
astraljavaScottL: I can probably test tonight and see whether maverick finally installs on my env or not.05:18
ScottLastraljava, i think i found the problem (but please test it as well)05:19
ScottLit seems that our version of zynjacku/lv2rack (they come from the same source) expects lashd to be isntalled05:19
astraljavaScottL: Ahh... okay. But yeah, I'll check it out.05:20
astraljavaScottL: Err... wait, not tonight, but tomorrow. I'll be home today at around 9 pm.05:20
persiaThat might be a missing dependency: if the app doesn't work without lashd, we ought force lashd to be installed simultaneously when people install the app.05:21
quadrisproScottL, http://debomatic64.debian.net/unstable/pool/swh-lv2_1.0.15+20091215.git2358739-1/11:19
ScottLquadrispro, awesome! but i forget, does ubuntu sync from testing or unstable?12:26
ScottLif ubuntu syncs from testing, how soon before swh-lv2 hits testing?12:26
ScottLLP: #61314512:26
ScottLbug 61314512:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613145 in zynjacku (Ubuntu) "zynjacku crashed with TypeError in main()" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61314512:27
ScottLquadrispro, even if you fix this bug, persia and i had talked about including lash in natty12:27
quadrisproworking on swh-lv2 packaging, there are a number of things to fix12:34
ScottLoh :(12:35
quadrispros/are/is/ ? :/ oh, my bad english12:35
quadrispropersia knows how bad is my english :(12:35
ScottLare was correct for a plural noun (there)12:35
ScottLespecially with "things" in the predicate of the sentence12:36
quadrisprother is a number12:36
quadrisprothere *12:36
quadrisproyep :)12:36
ScottLi just want to point out again, quadrispro, your help is astounding and studio is really seeing great benefits from it :)12:37
quadrisprothanks :12:37
quadrisproI'm happy of that12:39
quadrisprosee you later!12:57
persiaScottL, Just for confirmation, fixing the bug in the way that the package depends on lash automatically includes lash in the images.  Doesn't address the overall using-lash-to-make-life-easy thing (that's natty)13:44
scott-workdetrate`: i'm still exploring avenues for getting the website done in drupal but i have to admit that i'm running out of options15:01
scott-workdetrate`: if things continue the way they are it would seem we would need to explore word press (or other cms) and find replacement hosting15:02
scott-workdetrate`: would you still be interested in helping with the website ?15:02
ryanpghi, I was just over on #ubuntustudio but perhaps this is a better channel15:47
ryanpgI'm getting anxious about the state of jackd in 10.10, several major applications have conflicting requirements for jackd and jackd215:47
ryanpgwith 10.10 being released in one month, it doesn't seem likely there will be a functional jackd "environment" available. Am I understanding the situation correctly?15:48
scott-workryanpg: i don't think so, i've downloaded and installed the beta version and jack works for me :)15:49
scott-workbut i'm just using it to record guitar, bass, and vocals from my delta44 and get drums from hydrogen all into ardour15:50
scott-workryanpg: can you give some specific examples of major applications having conflicting requirements for jackd and jack215:51
ryanpghi scott-work one example: ardour and supercollider15:52
scott-workryanpg: hmmm, ardour worked for me in the beta version, but i don't use supercollider15:52
scott-workryanpg: have you tried the beta version to see how it works?15:53
ryanpgscott-work, ok - it may be just a few cases then - yes, I'm running beta15:53
scott-workryanpg:  so is supercollider not working properly with jack for you?15:54
ryanpgscott-work, it cannot be installed due to conflicting requirements15:54
holsteinryanpg: do you still have list?15:55
holsteinfrom synaptic or whatever15:55
scott-workhmmm, many packages needed to be rebuilt against the new jack and have been, this may have been one that was overlooked15:56
holsteinscott-work: i bet15:56
scott-workhi holstein , i said we would probably talk this morning :)15:56
holsteinits not in be default right?15:56
holsteinthat would make sense15:56
scott-workcorrect, i just checked15:56
holsteinscott-work: :)15:56
scott-workholstein:  following our conversation last night, when you are thinking about packages, try to think in terms of "workflows"15:57
holsteinyeah, i was reading that over the OSMP15:57
holsteini like that idea quite a bit15:57
scott-workthe idea would be to identify specific workflows, include the apps, and docuement15:57
scott-workoh, okay :)15:57
scott-worknot my idea, it was persia's, but it's brilliant i think15:57
* ryanpg removes some ppa repo's and backs out some changes15:58
holsteini think we can come up with several quite different ones from the pool of OSMP users15:58
holsteinif you just take [lsd] and I15:58
holsteinwe have totally different needs15:58
holsteinand the podcasters too15:58
holsteingreat idea persia 15:59
holsteinscott-work: i had a section on the WIKI about that15:59
holsteini'll try and make some noise about it15:59
scott-workholstein: the osm wiki ? or ubuntu wiki?15:59
holsteinand get some contributors there15:59
holsteinthe OSM one15:59
holsteineven if they dont run ubuntustudio16:00
holsteinthe workflow could still be useful16:00
scott-worki had thought about podcasters as well, even streaming live audio like we were talkging about16:00
scott-workholstein: oh, i asked the guy about internet at the party, he said they could accomodate that so i'll try to stream audio :)16:00
holsteinw00t :)16:00
ryanpgok, I think I discovered what's going on - supercollider is apparently not included in 10.10 ? I must have added a ppa with a version that requires an earlier version of jackd16:02
holsteinryanpg: its good to catch that though16:02
ryanpgholstein, thanks - but it's muuuuch better that I was wrong about the state of affairs with jackd!16:03
holsteinscott-work: thats probably one for the list16:04
scott-workoh, yeah...i had checked to see if it was in ubuntu studio by default, i just now checked and it's not in the official archives at all!16:04
holsteinto think about16:04
scott-workholstein: i think there are some licensing issues, i seem to remember persia and maybe quadrispro talking about upstream16:04
holsteinscott-work: when are the meetings here?16:05
scott-worki could be misremembering this though, i'll look at debian16:06
holsteini wouldnt mind to get a list of those packages together16:06
holsteinthe ones with questionalbe legal states16:06
holsteinand put that up on a wiki somewhere16:06
holsteinso that can be referenced if that comes up16:06
scott-workyeah, supercollider is not in debian either, most likely licensing then16:06
ryanpgperhaps I'm mis-remembering, but I thought supercollider was included previously - wonder what changed16:06
scott-workthat's a good idea holstein, along with a reason why the package is not included with links to email or whatnot16:07
holsteineven better16:07
scott-workryanpg: according to ubuntu packages, it was in dapper only   http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=supercollider16:07
ryanpgyeah, just checking that now16:08
ryanpgwow, that was quite some time ago16:08
scott-workholstein: troy_s had also suggested also suggested a wiki page with the rationale for why apps are *included* in studio as well16:09
scott-workgood example is network-admin vs network-manager16:09
holsteinscott-work: thats the kind of thing i can help with right now16:09
holsteinim working on my wiki-foo16:09
holsteinakgraner is schooling me :)16:09
scott-worklol, i looked at the supercollider package in launchpad, last build was 234 weeks ago :)16:10
scott-workcool holstein 16:10
ryanpgapparently there's not much need for supercollider on ubuntu :)16:10
scott-workryanpg: you might send an email to the owner of the ppa with supercollider about rebuilding it against the new jack16:10
ryanpgscott-work, good idea16:11
scott-workryanpg: i found this one also, don't know if you are using it or another or even if this one has been rebuilt   https://launchpad.net/~supercollider/+archive/ppa16:11
ryanpgyes, that's the ppa I used - it has not been rebuilt16:11
* holstein wonders if falktx has it16:11
ryanpgoh, I know Артём Попов :)16:12
holsteini dont see it in falks PPA16:13
ryanpgI think artfwo is the guy to go to for supercollider16:15
holsteinfalktx is the kind of guy who would fix it to include it in KXstudio16:16
holsteinand put it in that PPA16:16
ryanpgok, I contacted artfwo16:50
ryanpghis packages are being used by puredyne btw16:50
ryanpghe has submitted supercollider to revo for ubuntu16:50
scott-workholstein: we haven't really had meeting in a while because not enough people were attending, and those that did attend often didn't work on what they said they would16:50
holsteinryanpg: thanks16:50
ryanpgthere are problems with the way libraries are named - which is why supercollider is not inlcuded16:50
ryanpgholstein, welcome16:50
holsteinscott-work: maybe we can talk about that too16:50
ryanpgI have a working PPA now with rebuilt supercollider16:51
holsteinwe've had the same thing going on with out LOCO16:51
holsteinour LOCO*16:51
ryanpgalso, he tells me that the new cmake build system should fix the issues with supercollider16:51
holsteinwe went to monthly meetings instead of bi-monthly16:51
holsteinwe'll see16:51
ryanpgppa:artfwo/ppa btw16:52
ryanpgapparently artfwo was a big part of the "revolution" to jackd216:52
scott-workis artfwo nedko  ?16:53
scott-workthat's confusing16:53
ryanpgI don't think so16:53
scott-worki know someone named nedko who has worked on jack2, is he the same person as artfwo?16:53
scott-worklol you already answered my confusing question16:53
ryanpghttps://launchpad.net/~artfwo I also know nedko - but yea different16:54
scott-workholstein: will you be around in an hour?  i'd like to talk some more but i really need to get some work done at work ;)16:54
holsteini should be16:54
ryanpgway OT - but what's the deal with all the .save files in /etc/apt/ in 10.1016:55
ryanpgbbl, restarting X17:04
* abogani waves18:04
holsteinabogani: :)18:08
aboganiholstein, Hi Mike.18:09
scott-workhi abogani , are you doing okay today?18:13
aboganiscott-work, Well thanks.18:14
scott-workJFo:  are we still planning on talking about kernels today?18:14
jussiscott-work: We dont normally recommend debian packages to users of ubuntu, as they can break stuff. Ive no idea how the one you mentioned is, but its bad practice in any case.18:21
JFoscott-work, sorry about that, was in a meeting18:22
JFowe can chat if you like :)18:22
* holstein thought it was just mentioning where the work was happening on guitarix18:22
scott-workjussi: i shall refrain from doing that in the future then, thank you for making me aware of the potential problem :)18:22
jussiscott-work: no probs, always glad to help if I can. :)18:23
scott-workJFo: oh, no problem for me, i've been quite busy with the usual "monday morning" events even though it's tuesday :)18:23
JFoheh, same here18:24
JFohad 2 meetings that weren't on my calendar before that last one18:24
JFo,-death by meeting18:24
scott-workJFo: did you want to discuss this with some of the other kernel members? 18:24
scott-worklol, yeah, i get the "we have a problem we need to solve right NOW" meetings as well :)18:25
scott-workargh, i had wanted to start working on team reports already for ubuntu studio and keep putting it off :P18:25
JFoscott-work, we can if you like, but I have been given some guidance on the subject of -rt, -preempt or -lowlatency kernels18:25
scott-workJFo: sweet :)18:25
scott-worki'm good just talking to you18:26
JFowant to talk here about it or in a private wondow?18:26
JFowindow rather18:26
scott-workwhichever you feel is appropriate :)18:26
scott-workholstein: would you like to continue some of our previous converstaion about meetings and wiki pages?18:28
scott-workyou were mentioning your loco meetings and i thought there might be a tangent you wanted to explore in relation to ubuntu studio :)18:29
holsteini just think it might be a good idea to log the progess18:30
holsteinwe've just been plugging through them18:30
holsteinand it shows that something is going on18:30
holsteinand folks do go and check the logs 18:30
holsteinmore than i though would at least18:31
holsteinscott-work: maybe we could just schedule one?18:31
holsteina meeting18:31
holsteinand i could get a little louder about it over in OSM's18:31
holsteinget those ubuntu folk here maybe18:31
holsteinscott-work: but i know your busy too18:32
scott-workholstein: oh, i could certainly make time for a meeting :)18:33
holsteinwhat was the normal thing?18:34
holsteinthen we could talk about wiki's and what not then18:34
holsteinmaybe establish a line of communication with myself and the list18:34
holsteinand i can figure out where to put some of that information we talked about18:35
scott-workholstein: yes, it tended to be monthly as best as we could ;)18:37
scott-workholstein: the other thing we were discussing was the wiki pages, if you want to start a wiki page that'd be oustanding, i'll add what i can as well :)18:44
holsteinscott-work: mabye i can just find one that already existing and update18:45
holsteinor add to it18:45
holsteinbut, im totally on board for that18:46
scott-workit's kind of surprising that an email about gnome-network-admin being fixed didn't receive any replies :/21:24
scott-worki would have thought many people would be estatic about it21:25
aboganiscott-work, I never received an reply on my emails about -rt in three years. So I suspect that this is the "normal" behavior. :-)21:28
* persia doesn't know of any licensing issues with supercollider23:37
persiaAh: found it.  There used to be lots of issues (see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=454257 ), which I believe upstream has mostly fixed, but nobody has done the work to get it back in the repositories.23:40
ubottuDebian bug 454257 in ftp.debian.org "RM: supercollider -- RoQA; RC-buggy, few users" [Normal,Open]23:40
holsteinpersia: good news23:40

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