
jeiworthtzz n00bs00:00
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dragonmindsome Ger here?00:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #632051 in openldap (main) "slapd dist-upgrade chown: invalid argument: `'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63205100:56
WalterNgoing though that01:10
WalterNthe second thing it wants a mail name...01:10
WalterNthe description says 'the mail name is the domain name used to qualify all mail addresses without a domain name'01:11
WalterNwhat does that mean?01:11
WalterNoh, this is in dpkg-reconfigure postfix01:12
JanCWalterN: the domain that applies to mail addresses with no @something part01:16
WalterNwhat if I have more than one domain to be used for email?01:16
JanCnormally that's only used for local mail on the server01:17
WalterNwait... what?01:18
JanCdid you ever send mail to "walter" instead of "walter@example.com" ?  ;)01:18
WalterNnever did any of this before01:19
WalterNas may be obvious01:19
JanCthe default proposed by dpkg-reconfigure is probably okay then01:19
WalterNstill not sure what its for though..01:20
WalterNnetwork wide email?01:20
JanCwell, for example many daemons (services) will send mail to "root" or similar accounts when there is an issue01:21
JanCand you can actually send mail to every local user on the server01:22
WalterNdefault is what I named the computer01:22
JanCwith this you can what the "complete equivalent" with an @ of the version without @ is01:23
WalterNthe domain I want to use for email is tiwake.com though01:23
JanCyou can probably use that then01:23
pmatulisJanC: i don't think that example applies.  sending to just a username will default to local accounts.  i think what WalterN is talking about is 'myorigin' (i've never heard of 'mail name')01:23
_Techie_sorry to pitch in so late in the game01:24
_Techie_but "the description says 'the mail name is the domain name used to qualify all mail addresses without a domain name'" to me implies, if you send mail from a user without having a masquerade domain assigned, use this domain instead01:25
WalterNI just put in tiwake.com01:26
JanCWalterN: that should be okay01:27
WalterNthe next screen says 'mail for the postmaster, root, and other system account needs to be redirected to the user account of the actual system administrator'01:28
_Techie_make this your username01:29
WalterNif this value is left empty, such mail will be saved in /var/mail/nobody, which is not recommended01:29
JanCAFAIK you can put another e-mail account you use there01:30
JanCI'm not sure how it edits /etc/aliases01:30
JanCbasically, this is where to send mail with errors or warnings about your server01:31
WalterNoh, ok01:33
WalterNone of the next screens says...01:33
WalterNplease specify the network blocks for which this host should relay mail. the default is just the local host, which is needed by some mail user agents. the default includes local host for both ipv4 and ipv6.01:34
WalterNwhat is that?01:35
JanCWalterN: most likely you should leave that alone01:35
JanCWalterN: it means what computers are allowed to send mail through your mail server01:35
JanC(without authentication etc.)01:36
JanCnormally you don't want random spammers to abuse your server  ;)01:36
WalterNthe default value is a bit different from https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html01:37
WalterNdefault is [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/12801:37
WalterNthat says to use [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
JanCyeah, that's okay, leave of the part01:37
WalterNwhat does that mean though?01:38
JanCthat's useful if you have a LAN, and want PCs in your LAN to use the mailserver as a relay01:38
WalterNno, I dont think I will ever want to relay01:39
JanCand of course it only works if your LAN is using
WalterNplease choose the character that will be used to define a local address extension01:41
WalterNdefault is +01:41
WalterNwhen is that used?01:43
JanCWalterN: if you enter "+" there, the mailserver will cut the "+" plus everything after it up to the "@" from the mail address and use what's left as teh account01:44
JanCso mail for walter+ubuntu@example.com will end up in the mailbox of walter@example.com01:44
JanCsome people use that to filter mail, or when ou have to register at soem site, you can see afterwards who that spam is coming from  ;)01:45
JanC(of course, some spammers know that trick too, by now...)01:47
WalterNok, back to the wiki...01:47
WalterN"Now is a good time to decide which mailbox format you want to use. By default Postfix will use mbox for the mailbox format. "01:47
WalterNwhat is mbox?01:48
JanCthat will put all mail in a mailbox in one file01:52
JanCso it's a file format to store mail01:52
WalterNoh, ok01:53
JanCthe alternative is "maildir", which stores each mail in its own file inside a directory01:54
WalterNwhich is preferred?01:54
WalterNI guess it does not really matter..01:55
WalterNI'll just leave it I guess01:55
JanCit might matter depending on what you want to do with that mail01:55
netritiousHi, recently inherited a Snap Server 4200 I'm trying to install Ubuntu server on. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried such a thing?01:55
tanathoshello everyone :)02:03
WalterNok, I'm at step 2 now..02:24
WalterNugh, annoying02:25
netritiousWalterN: might help http://tinyurl.com/29am43s02:37
netritiousthat is, if you aren't using self-signed certificates02:38
lsmobriandoes anyone know how to login into launchpad using command line.  I enter my username/password however after that theres nothing to do.  "continue" is not a link.  I am using w3m trying to submit some bug info using apport-collect02:58
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shaunolsmobrian: login works normally for me in elinks.  'continue' is a submit button, not a link03:42
lsmobrianIll give elinks a try (as well as looking to submit/links in w3m)  thanks for taking a look03:45
lsmobrianshauno: thanks that did work03:50
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incognitookay, here is my paste:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/489561/   first you can see the result of my dmesg | grep vga.   below my terminal output is a post from an ubuntu forums that tells how to disable frameBuffer.  I'm trying to disable the framebuffer because my ubuntu-server won't load. I need help to know what I need to blacklist. Thanks04:22
ratdogi pasted firat04:23
incognito I burned and installed 10.04 installation CD. The installation seems to run fine, ejects my CD and tells me to boot into my newly installed system. The first boot runs normally and I get a command-line interface in the right resolution (1024 x 768). My server is.04:28
incognitoBut on the second and any following (re)boot, the system fails to load. After my HP splash screen it shortly shows a blinking cursor on a black screen. Then the screen goes completely black, my monitor starts searching for input and goes to standby. I use the power button to shut down.04:28
SJrHow do I make a file system dirty so that fsck runs on reboot?06:51
kklimondaSJr: touch /forcefsck06:52
kklimondayeah, but it will force fsck on all filesystems afair06:53
twbIt used to be an option to shutdown(8), but SJR removed it and the documentation for it06:53
twbOn debian, it says -F:      Force fsck on reboot.06:53
twbScott James Remnant06:53
twbi.e. "the upstart guy"06:53
SJrsorry I was understandably confused :)06:54
kklimondahmm, I've always touched file manually :)06:54
twbI think his nick is actually "keybuk"06:54
SJrwill that run even if the file system is clean?06:54
* twb encourages MIT-style usernames06:54
twbSJr: yes06:54
kklimondaSJr: yes06:54
twbSJr: it's *force*fsck06:54
SJrexcellent well thank you, I'm going to reboot my server, killing my bouncer, and hopefully fixing my fs06:54
SJrgod speed06:54
twbBasically the boot scripts say "if /forcefsck exists, then add -f to the fsck calls"06:54
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kuttan_Hi what is JIGDO/JIGDO-LITE , can this tool be used to download a bootable Os installation DVD ?07:27
twbkuttan_: jigdo takes a list of packages and turns it into an install CD or DVD07:38
twbI prefer to simply use the mini.iso and have a local package mirror exported via HTTP07:39
kuttan_twb: Thanks mate! , So it will download individual packages and then regenerate DVD ?07:40
twbs/regenerate/generate/, yes07:43
twbNote that we're talking about debian-installer (not ubiquity) install media.07:44
kuttan_twb: Thanks mate. that is all I wanted to know. Was bit jittery before that :)07:45
SJrWhen I try to md5 a file, I Get an input output error, and I get spammed with a bunch of stuff like: http://www.pastebin.ca/193485207:52
joschiSJr: either your SATA controller or your hard disk is broken08:08
joschiSJr: if you don't have one yet, you should make a backup of your important files on that disk *now*08:09
joschiSJr: could also be a defect cable.08:09
SJrsorry it just seems to be one file that is affected08:09
SJrand an fsck seems to generate no errors08:09
joschiSJr: that's how it starts usually08:09
SJrsmart seems to pass08:09
joschiSJr: it's your decision what to do next...08:10
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huatsmorning !09:42
rahmanHi,with apache how can I rewrite all requested urls to a fixed url without any condition to check? Like  "  *   to example.com  "10:18
sandGorgonanyone have an upstart script for postgresql ?10:25
sorenjdstrand: Because I suck, when you bzr update your libvirt packaging branch, you will get conflicting tags. Please fix it like so: bzr tag --force -r revid:james.westby@ubuntu.com-20100831160524-ran41ea0u7thgb4c 0.8.3-1ubuntu910:48
twbrahman: in mod_rewrite or something?10:49
sorenrahman: RewriteRule .* http://whatever [R,L]10:49
sorenrahman: Or thereabouts.10:49
twbI see bzr still looks like arch sometimes :-P10:49
sorentwb: He could have probably gotten away with -r 101.10:50
sorentwb: ..but I wanted to be sure.10:51
twbAnd of course an eight-byte hash *might* have had a collision :P10:51
sorentwb: Yeah, bzr has no such concept, as far as I know.10:52
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rahmansoren: thanks it made the trick . Apache url rewriting docs are so crypted if you don't know RegEx and all you need is simple :)10:53
twbAnyone who doesn't know regex(7) probably shouldn't be configuring apache10:54
rahmantwb: :)10:55
twbI'm not joking10:55
twbLarge parts of my week consist on fixing systems deployed or managed by people who don't really know what they're doing10:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #632297 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-utils (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/cluster/drbd.sh', which is also in package rgmanager 0:3.0.2-2ubuntu3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63229711:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #632314 in openldap2.3 (main) "slapd Too many open files" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63231411:51
sandGorgoncan I set stack size using sysctl.conf - I know we can do it using ulimit -s, but just curious if we can. That way I just need to copy over my sysctl.conf and have all my settings12:12
silvansalve ragazzi12:38
silvanc'è nessuno!?12:39
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patdk-wkhmm, cause someone asked the other day about this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/mail-filtering.html14:02
patdk-wkI am wondering why that says to activate the spamassassin daemon?14:02
patdk-wkthat configuration doesn't use spamd anywhere at all14:03
patdk-wkspamd will be a useless memory hog14:03
sorenpatdk-wk: amavis doesn't use spamc?14:04
patdk-wknope, never has14:04
sorenThat's silly.14:05
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patdk-wkamavis is perl14:05
patdk-wkso it loads spamassasin perl directly into it14:05
patdk-wkthat gets fun with stuff like compiled spamassasin rules and stuff14:06
patdk-wkI can't find any direct documentation that says spamc/spamd is not used14:14
patdk-wkbut I do have spamd disabled on all my servers14:14
zulhggdh: ping up yet?14:27
_rubenpatdk-wk: i figured (but not tested or anything) that amavis would/could use spamd when available14:31
patdk-wkna, it won't use spamd ever14:32
hggdhzul: up now14:33
zulhggdh: see daviey's email?14:34
hggdhno... looking at it14:34
_rubenpatdk-wk: ah, depending on the amavis config, it does the preloading stuff itself, killing any need for spamd .. guess a bug should be filed against the docs :)14:35
patdk-wkI normally take it a step more, I should file a bug against it too14:35
hggdhzul: is this what I think? :-)14:35
patdk-wkthe daily autoupdate for spamassassin rules, I modify them to restart amavisd instead14:36
zulhggdh: hehe14:36
hggdhzul, Daviey: as it happens, yes, there a re open slots at the UEC test rig14:37
zulhggdh: sweet...14:37
Davieyhggdh, \o/14:38
hggdhnow, when would you like to have at it?14:38
hggdhzul, Daviey: now?14:38
zulhggdh: sure14:39
Davieyhggdh, I really don't want to block you14:39
hggdhDaviey, zul: no, you will not block me. Now, do you want me to reinstall the machines as minimal servers?14:40
zulhggdh: yes please14:40
hggdh(takes about 20 min to reboot & reinstall)14:40
hggdhdoing it14:40
Davieyhggdh, fresh maverick daily?  no UEC?14:41
hggdhanyway, my last test wass really destructive14:41
Davieyhggdh, If you need it back, can you try and give us about 1hrs notice to pull of anything we need?14:41
hggdhDaviey: minimal Ubuntu daily server, no UEC14:41
Davieyhggdh, \o/14:41
hggdhDaviey: yes, I can give you 1 hour's notice14:42
hggdhzul, Daviey: machines are beign reinstalled now. Do you know how to get there?14:46
zulhggdh: nope14:46
hggdhjust a sec14:46
chessychicwell as per competition goes RHEL still dominates the server market14:52
chessychicits becoming hard to configure ubuntu for server14:52
chessychicby the way ubuntu handling packages and updating in server environment14:53
Davieychessychic, Is there a question here?14:53
chessychici mean i dont know how to fix a pc with improper grub14:54
patdk-wkI haven't seen RHEL on a lot of servers, just centos14:54
patdk-wkyou fix grub, the same way on rhel, centos, ubuntu, debian, slackware, .... :)14:54
Davieychessychic, Okay... i'm worried i'm stepping into a trap here..14:54
Daviey"improper grub"?14:54
chessychicya grub 214:54
Davieychessychic, And which part is improper?14:55
chessychicdid just ubuntu server upgraded to grub214:55
chessychiccan we rescue ubuntu server with server disc14:56
DavieyLTS->LTS yes.14:56
DavieyBut it's been the default since 9.1014:56
hggdh.msg daviey https://pastebin.canonical.com/36805/14:56
* Daviey passes hggdh a /14:56
hggdhwell, you are msg-ed, anyway :-)14:57
Davieychessychic, Can you clarify what part of grub2 makes it improper?14:57
hggdhzul, Daviey: of course, please change the userId on the .ssh/config14:57
chessychicsorry but nothing is wrong here14:58
Davieyzul, we should use hggdh's ID, then he gets the blame if it goes bang.14:58
chessychici want to know if something goes wrong it isnt as easy as grub to fix14:58
zulDaviey: sounds good to me :)14:58
* hggdh goes and quickly removes self from server14:58
Davieychessychic, It does differ from grub1 configs14:59
chessychiciam learning system admin course here14:59
Davieychessychic, sounds good!14:59
chessychicwanna be a linux admin,also iam working with RHEL here so i also wanted to configure and get my hands on ubuntu server15:00
chessychicfirst off i wanna change my alias here15:00
chessychicscared 2 go for redhat certification as iam not confident .............15:02
chessychicalso ubuntu certification is bit complicated and highly priced rather i should have been cheap for poor countries15:02
hggdhzul, Daviey: machines have rebooted on today's ISO15:15
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Davieyhggdh, \o/15:15
ttxDaviey: when is the next euca upload planned ?15:21
Davieyttx, hopefully today!15:22
ttxDaviey: ack.15:22
Davieyworking on it right now15:22
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kaushalhow do i delete VM in KVM under Ubuntu ?15:39
yann_virsh destroy / undefine15:39
kaushalerror: unexpected data 'undefine'15:40
kaushalat virsh command line ?15:41
yann_virsh undefine nameofthevm15:41
sherr---> man virsh15:41
yann_but that removes the vm from libvirt, you stillneed to rm -rf the file after15:41
kaushalwhere exactly i need to rm -rf ?15:42
kaushalunder /etc/libvirtd/ ?15:43
yann_where you put your image file15:44
kaushalyann_: not sure where i have it :(15:46
kaushali use vmbuilder command15:46
yann_virsh dumpxml vm15:47
yann_will tell you15:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #327823 in vsftpd "init: support job output being passed to start/initctl invocation" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32782315:47
kaushalerror: failed to get domain 'vm1'15:47
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kaushalhi again15:51
kaushalsorry got disconnected15:51
kaushalyann_: any further suggestion15:52
sherrVM's : ls /etc/libvirtd/qemu/*.xml15:54
sherrOr : virsh list15:54
sherretc. See : man virsh15:54
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kaushalsherr: Thanks15:56
kaushalyann_: Thanks15:56
GlenjaminHi guys, i've just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 on the way to 10.04, and i'm getting the following from apt: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/is0hFz8h anyone able to point me in the right direction?16:15
SpamapSGlenjamin: looks like maybe some files were manually removed?16:18
Glenjaminwell apt seemed to be fine before i did the 9.04 -> 9.10 update, then i had this error afterwards while trying to do anything16:19
Glenjaminand now i can't seem to do anything without it trying to remove these packages and failing16:20
patdk-wkhmm, it seems to think those kernel packages are installed, but looks like they got manually removed though16:22
patdk-wksomeone enjoying their usage of rm? to clean up old kernels?16:22
Glenjaminis there any way to put them back?16:22
patdk-wkmaybe, apt-get remove -m linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-11-server16:24
patdk-wkthen again for -15, and -1716:24
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Glenjaminit does the same - any apt operation tries to remove the three packages16:25
Glenjaminis trying to create the paths it's attempting to unlink likely to help?16:25
patdk-wkoh, maybe you need an apt fix first then16:25
Glenjaminmanaged to bungle a fix by copying another module into where it was supposed to be16:35
derknechti try to control mainboard leds to tell the user when a backup is finished on a server without gui. I searched /proc and /sys but found nothing. is there a software package or a way how i can achive this16:58
SpamapSderknecht: it is different between chipsets.16:59
derknechtSpamapS: where i have to search?17:00
SpamapSderknecht: you can very easily control keyboard LED's.. ;)17:00
patdk-wkmainboard leds? sounds odd17:00
derknechtthere is no keyboard, everything is over ssh17:00
SpamapSpatdk-wk: remember back when all computers had green, yellow, and red? ;)17:00
SpamapSderknecht: what lights are visible?17:01
patdk-wkSpamapS, I'm trying, but all I remember is a red and green, one power, one harddrive (my current ones are still the same)17:01
* SpamapS once made a program that would, blink the blue lights on HP proliants in sequence according to their rack order.. 17:01
patdk-wkbut back then, the harddrives normally had a led on them also :)17:01
SpamapSpatdk-wk: yeah, you'd run that litlte cable from the hard drive to the LED.. or if you had a fancy controller.. from the controller17:02
patdk-wkmy mfm and scsi drives back in the day, all had led's directly on them, the cable was optional :)17:03
derknechtSpamapS: let assume my mainboard and kernel can do it. How ? (via /proc or /sys? via extra software that controls a spesific led?)17:03
SpamapSderknecht: I'd guess you'd need to issue some sort of APM or ACPI command17:03
patdk-wknormally you need a kernel module that supports it17:03
patdk-wkthen you just toggle it via /sys17:03
patdk-wkatleast if it's like the thinkpad :)17:04
RoAkSoAxkirkland: howdy!! I was wondering if you've ever used systemtap ?17:04
SpamapSright that one shows it for an asus17:04
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cemcif I have static network config, do I need avahi-daemon ?18:15
cemcor what do I need avahi for?18:16
jpdsAuto-discovery of local network devices?18:17
cemcI see18:18
jpdscemc: 'avahi-browse -a' will show you devices/things it found for instance.18:19
cemcI guess I just want to know if I can remove it from a LTSP server without having problems with anything after that18:20
cemcnot remove it but stop it from running by default18:21
patdk-wkmost likely :)18:21
cemcpatdk-wk: I like that answer :-) what about atd ? I did not really see anything using that (I mean nothing what I'm using).18:25
patdk-wkdepends on what you do18:25
patdk-wkif you never use at, then you don't need atd I believe18:26
patdk-wknot exactly sure how the ubuntu cron works, I think I remember freebsd cron was built on at, or at ontop of cron18:26
cemcmmm, not sure, I think they are two separate things18:29
ethicalhack3rhello all, trying to install *only* x server so that I can install openbox on ubuntu server minimal, 'apt-get install xorg' also installs gnome, any way to stop apt-get installing gnome as well as x server18:37
cemcethicalhack3r: try installing something like xserver-xorg-core18:39
ethicalhack3rcemc: thanks! just read about installing 'gdm', any thoughts?18:40
patdk-wkhmm, doing xfce seems to not install much gnome stuff, only one or two items18:40
cemcethicalhack3r: not sure, I would start out with only minimal stuff, check with apt-get depends gpm , you'll see what that pulls in18:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #632554 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat fails to start with: /bin/bash already running." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63255418:41
patdk-wkxfce doesn't pull in gdm :)18:41
ethicalhack3rcemc: trying xserver-xorg-core now, thanks!18:42
cemcmaybe that won't be enough, but you'll find out I guess. or you could try what patdk-wk said. install xfce, then remove it if you don't need it, that way you should get an actual working X I guess18:43
ethicalhack3rI will see what it gives me, if its not enough I will look into xfce, think xfce is much larger than openbox/fluxbox?18:44
ethicalhack3rif I had the choice I wouldnt be installing any window managers at all, but needs must :(18:45
cemcethicalhack3r: try twm :-P18:46
Proxymalzgood evening, need german support plz query me18:46
cemcdoesnt get more basic than that, hehe18:46
Pici!de | Proxymalz18:46
ubottuProxymalz: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:46
ethicalhack3rargh! some how gnome has snook on my system again, its like the friggin plauge!18:47
ethicalhack3rwill see how much space gnome takes up, might be smaller than I am anticipating18:48
cemcunlikely :)18:49
cemcethicalhack3r: why do you need X anyway?18:51
ethicalhack3rcemc: I am creating a live cd for DVWA (http://www.dvwa.co.uk), I'm doing a workshop using the livecd where there is no network connectivity, so I need a browser on the live cd for the audience to interact with the application18:53
cemcethicalhack3r: it's all in the browser, you don't need anything else?18:54
ethicalhack3rcemc: yea, just need firefox18:54
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cemcethicalhack3r: maybe you could try running firefox directly, without any desktop/window manager? if there are no other windows/popups, it might work18:56
ethicalhack3rcemc: you think firefox would run without a window manager? the reason I also need the livecd to be as small as possible is because the iso will be available for download, so the smaller the final iso is, the better18:57
cemcjust put an .xsession file in the user's home, run firefox from that, then startx, and you'll see...18:58
cemcmaybe a fullscreen firefox, if you can start it directly in fullscreen somehow18:59
ethicalhack3rcemc: found a nice tut :) => http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docbook/en/html/app-setup.html19:00
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Shane-Strying to figure out what my IP's went DHCP, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tmH0YHkF is my /etc/network/interfaces file. I have 2 ubunut LAMP 10.04 servers, same setup, just .11 and .12 for IPs. Both resorted back to DHCP over the weekend, not sure why19:45
Shane-Swhen I did ifdown eth0 and ifup eht0 both came back to their static addresses19:45
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Shane-Sall I can guess is that I never restarted the systems after the interfaces file change, I just used ifdown/up19:46
qman__make sure dhcp processes aren't still running19:51
Shane-Sgonna sound dumb, how do I do that?19:57
qman__ps aux | grep dhc20:03
jeiworthShane-S: also, having servers with static ip here as well i recommend deinstalling dhcp client alltogtether, no need for it anyway20:04
qman__dhclient can be very persistent20:04
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qman__hate to forfeit some linux geek cred, but rebooting is the easiest way to defeat it20:04
Shane-Sokay...I got 1 reply to the command20:05
qman__probably the grep20:05
jeiworthqman__: that's just wrong ;oP20:05
* jeiworth shivers20:06
qman__restarting the networking service is supposed to fix it, but it doesn't always work20:07
jeiworthShane-S: sudo aptitude purge dhcp3-client20:07
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jeiworthShane-S: and never any more problems20:08
Shane-Sokay will do that jeiworth ...sorry for delay got a help desk call20:10
jeiworthdon't worry20:11
Shane-Sso the client can actually make the server obtain and address sometimes, that is weird20:12
Shane-SI thought config files rules processes/services :P20:12
Shane-Swell I will test it on one of the servers, and leave the other be, then see if that solved it, they are identical VMs, just running different webservices20:13
Shane-SThank you all for the help!20:13
Shane-SIrony is I got the help desk call, because it was my OSTicket server that changed to DHCP :P20:14
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jeiworth<Shane-S> I thought config files rules processes/services :P <-- yeah, i thought this behaviour to be quite strange also, hence the somewhat radical approach but in the end, since it's a server and uses static ip there is no need for the dhcp client running all the time in the background anyway.20:23
jeiworthless being installed in the first place, even20:24
jeiworthwaste of resources ;)20:24
cswellsHello is this Ubuntu server support?20:32
Picicswells: Yessir.20:33
cswellsWhen i start the install process. It pushes all the text to one side of the screen making it impossable to read the prompts20:34
cswellsi tried vga=771, fb=False, and start_pcmcia=false20:35
cswellsis there a way to manualy set the res lets say 800x640?20:36
qman__cswells, with 10.04, use nomodeset20:37
cswellsill give it a try20:37
qman__it's a new feature to support modern displays, but unfortunately, compatibility isn't that great20:38
qman__and it only works with the open source nvidia and ati drivers20:38
cswellsnope... just made the part of the screen it doesn't use green20:39
patdk-wkI finally got mine working nice with my nvidia card using nvidia drivers20:39
patdk-wkbut for servers, ya, nomodeset, and maybe gfxmode=text20:39
qman__it shocked me with the 1280x800 text console20:40
qman__but then installing nvidia binary drivers put it back to 80x2520:40
qman__(on my laptop)20:40
qman__I would complain but it's about time the linux console supported more than SVGA20:41
cswellsgfxmode=text didn't work ether20:42
qman__nomodeset should be giving you a standard 80x25 terminal20:42
cswellsits an old Acer aspire 500020:42
cswellsyeah but its only apearing on 1/8th of my monitor20:43
cswellsthe other 7/8 th's is unused20:43
qman__right in the center?20:43
cswells1/8 th on the left20:43
cswellsthe rest on the right is unused20:43
qman__sure the display is okay? also, what graphics chip is it?20:44
cswellsits a via20:44
cswellsyeah the display works fine with ubuntu desktop20:44
cswellsbut i want to use my old laptop as an ftp storage20:45
cswellsthat i can access from school20:45
qman__so X can handle it but the ttys are no good?20:45
cswellsi guess20:45
qman__did you try the terminals from within ubuntu desktop?20:45
cswellseverything in Desktop is good20:45
qman__ctrl alt F1, etc20:45
cswellsbut server i cant install because it is smushing everthing together on the left of the screen20:45
cswellsyeah i believe so let me check real fast20:46
cswellshavn't formated the drive yet20:46
cswellsoh the ttys are bad in desktop aswell20:47
cswellsbut X looks good :)20:47
qman__well then, it's definitely a graphics issue20:47
qman__I ran into something similar with a radeon 200M, the solution was to use open source drivers instead of fglrx20:48
qman__but with a via chip, not really sure what you can do20:48
cswellsshould i try ubuntu server 8 lts20:49
qman__maybe pass some parameters to the module20:49
qman__worth a try20:49
qman__8.04 doesn't have plymouth and the new KMS20:49
cswellsmy only fear is... if i upgrade to 1020:49
cswellsit breaks it :(20:49
qman__it will20:49
qman__you'd have to stick with 8.0420:49
qman__it's got about three years worth of support left, far as updates are concerned20:50
qman__so as long as the major software versions and feature set are good enough, you could use it20:50
cswellsi cant find the download link on ubuntu's site20:52
cswellsfor 820:52
cswellsmaybe sourceforage?20:52
qman__nah, one sec20:52
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.20:52
qman__the site burys it a bit20:52
kklimondacswells: ^^20:53
qman__ah, there you go20:53
cswellsawww shucks guys you make my blush :)20:54
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cswellsah ha, ubuntu server 8 burned to disk21:06
cswellssame issue21:09
mconigliarois anyone using ubuntu 10.04 on ec2? there used to be a script at /etc/init.d/ec2-init that ran the user data script, and it would log to /var/log/messages. this seems to have changed in 10.04, and now i have no idea how the user data script is being run or where its output is going...21:16
mathiazsmoser: hi - trying to use the puppet user-data hook on maverick: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490006/21:29
smosermathiaz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/490007/ . yeah. sorry. :-(21:30
smoseryou want to open a bug for me ?21:31
mathiazsmoser: sure - how can I fix it?21:31
mathiazsmoser: bzr branch?21:31
smoserwell, test that pastebin fix.21:32
smoseri'm guessing thats all you need.21:32
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smoseri can build a new cloud-init if you'd like asap.21:32
mathiazsmoser: ok - I'll test that and let you know about the results21:33
_Techie_anybody in here want to rage at me for having my nick change when i connect/disconnect to my BNC?21:38
ajmitch_Techie_: nick changes can be ignored, public away messages in channel are what annoy most people21:39
_Techie_ajmitch: cool, because one of the tech's in #xubuntu went off at me when i connected to my BNC21:40
ajmitchhow silly21:40
_Techie_i know, i said goodbye to one of the tech's that i respect highly in there and left21:42
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_Techie_is 9.10 still supported, and if it is... when till?22:28
soren_Techie_: It's supported for 18 months (starting October 2009).22:29
soren_Techie_: So until April 2011.22:29
_Techie_soren: thanks22:29
Kaeltenanyone have any advice about how to tweak net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range and net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout22:57
KaeltenI need to maximize my servers ability to connect to a given db server22:57
Kaeltennot sure what's safe settings on them though22:57
SpamapSKaelten: err, why would you want to DoS your db server from one box?23:02
SpamapSKaelten: there are a number of ways to pool connections so you don't need many thousands...23:03
KaeltenSpamapS: I'm dealing with third party php applications mainly23:04
Kaeltenand pconnect isn't solving the bottlenecks23:05
KaeltenSpamapS: so I'm open to suggestions on how to pool them23:05
SpamapSKaelten: pconnect often makes it worse. ;)23:05
Kaelteni'd beleive it23:05
SpamapS3rd party your options aren't so great23:06
Kaeltenso I either tweak the tcp stack, or I try not great, or I throw more ips at it23:08
SpamapSKaelten: if you have any sway over the app design at all, I like using things like gearman or dbslayer to control and coalesce db access... but if you are stuck with apps using mysql_* then there's not much hope.23:08
SpamapSyou're fighting a losing battle there23:08
Kaeltenbut that's the job description23:08
SpamapSmysql will eat up ram per connection pretty fast if you let it23:08
Kaeltendb boxes have ungodly amounts of ram23:09
Kaeltenthe fact I've gotten vbulletin to scale as much as it has is pretty impressive in my book, and honestly I may be worrying about a bottleneck that'll never be there.23:09
SpamapSKaelten: I've heard a few people who have had success with this: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_dbd.html23:09
Kaeltenhrm, I don't run apache though :/23:09
KaeltenI saw that mysql proxy has a lua script that does some form of pooling23:10
Kaeltenbut that seems fishy23:10
SpamapSOh you're running, what, fastcgi?23:10
SpamapSmysql proxy isn't fishy, but it is REALLY damn slow23:10
Kaeltenfpm behind an nginx server23:11
Kaeltencurrently I'm dealing with net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768    61000 and a timeout of 6023:12
Kaeltenwhich seems pretty reasonable defaults23:12
Kaeltenbut there is a point where it starts to teeter out23:12
SpamapSKaelten: why are your timeouts so high?23:16
SpamapSI'd be at 3 - 5 seconds23:16
Kaeltenwell I'm talking about net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout23:17
SpamapSthose timeouts don't apply when the database is actually doing something23:17
SpamapSstill for a LAN...23:17
Kaeltenya it's all gigabit lan traffic23:18
KaeltenI was debating turning it down lower23:18
Kaeltenpart of the reason I asked for input :)23:18
SpamapSalso for a LAN tw_recycle and tw_reuse are fine23:18
Kaeltennot familure with those two23:19
Kaeltenany thoughts on what a safe tcp_fin_timeout should be23:19
SpamapSoh that will probably solve your problem23:19
SpamapStcp_fin_timeout should be totally safe at 3023:19
SpamapStcp_tw_reuse will cause the network stack to re-use the same connections that are in TIME_WAIT rather than wait for them to be completely destroyed23:20
SpamapStcp_tw_recycle will do it even more aggressively23:20
SpamapSKaelten: give reuse a try, if it solves your issue, let it be. recycle should be fine too, but it is known to break *some* programs that depend on tcp behaviors being 100% rfc compliant23:21
Kaeltencool thanks for the input23:21
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KaeltenSpamapS: sidenote, should I set these things on the client or the server or both?23:29
SpamapSKaelten: wherever the TIME_WAIT's are stacking up23:29
SpamapSany time23:30
* RoyK found a rather old computer at work today http://oldcomputers.net/ibm5155.html only pimped up with 640kB RAM, a 10MB harddrive and an 8087 FPU :D23:36
Patrickdknice, reminds me of my kaypro :)23:37
RoyKtwo full-height floppy drives!23:39
RoyK5 1/4"?23:39
Patrickdksome of them had optional 10mb drives, but mine was as in the picture23:39
Patrickdkthe top picture :)23:39
RoyKstrange thing, the IBM came the year after23:40
RoyKonly 4,77MHz IIRC, but with tonnes of RAM23:40
Patrickdkhheh, tons == >64k :)23:41
Patrickdkused one of them for years too23:41
RoyKwell, 640 = 10x6423:41
Patrickdkhmm, it doesn't show the expantion chassis though23:42
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RoyKI booted the box, and it turned out it was running PC DOS 2.10 booting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idris_(operating_system)23:43
RoyKrunning some meteorological app with serial i/o at about 1200 baud23:43
RoyKwell, supported up to 960023:43
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Patrickdkthe kaypro2 did 9600, send only, it could only receive at 2400 (maybe 4800 not sure)23:44
RoyKIIRC the 8250 supported more than 9600, but that depended on the software23:46
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YankDownUnderSuper Z-Modem!23:55

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