
lfaraonemanusheel: please ask ishan to respond to comments from upstream on bug 617805 (SugarLabs: http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2285) and to attach his new patch to the SL bug.01:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 617805 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Bar at the bottom of the window displays 'xephyr on' instead of sugar (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61780501:48
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kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello sir.14:44
dfarningkandarpk, good morning how are you.14:46
kandarpkdfarning: good morning14:46
kandarpkdfarning: I am doing good. How are you doing ?14:46
dfarningkandarpk, good, what are you working on today?14:47
kandarpkdfarning: will be working on TA bug.14:47
dfarningkandarpk, how are you coming with SL#208714:48
kandarpkdfarning: I am not able to install sugar-jhbuild on debian14:49
dfarningkandarpk, what as the problem?14:49
kandarpkdfarning: I'll paste the error in a minute14:49
dfarningkandarpk, I thin that you might have had a type the package you were looking for exists in debian14:52
kandarpkdfarning: that was resolved.14:53
dfarningkandarpk, nice another problem:)14:53
kandarpkdfarning: getting this error while "./sugar-jhbuild build"14:55
dfarningkandarpk, press 2 you will need to do this a couple of times as hulahop and pippy are screwed up on debian and ubuntu.14:57
kandarpkdfarning: yeah, was getting the same for pippy14:57
dfarningkandarpk, no need to worry pippy and browse just won't work:(14:57
kandarpkdfarning: on running "./sugar-jhbuild run sugar-emulator"15:01
kandarpkdfarning: the emulator just flashes and closes15:02
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dfarningkandarpk, can you ask sible on #sugar-newbies he maintains sugar-jhbuild -- I think you might be the first person to try to use in on debain:)15:06
kandarpkdfarning: ok15:06
dfarningkandarpk, I am torn between running sugar-jhbuild on as many platforms as possible and sticking with what we know works....15:09
dfarningkandarpk, on the other hand sugar on debian is important.15:09
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm, in the long run, we will like sugar-jhbuild to be running on debian15:10
dfarningkandarpk, +1. so see what you can do please. but if it starts too much time lets look at other options15:12
kandarpkdfarning: on trying to run the emulator I was getting15:12
kandarpktoo much ti15:12
kandarpkImportError: No module named apport.fileutils15:12
kandarpkdfarning: ^^15:12
kandarpk$ sudo apt-get install python-apport15:13
kandarpkReading package lists... Done15:13
kandarpkBuilding dependency tree15:13
kandarpkReading state information... Done15:13
kandarpkPackage python-apport is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:13
kandarpkThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or15:13
kandarpkis only available from another source15:14
kandarpkE: Package python-apport has no installation candidate15:14
dfarningkandarpk, I don't think apport is avail on debian.... it is specific to ubuntu.15:14
kandarpkdfarning: yes, thats true15:15
kandarpkdfarning: I tried to install apport from the source tarball, but that too failed15:15
dfarningkandarpk, when sible get back he will understand the problem.  It looks like a series of failures.15:17
dfarningkandarpk, are you working from a clean sugar-jhbuild checkout? of have you modified the code somehow?15:18
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm15:18
kandarpkdfarning: I tried git pull git.sl....15:18
kandarpkdfarning: that gave master upto date15:19
kandarpkdfarning: and then "./sugar-jhbuild build -n -a --clean", so everything should be clean15:19
dfarningkandarpk, try deleting the entire sugar-jhbuild/sources dir and rerun ./sugar-jhbuild build -n -a --clean15:20
kandarpkdfarning: ok15:20
dfarningkandarpk, it might take forever:( to download everything again... but it gives a clean starting porint for debugging.15:21
kandarpkdfarning: http://paste.ubuntu.com/489836/15:22
kandarpkdfarning: deleted source directory before running this15:22
dfarningkandarpk, try 615:23
dfarningkandarpk, hmmm or you might have to run ./sugar-jhbuild update berfore building15:24
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm15:24
dfarningdipankar, good morning.15:26
dipankardfarning, good morning15:26
dfarningdipankar, what are you working on today?15:27
dfarningdipankar, do you see the review by sascha at http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026618.html15:28
dipankardfarning, I am still working on the patch :(. Seems like it will take some time15:28
dfarningdipankar, it takes time and experience.... Please forget about async.  that is _not_ a tar pit you want to fall into:(  that fix need to happen at a lower level.15:31
kandarpkdfarning: http://paste.ubuntu.com/489849/15:40
dfarningkandarpk, try deleting the entire sugar-jhbuild dir and recloning it:(15:41
kandarpkdfarning: :(15:41
kandarpkdfarning: just downloaded 40 MB after deleting the source directory15:42
dfarningkandarpk, yah sugar-jhbuild is really unstable.... marco has mentioned rewriting it but has not gotten to it yet.15:43
kandarpkdfarning: cloning fresh jhbuild now.15:48
kandarpkdfarning: sugar-jhbuild is running successfully on debian16:23
kandarpkafter fresh clone16:23
kandarpkdfarning: I am getting "Enter password to unlock your login keyring" in the sugar-emulator16:23
dfarningkandarpk, great...16:23
kandarpkwhy is it asking for it ?16:23
dfarningkandarpk, yes that is a new feature... it will eventually allow us to use  sugar on multiuser envirnments.16:24
dfarningkandarpk, it is asking for your user password.16:24
kandarpkdfarning: ok16:24
* dipankar is away: Be Right Back16:42
dfarningmukul, how are you coming?16:50
* ishan_ is away for dinner16:53
mukuldfarning, I am working on sl #152016:56
dfarningmukul, did you see the footnote at the bottom of http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/026560.html16:58
mukuldfarning, Yes I did16:59
mukulBut I am having problems reproducing the issue.16:59
mukuldfarning, Alt+ Tab for gnome I think is given higher priority ,so it didn't work in sugar-emulator17:00
mukuldfarning, Then I boot directly into sugar-session. There also Alt+Tab did nothing.17:02
dfarningmukul, can create a new bug in launch pad about alt-tab not working, so we don't get confused.17:02
mukuldfarning, that seems good.17:03
dfarningmukul, and then work on that bug instead. as you said it has a much higher priority.17:03
mukulalsroot, Were you able to reproduce sl #1520? You asked us to try metacity-message disable-keybindings. I use that in sugar terminal but Alt+Tab doesn't work17:04
mukuldfarning, No you got me wrong. I meant since I am using sugar-emulator on ubuntu. Alt+Tab shows me the different windows open in Ubuntu and not sugar. I meant gnome has higher priority for Alt+Tab than Xephyr17:09
* ishan_ is back17:11
alsrootmukul: I guess "metacity-message disable-keybindings" doesn't relate to this problem at the end, looks like Alt+Tab doesn't work at all in sugar17:12
alsroot..on sugar level17:12
alsroot..sugar's binding17:12
dfarningmukul, yes there are a couple of different issues and we need to sort out which is which and clarify why they are happening.  It looks like you stumbled onto a cascade of bugs:)17:14
mukuldfarning, sl # 1518 is a very similar bug too.17:16
=== ishan_ is now known as ishan
satellit_dfarning: just reinstalled USR 902 to HD ' did apt-get update ' apt-get upgrade.  What is command to install activities? apt-get install sugar* ? I want to update both wiki's17:16
dfarningmukul, can you sort this out and send me and email describing the various problems. please add links to existing or new bug reports.17:21
mukuldfarning, I'll try17:22
dfarningsatellit_, looking17:22
dfarningmukul, thanks.17:22
mukuldfarning, I will be back in some time.17:25
satellit_dfarning:  update and upgrade brought in activities.....17:25
dfarningmukul good luck. this turned into a much harder bug than expected.  depending on how things go this afternoon I think we will postpone this bug and start on an easier one.17:27
dfarningsatellit_, nice.  it looks like I need to respin the iso.  The new USR-meta, which installs the activites, is now in universe.17:28
satellit_great  surf-115.xo works here drag-drop and did ASLO DL IRC17:29
dfarningsatellit_, rebuilding isos. They should be ready in 90-120 minutes on download.sl.o.... unless something goes wrong.17:33
satellit_great will test : )17:33
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satellit_dfarning: only 4 languages listed in CP of USR    Dari; English; Kreyol; Pashto..... is that correct?18:20
dfarningsatellit_, I have not looked at the lang stuff I have no idea how it works18:22
dfarningsatellit_, I'll try learning about it tonight -- but if you have any suggestions.18:22
satellit_no I do not..just noticed it. Most sugar distros have a plethora of languages listed18:23
manusheeldipankar: Around?18:32
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satellit_dfarning: http://download.sugarlabs.org/usr/USR-i386-20100907.iso  DL now19:13
dfarningsatellit_, the build was running in the background i didn't know it was done.19:14
satellit_just finished that and amd19:15
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satellit_dfarning: 907 comes up with activities on f3 circle....(FYI:I used update checkbox on install) looks good : )20:39
dfarningsatellit_,  very good.... now to work on those languages:)20:40
satellit_ 1 for Haiti and 2 for Afganistan plus english !20:41
satellit_need browser and irc aimed at #ubuntu-sugarteam and (#sugar-newbies?)20:43
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