
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
Blank__:o an iphone user! shun!07:03
ryanpghi all... can anyone explain to me (or point me to a url) what is going on with jackd in ubuntu 10.10?15:32
ryanpgattempting to install jackd2 results in many many apps being removed, conversely, certain apps seem to require jackd215:33
ryanpgthis is very frustrating, and I'm concerned with the release of 10.10 a month away15:45
holsteinryanpg: hello15:49
ryanpgthanks holstein15:52
ryanpgholstein, I'm also in -devel :)15:52
holsteinryanpg: are you running 10.10 beta15:52
ryanpgholstein, yes15:53
holsteinryanpg: AH15:53
holsteini see you got ScottL talking to you over in -devel :)15:54
ryanpgyeah, should we continue in -devel ?15:54
holsteinryanpg: the OSMP channel i was referring to is #opensourcemusicians16:09
ryanpgholstein, oh cool - never heard of that one16:10
=== olinuxx_ is now known as Olinuxx
musotekhi guys18:27
holsteinmusotek: hello18:28
musotekCannot get my M-Audio Delta 66 to work properly on Lucid.18:28
musotekAny suggestions?18:28
musotek:~$ lspci|grep audio18:28
musotek00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller (rev 02)18:28
musotek:~$ lsmod |grep snd18:28
musoteksnd_ice1712            55129  018:28
musoteksnd_ice17xx_ak4xxx      2547  1 snd_ice171218:28
musoteksnd_ak4xxx_adda         7364  2 snd_ice1712,snd_ice17xx_ak4xxx18:28
musoteksnd_cs8427              6522  1 snd_ice171218:28
musoteksnd_ac97_codec        100646  1 snd_ice171218:28
holsteinmight want to use pastebin18:28
musoteksnd_pcm_oss            35308  018:28
musoteksnd_mixer_oss          13746  1 snd_pcm_oss18:28
holsteinor ubuntu paste18:28
musoteksnd_pcm                70662  3 snd_ice1712,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss18:28
musoteksnd_page_alloc          7076  1 snd_pcm18:28
musotekac97_bus                1002  1 snd_ac97_codec18:28
musoteksnd_i2c                 4398  2 snd_ice1712,snd_cs842718:28
musoteksnd_mpu401_uart         5617  1 snd_ice171218:28
musoteksnd_seq_dummy           1338  018:29
musoteksnd_seq_oss            26726  018:29
musoteksnd_seq_midi            4557  018:29
musoteksnd_rawmidi            19056  2 snd_mpu401_uart,snd_seq_midi18:29
musoteksnd_seq_midi_event      6003  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi18:29
musoteksnd_seq                47263  6 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event18:29
musoteksnd_timer              19098  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq18:29
musoteksnd_seq_device          5700  5 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq18:29
musoteksnd                    54148  14 snd_ice1712,snd_ak4xxx_adda,snd_cs8427,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_i2c,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device18:29
musoteksoundcore               6620  1 snd18:29
musotek:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf18:29
musotek# autoloader aliases18:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-018:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-1 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-118:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-2 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-218:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-3 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-318:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-4 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-418:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-5 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-518:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-6 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-618:29
holsteinflooding the channel like this usually makes people sad :/18:29
musotekinstall sound-slot-7 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-718:29
musotekof course18:29
holsteinmusotek: i'll just be a few ticks :)18:29
musoteksorry about that18:30
holsteinmusotek: no worries :)18:32
holsteinwell we no that card works well18:32
holsteinat least that is what im told18:32
musotekthat's what I heard too18:33
holsteinmusotek: you can paste this here18:35
holsteinit wont be much18:35
holsteinthe output of18:35
holsteinuname -a18:35
holsteinaplay -l18:36
holsteinarecord -l18:36
musotek2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:36
musotekaplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...18:36
holsteinthats not good18:37
musotekarecord: device_list:223: no soundcards found...18:37
holsteinits a delta?18:37
holstein6 6?18:37
musotekdelta 6618:37
ryanpghi all... back18:38
ryanpgman, for the life of me... I can't get rid of xruns with my edirol usb ua-2518:38
ryanpgdriving me nuts18:38
holsteinlooks like you might need to do some tweaking18:38
ryanpgdo we still have to change the priority of the IRQ our audio interface is on?18:39
holsteini was thinking of the 1010lt18:39
holsteinryanpg: dont have to18:39
holsteinyou getting xruns?18:39
ryanpgoh man yeah18:39
musoteknice one .. I'll give that a read ... thanks18:39
ryanpgjust sitting idle I get a burst of xruns every 20 seconds or so18:39
holsteinmusotek: theres probably something more relevant to ubuntu around somewhere18:39
ryanpgframes 64 periods 618:39
holsteinmusotek: try #opensourcemusicians too :)18:39
holsteinryanpg: what kernel?18:40
holsteinuname -a18:40
ryanpgLinux Ryan-Laptop 2.6.33-29-realtime #1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Thu Aug 5 12:28:39 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:40
holsteinyeah, lets look at you IRQ's18:40
ryanpgholstein, honestly I've never gotten low latency with USB on linux18:40
ryanpgirq 18 is the usb bus I'm plugged into18:41
holsteincat /proc/interrupts18:41
ryanpgnothing else on that irq18:41
holsteinand paste that to..18:41
ryanpg80 root     -90   0     0    0    0 S    4  0.0   0:42.83 irq/18-uhci_hcd18:41
ryanpgyeah, PR is -9018:41
ryanpgjackd is also -9018:42
holsteinryanpg: let me think a minute18:42
holsteinbut run18:42
holsteinsudo qjackctl18:42
holsteinand see if its the same18:42
ryanpgqjacktl is running now18:42
ryanpgbut you mean run it as root?18:42
holsteinyeah, sudo run it :)18:42
musotekholstein: thanks18:42
holsteinmusotek: let us know18:42
holsteini think thats do-able18:42
holsteinryanpg: maybe just try turning it down even more18:43
holsteinmaybe 512 and 318:43
holsteinor 1024 and 318:43
ryanpgoh man... I want to do live guitar effect processing18:44
ryanpganything over 10ms is useless18:44
holsteinryanpg: that realtime checkbox is checked right?18:44
ryanpgsure is18:44
holsteinin 'setup'18:44
holsteinif you set it up with the latency around 20ms or so18:44
ryanpglol, just got another xrun18:44
holsteindoes it seem solid?18:44
ryanpglet's see18:45
holsteinryanpg: yeah, i dont think its permission18:45
holsteinyou can run it as normal user18:45
ryanpgk, bumped it up to about 20ms18:45
holsteinthat might just be all it can do18:46
holsteinyou might get better performance from your internal card18:46
holsteini hate to say18:46
ryanpgI hope not... others claim to get 4ms of latency from that18:46
holsteinryanpg: are you sure thats the IRQ ?18:46
holsteinthe right USB port?18:46
ryanpglsusb says bus 718:47
ryanpg/proc/interrupts say 7 is irq 1818:47
holsteinryanpg: just for S&G18:47
holsteinmaybe try another port??18:47
ryanpgholstein, have tried every one on the laptops18:47
holsteinseems like you got it set up well18:47
ryanpgyeah... uless I can set that irq to realtime18:48
ryanpgcan't chrt do that?18:48
* holstein is not sure18:48
holsteinthere was a guy in #opensourcemusicians talking about that18:48
holsteini think it was transmorgramofix18:48
holsteinthe #rakarrack guy18:48
Adriannomhi.  i have a laptop with ubuntu studio karmic.  since installing i've been unable to read usb drives unless i mount them manually.  i've had the same model laptop (hp 550) running hardy, karmic and lucid with no usb problems.  any ideas why i'm having this problem, or how i can start diagnosing?19:09
holsteinhey Adriannom19:11
Adriannomhi :)19:11
holsteinis this an ubuntustudio install?19:11
holsteinor an upgrade?19:11
holsteinand the others are standard installs?19:11
holsteinubuntu installs?19:11
Adriannomthat's right19:12
holsteinthat might be a studio thing19:12
holsteinim not sure19:12
holsteinid have to go and check that out19:12
holsteinand i dont have karmic studio installed19:12
holsteini would trouble shoot that just like an ubuntu issue though19:12
holsteini bet its a gconf setting19:12
holsteinor a package that needs to be installed19:13
holsteinAdriannom: do CD's mount automaically?19:13
Adriannomyeah maybe overlooked package, but then more users would be having the same problem surely19:13
Adriannomi'll check19:13
holsteinsomethings are left out of studio19:13
holsteinbecause of performance concerns19:14
Adriannomyeah, but everyone who uses audio uses usb drives, right? ;)19:14
holsteinyou can mount them though19:14
Adriannomyeah as root19:14
holsteinthat might be a different thing altogether19:14
* holstein missed the root user thing before19:15
holsteinAdriannom: i have a great idea :)19:15
holsteinwhy not upgrade that box to lucid19:15
holsteinand then check it out after that19:15
holsteinmabye that will fix it19:15
Adriannomcd isn't mounting automatically19:15
holsteinthen your on LTS :)19:15
Adriannomyeah ok19:16
holsteinnow i think its a user thing19:16
* holstein did 2 studio install upgrades19:16
holsteinand they went well19:17
holsteinupgrades usually do pretty well these days19:17
Adriannoma user thing?  what do you think i've done?19:17
holsteinwell, you might not have done it19:17
holsteinbut some permissions could be set wrong19:17
holsteinmight need to re-add yourself to a gourp19:18
holsteinmaybe disk group19:18
holsteinnot sure though19:18
holsteini would google that before just adding it19:18
Adriannomok i think upgrade first then19:18
Adriannomthanks :)19:18
holsteinAdriannom: let me know19:18
holsteinit could be as simple as19:18
holsteinsudo adduser Adriannom disk19:18
holsteinand that would do it19:19
holsteinbut i think upgrading is a good idea19:19
Adriannomheheh, i just pasted that in and it fixed it19:20
Adriannomi think i'm better off not upgrading since this is a production machine19:20
Adriannomany changes could be bad19:20
Adriannomusing it to dj live ya see19:21
Adriannombut it's great that this is fixed, thanks a lot holstein :)19:21
holsteinAdriannom: i hear you19:22
holstein'if it aint broke' :)19:22
ryanpgholstein, now I'm getting xruns at 23.2 ms19:37
holsteinwhat did you change?19:37
ryanpgnothing, power went out - restarted and let jackd run19:37
ryanpgjust got two xruns19:38
holsteini get an xrun every now and then19:38
ryanpgjackd -R -P89 -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p128 -n819:38
holsteinwhen i start a program19:38
holsteinryanpg: whats with -n8 ?19:38
ryanpgnumber of frames19:38
holsteinyeah, why 8?19:39
ryanpgbumping up and up and up to find a stable number19:39
holsteintry bumping the other one19:39
holsteinleaving that one at -n219:39
holsteinor 319:39
ryanpgjackd -R -P89 -dalsa -dhw:1 -r44100 -p512 -n219:39
holsteinryanpg: whats that do?19:40
holsteinryanpg: i assume your in #jack ??19:40
ryanpgperiod = 512 frames (11.6 ms), buffer = 2 periods19:40
ryanpgrunning jackd from the command line19:40
holsteinryanpg: does that run stable?19:40
ryanpgso far19:40
holstein11.6 is not bad19:41
ryanpgwell.... 11.6 x 219:41
holsteinmaybe you can get -p256 -n219:41
ryanpg11.6 ms latency for 512 frames, and two periods = 23.2 ms19:41
ryanpgmaybe, I'll let this run a bit.... see if there's xruns19:41
holsteini think you can have too many periods19:42
ryanpgbut 11.6 ms is really unacceptable for realtime signal processing19:42
holsteinand make xruns19:42
holsteinnot sure though19:42
ryanpgI'll go ahead and try19:42
holsteintry -p64 -n219:42
ryanpgit usually takes around 20-30 seconds for the xruns to start19:43
ryanpgI'll give 64 2 a try19:43
ryanpglol, xruns galore19:47
ryanpgbut... I think I figured something out19:47
ryanpgit's either my graphics card or my wireless card that's interfering I think19:47
ryanpgbecause I get tons of xruns when starting a web browser19:47
holsteini get one when i start a browser usually19:48
holsteinwhen i have it set at like 1.2ms19:48
ryanpgwow, well I don't need networking when I'm playing - so I'll just experiment with turning it off20:23
ryanpgholstein, thanks for your help!20:23
holsteinryanpg: anytime :)20:23
holsteinlet us know how it goes20:23
prepHolstein, breaker breaker one-nine20:29
prepHow can I update to 10.10? Not showing in Update Manager.21:46
prepfound it, later22:25

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