
=== bilalakhtar is now known as cdbs
=== cdbs is now known as bilalakhtar
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
thorwilvish: so i did apply for uds sponsorship. seeing how useless i have been since a while, except for what i did here, i doubt it will happen, though :}19:33
vishthorwil: yeah... i did it yesterday too.. saw jcastro's blog and only then realized.. timez up!  :)19:35
flanPeople can be sponsored for attending UDS?19:52
* flan wishes he'd known. :(19:52
dutchieflan: you can still apply iirc20:31
dutchieah, deadline today20:32
thorwilflan: assuming they use london time, you still have few hours. doesn't have to take long, though you have to write a bit about yourself that should better be convincing20:35
ChrisWoollardevening all23:25
dakerhi ChrisWoollard23:26
ChrisWoollardthanks dakar23:26

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