
MuscovyAnyone around?02:23
MuscovyI was hoping to get at least one more editor for the OMG message.02:26
MuscovyIn the mean time, I'm creeping up on learning PyGTK.02:27
OmegaI'm not looking foreward to learning PyGTK, I've used PyQt in the past :/02:28
MuscovyI've been slowly reading http://learnpygtk.org/pygtktutorial/index.html02:43
MuscovyIt's not quite as scary as I first thought.02:43
MuscovyI'm not sitting down and _really_ trying to learn it since school's starting tomorrow, so that's more time gone, and if all goes well, we'll get a person or two who knows how.02:44
MuscovyActually, school doesn't _really_ start tomorrow, it's only a half hour for some reason.02:45
simoncpulegalize ganja!07:31

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