
ari-tczewpersia: oh, I see you removed coolbhavi case. what's the final of this one?00:00
persiaHrm?  Did I just remove it?00:01
* persia checks00:01
persiaari-tczew, Ah, thanks for catching that: I misread (and misremembered) http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/31/#ubuntu-meeting.txt00:05
ari-tczewpersia: hmm, well, it's 14th. I could be late, but it will be little late. I'll be present.00:07
persiaOK.  Let's hope enough others are.00:09
gilberthi, i need to request an FFe for xpdf.  the package in lucid is unusable due to bug #611446.  the package needs to reverted to lucid's known-working version 3.02-2 since syncing from debian's newer versions doesn't solve the problem02:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611446 in xpdf (Ubuntu) "[maverick] xpdf crashed with SIGSEGV in GlobalParams::findFontFile()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61144602:16
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ScottKgilbert: Do you mean the package in Maverick is unusable?02:27
nigelbScottK: according the bug, I think that's what he meant.02:34
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RhondaScottK: amavisd-new (<= 2:2.6.4-1) and even karmic had that already :)08:36
RhondaScottK: So that doesn't even hinder a backport of logcheck to lucid, if people would want that.08:37
bilalakhtartumbleweed: ping08:47
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: hi08:51
bilalakhtartumbleweed: A week is left for the DMB meeting, could you please endorse my application https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BilalAkhtar/MOTUApplication ?08:52
* bilalakhtar has asked bdrung as well but he seems to be on vacation08:52
tumbleweedyeah, he popped in for a bit, but has gone again08:53
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jsomershi, I need some packaging help, to be more specific: some package updating help10:04
jsomersa few weeks ago I created my first ppa package, and now I need to update it, but the packaging guide only seems to handle new packages10:05
jsomersso if I follow that I start with a clean changelog, rules, ... while I noticed that other packages simply seem to move on10:05
jsomersow, wait10:07
jsomersnevermind, found it10:14
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ScottKRhonda: Thanks.11:39
AnAntHello, in launchpad bugs, there is a bug status called "Opinion", what's that ?13:06
tumbleweedAnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status13:06
tumbleweedit's for bikeshed bugs13:07
AnAntbikeshed ?13:10
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ScottKAnAnt: It's really not a bug status at all.13:36
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AnAnthmm, no -audio channel !14:05
dacharyHi, would someone be so kind as to review the freeze exception I posted here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poker-network/+bug/633061 ? I think it's appropriate and acceptable. But it's my first attempt and I may have overlooked something. Thanks in advance.14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633061 in poker-network (Ubuntu) "poker-network 1.7.7 sync request from Debian sid main" [Undecided,New]14:40
ScottKdachary: Looking.15:06
dacharyScottK: thanks15:07
ScottKdachary: Looks great.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.15:20
dacharyScottK: :-D thanks a lot for taking time to review it.15:21
kklimondaari-tczew: can you still reproduce the g-s-d creasher without my patch?16:11
kklimondaari-tczew: if so I'll start poking chriscc to check it ;)16:12
ari-tczewkklimonda: I remember about your second patch, don't worry. I'm busy right now and I'll test it at the latest at the weekend.16:14
kklimondaari-tczew: well, I'm more interested whether it still crashed - the bug is weird. but if you remember about it I'll leave that to you.16:16
ari-tczewkklimonda: of course I remember about this case, because it's my case. Lately I was 4 days far away from home and now I've some arrears.16:19
ZombieI cannot get d2x-xl to build on Ubuntu. *grumble*17:00
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lfaraoneScottK: could you lok at bug 633401? (sync request for turtleart)18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633401 in Ubuntu "FFe: Sync turtleart 96-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63340118:58
ScottKPerhaps in a bit.18:58
iulianlfaraone: I'm fine with getting it in if ScottK volunteers to review it in NEW.19:06
iulianOr any other archive admin.19:06
lfaraoneiulian: cool, thanks.19:11
ScottKSince it's a straight sync from Debian, I'm cool with it as long as it's actually sync'ed archive to archive.19:14
ScottK(i.e. don't upload it yourself)19:14
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lfaraoneScottK: right, okay. can you mark the bug with that?21:11
ScottKlfaraone: Go ahead and copy/paste from IRC.21:11
lfaraoneScottK: okay, I'll sub ubuntu-archive then.21:14
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