
kklimondadoes ~ubuntu-dev grant an indirect membersip to ~ubuntu-bugcontrol?00:28
yofelkklimonda: according to https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev yes00:30
micahgkklimonda: yeah, that's why I didn't need my membership renewed00:31
kklimondayofel: ah, thanks - I was trying to find it in my page but it still says that I'm a direct member of bugcontrol.00:31
kklimondamicahg: that's exactly the reason I've asked about it - my expiration should be around the corner but I couldn't find an exact date anywhere.00:31
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hggdhkklimonda: if you had a -control membership *before* you were a -dev, then yes, you will be shown both. Eventually your direct membership will expire01:05
hggdhkklimonda: but you will still be a member via -dev01:05
hggdhkklimonda:  and, for you expiration date... it will expire on Oct 10th01:07
kklimondahggdh: will I get an email? And if so should I just ignore it? I think I can remember Brian saying that he prefers people with indirect membership not to apply for renewal.01:09
kklimondahggdh: and thanks for checking the exact date :)01:09
hggdhkklimonda: yes, you should get an email at about 1 week from expiry. You can just disregard it (again, -dev membership trumps a direct membership)01:10
hggdhwe all prefer indirect membership, less work for us ;-)01:10
kklimondamakes sense :)01:11
nigelbhggdh: heh, lazy ;)01:15
kklimondahggdh: why are you hggdh2 on LP?01:16
hggdhcheers nigelb01:16
kklimonda(I just had to ask this one ;) )01:16
* nigelb hugs hggdh :)01:16
hggdhkklimonda: because when I registered, I wanted to make my life simpler, and used the same id as my email. This, in retrospect, was not very smart...01:16
hggdhand my email was set to 'hggdh2' because dumb GMail did not accept ids less than 6 chars in length01:17
hggdh(as far as I know, there is no other hggdh*)01:18
* hggdh hugs nigelb back01:18
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kklimondahggdh: that's why the 2 in your username got me wondering :)01:18
hggdhaye. I also wonder about it nowadays, but I do not know of a way to change it without a major hassle. Never did really look into it, either01:19
nigelb!away | rackIT_AFK01:21
nigelbright, what timing!01:21
micahgnigelb: ha01:21
nigelbmicahg: I think I killed the bot :p01:21
* nigelb goes to resucitate01:21
micahgnigelb: the bot thought you told it to go away :)01:22
hggdhwhich id is our bot currently?01:22
nigelbI've pinged jpds :)01:24
micahgnigelb: and so you have again :)01:24
nigelboh, gah! I went looking for him elsewhere, should have pinged him here01:24
* hggdh goes for the kill01:24
hggdhnigelb: who did you ping?01:24
nigelbhggdh: jp ds01:24
hggdhfoiled :-(01:25
nigelbwhat? why?01:25
nigelbhggdh: I'm not /that/ bad even though its quite early ;)01:26
hggdhI know... but one can always try...01:26
nigelbgah, I keep closing my terminal window01:31
nigelbat this rate, I'm going to type git commit onto irc01:31
kklimondanigelb: better git then your password :)01:32
nigelbI rarely have to type password, irssi running on a server01:32
hggdhhumph. Still off, it seems03:48
nigelbhggdh: heh04:32
micahgnigelb: there's no bot in the channel07:33
nigelbmicahg: jussi wanted me to make sure :/07:33
kklimondawhere did it go? :/07:51
somethingintereshi all, how do I report a wishlist bug re: the new maverick sound menu?08:02
micahgsomethinginteres: ubuntu-bug indicator-sound08:03
somethinginteresmicahg: thanks08:04
persiaAnyone have a karmic install with GL acceleration available?  I believe bug #405202 is fixed in lucid and maverick, but would need someone to confirm that it's reproducible in karmic, and the same environment is fixed in a newer release.08:18
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vishbilalakhtar: whats with the odd nick changes ;)11:26
bilalakhtarvish: a joke11:26
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mkarnickiHi all! :) I wanted to learn more about bug triage / fixging, so I headed to wiki/Bugs and read some. I ended up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Examples hoping that I would see some good examples of how bugs have been fixed (2-3 examples would be great). Instead, I found two 'bugs' descriptions, which turned out not to be bugs but support request/features, ending with -> Rejected or -> Invalid13:45
mkarnickiIt would be nice if the BugSquad (or any other proper) would add a few examples to help noobs like me to start13:45
mkarnickithe fun with bugs13:46
mkarnickiNaturally, I could go to launchpad and search for 'Fixed' bugs, but not every bug-triage-noob may know that. Also, it would be hard for me to find 'good bug examples', as I came here to learn about them :)13:46
mkarnickiI hope my suggestion will meet action, and I hope to learn much, maybe take part in tomorrows Ubuntu Bug Day somehow? :)13:47
thekornmkarnicki: hey, welcome to bugtriaging in the ubuntu world ;)14:00
thekornfirst of all, I agree with you Bugs/Examples seems a bit sparse14:00
mkarnickihi thekorn :) thanks for the welcome! :)14:01
mkarnickiI'm reading other wiki pages currently under wiki/Bugs14:01
mkarnickito know as much as I should to get started :)14:01
thekornmkarnicki: great, feel free to aks questions here14:02
mkarnickithekorn: thanks! :)14:02
thekornmkarnicki: I would also liketo point you to our mentorship program at14:04
mkarnickioh! awesome, thanks thekorn. I read it soon =)14:04
thekornbut I'm sure you will find out about it while reading the wiki docs ;)14:04
mkarnickisure :)14:05
mkarnickithanks for the link anyway!14:05
rsajdokI think this bug should to have status 'opinion' Am I right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/38091214:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 380912 in apt (Ubuntu) "Apt shows incorrect suggestion to fix unavailability of public key of a given repository (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New]14:08
thekornrsajdok: why do you think it's opinion and not wishlist?14:10
rsajdokthekorn: Yes, it maybe to be 'wishlist' but i do not know how to set 'wishlist'14:12
yofelnote that 'opinion' counts as closing the bug, while that's a vaild bug IMHO14:14
thekornnote to self, 'opinion' is not an importance, it's a status14:14
rsajdokI can not change importance to 'wishlist'14:16
thekornrsajdok: back to you ;) wishlist sounds reasonable, and as status I suggest triaged, as it is totally obvious what the bug is about, what do you think?14:16
thekornrsajdok: ask us in this channel, we can do it for you14:16
yofelwhat's upstream for apt actually? we?14:18
jpdsyofel: I think the Debian guys would freak out if they heard you say that.14:19
yofelprobably ^^14:19
rsajdokthekorn: Therefore can I change status to 'triage' ?14:21
yofelmvo_: what are the triaging guidelines for apt anyways? forward bugs to DBTS?14:26
yofeldebian bug 39770214:28
ubot2Debian bug 397702 in apt "Shouldn't suggest running 'apt-get update' to fix NO_PUBKEY" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/39770214:28
yofeland debian bug 38964614:30
ubot2Debian bug 389646 in apt "apt should try to import a key if a package was signed by a unknown key" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/38964614:30
yofel389646 is tagged as wontfix though14:30
yofelrsajdok: can you link the the ubuntu bug with debians 397702 on LP? after that the bug can be set to triaged14:31
thekornargh, sorry guys got disconnected, fortunatly yofel did exactly what I wanted to do, search for a bug in debian :)14:35
yofelrsajdok: ping?14:42
rsajdokyofel: "LP" means "launchpad" ?14:42
yofelrsajdok: click on 'also affect distribution' select debian and put the debian bug url into the field14:45
rsajdokyofel:  yes, I did it14:47
rsajdokyofel: thanks you for patience14:48
yofelrsajdok: np, wishlisted14:49
mvo_yofel: sure, I can add a link, what was the ubuntu bugnumber again?14:49
yofelmvo_: not a specific one, as this one is already reported, but in general - should all bugs be upstreamed to debian or do you guys look at LP too?14:50
mvo_yofel: we do look at LP, but debian gets more attention14:57
somethinginteresis anyone else on maverick seeing skype having the generic icon vs the normal skype icon as in Lucid? Is that bug?15:24
devildantepedro_, thanks for adding the ReportingBugsAlternate discussion to the meeting :)15:54
pedro_devildante, you're welcome, such of great page needs some more audience ;-)15:56
pedro_devildante, thanks for the work there15:56
devildantepedro_: np :)15:56
pedro_in a bug report "This is 10.05"15:56
pedro_i don't remember that release ;-)15:57
bdmurraychrisccoulson: please use the needs-reassignment tag when moving apport bug reports away from a package like firefox15:59
devildantepedro_: what bug number? I want to laugh :p15:59
devildantepedro_: btw, what's your opinion about the ReportingBugsAlternate page? Any issues you noticed?16:01
pedro_devildante, bug 63211316:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 632113 in evince (Ubuntu) "PDF illegible (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63211316:02
pedro_devildante, not besides the ones that hggdh already pointed16:02
devildantethanks for feedback :)16:03
chrisccoulsonbdmurray, yeah, no problem16:04
hggdhwell, sent an email to ubuntu-users-owner... let's see if it helps16:09
njinpedro_: around?16:27
pedro_njin, hello16:37
njinhello _pedro16:41
cjaekubuntu 10.04 backport repo for kde 4.5 distorts kdm upon logout17:01
cjaemight be ati prop driver17:01
cjaewith standard theme17:01
cjaeupon gui logout17:02
cjae*        sorry about enter punctuation, just woke up | -)17:02
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cjaealso kmix crashes sound on adobe flash videos quite often17:19
araQA meeting in 4 minutes at #ubuntu-quality17:56
cjaealso the quick assess button on my panel when clicked shows the listing for ~/ there is a move through directory long vertical arrow that goes fuzzy when the mouse is moved over it18:22
mkarnickidocumentation bug under Bugs/HowToTriage -- just before 'Bug types section', the link 'Untraged bugs' is broken, instead of #untriaged should be #Untriaged%20bugs (however -- I had that problem before on my project wiki -- I don't know how to put that space there to make it work)18:43
mkarnickithekorn: ↑18:43
mkarnickilink: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage18:43
mkarnickisection to which 'Untriaged bugs' link should point to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Untriaged%20bugs18:43
kklimondamkarnicki: thanks, I'll take a look19:03
mkarnickikklimonda: oh, you're here too ^ ^ no problem.19:03
mkarnickikklimonda: I would fix it myself, but I know theres a problem with "wiki.ubuntu.com/foo/bar#with space" links19:04
mkarnickiat least I had similar problem and wasn't able to fix it (so I used a URL shortener to workaround that :D hahah)19:04
kklimondahmm, as walys stuff just seems to work for me.19:05
mkarnickihah! how's that possible :D I'll have to try that out on my wiki, thanks for fixing that kklimonda :)19:07
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dyfetI believe bug #628535 can be triaged, it is a myspell question clearly.21:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 628535 in myspell (Ubuntu) "Missing words in English dictionary (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62853521:14
charlie-tcaNot all the words are valid words.21:21
dyfetWell, thats true also :).  I just made sure the right person was attached for the ones that are.21:25
rsajdokIs there wiki page how to send wishlist to debian?21:25
rsajdokBug like this:21:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 606126 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-cache search should show version (affects: 1) (heat: 74)" [Wishlist,New]21:25
vishrsajdok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs21:27
devildantersajdok: use reportbug21:27
* vish tickles devildante 21:28
vishdevildante: pff!.. dint clean sweep the bugs alreaady ;p21:28
charlie-tcadyfet: if not all the words are valid, perhaps a better response then triaged would be to use the "Add" button in the spellcheckers to add them to a personal dictionary?21:28
devildantevish, oh noes :p21:29
charlie-tcaBugDay tomorrow! apt needs a lot of help21:29
vishatleast for me ;p21:29
dyfetlol, true :)21:30
vish[01:59] here21:30
charlie-tcaI would like to see this one turn all green! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010090921:30
devildanteVos désirs sont des ordres!21:30
vishdevildante: you heard the man!21:31
vishgo! ;)21:31
devildanteokay okay :p21:31
* charlie-tca dreams big21:31
devildantebug day golden rule 1: always begin with the oldest bugs :p21:32
devildantethis way, we can put them as Incomplete without thinking a lot :p21:32
micahgdevildante: hopefully there are steps to reproduce :)21:33
charlie-tcaand you told everybody now?21:33
charlie-tcaI always started at the bottom and went up.21:33
devildantecharlie-tca: not like it's original :p21:33
devildantemicahg, dang :p21:33
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charlie-tca!away > easter_egg|off21:35
ubot2easter_egg|off, please see my private message21:35
ubot2You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»21:36
micahg!msgthebot > devildante21:36
ubot2devildante, please see my private message21:36
devildanteoh okay, so it was that :p21:36
charlie-tcamy week to play the mean guy21:36
devildantesorry, micahg :p21:36
micahgdevildante: you have another 135 people to apologize to :)21:37
* micahg is kidding21:37
devildanteyou better be kidding :p21:37
hggdhwell, at least we have th bot back21:41
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trinikronovish ping22:33
trinikronohey everyone22:33
vishtremolux: wassup?22:37
vishtrinikrono: ^22:37
yofelhey trinikrono22:37
trinikronohey me again22:37
trinikronoyofel: heyo22:37
vishno! not you again!22:37
trinikronoi was wondering about the mentorship thing lol vish22:38
trinikronoit sent me a email saying to get in contact with one of you22:38
visharggh! i better sleep! :(22:38
vishtrinikrono: i'll extend the membership :)22:39
trinikronofunny question though22:39
trinikronodo i have a mentor :D22:39
trinikronoyou know i ask alot of questions22:39
rsajdokIs this bug incomplete?23:05
rsajdokAm I right?23:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 600758 in apt (Ubuntu) "Updates failing (affects: 1) (heat: 55)" [Undecided,New]23:06
trinikronoask them to try a different mirror then say incomplete rsajdok23:07
trinikronoalso mirror issues should be reported in launchpad23:07
trinikrono*should not23:08
rsajdoktrinikrono: ok23:08
hallynI'm looking at bug 633568, and wondering how i cango about marking it as affecting network-manager23:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 633568 in dhcp3 (Ubuntu) "dhclient3 not recognize -4 option sent by network manager (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63356823:09
hallynhiting 'also affects project' seems to insist that i must first create an upstream bug23:10
trinikronohallyn: noO!23:10
trinikronojust go on amm23:10
trinikronohallyn: it has dhcp2 slected already23:11
trinikrononormally just click on the yellow line with the down arrow23:11
trinikronoand put network-manager23:11
trinikronowhen you clicked on also affects bug23:12
trinikronoon the top say choose another project23:12
trinikronoand put network-manager23:12
trinikronoor just do it from the yellow line hallyn23:13
hallyntrinikrono: sorry, looking for yellow line23:15
trinikronoat the top of the screen under the title23:15
charlie-tcahallyn: instead of clicking "Also affects project", click "also affects dsitribution" and put in network-manager23:15
trinikronoit is very yellow hallyn23:15
hallyncharlie-tca: oh, maybe that would have done it, but the arrow worked23:16
charlie-tcaThat will create a second Affects in "ubuntu"23:16
hallynhowever, i apparently replaced it rather than adding it :)23:16
hallynbut, actually i think tha'ts appropriate23:16
hggdhtrinikrono: just in case, please keep in mind that some people may be colour-blind23:16
hallynthanks trinikrono and charlie-tca !23:16
hggdhtrinikrono: I am not colour-blind myself, just colour-confused23:17
trinikronohggdh: well how do you think i can describe it?23:17
charlie-tcaclick the arrow under Affects23:17
trinikronomaybe we can give it a groovy name like action box23:17
hggdhtrinikrono: I do not know, I am just pointing out that this may be a problem23:18
hallynhggdh: trinikrono: actually my problem wasn't the color but 'line'.  i was confused and was looking for an actual line :)23:18
hggdhhallyn: heh23:18
trinikronohggdh: will you be my mentor ?23:19
hggdhtrinikrono: for me yellow is no problem. I know yellow from miles away. But I *do* have a problem with blue/green23:19
hggdhtrinikrono: wereń t you assigned one?23:19
trinikronoddecator was mine23:20
hggdhoh, MIA23:20
trinikronoand he is not so active anymore23:20
trinikronobut vish extended me on the mentorship programme today23:20
hggdhanyone heard of kangarooo lately?23:20
hggdhtrinikrono: I can, yes23:20
hggdhholstein: sir, you are also MIA23:21
holsteinhggdh: nope23:21
holsteinjust slackin ;)23:21
holsteinnot slackin in general too much23:21
trinikronohggdh: nice so i am adopted23:21
holsteinjust not really making the time for bugs23:21
trinikronohggdh: what kind of bugs do you work on?23:22
hggdhtrinikrono: I am a generalist, lately mostly overseeing23:22
hggdhI did Evolution for quite some time, but I am without time for it nowadays23:23
hggdhbut coreutils, for example is fair game23:23
trinikronoso you deal with x stuff23:23
hggdhholstein: yes, I know. Does it make sense to keep being mentored?23:23
trinikronoi am finding alot these days23:23
holsteinhggdh: maybe i should come back to it when i have more time to give :/23:24
hggdhtrinikrono: I stay as far as possible from X, generally. I am from the time you only had the console23:24
hggdhholstein: I think so, yes. You can always ask here when you have a doubt23:24
trinikronohggdh: hey i started with a vic20 so you cant be that old :D23:25
hggdhtrinikrono: when I started the micro-computer of the daty was the 400423:25
trinikronowow you have beat there, i dont even know what that is23:26
hggdhtrinikrono: first there was the 4004, then the 8008, then the 8080, then the 8088/8086, then the rest23:30
trinikronohggdh: that was the 70's then :D23:31
hggdhthey were CPUs from Intel. 4004 had a 4-bit CPU, 8008 an 8-bit, etc, etc23:31
hggdhyes indeed23:31
trinikronoso if i wanted to have a few xorg bugs as my bug control, would you be okay with that hggdh ?23:32
hggdhtrinikrono: yes, I would. I will not be able to direct you through the intrincacies of X, but I can at least verify the work23:33
hggdhjcastro: on the daily builds... does coreutils count? I build it as soon as there are updates from upstream (note I build upstream version, no Ubuntu/Debian patches)23:38
hggdhsame for weechat23:38
trinikronowow if a operator mouse stops working on playing music  and some keyboard keys what do you guys think would cause that?23:42
charlie-tcamaxed out the cpu?23:54
trinikronono idea told the person to try a usb mouse23:55
charlie-tcaSeen a few with 5+ utube videos running, my system is freezing...23:56

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