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ogralamont, sigh ... arcorn is dead once again10:47
ograi dont get why it suddenly fails so often10:48
lamontogra: ditto for hawthorn, it appears11:27
lamontinterestingly, it seems to be the same machines each time.11:27
lamontone could almost suspect that it's not exactly workload related11:28
ograand i have a feeling that its either related to dove builds or to kubuntu ... it seems to have started when NCommander enabled either11:28
ograand they were enabled around the same time11:28
ograsycamore is rather rarely affected and doesnt build dove or kubuntu images atm11:29
persiaDo we know when it crashes, or what it was doing when it crashed?11:29
* ogra doesnt, i dont get a long and usually only notice it once the machine is gone 11:29
* NCommander runs11:32
NCommanderIts not my fault it broke! :-P11:32
lamontogra: acorn is up...11:34
lamontheh.  up 33 minutes11:34
lamontI suspect someone cycled it11:34
ograi tried a build about 1h ago :)11:35
lamontpersia: sadly, it is opaque in that regard11:38
lamontwe know that it does not spew upon the serial console during its death throws11:39
NCommanderlamont: you have console debug messages on?11:39
lamontNCommander: and I stuff what where to get that?11:39
NCommanderlamont: huh?11:40
persiasyslog config, I'd think.11:41
* NCommander kicks stuff11:41
lamont<NCommander> lamont: you have console debug messages on? <-- how turn on console debug messages?  IO11:43
lamontI'm betting either printk foolery in sysctl.conf11:44
NCommanderlamont: remove quiet from the command line and add verbose ;-)11:45
persiaOh, heh.11:45
lamontheh. ok11:54
lamontNCommander: and then reboot, I bet. :-p11:54
lamontI'll do that later today11:55
NCommanderlamont: acord is omap4, right?11:55
lamontthey're all bbg311:55
lamontwe have nothing else online11:55
NCommanderlamont: ah, acorn realized it was building the competition and committed suidice!11:57
ograNCommander, acorn is omap3 and dove11:57
ograsycamore is omap411:57
ogra(target wise)11:57
ogra*and* we dont build kubuntu for omap4 yet11:58
ograso acron is omap3/dove for ubuntu-netbook and kubuntu currently11:58
ogradove and kubuntu were both enabled at a similar time11:58
* ScottK would say that at work Kubuntu or Dove exposed an existing problem. I don't they either actually "caused" a problem.12:00
ograyeah, i didnt say they case one :)12:00
ograwe just dont see it on sycamore which onyl builds ubuntu-netbook-omap4 currently, it might as well be just a load issue or something12:01
lamontexcept that they all serialize, so you're only ever building one12:02
lamontI suppose you could trade roles and see if sycamore starts faceplanting12:02
ograi could do that but we have an agreement to keep one buildd exclusively for omap412:03
ograthough i dont really expect it to be caused by dove ubuntu builds they are 98% identical to omap3 or 4 (just different kernel packages being unpacked)12:04
ograthat shouldnt cause more load or anything, whereas kubuntu builds install a completely different set of packages12:05
ograit would be good to know the exact time it dies12:07
ograthen we could easily verify against the crontab12:07
lamont1 hr 9 min 20 seconds ago12:11
lamontor as much as 5 min before that..12:11
ogravery very weird12:19
ograit should have been idlin at that time12:20
ogra55 1 * * *      ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' OPTIONS="-f ext3" buildlive ubuntu-netbook && ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-preinstalled12:20
ogra13 3 * * *      ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' OPTIONS="-f ext3" buildlive kubuntu && ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' for-project kubuntu cron.ports_daily-preinstalled12:20
ograoh, my copy was outdated12:21
ograthere is 45 6 * * *      ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' OPTIONS="-f ext3" buildlive kubuntu-mobile && ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' for-project kubuntu-mobile cron.ports_daily-preinstalled12:21
ograNCommander, why the heck are we building all these omap4 targets ?12:22
ogra(i'm pretty sure i asked you not to)12:22
ograthe crontab in the branch *totally* differs from the actual one12:24
* ogra sighs deeply12:24
ograso kubuntu-mobile is actually the last thing we build, starting at 6:4512:25
ograand according to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-mobile/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100908/ they finished today at ~8:0012:26
ograso it was actually idle when it died12:26
ogralamont, are both systems identical software wise (same cron-daily entries etc) ?12:31
ograi wonder if its a system cronjob that makes it die12:31
lamontas far as I know, yes12:36
lamontsigh. brainfart.  that was when the machine was rebooted.12:44
lamontI'll be able to give you a time the next time it dies...12:44
NCommanderogra: ?, how does it diff, last time I updated the cron, it matched bzr 100%12:44
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ScottKI'd appreciate it if someone else on the release team would have a look at Bug #631413.  They are reasonably ready to push an upload and IME it's demonstrably better than what we have now, but I'm hardly dispassionate on the question.21:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 631413 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Mesa 7.9 (affects: 4) (heat: 26)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63141321:41
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