
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* apw yawns08:35
apwogra, that linux-meta-ti-omap4 work out for you?08:37
=== dyfet is now known as dyfet_hospital
=== oubiwann is now known as ouibiwann
=== ouibiwann is now known as oubiwann
MootBotMeeting started at 08:00. The chair is ogra.14:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:00
ograwho is here =14:00
dyfet_hospitalim sorta here14:00
* ogra misses the Grue ...14:00
ograNCommander, persia, davidm, rsalveti ... around ?14:01
* NCommander waves feebly14:02
ogralets give the missing ones a few mins14:03
ograthe master of grues14:03
=== jorge_ is now known as jcastro
ograwell, 5 past the hour ... lets start14:05
ogra[TOPIC] action items14:06
MootBotNew Topic:  action items14:06
ograNCommander, owns it :)14:06
ogra* NCommander to unbreak apport retracer (c/o)14:06
* ogra guesses another c/o14:06
persiaNo link to any agenda?14:06
ogra[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/2010090714:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/2010090714:06
ograwe're getting more and more apport collected bugs though14:07
persiaI saw some traffic in the LP channels about unbreaking retracers in the last week, so progress may be happening, although it's still c/o14:07
ograso it might be helpful to have it at some point14:07
NCommanderogra: I can't fix it until I'm in a place with sufficent bandwidth to easily punt files to the porter box14:07
ograyes, understood14:07
* NCommander needs to upload roughly 400MiB worth of stuff to debreak it14:07
ograi just dont want to strike it from the agenda14:07
ogra(the above was just the explanation why)14:08
ogra* NCommander to discuss with linaro and asac on improved-generic-subarch-support14:08
* ogra guesses thats a c/o too14:08
persiaMight be profitable to have that on debian-boot@14:09
NCommanderIts moving alng14:09
ograi think its is discussed on there14:09
ograpersia, but likely not the linaro discussion14:09
NCommanderMade progress with implementation today. Once we have implementation. I'll whack asac14:09
ogranext one is ...14:09
* persia doesn't know why not, but doesn't care enough14:09
ogra* NCommander to smoke14:09
NCommanderI quit!14:09
* ogra fixes his copy/paste ...14:09
* NCommander isn't a smoker14:10
ogra* NCommander to smoke test ubuntu-server dove alternates14:10
ograsorry *g*14:10
NCommanderAt least, not for the last two months14:10
NCommanderCausing me to have bad habbits. BAH!14:10
NCommanderI'd love to14:10
ograwasnt intentional, chromium and pasting is spethial14:10
NCommanderTrying to pull the image came up with a time estimate over a week14:10
NCommanderWill try again tomorrow14:10
ogracant you have someone else pull it to an easier accessible location for you ?14:10
NCommanderogra: that was from the easier accessible location :-/14:11
ograah, bad14:11
NCommanderSome days, the pipe is *really* saturated14:11
ograjidgo probably ?14:11
persia10k/s from the easier accessible location :)14:11
NCommanderogra: probably will have to try and use that14:11
NCommanderpersia: 10k/m more like it :-/14:11
persia10k/s according to the traffic meters :)14:11
ogra[TOPIC] Special Items14:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Special Items14:12
ogra.... empty ...14:12
ograwhat is that for ?14:12
NCommanderpersia: well, once counting packet loss, I suppose that might be accurate14:12
NCommanderogra: someplace for us to hang stuff14:12
NCommandersomeone added it to the template, and its been C&P'ed since14:12
persiaogra, It was renamed from "current items" because "current items" confused folk.14:12
ograwell, both confuses me14:12
ograwhat was current items for ?14:12
NCommander"Non-regularly scheluded items"14:12
persiaSee, most meetings have stuff that gets discussed, solved, and goes away.14:12
ogralike action items ?14:13
persiaThis one mostly checks "standing items", without anything getting sorted.14:13
ograno, standing comes afterwards14:13
persiaNo.  Action items is verification of leftovers from the previous meeting.14:13
ograanyway, not sure we actually need that category14:13
NCommanderogra: just skip it next time if its blank14:14
persiaBut meetings generally discuss stuff, and that stuff usually changes, and the main focus of the meeting is currently called "special items".14:14
ogra[TOPIC] Standing Items14:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items14:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html14:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.10.html14:14
* ogra wonders how they differ14:14
ograoh WOW !14:14
ograi like that trendline14:14
NCommanderogra: that's how they differ :-)14:15
ograto bad pitti is on vacation and cant fix it14:15
NCommanderogra: see, we're way ahead of the curve for once!14:15
ograwe should keep it that way constantly14:15
NCommanderogra: yeah, but then we go from suddenly looking good to looking like crap the day of release14:16
ogranah ... we'll just blame the hardware :P14:16
ograthats our big advantage ;)14:16
NCommanderno, that's my advantage14:16
* GrueMaster vote +114:16
NCommanderyou have hardware that consistantly works14:16
ograand ?14:16
ograwe can blame it still :)14:17
ograNCommander, three items for you on that chart ... how is it going ?14:17
ograoh, wait, just two14:17
ograthree for the spec14:17
ograone is GrueMaster's14:17
GrueMasterNow that I have an image I can test and finish that todo.14:18
ograNCommander, i think he is still stuck because you didnt give him a test procedure ?14:18
NCommanderogra: he managed to test the upgrade usecase14:18
ogracan you do that before friday ?14:18
NCommanderFresh install is still broken pending libd-i/base-installer crud14:18
ograso we dont have it on the plate in the release meeting14:18
GrueMasterI should have enough coffee to do that.14:18
ograthough see NCommander's remark ...14:19
ogramight not work :(14:19
ograNCommander, what about all the bugs it introduced ?14:19
NCommanderogra: one bug, that just never got properly squashed14:19
NCommandergeneric omap shouldn't try to use NAND.14:19
NCommanderWorks great on Dove :-)14:19
ograespecially the flash-kernel changes that make it run in cases where it shouldnt now14:20
ogrageneric oamp should try nand if nand is available14:20
ograand if no flash-kernel.conf exists14:20
ograplease try to catch these cases14:20
NCommanderogra: I'll whack it with the clue bat when I get back state side. Can't properly test it from here.14:21
NCommanderIt's on my radar, just hard to write code14:21
ograi would like to reassign the EDID spec to rsalveti (and rework the WIs for what he did to kernel/u-boot to make it work)14:22
* NCommander def. pulled something in his leg :-/14:22
ograi actually wanted to talk to him about it here14:22
ograbut he's absent ... so we'll have to do that offline14:22
NCommanderTake an action item14:22
ograoh, good idea14:22
NCommander(please, I need someone else beside myself to have them)14:22
ogra[ACTION] ogra to talk to rsalveti about the darn EDID spec, reassigning it and new workitems14:23
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to talk to rsalveti about the darn EDID spec, reassigning it and new workitems14:23
ograpersia, that leaves one item for you ...14:23
ograhow's that going ?14:23
ogra(not even our spec :P )14:24
ograoh, one issue from the EDID spec i forgot ...14:24
ogradyfet_hospital, where are these MIRs ? (i asked about them a month ago, the question is still not answered on the spec)14:25
ograwe probably need to close them again14:25
ograif we go with rsalveti's solution14:26
persiaI didn't touch any spec stuff in the past week.  One of the items is ~3 hours from complete.  Another is about 6 days from complete + ~6 hours of thought.  I hope to get the first done and the second waiting on CPU power this week.14:26
ogra"this week" sounds great :)14:26
persiaThe last is probably a couple weeks after that.14:26
dyfet_hospitalI found one of them at 61185214:27
ogradyfet_hospital, found ? i thought you filed them14:27
ograbug 61185214:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611852 in read-edid (Ubuntu) "[MIR] inclusion read-edid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61185214:27
dyfet_hospitalI did, I had to look in launchpad for it14:27
ograthats not what the orkitem says14:27
ogra"File MIRs for the needed i2c tools ..."14:28
ograwhere are the MIRs for i2c-tools ?14:28
dyfet_hospitalread-edid was also needed14:29
ograsure, but what did you use to get the data out of the i2c bus ?14:29
ograanyway, please close any MIRs you filed for that spec since we'll reassign it and rework it14:30
ogramoving on ...14:30
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-mobile-assigned-bug-tasks.html14:30
ograNCommander, how about closing or ´unassigning all these thumb2 bugs :P14:31
ogra(i think i asked last week too :) )14:31
NCommanderogra: *sigh*, make it an action item14:31
ogra[ACTION] NCommander to clean up thumb2 assignments from http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-mobile-assigned-bug-tasks.html which he definitely wont work on this cycle14:32
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to clean up thumb2 assignments from http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-mobile-assigned-bug-tasks.html which he definitely wont work on this cycle14:32
NCommanderNice way to phrase it :-/14:32
ograwell, that gives you the opportunity to still work on some if you like :)14:33
ograi actually have to talk to jcrigby about the uboot-imx stuff14:33
ogra[ACTION] ogra to clearify uboot-imx bugs with jcrigby14:33
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to clearify uboot-imx bugs with jcrigby14:33
ogradyfet_hospital, your bugs on that list are all on track ?14:34
* ogra wonders if persia still works on bug 15933814:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159338 in xine-plugin (Ubuntu) "Re: Heads-up: small xine-lib transition in hardy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15933814:34
ograthats from 200714:34
ograanyway, moving on ...14:35
persiaThat's about when I stopped finding LP at all useful for tracking bugs :)  There's some issues related to that bug that I keep meaning to examine when I get around to it.14:35
ogra[TOPIC] Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)14:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)14:36
GrueMasterI need to see about getting a similar list that shows unassigned armel bugs.14:36
ograanyone here from the kernel team ?14:36
ograGrueMaster, i think thats a leann tool, you can probably abuse it14:36
persiaGrueMaster, I'm happy to help you derive that.14:36
GrueMastercool to both.14:36
ogradoesnt look like we have any kernel team attendance :(14:37
* ogra sends big thanks to apw though for working on the meta package issue that currently breaks all armel builds14:37
ograi tested the omap4 binary kernel today and it seems to run great on the 6 layer panda14:37
ograhopefully we'll have it on the image soon14:38
ograapparently there are USB issues on the 8 layer ... fixes pending though14:38
ogramoving on then, unless anyone else has something for kernel14:38
ogra[TOPIC] GrueMaster's hour^W^WQA Status14:39
MootBotNew Topic:  GrueMaster's hour^W^WQA Status14:39
GrueMasterBeta release went well for the most part.14:39
ograapart from unhappy ES2 users :)14:39
GrueMasterWe have images for all platforms supported by beta.14:40
ograbut thats my fault completely :)14:40
GrueMasterES2 was too late for beta.14:40
GrueMasterWe even have semi working kubuntu images.14:40
ograoh for QA and the kernel ... i heard today that suspend/hibernate are both not expected to work on panda in maverick14:41
ograso no need to test them14:41
ogra(we should probably have a bug open to hide the suspend item in the menu)14:41
GrueMasteris there a bug on it yet?14:41
ograi opened one for the kernel14:42
GrueMasterSuspend/resume is less critical than booting atm.14:42
ograbug 62802914:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628029 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) "[maverick] panda ES1.0 does not suspend on beta image" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62802914:42
ograbooting works fine as soon as the meta package is fixed14:42
ogra[ACTION] ogra to update the title and generalize bug 62802914:43
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to update the title and generalize bug 62802914:43
ogramoving on ...14:44
ogra[TOPIC] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)14:44
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)14:44
GrueMasterI think I filed about a dozen bugs during beta last week.  Will add to meeting notes later.14:44
ograGrueMaster, yeah, and we need to verify if they still are valid for ES214:44
dyfet_hospitalI did a number of ftbfs last week, but the ones I recall at the moment were not arm specific14:44
GrueMasterMost are generic across platforms.14:44
* ogra sees commons-daemon is finally off the list 14:45
persiaI can't seem to replicate the ca-certificates install issue for libservlet2.4-java if someone else wants to retry that, or just give it back.14:45
persiabeta freeze lifted, archive admins processed syncs, hence commons-daemon.14:45
persiakoffice awaits a sponsor14:45
* NCommander scuries out of site14:46
ograpersia, hmm, i saw the ca-cert issue before14:46
ograand it turned out to be moot14:46
persiadyfet_hospital, catch me when you have a shorter nick: let's look at hdf5 a bit deeper.  I'm still stumped, but I think I can target the bit that will make sense to you.14:46
ograwant an action for that ?14:46
persiaogra, give it back then: maybe it works this time.14:46
dyfet_hospitalpersia: I will probably be feeling better later today14:47
ograpersia, done14:47
persiadyfet_hospital, Cool.  22:00 or 23:00 is likely best for me.14:47
ograok, seems you two dont need an action :)14:47
persiaAnyone have any ideas for qimageblitz?  I can't figure out how to make it work for i386 if I fix it for the rest.14:48
ograi talked to doko about OO.o ... he said he had an idea and is on it ... please everyone be available with priority in case he needs testing help14:48
ograpersia, and who cases for i386 ?14:49
ograjust add your fix :P14:49
persiaogra, Seems to be popular, or so I've heard.14:49
ograthats so yesterdayish14:49
ograanything else for FTBFS ?14:49
persiachromium-codecs is broken again, for those who like that sort of thing.14:50
ogra[TOPIC] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)14:50
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)14:50
NCommanderthey exist14:50
ograall images fail currently14:50
ogradue to omap4 headers being broken in meta somehow14:50
NCommanders/exist/don't exist/g14:50
GrueMasterthey don't exist.14:50
NCommanderthey existed in my morning :-)14:51
ograGrueMaster, did you see the cherry i put on top of the .manifest files ? :)14:51
ograwe have them now14:51
GrueMasterYea, noticed a blip in my backscrolll.14:51
ogragood, have fun with them14:51
* NCommander hugs ogra for that14:51
* GrueMaster does the truffle shuffle for ogra.14:51
NCommanderGrueMaster: ARGH14:52
ograand thanks to cjwatson we also have proper web indicies for the preinstalled images14:52
* NCommander reachs for the brain bleach.14:52
ograthey could prbably need some more text14:52
ograNCommander, can you talk to davidm about adding the dove images to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseManifest ?14:53
NCommanderogra: action item me please14:53
ograthey are missing there still and i dont know about the commitments14:53
ogra[ACTION] NCommander to talk to davidm about adding dove to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseManifest14:53
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to talk to davidm about adding dove to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseManifest14:53
ograthats all from my side abotu images ...14:54
NCommandersh-shea :-)14:54
ograanything else ?14:54
ogra[TOPIC] Any other Business14:55
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other Business14:55
ograanyone have anything here ?14:55
ogramind you ! i will close the meeting if you dont !14:55
ograi *really* will !14:56
ografor sure i mean, i'm not kidding !14:56
ogragoing once14:56
ogragoing twice ...14:56
ograand a third time ...14:56
ograadjourned !14:56
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:56.14:56
* NCommander snores14:57
ograyeah, i wasetd 4 mins14:57
MootBotMeeting started at 09:00. The chair is mdz.15:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:01
mdzcjwatson, Keybuk, hi15:01
mdzkees sent apologies15:01
mdzI believe pitti is away15:01
mdz[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda15:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda15:01
mdzsabdfl is online but I haven't heard from him15:02
cjwatsonrobbiew has once again scheduled our weekly catch-up to clash with the TB, so I'll see what happens when he comes online15:02
mdzah, hi15:02
sabdflhello hello15:03
oubiwannmdz: he was on a meeting with us15:03
mdzKeybuk is marked away but was around earlier15:03
KeybukI'm here15:03
mdzah hi15:03
mdz[topic] Action review15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Action review15:04
mdzmdz to draft plan/process for brainstorm15:04
mdzthis is done, draft is on technical-board@15:04
mdzI got some feedback from sabdfl so far15:04
KeybukI saw15:04
cjwatsonit looked fine to me15:04
mdzthe executive summary is: Every 3 months, the Technical Board would review a selection of the most popular items on brainstorm.ubuntu.com, and arrange for project representatives to comment on them.15:04
cjwatsonI can't say I mind either way about when we do the review15:05
Keybukthe important thing seemed to be just that some review happens15:05
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html15:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html15:05
cjwatsonas long as it's not a single giant epic meeting (and your most recent mail on the subject suggeted it wouldn't it)15:05
mdzyeah, so the most important bit is the fact that the TB is responsible for making it happen15:05
cjwatson*suggested it wowuldn't be15:05
cjwatsonargh.  lag15:05
mdzthough not (hopefully) for creating all of the content15:05
cjwatsondelegation :-)15:06
mdzI put this back on the agenda for this meeting just to confirm it, so we'll come back to that15:06
mdzcjwatson to review and defraft TB wiki pages to match current governance practice15:06
cjwatsondone an hour or so ago15:06
mdzKeybuk to invoke lamont for ia64/sparc drop15:06
Keybukthere is an RT ticket filed15:07
cjwatsonthis was in progress - lamont was working with bigjools on it15:07
mdzany further action needed from the TB?15:07
cjwatsonI got an LP patch landed to drop the architectures from cron.germinate, and nuked the installer-* directories15:07
cjwatson(which was about all I could do to help)15:07
cjwatsonI don't think sos15:07
mdzok, thanks Keybuk15:07
mdzpitti to follow up with kees on-list (re: Chromium security updates)15:07
mdzneither pitti nor kees is here today, but does anyone know what happened with this?15:08
Keybukbuildds are not getting new uploads, binaries and pending builds deleted, and the SQL to delete the series is slowly progressing15:08
mdzthere's been nothing further on the list since that meeting15:08
mdzso I'm inclined to carry this over15:08
mdz[topic] Brainstorm proposal [mdz]15:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Brainstorm proposal [mdz]15:09
mdz [link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html15:09
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html15:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html15:09
mdzso assuming we manage the work appropriately so that it doesn't drop as one big todo list in a short span of time15:09
mdzare there any other questions or concerns?15:09
mdzthere are two open questions in the proposal15:10
mdzboth to do with how we actually select which ones to comment on15:10
mdzbut I don't see that as a blocker; we can always apply some judgement on the spot if needed15:11
cjwatsonthis is the sort of thing I'd prefer we figured out the first time we did it15:11
cjwatsonrather than trying to figure out what the right thing will be in advance15:11
mdzthe only potential gotcha is if brainstorm doesn't collect the data we need to make a decision15:11
mdzwhich I think is acceptable at this point15:11
mdzthe worst case scenario is that we do some extra work to filter the data when the time comes15:12
mdzif there's nothing else, I'd like to go ahead and vote on this15:12
mdz[vote] Brainstorm review proposal in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html15:13
MootBotPlease vote on:  Brainstorm review proposal in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000493.html.15:13
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:13
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:13
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:13
MootBot+1 received from Keybuk. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:13
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 315:13
mdzcjwatson was experiencing some lag earlier...15:14
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 415:15
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 415:15
mdz[action] mdz to implement brainstorm reviews as proposed15:15
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to implement brainstorm reviews as proposed15:15
mdz[topic] Application Review Board [mdz for jono]15:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Application Review Board [mdz for jono]15:15
mdzso jono sent an RFC to the list15:16
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000483.html15:16
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000483.html15:16
mdzand got feedback from me, sabdfl, kees, cjwatson and Keybuk15:16
mdzhe asked one more question about the term15:17
mdzI think if folks here agree that 6 months is an appropriate initial term, then we can close this out15:17
sabdflfine by me15:18
mdz(I do)15:18
cjwatsonI don't see a problem there15:18
mdzany thoughts on what we should do when that term expires? should these be elected positions like the DMB, or simply appointed?15:19
mdzI guess we can defer that question until later15:20
sabdfleven elected positions are still shortlisted by us15:20
mdzI'll go back to jono and affirm that we can go ahead with setting itup15:20
mdz[action] mdz to respond to jono re: application review board15:21
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to respond to jono re: application review board15:21
sabdflso, i would say stick to direct delegation till we have a use case for broader participation15:21
cjwatsonI'm not sure we can decide that until we know what sort of size the community is15:21
sabdflif the app publication process takes off as we'd like it to, that would be a meaningful improvement on the Apple app approval process :)15:21
mdzmoving on then15:22
mdz[topic] AOB15:22
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:22
mdzI scanned the mailing list and community bugs when putting the agenda together, so I think those are clear15:22
mdzanything else? going once...15:22
Keybuksabdfl: to be fair, the bar there is so slow you trip over it on the way in15:22
Keybukof course, what we also don't want to end up with is the Android app approval process :)15:23
Keybukwhich is a bit like the Facebook/Skins House Party of processes15:23
mdz[agreed] chair for the next meeting (alphabetically) is pitti15:23
MootBotAGREED received:  chair for the next meeting (alphabetically) is pitti15:23
halvorsWho meeting is this?15:23
sabdflhalvors: TB15:24
mdzhalvors, technical board15:24
mdz...and it's over, thanks all15:24
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:24.15:24
sabdflthanks mdz, thanks all15:24
czajkowskimdz: great link earlier on16:03
mdzczajkowski, thanks for the RT16:10
czajkowskimdz: no problem it's been RT'd all day lotta folks on my twitter stream have talked about it all day16:18
=== dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== daker_ is now known as daker
bjfput that down!17:59
ckinghe's keen17:59
apw o/18:02
MootBotMeeting started at 12:03. The chair is bjf.18:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:03
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:03
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick18:03
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics: (JFo)18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Release Metrics: (JFo)18:03
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (6 bugs, 9 Blueprints)18:04
JFo==== Release Milestoned Bugs (79 across all packages) ====18:04
JFo * 1 linux kernel bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 1 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (up 1)18:04
JFo * 0 linux-ec2 bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)18:04
JFo==== Release Targeted Bugs (202 across all packages (up 60)) ====18:04
JFo * 12 linux kernel bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 2 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (up 1)18:04
JFo * 1 linux-ec2 bugs (up 1)18:04
JFo * 3 linux-mvl-dove bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 1 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)18:04
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)18:04
JFo==== Milestoned Features ====18:04
JFo * 13 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)18:04
JFo==== Bugs with Patches Attached:117 (down 1) ====18:04
JFo * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]18:04
JFo * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]18:04
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling (JFo)18:05
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bug-handling18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling (JFo)18:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bug-handling18:05
JFoSummit schedule sent. Saturday is the Triage Summit.18:05
JFomore vague work ongoing with the Forum18:05
JFohopefully more closed out this week18:05
JFoseveral items will be postponed out of necessity18:05
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation (cking)18:06
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation (cking)18:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation18:06
ckingChanges this week to fwts:18:06
cking* handle some inquiries from community18:06
cking* LP#627959 FADT fix thanks to AceLan + GAS+64 bit addr fixes18:06
cking* update fwts to 0.18.2 in maverick universe18:06
cking* start natty branch: CMOS, APCI dumps18:06
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Maverick (ogasawara)18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Maverick (ogasawara)18:07
ogasawaraWe've uploaded a new Maverick kernel, 2.6.35-20.29.  Please test.18:07
ogasawaraKernel Freeze is Thurs Sept 16th, ie ~1 week away.  After Kernel Freeze, we transition to our SRU policy.  My target scenario however will be that we'll have no changes to the kernel beyond kernel freeze.  Also note that Maverick's RC (Release Candidate) date is Sept 30.  I suspect if any last minutes kernel changes do need to happen, an upload will need to occur approx 1 week before the Release Candidate to allow enough18:07
ogasawara lead time for builds and assembly of candidate images.18:07
ogasawaraWe are again nearing being above the trend line for our overall burn down chart.  We need to start closing out all remaining open work items.  If your name appears in the following list, you have open work items.  Please review if your work item(s) can be marked as DONE or POSTPONED, else get er done.18:07
ogasawaraJFo, sconklin, cking, apw, diwic, tgardner, jjohansen, smb18:07
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team.html18:08
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone ubuntu-10.1018:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team.html18:08
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone ubuntu-10.1018:08
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:09
tgardnersmb is on vacation18:10
bjftgardner: yes18:10
bjfa new lucid kernel went into proposed last week ~ 600 commits18:10
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:11
JFo448 Maverick Bugs (up 80)18:11
JFo997 Lucid Bugs (up 39)18:11
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):18:11
JFo==== regression-potential ====18:11
JFo  * 225 maverick bugs (up 47)18:11
JFo  * 166 lucid bugs (up 4: to be converted to regression-release)18:11
JFo==== regression-update ====18:11
JFo  * 49 lucid bugs (up 6)18:11
JFo  * 7 karmic bugs (no change)18:11
JFo  * 4 jaunty bugs (no change)18:11
JFo  * 0 hardy bugs (no change)18:11
JFo==== regression-release ====18:11
JFo  * 177 lucid bugs (up 10)18:11
JFo  * 37 karmic bugs (no change)18:11
JFo  * 18 jaunty bugs (no change)18:11
JFo  * 3 hardy bugs (no change)18:11
JFo==== regression-proposed ====18:11
JFo  * 7 lucid bugs (up 3)18:11
JFo  * 1 karmic bug (no change)18:11
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)18:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)18:12
JFoLast weeks bug day was marginally successful due to my e-mail issuhttp://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/?p=6096es.18:12
JFoI'd like to have next weeks bug day be on the same bugs, those in the Triaged state.18:12
JFoI'll be sending out the Bug Day mail later this week.18:12
JFoWe will continue to have the Team Bug Day to address the Top 50 list as half days on Friday and Monday.18:12
JFoReviewers, please take a look at your needs-review lists and help us keep the process moving.18:12
JFoPlease also take ownership of your bugs as you work them so we can get them fixed or otherwise off the list.18:12
JFoThere are several subsystems owned by all that need to be reviewed for inclusion in our top 50 list.18:12
JFosigh, that first line is all messed up18:13
bjf[TOPIC] Triage Status (JFo)18:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Triage Status (JFo)18:13
JFoKernel Triage Summit is on Saturday. Blog posts have gone up (http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/?p=6096)18:13
JFoThe schedule is on the Fridge Calendar and on the Summit page itself (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/Summit/Maverick).18:13
JFoI'll continue microblogging and getting others to as well so that it can be as successful and well-attended as possible.18:13
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)18:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)18:14
bjfJFo: go18:14
JFoHad a meeting today with several QA members and triagers concerning regression bugs.18:14
JFoThe Kernel accounts for over 60 percent of the total number of these bug tags.18:14
JFoWe discussed ways to reduce these numbers and I will likely be hosting a talk on this UDS.18:14
JFoThere was also mention of the regression-potential tag and its use or lack thereof.18:14
JFoThe general consensus was that it is not useful to anyone. I am interested in your thoughts on this.18:14
JFoogasawara, any preference on if the regression-potential tag goes away?18:15
bjfi think we should apply some arsenal directly targeting regression bugs18:15
ogasawaraI personally don't leverage the regression-potential tagged bugs as they take a back seat to the regression-released bugs18:15
JFoadditionally there is talk of changing the regression tags as well18:16
JFobjf, I agree18:16
JFoogasawara, neither do I18:16
tgardnerregression-potential sounds like a bug that hasn't been triaged.18:16
JFoit isn't a terribly useful tag to me18:16
JFotgardner, that is the thinking here as well18:16
ogasawaraJFo: so I'm not opposed to that tag going away18:16
JFoI think, and I told them, that this can go away with almost no impact to us18:16
JFoogasawara, cool, thanks :)18:17
JFoI figured you would be one of the only people to have an opinion on it :)18:17
JFook, thanks.18:17
JFoI have another separate item18:17
bjfJFo: go again18:18
JFowe should really take a look at the possibility that abogani fails to provide an -rt kernel18:18
JFodo we have anything that we could provide?18:18
JFoin the way of -preempt or -lowlatency?18:18
JFoI remember our talk tgardner about the duplication of effort18:19
JFobut the ubuntustudio folks are asking me about it often18:19
JFoamong others18:19
tgardnerwhich is why -preempt went back into the  -rt kernel.18:19
tgardnerthe folks that should be sponsoring abogani haven't stepped up to the plate18:20
JFoso if he doesn't release an -rt then there won't be anything?18:20
JFoI see18:20
bjfsomeone had wanted to talk about i855 KMS blacklisting, is that person around?18:20
bjfjolan: ^18:20
tgardnersince -rt is a community supported effort, I'm gonna let it die on the vine if nobody is going to care.18:20
JFotgardner, understood18:21
bjfthanks everyone18:21
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:21.18:21
jolanbjf: i'm here18:21
JFothanks bjf18:21
bjfjolan, talk quickly18:21
bjfjolan: or head over to #ubuntu-kernel18:22
* apw suggests #u-k now the meeting closes18:22
jolanill go to u-k18:22
kamalthanks bjf18:22
bjfjolan: thanks18:22
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McPeterhi all18:47
kinouchouhello McPeter18:49
Davieyanybody else?18:59
* mathiaz waves 2x18:59
DavieyJazz hands?18:59
MootBotMeeting started at 12:59. The chair is Daviey.18:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:59
Daviey[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting19:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting19:00
Davieyjjohansen to provide tests for bug 582963 and request SRU19:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 582963 in Ubuntu Server papercuts "SSL pass phrase dialog can't read input" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58296319:00
* Daviey suspects that is a typo in the agenda19:00
jjohansenyikes is it that time already19:00
DavieyI assume it's really regarding bug #57491019:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491019:00
DavieyI see there has been a recent flurry of updates with that bug19:01
jjohansenyes :(19:01
Davieyjjohansen, Can you comment further, or are we still blocked?19:01
jjohansenand I was in the middle of composing a reply to alex19:01
jjohansenDaviey: I submitted my patch, but it doesn't look like its in the .43 proposed kernel19:02
jjohansenI am checking to see if it got queued to the next one or accidentally dropped19:02
Davieyjjohansen, OK, great - do you want to look into that, and we carry on with it later in the meeting?19:03
jjohansenDaviey: sure19:03
Daviey[TOPIC] Maverick development (jib)19:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Maverick development (jib)19:03
jiboumansWe just started the cycle; complexity wise we should be fine. Division should be about 2/3 bug fixing, stabilizing, testing, etc and 1/3 remaining work items. If anyone feels there are red flags, blockers or too high load, please let me and ttx know asap. Over to you ttx19:03
ttxjust wanted to give a status of RC bugs19:04
Davieyttx, Are you moving onto Status for RC bugs?19:04
Daviey[TOPIC] Status for RC bugs (ttx)19:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Status for RC bugs (ttx)19:04
ttxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MaverickReleaseStatus is up to date19:05
ttxI know Daviey should fix the first 3 i nthe list quite quickly19:05
ttxThe third one is more complex, Bug 62796319:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627963 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "[maverick] Inconsistent certificates prevent CC to start correctly (no cc.log)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62796319:05
ttxDaviey: any luck on that one ?19:05
Davieyttx, Blocked on upstream last i saw19:06
* Daviey will poke19:06
hggdhI would like to add bug 622818 to, at least, the critical/high bug list19:06
ttxsmoser: news on Bug 623609 ?19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622818 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu) "unexpected errors after a sequence of tests" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62281819:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623609 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-pc needs some help in uec instances" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62360919:06
ttxhggdh: will do19:06
smoserno news there.19:06
Davieyttx, Following the meeting - i'll send a poke to upstream.19:07
smoseri've not made any progress on it today.19:07
Daviey.. regarding all the bugs we are waiting on them for19:07
ttxok, keep us posted :)19:07
Daviey[ACTION] Daviey to contact upstream eucalyptus, regarding issues that seem to be blocked.19:07
MootBotACTION received:  Daviey to contact upstream eucalyptus, regarding issues that seem to be blocked.19:07
ttxPeople assigned to any of the "Other Critical/High Maverick bugs"  should be working on their targets19:07
ttxAnd finally, the lucky ones that don't have any should look for bugs to take in the "Other Maverick bugs (targets of opportunity)" list !19:08
ttxthat's all for me, unless there are questions19:08
Davieyttx, thanks for the update.19:09
Daviey[TOPIC]  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:09
MootBotNew Topic:   Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:09
hggdhfrom here, life is good, Eucalyptus seems almost stable19:09
hggdhas I commented last week, we (QA) will soon be proposing some changes to regression-* bugs19:09
hggdhbut, right now, we are still building up the case19:10
hggdh(use case)19:10
hggdhapart from that, nothing19:10
Davieyhggdh, Where will these proposals be documented?  u-devel-discuss ?19:10
DavieyDoes anyone have anything they need from QA or specifically hggdh ?19:10
hggdhDaviey: they will be discussed on next bug-squad meeting, and then on the -dev ML19:11
SpamapSFUN left19:11
Daviey(TBC, i've been speaking with hggdh directly out of band )19:11
Davieyhggdh, you rock.... thanks!19:11
Daviey[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)19:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)19:11
jjohansenHrmm where to begin19:11
Davieyjjohansen, Any update on bug 574910?19:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491019:12
jjohansenah yes, the patch is committed and queued up for the next proposed kernel19:12
Davieyjjohansen, I guess there isn't a short ETA for that?19:12
jjohansenit will be in the .16 EC2 kernel only not .44 generic/server kernels19:13
jjohansenhopefully sooner than later19:13
Davieyjjohansen, Thanks for that - hopefully it will land soon :)..  Does the bug mention that?19:13
ttxjjohansen: there still seem to be people complaining on that bug19:13
jjohansenthe last proposed kernels got backed up behind security updates, and there has been a flurry of action recently to try and fix that19:13
ttxis it bug confusion, or could it be real ?19:14
jjohansenDaviey: it doesn't yet19:14
Davieyjjohansen, Can i action that?19:14
jjohansenthe recent flurry of activity on the bug, doesn't seem to be related to the patch I submitted19:14
smoserits unrelated to jjohansen's patch.19:14
Daviey[ACTION] jjohansen to follow up on bug 574910 with the current direction19:14
MootBotACTION received:  jjohansen to follow up on bug 574910 with the current direction19:14
jjohansenbut appears to be other issues causing load problems19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491019:14
=== RoAk is now known as andreserl
Davieyjjohansen, But to confirm, you and your team have it "in hand"?19:15
jjohansenSome of these should be addressed in the most recent proposed kernels19:15
jjohansenDaviey: we are working on it, but there seems to be multiple different bugs being hit here all getting referenced under high load average19:16
Davieyjjohansen, I just wanted to clarify that if we move on from this subject now, activity will still happen?19:17
jjohansenbut yes as we can pick out the information we are working on them19:17
Davieyie, not blocked on anything we can help with.19:17
Davieyjjohansen, awesome19:17
Davieyjjohansen, OK.. the next item on my kill list for you is: pv-ops kernel status update19:17
jjohansenWell the server team could join the kernel team and help with the bug back log19:17
Davieyjjohansen, Happy to, if your team wants our backlog :)19:17
jjohansenhehe, I think you would get the short end of the stick (I think we are getting back up in the 10,000 bug territory again)19:18
jjohansenWe have had some interaction with Amazon on bug #613083 and hope to see some progress on it soon19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613083 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick) "user-data is corrupted inside metadata service" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61308319:19
Davieysmoser, Are you working with jjohansen and co, tostay updated with what is happening?19:19
smoseryes. i'm composing a amazon targetted mail right now19:20
jjohansenBug #606373 is a race, that is either in upstart or the tty layer that I didn't manage to track down by the end of last week19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606373 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick) "cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with pv-grub and ramdisk" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60637319:20
Davieyrocki'.. so there is some progress - but not a fix yet?19:20
jjohansenDaviey: yep smoser is rocking19:20
DavieyOkay.. i guess that we can leave it suitable hands19:20
jjohansenDaviey: not fixed but we should see progress this week19:21
Daviey[ACTION] jjohansen and smoser to report on bug 613083 bug 606373 and next meeting19:21
MootBotACTION received:  jjohansen and smoser to report on bug 613083 bug 606373 and next meeting19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613083 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick) "user-data is corrupted inside metadata service" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61308319:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606373 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick) "cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with pv-grub and ramdisk" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60637319:21
Davieyjjohansen, Ok.. that is everything on my kill list for you.. did you have anything else to raise?19:21
jjohansenhrmm, I thought I did but I am not finding it in my notes, so it is probably an AA bug instead of something your interested in19:22
Davieyjjohansen, Ahh.. ok - if you remember what it is - can you let one of us know? :)19:23
Davieyanybody have anything to bring to jjohansen ?19:23
Davieyjjohansen, Ok.. thanks for your effort19:23
zulmy bug has been fixed19:23
Daviey[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)19:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)19:24
DavieyI guess he isn't here.. oh well :(19:24
mathiazDaviey: he waved19:24
mathiazDaviey: let's wait a little bit...19:25
sommerooh ooh, I'm here19:25
sommerheh, not much new to report though19:25
Davieysommer, o/19:25
mathiazsommer: is there a section about puppet in the server guide?19:25
sommerI think most of the bugs are fixed for maverick, and I might have a puppet section done before thursday19:25
sommermathiaz: in the works19:25
Davieysommer, you really are on fire.19:25
mathiazsommer: ok19:25
mathiazsommer: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/u/mathiaz-ubuntu-10.10.html19:25
Davieysommer, Is there anything you need from us?19:25
mathiazsommer: ^^ shows that I'm supposed to review a section about puppet19:26
sommermathiaz: ya, I'll probably get something in tomorrow ish19:26
mathiazsommer: ok - I may have time to review it19:26
sommerDaviey: I think I'm good at the moment19:26
Davieymathiaz / sommer: Okay, can you gues sync up tomorrow?19:27
mathiazsommer:when is documentation freeze?19:27
sommermathiaz: thursday19:27
DavieyThis isn't in archive docs, tho is it?19:27
mathiazDaviey: for maverick IIRC there is still an ubuntu-server guide package19:27
DavieyI thought this was actioned to be dropped for maverick?19:28
sommermathiaz: it shouldn't get built for maverick... the instructions were dropped from the makefile19:28
sommerso it should be only available in HTML and PDF19:28
Daviey[ACTION] sommer and mathiaz to sync up regarding puppet server guide19:29
MootBotACTION received:  sommer and mathiaz to sync up regarding puppet server guide19:29
DavieyAny other comments regarding the awesome server guide?19:29
hallynit's awesome19:29
Davieythanks sommer, you rock.19:29
Daviey[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)19:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)19:29
sommerthank you guys :-)19:29
DavieyI guess kim0 isn't here :(19:30
Daviey[TOPIC] Open Discussion19:30
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion19:30
zulalmost breaking the record for shortest meeitng19:31
RoAkSoAxcouple of cluster stack related package are already in main, we still waiting for cluster-glue, cluster-agents, pacemaker19:31
DavieyRoAkSoAx, What is the delay?19:31
DavieyRoAkSoAx, ?19:33
RoAkSoAxDaviey: Well it's complicated. In simple words, upstream keeps the packaging as it is, and they dont wanna do library split, which was required by ubuntu developers19:33
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Is this still targeted at Maverick?19:33
RoAkSoAxbut we are hoping that they do a final review and accept packages as they are since upstream is gonna keep them as they are (upstream + deabian)19:34
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yes, it is still targeted for maverick otherwise we might end up having a non-working cluster stack, *or* RHCS without pacemaker support19:34
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Are the relevant exceptions raised?19:34
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
RoAkSoAxwe will just wait for a final review before actually going forward on removing pacemaker support to RHCS19:35
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Is there anything you need from the team?19:35
RoAkSoAxDaviey: support for getting the cluster related packages in main :)19:36
DavieyRoAkSoAx, In what sense, a MIR report?19:36
RoAkSoAxDaviey: MIR's are filed, just hold on a sec19:37
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Okay.. Don't rushg to find it this moment.. Can i ask that you send an update to ubuntu-server mailing list?19:37
RoAkSoAxbug #527155, bug #527195, and bug #527142 (which exaplins the situation)19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527155 in cluster-agents (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-agents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52715519:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527195 in pacemaker (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pacemaker" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52719519:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527142 in cluster-glue (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cluster-glue" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52714219:38
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Is it okay for you to send a further update to the mailing list?19:38
RoAkSoAxDaviey: the situation is better explained in cluster-glue MIR, by ivoks19:38
RoAkSoAxDaviey: sure!19:39
DavieyCurrent progress, what is blocking and if you or ivoks need help!19:39
Daviey[ACTION] RoAkSoAx to email ubuntu server mailing list with update of cluster stack progress for maverick.19:39
MootBotACTION received:  RoAkSoAx to email ubuntu server mailing list with update of cluster stack progress for maverick.19:39
Daviey[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time19:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time19:39
DavieyRegrettably, Tuesday 2010-09-14 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting19:40
Davieythanks folks!19:40
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:40.19:40
=== jsalisbury is now known as jsalisbury_afk
=== bjf is now known as bjf[lunch]
=== bjf[lunch] is now known as bjf
Status0Good eve. :-) and happy new years (Jewish Holliday)20:12
=== jsalisbury_afk is now known as jsalisbury
ivarelahi pascalc20:31
highvoltageogra, ogra_cmpc: Just a reminder that emea-rmb-board meeting is in 10 minutes20:49
=== dyfet_hospital is now known as dyfet
ogra_cmpcStatus0, isnt that tomorrow ? (not trhat i'm a jew, but someone said its the 8th)20:51
ogra_cmpchighvoltage, indeed20:51
ogra_cmpci havent forgotten ;)20:51
halvorsIts today...20:51
halvorsOr am i wrong?20:51
pleia2starts the evening of the 8th20:51
Status0ogra_cmpc, yes, but we say like "marry crismes" / "happy new years" also before. :-)20:52
halvorsDid you mean the Europe board?20:52
halvorsThe next meeting is scheduled for September 7th 2010, 20:00 UTC and will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net.20:52
halvorsIs this wrong?20:53
ogra_cmpchalvors, no, thats right20:53
halvorsI am confused...20:53
ogra_cmpci was referring to somethig from the backlog :)20:53
halvorsAlso in 10 minutes.20:53
halvorsI didn't understand that :(20:53
ogra_cmpcno worries20:53
highvoltageogra_cmpc: yeah I just explicitely told you because I already reminded the rest of the council in another channel :)20:55
ogra_cmpcah, k20:55
ogra_cmpcphew looks like it will be a long meeting today20:56
drubinogra_cmpc: Should go quick though.20:57
* czajkowski is still in the middle of her dinner 20:57
czajkowskihighvoltage: you're chair :D20:58
highvoltageczajkowski: I know, you've only reminded me of that about every day for the last month ;)20:58
czajkowskihighvoltage: my turn to prod you :D20:58
* drubin will drive the LP membership waggon20:59
highvoltagewell, the time has come20:59
MootBotMeeting started at 14:59. The chair is highvoltage.20:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:59
highvoltageGood evening everyone, I'll be the chair for the meeting, but please don't sit on me20:59
fabrizioballianohi highvoltage and everybody!20:59
inetprogood evening20:59
costalesHi! ;)21:00
highvoltagethe regional board council is seveaz, popey, czajkowski, highvoltage, ogra, stgraber, drubin21:00
highvoltagedo we have quorum?21:00
drubinwindow up21:00
drubinwindow up21:00
drubinoops sorry ;/21:00
highvoltagewe need one more, right?21:01
drubinwindow up21:01
* stgraber waves21:01
ogra_cmpcdrubin, it's getting cold if you open all of them !21:01
highvoltagestgraber to the rescue21:01
* YoBoY waves21:01
highvoltageOnly EMEA Council members will vote on membership candidates,21:02
highvoltagehowever, when the time comes to review a candidate's application, you may show your support for the candidate by telling us about your experiences of working with the person21:02
highvoltageCandidates will be called one by one, in order that they appear on our agenda page for this meeting21:02
highvoltagewhich can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA21:02
highvoltageis xteejx here?21:02
highvoltagedoesn't seem so.21:03
highvoltageis ttmtt here?21:03
highvoltagephillw: it seems like you're up next!21:03
highvoltage[TOPIC] philw21:03
MootBotNew Topic:  philw21:03
* phillw I'm here21:03
highvoltagephillw: please tell us a bit about yourself21:03
phillwI started using ubuntu with 9.04, after using unix some years previous. I'm a strong advocate of ubuntu and I hope my wiki page shows just how strongly I feel about ubuntu21:04
drubinAll other candidates it might help speed things up if you could please write down in a text editor 2/3 lines about your self so you can copy paste when time comes. :)21:05
drubinphillw: In what way are you an advocate?21:05
vincentxavierdrubin: already thinking about it21:05
drubinie some of the highlights.21:05
phillwI am active in doing installs for other people & then offering support to them21:06
highvoltagephillw: what do you do as part of the lubuntu team?21:06
phillwI keep the wiki area updated and also host the test iso's on my server.21:06
phillwnot added yet, but in my testimonial is that I now also host a forum for the ubuntu-youth-team21:07
highvoltageany further questions before we vote?21:07
ogra_cmpcdo you do any programming ?21:08
ogra_cmpc(regarding your plans for lubuntu a11y)21:08
highvoltageogra_cmpc: you don't regard assembly as programming!? ;)21:08
ogra_cmpclooks like a quite big task to add accessibility there21:08
drubinpretty decent forum post count http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=82454421:08
phillwno, a programmer I am not, but I have been taught how to compile and test releases of pcmanfm21:09
* drubin is ok to vote.21:09
ogra_cmpchighvoltage, well, i was rather meaning UI stuff integration work etc :)21:09
ogra_cmpcso what are your plans regarding a11y in lubuntu, how do you plan to bring it forward ?21:09
hobgoblincan i " show your support for the candidate by telling us about your experiences of working with the person"21:09
highvoltagehobgoblin: by all means!21:10
hobgoblinI see phillw doing good work on the forum almost daily in my role as a moderator there - I also have a lot to do with him in irc channel support in the Beginner Team support channel. Very patient and thorough with people.  I have a lot of respect for the work he does.21:10
hobgoblinthen ^^21:10
hobgoblinthank you :)21:10
czajkowskiphillw: have you gotten or do you plan to get involved with the Ubuntu accessibility team ?21:10
drubinbtw I have also seen phillw's work in #ubuntu-beginners channel.21:10
* ogra_cmpc is ready to vote, the above was just an out of interest question because it sonds like a great project 21:11
highvoltageogra_cmpc: ok21:11
highvoltage[VOTE] Membership status for phillw21:11
MootBotPlease vote on:  Membership status for phillw.21:11
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:11
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:11
phillwczajkowski: I'm on the mailing list and also registered to the forum area. I also liase with an accessibility site to update them on the work ubuntu is doing21:11
MootBot+1 received from drubin. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:11
MootBot+1 received from ogra_cmpc. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:11
MootBot+1 received from czajkowski. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:11
czajkowskiphillw: have you talked to Pendulum21:11
highvoltage+1 for his overall contributions on lubuntu and the forums21:11
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:11
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:11
MootBot+1 received from Status0. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 621:12
ogra_cmpcwelcome phillw !21:12
hobgoblincongrats phillw :)21:12
czajkowskiphillw: congrats21:12
drubincongrats phillw and welcome21:12
kinouchoucongrats phillw21:12
phillwthanks :-D21:12
maiatodaycongrats phillw21:12
highvoltageStatus0: please note that only EMEA RMB Council members may vote21:12
highvoltagephillw: congratiolations and welcome!21:12
Status0highvoltage, sorry.21:13
halvors1phillw: congrats :)21:13
highvoltagebognarandras: are you here?21:13
bognarandrasi'm here21:13
highvoltage[TOPIC] bognarandras21:14
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.21:14
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 621:14
MootBotNew Topic:  bognarandras21:14
bognarandrasfirst sorry for my bad english, i'm from Hungary21:14
highvoltagebognarandras: please tell us about yourself!21:14
bognarandrasI am a Hungarian Ubuntu LoCo activist and LoCo Team Member. I was born in 1987. I live in Pécs, Hungary. I graduated from high school as a viticulturist. I got in touch with Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) first and although there were smaller breaks during the first years now I use Ubuntu solely, but I test regularly other GNU/Linux distributions too. I deal with vector graphics in my spare time and I expand my knowledge continuously conc21:14
highvoltageif anyone else wants to say something about why he should or shouldn't be a member, feel free to speak now too21:14
ogra_cmpcheh, hoary ... that were the times :)21:15
highvoltageogra_cmpc: that was the cycle when edubuntu was born and when we met!21:15
ogra_cmpcbognarandras, did you consider joining the art team ? your work looks great21:15
czajkowskibognarandras: hey you did the funky graphics http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/hu/node/38121:15
ogra_cmpchighvoltage, yeah !21:15
highvoltageI'm already willing to give bognarandras a +1 just for his artwork contributions, they're great!21:16
bognarandrasogra_cmpc: i dont think about that, but yes... why not? :)21:16
czajkowskiit's fantastic stuff21:16
drubinbognarandras: are you involved with planning this Maverick release party?21:16
bognarandrasczajkowski: yes, thats my work21:16
highvoltagebognarandras: and I'll take you up on your offer on the wiki page for helping other projects, we need some nice artwork on the edubuntu website!21:16
bognarandrasdrubin: yes21:16
bognarandrashighvoltage: yes, I know about the edubuntu artwork21:17
czajkowskibognarandras: so what  would you like to do in the coming cycle ?21:17
bognarandrasand it's need some development21:18
bognarandrasczajkowski: i want to create new stuffs, like banners, badges, logo's for different projects21:18
czajkowskiwell I'm ready to vote21:19
* ogra_cmpc too21:19
* stgraber too21:19
highvoltage[VOTE] Membership for bognarandras21:19
MootBotPlease vote on:  Membership for bognarandras.21:19
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:19
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:19
MootBot+1 received from ogra_cmpc. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:19
MootBot+1 received from czajkowski. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:19
MootBot+1 received from drubin. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:19
czajkowskilove your artwork :)21:19
highvoltage+1 for great artwork contributions (and hopefully more to come!)21:19
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:19
bognarandrasthanks :)21:19
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:19
highvoltagebognarandras: congratiolations and welcome!21:20
ogra_cmpcwelcome bognarandras21:20
kinouchoucongrats bognarandras21:20
bognarandrasthank you very much21:20
halvorscongrats :D21:20
highvoltage[TOPIC] maiatoday21:20
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.21:20
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 521:20
MootBotNew Topic:  maiatoday21:20
superflyyay! maiatoday!!21:20
* inetpro votes for maiatoday21:20
* superfly cheers for maiatoday21:21
* Kilos cheers for maiatoday 21:21
drubinNot really sure if this is ok for me to cheer as well.21:21
ogra_cmpcgeez a testemonial from highvoltage !21:21
highvoltagemaiatoday: want to introduce yourself?21:21
maiatodayI started using ubuntu after facing heavy software costs while I was studying or piracy. I opted for open source so I could spend the money on hardware.21:21
drubinbut since she is from my loco I think it is wrong to no cheer.21:22
maiatodayAt home congratsI have managed to switch over completely to ubuntu. I do sysadmin on ubuntu machines for close family.21:22
maiatodaySince the beginning of this year I am on a mission to be more active in the local ubuntu community in my area.21:22
inetproand active she is for sure21:22
* ogra_cmpc wants a piece of that cake !21:22
ogra_cmpcbut i guess its eaten already :(21:23
* highvoltage had some of that cake :p21:23
maiatodayyes it only lasted a few minutes21:23
czajkowskithat cake does look great21:23
maiatodayso I guess one of my missions would be to organise another cake21:23
highvoltagethe cake was not a lie21:23
halvorsYes :)21:23
czajkowskimaiatoday: are you involved in Ubuntu women, seeing as you've gone about getting many of the women in your family using Ubuntu? how did that go ?21:23
inetpromaiatoday was instrumental in our re-approval of #ubuntu-za21:24
maiatodayI have attended some meetings but I feel as if being visible in my area is working for the greater ubuntu-women goal too21:24
drubinmaiatoday: It wasn't a mission it was awesome21:24
czajkowskimaiatoday: that's good too21:24
ogra_cmpcshould we vote ?21:25
highvoltage[VOTE] Membership for maiatoday21:25
MootBotPlease vote on:  Membership for maiatoday.21:25
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:25
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:25
highvoltage+1 [ great loco participation ]21:25
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:25
MootBot+1 received from ogra_cmpc. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:25
MootBot+1 received from JPM. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:25
MootBot+1 received from drubin. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:25
drubinJPM: You can't vote21:25
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:26
drubinJPM: but we take that as support for maiatoday :)21:26
JPMhehe ok21:26
OmegaShould I vote against so it cancells out?21:26
halvorsSo can i vote too :P21:26
JPMwell ok21:26
highvoltageczajkowski: your vote?21:26
MootBot+1 received from czajkowski. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 621:26
inetpromaiatoday: o/21:26
drubincongrats maiatoday21:26
kinouchouwelcome maiatoday21:27
maiatodaythanks for the support everybody21:27
ogra_cmpcwelcome maiatoday21:27
halvorscongrats :D21:27
highvoltagemaiatoday: congratiolations and welcome!21:27
inetprovery nice job maiatoday21:27
tumbleweedmaiatoday: congrats, glad your arm was twisted :)21:27
ivarelacongrats maia, good job21:27
highvoltageis Frabeizio around? Sorry, I'm not sure what your nick is21:27
fabrizioballianohello everybody, I'm here :)21:27
fabrizioballianoFabrizio :)21:27
fabrizioballianoitalian names are always strange21:28
highvoltage[topic] fabrizioballiano21:28
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.21:28
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 621:28
MootBotNew Topic:  fabrizioballiano21:28
highvoltagefabrizioballiano: oops, sorry!21:28
fabrizioballianonever mind!21:28
halvorsfabrizioballiano: I love italy :D21:29
fabrizioballianohaha great to know, it surely is a beautiful place but has maaany problems :)21:29
czajkowskifabrizioballiano: you links to your English website and italian website are pretty empty, they're coming soon ?21:29
fabrizioballianoactually I'm working on them21:29
fabrizioballianobut the most populous website21:29
fabrizioballianois the .net21:29
MootBotLINK received:  http://fabrizioballiano.net21:30
halvors:D Spend most of my holidays there :)21:30
fabrizioballianocause on the net I talk about all my FLOSS projects21:30
drubinhalvors: please keep stuff on topic21:30
fabrizioballianowhile I'm creating the it/com for work things...21:30
halvorsdrubin: Ok, sorry :)21:30
fabrizioballiano(that's why they're late :))21:30
highvoltagefabrizioballiano: your interests are good, but could you perhaps tell us a bit more about your contributions directly to ubuntu?21:30
ogra_cmpcfabrizioballiano, did you consider working on the mini remix inside ubuntu to amek it an official image ?21:31
fabrizioballianoI started working with Ubuntu since 6.0.421:31
halvors6.04 :)21:31
fabrizioballianosince 4 years working as lead developer of UCK (Ubuntu Customization Kit)21:31
fabrizioballianoyes sorry, emotion!21:31
halvorsOk :)21:31
fabrizioballianoand lead developer for Ubuntu Mini Remix and Ubuntu Italian Remix21:31
highvoltagefabrizioballiano: how many developers are working on the Ubuntu Italian Remix?21:32
fabrizioballianotruth or lie?21:32
fabrizioballianoone, me21:32
fabrizioballianothat's the same for Ubuntu Mini Remix21:32
fabrizioballianowhile on UCK the team is made by 4-5 people21:32
highvoltageI'm ready to vote, any further questions?21:32
fabrizioballiano2 active (me and a guy called wolf)21:32
fabrizioballianoops ok stopping writing :)21:33
ogra_cmpcfabrizioballiano, so to my above qestion, did you consider to make the mini remix an image that gets built in the ubuntu infrastructure ?21:33
ogra_cmpcand to live on cdimage.ubuntu.com ?21:33
fabrizioballianoI know I'm not developing "inside" Ubuntu caus all my projects are external but I'm working to spread the ubuntu usage21:34
ogra_cmpci imagine many people wuld happily make use of such an image21:34
fabrizioballianosure, I told to directly to Mark some time ago about that21:34
ogra_cmpcwell, i mean getting involved with ubuntu development and maintining it as an official derivative21:34
fabrizioballianobut I couldn't directly reach the guys that managed the Ubuntu ISO generation systems21:34
highvoltageogra_cmpc: I believe that answers your question21:35
fabrizioballianoso I kept it external21:35
fabrizioballianoI proposed mark to build21:35
fabrizioballianoan ISO for every language21:35
ogra_cmpcfabrizioballiano, they are all in #ubuntu-devel21:35
ogra_cmpcand more specifically in the ubuntu-cdimage team21:35
czajkowskifairly friendly bunch of folks to just drop by in IRC21:35
fabrizioballianoI tried, i'm talking about long time ago so I can't rememeber every detail...21:35
czajkowskiI'm ready to vote anyways21:36
highvoltageyes, voting time21:36
highvoltage[VOTE] Membership for fabrizioballiano21:36
MootBotPlease vote on:  Membership for fabrizioballiano.21:36
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:36
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:36
MootBot-1 received from czajkowski. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -121:36
fabrizioballianotalking about localized isos, i really believe they's important for spreading the OS21:36
fabrizioballianothinking about how many people download the official iso and gets only partially translated softwares...21:37
highvoltage+0 [ some good contributions, but not significant for membership ]21:37
MootBotAbstention received from highvoltage. 0 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -121:37
MootBotAbstention received from ogra_cmpc. 0 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -121:37
fabrizioballianoin facts the italian remix was downloaded 600 times sine 10.04.1 release21:37
fabrizioballianoin a few days21:37
drubin+0 [I like the contributions but not enough for membership]21:37
MootBotAbstention received from drubin. 0 for, 1 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now -121:37
drubinfabrizioballiano: I would like to see you trying to get your ISO into official ubuntu stack.21:38
highvoltagestgraber is voting we're just waiting for his wifi to become unfrozen21:38
stgraber+0 Would appreciate more collaboration with the Ubuntu project itself and its teams.21:38
MootBotAbstention received from stgraber. 0 for, 1 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now -121:38
fabrizioballianoI would send you the mails I sent21:38
highvoltagefabrizioballiano: I'd like to see you become an ubuntu member, and I think we all do21:38
fabrizioballianomark said he liked the project, like jeos21:38
fabrizioballianonot that easy as it seem...21:38
highvoltagefabrizioballiano: perhaps get some of the people that use the italian distro to write something up about it, your wiki page had no testimonials from people you have worked wit21:39
fabrizioballianoi know21:39
halvorsI know, i have tryed to become an Ubuntu Member for 3 meetings :(21:39
halvorsIts hard...21:39
ogra_cmpcfabrizioballiano, i like the project too but i agree with drubin's comment above, getting you mini image into ubuntu officially would be a great start21:39
fabrizioballianobut a lot of users use that21:39
highvoltagefabrizioballiano: and we can only accept a testimonial from Mark Shuttleworth if he either left it on your wiki page, e-mailed it to us or say it on this channel during the meeting21:40
fabrizioballianogot an email for sure21:40
ogra_cmpcfabrizioballiano, highvoltage means a testimonial to the board21:40
highvoltagehalvors: it's really easy if you do what it says on the application page, we make it quite clear that we need good evidence of your contributions, and in particular, testimonials21:40
fabrizioballianook fine21:40
fabrizioballianoi know21:40
halvorshighvoltage: Ok, i hope for membership this time :)21:41
highvoltage[TOPIC] costales21:41
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.21:41
MootBotFinal result is 0 for, 1 against. 4 abstained. Total: -121:41
MootBotNew Topic:  costales21:41
costalesHi! ;)21:41
ogra_cmpcwow, thats a lot of good testimonials21:42
czajkowskicostales: wow21:43
czajkowskinice wiki page21:43
drubincostales: I really like your "1help=1coffee" idea21:43
costalesyes, they're great members :)21:43
ogra_cmpceven from dpm21:43
ivarelaand 1help=1coffe works! I can confirm it.. ;)21:43
costalesdrubin: more caffeine xD21:43
highvoltageyes a recommendation from dpm is quite big121:44
ogra_cmpccostales, so when does gufw get a forwarding checkbox that enables my mom to switch on forwarding for my dad's PC through her laptop ? :)21:44
costalesogra_cmpc, xD it's idea21:44
costalesit's an idea21:45
highvoltagecostales: I notice that you're quite involved with bugs, but you haven't ever uploaded a bug fix. do you plan on becomming involved with motu or another development route perhaps?21:45
costalesdid you a bug? :)21:45
* ogra_cmpc is waiting for such a feature since ufw exists :)21:45
ogra_cmpccostales, not yet, will do ;)21:45
costaleshighvoltage, I tried some times create a debs21:45
costalesbut it's hard for me21:45
costalesDevid is helping a lot with Gufw21:45
costalesin that point :)21:46
costalesbut, yes, i'm very interesting!21:46
halvorsYes, does launchpad have an deb building system? Or did developers build them manually?21:46
costaleshalvors, no, Devid (a MOTU) do it ;)21:46
highvoltageok, yeah the initial learning curve is sometimes a bit high. starting with bug fixes to packages as apposed to packaging from scratch is usually a good start!21:46
costalesI do the release, and he do the .deb and upload to the repository21:46
highvoltageany further questions?21:47
ogra_cmpchighvoltage, it took some people years to become motu :) ... no hurry on that ;)21:47
drubinI am fine to vote21:47
* ogra_cmpc too21:47
* stgraber too21:47
highvoltageogra_cmpc: it took ME a few years even! I'm not saying he should ebcome one now, but it would probably be a good idea for him to learn how to do patches :)21:48
drubinhighvoltage: I have also tried this deb thing before so TMI ;) hard to get your head around it at first21:48
highvoltage[VOTE] costales21:48
MootBotPlease vote on:  costales.21:48
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:48
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:48
MootBot+1 received from czajkowski. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:48
ogra_cmpchighvoltage, yes, thats what i was (secretly) referring to ;)21:48
MootBot+1 received from ogra_cmpc. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:48
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:48
highvoltage+1 good bug tracking work, support and documentation21:49
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:49
MootBot+1 received from drubin. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:49
costalesI only can say one thing: THANKS VERY MUCH!!!21:49
highvoltagecostales: congratulations and welcome!21:49
ogra_cmpchighvoltage, [ednvote] works better21:49
halvorscongrats :)21:49
ogra_cmpcmodulo typo21:49
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 521:50
ogra_cmpccostales, congrats21:50
ivarelawelcome costales. nice to see you here, in the other side ;)21:50
maiatodaycongrats costales21:50
highvoltageheh, the docs are wrong21:50
kinouchoucongrats costales21:50
costalesthanks a lot!21:50
highvoltage[TOPIC] [VOTE] Membership for fabrizioballiano21:50
MootBotNew Topic:  [VOTE] Membership for fabrizioballiano21:50
highvoltageuhm, actually...21:50
highvoltage[TOPIC] vincentxavier21:50
MootBotNew Topic:  vincentxavier21:50
YoBoYhi vincentxavier :)21:50
huatsI support vincentxavier !21:51
kinouchouhello vincentxavier :)21:51
* ogra_cmpc grins about the typo on the wiki 21:51
YoBoYlol huats21:51
highvoltagevincentxavier: do you use ubuntu at your school?21:51
ogra_cmpcleaving near Paris :)21:51
vincentxavierhighvoltage: I'm planning, but I've just arrived in a new school by monday21:51
vincentxavierso I need time :)21:51
McPeterhi vincentxavier :)21:52
ogra_cmpcnice ! a testemonial from didier21:52
highvoltageand huats21:52
huatshighvoltage, he deserves it21:53
highvoltageany questions or comments for vincentxavier?21:53
highvoltageright, voting time then21:53
highvoltage[VOTE] membership for vincentxavier21:53
czajkowskiwiki is pretty clear tbh21:53
MootBotPlease vote on:  membership for vincentxavier.21:53
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:53
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:53
ogra_cmpcgo for it21:53
MootBot+1 received from czajkowski. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:53
MootBot+1 received from drubin. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:53
MootBot+1 received from ogra_cmpc. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:53
highvoltage+1 [ great loco involvement ]21:53
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:53
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:54
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 521:54
huatscongrats vincentxavier !21:54
YoBoYcongrats vincentxavier :)21:54
kinouchou\o/ vincentxavier21:54
drubincongrats! vincentxavier21:54
costalescongrats! :)21:54
vincentxavierthanks all of you :)21:54
McPetercongrats vincentxavier  :)21:54
highvoltagevincentxavier: Félicitations et bienvenue21:54
czajkowskivincentxavier: welcome21:54
highvoltage[TOPIC] halvors21:55
MootBotNew Topic:  halvors21:55
maiatodaycongrats vincentxavier21:55
huats(highvoltage, I see your french lessons start to be used)21:55
highvoltagehalvors: you've applied before, right?21:55
halvorsI have been using Ubuntu since 8.04.21:55
halvorshighvoltage: Yes.21:56
highvoltage(huats: ;))21:56
halvorsI tryed.21:56
czajkowskihalvors: I'll be honest your wiki is less than complete https://wiki.ubuntu.com/halvors21:56
highvoltagehalvors: did we give you any feedback on your application?21:56
halvorsMy contribution to Ubuntu include: testing, bug reports and translation into nb_NO and nn_NO.21:56
highvoltagehalvors: and what did we say?21:56
halvorsI need to do more translation and bug reports work.21:57
halvorsAnd that i've done :)21:57
czajkowskihalvors: I'm pretty sure we also said your wiki needs some information as well21:57
drubinhalvors: Well you need to document it on your wiki.21:57
=== daker_ is now known as daker
czajkowskithere are no testimonals or links to your work or future plans21:57
halvorsDocument what?21:57
highvoltagehalvors: we also told you to document your work on the wiki, and get some testimonials from the people you worked with21:57
czajkowskihalvors: in fact I even offered to help you the last time with your wiki21:57
highvoltage[VOTE] halvors21:57
MootBotPlease vote on:  halvors.21:57
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:57
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:57
czajkowskiI said contact me after the meeting and I'd help21:57
highvoltage-1 [ incomplete application ]21:57
MootBot-1 received from highvoltage. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -121:58
MootBot-1 received from czajkowski. 0 for, 2 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -221:58
MootBot-1 received from ogra_cmpc. 0 for, 3 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -321:58
halvorsI am not finished.21:58
MootBotFinal result is 0 for, 3 against. 0 abstained. Total: -321:58
drubin-1  [ czajkowski offered to help you with your wiki you didn't take her help]21:58
highvoltage(oops, sorry, hit enter button too soon)21:58
halvorsBut i have done a lot of more work... :(21:58
drubinhalvors: Sorry but my point still stands.21:58
drubinhalvors: But your wiki hasn't changed at all21:58
highvoltagehalvors: please apply once you've finished your application21:58
halvorsOk, what will i need.21:58
czajkowskihalvors: you can mail me or contact me at any time on irc possbly not today but any other day ok21:59
highvoltagehalvors: we'd like to review your application for membership, but we can't do that if the application is pretty much empty21:59
highvoltage[TOPIC] cwoollard21:59
MootBotNew Topic:  cwoollard21:59
halvorsWrite in my wiki that i will continue translateing Ubuntu into my language and continue to report bugs and testing Ubuntu?21:59
halvorsSomething more?21:59
ogra_cmpchalvors, look at all the other wikis of people that got approved today and also talk to czajkowski21:59
jenkinsI support chris, he is a brilliant member of the manual team always working hard, he is doing great work at to help drive our releases.21:59
jenkinsas well as editing an bugs22:00
czajkowskiChrisWoollard: hey22:00
czajkowskiChrisWoollard: so care to tell us about your involvement in the communtity22:01
czajkowskibeen involved for a long time but only recently got involved in Ubuntu manual and U122:01
ChrisWoollardI am a linux systems administrator I manage various websites, some of which run ubuntu. I have been using Ubuntu since about 6.06. I spend most of my time on the ubuntu-manual irc channel and helping out with that project. Usually editing, bug management / fixing and helping with translations. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/cwoollard22:01
ChrisWoollardI have also tried and succeeded to get ubuntu on our servers at work.22:02
highvoltagenice bug management work too22:02
ogra_cmpcChrisWoollard, you are aware that major contributors get sponsoring for UDS ?22:02
ChrisWoollard+ i have installed ubuntu a few peoples pc's22:02
ogra_cmpcno need to wait for one in the UK ;)22:02
* ogra_cmpc is ready to vote, thats a quite good set of testemonials22:03
highvoltage[VOTE] Membership for ChrisWoollard22:03
MootBotPlease vote on:  Membership for ChrisWoollard.22:03
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:03
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting22:03
MootBot+1 received from ogra_cmpc. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 122:03
drubin+1 [Great set of testemonials ]22:03
MootBot+1 received from drubin. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 222:03
highvoltage+1 [ documentation work, bug triaging and testing ]22:03
MootBot+1 received from highvoltage. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 322:03
MootBot+1 received from czajkowski. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 422:03
stgraber+1 [good testimonials]22:03
MootBot+1 received from stgraber. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 522:03
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 522:03
highvoltageChrisWoollard: congratiolations and welcome!22:04
ChrisWoollardYay..... Thanks22:04
jenkinswell done ChrisWoollard22:04
czajkowskigreat moving on22:04
* ChrisWoollard Jumps for joy22:04
czajkowskicc are waiting and we've more to do22:04
highvoltage[TOPIC] status022:04
MootBotNew Topic:  status022:04
Status0Yey ! it's me !! Hellow to all :-)22:04
czajkowskiStatus0: aloha22:05
highvoltageStatus0: I can't access your LP page at ~it-is-danny22:05
czajkowskiStatus0: any from your team here to support you?22:06
highvoltageare you sure that's your launchpad ID?22:06
Status0czajkowski, no. sorry.22:06
ogra_cmpchow long have you been involved yet ?22:06
highvoltageStatus0: your wiki page says that you're active in translations, but your karma is 0, how do you currently contribute translations?22:06
ogra_cmpcyour wikipage only says that you just started22:07
Status0i helping to ubuntu israel translate little thinks but i didnt started yet with lp..22:07
drubinStatus0: How long have you been involved with Ubuntu-il22:08
Status0few months22:08
ogra_cmpcsadly thats the way we measure contibutions, launchpad, testemonials from other members, bugfixes etc22:08
highvoltageStatus0: I see only some recent wall posts on the Facebook group, how do you use the facebook group to attract promote Ubuntu?22:09
ogra_cmpcits hard to judge if you dont have much of either22:09
Status0highvoltage, yes.22:09
Status0I helping for Israeli LoCo team in development of web site and community22:10
Status0I tring to develop and publish concept of "Ubuntu is Fun". i tring to show the Israeli society thats is fun to use Ubuntu.22:10
Status0i'v marged most of israeli ubuntu groups in facebook to One group and helping to extend the Israeli community.22:10
Status0also i working also on videos in Hebrew about Ubuntu (How to Install, Why its free (opensource), Why its fun and "Lets Join to community".22:10
czajkowskiStatus0: I'd like to see you come back when  you've more contributions done we can actually measure, it's just rather hard right now to judge22:10
highvoltageany further questions before we vote?22:10
highvoltage[VOTE] Status022:11
MootBotPlease vote on:  Status0.22:11
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:11
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting22:11
highvoltage+0 [ great enthusiasm, but not enough evidence of significant, sustained contribution ]22:11
MootBotAbstention received from highvoltage. 0 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 022:11
MootBotAbstention received from czajkowski. 0 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 022:11
ogra_cmpc+0 [great enthusiasm, please add more testemonials and measurable work]22:11
MootBotAbstention received from ogra_cmpc. 0 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 022:11
drubin+0 [would like to see you come back with more contributions that are visable]22:11
MootBotAbstention received from drubin. 0 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 022:11
MootBotAbstention received from stgraber. 0 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 022:11
drubinmaybe also from other members.22:11
MootBotFinal result is 0 for, 0 against. 5 abstained. Total: 022:11
highvoltageStatus0: I think you have what it takes to be an ubuntu member, and that you will be one day22:12
highvoltageStatus0: you just have to do all the things you say you'll do on the wiki, and get some testimonials from the people you have worked with22:12
highvoltageStatus0: it will be great to see you re-apply in a few months once you've got some more measurable contributions (and testimonials from people for things that are harder to measure)22:13
Status0You right. sorry about your time :-(22:13
highvoltageStatus0: no problem, thanks for your time too22:13
czajkowskiStatus0: thanks for coming, and we'd like to see you come back22:14
highvoltage[TOPIC] wrap-up22:14
MootBotNew Topic:  wrap-up22:14
drubinI added every one to the LP group.22:14
highvoltagenext meeting should be 12 October, right?22:14
drubinwho is emailing the lists?22:14
ogra_cmpc12 ?22:14
highvoltageI mean the 5th :)22:15
drubinhighvoltage: yes22:15
ogra_cmpctechnically it would be 5th22:15
highvoltage(sorry got it mixed up with LUG meeting times)22:15
ogra_cmpcwhere half of us will be up to their ears in alligators22:15
ogra_cmpcpreparing 10.1022:15
highvoltageok, next meeting is at 20:00 UTC on October the 5th22:15
highvoltageour last one before UDS!22:15
ajmitchogra_cmpc: sounds exciting22:15
ogra_cmpcajmitch, sounds busy22:16
highvoltagethen we can get together for beer again :)22:16
highvoltagedrubin: do you mind posting it to -news, -cc, etc?22:16
drubinhighvoltage: Nope.22:16
ajmitchogra_cmpc: by that stage you'll be sitting back & relaxing & preparing SRUs since it'll almost be too late for release :)22:16
drubinhighvoltage: I will clean up the wiki as well22:16
ogra_cmpcajmitch, not in the ARM team22:16
highvoltageczajkowski: did you bully someone into being chair for the next meeting yet?22:17
czajkowskiI pick ogra_cmpc22:17
* ogra_cmpc refuses22:17
drubinhighvoltage: It is just -news and -cc22:17
* czajkowski peers at ogra_cmpc 22:17
highvoltageczajkowski: sorry, ogra_cmpc is immune to bullying22:17
ogra_cmpcits a very bad time to have a meeting for me, i'm fine to take december22:17
czajkowskiSeveas: ?22:17
czajkowskiogra_cmpc: december is yours22:18
drubinI will do October22:18
czajkowskigrand drubin it is22:18
ogra_cmpcthaks a lot drubin22:18
highvoltagegreat. so for cleaning up the wiki, posting to lists, and being the next chair, it's all going to drubin then!22:18
drubinogra_cmpc: no problems I am not a Ubuntu-dev 5th october wont be so bad for me22:18
czajkowskican we wrap up in case the CC folks want to start22:18
czajkowskiif they're about22:19
highvoltageczajkowski: ifaict they don't have a meeting scheduled today22:19
highvoltageanythings else before we end?22:19
highvoltageok that's it then!22:20
drubinCongrats every one that got membership.22:20
MootBotMeeting finished at 16:20.22:20
highvoltageheh, that's quite inconsistent22:20
costalesGood night! :)22:20
highvoltagegood night everyone and congratulations to our new members!22:21
halvorshighvoltage: Is my wiki page better now?22:21
highvoltagehalvors: it's an improvement, check the wiki pages of the people we approved today for a good idea of what we're looking for22:22
halvorsI do.22:23
halvorsI ask you, is there something you think i need.22:23
halvorsAnd hope i can get a member at next meeting.22:23
drubinhalvors: I would strongly suggest not applying for membership next meeting22:24
drubinGive it time.22:24
=== daker_ is now known as daker
drubinit will show you are willing to wait and take the time to get your wiki updated 100%.22:24
ogra_cmpcdocument the translations too, get testemonials from other translators that worked with you etc22:24
halvorsI am working on it now.22:24
drubinhalvors: get friends/IRC buddies/* to come and cheer for the work you have done.22:25
McPeterbye bye all22:34
=== daker_ is now known as daker

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