
JonathanDsithlord48: 4.3.200:03
JonathanDsorry, nearing dinner time.00:03
MaxDamageJonathanD: He's also having dinner. :)00:05
sithlord48ah JonathanD i can't really remember how its layed out in 4.3 in 4.4+ you use position to a direction instead of clone00:05
JonathanDsithlord48: thats makes sense, but I didn't see any option to do so :)00:06
JonathanDI'll have to look into it later... family beckons.00:06
MuzerNtbkwell, the string on the weird popup doesn't appear at all in /usr00:06
sithlord48ok sounds good. ttu later JonathanD00:06
MuzerNtbkor /etc00:06
sithlord48cjae: i think its called "aquire image" or something00:14
sithlord48like that00:14
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wea0Any known major bugs in lucid KDE 4.5.1 packages?00:39
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sithlord48not that i know of..00:43
vbgunzI have an external drive I want to make bootable. It's partitions directly reflect my everyday partitions. can i do this dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 and the external disk becomes bootable? I have a specially modified fstab and grub.cfg for a partition on the external. will using the dd command help me here?00:48
markitwea0: I've the feeling that sometime the system is "frozen", (i.e. dophin), and seems a little slower after upgrade00:53
markitalso does not preserve my username at login00:53
markitexcept this I've noticed no other problems so far00:53
wea0frozen dolphin was already in 4.5.0, ... nothing new then I guess.00:57
vbgunzwhat happens if I give an external disk partition the uuid of an internal partition uuid (on purpose)? would that be like dividing by zero on a nuclear powered carrier?01:00
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kkathmanDoes anyone know if they've patched the bug where kubuntu doesn't save its display resolution settings?01:35
MaxDamageAny way to get .NET 3.5 on Wine?01:40
e_t_kkathman: That is a consequence of moving away from the use of xorg.conf. If you create such a file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) with the approiate settings, Kubuntu will respect it.01:45
kkathmane_t_:  ahh do you have a guide on how to mod it?  I need to have the system just come up in 1920 x 108001:47
e_t_kkathman: Alas, no. One of the reasons for moving away from xorg.conf was it's complexity. Are you working with an LCD or CRT screen? The optimum resolution for most LCD screens is automatically detected.01:48
kkathmane_t_:  LCD screen..high reso02:00
kkathmanit seems to have put "auto" out there but at a much lower resolution that isn't proportionate02:00
=== EagleScreen_ is now known as EagleScreen
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e_t_kkathman: what graphics card do you have?02:14
kindofabuzzis there not a partition tool on the kubuntu live cd?02:23
claydohkindofabuzz: only commandline ones02:25
kindofabuzzclaydoh: k02:25
claydohoutside of the installer's builtin one02:26
FirefisheI'm using kubuntu 10.04, kde 4.4.5.   I have two user accounts, the normal user that was created during the install, and another I created for my wife.  Both accounts are set up as admins.  The problem:  When using dolphin to transfer files from one desktop to another (something we do frequently), I find that I can only transfer from her desktop to mine, but not vice versa.02:30
EagleScreenFirefishe: permissions problems02:32
EagleScreenFirefishe: from $HOME/Desktop folder to the other $HOME/Desktop folder?02:32
FirefisheEagleScreen: yes02:33
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EagleScreenFirefishe: do you know pastebin?02:34
EagleScreenpastebin the output of "ls -la" in your home, and later in your wife's home02:34
FirefisheEagleScreen: I can do that02:35
EagleScreenI only am interested in to see the permissions02:35
FirefisheEagleScreen: Is there a specific directory I'm looking for?02:36
FirefisheI don't really want to pastebin my entire home listing.02:36
EagleScreenDesktop directory02:37
EagleScreenjust that line02:37
Firefishek, let me look02:37
EagleScreenmine is drwxr-xr-x  2 rafael rafael    4096 2010-09-07 02:30 Desktop02:37
FirefisheEagleScreen: Okay, I see what you're getting at.  Let me list them.  One sec.02:39
FirefisheEagleScreen: The permissions appear to be the same for both user's $HOME/Desktop directories, as well as each user's home directory02:44
FirefisheEagleScreen: There are slightly differing numbers *after* the permissions listings02:45
FirefisheEagleScreen: For example, my home directory has a listing of 50, and my wife's has a listing of 10402:45
FirefisheEagleScreen: oops...reverse that02:45
EagleScreenare they drwxr-xr-x ?02:46
EagleScreend means it is a directory02:46
EagleScreenthe first rwx means read, write and enter permisions for owner02:46
EagleScreenthe next r-x means read and enter permissions for group members02:47
EagleScreenand the next r-x meand read an enter permissions for the rest of people02:47
EagleScreendid you know?02:47
olskolirchow can i get my screen to stop being brighter when other windows come forth - i lose my rich colors how do I turn this feature off please?02:48
olskolircim on Karmic02:48
EagleScreenyou if you are logged in your account, you can copy files from your wife's Desktop to your02:48
EagleScreenbut you cannot copy files to her Desktop02:48
EagleScreenas you havent write permissions02:48
FirefisheEagleScreen: not using dolphin02:48
Firefisheshe can copy from hers to mine, though02:49
EagleScreenFirefishe: the way to copy wouldn't be relevant02:49
FirefisheEagleScreen: k02:49
FirefisheEagleScreen: So, do you know how I may remedy this?02:49
EagleScreenyou can always copy them with sudo, or you can set permiisons and grpous up02:50
FirefisheEagleScreen: Let me bring up my user manager02:50
EagleScreenFirefishe: if your username were "pepe"02:50
EagleScreenis your Desktop folder like this? d rwx r-x r-x pepe pepe02:51
EagleScreenolskolirc: i dont understand your problem02:52
Firefishedrwxr-xr-x   8 mydesktop mydesktop      4096 2010-09-03 03:37 Desktop  [Firefishe's Desktop Folder Permissions]02:53
FirefisheEagleScreen: That's mine02:53
EagleScreenFirefishe: then she cannot write files in your Desktop unless she uses sudo mode02:53
FirefisheEagleScreen: let me qualify that...one sec02:53
FirefisheEagleScreen: Okay, that was wrong.  I evidently *can* copy from Desktop to Desktop.  What I was doing was trying to copy from another /home/myname/directoryname to /home/wifesusername/Desktop and it's not working.02:58
FirefisheEagleScreen: where 'myname' is my home directory, and the other is my wifes.02:58
FirefisheDon't all directories under the same user share identical permissions?02:58
EagleScreennot all02:59
EagleScreenFirefishe: you can copy from other to you, bot not from you to other03:00
Firefishefrom me to her is what i need.  I use that directory for all my downloads03:00
EagleScreenFirefishe: if you want to can share files, lets configure permissions03:00
Firefishek...my user account settings in kde is up03:00
EagleScreenlet em think how to congif this..03:01
FirefisheEagleScreen: Which leads me to another anomaly.  My wife's user account  has my name listed as a group, but my user doesn't have hers.03:01
Firefishewhich would explain why she can write to me03:01
Firefishebut not me to her03:01
EagleScreenshe can't write to you if your folder is d rwx r-x r-x yourname yourname03:02
Firefishebut she can if she's in my group03:03
FirefisheI just found out that she had no primary group, so I created one03:03
FirefisheEagleScreen: Let me try it now03:04
FirefisheEagleScreen: Still not working, but I may need to log in and out03:04
FirefisheEagleScreen: Let me try the obvious, and I'll be back in a sec, k?03:05
FirefisheEagleScreen: I appreciate your help.03:05
FirefisheEagleScreen: I'm showing a group listing with no indication of what it is.  Any kind of 'invisible' groups of which you're aware?03:06
FirefisheEagleScreen: Or some group that masks itself?03:06
EagleScreenFirefishe: you could create a group, call it "family" or what you want03:07
EagleScreenthen users in that group would can copy files03:07
EagleScreendo you like that config?03:07
Firefisheyou mean do I like the kde user configuration?03:08
EagleScreennot, the solution I proposed03:08
FirefisheEagleScreen: Well, I'm wanting to comprehend why I--when I am logged in to my normal user account--can copy and paste a file from my wife's user Desktop/ to my download directory, but not the other way around.  I should have full admin copy/paste, and it's puzzling.03:09
FirefisheEagleScreen: I mean, I can obviously access her directory structure from my normal user without using sudo privileges.03:10
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FirefisheEagleScreen: But to not be able to do a simple copy/paste is weird.03:10
Firefisheor a drag/drop03:10
EagleScreenFirefishe: I will try to explain you03:12
EagleScreenbecaus the folder of your wife is set to can be read by anyone03:12
EagleScreenbut it is not set to can be written by anyone03:12
EagleScreendo you want it writable by anyone?03:12
EagleScreenoy just by users selected by you?03:13
EagleScreenthe first solution is easier03:13
Firefishejust me. This is a laptop, so we both use it03:13
FirefisheEagleScreen: I'm just going to listen now.  What would you suggest?03:13
olskolircwhen I open up a program, my desktop get brighter - im reading its somewhere in the HAL or PowerSave Options to turn it off but I can't find it03:14
EagleScreenFirefishe: you have two options03:14
EagleScreen1) just make your wife's and your files and folders writeable by anyone, which is easier and faster03:15
olskolircchange your home permissions Firefishe03:15
olskolircsudo chmod go+rwx /home/wife03:16
EagleScreen2) make a new group, and set your foles and folders and your wife's one to be writable only for people inside that group03:16
EagleScreenolskolirc: by that method Linux thinks all files are executable programs03:16
olskolircwhy do all that EagleScreen when he already is the admin he just needs to unlock /home/wife03:16
olskolircok leave the x out of it03:17
olskolircsudo chmod go+rw /home/wife03:17
EagleScreenolskolirc: x is necessary to can enter on folders03:17
olskolircif you need to03:17
EagleScreenFirefishe: do you want it by the quick way or by the correct way? you probaly wont see the difference03:18
olskolircFirefishe, you can also add yourself to your wife's group - type: groups wife03:18
olskolircand see her groups03:18
olskolircadd yourself to her group ID03:18
FirefisheEagleScreen: The correct way, please03:19
olskolircsudo addgroup (i think) you wifegroup03:19
EagleScreenFirefishe: the correct way will take me a few minutes03:19
FirefisheEagleScreen: That's okay.  I need the education, and I'm patient :)03:19
Firefisheolskolirc: I'm already a member of her group, but unless I need to reboot the entire system to initialize the new settings, it's still not working.03:20
EagleScreenFirefishe: becaus it is not enought03:20
FirefisheEagleScreen: Okay then.  I'm all ears and fins ;) hee03:20
olskolircyou can also change owner on the file Firefishe03:21
Firefisheolskolirc: Because we xfer files all the time, it's wise to set it up so we can just go back and forth.03:21
EagleScreenFirefishe: let me prepare your configuration as I also want to give this well configured in my laptop, and I will share the config with you by pastebin, i will take a few minutes03:21
olskolircthats what im showing you Firefishe03:22
FirefisheEagleScreen: Cool.03:22
FirefisheEagleScreen, olskolirc:  I'm listening to both of you.  I'm writing it all down, and won't make any changes until I have all the data with which I feel comfortable.  Please chime in at any time03:23
Firefisheolskolirc: So what are you suggesting specifically?  Please say again.03:23
Firefishealso, thanks again for the great help here :)03:23
olskolircI'm using kubuntu 10.04, kde 4.4.5.   I have two user accounts, the normal user that was created during the install, and another I created for my wife.  Both accounts are set up as admins.  The problem:  When using dolphin to transfer files from one desktop to another (something we do frequently), I find that I can only transfer from her desktop to mine, but not vice versa03:26
olskolircok i read it clearly Firefishe - just use admin priv to pass the file when you open dolphin: type: sudo dolphin&03:27
Walzmynolskolirc: did you set yourself up in her group?03:27
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FirefisheEagleScreen: I need to reboot....another issue03:30
FirefisheI'll brb.03:30
EagleScreenFireCrotch: you dont need to reboot just to re-login03:31
FireCrotchtab fail03:32
FirefisheEagleScreen: Back.03:36
FirefisheEagleScreen: The reboot was unrelated to our discussion.  I'm still open to suggestions.03:37
EagleScreenFirefishe: just want to share Dekstop folder?03:39
FirefisheEagleScreen: I guess I'd like to set up a shared folder for both desktops, one that we could just drop things into, and the other could copy/paste from.   Whatever the best security would be, as well.  I figure I might as well learn about that, too.03:40
Ricks937Every few days when my toolbar gets borked example: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4119/4955246298_18dff64ffd_b.jpg so when I get back I'm missing launcher icon and clock is off by a few hours etc and assorted other icons are missing. I generally 'fix' this by restarting kdm, is there a known cause/fix for this?03:41
EagleScreenFirefishe: login in your account and open your home folder03:42
Nizamani(hope I am not disturbing) - but KUBUNTU 10.10 Beta has some real issues, like Kopete Version 1.0.80 running on  KDE Development Platform 4.5.1 (KDE 4.5.1) is disconnecting with Hotmail servers ALOT unlike Pidgin03:42
FirefisheEagleScreen: I am logged in to my account03:42
EagleScreennow enter in your home folder and right click on your Desktop folder03:43
FirefisheEagleScreen: done03:44
EagleScreengo to permissions tab03:44
FirefisheI'm there03:44
EagleScreenin Group set Can view and modify03:45
FirefisheEagleScreen: k03:45
EagleScreennow go to your user & groups tool and create a new group03:46
EagleScreensystemsettings -> users and groups03:46
EagleScreencreate a new group to share files and name the group as you want03:47
EagleScreenbut remember the name03:47
Firefishek, one sec03:47
Firefisheokay, new group created03:48
EagleScreenok, go again to the permissions tab in Desktop folder03:50
Firefishemy own?03:50
Firefishemy own desktop folder?03:51
EagleScreenthere is an area called: Ownership, with a Group: option with a list of groups03:52
Firefisheyes, I see it03:53
adolfohow can i open the amule ports in my ubuntu? i opened in my router and my ADSL modem...03:53
EagleScreendrop it and set the group you have created03:53
EagleScreenadolfo: I think they are already open03:54
adolfohow can i see?03:54
EagleScreenadolfo: not sure03:54
FirefisheEagleScreen: The group I created isn't listed in the drop-down03:55
EagleScreenFirefishe: then you have to re-login in KDE and redo this03:55
EagleScreenadolfo: are you sure the problem is not in your router?03:56
adolfoi think no! because i did with instructions of portforward.com03:57
EagleScreenadolfo: you must specify the TCP port open and the UDP port open for the IP of your computer03:58
adolfoyes, i did03:58
adolfothere is any firewall in ubuntu?03:58
EagleScreenadolfo: some IPS's folter amule default ports, try using others03:59
adolfoi did this03:59
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EagleScreenadolfo: Ubuntu comes with iptables, but amule ports and many other are open by default03:59
adolfo4662 and 4672 is default03:59
EagleScreendid you chnage it already?04:00
olskolircI'm on karmic how do i stop my desktop from getting brighter and dull when I open programs please?04:01
adolfoyes i did04:01
EagleScreenolskolirc: your screen brightness change when you open applications?04:03
olskolircyes EagleScreen04:03
EagleScreenwhich applications?04:03
olskolircall of them EagleScreen04:03
EagleScreenthat is funny04:04
olskolircits annoying me04:04
EagleScreenolskolirc: why still on karmic?04:04
olskolirclucid loses my X more sooner than later and I can't restore X even with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:05
olskolircso I'm back on Karmic04:05
EagleScreenoh I see04:05
EagleScreenwhat is your graphics card? or what is your xorg graphics driver?04:06
olskolircnvidia 6100 and my driver is nvidia-glx-18504:07
EagleScreenwow nvidia issues04:07
EagleScreenwhen screen brightness change, can you restablish it?04:08
olskolirci don't know what you mean EagleScreen it will turn back to normal when I close the program04:10
EagleScreenolskolirc: it happens for instance, with dolphin?04:10
olskolircall of my programs EagleScreen04:10
EagleScreenand when you close all of them and only see the desktop, the brigthness back to normal?04:11
olskolircyes EagleScreen04:12
EagleScreenthis seems a hardware related bug caused by drivers04:12
EagleScreenthis kind of problems hasen't easy to resolve04:13
EagleScreenolskolirc: if you want you can play with xbacklight04:13
olskolircyeah i see on the blogs its not resolved04:13
EagleScreenit is on repository04:13
olskolircill check that out04:13
EagleScreenxbacklight changes the screen brighness04:13
EagleScreenolskolirc: that kind of issues normally are fixed by newer drivers in newer distribution releases04:14
EagleScreenolskolirc: take a look to Kuubntu 10.10 beta if you want and check if it still happens, but first read the known problems of the 10.10beta installer04:15
olskolirci played with Meerkat already04:15
olskolircits going to be a keeper when its done - nice business smooth jazz feel04:15
e_t_olskolirc: I thought that nvidia 7 series was the earliest supported by the 185 driver. Have you tried the 173 driver?04:19
olskolircomg im about to lose my X aren't I e_t_ ? lol04:20
e_t_I may be wrong. You probably shouldn't have X at all if there's a driver mis-match.04:21
olskolircyeah when I lose X I can't even get it back with dpkg-reconfigure04:22
e_t_If X is unstable, you might try the older nvidia driver, just to see if it's better.04:23
olskolircim on Karmic04:24
olskolircI think my system is about outdated for these plasma systems04:24
e_t_The other thing to try when X dies is to remove the hidden lock files.04:25
e_t_My mom's computer runs plasma with effects on a 5200 series.04:25
olskolircyes i read that a bit ago - the ones in ~04:27
e_t_also check /tmp04:27
dan_lhas anyone solved the ol' "my speakers don't mute when I plug in my headphones" problem?04:51
ussher_has anyone installed adobeAIR?  during install it asked for the admin password, and now its asking for the kdewallet password.04:56
ussher_if i give it access to the kdewallet, will it have access to all my passwords IN the wallet, or just store its own password?04:58
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dan_lsooooo my sound stopped working05:28
dan_land I know it's something simple05:29
dan_lbut I can't figure out what it is.05:29
dan_lIt's like the sound is muted somewhere05:30
dan_li just don't know where05:30
=== WnterSolstice81 is now known as Firefishe
Terminushello. can anybody here help me get a zte mf627 modem running on kubuntu? i don't get the wizard that's available on ubuntu in the network manager applet so i can't choose which modem the connection should use.07:48
collabrahave you tried applications>system>hardware drivers   ....   ?07:59
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phoenix_i have enabled the desktop effects which was previously disabled by me. now when i press the kmenu button, the menu opens slowly08:28
phoenix_my graphics card is nvidia 940008:29
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yo_rmnhello. Is there an esay way for me to install Compiz in KDE?08:56
keldronI have a problem... yesterday my browser let me see the script written in php in localhost, but then I made something wrong and now I'm not able to see them anymore. I use Ubuntu 9.10.09:08
andybikerI think I'm going to need some help with this. I am trying to get used to webcontentcontrol. I have 5 users on this guest PC and I want to have two or more levels of web filtering, one strict, one moderate at least09:33
andybikerThe gui seems good at starting and stoping the three processes, but I don't understand how I configure each user settings09:35
andybikerI am using the default confs at the moment09:36
andybikerdoes anyone know anything about dansguardian?09:43
noaXesshi all09:44
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andybikerHI all, how do I set up the login menu to show all users?10:37
James147andybiker: what do you mean by all users?10:38
andybikerI have 5 users on a guest pc and the menu only shows the last person to log in10:39
andybikerAs this is going to only be an occasional pc, I need a fuller listing10:40
andybikerbtw, I have got the hang of webcontentcontrol10:40
James147andybiker: the default theme dosnt have a list ^^ your going to need to find one that does10:43
andybikerIt's strange how some distros do a full list and some don't10:45
James147andybiker: its all to do with  what theme they pick ^^10:46
andybikerThanks James147. I'm going to upgrade to 10.04.1 LTS (whatever that stands for!) and see what theme that gives me. It'll give me a chance to rest a bit after checking parental controls!10:49
James147andybiker: what version are you on now?10:50
andybikerabout 9.10 or something10:50
James147andybiker: :) 10.04 also dosnt have the list... but tis worth an upgrade anyway10:51
andybikerThanks :)10:51
andybikerUpgrading now!10:51
James147andybiker: but its easy to change the theme so shouldnt be a problem :)10:52
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rmnhello, how can I deactivate pass asking when mounting NTFS drive?11:21
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espadan7Hay everyone, Im trying to install the Kde 4.5 backport updates on a fresh install of kubuntu 10.04. But when I add the backport repository is doesn't let me install the kda4.5 updates12:00
Peace-espadan7: mm12:03
Peace-espadan7: open a konsole12:03
Peace-and type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:03
espadan7Thank you, I think that did it =]12:04
Peace-espadan7: problem solved?12:07
espadan7Peace I think so, I'm see them download so yes I think that did it12:07
espadan7Thank you =]12:08
machave kubuntu a german channel?12:33
BluesKajHi folks12:33
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:33
macthanks v3nd3tta``12:33
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
v3nd3tta``np BluesKaj is ever better :D12:33
filip_is there somewhere qtcreator on version 4.7 ? because i use pp: kubuntu backports and qt-sdk have unresolved dependecies12:42
James147filip_: qtcreator 2.0.1 is in the backports, if you want a later version its best to compile it from source12:44
James147or possibaly try the beta ppa...12:45
James147filip_: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/qt-qtcreator-prerelease  << thats probally the best place to get it12:49
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ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:02
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
rek<rek> hi13:12
rek<rek> how can i move an image i pasted onto my picture?13:12
rek<rek> how can i distort it if i have to paste it where i need a perspective...13:12
v3nd3tta``what program are you using?13:13
reki pasted a little image to move13:13
reki don't know how to move it and to modify to paste it on a surface that has a perspective like a wall eg.13:14
v3nd3tta``is the little image still selected? then there should be a 4sided arrow13:14
v3nd3tta``this you can use to move it13:15
v3nd3tta``for perspectives... hmm13:15
v3nd3tta``try to rotate the image (shift+r)13:15
v3nd3tta``rek are you still there? did you get your result you want to have?13:22
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=== Moo is now known as MooB
Connectedhey, I've downloaded kubuntu maverick, and worked fine, now I've just installed last updates and fonts are too big13:31
BluesKajConnected, ask in #ubuntu+113:33
rekv3nd3tta``: i was eating some good fod13:45
rekv3nd3tta``: there's a rectangle13:46
reki'm not able to move the image13:46
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=== James147_ is now known as James147__
rekfound out13:48
reknow perspective?13:48
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reagleI recently changed some proxy settings for Konqie, and now my web shortcuts no longer work in Konqie or rekonq. 'g foo' and 'g:foo' are passed to google literally (or any other default engine I specify), as is any other shortcut. Is there some config file I can delete to reset? Any other hint? This is horrible, it's hard to work without working shorcuts!13:49
v3nd3tta``sorry rek, was afk13:59
v3nd3tta``uhm for pserpective are 2 tools13:59
v3nd3tta``one is rotate (shift+r)14:00
v3nd3tta``and one os for scaling the image and / or for making the quadrat (or what it is)14:00
v3nd3tta``to an parallelogram14:00
v3nd3tta``scaling one side/ making perspective is shift+p is14:01
v3nd3tta``or to shear the layer there is shift+s14:01
v3nd3tta``gl on your project :)14:01
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rekgl ?14:02
=== ghost is now known as rgreening
rekshear i'll try14:02
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HiddenHeroDHhi. someone know if i can install pgf90 command how fortran compiler?14:19
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t0nii jus install KDE and it says cant start ksmserver  and goes back to the session page14:54
t0niim in ubuntu i have a lot of window managers installed too14:56
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:57
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t0nii tried sudo apt-get a new ksmserver but it doesnt exist14:58
t0nithis is a 450MHz PII wif 256 ram a ATI allinwonder card 32megs15:00
t0ni14" LCD :)15:01
machello i can't use strg+alt+1-7 to switch the screens and alt+f2 will also dosen't work. what can i do to activate it?15:01
James147mac: launch "krunner"  to get alt+f2  to work15:02
macand why dosen't work strg+alt+1?15:04
James147mac: dont know what the strg key is...15:05
macoh sry - german layout :) the control key15:05
t0niit makes u stronger :P15:05
macthe key left from this ugly window logo key15:06
MaxDamageBlah, my CPU overheated and my PC shut down in the middle of a driver installation.15:07
MaxDamageHow bad is this? :P15:07
MaxDamage(yes, I did regenerate the xorg.conf file)15:07
Koliait should be OK, it's not windows :)15:08
MaxDamageI'll just wait till the evening, when it's cooler around.15:08
MaxDamageGah, gotta change my thermal grase, but I'm too lazy ;p15:09
macput the pc into the fridge15:09
MaxDamagemac, condensation is an enemy of electronics ;D15:10
machmm okay15:10
macwhich tool give me the uuid from a hdd?15:20
alvinmac: blkid15:21
macthank you15:21
v3nd3tta``blkid /dev/sda<yourdrive>15:21
t0niit said this - -desktop:~$ ksmserver15:23
t0niNVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run.15:23
t0niThe current CPU does not support SSE.15:23
t0nii have a ATI card :/15:24
v3nd3tta``MaxDamage if the driver doesn't install corretly, you should try remove it and then reinstall15:25
machttp://pastebin.com/pZH4KmKr what is wrong? i will mount a ext3 formated hdd15:26
MaxDamagev3nd3tta``: Thanks for the tip. :)15:26
James147mac: those errors dont look harmful... i get them with all qt apps :D15:28
t0nikdebase-workspace-bin is already the newest version.15:28
James147mac: (what are you trying to run?)15:28
maci try to open the hdd with doplhin15:29
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James147mac: and what error does it give? (assuming its not working?)15:30
James147mac: hmm... just tryed, seems something has broken since the last time i tryed :(15:31
James147(and thats an anoyingly unhelpfull error :( )15:32
machmm i have the hdd write into the fstab and now i will reboot and than i look what it say wenn ich go on the hdd15:32
macnow i can use my hdd15:35
James147mac: thats because the hdd is being mounted at boot, not by kde15:36
James147(assumiong you added an entry for it to fstab)15:36
macyes i have15:36
v3nd3tta``if you would have done mount <hdd number> it would be the same15:37
James147mac: what version of kde are you using?15:37
t0niim removing kde15:44
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carlosjralguem é do brazil aí?16:45
Pici!br | carlosjr16:47
ubottucarlosjr: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:47
MaxDamageWhat's a good CPU temperature monitor? :)16:48
overfiendCan someone please please please tell me the deb address of the maverick proposed repository? I've searched high and low and I can't for the life of me find it anywhere16:51
James147overfiend: see #ubuntu+116:52
overfiendThank you16:53
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dk12548i increased the dpi of my screen16:58
dk12548but they didnt worked16:58
dk12548what should i do ???16:58
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muimotaI am just able to listen sound in phonon test . Not in amarok or flash17:31
muimotais really strange17:31
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jmichaelxmuimota: do you also have gnome installed?17:39
muimotajmichaelx: nop17:40
jmichaelxmuimota: so you probably do not have pulseaudio installed either?17:41
muimotajmichaelx: I don't have pulseaudio server pacakge installed17:42
muimotajmichaelx: should I install it?17:42
jmichaelxmuimota: ok, i was obviously wondering about a possible phonon/pulseaudio conflict.17:43
jmichaelxmuimota: i am not saying you should install it. however, if you did install pulseaudio, and configured all of your audio settings to use pulseaudio, that would likely be one way to get audio working for all of your apps17:44
muimotajmichaelx: I haven't installed anything it is a fresh install (I installed few days ago)17:46
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:47
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Guest93095hi peopĺe18:17
Guest93095i need irc brasil18:18
Guest93095to linux18:18
=== Guest93095 is now known as linuxfx
linuxfxhelp please18:19
linuxfxi never use ric18:19
linuxfxand cant no talk english18:20
v3nd3tta``what language you can talk then? just brazil - spain?18:22
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:22
linuxfxty so much18:22
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
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Khaoticwhat is a vnc server that is easy to config18:35
m_tadeuhi...sometimes plasma locks for a few seconds18:37
Khaoticwhat is a vnc server that is easy to config18:53
mblackm1is there any wat to perk up kubuntu on an old laptop (dell c840)19:05
Khaoticmy kubuntu is on an old laptop19:06
mblackm1you have kucid lynx?19:06
mblackm1lucid even19:07
mblackm1lucid lynx ?19:07
mblackm1i am new to kubuntu from most recently suse 11.219:08
Picimblackm1: Khaotic wants to know what version of Kubuntu you installed.19:09
mblackm1sorry i thought the cut little names were all i needed to know19:10
Picimblackm1: Er, I addressed the wrong person :P19:10
PiciKhaotic: mblackm1 wants to know whav ersion of Kubuntu you isntalled.19:11
Pici10.04 = lucid19:11
PiciOkay then.19:11
mblackm1that was fun19:13
mblackm1is there any way to perk up kubuntu on an old laptop (dell c840)?19:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:14
mblackm1no one wanna chime in?19:17
mblackm1is there any way to perk up kubuntu on an old laptop (dell c840)?19:18
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mblackm1is there any way to perk up kubuntu on an old laptop (dell c840)?19:28
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
mblackm1this sucks i am heading back to suse20:07
harjotWhere are the backgrounds i download stored?? from get new wallpapers??20:17
jussimblackm1: see ya. Hope suse is good for you. (if you now repeat whatever your question was, maybe we can help...20:22
harjotWhere are the backgrounds i download stored using get new wallpapers??20:23
jussiharjot: /.kde/share/wallpapers/20:26
harjotjussi: Lol i just found that out20:26
harjotjussi: Thx20:26
jussino probs20:26
FloodBotK2v3nd3tta``: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:44
javielilloHas somebody tried successfully the "share" widget feature between computers?20:45
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v3nd3tta``where are the quassel scripts located?21:02
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DaskreechHello I'm having an issue with the restoration of my network devices on a live USB Anyone has any troubleshooting steps I can run through?21:18
Daskreechchuckf: thanls21:20
Lars_Gyou know, I gotta give thanks that unity is borked for maverick on my netbook.21:23
Lars_GIt gave me the opportunity to try the new kde... and it's really good21:23
Lars_GSo I'm back on my beloved kde :D21:24
Lars_GTell me something. In the netbook plasma setup, is there any way on the activity bar to remove Page one? I want more taskbar real estate for icons, and I don't care about using Page one21:25
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DaskreechWelkome bakk Lars_G21:35
rehnI upgraded to 4.5.1 on 10.04 with the backport repository. Now I can't log out of my sessions. Pressing the log out buttons does nothing! Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing. What is wrong?21:38
Lars_Gthanks :D21:38
Lars_GI have some foobars, but it's expected on a beta21:38
Lars_Gfor example I want to murder akonadi21:39
Lars_GAnd, the system is slightly slower on my netbook, but that's life21:42
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Daskreechrehn: I think they disabled alt+ctrl+del since it confuses people21:49
rehnOK. What actually happens when you press one of the "logout" buttons? How can I see what goes wrong? The only way to end my session now is to kill some appropriate process.21:50
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* Daskreech doesn't have KDE 4.5 :(22:04
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Freddy2it's only me or 4.5.0 neither 4.5.1 can't be used yet in 64 bit systems?22:09
DaskreechFreddy2: as in it's unusuable or uninstallable ?22:10
Freddy2updates seem to be blocked, right?22:11
Freddy2i did read something about it in the packaging post of the web, about 4.5.0 and 64 bit systems, but don't know if the problem was related to 64 bit only22:12
=== Earthwings_ is now known as Earthwings
Freddy2and if i've read correctly there is some kind of problem with dolphing and the way it gets metadata from files in 4.5.1.. it seems to be a bit laggy22:13
Freddy2right now that's all i know22:13
Daskreechclaydoh: ping22:14
analexhow do I log on to a wireless in range?22:14
claydohDaskreech: pong!22:14
Daskreechanalex: There is a network icon in the tray click on it iand it shows the wireless in the area click on the one you want22:14
Daskreechclaydoh: is KDE 4.5.1 locked for 64 bit systems?22:14
analexthat's the thing, It's not showing the network tthat is in range.. Ii have my wireless router right beside me, and it's not showing....22:15
claydohDaskreech: locked? dunno, do you mean not available?22:15
* Daskreech points at Freddy222:16
Daskreechapparently for some people it is claydoh22:16
Walzmynanalex: you click the "other networks" option?22:16
Daskreechanalex: It has enable wireless checked?22:16
analexI see disable wireless highlited..22:17
claydohFreddy2: Daskreech I am not aware of it, tho for some people dolphin can lock for a time due to a dbus issue, but it is not universal and not specific to 64 bit22:17
Freddy2hmm if i click on "mark all updates" (synaptic) no kde updates are marked, and if i select them manually synaptic tries to remove the current stuff before installing the new one.. i think it means updates are locked, but might be another problem here22:18
claydohFreddy2: can you try with apt-get dist-upgrade to see any possible errors?22:19
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Freddy2uff, 10 removes, 25 or so new packets, and a lot of updates22:21
Freddy2this is what apt-get is telling me22:21
Freddy2this is the output http://pastebin.com/mYvtYTSY22:23
claydohFreddy2: sounds about right, there are a number of packages to be removed as their contents are now in other packages22:24
Daskreechanalex: Enable it?22:24
Freddy2well, let's see if it crashes XD22:25
analexsince the enable is hot hilighted, wouldn't that mean that it is enabled??//22:26
claydohFreddy2: it shouldn't :)22:26
Freddy2errors when processing libqt4-help22:39
Freddy2we'll see what happens after reboot (i've forced the install)22:39
Freddy2thx for the help22:39
BigCI need some help with flash and sound. When ever i visit a website that has flash on it, the sound does not work. The video works fine, but there is no audio. Even after reinstalling flash, it does not work.22:47
mblackm1how can i restart x w/o restarting machine?22:49
claydohmblackm1: restart kdm, ie logout, and in one of the buttons at the bottom of the login screen, you can select to restart xserver22:51
claydohmblackm1: or you can from an alt-f1 teminal restart kdm:22:51
claydohsudo service kdm restart22:52
illunaticdid adept get dropped or something?23:01
illunatici just did a clean install and it disappeared23:01
claydohillunatic: adept is still availabe in the repos but has not been the default package manager for a number of releases23:02
mblackm1ok i asked wrong question23:03
illunaticis packagekit default?23:03
mblackm1how can i disable the nvidia driver from alternate terminal?23:03
illunatici liked being able to search for packages through the gui like that23:03
mblackm1x hasnt worked since i installed proprietary driver23:04
mblackm1how can i disable the nvidia driver from alternate terminal?23:07
mblackm1x hasnt worked since i installed proprietary driver23:07
claydohillunatic: yes, unfortunately23:07
mblackm1nvidia driver23:07
claydohillunatic: try this new one being created by a Kubuntu developer:23:09
illunaticwhat do i open the APT file with?23:10
claydohillunatic: or try the old-standby synapptiv23:10
claydoherrr synaptic as another package manager23:10
illunatici just want to install flash player in firefox. it wasn't a problem before23:11
claydohillunatic: you should just double-click a deb file and it will install23:11
claydohillunatic: install package flashplugin-installer iirc23:11
illunaticbut i can't double click because i can't just download it. i have to open and specify what to open it with because adobe is ghey23:11
claydohmblackm1: srry looking for a link on removing nvidia23:11
analexis there a way to get kubuntu to upgrade to a later version??23:12
illunaticoic i have to use the older one23:13
claydohmblackm1: one link:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia23:14
illunaticso amarok has alaso been removed23:15
BajKis it just me or is KDE 4.5.1's dolphin highly unstable?23:15
illunaticmy system went from working great to barely working23:15
* illunatic complains23:15
MaxDamageIs a reboot necessary when installing new drivers or just a restart of the X environment?23:16
claydohBajK: in Lucid there is, involving a dbus problem23:17
claydohillunatic: amarok was never removed, still default23:17
illunatichm wonder why it and adept jsut disappear during the upgrade to 10.04?23:17
illunaticit's never done that before23:18
analexillunatic, how do you upgrade to 10,04? you have to install it from the cd??23:18
illunaticyeah i have a 8.10 DVD and have to upgrade from there23:18
claydohillunatic: analex: upgrading from before 9.10 iirc is not supported23:19
BajKclaydoh: especially when dealing with a large amount of images and enabled preview it tends to freeze quite often, especially if i have split view and drag images areound23:19
illunaticwth did i but this dvd for >_<23:20
BajKor sometimes I open an image and then dolphin just closes and that crash dialog appears23:20
analexhow do I know what version   I have??23:20
claydohBajK: crashes I dunno, temp lockups are known to happen23:22
BajKclaydoh: well since I upgraded to 4.5.1 it frequently just freezes (when dragging images in split view and having preview enabled and lots of images in that folder displayed) or when I open a wndow it just closes with that KDE crash dialog23:24
claydohanalex: you can check KDE version in any KDE help button, or run uname -r to check kernel version23:24
illunaticBajK: it totally destroyed my system. hence the re-install23:24
claydohBajK: that is proba the dbus issue23:24
illunaticwhich isn't working out so far.23:25
BajKclaydoh: weird. and another question. Today i started my PC and then I had TWO klipper icons in my systemtray23:25
BajKthe old one with that clipboard symbol and the new black and white scissors23:25
BajKi closed klipper and restarted it and then I just got the scissors23:25
CyberShadowHello. This is how gitk looks like by default in a fresh Kubuntu 10.04 VM. Does anyone know how to fix it? http://dump.thecybershadow.net/5994b35e40b7db362b13eb9b08ee47fa/0000064D.png23:27
CyberShadowgit gui has similar problems, so I guess it's a problem for all Tcl/Tk apps23:28
claydohBajK: that black one is an extra "paste" plasmoid, not klipper - you can remove that by right-click on the tray, systray settings - extra items -de-select 'paste'23:28
BajKclaydoh: it was clipper.23:28
BajKIt opened the same context menu as the scissors23:28
BajKI thought that at first23:28
BajKbut it was klipper ;)23:28
BajKwow I am impressed! They fixed that annoying systray bug where the system tray popup closes because of buggy tray entries23:29
BajKHow can I prevent kbluetooth of running everytime I start my pc?23:29
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:29
BajKevery application offers me when closing to not start again but kbluetooth does not23:29
claydohBajK: uninstall all the bluetooth bits is safe and easy23:30
BajKclaydoh: is there a less "drastic" way?23:30
claydohI think so, but it isn't drastic if you don't have or need bt23:31
BajKok just removed kbluetooth23:31
BajKbut it should still be disableable23:31
claydohgimme a sec, I know where to find out how23:31
MaxDamageOkay, how do I bring back the xorg.conf defaults? I just installed nVidia's proprietary driver, but my grahpics did not work at all. (Black screen, no response)23:32
claydohBajK: agreeed, but it isnt :(23:32
MaxDamageCurrently my graphics are in safe mode (deleted xorg.conf)23:32
BajKclaydoh: okay just removed "kbluetooth". Can't KDE - how modern it is -just detect whether I actually do have bluetooth hardware? I think there are 90% of people running kbluetooth without even having bluetooth hardware or knowing that it is runnign23:33
claydohI bet it is more than you think , worldwide - just have to find someone who wants to code something to do this23:34
=== hudson_ is now known as FodoX
claydohMaxDamage: the liks you brought up should tell you all you need, iirc I think you need to 'run sudo nvidia-xconfig' to regenerate the xorg.conf23:35
illunatickbluetooth was removed during upgrades for me23:35
* claydoh eats pizza now23:35
claydohillunatic: you must be upgrading fom unsupported version I bet23:36
MaxDamageclaydoh: Running nvidia-xconfig caused my graphics not to work :)23:36
* claydoh really eats pizza now23:36
MaxDamageHow do I install the nv driver?23:36
MaxDamageUsually works really well with my card23:37
illunaticyeah as you mentioned earlier, upgrading from 8.10 is no longer supported yeah?23:37
illunaticwonder what method i should use to upgrade?23:37
illunaticjust create an install disk?23:37
illunaticguess i'll give that a shot and see the result23:37
MaxDamageReverting to "mesa" driver. Back in 2 minutes. (Hopefully)23:39
MaxDamageI failed. :(23:40
=== pixel__ is now known as JarhK
* BajK is really looking forward to Kubuntu 10.10's multitouch abilities. I hope they work well in KDE and not just ubuntu23:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:49
MaxDamagePlain and simple, how do I install the Free driver "nv" instead of using Mesa?23:50
BajKman, why do queue entries disappear if I filter songs in playlist?23:53
BajKif I enter "clowns" and then mark that song to play next, then I enter "metal" for a metallica song, the mark on clowns is gone23:53

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