve differences05:09
MarkDudefor years05:10
persiaUm, these issues are ones I think may be better raised in a forum watched by members of the LoCo council.  This may be such a place, but only coincidentally.05:10
FlannelMarkDude: This channel is for discussion of bans/quiets/etc, this is not an appropriate venue for your soapboxing.  Considering you're still wound up, I'm going to recommend you talk to rww tomorrow about it when he gets back, since I don't think you and I are going to have a productive conversation about it tonight.05:10
IdleOneMarkDude: I understand that but I think a better place/time would be at a us-ca meeting not in here05:10
persiaFlannel, Are you the op who quieted MarkDude?05:10
Flannelpersia: I am not.05:10
persiaAh, then we are off-issue.  Excellent, saves worry.05:10
MarkDudeYou told rww to quiet me05:10
Flannelpersia: I spoke with him earlier today  (in a query) because I was hoping we could resolve it sooner rather than later.05:11
FlannelMarkDude: I did nothing of the sort05:11
MarkDuderww & Flannel  have been talking behind the scenes since jono became involved05:11
Flannelpersia: Or rather, I pinged him.  He was away at the time.05:11
persiarww, If you're about, would you suggest to MarkDude why he was quieted, and what he can do to resolve it?05:11
persiaMarkDude, You are not behind the scenes now.  Please concentrate on the issue at hand.05:12
Flannelpersia: He's detached, for the night I believe.05:12
persiaThat makes it awkward :(05:12
MarkDudeWell no specifics onmy q. no op to do it. You are slick Flannel05:13
MarkDudesoryy irc group05:13
FlannelMarkDude: What?05:13
MarkDudelet me know when This can be fixed05:14
FlannelMarkDude: I don't understand your last statement, can you please clarify?05:14
persiaI'm not confident regarding the policy, so I'd appreciate other's input: if the op is not available, does MarkDude have recourse to something else short term?05:14
persiaOh, perhaps that's not an important question.05:14
Flannelpersia: His recourse would be to discuss it with other operators of the channel (like myself), but given his above outbursts, I don't think that conversation would turn out well at the moment.05:14
IdleOnepersia: yes he can always follow the appeals process with the IRCC if he feels an op has quieted/banned without a good reason05:15
IdleOnebut like Flannel said talking to other channel ops would be a first step05:15
persiaWell, thanks for reminding me of process :)  Maybe if he returns.05:15
FlannelIdleOne: I don't think that process applies.05:15
IdleOneFlannel: hmm you may be right, this is a loco channel issue05:16
FlannelIdleOne: Yeah, that policy is just for -ops folks05:16
IdleOneis there a loco channel council of sorts?05:16
FlannelIdleOne: Not for IRC issues, no.05:16
IdleOnewell markdude is upset about a couple of issues. maybe he should take it to a loco meeting?05:17
FlannelThere's a general -locoteams channel (and a locoteams council), but locoteam issues aren't under their purview, I think you'd follow normal conflict resolution things, and then if that didn't work (there's more than one, etc), you'd go to the CC05:17
FlannelIdleOne: following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoResolvingProblems05:18
IdleOnethanks for the link, I'll look it over.05:19
IdleOnewell that says to contact jono05:19
IdleOnefrom what I saw here I think that would be the next step for markdude05:19
FlannelIdleOne: No, the first step would be to talk to the operators05:20
IdleOneFlannel: you tried that, it failed for whatever reason.05:20
FlannelIdleOne: Er, what?05:20
IdleOnenot trying to place blame05:20
IdleOnejust saying mark made it clear he does not want to discuss it with you05:21
IdleOneleast that is how it appeared to me05:21
FlannelI don't think that's the case, and there's still other operators he can go to (like the one who quieted him in the first place)05:21
nhainesActually, Mark hasn't spoken with any of the channel ops since his quieting.05:22
persiaI'd agree with that assessment.  For perhaps unrelated reasons, Flannel makes a poor choice as the "other channel operator" in this very specific case.05:22
persiaBut I don't think the next step ought be "contact jono": that breaks because he's only one person: we have councils for reasons.05:23
Flannelpersia: there's a third as well, and under normal circumstances, I would have no problem (and earlier today was hoping to) resolve the issue.  But with Mark's behavior here, I'm going to bow out due to potential percieved conflict of interest05:23
persiaFlannel, Probably safer: I don't mean any criticism of you as an operator, but it seems there is some unrelated conflict in this case, unfortunately.05:24
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
bazhangnettolo, contact the op who banned you11:00
nettolonow is not here11:01
nettolois glpiana11:01
bazhangthen /msg him when he is back11:01
newbie420Could one of you idiots tell me a command for blocking people on here. I am being harassed by nettolo. Thanks.11:02
rww!ignore | newbie42011:02
ubottunewbie420: If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname11:02
Tm_Tikonia: what needs to be done?11:03
ikoniaTm_T: removal or newbie42011:03
* vish wonders when rww became an idiot too ;)11:03
newbie420What the fuck.11:03
Tm_Tnewbie420: please behave11:03
vish!language | newbie420:11:04
ubottunewbie420:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:04
rwwChanserv lags :(11:04
Tm_Tit's better to have them going away themselves, less likely to return11:04
Tm_Ti.e. not getting aggravated by them11:05
Tm_Tif that's the right word (:)11:05
Tm_T"provoked" perhaps11:05
* Mamarok puts that person on watch, might show up in #ubuntu-ch *sigh*11:20
nettolohi all i need a help12:31
nettoloi'm banned from ubuntu-it but a op glpiana don't open me the room12:32
erUSULnettolo: with?12:32
erUSULnettolo: did you discussed this with him? why were you banned etc ...?12:33
nettoloan misundestanding12:33
nettoloand glpiana close to me oll possibilities to redime12:34
nettolohelp me12:36
nettolocall glpiana op12:37
nettolo!invite glpiana12:40
k1lnettolo: did u try to speak to the op and solve the misunderstanding?12:40
nettoloi hope it want12:42
nettoloyou can contact12:44
vishnettolo: pls be patient , once the concerned op are around your problem will be addressed.12:54
nettoloi see i can't enter in channel on efnet server12:57
nettolowhit this bann12:58
rwwnettolo: channels on EFNet have nothing whatsoever to do with us. They're entirely unofficial.12:58
nettoloi undestand but i go in server and i have to need enter in #windowsxp chan for infos sata drver13:00
nettolobut i can't13:00
nettolorww you are a op?13:03
rwwnettolo: where?13:03
nettoloyou are a op in this channel13:04
rwweveryone with an Ubuntu Member cloak is an op in this channel13:04
nettolocan you go in ubuntu-it and say to glpiana to come here?13:05
nettoloi spoke whit it13:05
rwwno, I don't speak Italian13:05
nettolono speack egnlis to whit glpiana13:05
rwwplus, I'm about to go to sleep. Just noticed it's 5am :\13:06
nettologlpiana undestand english13:06
nettolowhere are you from13:06
bazhangnettolo, /msg glpiana hello13:07
bazhangnettolo, contact him yourself.13:07
nettolou use /msg but it don't read me13:08
bazhangnettolo, you need to contact him.13:08
nettolobazhang for you is simple ans easy13:08
bazhangnettolo, next time dont get banned.13:08
nettolothanks for help but not is good idea for me13:09
nettoloi have used /msg13:09
nettolobut glpiana don't read me13:09
bazhangnettolo, then be patient. nothing happens right away.13:09
nettolothis chat is for support in ubuntu os?13:10
bazhangthis is for helping people who are needing help with international channels, such as #ubuntu-it13:11
nettolonational is -it or -jp or -china13:11
nettolono i say only for nation for example italy is -it13:12
nettolointernational #ubuntu13:12
bazhangEnglish = #ubuntu13:13
nettolobut english is international language #ubuntu can be internetional chan13:13
bazhangnettolo, any way , wait some time, glpiana will respond some time in the future.13:14
nettoloi think so no it is very angry :(13:14
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:12
lefantomedurezoHello, How can I dowload source code of ircbot?16:12
lefantomedurezoon french channel the bot given me the link /buffer 616:13
lefantomedurezohttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fr/ubuntu-bots/ubotufr   but I can't see any .py file16:13
glebihanlefantomedurezo, running the command "bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-fr/ubuntu-bots/ubotufr" will download the source code16:33
lefantomedurezo-bash: bzr: command not found: witch package should I to install?16:36
lefantomedurezookay, thank you16:39
izdubarI got 29 minutes , hopefully that is enough time20:13
izdubarthis is Mark Terranova20:13
Piciizdubar: Whats up?20:14
izdubarI think this is where Laura told me to go20:15
* izdubar guesses no, shes not here :)20:15
Piciizdubar: For?20:15
izdubarSorry bout yesterday20:15
ubottuTo setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup20:15
izdubarCali is getting old20:15
* izdubar is still gagged in Cali20:16
pleia2nudged laura, we got him to the right channel20:17
Picipleia2: So you need nothing from me at the moment?20:25
pleia2Pici: only the answer to a question... coming to the PA geeknic on saturday? :)20:25
Picipleia2: Yep :)20:26
pleia2see you there20:26
PiciYeah :)20:26
=== easter_egg|off is now known as easter_egg
bognarandrashi, please activate my ubuntu member cloak - here is my launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~bognarandras (and sorry for the bad english)21:36
erUSUL!nicksetup | bognarandras21:37
ubottubognarandras: To setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup21:37
bognarandrasokay, I already registered my nick21:38
easter_eggsomeone from council online?21:38
bognarandrasor I ask someone from #ubuntu-meeting? :P21:39
erUSULbognarandras: ok; then you will have to wait for the usual supects to notice you21:39
erUSULPici topyli jussi  ...21:39
easter_eggis possible to have a ubuntu/bot cloak for the brazilian bot?21:41
easter_eggthe bot is ubottu-br21:41
=== easter_egg is now known as ayrton
=== ayrton is now known as easter_egg
=== easter_egg is now known as easter_egg|off
maiatodayhi all, I would like to request a cloak, please. launchpad id: https://launchpad.net/~maiatoday22:25
Tm_TPici: jussi: maiatoday is requesting a cloak22:37
Tm_Tmaiatoday: they're sleeping possibly22:37
maiatodayno problem, I can come some other time thanks Tm_T, what time zone are they on?22:38
Tm_Tmaiatoday: european, they went idle just few hours ago22:38
ChrisWoollardI am a Ubuntu Member. Can I get a cloak?22:42
maiatodayChrisWoollard: I just asked and they seem to be asleep so I'm going to come back tomorrow, I think they also want your launchpad id link22:43
ChrisWoollardok, thanks22:43
nhainesChrisWoollard: and make sure your nick is registered.  :)22:47
ChrisWoollardit is22:48
Picimaiatoday, ChrisWoollard: Please hold on a moment while I grab a staffer to apply the cloaks.22:49
rwwtopyli, Pici: Some cloak requests for you ^^^22:49
rwweep :)22:49
* marienz looks up22:54
Picimarienz: Could you please apply an ubuntu/member cloak to both ChrisWoollard and maiatoday ?22:55
Picilowercase cloaks of course.22:55
marienzhow's that?22:56
PiciLooks good :)22:57
PiciChrisWoollard: Congrats :)22:57
nhaineshey, it worked.  Looks spiffy!  :)22:57
rwwPici: bognarandras too, unless being offline is a problem22:57
ChrisWoollarddo i need to disconnect for it to apply?22:57
rwwChrisWoollard: no, it applied already, you just didn't see it happen22:58
Picirww: I don't have a lp name for them.22:58
ChrisWoollardlovely, thanks22:58
rwwPici: 13:37:06 < bognarandras> hi, please activate my ubuntu member cloak - here is my launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~bognarandras22:58
Picirww: oops22:58
Picimarienz: Is it an issue if they're not online? If so I'll just keep an eye on the nick and make a request when they return.22:59
marienzPici: as long as I can see in here that they did ask they don't have to be online23:00
marienz(I set maiatoday for that reason)23:00
Picimarienz: Well, could you please setup an ubuntu/member cloak for bognarandras then?23:00
marienzwant me to set bognarandras then?23:00
Picimarienz: Thanks for all the help23:01
marienzno problem23:01
rwwPici: also, if you want to be super-awesome, easter_egg|off's been asking about ubuntu/bot/ cloaks for the last couple of days and nobody knows what the procedure and qualifications are for them ;P23:02
PiciEmail the IRCC, we don't get enough mail anyway ;)23:02
Picieaster_egg|off: Please email the IRCC regarding your bot cloak requests, Our email address is irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com23:03

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