
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
rougeleafGood morning, where can I get some network assistance? Please07:09
nhainesrougeleaf: what kind of assistance?07:12
rougeleafFor a network bridge07:13
nhainesYou mean how to set up a computer to act as a bridge?07:21
rougeleafTo bridge my wireless to my lan. I receive Internet via wireless, need to connect a non wireless device07:29
rougeleafI have done this many times in windows. I have been unsuccessful in linux.07:30
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php07:31
rwwTry #ubuntu if that doesn't work out.07:31
jussijpds: ubot2 is missing...07:33
rwwthe bots are escaping :O07:33
rougeleafubottu your links helped greatly, thank you07:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:57
rougeleaf...Thanks for the support07:58
jussirougeleaf: rww called the bot for you :)07:58
rougeleafNot sure what that means07:58
jussi!bot | rougeleaf07:59
ubotturougeleaf: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:59
jussisee, I did that.07:59
jussirww:  did the one that you appreciated07:59
rwwjussi confuses new people!07:59
rougeleaflol indeed07:59
jussialways :D07:59
rougeleafI get the idea, just the how part eludes me08:00
rwwrougeleaf: of internet connection sharing or bot usage?08:00
rougeleafAs a friend said to me once, jack of all trades, master of none08:00
rougeleafThe bot usage08:01
rougeleaf... The link via rww provided by the bot solved the answer I was looking for08:02
rwwrougeleaf: If you write a message beginning with "!" or "ubottu" (e.g. "!ics"), ubottu looks in its database, finds the "ics" entry, and then outputs it to the channel.08:02
rougeleaf! wireshark08:03
rwwwithout a space ;). but it doesn't know about wireshark anyway, so... :(08:03
rougeleaflol ok08:03
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:03
rwwhttp://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi has a list of all of them, or you can PM ubottu too.08:04
rougeleafThank you for the bit of info, first time I have learned thus08:04
rwwhttp://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Encyclopedia has entirely more information about bot commands than you'll ever want to know :)08:04
rougeleafThank you much for the info08:04
rougeleafI greatly appreciate it08:05
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
guntbertLjL: are you around?20:26
=== easter_egg|off is now known as easter_egg
LjLguntbert: yes20:36
guntbertLjL: about the floodbots questions in #ubuntu-unregged - I have a little concern - are you the person to talk to?20:37
LjLguntbert: most likely20:39
guntbertLjL: I tried it - it worked - the question/answers are nice - but: everybody can stay in the channel as long they desire - so it seems pretty easy to feed the questions/answers into a database20:41
LjLguntbert: yes it's true. i'm not really sure how to work around that. however, i'd keep a couple of things in mind: 1) you don't ever see the answers, so you'd still have to input those manually into the database 2) is it really any easier than registering bogus email address somewhere that lets you, and then registering your bots' nicknames using those?20:42
guntbertLjL: good point  --- and I just found out that the two possible workarounds I "found" had serious flaws  (one would be to kickban every user after some time, the other wouldn't work at all so I won't mention it :-))20:48
rwwEvery defense system has problems. The goal is to have problems that the other side has not yet managed/bothered to exploit ;)20:48
LjLguntbert, rww: even if you kickban after a timeout, it's easy enough for the attacker to join multiple nicknames. they have proxies, very many of them. the only real fix i can think of would be to go back to the original idea of captchas, and implement them properly (i.e. not the way i had in mind), which would be annoying because of the way the bots work, and make it more complicated for users to join20:51
LjLfor now i say we cross our fingers and hope it's not worth it for the attackers to crack this20:51
LjLalthough they already did try20:51
LjLearlier on today, they joined a lot of clones from one ip address, which no apparent intent but to get questions asked20:52
PiciIt was a lot of clones.20:52
rwwhow long ago?20:52
PiciI daresay hundreds.20:52
LjLmy client (which admittedly is sort of prone to hanging up)20:53
rwwah, nvm, found it20:53
LjLwell, it hung up20:53
Pici7 hours.20:53
LjLanyway i'll see if i can manage to have a backup method (i.e. captchas) ready in case this is cracked20:54
guntbertwhat about PMing the questions? that wouldn't beat the clones but idling would not give them more info20:54
LjLdoes anyone have experience with captchas and could either point me to some generator that can generate hundreds of them for me (and their solutions), or suggest another method that can work when the server is not the machine the bots are running on?20:55
LjLguntbert: yeah i thought of that, but i think it might easily confuse people (i already have to deal with people *answering* in PM, god only knows why they do that), for not much of a gain since as you say clones can still join20:55
LjLguntbert: anyway it would be very easy to change the bots to work from PM if the attackers attack20:56
guntbertLjL: ack20:56
LjLalso, it really doesn't even take looking at all the questions to manage to get clones past the check20:57
LjLgo and guess why that is :P20:57
guntbertLjL: as for the captchas problem: I suggest (after finding an acceptable generator :-)) to generate the secret string on the bots machine, send it to a (yet to find) online generator from which you'd get an url which you present to the user - so the checking would be really easy21:14
LjLguntbert: sending it to the generator would pose a few problems. the bots aren't multithreaded, so making a connection to the internet is really not something they should do if they don't want to hang up21:20
guntbertLjL: I see - I obviously didn't think far enough :-)21:21
LjLguntbert: well you couldn't have known there was no multithreading. what i had originally in mind was, basically, have a static site containing 200 jpegs, named by number; have the bots contain a list of all 200 numbers and their solutions; give the user a random one (actually it's not random, and that is related to what i asked above :P), and if after looking at it they can provide the solution, it's done21:22
LjLguntbert: the captchas are still a limited number (like 200), but if they can be automatically generated, that number can be made arbitrarily large (contrary to hand-crafted questions)21:23
guntbertLjL: as an aside: there was just the question "how much is 6 and 2 (7+2)"21:23
LjLguntbert: yeah i saw it. it'll be fixed in one minute when the bot updates21:23
guntbertLjL: your idea seems sensible -- I'll be looking for a part of this solution - not sure which part :-) but I'll start with looking into the image generation21:27
LjLguntbert: that's really the thing i need solved, the rest is just a little simple bot coding. somehow, i found a few places that will either *produce and check* captchas for you (like google's recaptchas), but not give you the solution so that you can use them on a static site; or generators that can give you one captchas, but can't really be used in batch mode21:28
LjLnote that i'd still stick to the current questions if at all possible21:29
LjLa captcha image may seem simple enough, but it isn't really21:29
LjLit doesn't work if you don't have a graphical browser (which is often the case if you're stuck with a broken install)21:29
LjLand it doesn't work if you're blind21:29
guntbertLjL: I like the current questions better too - but I'll try to find a batch-captchas-generator just in case21:31
=== easter_egg is now known as easter_egg|off
lefantomedurezoHello, what is the international chan ubuntu for offtopic?21:56
k1llefantomedurezo:  #ubuntu-offtopic21:57
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=== easter_egg|off is now known as easter_egg
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC

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