
micahgI seem to be having trouble submitting a bug00:00
micahgno OOPS listed00:00
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kklimondahmm.. I get a OOPS-1711EA2030 when trying to access https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/linuxwacom/+bug/560180 - I got there from user's page with related bugs00:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 560180 in xf86-input-wacom (Ubuntu) "wacom buttons don't work/cause mouse to move to upper left corner and click. (affected: 28, heat: 172)" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:15
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thumperkklimonda: I can see that bug01:20
thumperkklimonda: try again?01:20
kklimondathumper: now I get two different results for a single link - a "Lost something?" page if I follow the link I've pasted here.. and "Lost something?" page with OOPS-1712EC34 when I click on the first wacom bug from this page: http://bit.ly/cLJ6Zh01:24
nigelbthumper: I think its when you try to access it via the linuxwacom task that the oops is thrown01:27
kklimondayes, it doesn't fail if you either use a generic bug link or xf86-input-wacom task one01:28
nigelbwhich could be because there isn't a linuxwacom project on LP01:29
thumperhmm... works for me01:29
nigelbthumper: logout of LP and try ? ;)01:29
* thumper thinks of something01:29
thumperinactive project01:30
nigelbaha, that's what it is01:30
maxbI wish inactive projects were not hidden like that01:41
maxbThey make their presence felt enough that they're not really nonexistent01:43
kklimondathumper: should I report it? inactive or not the dead links shouldn't show up :)01:48
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thumperkklimonda: yes, report it.03:18
micahgthumper: I had an issue earlier with submitting a bug, but no oops code appeared03:25
thumpermicahg: it may have been an api failure03:26
thumpermicahg: those do create oopses (I think)]03:26
thumpermicahg: but just captured server side03:26
micahgthumper: k, what do I do about my bug?03:26
thumpermicahg: did you not get it submitted?03:26
micahgthumper: no03:27
thumpermicahg: are you on edge?03:27
micahgyes, I suppose I can try prod, but it's an apport bug, I guess the ID will still be in the URL03:27
thumpermicahg: you may have to click on the "disable edge redirect" in the footer03:28
thumpermicahg: or you'll be redirected mid check03:28
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* soren dreams of a "convert to blueprint" button for bugs07:36
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persiasoren, The discussion along those lines I've seen is more of the mass-convert-all-blueprints-to-bugs-and-forget-the-mess nature.08:14
sorenpersia: Oh, dear, no.08:48
sorenpersia: Well, if bugs were to grow the features that blueprints actually do have, then perhaps.08:48
sorenLike dependencies, for instance.08:48
* persia has encountered any number of completely fallacious dependencies claimed for blueprints, and strongly suspects that not to be useful08:50
persiaBut bug relationships have been under debate since way back (2005 or 2006)08:50
persiaThe other thing I think they need is the restoration of associated URL (for spec text, etc.)08:51
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dpmhi all, what's the project in LP to report a bug in defining milestones for a project?10:26
wgrantdpm: launchpad-registry10:30
dpmthanks wgrant!10:31
LeifHi. I uploaded a .pot file on 1st of September, but it is still in Import Queue. It says Needs Review and i can only Delete or Block. I know the launchpad team sometimes review manually but it has been 8 days so i am wondering when something will happen :)10:36
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yofeljelmer: can you retry https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/kdegraphics/trunk ?11:32
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jelmeryofel: done11:33
yofeland can you approve https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdeedu/trunk ?11:33
jelmeryofel, done11:34
* yofel hugs jelmer11:34
yofeljelmer: while you're at it: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdeaccessibility/trunk https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdeadmin/trunk https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdeartwork/trunk https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdegames/trunk https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdenetwork/trunk11:49
yofelhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdeplasma-addons/trunk https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdesdk/trunk https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdeutils/trunk11:49
yofelthat should be all of KDE trunk except kdeexamples and kdevplatform (those don't have LP projects yet)11:49
jelmeryofel: I'll have a look later when I have a testsuite to wait for or something like that.11:52
yofelsure, not urgent11:52
maxbyofel: I believe there are some KDE imports that are failing because they don't match bzr-svn's idea of the KDE special layout, though11:54
jelmerPatches to the KDELayout class in bzr-svn welcome !11:54
yofelmaxb: right, I know that at least kdebase and kdesupport don't work at all, but some others work, and the ones I mentioned right now weren't tested yet ;)11:55
maxboh, I think base and support are a different issue again11:55
maxbthree separate KDE issues :-)11:56
jelmermaxb, ooh11:56
jelmermaxb: I hadn't seen that page yet11:56
jelmermaxb: that's very useful11:57
maxbah. I linked it from ReviewingCodeImports11:57
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LeifHi Jelmer. Can you approve the translation upload at https://translations.launchpad.net/bitlord/+imports ?12:09
jelmerLeif: Hi Leif12:10
jelmerLeif: Sorry, I don't usually handle translation imports.12:13
henningeLeif, jelmer: I can do that, though.12:13
jelmerhenninge: Thanks12:13
henningeLeif: where is the soruce code to bitloard available for download?12:16
henninge"bitlord", sorry ;)12:18
yofelhm, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/kdebindings/trunk is definitely failing too... "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 78: ordinal not in range(128)"12:22
maxbyofel: Apparently that's a legacy cscvs import. I suggest we retry using bzr-svn12:23
yofelmaxb: delete import and create new one?12:24
maxbWill anyone mind it being deleted? We could just rename it12:24
henningeLeif: I just found www.bitlord.com and it looks like your project is not open source.12:25
yofelmaxb: well, I can't change it so I'm asking what to do12:25
henningeLeif: Please talk to mrevell about commercial Launchpad options. I will have to deactivate the project now until that is resolved.12:26
henningejelmer: ^12:26
maxbyofel: I have moved it out of the way, the path is clear for you to request a new one12:26
yofeldone https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~neon/kdebindings/trunk12:27
maxbsame deal with kdepim apparently12:30
yofelmaxb: can you do the same for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/kdepim/trunk ? same issue12:30
yofelright :)12:30
maxbI'll try to keep half an eye on the active imports and approve them such that there's not more concurrently trying to be imported than the number of code import machines12:31
dob_Hello i have a little problem i want to compile my ppa. Exactly i want to compile php-apc as my own ppa. I am using my own ppa with php-5.2.10 from karmic compiled for lucid. Now i wan to recompile php-apc for lucid. I added a dependy to my ppa for php-karmic. But while compiling apc it alwas chooses the default php installation of lucid.12:36
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dob_Did i configure the wrong options or isn't that possible?12:36
yofeldob_: what do you build-depend on in php-apc?12:38
dob_php5 and php5-dev12:38
dob_on my server i adjusted the prefernces but there seems not to be any option in launchpad12:39
yofelif you didn't change the package name, you'll have to add an explicit version to the build-depend or it will use the newest php5 available for that release, and php5 from karmic is lower than php5 from lucid12:39
dob_okay can i add a simple php5-5.2.10 to the build depend?12:42
dob_is that the correct syntax?12:42
yofelno, it should be 'php5 (<= 5.2.11)' if I'm not mistaken12:43
yofel(= 5.2.10.*) might work too12:44
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dob_ok, super! i will try that!12:48
maxbI'm not entirely sure that sbuild (used by the builders) is quite intelligent enough to do the right thing there12:48
wgrantI'm pretty sure it's not.12:49
wgrantWhy are you trying to do this12:49
geserme too, that the reason why some packages use >= 1.2, << 1.3 in (build-)dependencies12:50
maxber, I don't think that's related?12:50
wgrantIt's not.12:52
geseroh, you'are talking about the builders picking the right package version and not about specifying the version in the build-dependencies?12:54
wgrantIt will install the latest version.12:55
wgrantThen fail later when it checks the version.12:55
geserwould an ugly hack work: create a dummy package that depends on the correct version of php-dev and build-depend on it?12:57
geserthe builders would notice that they need to install that dummy package and apt would pull in the correct version for the dependencies12:58
wgrantYes, but that's sick and wrong.13:00
geserany other idea that would work now?13:01
wgrantRenaming the package.13:02
wgrantThat's probably how it should be done.13:02
dob_php5-dev(inst 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 ! <= wanted 5.2.11)13:05
dob_Source-dependencies not satisfied; skipping php-apc13:05
dob_if i want to rename my php5 package will i only have to change the names in my control file or also in the rules etc?13:07
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geserif they are also used in the rules file, then you need to rename there too (didn't look at the php5 rules file)13:14
geseryou might also need to add Conflicts with the php5 packages so not both (yours and from the archive) are installed at the same time13:16
dob_there is a line for sapi in libapache2-mod-php52 libapache2-mod-php52filter php52-fpm php52-cgi php52-cli13:18
dob_this is in rules13:18
dob_will it be correct to rename it also or are these not variable from the package names?13:19
dob_sorry for my stupid questions13:19
shadeslayerhi, when i try to copy packages from one ppa to another Launchpad says Try again, any ideas?14:41
shadeslayercopying just 3-4 packages14:41
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shadeslayerseems that one of the package was huge14:44
noodles775shadeslayer: yeah, if there are lots of binaries, and you're including binaries in your copy, it will tend to timeout :/14:44
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: sinzui | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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thopiekarI uploaded to my local branch and I'm sure that the files are in .bzr..16:57
thopiekarbut is there a way to get the files available like in a local branch? so people could download the files from the current revision from ftp?16:58
* thopiekar noticed that the .bzr folder seem to have to false rights to be shown16:59
thopiekarno idea?17:07
beunothopiekar, so17:09
beunoin order to have a working treee17:09
beunoyou'll either need push-and-update plugin17:09
beunoor bzr-upload, if you *just* want the files17:09
thopiekaris there a push and update plugin?17:09
thopiekarwould be simpler to push and upload later :P17:10
beunothopiekar, yes17:10
* thopiekar is checking apt now17:10
beunoit may not be packaged17:10
beunonot sure17:10
thopiekarjust found bzr-upload17:11
beunoright, that'll upload the working tree (aka, the files)17:11
beunobut not the branch (aka .bzr dir)17:11
thopiekarthat what I want, thanks!17:11
* beuno high-fives vila 17:11
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tyarussoDoes LP support any other version control systems besides bzr yet?18:23
kklimondaum, can anyone take a look at bug 632847?18:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 632847 in Launchpad Bugs "404 error with oops when I follow link on user's "Bugs" page (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63284718:26
kklimondaI can still reproduce it (the last OOPS I got was OOPS-1712EA1890)18:27
kklimondabut I can't reopen the bug, I get "Application error.  Unauthenticated user POSTing to page that requires authentication."18:27
kklimondaprobably because I'm still logged out..18:27
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kklimondaindeed.. but I did log in..18:30
kklimondaignore last few lines :)18:30
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beunotyarusso, no, just bzr18:38
beunono plans to support any other18:38
beunoyou can, however, import branches from git/hg/svn/cvs18:39
tyarussobeuno: mmk, thanks18:40
* tyarusso is seeing if he can manage to set up a LP instance18:40
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tyarussoHey all, rocketfuel-setup failed on me.  End of output on http://paste.ubuntu.com/490485/ .  Notable line, "Permission denied (publickey)."  What's the problem?19:02
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sinzuityarusso, rockstar or abentley may have some idea. I think you are seeing an issue with bzr branching19:19
* rockstar looks up19:19
rockstartyarusso, it looks like you haven't set up your ssh key with launchpad.19:20
rockstartyarusso, also, rocketfuel-setup questions are best posed in #launchpad-dev.  This channel is for launchpad users, not launchpad developers.19:20
tyarussorockstar: Hmm, I thought I did (although it's not the primary one), will check, and noted.19:21
rockstartyarusso, if it's not the primary one, you'll need to make sure bazaar is sending the right one.19:22
tyarussorockstar: well, LP knows about multiple ones, but this machine only has one on it.19:23
rockstartyarusso, ah, I see.19:23
tyarussorockstar: oh, wait, ignore me.19:23
tyarussoThat only works if you're not using a VM that's a totally different machine than the one the SSH key is on :P19:23
tyarussoShouldn't it be able to work anonymously too?19:24
beunotyarusso, the rocketfuel script probably uses bzr+ssh19:24
beunofor speed, if nothing else19:24
beunolp:launchpad would default to http, but not using the smart server is much slower19:25
tyarussoSo you're saying I should create a dummy SSH key and add it to LP first?19:26
beunono, that rocketfuel may have bzr+ssh hardcoded into it19:27
beunoand nobody cared up to now because everyone who tries to develop launchpad has their key in LP19:27
tyarussoWell, I have my real keys in LP too, I just don't have a key generated for a dummy throwaway VM that I'm trying to put launchpad on.19:28
beunotyarusso, so either generate it, or patch rocketfuel19:29
* tyarusso moves on over to -dev hereafter19:29
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ftadput with sftp lacks a progress indicator of some kind19:50
ftahm, it complains on close19:51
ftaException AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'" in <function terminate at 0x132a050> ignored19:51
jelmermaxb: hi20:02
jelmerfta: afaik that's a known bug in python-paramiko20:02
jelmer(the ssh library used by dput)20:03
bsaibesIs the staging server up?20:29
jelmerbsaibes, it was back earlier today20:33
bsaibesIt is returning an error now: " The staging server is currently getting a code update. If the situation persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. "20:34
thopiekarwhen I push code to my ftp server with the login info of the ftp-server are they later saved on the ftp-server, too, where I pushed to?20:41
thopiekarI hope not :/20:42
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thopiekarcan't push (refresh) my code on my ftp server.. bzr keeps saying that it is already up-to-date21:21
thopiekara --overwrite doesn't make a difference21:21
thopiekaris there a way to force to push without removing the .bzr folder on my NAS?21:21
thopiekarIt says: No new revisions to push.21:29
jelmerthopiekar, bzr push --overwrite21:31
thopiekarhmm could it be that it automaticly pushes the code after commit?21:31
thopiekarjust found the same revno on the NAS now :?21:32
thopiekarare pushes after the first one faster?21:34
thopiekarjust know how the first push was..21:34
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JoshBrownThoughts on bug #632846?22:57
ubot5`Launchpad bug 632846 in Launchpad Bugs "User doesn't have full control over the grouping of changes (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63284622:57
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=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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maxbjelmer: hello23:40
jelmermaxb: Hi23:42
jelmermaxb: I was going to ask you about https://dev.launchpad.net/FailingBzrSvnImports23:42
jelmerbut I've just edited it since it's a wiki page23:43
maxbheh :-)23:43
jelmerand I've added https://dev.launchpad.net/FailingBzrGitImports23:43
maxbw.r.t. the tfs issues - technically, if someone plays silly games, you could have a svn revision without a svn:date in native svn, so perhaps it's not quite time to deem those invalid23:45
maxbAlthough, from a roundtripping POV, I'm not sure what ought to happen23:45
jelmermaxb: svn:date missing is only one of the bugs with codeplex23:47
jelmermaxb: its revision history is also inconsistent - files can exist without ever having been added; running "svn log" can loop indefinitely if run with the wrong arguments23:47
maxbeek. Consider my interest in supporting it quashed! :-)23:48

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