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Nagarajahi all07:33
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robbieweveryone's here16:04
robbiewhmm...except ev16:04
robbiewlet's get rolling16:05
Keybukhe's on the design team now, we can go on without him :p16:05
* ev fail16:05
robbiew(10:05:18 AM) Keybuk: he's on the design team now, we can go on without him :p16:05
evGlade distracted me16:05
MootBotMeeting started at 10:05. The chair is robbiew.16:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:05
robbiew[TOPIC] Lightning Round16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning Round16:06
robbiewmvo_ care to go first?16:06
mvo_debug lucid->maverick upgrade issues; apt merges/debugging; python-apt fixes; software-center: work on buy-something,merge branches,bugfixes; add screenshot-with-version patch into debshoots (pending upstream approval);16:06
dokolast week at OOoCon, icedtea6-1.9 uploads for maverick, fall back to openjdk 6b18 on armel, more gcc cross merges, OOo armel build, binutils update, eglibc update16:08
dokoand having fun with xvfb16:08
barryshort week; bug 627654; landed pep 3149; gtimelog update and packaging; (done)16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627654 in twisted (Ubuntu) "package python-twisted-core 10.0.0-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62765416:09
cjwatsonlanded> cool!16:09
psurbhi1) worked on understanding md devices initialization/bring up and understanding the requirements for making it event driven16:10
psurbhi2) worked on bug 62840016:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628400 in mdadm (Ubuntu Maverick) "[regression] boot degraded question never posed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62840016:10
robbiewhe's either typing an insanely long update...or has drifted away16:12
Keybukworking on: making the ureadahead reprofiling history not take a significant percentage of disk space,16:12
Keybuk keep getting distracted by things :-(16:12
Keybukno, he got told to "TAKE A BREAK!" and couldn't apparently click the no button16:12
cjwatsondone: beta release; battling to get grub/uefi working, with manjo and superm1; worked out how to prepare test USB images in KVM so that more bugs are easily accessible; finished display_message implementation in plymouth details splash plugin16:13
cjwatsontodo: move lvm2 to /dev/mapper symlinks; ubiquity reboot issues (oem-priority); sort out /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit.d chaos; oem-config bugs on USB; update gparted to 0.6.216:13
robbiewand for me16:14
robbiewFinished up interviews and made an offer; neck deep in bugs as release manager; and prodding folks to get objectives in...hint..hint16:15
mvo_*cough* objectives *cough*16:15
robbiewalso ordered some port replicator thingy for cjwatson ;)16:15
robbiewuefi is so much *fun*16:15
cjwatsonserial console pain16:15
robbiew[TOPIC] 10.10 bugs16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  10.10 bugs16:16
evoh whatevs16:16
evthere we go :-P16:16
evfixing bugs and taking names.  Got quite a few of the major ones in ubiquity covered off.  Discussions with the design team (ha ha) on the hostname issue, the automatic login issue, and the wording on the prepare page.16:16
evStill to do: the bugs requested of me by cjwatson and robbiew, running jockey with the passthrough frontend (somehow - it uses python-apt which makes getting it to receive debconf-apt-progress's apt options tricky and I've been unsuccessful on convincing that to use a different debconf frontend - help wanted ;) )16:16
evgetting dylan to land the new slideshow, getting the installer panel wrapped in ck-launch-session so that it gets the XDG cookie (gtk-logout-helper needs to do CK), fixing the wireless page, fixing the disk total size on the partitioner page.16:16
evblocked: Waiting to hear back from IS on the geonames service (RT 40560) and the installer testing stuff in Millbank (RT 40559, RT 39986)16:16
cjwatsonthe IS stuff is on my queue for Monday - does it need to be escalated before that?16:17
cjwatsonif so, it might be a plan to escalate directly with #is16:17
robbiewoh...and that reminds me that I'm working on getting a wubi.ubuntu.com...which is WAY more process involved than I anticipated16:18
eventirely up to you - if you think we need the geonames server up and running for CD testing before monday, then yes.  Otherwise no.16:18
robbiewit might be easier to just add a /wubi to releases.ubuntu.com and call it a day :/16:18
evI'm surprised this isn't in the hands of the design team, as it's simply another part of the main website.16:19
robbiewev: well...there's a "committee" now16:19
evoh dear16:19
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.sadtrombone.com16:19
robbiewanywho...thnx ev16:20
robbiewnothing too crazy there16:21
robbiewand nothing insane in the nomination queue16:22
robbieware there any bugs that folks want/need to discuss?16:22
cjwatsonbug 605042 is entirely linaro?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605042 in eglibc (Ubuntu Maverick) "[armel] java fails to start with eglibc-2.12-0ubuntu4" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60504216:22
cjwatsonI mean, their responsibility16:22
cjwatsonI have some difficulties with apt-cdrom right now16:23
dokowell, it seems to be a kernel issue with the lucid babbage kernel16:23
cjwatsonthis is for bug 628290 et al16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628290 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Maverick) "OEM installation, missing "Prepare for shipping to end user" icon" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62829016:23
cjwatsonI'm having some trouble mashing our persistent USB sticks into a shape where apt-cdrom isn't going to think that their ident hashes keep changing16:24
cjwatsonbecause its algorithm is basically designed for read-only filesystems, and suddenly in this case /cdrom is, well, not16:24
cjwatsonI think I might be able to get away with it by moving the persistent copy-on-write file out of the root directory and whack-a-moling whatever else happens to change top-level directory timestamps, but was wondering if mvo had any better ideas16:25
mvo_cjwatson: hm, I wonder if we can simply use the stuff in .disk as identifier?16:26
cjwatsonby way of minimal change, maybe do that if /cdrom is writable?16:26
mvo_cjwatson: yes, that sounds reasonable16:27
cjwatsonthen we're guaranteed nothing will change for real CDs16:27
cjwatsonit uses the stuff in .disk/info as a prompt anyway16:27
mvo_yeah, I can do this change today16:27
cjwatsonif you think that's a good plan, I can knock together a patch ... or that16:27
cjwatsoncool, thank you16:28
* cjwatson blinks at the desktop team. I know it's wishlist, but why is bug 483001 targeted to maverick and milestoned for ubuntu-10.10 at this point?16:28
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/483001)16:28
cjwatson([needs-packaging] Wayland)16:29
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robbiewhmm...that does seem odd16:30
cjwatsonanyway, I don't see a lot else there that we need to discuss; all the other bugs I would ask about seem to be being handled16:30
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB?16:30
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB?16:30
cjwatsonI suggest people look through https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs if they're short of specific things to do16:30
cjwatsonthere will be quite a few targets of opportunity there16:30
robbiewcjwatson: is this bug still considered "New" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/grub2/+bug/62360916:31
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/623609)16:32
robbiewmeh...seems to be assigned to Server, so will let them handle it16:32
dokoshort of? lol ...16:32
* mvo_ was thinking the same16:32
* robbiew saw grub2 and didn't bother reading the assignee :/16:32
cjwatsonrobbiew: bumped to Confirmed, though I owe smoser an hour's solid thought about that bug16:33
cjwatsonhe has been asking for my help16:33
robbiew[TOPIC] Good News?16:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News?16:34
* robbiew made a decision and is proceeding with an offer for the opening on the team \o/16:34
evI got a notification area implementation in the installer panel.  So now we'll have the network manager applet there right from the get-go16:34
evrobbiew: hooray16:35
robbiewev: nice!16:35
robbiewokay...seems to be it16:36
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:36.16:36
robbiewthanks all!16:36
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highvoltagebonjour / hola / hello / goeiedag / molo!20:00
highvoltageEdubuntu meeting agenda is unchanged since last week, I guess no one had some time to look at it :)20:01
highvoltagehey dinda20:01
highvoltageI'll try to be super-quick with updates. today I'm working on some bugs that prevent edubuntu from upgrading corretly from 10.04 -> 10.1020:02
highvoltagestgraber worked on our ubiquity ltsp/netbook installer stuff. it might even be finished in time to get into this release at this rate20:02
highvoltageI made some changes to the website, also added a documentation page: http://edubuntu.org/documentation20:03
highvoltageI'll poke mgariepy this week to write up something about the edubuntu menu editor that we can put up there20:03
highvoltageI'll put together the what-is-edubunt slides on the main page too this coming weekend20:04
highvoltageand I've put together some edubutu slides for the installer slideshow for 10.10: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jonathan/files/maverick/ubiquity-slideshow/20:04
alkisgHi all20:05
highvoltagethat's it from me basically :)20:05
highvoltagehey alkisg20:05
highvoltageany news from anyone else?20:06
* alkisg is just writing some ltsp troubleshooting wiki pages these days...20:06
dindasite is looking nice, doc page is good20:06
dindajust a reminder for anyone seeking UDS sponsorship, I think the deadline is this week20:09
* mhall119 is here20:09
mhall119almost on time20:09
highvoltageit's today20:09
mhall119I applied yesterday20:09
highvoltageanything else for today or shall we make it a super-quick meeting? :)20:10
mhall119I see they're starting to put tracks on summit.ubuntu.com20:10
mhall119highvoltage: I was curious, what parts of Edubuntu can I test from VirtualBox?20:11
* stgraber waves20:11
mhall119and which of those needs some specific attention20:11
highvoltagemhall119: pretty much all of it20:11
highvoltagemhall119: the netbook interface won't work though, it requires hardware accelleration20:11
stgrabertomorrow's image should have most of the new stuff20:12
mhall119I used it for get screenshots for debian20:12
mhall119highvoltage: virtualbox does passthru 3d acceleration20:12
mhall119enough for compiz anyway20:12
mhall119I just have the DVD download so far20:12
mhall119is the netbook interface on that?20:12
mhall119stgraber: cool, I'll have to zsync it20:13
highvoltagemhall119: have you ever got it working even half-way properly?20:13
mhall119I haven't tried netbook20:13
mhall119or do you mean compiz?20:13
highvoltageeven compiz is *very* slow on virtualbox on my ati and intel chips20:14
highvoltagemaybe it's faster on nvidia20:14
mhall119hmm, to be honest I haven't tried, Qimo disables it by default20:14
mhall119I have an intel GPU20:14
mhall119and not a particularly good one20:14
highvoltagewell, try it and you'll see :)20:14
mhall119does the netbook interface use whatever new UI they've got for UNE?20:15
highvoltageyes, the network inerface is on the dvd, you should be able to install it from ubiquity from tomorrow's build onwards20:15
mhall119because I've heard that doesn't run real well on older netbooks20:15
highvoltagemhall119: yep, it is unity20:15
mhall119meh, probably won't be nice to my pre-Atom EeePC 70120:15
highvoltageyeah those are getting quite long in the tooth :)20:16
ScottKmhall119: Is this on Maverick?20:16
mhall119ScottK: that's what I've been testing, but I have only hearsay about Unity20:17
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mhall119highvoltage: it still runs Qimo just fine20:17
highvoltagemhall119: it shouldn't run much worse than what qimo does, the 701 has accelerated graphics20:17
ScottKIf you are running Intel based video on Maverick, you'll almost certainly have more luck with the mesa from the sarvatt/mesa PPA (this is being aimed at the release, shortly).20:17
ScottKhighvoltage: mesa is currently in very bad shape on Maverick.20:18
mhall119highvoltage: yeah, but no SSE3, which seems to help boost graphics speeds20:18
highvoltagemhall119: meh. buy a new netbook, they're cheap :)20:18
mhall119highvoltage: I bought this one used for $10020:18
mhall119the kids use it on trips20:19
mhall119I'm not buying them a new one to run tuxpaint20:19
mhall119though, ironically, it's the only one of our 6 computers that runs Skype perfectly20:19
highvoltagethey're pretty much underpowered for anything modern though. I think they have the same CPU's as the original classmate20:21
mhall119dinda or highvoltage, is there going to be an official "Education" track for UDS?20:21
highvoltage(mobile celeron 900)20:21
mhall119highvoltage: yup, that's the one20:21
mhall119and 4GB SSD20:21
highvoltagemhall119: I doubt it, I guess we'll just integrate with those tracks20:21
highvoltagestgraber: you're an administrator on that site, do you have any info on what we can do?20:21
mhall119that can't be all the tracks though20:21
mhall119there's always a community track at least20:22
stgraberwe'll just book in the existing tracks20:22
highvoltageI guess "Application Selection and Defaults" will cover most of our tracks20:22
highvoltagethat seems to be the new desktop track20:22
dindamhall119: most of the topics can be covered in other tracks20:22
mhall119I'm going to try and get my brother to come over for a day or two, he's the Qimo artist20:22
highvoltageand the serer stuff in cloud20:22
highvoltagecommunity stuff in governance I suppose20:23
highvoltagesorry I'm just blabbering now ;)20:23
mhall119hmmm, summit seems quite broken at the moment20:23
dindahighvoltage: stgraber:  Tom Hoffman of SchoolTool said he was at UDS Brussels - did you folks meet with that team?20:23
highvoltagedinda: yep20:24
dindahe didn't sound like he had plans to be in Orlando but they are trying to make the Natty deadlines20:24
highvoltagedinda: well, I was skyped into our sessin, at least :)20:24
stgraberdinda: I did20:25
highvoltagedinda: we've been communicating off-list recentlly, they're going to skip maverick and we'll work together on it for natty as soon as the archives open20:25
dindayip, that's what he told me as well, sounds like they have the packaging under control20:26
mhall119sounds like me20:27
dindaa question about "building your own ubuntu" came from a school administrator. . .20:28
dindalooking for a way to do custom images - is there documentation on that?20:28
mhall119how complex are the customizations?20:28
mhall119there are tools for re-building an ISO with modifications to the installed packages that work fairly well20:28
dindahighvoltage: I think this could be part of the Edbuntu install server20:28
mhall119dinda: did they mean customizing it after install, or customizing an install image?20:29
dindamhall119: They are really just looking for a way to choose exactly which apps to install20:29
highvoltagedinda: yep, there's some really good documentation on that on the ubuntu wiki20:29
dindacustomizing an install image20:29
mhall119"uck" will respin the live cd ISO20:30
mhall119not sure if it'll work on a dvd iso though20:30
highvoltageit will.20:30
highvoltage(at, least, it will the edubuntu iso)20:30
dindacan one of you point me to that wiki page?20:31
highvoltagedinda: uck is http://uck.sourceforge.net/20:31
mhall119http://uck.sourceforge.net/ is the website20:31
mhall119dang it20:31
mhall119or apt-get install uck20:31
highvoltagedinda: I'll have a website available soon where you'll be able to choose which iso you want and which packages you want on it, and it will then spin a custom cd for you that you can download, I'll point you to that once it's available20:32
dindaperfect, that will get them started20:32
highvoltagewell, soon as in, probably a month from now :)20:32
mhall119highvoltage: cool20:32
dindahighvoltage: wow, that would be awesome, will that be on the edubuntu site?20:33
highvoltagedinda: I can perhaps link to it from the edubuntu site, but I'm sure the canonical sysadmins will hate me if I start building cd images for everyone on their web servers :)20:34
highvoltageit's basically going to be a modification of http://studio.debian.net/20:35
highvoltageI'll use the interface and just replace the actual build scripts with my own that will need some slight modification20:35
dindaanything else?20:47
mhall119not from me20:47
mhall119looking forward to seeing everyone at UDS and planning a rocking 11.0420:47
dindanot much to report from me -20:47
dindamhall119: still need to ping you and wife about 'what parents need to know about Ubuntu"20:48
dindamhall119: will she be online tonight?20:48
mhall119parents?  i thought you wanted to know about schools20:48
dindamhall119: parents too20:49
mhall119i think she'll be around tonight, but not likely tomorrow or Friday20:49
highvoltagesorry I got distracted by work20:50
highvoltageyeah uds should be fun :)20:50
highvoltagelet's head to #edubuntu... *GONG*20:51
dindathanks all20:51
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