
cjwatsonsuperm1: as you say, the prefix problem should be a separate bug00:06
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persialamont, Thanks for trying the fpc/armel bootstrap again.  Do you have any recommendations on how we could ensure that the test-builds match your experiences on the buildds?00:11
cjwatsonmanjo: could you please test the server CD in preference to the desktop CD right now?00:13
cjwatsonI think I've asked this before00:13
manjocjwatson, yep... I was tring to get the desktop installed coz I had something else I needed to do wrt drm ...00:14
cjwatsonmanjo: it's harder to get the desktop CD to work in general, and while it does need to happen and I welcome the bug reports, given time constraints it's essential to address the shorter critical path for the server CD00:14
cjwatsonthis is not me trying to dodge your reports, but I really want to know whether the fixes I've made so far are sufficient for server00:14
manjocjwatson, ack00:15
manjocjwatson, will do it and comment on the bug report ... is that ok ?00:15
manjocjwatson, was going to grab a quick dinner with wife atm00:16
manjocjwatson, do I need to use that hack that I posted on the bug report ?00:16
manjoie if that fails on normal install00:17
cjwatsonnot for d-i-based installations, no00:17
superm1cjwatson, on maverick, actually just trying to apt-get install grub-efi runs into that same problems00:19
cjwatsonsuperm1: do you have grub-pc installed on the same system?00:20
superm1cjwatson, well i was just trying from a live disk, so yes, it's installed already00:20
cjwatsonindeed.  they conflict00:21
cjwatsonubiquity needs to take special care to deal with that00:21
cjwatsoncf. bug 349835 and bug 353273, which you may remember - essentially the same thing I think00:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349835 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Preseeding grub2 causes ubiquity installation to fail" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34983500:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353273 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity crashes when trying to preseed grub2 instead of grub" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35327300:25
superm1oh yeah, i do recall those00:25
cjwatsonI think it's fixable in much the same way, but will fake up a test environment for it before committing anything00:26
manjocjohnston, installing server right now, 90% done (and angry wife)00:36
manjocjwatson, ^00:36
cjohnstonno love :-(00:37
manjocjohnston, I keep typing your nick sorry00:37
manjocjohnston, hitting tabs :)00:38
cjwatsontype one extra letter before the tab ;-)00:39
sbeattiemathiaz: in your last upload/merge of whois, you seem to have managed to lose the separate mkpasswd package, without a conflicts/replaces.00:39
manjoyep need to practice 3 letters + tab00:39
cjwatsonsbeattie: seems to be the same in Debian00:41
sbeattiecjwatson: the mkpasswd bit I think was an ubuntu-specific change.00:41
sbeattie(mkpasswd as a separate package)00:41
YokoZarRiddell: Yeah I got a whole host to tackle00:44
sbeattieIt got separated out sometime in the lucid cycle, and is published that way; thus people upgrading from lucid that have mkpasswd get an install failure.00:44
* sbeattie goes to file a bug.00:44
manjocjwatson, server install is complete ... but cannot boot from HDD... error: unknown filesystem grub rescue>00:45
manjocjwatson, but I need to run, keep wife happy00:45
cjwatsonok, that'll be the same as the desktop one.  could I have a separate bug for that when you have a moment?00:45
cjwatson(and that one *does* belong on grub2)00:45
manjocjwatson, will do when I head back from dinner00:45
superm1cjwatson, i already split it up, bug 63277500:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632775 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-install (EFI) is not properly setting the prefix" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63277500:46
cjwatsonah right00:46
superm1sure np00:46
manjocjwatson, so add to that bug ?00:46
cjwatsonif you have anything new to add, sure00:46
cjwatsonlogs would be good00:46
manjook.. nothing new ...00:46
manjoheading out... laters00:46
cjwatsonwell, there are no logs in that bug right now00:47
cjwatsonif you have logs, that would be new00:47
cjwatson(from an install that wasn't having grub-efi installation problems)00:47
cjwatsonit's not obvious from the grub-install code :(00:48
cjwatsonoh, duh, I guess I know00:49
cjwatsonI think this is going to need something a bit like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/grub/grub2-bzr/revision/2465, only for EFI00:51
cjwatsonspecifically the bit that handles a partition-only prefix "drive"00:52
cjwatsonthe alternative is hardcoding the entire prefix device, which is seriously undesirable00:52
cjwatsonthen the EFI grub-install will have to find the partition number for /boot/grub and hardcode that but make sure to leave out the drive00:53
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sbeattiemathiaz: the whois bug is bug 632791, for the record.00:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632791 in whois (Ubuntu) "upgrade fails: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/mkpasswd', which is also in package mkpasswd 5.0.6ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63279100:57
superm1cjwatson, what would be the problem with something simpler like http://pastebin.com/tYSjjyXN ?  that way you are just searching for the right UUID without having to hardcode drive or partition number, just letting serach.fs_uuid find it. is the worry boot delay then?00:58
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cjwatsonsuperm1: it's good to avoid UUID searching (which is slow and requires embedding a configuration file) if possible, yes01:10
cjwatsonpastebin.com is slow01:10
cjwatsonprobably all the junk in its framing01:10
cjwatsonif /efi and /boot/grub are on the same drive, then we can make use of the fact that EFI has a call to retrieve a device handle for the loaded image (i.e. GRUB itself)01:12
cjwatsonwhich tells us the drive and then we just need to fill in the right partition number01:13
superm1ooh pastebinit does work with paste.ubuntu.com, i'll just use that instead from now on01:13
cjwatsonsomething like http://paste.ubuntu.com/490082/ (against upstream so paths are a bit different) in combination with a change to grub-install01:13
superm1ah i see01:15
cjwatsonprobably something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/490089/, all this totally untested01:18
cjwatsonextra comma in the grub_partition sed01:19
cjwatson's/^[^,]*,//; s/)$//'01:20
cjwatsonanyway, that should be the structure of it - but bedtime for me01:20
lamontpersia: there's a tarball on kakadu in my home directory... that and a bbg3 board should be sufficient for reproducing things05:07
* persia renews the wish that any of the available imx51 HW was based on that revision of the babbage.05:08
lamontanyway, sleep for me.05:27
mwhudsonpersia: can you explain babbage board versions to me?05:29
mwhudsoni've googled and completely don't understand the few things i find :)05:29
persiamwhudson, Note that the following is gleaned from a variety of hearsay.  it is likely to be incomplete, and may well be inaccurate.05:30
mwhudsonpersia: noted05:30
persiaMy understanding is that there were several revisions of a reference board produced by freescale.05:31
persiasome of these were released to customers and partners, as bbg 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, possibly more.05:31
persiaI think there were even two different versions of bbg 1.0, although I'm less sure of that.05:31
persiaI know of two devices in current retail that appear to be based on these reference designs: the Sharp Netwalker and the Genesi Efika.MX05:32
mwhudsonah ok, so they were never sold to random passers by in the same way that say the beagle is?05:32
persiaI believe the Netwalker was based on 2.0 and the Efika.MX was based on 2.5, but that's as much of a guess as any surety.05:32
mwhudsonand they're all based on imx.51 chips right?05:33
persiaFreescale has also announced a development program, such that certain folks can purchase a bbg 3.0 at a price roughly equialent to a Netwalker + an Efika.MX.05:33
mwhudson(is that a chip or a chip family)05:33
persiaBut I've heard rumours of availability issues there.05:33
persiaYes, they are all versions of a reference motherboard for the i.MX51 SoC.05:34
mwhudsonare i.mx51s particularly nice in some way?05:35
persiaThe beagle is kinda special: Ti helped design a reference board, but the board design is open, so anyone can make them and sell them.  I don't believe TI actually sells them directly.05:35
persiai.MX51x is a chip family, I think.  I don't know the disctinctions between versions.  Could be revisions, could be extensions, etc.  Unlikely to make a difference running Ubuntu, as we have little to no software that would take advantage of extensions.05:37
persiaThe i.MX51x series is particularly nice in a number of ways, and insufficient in a number of other ways.  I'd have to recommend comparing Freescale's datasheets with those of some of their competitors.05:38
mwhudsonhttp://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/taxonomy.jsp?code=IMX51_FAMILY actually seems *reasonably* helpful on that front05:38
persiaBut that gets into the same sort of mess that one hits in comparing, say, Freescale powerpc vs. IBM powerpc, or AMD vs VIA for IA32.05:38
mwhudsonit seems that you'd mostly likely be running ubuntu on a 51505:38
mwhudsonpersia: weeeeeeeeeeeeeell the fact that it's a SoC does make some difference there?05:39
mwhudsonthough i guess intel and amd use different socket05:39
persiaKinda, sorta.05:39
persiaSo it's comparison of CPU+chipset+some peripherals vs. just CPU+socket (with chipset competition per-socket)05:40
persiaSo more like powerpc than IA32, just because the powerpc market has similar tendencies towards vertical consolidation.05:40
mwhudsonok, anyway, i have sucked up a little bit more (noted as possibly inaccurate) information, thanks05:40
persiaSo, today, if you want an ARM device, your choices are limited to beagle (low specs), the imx51 devices noted above (note that there is currently no imx51 kernel in Ubuntu), or some other devices that run Android which could conceivably be hacked to run Ubuntu.05:42
mwhudsonwas it the i.mx51 series that had some earlier versions that had bugs in their neon support?05:42
persiaMy recommendation is to wait, unless you're up for kernel maintenance.05:42
mwhudsoni'm getting a beagle xm in the mail soon :)05:42
persiaI heard something about that, but I think there was a kernel patch that made it less bad.  I'm unsure.05:42
persiabeagle XM isn't bad, just be aware it's a low-spec platform :)  Makes a handy project box, server, very lightweight client, etc.05:43
mwhudsonyeah, it's just for testing and such05:43
persiaAnd you may well find lots more folks with deeper knowledge than I on #ubuntu-arm.  I know I've seen folks from a few SoC vendors and ODMs there, as well as the usual free software folk.05:44
mwhudsongiven that i, you know, work for this organization with an arm focus now05:44
persiaHeh.  I'm not going to complain about more ports users :)  I just want to be sure folk understand that low-spec devices are low-spec, and that even really cool acceleration stuff and great ISAs don't completely make up for 512MB RAM and relatively slow clocks.05:45
persiaEspecially because I keep hearing about devices that will be released "Real Soon Now" that don't have those limitations.  1GB+, 1GHz+, etc.  Mind you, I've been hearing that for well over a year now.05:46
mwhudsoneven *i've* been hearing that for a few months05:46
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nigelblucidfox: I'm having a busy day, but I just dropped by to say: AWESOME blog post!07:32
lucidfoxnigelb> Thanks!07:34
vishlucidfox: you should have ended it with "Based on a real life story!" :D08:34
lucidfoxvish> Hehehe08:35
lucidfoxI don't generally like naming and shaming, though08:35
vishlucidfox: yup.. but me having watched the whole events transpire from beginning to end .. it was really pretty well written ;)08:36
chrisccoulsonis there anybody available who knows about the process for creating language packs (specifically how the mozilla translations are imported)?09:18
chrisccoulsoni need to get bug 632760 fixed09:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632760 in language-pack-pt (Ubuntu) "Language variants don't work in Firefox because the language codes are separated with an underscore rather than a hyphen in chrome.manifest" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63276009:19
micahgchrisccoulson: are you sure this is a langpack issue and not an upstream one?09:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the upstream xpi's use a hyphen09:20
chrisccoulsonlaunchpad is mangling them on import09:20
cjwatsonyou might try lp:langpack-o-matic09:21
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, thanks09:21
cjwatson(are you sure it's on import into launchpad, not export into language packs?)09:21
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, well, i'm not sure really09:21
chrisccoulsoni still don't know how this stuff works ;)09:21
cjwatsonnoticing things like this in 'import' in lp:langpack-o-matic:09:22
cjwatson        locale = tar.split('.')[0].replace('-', '_')09:22
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:22
* cjwatson looks at the langpack export09:23
dpmchrisccoulson, there is also more background info on http://is.gd/f0syl - Arne used to upload the xpis manually into LP from upstream, and then langpack-o-matic does the rest09:24
chrisccoulsondpm, thanks09:26
theGuest_good morning everyone! are you guys aware of bug 624251 in gparted?09:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624251 in Baltix "Please sync GParted version 0.6.2 from Debian unstable - current package in Ubuntu 10.10 beta contains 2 important bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62425109:31
cjwatsontheGuest_: sure, I can look at that09:33
theGuest_cjohnston, thanks!09:33
theGuest_cjwatson, hm autocomplete...09:33
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cjwatsonchrisccoulson: I don't think it's on the LP side, since LP just feeds langpack-o-matic .po files09:37
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: you might try lp:~arnegoetje/rosetta/po2xpi-arne too - I believe that src/rosetta_xpi_to_sources is what langpack-o-matic calls09:38
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: and there's definitely a bunch of stuff there that's working with chrome.manifest09:38
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - thanks, just looking there now09:39
cjwatson(BTW I have no operator privileges for langpacks - I just conveniently happen to have a login on that machine)09:40
cjwatsonjames_w`: would you mind looking into why the lp:debian/sid/gparted import is out of date?09:44
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Davieyjames_w`, Are you about?10:06
Davieycjwatson, Perhaps you could help if you have a moment... I encountered a deb src 3 issue yesterday. and seems james_w` also discovered it a few weeks ago.  Essentially, it doesn't do what it says on the tin - regarding overriding binaries.  There is a pretty minimal patch that fixes it, what do you think if i were to cherry pick it for Maverick dpkg? http://git.debian.org/?p=dpkg/dpkg.git;a=commitdiff_plain;h=4d2b04f10:08
cjwatsonDaviey: yes, that's fine to cherry-pick10:09
Davieyrockin', thanks cjwatson10:09
dokoseb128: any idea about #63259410:12
seb128bug #63259410:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632594 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "xvfb 1.9 and/or metacity not working on the buildds" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63259410:12
seb128didrocks, ^?10:13
seb128not sure who touched it recently but I've no clue about it10:13
seb128I'm using compiz for years and never really touched it10:13
ricotzseb128, do you have a moment, gssdp and gupnp need a rebuild against g-i 0.9.310:14
didrocksmetacity is working here10:14
didrocksnot sure why buildds have issues10:14
dokojust want to have a working xvfb again :-/10:15
* didrocks looks about what changed in metacity10:15
seb128could be an xorg issue as well10:15
seb128ricotz, no change rebuilds?10:15
ricotzseb128, yes, but gupnp could also be synced from debian10:17
seb128could you open bugs about that?10:18
didrocksdoko: nothing in metacity from what I can see of, even not change to codebase (just removing some deprecated patch)10:18
didrockslast version isn't in bzr. fixing this (but no big change on it too)10:19
ricotzseb128, ok, there are 3 more sync request of packages which depend on these two, i hope they make it in too10:19
seb128ricotz, can you open one bug and summarize the changes required in it?10:22
seb128didrocks, doko: could be an #ubuntu-x issue rather then10:22
persiaI thought the dbus-not-available-during-builds was a dbus-change.  I can't find it right now, but I thought I remembered an email from Keybuk about it a couple months back.10:24
ricotzseb128, i filed these two bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gssdp/+bug/633019 - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gupnp/+bug/63302010:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633019 in gssdp (Ubuntu) "Rebuild against gobject-introspection 0.9.3 needed" [Undecided,New]10:42
seb128ricotz, thanks10:42
seb128I will deal with those today10:43
ricotzseb128, syncing gupnp 0.13.5-1 from debian/experimental might be worth it, very few changes10:44
seb128I will review those10:45
bilalakhtarzul: ping, ping, ping! A major regression!10:46
bilalakhtarBug #62672310:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626723 in apache2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "init script resets isig flag in an incorrect manner" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62672310:47
ricotzseb128, these are the request which depend on these two - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rygel/+bug/630528 - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gupnp-av/+bug/630510 - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/63052410:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630528 in rygel (Ubuntu) "Sync rygel 0.7.7-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,New]10:47
bilalakhtarzul: What would be the right way to go? If I go ahead and make that call mild, then bug #582963 will have to be reopened10:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 582963 in Ubuntu Server papercuts "SSL pass phrase dialog can't read input" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58296310:48
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Davieybilalakhtar, zul won't be online for another 1-2 hours.10:57
Davieycjwatson, Are you doing AA work today?11:00
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Davieycjwatson, Would you be able to look at the upload to lucid-proposed, eucalyptus 1.6.2-0ubuntu30.4.  The other AA doing today is kirkland.  It's his upload, so might be bad karma for him to ack it himself. :(11:03
cjwatsonyep, was going to do it last night but ran out of day11:04
cjwatsonDaviey: duplicate vgextend in util/wrappers.conf - can you confirm that that's harmless?11:07
Davieycjwatson, I believe it's harmless  - it's a whitelist, but if you'd rather be certain i can test it.11:09
DavieyI imagine kirkland did test it before uploading.11:10
cjwatsonno, that's fine, I checked the code and agree it's harmless11:11
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Davieybilalakhtar, Looking at that bug, It would be unfortunate if a fix to an issue the desktop is seeing breaks server.  Would it be possible to see if the isig flag is actually required, it what seems to be stty or plymouth?11:23
bilalakhtarDaviey: Well, I have unassigned me11:24
Davieybilalakhtar, Is that from fear of stepping on zul's toes?11:25
Davieybilalakhtar, Ah, guessing you timed out.11:29
Davieybilalakhtar_,, Is that from fear of stepping on zul's toes?11:29
bilalakhtar_Daviey: nope!11:29
Davieyoh good.11:30
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ricotzchrisccoulson, hello, i want to propose a sru including this mentioned fix in this bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/49194012:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491940 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "Patch for LTSP clients to properly reboot/shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:18
ricotzchrisccoulson, do you had any concerns about this fix?12:19
chrisccoulsonricotz, yes12:19
chrisccoulsonit's wrong for a start12:19
chrisccoulsonthe patch touches the wrong function12:19
chrisccoulson(i keep getting asked about this patch btw)12:19
chrisccoulsonand i don't think it's SRU worthy really12:19
ricotzbut a patch for this problem is really needed12:19
ricotzis there another approach to fix this?12:20
chrisccoulsonricotz, see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/491940/comments/1112:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491940 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "Patch for LTSP clients to properly reboot/shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:22
chrisccoulsoni've mentioned this a number of time already, and the current patch still hasn't addressed it12:22
ricotzi see12:24
ricotzchrisccoulson, are you aware if this problem still exists using maverick?12:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i suspect it's still an issue in maverick12:25
ricotzok, currently i am using this patch which does its job because without it is quite annoying12:27
chrisccoulsonricotz, the patch doesn't work from the session dialog though (gnome-session-save), as that code path will never be executed12:29
chrisccoulsonand that applies for anything else in gnome-session that might call the shutdown code12:29
chrisccoulson(i'm not sure if there is anything that does that though - i know clients can end the session, but i'm not sure if they can shutdown or not)12:30
ricotzchrisccoulson, i am using lucid with the maverick ltsp packages including this patched gnome-session, this makes it possible to use the session-indicator for shutdown/restart/logout12:32
ricotzchrisccoulson, i am not near these computers now12:33
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mkarnickiHi guys, I have a puzzle for you, but you can't use gcc/g++ to check that! Use your brains :)13:16
mkarnickiint a = 2; char b; b = 'A' + (a-- != 1) ? 0 : 1; // what is the value of a and b after running this13:16
mkarnickiRemember, don't use the compiler :)13:16
Gzul: morning13:16
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cjwatsonkirkland: are you able to boot i386 generic-pae kernels in kvm at the moment?14:50
cjwatson(both host and guest are i386)14:50
cjwatsontrying to figure out what might have regressed14:50
diwicKeybuk, or anyone else who is an upstart expert, is it possible to write an upstart job saying "start on (starting rc RUNLEVEL=[06]) and (no pulseaudio processes), i e, to make it start when *both* conditions are fulfilled? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/592016/comments/2015:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 592016 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] Sound is always muted on startup; unmuting makes the volume at lowest level" [High,Confirmed]15:15
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Keybukdiwic: no, it's not possible15:33
Keybukfor a start, you mean "started" rc15:34
kaduHi =]15:34
diwicKeybuk, hmm, it says "starting" here, in /etc/init/alsa-mixer-save.conf, is that a bug then?15:36
kaduhi everyone15:38
kadui want to getting started to help in development of ubuntu15:38
kaduhow i can start?15:38
fagankadu: thats in #ubuntu-app-devel15:38
Keybukdiwic: no, it's not a bug for alsa-mixer-save15:38
Keybukread "man starting" and "man started"15:38
ionfagan: No15:39
kaduthx fagan.. sorry15:39
kadui found this irc channel on ubuntu site... thx15:39
bilalakhtarDaviey: look at that stty / apache bug again, and see my comment15:43
diwicKeybuk, okay, I'll just write a pre-start script that waits for pulseaudio to terminate then15:43
KeybukI do something similar15:44
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Keybuklook at the plymouth-stop.conf15:44
Keybukerr, no, I don't think I mean that one15:44
Keybukhmm, there is one in there somewhere which does a similar "lock out"15:45
Keybukthough maybe I never shipped it ;-)15:45
manjocjwatson, I see the fix was commited 2 hrs ago, will it make it in todays server iso?15:50
cjwatsonmanjo: the server ISOs are built before I wake up in the morning15:51
cjwatsoncheck the timestamps :)15:51
cjwatsonnothing I do in a given work day will be there until the next day's server ISO build15:52
bilalakhtarrobbiew: heh, I saw your comments on that apache bug15:53
bilalakhtarrobbiew: The bug is not fixed yet, the only thing that has happened is that its workaround has been placed in the archive15:53
manjocjwatson, ack15:53
robbiewbilalakhtar: ah, ok...but it's clearly not an upstart bug, right?15:53
manjocjwatson, would be nice if you had the power to kick off the build :)15:54
bilalakhtarrobbiew: ah no no15:54
bilalakhtarrobbiew: The bug wasn't even concerning upstart15:54
bilalakhtarIt was apache coming in between and resetting stty flags15:54
bilalakhtarBut getting the workaround in means the reopening of bug #58296315:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 582963 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "SSL pass phrase dialog can't read input" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58296315:55
cjwatsonmanjo: I do, but it's usually better if I put energy into fixing more bugs rather than babysitting manual builds?15:55
bilalakhtarrobbiew: Did you poke scott to look at it?15:55
robbiewbilalakhtar: yep ;)15:55
manjocjwatson, :) yep15:55
cjwatsonI normally only run manual builds around release times or when something has failed15:55
robbiewmore like nudged15:55
bilalakhtarrobbiew: tell him its fixed15:55
robbiewI did ;)15:55
bilalakhtarwell I found the workaround after hours of digging15:55
bilalakhtarand if I knew zul was going to apply the workaround directly, then I wouldn't have waited for him to fix it!15:56
bilalakhtarrobbiew: ^15:56
robbiewbilalakhtar: lol15:56
Keybukbilalakhtar: apache should use plymouth to ask for the SSL passphrase, surely?15:56
bilalakhtarKeybuk: hey!15:56
cjwatsonttx: I'm looking at the lvm2 package, and trying to decide whether I want to ask for an FFE to pull in a new upstream version15:56
bilalakhtarKeybuk: yes it should15:56
bilalakhtarrobbiew: Keybuk: I will be off15:57
cjwatsonttx: the main thing, really, is a fix for bug 621951 - I *think* I may be able to take that in isolation, though I'm not certain15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621951 in lvm2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "udevd-work[674]: kernel-provided name 'dm-5' and NAME= 'mapper/main-server1a--lu cid-cow' disagree, please use SYMLINK+= or change the kernel to provide the prop er name " [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62195115:57
cjwatsonttx: there are a bunch of fixes listed in the upstream WHATS_NEW file, but all sorts of other stuff as well.  I feel bad about our lvm2 version being rather old, but at this point I'm leaning towards backporting just the udev rule patch and doing a proper job of it in natty, rather than risking breaking eucalyptus or something insanely complicated a few weeks from release.  Do you agree?15:59
ttxcjwatson: agreed.15:59
ttxlvm2 is something I'd rather touch in alphas16:00
ttxcjwatson: so if that fix can be isolated, I think that would be the way to go16:01
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SpamapSttx: I'm still a little bit confused as to what to do about the mysql kill -9 bug16:26
SpamapSttx: we need to establish a standard place for admins to look when an upstart service doesn't stop immediately16:27
ttxSpamapS: link?16:27
SpamapSbug 62044116:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620441 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu Maverick) "MySQL upstart stop job does not cleanly shutdown mysql" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62044116:27
SpamapSttx: personally I think its fine to just wait 5 minutes and then kill -9 mysql16:29
SpamapSbut the users of MyISAM tables definitely disagree16:30
ttxSpamapS: they say you shouldn't send SIGKILL... but if you shut down the process will be killed anyway16:30
SpamapSttx: kill -9 corrupts myisam tables16:30
SpamapSif there are any recent writes .. the table is likely toast.. data will be lost16:31
SpamapSIMO, this is part of life with MyISAM16:31
ttxSpamapS: i suspect shutting down with the process still running is no better16:31
ionPerhaps people should use, you know, reliable databases. :-P16:31
SpamapSttx: if you halt the box, yes, you'll still kill -9, but on upgrade, for instance, it will just fail to stop.16:31
ttxSpamapS: how did this work before the upstart conversion ?16:31
SpamapSion: InnoDB is perfectly reliable.. and I agree, people should use it. MyISAM is a dinosaur and quite worthless. :-P16:32
SpamapSttx: try for 20 seconds then fail.16:32
SpamapSttx: from what I see, if pre-stop exits, no matter what the return code, the service gets stopped16:32
ttxSpamapS: any way we can replicate that ? At least nobody would be shouting "regression"16:33
ttxi see no solution that would please everyone16:33
SpamapSMy thinking was to simply log the warning that mysql timed out waiting for shutdown and had to be forcibly killed16:33
SpamapSbut that brings me to.. whats the best way to log things in upstart jobs.. to which nobody has replied16:34
ttxlet's ping the experts16:36
ttxKeybuk, slangasek, cjwatson: ^16:36
cjwatsonnot I16:36
SpamapSttx: also sent a message to ubuntu-devel that hasn't seen any responses16:37
SpamapSalso.. if pre-stop causes a process to die, hopefully it doesn't get respawned.16:39
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jdstrandKeybuk: hey. I'm the reporter of the 'stty sane'/SIGSTOP bug. I also reported bug #627055, which is where X seemingly gets a SIGSTOP out of nowhere (eg, when user's are typing)16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627055 in mesa (Ubuntu Maverick) "[needs-packaging] Wayland" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62705516:43
jdstrandKeybuk: it hits infrequently, but frequently enough that I have some users that have lost data as a result16:43
jdstrandKeybuk: so my question is, are there still issues with /dev/console on up to date lucid where a user's keyboard input could trigger a SIGSTOP?16:44
jdstrandubottu got that wrong16:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:44
SpamapSttx: I suppose the best thing to do now is to raise the kill timeout..16:44
jdstrandbug #62705516:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627055 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "[lucid] X received SIGQUIT" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62705516:45
jdstrandthat's the one16:45
ttxSpamapS: right, that's an easy band-aid16:46
cjwatsonoh, hey, that's interesting16:46
cjwatsonso I requested that bug from ubottu on #ubuntu-meeting, and it didn't reply16:46
cjwatsonor actually it sort of did16:47
cjwatson16:28 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/483001)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 483001 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-pc needs some help in uec instances" [High,Confirmed]16:47
cjwatsonand that's the next one I asked for!16:47
cjwatson16:32 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/623609)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623609 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-pc needs some help in uec instances" [High,Confirmed]16:47
jdstrandKeybuk: I might mention that the affected systems boot with 'quiet' but not 'splash', if that makes a difference16:47
cjwatsonso the bug appears to be that when it hits "could not parse data", it sometimes gets its input and output out of sync?16:47
SpamapSttx: or we can just wait forever in pre-stop.. but that brings me back to upgrades failing.16:49
SpamapStho I guess the upgrdes would have failed w/ the old method too16:49
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slangasekSpamapS: yeah, why are they using myisam tables? :)  logging in upstart jobs, hem, you can use logger for this sort of thing, there's nothing built into upstart that lets you do arbitrary logging17:26
SpamapSRight, I'm kind of looking for an upstart job writer's guide.17:28
SpamapSBut really, I think the key is just to raise the kill timeout to 300. 5 minutes should be long enough for normal activities to cease and buffers to flush... and not too long for a normal restart/halt to wait17:32
* ogra glares at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/2.6.35-903.11/+build/195123317:38
ograwhy the heck are we calling pkgstriptranslations in a kernel build ?17:38
ogradoes it do anything beyond what it's name suggests ?17:39
sladenogra: isn't the whole point that pkgbinarymangler is generic, you can just run it over any package and its component pieces will either just do the right thing, or do nothing at all17:42
ograright, i just dont get what translations we are stripping from a kernel17:43
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ograi bet it couls save some buildd time to not call it17:43
sladenogra: mostly likely, none!  But other bits of pkgbinarymangler may be doing things17:46
ograah, so its only a sub-process17:46
ograpkgbinarymangler in itself is likely needed for dbgsym17:47
manjosuperm1, I can grab some lunch and be at your office ... when is a good time ?17:49
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manjosuperm1, let me know when I can swing by18:02
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ogra_cmpccjwatson, or kirkland, can one of you let linux-ti-omap4 out of NEW (caution, there is a new headers package that wants to go to universe)19:00
apwthat _wants_ to go there but should not19:03
dobeyif i want to get a change in for a package I don't already have upload rights for, what's the quickest way to that? i've already filed a bug and attached a debdiff for it :)19:21
ScottKdobey: Yes.  That or find someone who does that owes you a favor ....19:23
geserdobey: and also subscribed ubuntu-sponsors to the bug?19:25
micahgwould someone be able to push banshee-community-extensions through new?19:25
dobeygeser: i have now :)19:27
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superm1manjo, i'm here irght now, so you can come by20:04
manjosuperm1, will be around at 4?20:04
superm1manjo, that's fine20:04
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tkamppeterHi, can someone upload my fixed Jockey package? I have fixed bug 574396 and bug 604698. The fixes are important to support manufacturer-supplied printer drivers.20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574396 in jockey (Ubuntu Lucid) "Jockey very slow when searching/downloading/installing printer drivers from OpenPrinting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57439620:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604698 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Automatic printer driver download should support signed packages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60469820:56
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cjwatsonogra_cmpc: done21:48
ogra_cmpccjwatson, oh, thanks !21:51
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neerajWhen I am running debuild command, then my package is building with any error. Now when i tried to throw the build log in a file using debuild > log.txt, then its giving debuild: fatal error at line 1340:22:42
neerajdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc failed22:42
* neeraj ??22:45
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* neeraj got gc. Wandering whether his ques was answered or not22:49
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Chipacaneeraj: what happens if you debuild 2> err.txt ?22:50
neerajChipaca: debuild 2>err.txt created blank file. build process was successful22:54
tkamppeterOdyX, hi23:12
neerajcan I add new folder while creating patch using quilt?23:14
OdyXneeraj: afaik yes23:15
neerajI mean till now I was just editing file using quilt23:15
neerajhmm.. but I am unable to find any cmd on man http://linux.die.net/man/1/quilt :(23:16
* neeraj I am able to create new file. edit automatically creates one if its not present23:17
cjwatsonjust make the directory and add the files inside it23:18
cjwatsonyou don't need to add the directory separately23:18
neerajcjwatson: ok. thanks for the pointer. :)23:19
cjwatsonneeraj: the only thing to note is that quilt won't remove the empty directories when you pop the patch that created them23:20
cjwatsonthis usually doesn't matter23:20
neerajActually I manually editied some file in various folder of one package.(which was formed by combining more than one package.) Now debdiff command is showing all changes, but new deb files are nt..23:21
Riddellcjwatson: how come kubuntu-mobile images successfully include plasma-mobile?  I thought there was an issue where it needed to be moved to main or launchpad have its cron changed23:29
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SpamapSis there a way, with bzr-buildpackage, to get it to generate the deb src 3.0 quilt packages and commit them rather than commit changes to the source files?23:37
SpamapSerr. I mean quilt patches23:38
cjwatsonRiddell: Launchpad would need to have its cron job changed if kubuntu-mobile were split into a separate seed collection with the aim of leaving kubuntu-mobile in universe23:46
cjwatsonRiddell: you might see from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt that kubuntu-mobile and plasma-mobile are in the list of things to be promoted to main23:46
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