
MTecknologyjust found a bug in light-base-theme05:55
MTecknologyonce horizontal scrolling starts, the background breaks05:55
AlanBellcjohnston: is this the right place to file bugs against the light theme in wiki.ubuntu.com? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bugs?field.tag=light-wiki they don't seem to be progressing and I can't find the code for the moin theme12:02
Davieymhall119, What else needs doing to your theme branch for summit?12:22
mhall119there are some fixes that need to be done, I just haven't been able to get to them12:24
Davieymhall119, Will you have it in hand, or do you want some help?12:35
mhall119Daviey: help is always welcome13:00
Davieymhall119, rockin' - do you want to create a todo list - or should i just have a poke?13:00
mhall119https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/ubuntu_website_theme/+merge/34075 was the merge request, let me find what else he was talking about13:02
mhall119the two items ^^^ there need to be fixed in light-django-theme13:02
mhall119Daviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/489753/13:03
mhall119if you want to work on those, I'll fix light-django-theme13:03
Davieymhall119, I'm half tempted just to land the damn thing, then have incremental fixes - it's better than what is there atm.13:06
MTecknologymhall119: you sure your change fixed that issue?14:03
cjohnstonAlanBell: I'm not totally sure what the light-wiki tag is for.. just file it against ubuntu-website14:16
MTecknology:S I go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and get redirected to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MinnesotaTeam14:18
cjohnstonMTecknology: unable to reproduce14:19
MTecknologybroser cache14:19
MTecknologybut a very very odd thing to have wound up cached :S14:19
mhall119MTecknology: which issue?14:28
MTecknologymhall119: width15:53
MTecknologymhall119: I thought you thought you were fixing the bug i reported in the django theme but you weren't :P16:11
stas_ping newz200016:15
stas_guys did the team choose the banners for meerkat?16:18
newz2000hey newz200016:19
newz2000oops, that's me16:20
newz2000hey stas_16:20
stas_howdy newz2000 :)16:20
stas_i was thinking maybe we can push the new updated banners on facebook, even if they're going to ditch the profile boxes16:21
stas_maybe we can get through, and the removal will happen only after october16:22
newz2000stas_: I'm willing to give it a shot16:22
stas_what are the designs people liked most16:22
stas_i saw there are a lot16:22
newz2000stas_: I don' tthink they're going to go away, just become less visible16:22
newz2000stas_: I'll send an email today16:23
newz2000(about winning designs)16:23
stas_great, i personally like 4 of them :)16:23
stas_but its not me who judges16:23
mhall119MTecknology: you mean setting a fixed-width header and footer?16:23
* stas_ thanks god :)16:23
stas_yo newz2000 once you announce the banners, I will update asap the app16:24
stas_then we can test it and announce the updates16:24
newz2000stas_: ok. Probably want to plan for the end of this week for that...16:24
stas_looking forward16:24
newz2000also, this time we'll be using static images16:24
newz2000and a cron job that updates a link each day16:25
stas_as we did last time :)16:25
newz2000pretty similiar to what you and I did with the app engine thing16:25
stas_ah, cool, so you find hosting16:26
newz2000yes, the canonical sysadmins volunteered16:26
newz2000Remember how I told you they wouldn't like our app engine thing? They didn't. ;-)16:26
stas_heh, free beer :)16:26
MTecknologymhall119: ya, I was thinking you were fixing a bug16:27
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mhall119MTecknology: the fixed-width fix is just going into loco-directory16:56
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