
aramorning all07:20
primes2hara: fader_: g. morning.07:52
arabon giorno primes2h08:10
aramvo_, hello09:25
mvo_hello ara09:25
aramvo_, how are you doing?09:25
mvo_I'm good thanks :) how are you?09:26
aramvo_, good, good, thanks :)09:26
aramvo_, I am reorganizing the QA landing page and I would like to include links to several reports, including yours about automated upgrades09:27
arahttp://people.canonical.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/current-stable/  points to the latests stable to updates09:27
arabut, do you have a similar link (current) for the rest of upgrades?09:27
araI am unsure where  to point at09:27
mvo_yes:  http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/current/09:28
aramvo_, thanks! exactly what I was looking for09:28
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amorphous1cr3, do you know why this test "/usr/share/checkbox/scripts/udev_resource" could froze a computer?14:51
cr3amorphous1: the problem is that this is not a test but rather just resource gathering by going through the sysfs14:55
amorphous1cr3: When he runs it from a live-cd it doesn't freeze. Moreover, I told him to mount the internal drive on the live-cd session so that all his hardware is connected.15:07
cr3amorphous1: this person is experiencing other problems, right? sounds like there's a hardware problem and going through sysfs touches that problem15:08
cr3where hardware problem could either be physical or a driver15:08
cr3where different drivers might be used on the installed system and on the live-cd15:09
cr3amorphous1: so, if everything works wonderfully on the live-cd, I'd compare the output of lsmod and I'd also compare the kernel version being used in the respective environments15:09
davmor2hello ara, fader_, cr316:06
fader_davmor2: hey dude16:06
arahey davmor2, fader_, cr3!16:06
fader_ara: ¡Hola!16:10
cr3hola munachos16:12
cr3jpds: combination of muchachos and nachos16:31
fader_Mmm... nachos16:31
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araQA meeting in 4 minutes at #ubuntu-quality17:56
rattboiI tried running Maverick nightly build from yesterday off a liveUSB, and ran into problems during startup on my laptop22:42
rattboiI couldn't get it to start up unless I used the grub option acpi=off22:44
rattboipeople mention that often for older equipment, I hear. but this is a new laptop22:45
fader_rattboi: Could you please file a bug by opening a terminal and typing "ubuntu-bug linux"?22:46
fader_That's the best way to gather the information for developers to look at22:47
rattboiI'm back in my default Lucid now. I need to do it from within the maverick live session?22:47
fader_rattboi: Yes, please22:47
rattboiis there a default IRC client w/ maverick?22:47
fader_rattboi: Incidentally you might also want to ask in #ubuntu+1... that's the main channel where people discuss the development version.  This channel is usually used for coordinating testing or test development, and is pretty quiet at the moment :)22:48
fader_I believe empathy does IRC and it is included22:48
fader_Otherwise you can apt-get install xchat in the live environment :)22:49
rattboiok. I'll try that then22:49
fader_rattboi: Thanks for the report!22:49
rattboiit seemed like most things were working even though acpi was off. I think the main issue is to do with the fact that my lappy has hybrid intel/ati graphics22:49
rattboihey, I was just here. What was that command to run for a report?22:56
fader_rattboi: "ubuntu-bug linux"22:57
fader_ubuntu-bug <package_name> should generally collect the relevant information and automatically create a bug and attach the info22:57
fader_Then you just log into launchpad and add a description... nice and easy :)22:57
rattboithanks. since acpi=off fixes it, would that be more related to graphics or kernel config?22:57
fader_I'd start with kernel, so use "linux" as the package... if they need to reassign it they can after reviewing the bug22:58
rattboioh, I never mentioned the problem. It boots, shows for a second, then the screen goes blank.22:58
fader_Ah, hmm.  That's ugly.22:58
rattboieverything sounds like it works otherwise22:58
rattboibut with acpi=off, it boots normal22:58
fader_Yeah, it really sounds like it's in the kernel if it's affected by ACPI settings22:59
Psychodeliusthis is a much smaller room compared to the main ubuntu room23:46
PsychodeliusEveryone, just an intro on myself23:47
PsychodeliusI am Benjamin Chen, or just Benny, from Australia23:47
PsychodeliusI have just joined testing, and would love to get involved.23:48
PsychodeliusI am currently working as an IT helpdesk23:49
Psychodeliusand starting to learn a lot more about software dev and testing23:49
PsychodeliusI would love to learn from you all23:49

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