
beunobdmurray, you can override values00:00
beunodo you have a pastebin or something more tangible?00:00
bdmurraybeuno: https://pastebin.canonical.com/36841/ unsub-icon uses an absolute position which doesn't really work for me00:01
beunobdmurray, so you can either create a new class and use that, or add an id in that td, and create a new css entry that does something like:  #new-id .unsub-icon {position:relative;}00:04
bdmurraybeuno: I believe there is some magic javascript that unsub-icon has for unsubscribing from a bug.  would that be lost?00:05
beunobdmurray, nope, the javascript would still find that class, should be fine00:05
beunowell, fine if you use the second option, of course  :)00:06
beunooverriding the specific option via CSS rather than creating a new one00:06
bdmurraybeuno: great, thanks!00:06
lifelessspm: here again ?00:10
spmlifeless: yurs; but gettnig handover atm00:12
lifelesswhen you have that done please ping me00:14
lifelesstracking down this 10second overhead in staging.00:15
lifelessof course, getting stating going again is a precursor00:15
=== Edwin is now known as Guest66225
wallyworld_thumper: afaict, the only way to change a review type is to delete and re-create the merge proposal? resubmitting doesn't allow review type to be edited01:35
thumperwallyworld_: just request another with UI specified01:36
thumperwallyworld_: there is a link 'request another review'01:36
wallyworld_thumper: np, just wanted to check that i wasn't supposed to be able to just edit the current record01:36
thumperwallyworld_: well... kinda01:36
thumperwallyworld_: but not well01:37
* thumper heading afk01:37
=== poolie_ is now known as poolie
lifelesszomg Product:EntryResource:get_timeline - 2400 queries03:58
thumperlifeless: eh?04:05
lifelesslp net oops summary04:08
mwhudsonthat's quite a lot of queries04:29
jtvlifeless: too late for Performance Tuesday, but you might be interested in bug 63288004:46
jtvwgrant: I think it's time I updated the translation templates build stuff05:03
wgrantjtv: To the new schema?05:09
jtvwgrant: yes05:09
wgrantYes please.05:09
jtvOne thing that seems needed is a TranslationTemplatesBuild.05:10
jtvDoes that mean I can ditch TranslationTemplatesBuildJob?05:11
wgrantYou still need something like it.05:12
wgrantFor now.05:12
wgrantSince we're still using the old queue mechanism, until you move across.05:12
wgrantBut eventually you can ditch it, yes.05:13
jtvBut first I'll make it refer to a BuildFarmJob instead of a BuildFarmJobOld?05:14
jtvOr is that just a matter of  removing _set_build_farm_job?05:14
wgrantjtv: TranslationTemplatesBuildJob continues to derive from BuildFarmJobOldDerived.05:15
wgrantYou then need a new TranslationTemplatesBuild(BuildFarmJobDerived)05:16
wgrantYes, this sucks, but it wasn't meant to last for more than a few weeks.05:16
wgrantHm, Maverick's not bad.05:18
jtvwgrant: how will I know that I've got a working new setup, as opposed to still leaning on the old one?05:19
wgrantjtv: At this stage you pretty much just need a BuildFarmJob, I think.05:21
jtvoh cool05:21
wgrantThen we can migrate the queueing stuff to that, and dismantle the other infrastructure.... and work out what else needs to be moved before we can do that.05:22
wgrantI'm not entirely sure of Soyuz plans for the next step. noodles did the work, so he might.05:22
wgrantBut the important thing now is that we get all jobs into BuildFarmJob, so we can kill off BuildQueue. Then we no longer need the BQ<->build link objects like TTBJ, SPRBJ and BPJ, and we can destroy them at our leisure.05:24
jtvI guess Job also drops completely out of the picture05:25
jtvGoing to be fun cleaning up that forest of job/branchjob/buildqueue cross-references05:26
jtvI suppose I also need a factory for my new class.05:26
wgrantFor the moment, yes, Job is pretty much out of it.05:26
wgrantBut once it's completely out of it, most of BuildFarmJob will be replaced with a new Job reference.05:27
wgrantBut that's easy to do without attacking BFJ users too much.05:27
wgrantAnd probably better than having multiple Jobs for each BFJ, as we would if we made that change now.05:27
jtvI can see how it makes sense.05:28
mwhudsonwgrant: how did we end up in the position of needing to kill off BQ now, rather than when we changed everything else?05:28
wgrantmwhudson: I don't recall exactly. But I think it partly stemmed from not wanting to have persistent objects for some job types (Translations, in particular).05:30
mwhudsonwgrant: oh, while still wanting to have them for packagebuilds?05:30
wgrantAnd some were quite attached to BQ at the time.05:30
wgrantmwhudson: Right.05:30
wgrantSo we couldn't have a persistent BuildFarmJob.05:30
wgrantSo it couldn't replace BuildQueue.05:30
wgrantHowever, the objections to removing BuildQueue have now evaporated.05:30
wgrantSo we can make everything a BuildFarmJob, and remove BuildQueue.05:30
wgrantAnd lots of other stuff.05:30
wgrantWhich shouldn't really have been there in the first place :)05:31
mwhudsonsounds a bit like taking the long way around05:31
mwhudsonbut if it results in deleting code, i guess i'm happy05:31
wgrantIt certainly is the very, very long way around.05:32
wgrantBut opinions now seem different from what they were in Wellington, so the new, sane structure can prevail.05:32
jtvLet the record show that I argued violently against sanity in any shape or form.05:34
jtvwgrant: where and when should I produce TranslationTemplateBuild objects?05:35
wgrantjtv: Wherever you're producing TranslationTemplateBuildJobs now.05:35
jtvProduce both for the time being?05:36
wgrantjtv: The existing builds have a makeJob method which creates the BuildQueue and *BuildJob.05:36
jtvOr stop producing TTBJs now?05:36
jtvSo I should mimick that?05:36
wgrantAh, in fact that's on the interface.05:36
wgrantSo, yes.05:36
jtvOK, this sounds treacherously simple.05:37
spmheya jtv, wgrant05:38
jtvhi spm05:38
wgrantHi spm.05:39
wgrantHm, massive downtime for the rollout... does this mean the Lucid upgrade is happening?05:40
spmwell. more of it.05:40
spmno, that'll stay on 8.305:41
lifelessjtv: thanks05:51
lifelesswgrant: SPOF upgrades e.g. librarian to lucid05:51
lifelessjtv: yes, I'd seen that; depending on caching is fragile and undesirable05:52
wgrantlifeless: librarian really shouldn't be a SPOF. But OK.05:53
lifelesswgrant: agreed. And yet, it is.05:53
lifelesswgrant: there are two instances running, but one disk store and one machine.05:53
jtvlifeless, re caching: true, though I can't think of anything better we have at the moment…  but would you agree that what I suggest is an improvement?05:54
jtvThere seems to be a pattern in the librarian of dealing with LibraryFileAlias ids where it should probably deal with LibraryFileAlias objects instead.05:55
jtvMaybe in some cases that could let us avoid querying the objects, in which case it's not necessarily bad.  But again that sort of optimization will be fragile.05:58
=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
lifelessthe main thing is to make sure you don't introduce the possibility of accidental DB access in the librarian server.06:44
lifelessother than, sure06:45
wgrantjelmer: In your b-m upload branch, are you deliberately not passing the buildid into the policy any more?07:40
wgrantIt should still work, but I'm a little doubtful that activating the guessing logic is a stunning idea.07:41
wgrantI want to remove all that logic RSN, since mixed uploads are gone.07:41
wgrantIt is going to let people do some pretty damn confusing stuff if they want to.08:02
wgrantBut I don't think it actually opens up any security holes.08:03
wgrantIt also won't unset the upload log any more, but that might be done by the retry.08:03
wgrantWell, no major security holes.08:05
gmbnoodles775, Morning. What's the story with your branch for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/611568? Can you get it into PQM before 12:00 UTC do you think?08:35
_mup_Bug #611568: Suppress email notification for SCA P3A subscriptions <software-center> <trivial> <Soyuz:In Progress by michael.nelson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/611568>08:35
spmha. landed in pqm 2 minutes later. rofl.08:41
noodles775gmb: yeah, I've got it on the pqm queue again now (it was rejected earlier).08:42
noodles775Ah, great :)08:42
noodles775Still on the queue afaics.08:42
gmbnoodles775, Cool.08:45
adeuringgood morning08:53
wgrantbigjools: Have recipe builds been tested on DF with the build upload processor branch?09:11
wgrantI don't see how they can work....09:11
bigjoolswgrant: jelmer says yes09:19
noodles775gmb: landed with r976009:20
wgrantBut the buildid isn't being passed in any more, AFAICS :/09:20
* wgrant tries.09:20
bigjoolshe made it part of the directory leaf name09:20
wgrantBut it's not put in the upload policy.09:20
jelmerwgrant, why would it need to be in the upload policy?09:25
wgrantjelmer: Er, options, not policy, sorry.09:25
wgrantjelmer: Binary and source uploads look in options.buildid to work out which build they're working on.09:26
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
jelmerwgrant: If options.builds is set they extract the build id from the directory name, and ignore options.buildid09:27
wgrantjelmer: Binary builds will guess which build to use, and will create one if it's not found (which users can abuse).09:27
wgrantjelmer: Even BinaryUploadFile.findBuild?09:27
wgrantAnd DSCFile.findBuild?09:27
wgrantDSCFile.findBuild will just not do anything if it's not set.09:27
wgrantWhich should result in failedtoupload SPRBs.09:27
wgrant(why yes, this is a completely revolting way of doing things, but that's how it is :/)09:28
* jelmer investigates09:29
wgrantI'm trying to test locally.09:29
wgrantBut Maverick doesn't like me too much.09:29
jelmersome of Aarons leftover sourcerecipebuilds ran through dogfood while this branch was there09:33
wgrantjelmer: I can't see any... are they not under his recipe?09:38
wgrantI think it may be broken in other ways as well.09:45
jelmerwgrant: How?09:48
wgrantjelmer: It doesn't unset BuildQueue.builder when it sets the status to UPLOADING.09:49
wgrantSO when buildd-manager comes around again, it resets it and starts building it again.09:49
wgrant(because it thinks the builder has forgotten it)09:49
wgrantSo it retries.09:50
wgrantAnd then the upload is skipped, since the status isn't UPLOADING.09:50
jelmerwgrant: Argh, I see.09:50
wgrantOnce I"ve fixed that, process-upload then crashes.09:50
wgrantzope.security.interfaces.ForbiddenAttribute: ('date_finished', <lp.code.model.sourcepackagerecipebuild.SourcePackageRecipeBuild object at 0xa2d720c>)09:50
wgrantThat occurs in the path that's executed if the build isn't FULLYBUILT at the end.09:51
wgrantWhich means that it is indeed finding the build properly.09:51
wgrantSo, 3 issues:09:51
jelmerwgrant: I think I know what broke it :-/ I Made some changes friday after tests came back and moved the destroying of the buildqueue record from buildmaster to uploadprocessor.09:51
wgrant 1) b-m needs to dequeue the build somehow, to prevent forgotten build handling from kicking in.09:52
wgrant 2) processBuildUpload needs to set options.buildid, or something to that effect.09:52
wgrant 3) processBuildUpload's date_finished setting falls afoul of security for SPRBs.09:53
wgrantThe first two are fatal.09:53
wgrantThe third is probably not absolutely critical.09:53
wgrantUm, s/indeed finding/indeed not finding/ a few lines ago.09:54
gmbnoodles775, Thanks (Sorry, completely missed your ping)09:54
wgrantOnce I fix date_finished, it fails with a DB perm error when trying to read sourcepackagerecipe to send a failure notification.09:56
wgrantAnd then it can't delete the SPRBJ.09:57
wgrantAlso... what about the upload log?10:00
wgrantThat doesn't exist any more.10:00
gmbjelmer, What's the situation with your https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/506256 branch? I know I rc'd it yesterday, but that m-p has disappeared. Does that mean that you're not oging to try and land it before release?10:36
_mup_Bug #506256: Remove Popen from buildstatus_OK <buildfarm> <Soyuz:Triaged by jelmer> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/506256>10:36
jelmergmb: It's gone through ec2 successfully last night but wgrant has pointed out some issues with it wrt sourcepackagerecipebuilds that I'm currently investigating10:37
wgrant(not just SPRBs, but OK)10:37
gmbjelmer, Okay. Realistically, then, is it going to make the PQM deadline (~13:00 UTC)?10:38
jelmergmb: I doubt it will. :-/10:39
gmbjelmer, Hmm. How critical is it that it gets rolled out tomorrow morning? Can it wait to be CP'd or re-rolled?10:40
jelmergmb: The branch itself or the issues wgrant has found? The issues are definitely blockers for landing it; it should be possible to CP it.10:43
gmbjelmer, So, just to be absolutely clear: The branch itself is not a rollout blocker per se and can be CP'd instead, yes?10:43
gmb(Or rather the bug it fixes is not a blocker)10:43
jelmergmb: Yes, the bug it fixes is not a blocker though it should land sooner rather than later because it should significantly speed up the builddmanager.10:46
gmbjelmer, Okay, thanks.10:46
gmbjelmer, We'll hopefully open PQM up once we've determined which revision to roll out, so you should be able to land this later and then request a CP for it.10:47
gmbjelmer, I'll let you know.10:47
jelmergmb: Thanks.10:47
wgrantNo re-roll freeze this time? Awesome.10:47
gmbwgrant, Hopefully. We'll see.10:47
bigjoolswgrant: spot the oddness: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490282/11:33
wgrantbigjools: superseded by nothing?11:34
mwhudsonsuperseded by itself?11:35
bigjoolsit's gcalctool11:35
bigjoolsyes to both of those11:35
bigjoolsand it build in maverick, yet appears in lucid11:35
wgrantsuperseded by itself is reasonable.11:35
wgrantHappens on overrides.11:35
wgrantor double-copies.11:35
bigjoolswe have terrible auditing of these actions :(11:36
wgrantwe do.11:36
wgrantBut it's normally possible to work out exactly what happened.11:36
wgrantWhat's the problem here?11:36
wgrantIt just looks like someone copied it from Maverick primary to a Lucid PPA, twice.11:36
bigjoolsI am trying to delete the sparc/ia64 BPRs built in maverick, but they're in lucid too11:37
wgranta ha ha.11:37
bigjoolsah balls, I didn't spot the archive difference11:37
bigjoolsI hate this data model sometimes11:39
wgrantApart from making it hard to do evil things like deleting DASes.11:39
gmbnoodles775, Since https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/217644 is on edge and nothing appears to be broken, can it be marked qa-ok?11:40
_mup_Bug #217644: ResultSet aggregates do not respect distinct option <qa-needstesting> <tech-debt> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by michael.nelson> <Storm:Fix Released by jamesh> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/217644>11:40
gmbjtv, Can https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/629442 be marked qa-ok since it's a test-suite only thing?11:42
_mup_Bug #629442: FakeLibrarian: create returns alias.id instead of alias <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by jtv> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/629442>11:42
jtvgmb: didn't we go over this yesterday?11:42
gmbjtv, Er. Don't think so.11:42
bigjoolswgrant: it's not been designed as much as evolved and it makes it too hard to do anything11:43
gmbMaybe we did and I've forgotten.11:43
jtvAh, that was deryck perhaps.11:43
jtvgmb: anyway, yes, it's either qa-ok or qa-untestable depending on your pov11:43
bigjoolswgrant: my main beef is the strife when writing apparently simple queries to get info11:43
bigjoolsand the lack of auditing11:43
jtvgmb: if the tests pass, that is the only QA that applies.11:43
gmbjtv, Call it -ok then. The test suite didn't blow up.11:43
gmbI call that a win11:43
noodles775gmb: Sure, I think its safe to mark qa-ok, but we could QA it on staging if/when its ready if necessary.11:44
noodles775gmb: sorry, wrong bug.11:45
noodles775gmb: yes, that's fine.11:45
gmbnoodles775, Okay. I'll change it. Thanks.11:45
jtvnoodles775, while I have you: I finally followed up on your review.  With apologies for the delay.11:45
noodles775jtv: yes, I saw... I was hoping I could leave it for tomorrow when I'm OCR if it's not urgent... is that OK with you?11:47
jtvnoodles775: no worries11:47
gmbadeuring, I'm looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/618849 and whilst it's on edge, ISTR you talking with seb yesterday about timeouts when accessing attachments. Is that anything to do with this bug, do you think?11:47
_mup_Bug #618849: Timeout accessing bugs' attachments using the API <qa-needstesting> <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Committed by lifeless> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/618849>11:47
noodles775jtv: great, thanks.11:47
adeuringgmb: no, seb's problem is about uploading attachments, while this bug is about accessing existing attachment11:48
gmbadeuring, Okay, thanks. Do you think you might be able to take the time to QA that bug against edge (since staging's down)?11:49
gmbIf you don't have time, I'll find someone else for it, it's just that you're here :)11:49
adeuringgmb: no i can do that11:49
gmbadeuring, Excellent, thanks.11:49
wgrantbigjools: don't you have queries from the hppa/lpia removals?11:55
bigjoolsonly the ones where we set the status to deleted11:55
bigjoolsbut later we had to delete with extreme prejudice because of arch-any uploads11:56
wgrantarch-all, you mean?11:56
wgrantarch-any should be dealt with by the chroot removal.11:56
bigjoolsmaybe, I aways get them confused :/11:56
wgrantHeh, everyone does.11:56
wgrantSo you Delete them, wait for p-dr to kick them out of the archive, DELETE them, then remove the dists tree etc.?11:57
bigjoolsbasically yes11:57
* bigjools books another flight to Dallas and sighs heavily11:58
adeuringgmb: the fix for the bug seems to be good12:00
gmbadeuring, Awesome, thanks12:01
gmbbigjools, Another flight? How many times are you going?12:01
deryckMorning, all.12:01
bigjoolsgmb: once was enough, and now we have to go again12:01
gmbbigjools, Ah, as in you're booking for t'Epic.12:02
bigjoolsgmb: yarp12:05
bigjoolswe need to stop calling it that12:06
bigjools the original 2 week one was *the* epic12:06
* gmb wanders off to get some vittles12:07
gmb\0/ We can has staging!12:59
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
gmbdanilos, henninge, I see 2 items still qa-needstesting on Translations. Do they both need LOSA attention? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bugs?field.tag=qa-needstesting13:24
danilosgmb, one is done, one needs both well working staging and perhaps a bit of LOSA help13:27
daniloshenninge, can you qa-ok 597539 please? :)13:27
henningeah, there is a working staging now ...13:28
gmbdanilos, henninge: But no working LOSA for another 30 minutes :)13:28
gmbBut thanks anyway; please let me know as soon as everything's qa'd13:28
* gmb just noticed the Rosetta 10.09 release name.13:30
henningeIt's only fitting seeing Launchpad's release name ...13:32
gmb\0/ 30 minutes out from the PQM deadline, no branches in the queue and the builds are GREEN. Win.13:34
gmbnoodles775, What will it take to QA your branch now that it's landed? Push the new code to staging, bounce the appserver and then have a LOSA help you poke it?13:37
salgadobac, is there a process to apply as a UI reviewer for LP?13:41
bacsalgado: rockstar is the defacto UI reviewer go-to guy.  so i'd just ask him and get a mentor13:41
salgadobac, cool, thanks13:42
salgadorockstar, so, how do I get a mentor? :)13:43
henningedanilos: Here is the new code in action: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/deluge/1.2/+pots/deluge/de/7/+translate13:50
henningedanilos: compare that with the production version. The external suggestion comes from a different po file.13:50
daniloshenninge, right, I see that, but I am not sure what are you trying to tell me? :)13:52
henningeJust to see that the new code is working (and not breaking) ....13:52
henningedanilos: nm, continue what you were doing13:53
daniloshenninge, heh, I already trusted you on that, but thanks :)13:53
henningeI just thought it was neat to see it at work.13:54
henningedanilos: just saw this13:58
henningenot related to my branch as it is on production13:58
henningedanilos: two "Used in" statements for the same template ...13:58
henningeargh, nm13:58
henningedifferent series13:58
henningedanilos: but on edge ... :(13:59
henningedanilos: two "Used in" statements for the same pofile...13:59
daniloshenninge, right, that could be due to is_current flags set and divergences or is_imported messages (they are all listed as just "used in")14:01
daniloshenninge, suggestions code has never been nicely updated for message sharing, so it's just a bunch of hacks14:01
henningethat's reassuring14:03
henningedanilos: ah yes, it is diverged:14:05
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
daniloshenninge, yeah, it's not reassuring, but that's why we really need to fix up all the crap that +translate page is behind the scenes :)14:06
henningedanilos: also, we still have a sequence number problem ... the magnifiying glass takes you to messge 21 ...14:06
henningeI thought that was fixed a year ago or so14:07
daniloshenninge, yes, we do, we've never fixed it (oh, I think I mentioned how I planned to fix that with the +translate page rework)14:07
daniloshenninge, no, we couldn't fix it properly because of the navigation14:07
noodles775gmb: yes, if the new code hits staging we can QA it ourselves.14:36
gmbnoodles775, Okay, I'll try and get it pushed out ASAP. Waiting for a losa now.14:37
marsbac, I won't be attending the reviewer's meeting today.14:50
bacmars: ok, we'll miss you14:51
bacabentley, adeuring, bac, danilo, sinzui, deryck, EdwinGrubbs, flacoste, gary, gmb, henninge, jelmer, jtv, bigjools, leonard, mars, noodles77515:01
bac: reviewer meeting starts now15:01
gmbnoodles775, Staging is up-to-date and restarting now.15:54
noodles775Thanks gmb15:56
noodles775gmb: staging is still showing r9755?16:01
noodles775gmb: ah, but from Chex's comment it is really 9760?16:01
Chexnoodles775: yes. I pulled down 9760, a cowboy, if you will, and restarted16:02
noodles775Thanks Chex16:03
Chexnoodles775: sure16:03
gmbWe should add "But YMMV" after the revno on staging.16:04
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
gmbbenji, pign16:35
gmb*ping, even16:35
benjigmb: 'sup?16:36
gmbbenji, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/597324 is assigned to you and is tagged qa-needstesting. Can you take care of QA'ing it please?16:39
_mup_Bug #597324: Login fails when logging in while accessing URL with query parameters  <openid> <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by benji> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/597324>16:39
gmbgary_poster, What's the situation with QA for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/308198?16:39
_mup_Bug #308198: Javascript library doesn't wrap entries within collections <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by foxxtrot> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/308198>16:39
gmb_mup_, shush.16:40
benjigmb: I'm working on it a the moment; unfortunately I'm working on it because it's broken (I suppose I should set it to qa-bad, doing that now)16:40
gmbbenji, Is that a blocker for the rollout, or is it something we can easily fix with a CP?16:41
benjiI don't see why it would block a rollout; nothing is any worse off than production is currently.16:41
gmbbenji, Okay, thanks.16:41
gary_posterthank you benji, gmb16:42
gmbbenji, So yes, for now just mark it qa-bad and we'll proceed as-is.16:42
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
gmbgary_poster, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/308198 still needs QA; I don't think benji was referring to that one.16:52
_mup_Bug #308198: Javascript library doesn't wrap entries within collections <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by foxxtrot> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/308198>16:52
gary_postersorry for misreading16:52
gary_postermars, leonardr, do you all have any idea how to QA the community fix for bug 308198?  (I ask Leonard because he filed it, and mars because he Knows About These Things.)16:54
_mup_Bug #308198: Javascript library doesn't wrap entries within collections <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by foxxtrot> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/308198>16:54
gmbSorry if you've answered this already jelmer, E_TOO_MANY_CHANNELS, but what's the situation with QA on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/599397?16:56
_mup_Bug #599397: code imports break when tdb is installed <code-import> <qa-needstesting> <Bazaar Hg Plugin:Triaged> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Fix Committed by jelmer> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/599397>16:56
leonardrgary, i can do it, but i think mars would do it faster17:00
jelmergmb: Sorry, I haven't gotten to that yet - staging was down last evening; I can have look this evening instead.17:01
gary_posterack leonardr.  I'll revisit in a few to see what mars' reply is17:01
gmbjelmer, The sooner the better; I'd like to be able to say for sure that we're good to go with the current db-stable revision before I EOD if possible.17:01
gmb(Though the final decision is at 21:00 UTC)17:01
gmbjelmer, If you don't have time to do it nowabouts it's no problem; I'll ask someone else to take care of it.17:02
jelmergmb: that's ok, it shouldn't take long17:04
gmbjelmer, Cool, thanks.17:04
jelmerI'm just trying to keep day job and community work separate a bit17:04
* jelmer puts on his community hat17:05
gmbjelmer, Thanks. Your willingness to put to one side your millinery separatism is appreciated.17:11
jelmerhah, there's my dictionary word of the day17:11
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
bigjoolswe also appreciate your perspicacity17:12
gmbTechnically it's a noun, not an adjective, but let's adjectify it for the purposes of this discussion.17:15
gmbjelmer, Thanks for QAing that for me.17:32
gmbgary_poster, leonardr: I think mars is unavailable; can one of you guys take care of that last outstanding needstesting item please?17:33
gary_posterleonardr: please do it then, sorry.  EIther that or you can try to guide me in doing it.17:34
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
leonardrgary, sure, np17:35
gary_posterthank you.  gmb ^^^17:35
gmbgary_poster, leonardr: Thanks.17:36
gmbleonardr, Please ping me when you're done.17:36
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
leonardrgmb, verified17:54
leonardrgary, if you're curious, here's what i did, from firebug. (it took me a while to remember the javascript stuff)17:55
leonardrclient = new LP.client.Launchpad()17:55
gmbleonardr, Fab, thanks17:55
gary_posterthanks, leonardr, looking17:55
leonardrvar people = null;17:55
leonardrset_people = function(arg) { people=arg; }17:55
leonardrclient.get("/people", {on: {success: set_people}})17:56
leonardrthen i inspected people.entries[0] and made sure it was a 'entry' type object with lp_save etc.17:56
gary_postergotcha, leonardr.  I'm inclined to put it up on the wiki, for myself and other LP devs in the future.  Is there something like that already to your knowledge?17:58
leonardrgary: no, something like 'ajax tips'?17:58
gary_poster'cause that is kind of like being able to mess around with launchpadlib, albeit in a kind of cramped style17:59
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
leonardrmaybe it could go on some existing ajax page? i'm starting to realize that wikis are more useful to me if they have fewer, larger pages18:00
gary_posterI don't know where one is.  I'm putting it on the existing Foundations/Webservice page for now.18:01
gary_posterfeel free to adjust18:01
leonardrok, that's good too18:01
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=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
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lifelessgary_poster: hi19:17
lifelessgary_poster: on templates & template engines19:17
gary_posteryes, lifeless19:17
lifelessgary_poster: I've heard (unmeasured) claims that our current engine is really poor :) - chameleon is better, but, is there a -really good- engine out there?19:18
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
lifelessgary_poster: e.g. one where the template processing won't show on our profiles at all19:18
lifelessas a for instance, rather than compiling to python, one could compile to CPython (hey, if we're going to compile, may as well do it all the way).19:19
lifelessgary_poster: if there isn't, this might be a challenge to offer the zope community :)19:20
lifelesslosa ping - status on staging please19:20
gary_posterlifeless, summary: chameleon is the current best there is, and it is good.  Details follow.19:26
gary_posterI did measurements last year.  I no longer have them, but they were based on ab-style testing of representative pages, rather than actual semi-production usage (e.g., playing back requests). it gave 10 to 20% better overall improvement on the server in my tests (I summarize as "15%" usually).19:26
gary_posterIt uses current "state of the art" for this sort of thing (it compiles to Python byte code, FBOW), and the project claims that it "performs 10-15 times better than the reference implementation" (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Chameleon).  I think the Zope community would say that a request for a fast template engine is answered.19:26
gary_posterIn my attempt to wrassle with the code, I'd say compilation is not optimized at all, but that's at build time; and rendering seems very nicely optimized.19:26
gary_posterI spoke briefly to the author of Chameleon about a month ago and he was interested in another version of the engine, but I think that's mad scientist talk ATM.19:26
lifelessfor clarity, here's my thoughts on templating:19:27
lifeless - tal is ok, but not madly tied to it; if tals definition makes execution slow...19:28
gary_poster(ab-style: apache bench, not marketing/usability-ab.)19:28
lifeless - engine agnostic : transparent/fast/decent memory footprint/fixable when we need to  - these matter to me19:28
gary_postertal: it doesn't, especially with Chameleon.  Moreover, if we are interested in mucking about with our template engine, that's what Chameleon is built for.19:29
lifeless - sample use case : render a 7000 row table with 15 columns in subsecond time.19:29
gary_poster(so, for instance, the default Chameleon template interpretation defaults to python syntax, rather than path syntax)19:29
lifeless   [on our appserver hardware, when 4 threads are doing template rendering at the same time]19:29
lifeless   [-> 250ms template time to do that]19:30
gary_posterfast: the claims are that this is close to state of the art, as I said19:30
lifelesssure; I'm not dissing chameleon19:30
gary_posternor did I think you were19:30
gary_posterjust trying to clarify my position on your bullet points as you go19:31
gary_postermaybe unnecessary19:31
lifelessmy points are done, I think.19:31
gary_postertransparent/decent memory footprint: we'll see.  We are supposed to be able to switch back and forth between reference implementation and chameleon implementation very easily--an env var for make.19:32
lifelessoh, and once we have data, if this is a speed driver, we should, I think, invest in driving an implementation to where we need19:32
gary_posterfixable: I'm very interested in that one.  We'll see there too. sidnei has significant experience with this package19:32
gary_posterbyte code generation starts from a bad place for that :-)19:33
gary_posterbut there appear to be debugging hooks.  I don't understand them yet19:33
gary_posterthe code generating the byte code is pretty clean, AFAICT so far19:33
gary_postersample use case: dunno.  we can come up with an artificial test to try to get data.19:34
lifelessthere are benchmarks already19:34
lifelessof course19:34
lifelessgary_poster: oh, and did I file the bug asking for a repeat construct with a 'did not iterate' code path?19:35
gary_posterbenchmarks: sure.  I suspect if we asked the author about it, or maybe sidnei, he would be able to give us stats.  They are probably on the web somewhere in a blog in fact, but a quick google search did not show.19:36
lifelessdidn't say what the reference test looked like :P19:37
gary_posterbug for repeat construct: not that I know of, but that's the kind of thing we should be able to do with Chameleon.19:39
lifelessI'll file a bug on foundations now19:39
gary_posterwe should be able to change tal:content="cache: foo bar" to tal:cache="foo bar" also19:39
lifelessthis will remove some COUNT()s that we don't need19:39
_mup_Bug #633429: repeat/not-iterated construct <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/633429>19:44
gary_posterok thanks19:44
lifelessthis will make a huge difference to some pages19:44
lifelessas well as lowering our DB usage more19:45
gary_posterok cool19:45
rockstarsalgado, did you end up getting a UI mentor?19:45
salgadorockstar, yes, sinzui19:46
rockstarsalgado, hurrah!19:46
salgadorockstar, now I guess I just have to wait for people to ask me for UI reviews?19:48
rockstarsalgado, yes.  henninge hasn't been too busy, but he's had some UI reviews recently.19:49
salgadorockstar, cool.  are there any guidelines I should read before I start?  I've seen UI/Reviews already19:50
rockstarsalgado, I don't think so.  I feel like UI reviews are less about "review" and more about enforcing people to stop and think about UI, and have a discussion.19:51
cr3leonardr: in lazr.restful, is there a list of everything that gets exported which is looked up with looking for /api/1.0/foo for example?20:25
leonardrcr3: yes, everything exported is described in the wadl file. it's a kind of site map20:26
leonardrfor launchpad, you can also see it in human-readable form at /+apidoc20:26
cr3leonardr: is there a way to hook into lazr.restful to extend the wadl file dynamically?20:27
leonardrcr3: no, it onyl contains what lazr.restful knows about20:27
cr3leonardr: for example, when I call an unknown method, I'd like to the webapp to do something depending on the method20:27
cr3leonardr: I think I see what you mean, the decision is being made client side whether a method exists or not, right?20:29
cr3that would certainly explain why I'm not seeing a log entry when calling an unknown method on the server side20:30
leonardrcr3: right20:35
leonardrunknown methods don't go through--they're not part of the published interface20:35
leonardrif there are specific methods handled by something other than lazr.restful, i could see adding a hook into the wadl for them, but that's al ittle odd20:35
cr3leonardr: gotcha, thanks!20:35
cr3leonardr: I'll try to live with it for now :)20:35
lifelessmorning y'all20:50
tyarussoWhat on earth...rocketfuel-setup just installed firefox.20:52
tyarussoThem's some strange dependencies ya got there.20:53
lifelessused by the test suite20:53
beunowindmill, etc20:53
tyarussolifeless: ah.20:53
lifelessrocketfuel-setup sets up development environments20:54
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== Edwin is now known as Guest38361
dobey+recipes has quotas now?22:46
jelmerdobey: Do you mean the max 5 per distroseries per person per day one?22:49
dobeyi guess so, yes.22:49
dobeyYou have exceeded your quota for recipe ubuntuone-hackers/client-dailies for distroseries ubuntu maverick22:50
jelmerdobey: I think that's always been there, you probably just hadn't hit it before :-)22:55
jelmer'morning wallyworld_22:55
dobeyjelmer: it's not documented on the +recipe page or the help page?22:56
jelmerdobey: You're right, it probably should be.22:59
wgrantWhat is the quota's purpose?23:01
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
wgrantNothing else on Launchpad has a quota like that.23:01
dobeyppas have quotas23:01
dobeyfor space anyway23:01
wgrantYes, but they're not arbitrary.23:01
dobeywell it certainly makes it harder to debug software that uses the feature :)23:07
dobeyanyway, time for me to go23:07
wallyworld_rockstar: ok, i can get you one in 15 mins23:39

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