
bjfogasawara: you ever build lbm by hand?00:44
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diwicAccording to ubuntu-kernel's meeting minutes, I have at least one "work item". How do I find out what that work item is?07:04
RAOFdiwic: Check out http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team.html07:07
diwicRAOF, thanks07:11
lacostejAnyone does know how to bring attention to a regression with a patch ? See bug #86820. I've nominated it for Maverick in launchpad but that was probably not the right thing to do...08:30
diwiclacostej, if there is a patch in 2.6.36, you have tested it and it works okay, you might want to send a pull request on the ubuntu-kernel mailing list08:34
lacostejI've backported it to 2.6.32 and I use it everyday08:34
diwiclacostej, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/StablePatchFormat08:34
lacostejI can upgrade to 10.10 beta, and try backporting it to 2.6.35 as well if needed08:35
lacostejdiwic: I mailed the list. I am not subscribed so I hope it will go through.08:59
diwiclacostej, nothing showed up yet, it's likely moderated09:00
lacostejok. I will stick here for a while then :)09:01
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apwlacostej, it is indeed moderated for non-members ... spam overload elsewise09:46
lacostejapw should I register and re-send or just wait for the moderation to happen ?09:47
apwlacostej, it should appear shortly09:47
lacostejah yes. it did in the archive09:47
lacostejmmm it got truncated in the web archive. The patch isn't there09:48
apwlacostej, subject ?09:48
lacostej"[Maverick] [pull request] Input: i8042 - reset keyboard controllerwehen resuming from S2R"09:48
apwwho knows where the actual email is09:48
lacostejapw: in my sent box ;)09:49
apwheh arrived finally ... you'd think there were 100s of people on the list09:50
jjohansengood night *09:52
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lacostejapw: does my mail contain the patch ? 09:53
lacostejbecause the web version doesn't09:53
apwyep all there09:53
apwthough its not a pull request :)  its the patch 09:53
lacostejthanks for the help09:53
apwall i did was tell it you wern't a spammer09:54
lacostejthat's all that was required :)09:54
lacostejyea it's not a pull request, but the upstream commit id is in the mail. I guess they can cherry pick the patch if needed. Not sure how they would do that. maybe a format-patch + patch or a merge. I don't have great git skills09:55
apwthe contents of the email is just fine, i'd have put [PATCH] on it not [pull request] just cause its just a patch.  you did the right things putting the upstream id in there etc09:56
apweverything someone needs to find and apply the original themselves is in there so its good09:56
apwlacostej, done the admin on the bug, the fix will get tracked on the mailing list now09:59
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ckingapw, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~cking/dust.jpg11:34
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apwcking, we didi change how we work out if you have CPU internal sensors in 2.6.35, using cpuid instread of a hard coded list13:45
apwso it is entirly possible it is different13:45
apwsensors command may twll you where they are coming from 13:45
* cking looks13:46
apwcking, does sensors say 'owt ?13:56
ckingapw, sensors13:57
ckingAdapter: ISA adapter13:57
ckingCore 0:      +61.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)  13:57
ckingAdapter: ISA adapter13:57
ckingCore 1:      +61.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)  13:57
apwi wonder if you had those before, worth checking in lucid next time you are forced to reboot13:58
apw61 is still jolly hot13:58
ckingI assume ISA adapter refers to the fact that sensors is getting info from the lower 64K I/O port 13:58
apwyeah i'd been assuming something similar13:59
apwtime for a temperature gague on the air coming out :)13:59
cking61 is better than the 91 degrees I saw before cleaning out the dust puppies13:59
apwjk-, what was the symptoms on your battery failure14:03
jk-apw: flashing amber battery light14:03
jk-(inc. in BIOS)14:04
mjg59Doesn't coretemp read from an msr?14:04
apwjk-, i have also killed a battery recently on a dell, just wondered if it sounded similar14:04
apwbut it sounds like different symptom14:04
apwmjg59, yeah, i suspect the isa one is 'under' the CPU14:04
jk-yeah, I was suspicious it was caused by an upgrade14:04
jk-but I think that's just coincidence14:05
jk-more likely caused by the warranty expiring :D14:05
apwheh yeah14:05
AnAntHello, how can I enable CONFIG_SND_HDA_INPUT_BEEP_MODE ? I read that it is runtime configurable via sysfs 14:22
AnAntsudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/beep_mode"14:27
AnAntsh: cannot create /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/beep_mode: Permission denied14:27
aboganiAnAnt: Could you try as root effective user?14:30
mjg59apw: Does /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/beep_mode exist?14:30
apwAnAnt, ^^14:32
mjg59apw: Whoops, sorry14:45
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AnAntmjg59: yes it does exist15:14
AnAntmjg59: funny, is that it did get written to15:14
AnAntthat's is the contents of the file:15:14
AnAntI dunno what are all those values, shouldn't it just be 0 or 1 or 2 ?15:15
apwbjf[afk], poke15:21
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bjfapw, how can i be of no use to you today?15:22
ogasawarabjf: did you get your answer about building lbm?15:23
apwbjf, wanted to chat about the CD create scripts15:23
apwmumble ?15:23
bjfapw, give me a sec, got to straighten out a 9 yr old15:24
apwbjf, np 15:24
bjfogasawara: talk to you about it in a bit maybe15:24
JFobjf, or sconklin will we be doing an upload to -proposed sometime soon? QA is asking.15:29
bjfJFo: did one last week15:29
bjfJFo: why is qa asking? do they want to test it?15:29
sconklinbjf: good one ;-)15:30
JFothey are wanting to do a run on the planned testing15:30
bjfJFo: as long as you're talking to them about it, it would be nice if we could see some results15:30
bjfJFo: we've been asking about that for a while15:30
JFoyeah, I've asked15:31
sconklinThis is an especially good one to test, as it's a lot of changes15:31
bjfJFo: the one that is there now is a very good candidate15:31
JFowill let you know what the result is15:31
sconklinJFo: Do you think that they can actually test any of the bugs that should be closed by this one?15:32
JFonot sure: 15:32
JFo<cyphermox> JFo, I can point you to how they would look, but I don't have current results for kernels... there was stuff missing in checkbox as well to link packages to tests15:32
JFo<cyphermox> JFo, yeah, it's just the code changes weren't done last week... I'm looking for a future upload to see that what tracks uploads really works properly :/15:32
JFothey are rolling out an updated checkbox to test15:34
JFohe will retest the kernel in -proposed15:34
JFoand I'll let you know the results of the testing15:35
sconklinJFo: it'll likely be a couple of weeks at least before we get a new proposed.15:35
JFono problem15:35
JFohe is going to run the tests on the one there again15:35
sconklinand that's only if this one has no issues15:35
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* tgardner packs for wireless mini-summit16:42
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ogratgardner, could you hold back with the omap4 upload until tomorrow, we need to build an image for TI with the new kernel and couldnt build any since beta due to the kernel vs meta skew on omap417:37
bjfogasawara: i'm trying to build ubuntu-lucid-lbm in a lucid-amd64 chroot ...17:38
bjfogasawara: i did an "fdr clean" and then an "dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -uc -us"...17:39
ogasawarabjf: the corresponding linux-headers are also installed right?17:39
bjfogasawara: this seems to have gotten through compatwireless and alsa but is dieing on wwan-drivers with: ccache: failed to create /root/.ccache (Permission denied)17:39
bjfogasawara: yes and i modified the debian/changelog to match the headers :-)17:40
bjfogasawara: i went backwards one abi17:40
tgardnerogra, there is an omap4 currently building with some packaging fixes. I'll hold off until next week unless you hassle me about it.17:41
ogratgardner, well, just because you said in your mail you'd upload immediately after that built 17:42
ogasawarabjf: hrm, not sure about the Permission denied error.  when I built my test debs for the maverick, I did 'fdr clean' followed by 'fdr binary-arch'17:42
ograif you planned to hold back longer anyway, i wont complain17:42
bjfogasawara: will give that a try17:42
tgardnerogra, will do. apw ^^17:42
ogratgardner, and i know about the current build, eagerly waiting for it :)17:42
bjfogasawara: same error, will retry it clean17:43
bjfdiwic_dinner: an alias for "fakeroot debian/rules"17:43
tgardnerbjf, why is there a ccache in there? perhaps something in your environment is scrogged?17:44
apwtgardner, its nearly complete as far as i can tell.. i assume i did push everything so you had something to base your pull into17:45
bjftgardner: don't know what to tell you17:45
tgardnerapw, yep, it all looked corect17:45
apwgood ... so are you asking if you should wait ?17:45
tgardnerbjf, is it clean, clean ?17:46
ograapw, btw, see -devel ... if we would not try to strip translations from the linux package that might speed up building ;)17:46
ograespecially on arm17:46
bjftgardner: yes, fresh clone17:47
bjftgardner: going to try again on tangerine in case it's my chroot somehow17:47
manjocking, yo!18:05
ckingmanjo, hi18:06
manjocking, sorry I missed this mornings chat on mumble18:06
ckingwhat time does that mumble session start for you?18:07
manjocking, heh 8am :)18:08
ckingoh, zzz time then :-)18:08
manjono I forgot about it 18:09
manjocking can you hear me on mumble ? 18:09
ckingno, my audio is off (again!)18:09
gbledsoegreetings all - do we have members of the kernel team on presently?  18:39
JFogbledsoe, always18:43
bjfogasawara: i was able to build the maverick lbm on tangerine but not the lucid lbm18:43
bjfogasawara: still pounding my head against it18:44
gbledsoethanks JFo18:44
JFogbledsoe, my pleasure18:44
gbledsoeI had a couple quick questions and hope I won't take up too much of anybody's time 18:44
JFoask away gbledsoe 18:45
ogasawarabjf: hrm, I'll see if I can get lucid lbm to build.18:45
JFoif anyone is available and knows, they will answer18:45
gbledsoeI run a number of freeswitch servers that see a pretty good load (15 mb/s in rtp traffic, 100 calls apiece or so)18:45
gbledsoeso the server kernel has always given us quite a bit lower load18:45
gbledsoeI tested the upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 and found that the server kernel has gone away?18:46
gbledsoenow it appears (on x86) to be a pointer to generic pae18:46
gbledsoewhich uses 250 Hz clock and cfq schedular18:46
gbledsoeunder load, this produces about 4x the load average for us18:46
gbledsoeso is this a permanent?  and has anyone complained about this at all?18:47
gbledsoeand what are the chances of resurrecting the x86 server kernel?  :-D18:48
apwgbledsoe, yep that is deliberate and permenant.  server class h/w normally is 64bit now, so why not use that kernel18:49
apwnoone complained about it at the UDS sessions when it was discussed, nor really complained when it was announced close to a year back now18:49
gbledsoein my experience 64 bit kernel has more bugs because it has traditionally seen less use - I've been bitten a number of times18:50
gbledsoeso I should pay closer attention in the future, aye?  :-)18:50
apwnow that 32bit and 64bit arch support is merged, that is less likely and server side its the one we test now as its the only one18:50
* apw runs 64 bit on everything that will run it18:51
gbledsoeok, well that answers my question, thank you18:51
apwheh you cirtainly need to realise we are on a 6 month cycle and everything can change every six months18:51
apwgbledsoe, you can even run the 64bit kernel on 32 bit userspace in theory as a test18:51
apwthough you have to force the kernel to install18:52
* cking calls it a day18:56
ogasawarabjf: on tangerine it doesn't look like the header files are installed in the lucid chroots?  but I just tested building lucid lbm on a local box and it passed after I installed linux-headers-server (already had linux-headers-generic installed)19:22
bjfogasawara: ok, just rebuilt my lucid chroot locally, will install the headers and try again19:23
bjfogasawara: thanks for looking19:23
ogasawarabjf: np19:23
ogasawarabjf: I was going to test on emerald, but it seems to be down for me at least19:23
ogasawarabjf: do you have sudo permissions on tangerine?19:24
bjfogasawara: yes19:24
ogasawarabjf: to install the headers in the lucid chroot19:24
ogasawarabjf: I can then test it there to make sure it's working19:24
bjfogasawara: ok, heading there now to install19:24
bjfogasawara: i've installed the headers on tangerine and started my own test build, working better than before19:32
bjfogasawara: i had installed the headers on my local build system but didn't on tangerine19:33
bjfogasawara: in the past I've usually run into build-dependency issues which pointed at the headers, this time it was trying to build alsa and dying19:33
bjfogasawara: anyway, its working better now, will see if everything builds19:33
ogasawarabjf: cool, let me know19:34
bjfogasawara: ok, the build on tangerine worked just fine19:41
ogasawarabjf: nice19:42
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bjfogasawara: would you mind ack'ing my lucid lbm pull request?20:10
ogasawarabjf: sure20:11
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akgranerapw can and will do - thanks - I leave for Ohio LinuxFest tomorrow afternoon  - I'll do my best to get back to you by this evening or early my time tomorrow20:34
apwakgraner, thanks20:42
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ilmariany chance of getting https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/119791/ into maverick?22:07
ilmari"Update battery information on notification 0x81" - fixes erroneous battery reading when unplugging A/C power on newer thinkpads22:07
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* jjohansen heads out to do some errands22:56
bjf[afk]JFo: where is your "buglist" that generates the top 50 list? i'm looking in your home dir on cranberry23:23
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[reed]mjg59: ping?23:45

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