
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
ShootmeplzAnyone on this evening?00:17
ShootmeplzI guess this is just another lame 'support' channel full of AFK people and bots....... Nice00:19
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
xubundudemy fresh xubuntu 1004 install has been update now for 24 hours?05:23
xubundudei wonder if this has something to do with the fact that i installed it next to xp pro on its on separate partition?05:23
xubundudethe bar graph continues to show that update is undeway and eery so often i look and something has installed successfully but geez 24 hours to do 198 updates?05:24
ridinxubundude: kernels? same problem here05:25
xubundudeah kernels, something i know lil to nothing about05:25
xubundudebut i do have xubuntu on a stand alone computer..exact smae make model and hardware and it went in and run perfect everyday...but i have to admit that one i sxubuntu 900405:26
xubundudeand for me 9004 has always been perfectdid they do something weird to 1004?05:27
xubundudei have 2 identicals computers one love 9.04...and one is taking 24 hours to update?05:28
xubundudei dont know whete to assume someting is wrong and stop it or just let i go05:28
ridinif you're happy with what you have, you don't need to upgrade05:28
ridinif you can use a older kernel, maybe that would work05:29
ridinidk 9.10's kernel05:29
xubundudeas i say i left my stand alone computer as is with 90405:29
xubundudeit seems everything that they have done since 904 has been weird05:29
xubundudei wonder they broke a near perfect os05:30
xubundudei have 2 identical dell 8250's05:30
ridinif you still have the 9.10 kernels, hold shift while booting05:30
xubundudeone runes 904 perfect one is all screwed up with 100405:30
ridini'm using karmic too, lol05:30
xubundudehow would i now if im using 910 kernals i dont even know what a kernal is hehe05:31
ridini'll say core05:31
ridinyou have multiple cores, and you're using one05:31
xubundudei never had 91005:31
xubundudei heard too many stories about it05:31
ridinyou can't get the 9.10 kernels then, someone said05:31
xubundudewhen i noticed how good 904 was i made one dell 8250 a stand alone 904 computer and left it that way05:32
xubundudei thought they had 1004 down pat05:32
ridinit's just the kernel, not the actual os development05:33
ridinif that makes sense05:33
xubundudein fact im talking to u on a new laptop that is running ubuntu 1004 and it seems perfect05:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1004 in Baz (deprecated) "UI request: baz mkdir" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100405:33
xubundudewell why are they using a faulty kernal05:33
ridinubuntu 10.04 works fine, but xubuntu 10.04 isn't in internet connection?05:33
xubundudehmmm so maybe ill stop this update from hell, delete the xubuntu partiton and stick ubuntu 1004 there?05:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1004 in Baz (deprecated) "UI request: baz mkdir" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100405:34
ridini'd pick the ubuntu version right for you05:35
ridinlike for me, karmic and distributions that are based on karmic05:35
xubundudei like all of em05:35
ridini like lucid and maverick, but internet speed omg05:35
xubundudeuntil this bs happened05:36
xubundudeso are u saying the kernal in 904 is different than the kernal in 1004?05:36
ridinyes, how hardware is used05:37
ridin(quote from someone)05:37
xubundudethat means my other 8250 is gonna have 904 forever05:37
xubundudewonder if i can do that05:37
xubundudewhich is fine with me05:38
ridinit'll be 'end of life' by april 2011 i think05:39
ridinmeaning it'll get no more updates05:39
xubundudei see that so iwonder what problems that causes05:39
xubundudebythen all the bugs are prolly gone, since i never had any to begin with in 90405:40
ridinlucid is an lts, usually a 'stable beta'05:40
xubundudethats wut i was hoping05:40
xubundudenow i gotta reinstall ans find my ole 904 disk or something05:40
xubundudei wonder if im crazy tot hink that this 2 day update will eventually make the computer run peoperly05:41
xubundudewhew typos...05:41
xubundudeid have to be nuts not think its a sign that 1004 doesnt like the computer05:42
xubundudeyet its still goin in05:43
xubundudei noticed on the update progress text it said..."that it noticed xp on dev/ something05:43
xubundudewhy is my update looking at a separate partition?05:44
xubundudejust sort of letme know it sees it05:44
xubundudemaybe it doesnt like its partiton05:45
xubundudesure does boot nice though05:45
xubundudeto each separate partition so i thought that was all cool05:46
xubuntu851hello every106:17
=== ronia_ is now known as ronia
hhgytis it ok to have partitions set up like this: 1st one 15 gigs (xp pro), 2nd one 15 gigs (xubuntu 904), 2rd one 15 gigs( not in use yet), 4th one 2 gigg swap, 5th one 10 gigs ( not in use yet) ??? or does the swap partition have to be beside the last used partition???08:08
hhgytooops i said 2nd on twice....the 2nd 2nd is the 3rd08:08
hhgytor can i just size these partitions any way i want?08:10
Sysiyou can't have 5 primary partitions08:10
Sysiswap can be basically anywhere08:11
hhgytso its installing now so im gonna have a problem roght?08:11
Sysiyou can't create that fift partition08:12
Sysiunless you use logical partitions08:12
hhgytok so its running now...as i wrote it now what08:12
hhgytwhat should i have done08:12
hhgyti have a about 57 gig HD08:12
hhgyti want xp and xubuntu on it08:12
hhgytmaybe 30 1st....25 2nd....2 swap?08:13
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:14
hhgytgotta run downstairs and see wut the install is doing now08:14
hhgytthanks..i have read everything i can on partitions...still just dont get it08:14
hhgyteven watched videos08:15
hhgytdidnt see anything about bit having 5 partitions08:15
hhgyti mean nothing said i cant have 5 partitions08:15
hhgytbe back....08:16
Sysihhgyt: you can't have 5 *primary* partitions08:20
Sysihhgyt: feature of msdos prtition table08:21
hhgytok u said that so now wuts gonna happen too me?08:31
hhgyti did it already and now i restarted it and it offered me ubuntu or xp so i booted to xubuntu and now its in the process of doing 230 updates?08:31
hhgytso can  goe back after all the updates and fix this pertition issue or am i porked?08:32
Sysiseems that prtitioning was succesfull, install updates and you should reboot after that08:32
hhgytwell since i built too many am i in for some kinda trouble?08:33
Sysiubuntu don't let you make broken partitioning :P08:33
hhgytoh great08:33
Sysiyou don't have too many _primary_ partitions08:33
hhgytand i used the partiton manager in xubuntu?08:33
hhgytoh ok08:33
Sysiit's not possible to create08:33
hhgytso u think i might be ok08:33
hhgytscarin me dude08:33
Sysienjoy your xubuntu :)08:33
hhgytwell i had to delete the partiton with 1004 on it cos it wouldnt update08:34
hhgytso i decided to toss 904 in there08:34
hhgytcos all my 904 installs work perfect08:34
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90408:34
hhgyti guess 904 likes old dell desktops?08:35
Sysiwhen's the end of life..08:35
hhgytsoon i think08:35
hhgytbut really wut else can i do...mt old dells hate 1004?08:35
hhgyti waited 2 days while 1004 was updating then it just stopped?08:36
hhgytthe updates were doing a bunch of really odd things...made no sence?08:36
hhgytnow this 904 says its gonna be done updating in like 7 minutes?08:36
hhgythah we'll see if my ole tank can do 230 updates in 7 minutes08:37
hhgyti mean i know i can lay down and just do the wubi/ubuntu thing and it does seem to work great but i couldnt  find one of those wubi installers for xubuntu.08:38
Sysiwubi should work as well with xubuntu08:39
Sysihow did 10.04 update fail?08:39
Sysijust stopped?08:39
hhgytwell it appeared to install on my partiton perfect and i navigated around in it  and all was well..then i let it update!!!08:40
Sysidid you mean installing updates after installation, or version upgrade?08:40
Sysioh right08:40
hhgytso hours later its still updating08:40
hhgyttill i finally had to sleep08:40
hhgytand go  to work...08:40
hhgytand come and watch it still updating...08:41
hhgytona nd on for 24 hours08:41
hhgytthen it stops...08:41
Sysiyou didn't try to restart update-manager?08:41
hhgytand i was reading all the stupid things it said it was doing....08:41
hhgyti gotta tell whoever wrote that was smokin reefer08:41
hhgytit seemed to think it had to uninstall and install and uninstall every freakin thing on earth?08:42
Sysiversion update does that08:42
hhgyti dunno08:42
Sysiand it can cause problems08:42
hhgythwat ever comes in with 10.0408:42
Sysiwell, you can use 9.04 as long as it's supported08:43
hhgytit said i need all the important security updates so i said....hey who am i to doubt to great coders at xubuntu!08:43
hhgytsheez it was the dummest thing ive ever seen08:44
hhgytso sysi...can i bask in the glow of 904 forever?08:44
hhgytor will it suddently just die08:44
Sysirepositories go down at some point08:44
Sysi10.10 is out pretty soon08:45
hhgytso wut does that mean? it just quits on me?08:45
hhgyti need 904!08:45
hhgytit loves old dells...especially 825008:45
Sysiyou won't get updates and you can't install anything08:45
hhgytinstall wut?08:46
hhgytu mean i cant even install all the stuff they already invented for it?08:46
Sysisoftware, artwork, anything from repositories08:46
hhgytok so when support for 904 ends...i cannot go into the normal xubuntu synaptic manager and install something?08:47
hhgytdid u mean yes08:48
hhgytso i better install everything on earth now?08:48
hhgytbrb gotta see if its really still updating08:48
Sysino, better get newer version with security updates working08:48
hhgytwell i did it09:29
hhgytmt dual boot works and it took in 23o updates in like 7-8 minutes09:30
hhgytand it runs extremely fast on 512 ram09:30
hhgytso it really was the 10.04 edition messin me up09:31
Sysiwhat are you talking about?09:32
hhgytsame subject i was talkin bout before...i just went downstairs to check if the computer was done updating09:32
hhgyti suppose it is possible that some bizzare thing happened by chance that caused my 10,04 updates to crash and maybe it wouldnt happen if i tried it again.09:39
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
nikolammousepad again refusing to close right away if not saving text in it.12:24
nikolamI reported bug months ago and responce was they can't reproduce it..12:25
TheSheepnikolam: you think they are lying?12:40
nikolamTheSheep, no, I just I am not sure other think I am lying. ;)12:41
TheSheepnikolam: apparently the bug only manifests in certain conditions that are present on your system, but not on the default install. If you could isolate those conditions, you could amend your bug report and provide a way to reproduce the bug.12:53
=== deegee is now known as help
=== help is now known as plustwo
srudes2Hello all!15:28
srudes2I would like to know how to prevent the xfce4 from starting as well as the login window. I just want my tty7 just like my tty6. However I do want to be able to start xfce4. Any idea15:29
srudes2s on how to set this up?15:29
verme94i udate ubiquiti in xubuntu 8.04.115:46
srudes2It would be greatly appreciated if someone would look into my problem.15:49
* Sysi is staring15:50
Sysican't say a thing about it though15:50
Sysiremove gdm?15:50
srudes2tried that... no success15:51
srudes2thanks for looking though15:51
likemindeadWhy not use a minimal Ubuntu server install with no GUI?15:51
Sysisrudes2: what part didn't work15:53
Sysii maybe would like to know *why* :P15:53
schlaftieralso, there's a boot option you can use to boot into text-mode (if you don't want to remove gdm)15:54
srudes2Sysi: if I use bum or sysv-rc-conf it doesn list gdm and if I use update-rc it says that it has updated all the entries, but when I restart it it still starts everything15:56
Sysisrudes2: apt-get remove gdm :)15:57
Sysiyou don't necessarily need it15:57
srudes2I removed gdm... didn´t look for that result... reinstalled xubuntu-desktop. I´m now looking into the grub single boot option schlaftier mentioned16:03
schlaftiersrudes2: no, not single-user boot16:05
srudes2http://www.gidforums.com/t-1472.html huh?16:06
schlaftiersrudes2: the option is "text" http://ubuntuguide.net/boot-into-consolecommand-line-when-startup-ubuntu-9-1016:08
srudes2alright... thanks schlaftier!16:08
srudes2haha how can even that not work when I try that16:14
srudes2simply: sudo mousepad /etc/default/grub                           add ¨text¨ to the grub_cmdline_linux_default            and then just do sudo update-grub it asks me if it should create a menu.lst file I tell it to do that and still gdm and xfce-desktop start at boot16:16
srudes2wow this is a pain16:16
srudes2I even did a update-rc.d -f gdm remove, update-rc.d -f xdm remove, update-rc.d -f kdm remove             to make sure that the services are disabled at startup... I still get a desktop environment... which looks like a really old version of xfce416:25
srudes2Woho I got it working16:55
srudes2s very simple16:55
srudes2simply move the gdm configuration file16:55
srudes2mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf.noexec16:55
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=== jcfp is now known as Guest80824
* dreamtraveler is away: -s (gone at 7th Sep, 22:38:07)20:38
=== dreamtraveler is now known as dreamtravel`away
Sysipublic away and awaynick won't make you popular20:39
charlie-tca!away > dreamtravel`away20:39
ubottudreamtravel`away, please see my private message20:39
IledenHi! How do I turn off the xfce power manager? Problem is, my battery reports constant 0%, so whenever i disconnect power cord, I get an annoying dialog about low power...21:26
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
charlie-tca!away > tech21:33
charlie-tca!away > _Techie_21:33
ubottu_Techie_, please see my private message21:33
_Techie_charlie-tca: ffs, i dont change that often21:34
Sysii've seen you doing that before, you do :P21:35
charlie-tcaIt is "change at all"21:35
charlie-tcaIt does not mention how often21:35
_Techie_so you guys dont like people clearly knowing that im away or offline21:35
charlie-tcaYou can use a silent away, which is / away without the space. Then if someone checks, your nick is tagged as you being away21:36
charlie-tcaThere is also the thing called "close the im when away" so no one thinks you are online21:36
_Techie_charlie-tca: how many people check for /away on a regular basis... i know i dont... also freenode webchat doesnt display away status with colours in the nick list21:36
charlie-tcait is a rule, though21:37
_Techie_well then, i dont see me providing any help to Xubuntu users in the future then21:37
_Techie_goodbye Sysi, been nice working with you in the past21:38
charlie-tcaum, that rule does apply in all Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu channels21:38
Sysiin all irc21:39
Sysibut well..21:39
charlie-tcaSysi: don't you ever sleep? You are in here helping day and night!21:39
Sysii have laptop at school :P21:40
emersonhi how do I install all the plugins for vlc ?22:11
well_laid_lawnin the synaptic package manager do a search for vlc and select all the plugins22:13
emersonwell_laid_lawn: I hope I can solve my problem now..cheers man..22:19
well_laid_lawnnp :]22:19
mancio82Ciao a tutti!22:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:21
Sysi!it | if you need italian help22:22
ubottuif you need italian help: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:22
mancio82In XFCE menu, how do to set icon button to "none"?22:22
charlie-tcaApplications -> Settings -> Xfce4 Settings Manager -> Appearance, Settings tab22:25
charlie-tcamancio82: ^22:26
mancio82Sorry, you don't understand my question22:27
emersonwell_laid_lawn: look sorry to bother you again but I have a film in .avi and doesn't work..I mean stil doesn't work..any ideia why ?22:27
mancio82How hide xfce menu icon button?22:28
charlie-tcathe mouse itself?22:28
well_laid_lawnemerson:  first thing is the file ok? - you've played it before?22:28
Sysiis avi patented, does it need restricted codec?22:29
charlie-tcamancio82: The whole applications menu or just the mouse?22:29
Sysimancio82: do you mean you want icon for menu in panel away?22:29
well_laid_lawnemerson:  my avi's play after I install xubuntu-restricted-extras22:29
emersonwell_laid_lawn: well before was okay but how do I know whether the files is good or not ?22:29
charlie-tcaSysi: asking in two channels or more at once22:30
mancio82I want hide icon in application menu22:30
charlie-tcaMay as well ignore this one22:30
well_laid_lawnemerson:  start the movie player from a terminal so you get some errors mentioned22:30
mancio82I want see only label22:30
well_laid_lawnmancio82:  so you want no icons in the menu at all?22:32
mancio82I want show icons in the menu22:32
mancio82I want no show icon only on Application button22:33
Sysijust right click, there's button22:33
Sysior well. popup menu → settings → tap22:34
mancio82where's tap?22:35
Sysiunder under field fore setting label22:37
Sysioh wait, it's other way round22:38
Sysitime to sleep maybe..22:38
* dreamtraveler is away: Auto-away after 30 mins idle (gone at 8th Sep, 01:15:32)23:15
=== dreamtraveler is now known as dreamtravele`afk
knomedreamtravele`afk, please23:15
charlie-tcadreamtravele`afk was warned already today23:16
knomei saw that23:16
charlie-tcaHello, knome23:16
knomehey charlie-tca23:16
charlie-tcaenjoying the anniversary?23:17
knomewife is sleeping already23:17
knomebut yeah, had a nice time23:17
charlie-tcawell... Had fun already then.23:17
knomethanks :)23:18
knomedidn't he quit after telling him to stop the last time?23:18
charlie-tcaWell, that was better than the last one23:18
charlie-tcaNo, that was the other one23:18
charlie-tcahmm, _Technie_ , I think23:19
charlie-tcaWorks for me23:32

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